#probate Ontario
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“‘Rather Lose Leg Than Go To Pen,’ Police Quote Him,” Toronto Star. August 7, 1942. Page 2. ---- Richard Dickenson, Shot by Detective, Objected to Having Bullet Removed --- ELECTS JURY TRIAL --- A Police Court, City Hall, Magistrate Gullen Facing charges of having two loaded revolvers, burglar’s tools, theft, and receiving of a motor car and receiving two picks and crowbars, Richard Dickenson elected trial by a jury. He was committed.
Kenneth Green and Sidney Birt, jointly charged, were committed for trial last week.
B. A. Pennock stated his car was stolen from Dovercourt Rd. July 11.
‘Det.-Sergt. Richardson and I were on Landsdowne Ave about midnight July 18,’ testified Det. H. Hodgson. ‘We saw the car that had been reported stolen in a vacant lot. While Det.-Sergt. Richardson was parking the police car, I took up observation on the stolen car. In a few minutes three men approached the car and entered. I recognized Green and Birt, I could not identify the third man.
‘They saw me and ran. I fired one shot. They ran up a lane and got away Green and Birt were picked up shortly afterwards. Searching the car we found the burglar’s tools and loaded revolvers. The revolvers were wrapped in a handkerchief with a laundry mark 103,’ the detective said.
Det.-Sergt. J. Nimmo related visiting the home of Dickenson Aug. 1. ‘I examined his leg and found a wound at the rear of the left leg. Det. Ed Tong and I took him in a hosital and had him examined. They found a bullet in his leg. He refused to have it taken out. I told him that he might lose his leg. He replied that he would rather lose his leg than go to Kingston. Later he admitted that he was wounded about two weeks previously when chased by a police officer,’ Nimmo stated.
Det.-Sergt. Richardson stated he saw accused Aug. 1. ‘The shirt he was wearing had the laundry mark 103 as did a handkerchief he had. This was the number on the handkerchief found in the stolen car,’ witness concluded.
‘This is not a case for probation. You have a record, and stealing from one’s employers is a serious offence. No restitution has been made,’ said the Magistrate in A court, in the case of Clifford W. Clifford, appearing for sentence on a charge of stealing about $200 from a dairy firm.
He was sentenced to four months definite and three months indefinite. Evidence was given at a previous hearing.
In the case of Edward August who pleaded guilty of receiving milk tickets knowing them to have been stolen, his worship said it was a mean thing to do. August was given suspended sentence and put on three months’ probation.
‘I wish to point out accused was in the army and discharged as medically unfit,’ said Crown Attorney Malone.
Detective John Standing related finding seven milk tickets on accused belonging to different dairies. ‘He told me he bought them from a boy,’ said witness.
Ben. SIlver pleaded guilty of recording and registering bets in a house on Harbord St. and was fined $200 or two months and was sentenced to serve 15 days.
‘Entering the place with other officers I found three sheets of paper with bets totalling $950,’ said P.C. John Mullin.
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coochiequeens · 3 months
It's never too late to expose the damage created by abusers and those who did nothing to stop abuse.
Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed by Maureen Callahan review – a lacerating exposé
The journalist’s sickening account of how generations of Kennedys casually abused the women around them with impunity is a timely reminder of the dangers posed by damaged men who crave power
Peter Conrad Mon 8 Jul 2024
“Ask not,” said President Kennedy as he rallied young Americans to volunteer for national service in his inaugural address, “what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” Kennedy had a stricter rule for the women in his life, as journalist Maureen Callahan reveals in her lacerating exposé: asking nothing in return, they were expected to do what their commander-in-chief required, which meant supplying him with sex whenever and wherever he fancied.
