#probably going to do eddie and poppy next idk
ilov3flors · 1 year
Finished with Sally's redesign :D
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Sally starlet
• Sixth neighbour in the neighborhood!
• A star whose passion is all about poetry and musical arts, just by watching her plays could bring a tear to your eye. Though grumpy and strict on stage— off stage she'd be the most sweetest person you'll meet!
• If you want to talk to her just look up at the sky she's probably sitting on a cloud! Watching. Looking at you.
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jacenotjason · 11 months
hellooo!! helloo!! I have... I have TWO QUESTIONS!! 1. How would each of them react to someone being homophobic/transphobic towards them? 2. uhhh how would they react if they saw their parents? especially the ones that don't like/have never met parents (i was gonna put something else for the second one but uhhh i frogor uh oh)
OH BOY TWO QUESTIONS!! Ok lets all pray Tumblr doenst eat this its gonna be a lot
Ok first question, how would they react to someone being queerphobic to them?
Eddie: “mhm… sure…” he does not care. He deosnt really listen to people in the first place, the second you start trying to offend him he just tones you out. He does not give half a shit. Maybe if you keep talking.. a fuck will fall into his hand!
Poppy: being queerphobic to her?? Eh. Who cares. She lived through a homophobic cult and also bigoted parents, shes got tough skin. Being queerphobic to her children? PREPARE TO CATCH THESE TALONS BIIIITCH
Julie: absolutely roasts you. She takes one look at you and digs up your nastiest trauma some how. Like this “ew a girl dating a girl thats gay (idk how to be homophobic)” “? *looks up and down* okay? I didn’t ask, go tell your mom. Oh, wait shes dead isn’t she? And your father isn’t even present, he left when you were 6 and you had to rely on your Grandfathers homophobic ideology and your Grandmothers abuse. I don’t care what you have to think.” Then the homophobe just lays on the floor in the fetal position.
Sally: “” get doxxed.
Frank: he just starts crying :( then he goes and tells Eddie and hes gonna stab you
(How do you even be homophobic to someone questioning??) Barnaby: “I know my identity isn’t the root of your anger.. come here, sit down, lets talk it out..” uuuh free therapy? He just summons tea bc all grandpas have the ability to just summon tea
Howdy: i actually have no idea. Ik hes sort of gotten this reputation as violent but hes- guys hes pathetic. He probably just laughs at them and shoos them away, maybe pull the gun from under the counter if he needs to
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OK ooo o this ones a little less fun.. if they met their parents
Eddie: quick Eddie lore he was raised in joint custody, his parents hate each other so… uhm.. were getting the gang back together! He’d probably just sit with his face in his hands as his parents fight like “Ohmygod.. guys stop” they blame each other for how Eddie ended up and hes like “Im literally right here”
Poppy: shes long gotten over her fear of her parents. She’s happy and thats all that matters, she’ll happily tell off her parents like a GIRLBOSS YEAAAHHH happily explain how she escaped the cult they sent her too and how happy she is rn
Julie: uhm.. Julie’s parents are dead. Next question. Lmao ok but fr if she like.. came back to life she’d be so happy :3 she, and all the other joyfuls, were raised by a single mom and Julie got all her “men are trash, defend urself, never be afraid to punch a man” type ideology from her mom and her mom was super accepting and she misses herrr :((
Sally: now you may think Sally has a terrible relationship with her parents.. but she doesnt :3 shes unable to see her mom (for agoraphobic, mental health, and also legal reasons) but she loves her a lot. Her mom did sort of raise her in shitty conditions, but Sally doesn’t blame her at all and misses her a lottt wah
Frank: no
Barnaby: ooohh no… so uuh lore for those that dont know, Barnaby’s parents gave him up to the “”””boarding school”””” when he was four and he doesnt remember them. He’d probably be happier then he should to meet them, but most definitely get gaslit by his parents :( like they have what Barnaby thinks is a normal conversation but really isnt.. someone stop it q-p
Howdy: he fuckin loves his dad!! And all his family!!! And he sees them regularly, so itd just be a normal visit
AAA big post ee
Also tumblr didnt eat it thank u tumblr
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bro-imjustvibin · 1 year
Welcome Home Update Spoilers
The Welcome Home site recently updated! I combed through the site quickly and managed to find quite a few things which I’ll post here. Spoiler warning, I’m just going to be listing a lot of the new stuff as I found it & where to find it. Not gonna theory craft as it is too late for that and I’m very tired.
