#prob not gonna be enough but kishidas approval has only increased by 0.3% from the all time low so
zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
The probe, announced on Tuesday, will focus on the church’s finances and organisation, and could see it stripped of its legal status, media reports said.
Revelations of longstanding ties between members of the ruling Liberal Democratic party (LDP) and the church – whose members are colloquially known as Moonies – have been greeted with dismay by the public and sent the prime minister Fumio Kishida’s poll ratings into freefall.
The education minister, Keiko Nagaoka, said the church, which is officially known as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, would be given until 9 December to respond to investigators’ questions, including those related to its controversial fundraising activities.
😃😃😃😃[22 Nov 22]
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