As a senator, JFK tried out his priapic power by impregnating a 15-year-old babysitter and positioning an aide beneath his desk to fellate him while he multitasked in his office. As president, he ushered White House secretaries upstairs after work for brief, brusque sessions of copulation and rewarded them with a post-coital snack of cheese puffs; at one lunchtime frolic in the basement swimming pool he instructed a young woman to orally relieve the tensions of a male crony and looked on in approval as she obeyed. His wife, Jackie, whom he infected with a smattering of venereal ailments, lamented that his assassination deprived her of the chance to vent her rage at him. Nevertheless, she embraced his naked body before it was placed in a casket at the Dallas hospital, bestowing a final, perhaps frosty kiss on his penis.
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By Sian Cainun 7 Jul 2024 23.38 EDTShare
The daughter of Nobel prize winner Alice Munro, Andrea Robin Skinner, has alleged that her stepfather sexually abused her as a child, and that her mother stayed with him even after he admitted to the abuse.
Skinner revealed the allegations in an essay and a news article in Canada’s Toronto Star on the weekend, writing about how her stepfather, Gerald Fremlin, began sexually assaulting her in 1976 when she was nine years old and he was in his 50s.
She alleged that Fremlin got into a bed where she was sleeping at her mother’s home in Clinton, Ontario, and sexually assaulted her. Skinner told her father, James Munro, whom she says did not tell Munro.
Over the following years, Skinner says Fremlin propositioned her, exposed himself to her, and “told me about the little girls in the neighbourhood he liked”. Skinner said he stopped assaulting her when she became a teenager, but she developed bulimia, insomnia and migraines, which she attributed to the abuse.
In 2005, Skinner went to the police. Fremlin, then 80, was charged with indecent assault against Skinner and pleaded guilty. He received a suspended sentence and two years’ probation. Munro stayed with Fremlin until he died in 2013.
Munro, who was regarded as one of the greatest short-story writers of all time and won the Nobel prize for literature in 2013, died last month at the age of 92.
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neveragainfools · 1 year
Vent post. My dad got laid off two years from retirement after working at a company for about 40 years and surviving countless rounds of layoffs because the company that bought them out decided Ontario doesn't need local newspapers. My parents are likely gonna lose their house. That job gave him a heart attack. He commuted over an hour each way for the majority of his career (up until 2020 basically). He did more with less for years, took on extra responsibilties and didn't get a raise, even for cost of living for over a decade. My mom's job in a church is asking her to do 3 jobs for the price of one and has put her on probation because she's not superhuman. They've made it pretty clear they're gonna fire her in october. They've done everything 'right' and the system is still fucking them over. I'm so scared for them amd I know there's nothing I can do. I can barely afford rent as is. Fuck capitalism. They deserve to retire and live in comfort (not in a 'we're comfortable' vis a vis money sense, but in a 'my basic needs are well met and I don't have to stress about making it to the end of the month sense)
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thizshizisbananas · 3 months
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A literal decade later, here is certified proof (notice the legal embossing of the court seal!) that Liana Kerzner of East Gwillimbury, Ontario has stayed fixated on harassing and defaming me AND that she is totally full of shit.
Explain how "a year of probation" happens between December 2011 and July 2012, Liana.
Liana Kerzner made false reports to police about me AND Liana Kerzner coached others to lie to police about me.
Liana Kerzner needs to stop stalking and defaming me - especially because she pretends to be a mental health worker.
It's really not a good look for her to be this hateful toward another woman.
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simardassociates1 · 2 years
What Should I Know About Ontario Real Estate Law?
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Buying or selling a home is a complex transaction involving multiple steps before, during, and after. Whether you are a first-time home buyer or have been through the experience before, real estate law in Ontario can seem overwhelming and result in sleepless nights. Experienced real estate lawyers in Ottawa can help you navigate the buying or selling process to ensure that your transaction is smooth and stress-free.   
Real estate agents are invaluable because they help you find your dream home and negotiate on your behalf for the best deal. However, only a lawyer can answer your legal questions about these documents which you need to understand before you sign. Your real estate lawyer reviews every document related to your transaction. A real estate lawyer signs the transfer of land and ensures that everything is done correctly at the closing. Your real estate lawyers in Ottawa give you peace of mind by answering your questions and handling the transaction properly.   