/I Stick around on main page. Wally draws a house which leads to audio titled “I”. Wally says “There you are. Welcome home! Ha ha ha.”
/help Yellow Flower drawing next to Eddie leads to new audio file titled “Help”. Wally says “What are you waiting for? To hear me again? Ha ha ha. I think… that means you can hear me.”
/will-2 Red & blue flowers lead to audio file “will”. Wally says “That’s… what an eye looks like. My eyes are black. What colors are yours?”
/4-14-bf Fly next to drawings leads to video titled “answer”. Close up of garden, clips(?), and peeled/open fruit(?). Frank and Barnaby are arguing. Frank is trying to tend to his garden while trying to dissuade Barnaby from sticking around to crack jokes. Finally Barnaby leaves and Frank says “Honestly I don’t know how you can stand to be around him-“ audio then distorts, but sounds somewhat like he said Wally. Video also ends there at that glitched part.
/you-1 The You page has the same text, but now has a heart drawing with an orange smiley face on it. Clicking leads to an audio file titled “You”. Wally says “Can you see me? That’s okay if you can’t. Don’t worry. I know you’re there. You know I’m here too. I will talk to you.” His voice distorts a bit at “can’t” but gradually goes back to normal.
Note: I don’t remember much of what was here originally, so idk if much of the character info has changed. Sorry if I don’t catch smaller things.
Frank is stated to not have any known information as to his origin prior to moving into Home. No concept art could be found of Frank either.
/neighbor “So Below” now has a swirl underneath it. Clicking on it leads to an audio file with a shaking record disc. Hours makes various noises in it. Possibly morse code?
/8-14-ef Eddie is the only neighbour with a bug on his profile. Clicking it leads to a video titled “answer”. Close up of paper chains. Eddie called Frank for help with a beetle in the post office. Frank gets the beetle and reassures Eddie. Frank says “In fact, you’re not scared of them are you-“ audio distorts but still probably Wally. Video glitches and ends there.
/will Wally’s portrait in his profile now has a blue flower on the canvas. Clicking leads to an audio file titled “Will”. Wally says “You’re the most. Ha ha ha. You’re… so still. What are you doing?”
/9-14-fp A beetle-like bug is next to “About Us”. Clicking it opens a video on the same page titled “answer”. It’s a close up of a table with a plate and apples on the table. Frank and Poppy are talking about food. Preparing food made with nuts. Frank says “maybe this food could have saved my garden.”. They talk and Frank says “Besides, we’re all safe and sound here. Wouldn’t you agree-“ this time it is much more distinctly saying Wally. Video glitches and ends there.
/10-14-js Grasshopper at the bottom leads to video titled “answer”. Close up of script while Julie and Sally argue over performance choices. Sally eventually gives in to Julie's choices, sighing and saying “Such is the way of artistic collaboration. Wouldn’t you agree-“ audio distorts, sounds less like Wally but still plausible. Video also distorts and ends on that.
/a Blue heart is clickable and leads to an audio file titled “a”. Wally says “I have more eyes than I did before. You know how to draw eyes. You draw mine many times. I know it is thanks to you, neighbor, that I can see. But it is still… I can’t… see.”
White text only visible through highlights.
- how’d you begin?
- “But it hurts.”
- Why’d you make this website?
- “Does it hurt?”
- Do you know how many episodes?
