#private pyle headcanon
Meeting and Dating Leonard Lawrence
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Leonard before he was drafted. You see, Leonard's “type” is girls who smile at and are somewhat decent to him. You show him that little sliver of attention and kindness and he’s all yours. Which is exactly what you did. 
- You were with some guys in your town when Leonard walked past. The guys called his name mockingly, forcing him stop so that they could make fun of him.
- Initially, you sort of didn’t know he was sound which only added onto your outrage over how the boys were treating him. What else were you supposed to think, he was half a foot taller than most of them and wasn’t doing anything to stop them from ragging on him.
- Regardless, you stuck up for him, telling the boys to stop and that it wasn’t funny. They turned on you and; lightheartedly, began to tease you as Leonard; stunned into stillness by your kindness, just stared at you in gratitude. Well, he stared until the guys told him to fuck off which he did so clumsily, sneaking glances back at you as he went.
- A few days pass and you honestly forget about the boy. That is, until he shyly approaches you as you’re taking a walk, introducing himself and thanking you for sticking up for him. You tell him that it was no problem and ask if he wants to join you on your walk after he awkwardly lingers by your side.
- The two of you begin a friendship of sorts; occasionally stumbling across each other and hanging out or saying hello on the street. You weren’t very close but you liked his company which is why you didn’t find it hard to say yes when he asked you out on a date.
- You should have seen how nervous he was; stuttering all over the place and shaking like a leaf. He almost couldn’t believe his ears when you actually agreed, he had to ask you to repeat what you’d said.
- For your first date, he took you on a picnic in the park. The two of you talked for a long time, getting to know each other on a deeper level and just enjoying each other’s company. You were genuinely surprised by how fast time passed when you were with him.
- The two of you share your first kiss a full two weeks after you have your first date. You’re seeing each other regularly, he’s just too shy to initiate it so finally you just do it yourself.
- He couldn’t have been happier when you tugged him down to your level and laid one on him. It was the best day of his life.
- After that display, there was no way he would ever let you go.
- He’s not very experienced when it comes to relationships so you’re going to have to be patient with him. Teach him about what he’s allowed to do because if he isn’t sure, he usually just winds up not doing it which means a whole lot less affection.
- He’s sorta shy when it comes to Pda. Usually, the most he’ll do is hold your hand or give you a hug.
- He asks permission before he does anything, even if it’s just holding your hand or kissing you. He’s constantly nervous that he’ll mess up and do the wrong thing.
- Soft, clumsy kisses.
- Cheek kisses.
- Piggyback rides.
- He picks little flowers for you whenever he sees them. Usually, they’re just weeds but they’re still pretty and the sentiment remains the same.
- He thinks you’re the epitome of perfection and he tells you so while breathing out an awestruck sigh.
- He looks at you like you hung the moon. There’s always this admiration and complete love and devotion present in his gaze.
- He’s not a good liar and has trouble keeping a straight face; even when he really wants to, so you’ll always know when somethings up.
- Bear hugs. He’s a tall boy so you’re always nestled nicely into his chest.
- He usually only calls you by your first name but isn’t opposed to using nicknames. He does have a particular fondness for being called them.
- His body is like a heater; he’s always so warm so whenever you’re cold, just move in close and you’ll be fine.
- Standing up for him whenever people try to give him trouble.
- He loves cuddling but he’s a bit hesitant to initiate it which is why he’s always so happy whenever you snuggle into him. He does whatever he can to reciprocate the action, wrapping himself around you awkwardly and refusing to move even if it gets uncomfortable.
- Whispered conversations while you’re laying in bed.
- He puts the things he knows about you in a special folder in his mind so that he never forgets them. He can be a bit absentminded at times but you’re put above all else.
- He’s always happy to help if you have housework to do. He likes being able to make your life easier in any way he can.
- Wearing his shirts. They’re big and comfy and he never minds when you steal them.
- He usually doesn’t have a ton of money but he’ll scrounge up enough to take you out on a date every now and again. They might not be the most expensive but they’ll always be fun.
- Movie theater dates. He will cry if you watch a sad movie so maybe just stick to comedies.
- Going to diners. They’re fairly cheap and the two of you can sit and talk without anyone eavesdropping; anyone as in members of your family.
- Going to candy shops. He’s a sucker for sweets.
- Most of the time, you just take walks in parks or around town, occasionally stopping to do something that looks fun.
- Leonard’s a little slow and needs some special care but he isn’t stupid; he just needs the right motivation and teacher to learn.