Real estate isn’t limited to making a purchase or selling a house. There are many other transactions that might require real estate lawyers in Rockland. If you are getting a mortgage or refinancing, you may want to have a lawyer review the documents before signing to ensure everything is correct. Title transfers outside of a sale, such as a transfer at death, can benefit from a lawyer’s expertise. An estate severance is another transaction where a lawyer can make sure the documents are in order.    
Real estate law is often governed by the principle of “caveat emptor,” which is Latin for “let the buyer beware.” Generally speaking, once an offer is made and accepted, the only way to get out of it is for a material misrepresentation in the disclosure statements that is considered a significant part of the essence of the property. Buyers in this position should get advice from their real estate lawyer in Ottawa to determine the best course of action.  
Joint tenancy usually has a right of survivorship. Joint tenants are typically married couples. When one of them dies, the ownership passes to the surviving spouse. Tenancy in common is typically used by non-married parties who own real estate together, whether common-law spouses or family and friends. Each party owns a share of the property. When one owner dies, their interest in the property must go through probate to be dealt with under the terms of the will. 
In Ontario, homeowners may qualify for certain rebates, such as the first-time homeowner’s land transfer tax refunds or new housing HST rebate. Each of these tax rebates has specific qualifications defining who is eligible and how much money can be refunded or applied. These laws are complex. It can be beneficial to discuss your options with real estate lawyers in Prescott-Russell to make sure you are utilizing the rebates correctly.  
Real estate law in Ontario is complex. Get legal advice about your real estate ventures from a team of capable lawyers with over two decades of experience in the Ottawa Region. Contact us to help you navigate your real estate transactions.
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maniapolh · 2 years
Xxxtenacion mudic
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If you delve into his catalog, the appeal of XXXTentacion becomes clear. There are threads on popular forums like KanyeToThe devoted to debunking XXXTentacion’s most serious legal charges. The rapper himself has retweeted videos of fans reportedly assaulting people for calling him wack. 9, two teenagers from Brampton, Ontario allegedly interrupted a church service to play XXXTentacion’s viral hit “ Look At Me”-the one with the opening couplet, “Bitch, I’m like ‘Who is your mans?’/Can’t keep my dick in my pants.” According to the Brampton Guardian, one of the teenagers now faces criminal charges. It’s behavior that borders on the fanatical. Fans have gone as far as getting the rapper’s likeness shaved into their heads. Fully committing to the Naruto/ XXXTentacion fight rabbit hole alone means journeying into a weird, confusing side of the internet. YouTube views for homemade mashups featuring XXXTentacion music set to anime like The Garden of Words and Dragonball Z are in the millions. The fanbase supporting XXXTentacion is nearly as infamous as he is. The report states the alleged victim was beaten to the point, “both eyes became shut and the victim could not see.” It’s a harrowing case that’s done little to derail his rapid rise to prominence. According to a Miami-Dade police report on October 8, 2016, XXXTentacion allegedly strangled and battered his pregnant ex-girlfriend. Currently, Onfroy is also fighting a more severe case. While serving time, the rapper’s popularity, fueled by his Billboard-charting “Look at Me,” exploded. The Lauderhill, Florida rapper, legally known as Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy, is on probation for six years after pleading no contest to a November 2015 incident where he allegedly robbed Che Thomas at gunpoint after breaking into his home. In the same interview, for instance, XXX excitedly describes beating up a young man he thought to be gay. But asking that listeners abide “by everything I believe in” is a heavy ask for any artist to make of their audience, especially when, in XXXTentacion’s case, it means standing behind the inexcusable. It’s the voice of a young man who is in the process of becoming a larger-than-life figure, and he’s only grown in stature since. The 19-year-old rapper, who released his debut album 17 Friday, described the hero worship he expects in an April 2016 No Jumper interview. Because if you’re a fan that means you abide by everything I believe in, and you support what I do to the fullest extent.” “When I tell my fans if you’re gonna be a fan it’s different than being someone that supports me.