- “The numbers are so hard to read. Sometimes I can’t see them.”
New page!
Not much to say tbh. Some good audios tho
/1-14-ph Weird yarn bug off to the side near the top. Goes to a video titled “answer”. A close up of yarns & fabrics while Howdy and Poppy speak. Howdy is delivering some more yarn for Poppy. Acknowledgement of someone else in the room. (Howdy says something along the lines of “Helps to have an extra set of arms. I can see you know that quite well.”). Howdy offers Poppy a yarn spinner. Poppy says “Do you think you could help me figure out how to spin the yarn-“ Most likely Wally at the end, but it gradually gets more distorted after “could”.
Drawing above Julie & Frank's heads is not clickable
Toy company called Marlo that keeps turning up dead ends.
Guest book is being closed. They bring up the mysterious images.
OOOOH “So many guest signatures… so many of them are trying to communicate. What are you telling me for? Do you think I can answer. What are you trying to do to me. I’m closing that guest book. I’m not playing this game anyone. The ringing is enough.” Right underneath the latest update.
/i-2 A drawn star with a red dot on it appears behind the text. It leads to an audio file titled “I” where Wally(?) starts drawing eyes with spiral pupils. Wally says “Do you like to draw? I do. Do you know how to draw an eye? First, you draw a circle. Next you draw a smaller circle inside. Then you color it in.”
Sprites of all the characters along with banners
/11-14-jb Spider at the top leads to a video titled “answer”. In the video, it’s a shot of light coming through some branches while Julie and Barnaby are arguing over who’s funnier. Second acknowledgment of another, most likely Wally (Barnaby says “You hearing this little buddy?”). Julie makes a pun. Barnaby is very sassy. Julie says “it was to a funny joke. Wasn’t it-“ Wally is distorted, video glitches and ends there.
/phone The telephone does have audio for Wally. It’s titled “duet”, but this one is a longer recording. Wally talks to you for a while before Home creaks and Wally wraps the call up.
Lots of merchandise, so it’s safe to assume Welcome Home was very popular back when it was airing.
/6-14-jf A butterfly is resting on the C in “Currently Unknown Records”. Clicking it takes you to a video titled “answer”. It is another close up of the garden, this time with more destroyed produce(?). Julie and Frank are talking and Julie is offering solutions to Frank's garden problems. They are giggling and cheering up. Julie says “Don’t worry, I’m sure we could come up with a good joke between the three of us. Isn’t that right-“ Possibly Wally. Audio distorts & video cuts off.
Does a rundown of how things started and the exhibition. Shows photos of the exhibition.
Welcome Home believed to have a four year run, from October 11th, 1969 until sometime in 1974.
The Question Answerer helped restore the vinyl records and the talking telephone.
/understand A drawing of a house appears next to the Poppy sprite at the bottom, which leads to an audio file titled “understand”. Wally says “Do you like Home? Home is my house. Do you have a Home too? Do you hear it too? You can hear mine.”
Small detail but out of all eight spinning vinyls at the bottom, the one on the very right is out of sync with the others.
As previously stated, the guestbook is closed for the time being.
/find The big image of Wally and Barnaby looking through the guestbook has a drawn text bubble appear beside it. Clicking leads to an audio file titled “find”. Wally says “…I can’t hear you… Do you know who I am? We’ve looked into each other’s eyes so many times. You’re looking at me now.”
/13-14-he The beetle at the top of the page leads to a video file. It is a close up of multicoloured apples(?). Howdy and Eddie are talking. Eddie's in a rush as usual. Howdy sends the bowling balls Julie ordered off with Eddie. Howdy says “Let’s hope he doesn’t run into anybody with that order, ey-“ distorted saying of Wally, audio glitches and video ends.