- He names his rifle after you when he’s in recruitment camp. It’s the only name he feels is right; he takes Hartmans speech a little too seriously.
- Exchanging letters while he’s at boot camp. His handwriting is messy and a bit hard to read but you still think they’re cute.
- A gentleman. He always uses his manners and treats you like a lady. His mama taught him well.
- His parents are so happy that he’s found himself a “good, decent girl”. They’re so proud and welcoming towards you.
- He’s always eager to try and cheer you up or be there for you when you’re upset. He’s a big softie, he can’t stand seeing you cry.
- He doesn’t get jealous very often, only when he sees that you really like the person and they like you. His brain immediately goes to “oh she likes him more than me” and “she would be better off dating him” which usually leads to him sulking for a while.
- He’s definitely a bit insecure so occasionally, he’ll need some reassurance that you do in fact like him; and only him, and that you actually think he’s handsome.
- He insists on walking you home at night, even though he wouldn’t know what to do if you actually encountered anything dangerous.
- Leonard isn’t a very tough person so he might not fight someone but he’ll protect you from other things. He’ll make sure you don’t trip on something or get stung by a bee but if some guy flirted with or insulted you, don’t expect a whole lot from him because he’ll probably try to act tough and just get unnecessarily yelled at or roughed up.
- You don’t fight, you just don’t. He can’t handle it, he’s too soft, too sweet.
- If you ever were to fight, he’d be keen on making up and apologizing. He hates even the thought of you being upset with him and/or not wanting to see him. He’s afraid you’ll break up with him completely; something he won’t just be able to take in stride.
- He says “I love you” very often. Sometimes, he says it just to hear you say it back because he can’t believe someone as amazing as you genuinely loves him.
- I don’t think having a girlfriend back home would change everything about Leonard's situation but I do think that it would be motivation for him to not go through with his final actions. He’ll most likely spend some time in a psych ward but I think once he’s out of boot camp, his life will be a whole lot better.
- He can’t imagine not having you in his life. You’re gods greatest gift to him and he can’t wait until the two of you can get married and start your life together.
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Full metal jacket preference~ The boys with an s/o who has an ex that stalks them
(A combination of my gifs and other peoples)(Requested by anonymous)
(Hope you enjoy the blogs first preference post! <3)
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When you first tell James about the situation with your ex, he sort of thinks you’re joking. It certainly wouldn’t be out of place in your relationship. He figures its an “oh, yeah, my ex is stalking me” as in he’s still got a thing for you and is trying to strategically find himself at the right place in the right time in hopes that you’ll talk to him. 
Once he can see that you’re completely serious, his smile somewhat drops as well. For a while, he’ll remain humorous (i.e. trying to cheer you up and make you smile while you deal with the mess) but understanding; not wanting to freak you out even more by making it a whole big thing. He tells you to give him a call whenever you want him to stay over and that he’ll handle things as soon as he can. The next time he has the chance, he’ll have a little conversation with your ex.
James certainly has no problem standing up to or for people, and on top of that, he’s completely willing to use violence or his smart mouth to scare them off so expect an altercation of some sort when he finally spots the dickhead who’s been making your life difficult.
You’ll either wait for him to be finished or gratefully pull him away yourself before he has the chance to really mess the guy up. Once he’s calmed himself down, he’ll make a joke about being your knight in shining armor with a smile, chuckling as you roll your eyes and pull him in for a kiss.
Just Beware, from that day forward, he’ll get almost smug any time he see’s your ex in public. 
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Robert is; more or less, a bit more logical/mature with his attempts at diffusing the situation although it does depend on the extent of which this guy is bothering you and the responses you get. He’s more patient, giving the police a chance to do something before he takes matters into his own hands, though he certainly stays close to your side during that time.
He definitely goes full handy man on your ass and installs extra locks and alarms on your house and out of all the guys, he’s one of the most comforting. He’a a hugger so the instant you seem frightened, he’ll pull you close and assure you everything’s alright.
If the authorities™ aren’t going to do anything about it then you bet your ass he will. He’s a proud Texan and has that “if you fuck with my stuff, I will blow you away” type of mentality that most; conservative, gun owning southerners have.
He won’t go out to hunt your ex but he’ll wait for him to come to the two of you and make a good show of sitting on your porch with a sawed off shotgun in hand and a scowl on his face.
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Animal mother~
Animal Mother is borderline feral when it comes to his “territory”. The instant he hears about someone bothering you, he’s fully prepared to teach them a very painful, possibly lethal lesson. There’s not even any waiting until they come around themselves; he’s going to go out and find them. 