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taylerinsurance · 9 days
Estate Planning: What About Grandma's Money
My name is Taivi Tayler, and I am a practicing Certified Financial Planner in the Province of Ontario. I help retirees grow their wealth during retirement and specifically plan to protect their financial legacy.
A Little Guidance Can Go a Long way!
For the elderly generation, talking about money has historically been considered impolite and rude. Money was a very closely guarded secret and frankly none of anyone’s business. Times are changing and those in their late 70s and beyond are realizing that a little bit of professional guidance can go a long way. 
In our practice, we love working with your grandma. She’s smart, dynamic and you should see that picture of her in her prime. She’s still that same person on the inside. She makes great money decisions but options are limited where she banks.
Grandma is not on social media, but you are.
Your grandma needs us to put together retirement plan and estate transfer strategy that is simple, tax efficient and probate free. Please share our contact information with your grandma and join us in our first meeting.
Tayler Insurance & Estate Planning Let us help grow grandma’s wealth, and plan to protect her financial legacy. Contact us today.
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tocitynews · 1 month
Rochester New York Police Shawn Jordan Gets 10 Weekends In Jail For Rape Of 13-Year-Old –Rochester New York reporting
Shawn Jordan also was sentenced to 10 years probation under an initial plea agreement. Jordan pleaded guilty earlier this year to raping the girl in 2022 in South Bristol.
The mother of the now 15-year-old girl begged Ontario County Judge Kristina Karle to send her daughter’s rapist to prison, but the judge accepted the plea agreement.
Rushing to his car after the sentencing, Jordan avoided answering any questions after sentencing.
“I’m not entirely satisfied with the sentence … but ultimately as a prosecutor I have to weigh things like the impact of actually having to testify on the victim of this crime, And she’s a child, and she was going to have to face her accuser in the courtroom. And when I was given the opportunity to consider whether or not we’d take a guilty plea – absolutely, all day, in a circumstance like this,” said Ontario County Assistant District Attorney Kelly Wolford.
▶︎ Jordan Will Start Serving His Sentence Later This Month — A Sentence That Wolford Says Jordan Reportedly Has Been Bragging About.
“”We Had Heard From Members Of The Community That He Had Indicated That He Had ‘Gotten Off’ On These Charges. And That Is Not Unusual For Us To Hear. Unfortunatley People Say Those Things. But It’s Concerning If It Is (True),” She Said.
An order of protection has been issued, and Jordan will be on the sex offender registry.
She said: “I’m thankful that it’s over for the victim and her family who were here today in court. It’s been a long process to get to this point but ultimately, just thankful they can move on and start to heal.”
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northvistanotaryy · 2 months
Understanding Statutory Declarations and Wills and State Law in Ontario
Navigating legal processes can be complex, particularly when dealing with matters such as statutory declarations, wills, and estate law. In Ontario, understanding these legal concepts and their applications can help ensure that personal affairs are handled appropriately and in accordance with the law.
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What is a Statutory Declaration?
A Statutory Declaration Ontario is a legal document affirming that certain facts are true to the best of the declarant's knowledge. It is a written statement that is signed before an authorized official, such as a notary public. In Ontario, statutory declarations are used for various purposes, including confirming identity, residency, or marital status. These declarations hold significant legal weight and are often required in legal, administrative, and commercial contexts.
The Importance of Statutory Declarations
Statutory declarations serve as vital tools for affirming facts when other forms of evidence are unavailable or unnecessary. They are used in situations where an affidavit may not be required but where a formal declaration is still necessary. In Ontario, statutory declarations are essential in processes such as property transactions, immigration applications, and certain legal proceedings.
Understanding Wills and Estate Law
Wills and estate law govern the management and distribution of a person's estate after their death. A will is a legal document that outlines how an individual's assets and belongings should be distributed among their heirs and beneficiaries. In Ontario, it is crucial to understand the legal requirements for creating a valid will to ensure that one's wishes are honored.
Creating a Valid Will
To create a valid will in Ontario, certain legal criteria must be met. The testator, or person creating the will, ought to be at least eighteen years old and in a good mental state. The will must be in writing, signed by the testator, and witnessed by two individuals who are not beneficiaries. Understanding these requirements is essential for ensuring that the will is legally binding and will be upheld in court.