/7-14-ej There’s a worm in the submissions. In the submission by zip. Clicking on it leads to a video titled “answer”. In it is a close up of paper with colored pencil drawings on it, while Eddie and Julie talk. Probably related to that drawing of them dressed up and Julie acting as a CEO figure, cause they're talking in the same dialogue and way. Business goes broke and Julie goes off to freak out about it. Eddie says “Oh yeah he’s right here. Phone call for ya-“ distorted Wally, audio warps and video ends.
Other than that, there’s not much different. They filled out the rest of the book and seemingly got rid of the previous hidden messages
Hopes this helps some of y’all.
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Good evening I’m currently crying about the Cullen Family dynamic I have concocted in my head.
- Carlisle and Jasper sitting down together to better educate their old asses on the social conducts / normalities today.
- Esme and Rosalie taking nature walks together and just talking. Mother - Daughter day. Sometimes, if she wants, Alice joins them.
- Emmett fully starting all out battles be it Nerf, snowball or water balloons early in the morning and all of them throw caution to the wind and join in. It usually ends in couple v couple with Edward off to the side in a huff until Bella joins and fuckin obliterates every single one of them.
- Jasper, Emmett and Edward (when he’s not being so annoying) embrace their brotherly relationship. They wrestle, argue, throw things and fight but it’s usually all in good fun. Until Eddie gets pissy then it’s real.
- Carlisle bonds with the kids when they are turned and makes it a point to do it as often as he can after. With Bella, he sits and discusses Literature for hours, with Alice they discuss her visions and he helps her delve into her past, Emmett (don’t tell Esme) he helps him Scheme, Jasper ^^^^, Edward they barely talk now that Bella is in the picture but when they do they could be up there for hours talking about whatever. He tried with Rosalie but she scares him.
- Esme makes it a point to spend time with the kids too. She and Emmett discuss their farm lives and debate over easier methods, Alice tries to style her differently every summer, Bella and her cook, Jasper usually prattles on for hours about horses and whatnot and Esme smiles patiently unwilling to tell him her farm was a vegetable one and not animal. Sometimes he just wants to be near her because she had the Best Vibes , Rose and her bond over their trauma at first but it slowly morphs into idle chatter about nothing. Edward, in my head, clings onto Esme more than anyone thinks because she reminds him of Elizabeth and usually is just around her while Esme is busting herself with design or painting.
- They honour Esme’s Jewish heritage along with Carlisle’s Anglican beliefs every December and have a mix of the two holidays. Rosalie, Bella and Alice spends hours every November making a menorah for Esme from scratch whereas Emmett, Jasper and Edward tackle the Christmas decorations. Emmett is on light duty. Alice spends hundreds of dollars buying matching clothes and pyjamas for all the Cullens.
- Esme and Bella spends hours in the kitchen whipping up Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner for the pack. Esme also makes various meals for Bella to take to Charlie while they still lived in forks.
- Whenever Carlisle decides to scold one of the children for one stupid stunt or other someone is guaranteed to bite back “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned”
- Emmett calls Esme “Momma” and Carlisle “Pops”. He’s the only one who refers to them that way. But Renesmee called them Nana and Poppy.
- She has nicknames for everyone. Rose is Rosey, Jasper is Jassy, Alice is Alley Cat (Alice thought of it herself and was so proud she tried to get every one to use it. Nobody does) Emmett is Emmy. Bella is simply Mom and Edward is Dad.
- Edward is fucking nice to Rosalie in my head and they have a tradition every December to personalise baubles for the other. 2008 had Rosalie make “Listen to Rosalie next time” whereas Edward made one that stated “you were right”
- Fun Fact! Vampires can smoke weed and drink alcohol in my head. Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper definitely were/ probably still are smokers. Alice claims it helps her ignore visions when she doesn't feel up to it, Jasper says it helps ignore the emotions emitted by everyone. As soon as he heard that, Edward jumped on the bandwagon and immediately regretted it.
- They can also drink. One bottle of alchohol and they’re all bladdered. The venom sobers them up quickly but hell if Emmett doesn’t make it hard.