He doesn’t find it funny at all; not on the inside at least. He might act like your ex amuses him; most likely to his face to show that he isn't scared of him, but in actuality he’s pissed. He’s two seconds away from throwing a punch at any given moment so if you don’t want that to be the outcome of their confrontation, you’ll have to try very hard to pull him away. He’s definitely the guy who scares off your ex the quickest and most effectively. 
He’ll never admit to it, but a part of him is almost proud of the predicament. He certainly isn’t happy that this guy is harassing you but he feels proud over the fact that he’s the one who has you; the girl that's so desperately sought after by this guy that he’d go to such great lengths to get close to you again. 
Though I should warn you, depending on the situation and how you explain it, the whole ordeal may make him a bit suspicious of you; at least at first. He’ll wonder why this guy isn’t leaving you alone and if you could possibly be trying to play him for a fool. We know Animal Mother isn’t the brightest or most sensitive of the bunch so don’t hold it too much against him. Once he sees how much the mans stalking is bothering you, he’ll drop those ugly thoughts and trust you completely. 
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Alice has got a surprisingly short temper, especially when he’s being personally insulted. And when someone messes with you, he takes that as a personal attack on him. If he has the chance to confront your ex then he’ll do it, most likely scaring him off with his brutal words before he even throws a punch. 
He insists on being your escort, driving you to work, staying at your place when you want him to or when he feels like there's a need. He’ll magically seem to show up at the right place at the right time, a snarky somewhat nonchalant comment leaving his lips as he intercepts your ex and gets you behind him. He’ll try and play it cool but if the guy isn’t standing down, he’ll drop the smile and use some intimidation. 
He’ll make it very clear that you’ve moved on and if he doesn’t too, he’ll be missing a few teeth the next time he comes around you. He’s sorta cocky as your ex stalks off but you can’t bring yourself to be annoyed by his smug smile, not after he just scared off the bane of your existence. 
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Crazy Earl~
Earl has the ability to remain oddly calm no matter what’s going on around him. So when you tell him that your ex is stalking you, he listens carefully, nodding along before asking you what you’d like him to do in the most earnest voice you’ve ever heard. He’s willing to do whatever you want him to, all you have to do is ask. 
Another important thing about Earl: he’s sorta strange. He thinks violence is fun and dark subjects like stalking interest him. He’s a weird guy so if your ex and him ever had an actual conversation, the guy would probably leave you alone on account of you dating a lunatic. 
On that note, he’s more than happy to talk to your ex for you. He’ll confront him and; at first, try to be levelheaded albeit in his own strange way. He’s sort of just weirdly intimidating in general so even though he’s trying to talk to the guy like a normal person, he’s probably giving off serious serial killer vibes the entire time.
If things go south, or if he feels his message isn’t coming across clear enough, he’ll get violent …but in a calm way. He’ll beat your ex boyfriends ass but it’s as though he’s an outsider in the situation and isn’t personally invested in it. …Like I said, he’s strange.
Once he’s finished “talking”, he’ll return to your side and give you a kiss on the head, silently assuring you that you’re not going to be bothered again. 
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Although Rafterman likes to think of himself as a tough guy who isn’t scared by any man, he really isn’t very confrontational. If it really came down to it then he could certainly hold his own or get physical but he tries his best to avoid that. Instead, he’ll go with you to get a restraining order, install locks and alarms at your place or have you stay with him so that you feel more safe, but he isn’t really eager to go out and fight your ex.
He’ll make it very clear that you’re together when you’re out in public and walk you wherever you need to go so that he doesn’t have as many chances as getting close to you. If he’s forced to or he’s had enough then he’ll talk to the guy himself, telling him that he’s freaking you out and that he needs to leave you alone. 
Once he’s finished threatening the guy, he’ll come back to you sort of jittery though the kiss you give him calms his nerves and fills him with pride. He tries to act like he wasn’t nervous but you know he was and find it both cute and sweet. 
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Sgt Gunnery~
Oh he’ll handle it. Handle it with a beer and shotgun pointed at the maggots face. 
It’s quite literally Gunnery’s job to put people in their place so obviously he’ll be quite efficient in his attempts at getting the boy to leave you alone. In fact, it’s very likely that the instant your ex see’s him, he’ll just book it the other way. Everyone in your town knows about the man and what he does for a living so it’s very rare that anyone messes with him; at least not on purpose. 