The Role of an Executor
An executor is someone named in a will to handle the dead estate. The executor's responsibilities include gathering and managing the estate's assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries. In Ontario, it is important to choose a trustworthy and capable executor, as they play a crucial role in executing the testator's wishes.
Probate and Estate Administration
Probate is the legal process of validating a will and granting the executor the authority to administer the estate. In Ontario, the probate process involves submitting the will to the court, proving its validity, and obtaining a grant of probate. The executor then carries out their duties, ensuring that the estate is settled according to the will and the law.
Challenges in Estate Administration
Distributing an estate can be a difficult and time-consuming chore. Executors may face various challenges, such as locating and valuing assets, dealing with creditors, and resolving beneficiary disputes. Understanding the intricacies of wills and estate law in Ontario can help executors navigate these challenges effectively.
The Importance of Professional Guidance
Given the complexities involved in statutory declarations and wills and estate law, seeking professional guidance is highly advisable. In Ontario, legal professionals can provide invaluable assistance in drafting statutory declarations, creating valid wills, and administering estates. Their expertise ensures that legal requirements are met and that potential issues are addressed proactively.
Understanding statutory declarations, wills, and estate law is essential for managing personal affairs and ensuring that legal matters are handled correctly. In Ontario, these legal tools play a critical role in affirming facts and managing estates. Seeking professional guidance can provide peace of mind and ensure that one's wishes are respected. For more information, visit northvistanotary.com.
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Path to four murders in Kirkland Lake was greased by probation fails
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-pz5me-1691746 Path to four murders in Kirkland Lake was greased by probation fails Ontario Cold Cases – Canada’s True Crime Podcast OPP detectives said they had linked a pair of double homicides just nine days apart last year in Kirkland Lake to Marty Rosko, who reportedly took his life while locked in the North Bay jail on a separate matter. Ontario Cold…
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rainycollectionangel · 2 months
The Distinction in between a DUI Charge and Impaired Driving Charge
Driving under the influence (DUI) and impaired driving charges are major offenses that can have substantial legal consequences. While these terms are frequently utilized interchangeably, it is important to comprehend the distinctions in between them. In this short article, we how to get out of a dui charge will delve into the subtleties of a DUI charge versus an impaired driving charge, exploring the legal ramifications and potential charges related to each.
The Difference between a DUI Charge and Impaired Driving Charge
Driving under the impact (DUI) and impaired DUI criminal defence lawyer in Southern Ontario driving charges refer to criminal offenses connected to operating a motor vehicle while under the impact of alcohol or drugs. Nevertheless, there are some key distinctions between these two charges.
Definition of DUI Charge
A DUI charge usually refers to driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the legal limitation set by the state. In a lot of jurisdictions, this limit is 0.08%. If a motorist's BAC exceeds this limit, they can be charged with a DUI offense.
Definition of Impaired Driving Charge
On the other hand, an impaired driving charge focuses more broadly on any type https://www.toronto-dui-lawyer.ca/etobicoke-dui-defence/underage-dui-teen-drinking-and-driving-drunk-etobicoke-ontario/ of disability triggered by alcohol or drugs while operating a lorry. This can include not only exceeding the legal BAC limitation but also showing signs of impairment such as slurred dui ontario speech, irregular habits, or inability to perform regular tasks.