- Jasper and Emmett started a weed farm and did in fact start dealing at their school. Once Esme caught wind, however, all hell broke loose because. "You're hundreds of years old Jasper, you should know better!" "What about Emmett" "HE'S EMMETT"
- The Cullens are forced once a month by Esme to have a game night. Not monopoly though, she's still mad over the fact they had to move from Boston because Rose threw Jasper out of the window.
- Alice in retaliation makes them all have a movie night once a month. Once they had a vampire marathon. They put on Dracula, Interview with a vampire, Hotel Transylvania for Nessie and finally They binged Buffy the Vampire slayer. After the first five episodes, Carlisle almost spontaneously combusts and Edward convinces himself that somehow Angel was modelled after him. Bella threw the TV out of the window.
- Renesmee once suggested a huge game of hide n seek. Her and Jacob (who did NOT FUXKING IMPRINT THANK YOU) were the seekers. She found Carlisle and Esme after a few minutes, her parents after 10, Rosalie an hour later, Alice they didn’t find for a week, Jasper was about two weeks and they still hadn’t found Emmett after a month. He convinced Seth to go with him so Alice couldn’t cheat and they each phone at least once a day. He just giggles and hangs up.
- Rose eventually snaps and she and Leah (look I feel she’d get along best with Rose idk why) head out to find him. She comes back a day later with a sheepish and petulant Emmett behind her.
- Edward has written piano pieces for every woman in the coven. Esme actually has about 20 because Edward’s indecisive ass couldn’t sit still when it was the three of them but she’s memorised them all and hums a tune or two when she’s painting. Rose has 5 because he found his music calmed her in the early days, Alice has two and Bella + Nessie have just the one. Edward cries daily about it.
- Emmett was the one who instigated Mothers/Fathers day. He asked Rose and EmoFuck one day what they did for them and Edward had a panic attack while Rose zoomed out the house to go get Esme a bunch of flowers. They celebrated it ever since.
- Bella + Alice + Emmett blasting “Am I a Man or am I a Muppet” on repeat both out loud and in their heads just to fuck with Edward.
- When hunting, Esme has a tendency to climb a tree and just sit and wait for her husband to walk past. As soon as he’s in her eyesight she ‘falls’ onto him/next to him. She fake breaks her leg and he reverts into Doctor Cullen. The coven in absolutely mortified by this and the two love it. They embrace their embarrassing parents act willingly.
- The Cullens have a naughty corner. The two most frequent users are the Choas triplets; Alice, Emmett and Bella. Carlisle has been put in the corner multiple by Esme for his own stunts- such as turning Rosalie for Edward- and once Esme was put in the corner by Carlisle. They won’t disclose what she did but the next time they were all together in town, a group of Drag Queens came up to Esme and asked where she got her body glitter from.
- The Cullens learning from their past mistakes with the Werewolves and being godsends to the communities they live in. Esme baking and cooking food and donating the lot of it, Rosalie helping out at preschools and kindergartens and being called “Miss Rosie” by half the kids, Bella tutoring students in English, Alice donating clothes to women’s shelters, Edward giving music lessons, Carlisle donating money to those in need. Emmett being that guy who protects all the women from creeps, Jasper helping the quiet kids out with confidence boosts, Renesmee just being an all round kind person and the one who can make friends anywhere.
- When they leave Forks for the last Time, Carlisle donates a huge check to the Tribe with a letter giving gratitude and apologising for everything. Billy cried and Sue had to take the cheque and spread it amongst the tribe.
- Jacob continued phasing for the next 20 years, he regularly takes trips to wherever the Cullens are living to visit Bella and Ness. Whenever it happens, Alice buys him a whole suitcase full of shorts and jeans, Esme bounces of the walls in excitement, Emmett loses his shit and Bella is insufferable but they don’t seen Rosalie or Edward of a day for however long he stays. He eventually stops phasing when Billy passes.
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