If your ex doesn’t immediately run away with his tail between his legs then it’s probably because he doesn’t know who he is. And when I tell you he learns fast, he learns fast. It takes all of two second for your darling drill instructor to land a blow to the boys stomach and verbally tear him in two. Obviously, after that, your ex boyfriend won’t be too keen on getting close to you anymore. 
Overall, Gunnery takes the situation very seriously and assures you that he won’t let anything happen to you. He’ll most likely teach you some self defense as well, or at the very least get you a can of mace and tell you to give him a call if anything happens, no matter how small. 
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Leonard's a lover, not a fighter. To be entirely honest, he’s sort of useless in this situation. The only thing Leonard can really do is scare him off with his size/looks alone and get him to back off since it’s obvious that you’ve found someone else.  
I suppose that if it really came down to it, he could fight but merely because he could use his weight to his advantage. He’s not particularly well spoken or coordinated but he could throw a mean right hook if need be.
Mostly, Leonard's good for comfort. If you’re scared or upset than he’s a shoulder to cry and and arms to be held by. He may not be able to get your ex to stop but he’ll still be able to make you feel more safe and less alone. 
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A list of my old writing that you can request I revise
Song Prompts
Meeting and Dating Headcanons~
Pretty in Pink
Andie Walsh
Duckie Dale
Blane McDonagh
Steff McKee
Sixteen Candles 
Jake Ryan
The Lost Boys
Poly Lost Boys
Edgar Frog
The Breakfast Club
Brian Johnson
John Bender
Andrew Clark
The Outsiders
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-Bit Mathews
Steve Hays
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Cameron Frye
Karate Kid
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jeff Spicoli
Brad Hamilton
Better Off Dead 
Lane Meyer
Weird Science
Gary Wallace
Wyatt Donnelly
Dream A Little Dream
Dinger Holfield
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan 
Dating Poly Bill and Ted 
The Princess Bride
Inigo Montoya
Interview with the Vampire
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Children of the Corn
Malachai Boardman
National Lampoons 
Rusty Griswold (European Vacation)
Cant Buy Me Love
Kenneth Wurman
The Chocolate War
Jerry Renault
Archie Costello
The Mighty Ducks
Fulton Reed
Dean Portman
Adam Banks
Les Averman
Brian Schwartz
Anthony ‘Meat’ Tuperello
Tommy Turner
Tim Cavanaugh
Mickey Jarvis
Just One of the Guys
Terry Griffith
Greg Tolan
Dead Poets Society 
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Charlie Dalton
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Earth Girls are Easy
Combat Academy 
Perry Barnett
Waynes World
Garth Algar
Austin Powers
Austin Powers
Toy Soldiers
Ricardo Montoya
Good Will Hunting
Chuckie Sullivan
10 Things I Hate About You
Joey Donner
My Bodyguard
Ricky Linderman
Melvin Moody
Stand and Deliver
Angel Guzman
Something Wild 
Ray Sinclair
Three O’Clock High 
Buddy Revell
Young Guns
Jose Chavez y Chavez
Billy the Kid
Doc Scurlock
Dazed and Confused
Benny O’Donnell
Don Dawson
Kevin Pickford
Randall “Pink” Floyd
Fred O’Bannion
Mitch Kramer
Ron Slater
Shavonne Wright
Eddie Birdlace
Freddy Renfield
Robert ‘Rabbit’ Nurick
Stand by me 
Ace Merrill
School Ties
Rip Van Kelt 
Chris Reece
The Untouchables
Eliot Ness
The Godfather
Tom Hagen
(Young) Vito Corleone
(Old) Vito Corleone
Henry Hill
Little Shop of Horrors
Seymour Krelborn
Near Dark
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
Billy Loomis 
Poly Billy and  Stu
Stu Macher
The Craft
Nancy Downs
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Thackery Binx
Lydia Deetz
Adam Maitland
The Crow
Eric Draven
Ray Stantz
An American Werewolf in London
Jack Goodman
Sleepaway Camp
Ricky Thomas
Herbert West
Silence of the Lambs
Clarice Starling
Fright Night
Jerry Dandridge
Daniel Robitaille
The Evil Dead
Ash Williams
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Harvey Kinkle
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Full Metal Jacket
Sgt. Hartman
Animal Mother
Preference~ the boys with an s/o whose ex stalks them
Total Recall
Douglas Quaid
Requested “Would Includes” and Imagines/Fics~
Darry falling for Johnny’s sister
Allison Reynolds dating a shy nerdy girl
Starting a family with Cameron Frye
Making out with Cameron Frye
Cameron Frye comforting you when you’re upset