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Legal Implications of DUI Charges
DUI charges are usually thought about more failure to provide in York Region serious than impaired driving charges due to their particular concentrate on blood alcohol concentration. The penalties for a DUI conviction differ depending on elements such as previous convictions, BAC level, and jurisdiction particular laws. Nevertheless, common repercussions might consist of:
License Suspension: A DUI conviction typically leads to a suspension of your driver's license for a defined period. Fines: Convicted individuals might deal with considerable fines varying from hundreds to countless dollars. Probation: DUI culprits might be put on probation, requiring them to adhere to particular court-ordered conditions. Ignition Interlock Device: Sometimes, a court may require the setup of an ignition interlock device, which avoids an automobile from beginning if alcohol is spotted in the motorist's breath. Mandatory Alcohol Education Programs: DUI wrongdoers are typically required to finish substance abuse programs to inform and restore them. Jail Time: Depending upon the severity of the offense and previous convictions, individuals founded guilty of DUI may deal with imprisonment. Legal Ramifications of Impaired Driving Charges
While impaired driving charges are generally thought about less severe than DUI charges, they still carry significant legal ramifications. The penalties for impaired driving vary by jurisdiction however can include:
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License Suspension: Comparable to DUI charges, impaired driving convictions can lead to a suspension of your motorist's license. Fines: Convicted individuals may deal with substantial fines depending on the seriousness of the offense and jurisdiction-specific laws. Probation: Like DUI culprits, those charged w
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"BURGLARS HID THEIR LOOT IN LODGING HOUSE," Hamilton Spectator. July 18, 1933. Page 7. ---- Robbed Home of R. K. Palmer-Second Visit ---- Were Caught By Constable in the Act ---- Had Concealed Booty at 21 Market Street ---- Pleading guilty to two charges of burglary and theft and one of breaking and entering with intent to commit an indictable offence, Jack Brown, aged 28 years, no address, was remanded for sentence for one week by Magistrate Burbidge in police court this morning. William Taylor, aged 19 years, also pleaded guilty to the two burglary charges, and his case was also laid over a week.
Constable Currier testified that on the night of July 13, the two accused entered the residence of R. K. Palmer, 93 Bold street, through the cellar window. A screwdriver was used as a jimmy. On this occasion, the pair took portable gramaphone and records, a silver pitcher, a silver gravy boat, an overcoat and a number of other articles. That evening, said the officer, he was detailed to watch. the house and, at midnight, the two accused drove up in a light truck. They parked it at the side of the house and Taylor entered through the cellar window, and later, open- ed the side door so that that Brown could get in. After they had been in the house for a few moments, the officer entered and placed both men under arrest. Constable Currier also testified that on the night of July 13, Brown broke into the office of Chisholm and McQuesten. and broke the knob off the safe door without getting anything.
Detective Gaylard testified that, following admissions by the accused men, he had gone to the municipal lodging house at 21 Market street and, in a room there, he had found an overcoat hanging on the door. Hidden in the pockets and sleeves of the overcoat, he had found the silverware, while, standing on the floor behind the door, was the portable gramaphone.
On Probation When Crown Attorney Ballard informed the magistrate that Clark Hopkins, aged 19 years, 23 Crooks street, and Fred Riley, also aged 19 years, 376 Catharine street north. and had were both on probation and been forbidden to associate with each other, he also asked that the charges of vagrancy against the pair be laid over for a week. The lads had been associating together, the crown attorney reported, and further investigations are necessary.
Charged with vagrancy, Robert Davies, no address, was remanded for a week for a mental examination. He He was arrested by Motorcycle Officer McGregor on Caroline street north at an early hour this morning. He refused to answer the officer's questions and was abusive in his language, said the constable. Appearing for sentence on a charge of stealing a watch from a departmental store, Silva Desjardins, Montreal, was sentenced to three months definite plus six months in- determinate in the Ontario reformatory.
Must Keep Peace After pleading not guilty to a charge of contempt of court, which was laid after he failed to answer to his name on a charge of assault last Friday, Arthur Fox was convicted and was bound over to keep the peace for the space of one year. The assault charge was adjourned sine die when it was pointed out that the complainant, Violet Warden, was on her way to England.
Annie Stenoff, facing vagrancy charges under the Industrial Refuges for Female act, was remanded for a further period of one week for a mental and physical examination.
A further adjournment of one week was allowed in the case of William Cojocarri, who is awaiting sentence on a charge of breach of recognizances. A job may be waiting for him in Kitchener by the time next Tuesday comes.
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coochiequeens · 6 months
Not only did the women only have gender neutral changerooms, the room had glass walls? WTF? Who came up with the idea of gender neutral changeroons with glass walls? And who paid for it? 2
By Reduxx Team April 4, 2024
A man with a history of sexually predatory behavior has been sentenced for voyeurism after it was discovered he had been using the “gender-neutral” changing room of a local recreation center to watch women undress.
Mark Istephan, 52, has been sentenced to 18 months in jail after he attempted to watch a woman shower at a community pool on Vancouver Island. Istephan was previously convicted for the attempted kidnapping of a 13-year-old girl.
During court proceedings, Western Communities provincial court Judge Ted Gouge heard that the incident occurred on the morning of May 4, 2023, at the Sooke and Electoral Area Parks and Recreation Commission (SEAPARC). The SEAPARC is a designated “LGBTQI+ Safe Space,” and highlights that it prioritizes inclusivity and “does not tolerate violence, bullying, or hate speech towards the LGBTQI+ community”
The victim, identified only as Z.R. in court documents, had been swimming at the community centre and returned to the gender-neutral change room before showering in a private cubicle. As she was getting dressed, she saw the shadow of a man in the next cubicle who appeared to be trying to watch her through the gap between the bottom of the cubicle divider and the floor.
Z.R. ran to the reception desk and informed staff, who promptly called police and Istephan was arrested. In his decision, Judge Gouge noted that Z.R. was left traumatized by the experience, and continues to suffer anxiety as a result, specifically when using public recreation facilities.
During the hearing, Istephan refused to participate in a psychological assessment, something the judge called “unique.” Istephan claimed he did not have any mental health concerns, and declined a pre-sentence interview with a forensic psychologist.
The court heard that in 2001, Istephan attempted to force a 13-year-old girl at a bus stop into his car. He was ultimately convicted of attempted kidnapping and received a conditional sentence of 18 months, which he served in the community.
In 2007, Istephan was convicted of public indecency when he was arrested for masturbating on a lakeside wharf in Victoria, resulting in a 60-day jail sentence and three years of probation.
According to a Port Moody Police release from 2018, Istephan briefly went missing after being discharged from Eagle Ridge Hospital. At the time, he was described as being a male of Middle Eastern descent who was approximately 6 feet tall.
Since his initial conviction for attempted kidnapping in 2001, Istephen has been further convicted of breach of probation for failing to complete a sex offender counseling program in 2009, and another breach of probation in 2014 for being within 200 meters of a school.
The incident in Sooke further accentuates the concerns surrounding the safety of “gender-neutral” restrooms that have emerged over the past year.
As previously reported by Reduxx, the city of Cambridge, Ontario, recently sparked outrage after announcing that plans for a new recreation center would completely eliminate traditional male-female changing rooms. Instead, a glass-walled “universal gender-neutral common area” would be established where males and females would share a common space and cubicles.
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During a meeting on April 29, the Mayor of Cambridge had a woman removed from a city council meeting for expressing her worries about the safety of the proposal.
In the United Kingdom, just under 90% of complaints regarding changing room sexual assaults, voyeurism and harassment that occurred between 2017 and 2018 were found to have taken place in gender-neutral or unisex facilities.
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zenithlawyer · 2 months
Navigating Wills and Estates in Toronto: A Comprehensive Guide
Planning for the future is a crucial aspect of financial stability and peace of mind. One of the most important elements of this planning involves creating and managing wills and estates. For residents of Toronto, understanding the legal intricacies and processes surrounding wills and estates is vital. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with the essential information needed to navigate this complex area effectively.
Understanding Wills and Estates
A will is a legal document that outlines how your assets will be distributed after your death. It also allows you to appoint a guardian for your minor children and name an executor to manage your estate. An estate, on the other hand, encompasses all the assets and liabilities you leave behind.
The Importance of Having a Will
Having a will is essential for several reasons:
Control Over Asset Distribution: A will ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, preventing potential disputes among family members.
Guardianship of Minor Children: If you have minor children, a will allows you to designate a guardian, ensuring they are cared for by someone you trust.