Getting drunk with the Ferris Bueller crew
Gary Wallace dating a tall girl
George Mcfly with a dominant flirty s/o
Comforting and being comforted by Will Hunting
Will Hunting having a crush on you
Being apart of the good will hunting gang
Armand with a virgin s/o (including nsfw)
Lestat and Louis dating a girl who loves horror movies
Making out with Duckie Dale
Duckie Dale cheering you up
Cliff having a crush on you
Making out with Cliff
Making out with Bryce
Bryce having a crush on you
The Lost Boys with an s/o having an anxiety attack + fighting depression
The Lost Boys with a sweet and innocent s/o
The Lost Boys with a curvy mate
The Lost Boys fighting with their mates
The Lost Boys dating a shy short girl
The Lost Boys taking care of you when you’re hurt
Getting drunk with the Lost Boys would include
David x Laddies older sister
Making out with Edgar Frog
Being Married to Archie Costello
Going to the beach with Archie Costello
Making out with Archie Costello
Darrys girlfriend landing a job at a local cafe as a singer
Making out with Kenneth Wurman
Being Cindys friend and Ronalds crush
Harold Sherbico having a crush
Kim Kelly dating her polar opposite
Neil Perry dating an artist
Making out with Charlie Dalton
Jealous Charlie Dalton
Jealous Knox Overstreet
A study date with Steven Meeks
Spending the winter season with Neil Perry
Comforting Charlie Dalton after he gets expelled 
The dead poets walking in on Charlie and his secret, shy girlfriend 
Simon Boggs having a crush on Laneys friend
Faking It-Cindy Mancini falling for the girl who paid her to be her friend
Spike having a crush on you
Steff McKee having a crush on you
Marko having a crush on you
David having a crush on you 
Paul having a crush on you
Dwayne having a crush on you
Dwayne x vampire reader who dresses like Stevie Nicks
Making out with Keith Nelson
Meat having a crush on Peewees sister
Admit it- Mickey Jarvis and his future s/o having crushes on each other
Being a part of team USA and meeting Adam and Charlie
Dwayne Robertson having a crush on you
Sleepover with Bill and Ted (including nsfw)
Being pregnant with Ted Logans child
Starring in the schools Romeo and Juliet with Ted Logan
Ted Logan asking you to be his valentine
Spending Valentines day with Steff McKee
Spending Valentines day with Steven Meeks
Spending Valentines day with Keith Nelson
Spending your first Valentines day with Bryce
Wishing I Was Her (Nick Andopolis)
If You Want Out Just Say It (Ace Merrill)
Going on the Ferris adventure
Going on your own adventure with Cameron Frye
Making out with Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Travelling back in time with Marty McFly
Tommy Devito dating a chubby artist
Years Gone By (Michael Corleone)
Sonny Corleone dating his opposite
Phillipe Gaston x reader~ Fairy Tale 
Being Fulton's sister and Dating Dean Portman
Comforting Todd when he’s upset
Being married to Bill S. Preston Esquire
Being married to Ted Logan
Spending Halloween/October with Knox Overstreet
Making out with Knox
A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle
Falling in love with Edward Scissorhands
Dwayne Hicks with an Android!Technician s/o
Private Joker dating an artist 
Jareth falling in love with you
Being married to Matt Hooper and going to Amity
The way you make me feel~ John Bender
Being in a long term relationship with JD
J.D. with a chronically ill s/o
Archie with a chronically ill s/o
Making out with Ted Logan
Archibald Craven falling in love
Andy Dufresne falling in love
Nsfw Headcanons~ 
Group sex with the lost boys
Sam Emerson
Threesome with Obie and Archie
Archie Costello
(sub) Archie Costello
Johnny Cade
Cameron Frye
Duckie Dale
John Bender
Randy (Intruder)
Joey Donner
Kenneth Wurman
Keith Nelson
The Dead Poets Kinks
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Todd Anderson
Neil Perry
Gerard Pitts
John Bender taking your virginity
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Dinger Holfield
The Lost Boys
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Benny O’donnell
Fred O’Bannion
Johnny Walker
George Mcfly
Brian Moreland
(sub) Perry Barnett 
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Randy Meeks
Michael Emerson
Nancy Downs
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler
Angel Guzman
Sgt. Hartman
Brad Hamilton
Douglas Quaid
Chris (night of the creeps)
Sonny Corleone with a shy, virgin s/o
George Mcfly getting jealous and being dominant
Grease Monkey (Keith Nelson smut)
Sins of the flesh and matters of the heart (David x reader + Dwayne smut)
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