Reduction of Legal Complications: A clear and legally valid will can streamline the probate process, reducing the time and expense associated with settling your estate.
Minimizing Taxes: Proper estate planning can help minimize the taxes payable by your estate, preserving more of your assets for your beneficiaries.
Creating a Will in Toronto
Creating a will in Toronto involves several steps:
Assess Your Assets: Make a comprehensive list of all your assets, including property, bank accounts, investments, and personal belongings.
Choose Your Beneficiaries: Decide who will inherit your assets and in what proportions.
Appoint an Executor: Select a trustworthy individual to execute your will and manage your estate.
Designate Guardians: If you have minor children, choose a guardian who will take care of them in your absence.
Consult a Lawyer: While it's possible to create a will on your own, consulting a lawyer ensures that your will is legally sound and covers all necessary aspects.
Sign and Witness: For your will to be valid, it must be signed in the presence of at least two witnesses who are not beneficiaries.
Managing Estates in Toronto
Managing an estate involves several critical steps:
Probate: This is the legal process of validating a will. In Toronto, probate is required to confirm the executor's authority and ensure the will's authenticity.
Executor Duties: The executor must gather and manage the deceased's assets, pay off any debts and taxes, and distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries.
Dealing with Intestacy: If a person dies without a will, their estate is considered intestate, and the distribution of assets follows the rules set out in Ontario's Succession Law Reform Act.
Common Challenges in Wills and Estates
Navigating wills and estates can present several challenges:
Contested Wills: Disputes among family members can lead to contested wills, causing delays and increased legal costs.
Complex Estates: Estates with multiple properties, businesses, or international assets require careful planning and management.
Tax Implications: Estate taxes and probate fees can significantly impact the value of the estate, making tax planning an essential part of the process.
Seeking Professional Help
Given the complexities involved in wills and estates, seeking professional help is highly recommended. Lawyers specializing in wills and estates can provide invaluable guidance, ensuring that your will is legally valid and your estate is managed effectively. Financial advisors can assist with tax planning and asset management, helping you preserve more of your wealth for your beneficiaries.
Navigating Wills and Estates in Toronto requires careful planning and a clear understanding of legal requirements and processes. By creating a comprehensive will and seeking professional assistance, you can ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and your loved ones are well cared for. Planning for the future may seem daunting, but taking these essential steps can provide peace of mind and financial security for you and your family.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 7.5 (after 1945)
1945 – The United Kingdom holds its first general election in 10 years, which would be won by Clement Attlee's Labour Party. 1946 – Micheline Bernardini models the first modern bikini at a swimming pool in Paris. 1948 – National Health Service Acts create the national public health system in the United Kingdom. 1950 – Korean War: Task Force Smith: American and North Korean forces first clash, in the Battle of Osan. 1950 – The Knesset of Israel passes the Law of Return which grants all Jews the right to immigrate to the Land of Israel. 1954 – The BBC broadcasts its first daily television news bulletin. 1954 – Elvis Presley records his first single, "That's All Right", at Sun Records in Memphis, Tennessee. 1962 – The official independence of Algeria is proclaimed after an eight-year-long war with France. 1970 – Air Canada Flight 621 crashes in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, killing all 109 people on board. 1971 – The Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, lowering the voting age from 21 to 18 years, is formally certified by President Richard Nixon. 1973 – A boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) in Kingman, Arizona, following a fire that broke out as propane was being transferred from a railroad car to a storage tank, kills eleven firefighters. 1973 – Juvénal Habyarimana seizes power over Rwanda in a coup d'état. 1975 – Arthur Ashe becomes the first black man to win the Wimbledon singles title. 1975 – Cape Verde gains its independence from Portugal. 1977 – The Pakistan Armed Forces under Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq seize power in Operation Fair Play and begin 11 years of martial law. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the first elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, is overthrown. 1980 – Swedish tennis player Björn Borg wins his fifth Wimbledon final and becomes the first male tennis player to win the championships five times in a row (1976–1980). 1984 – The United States Supreme Court gives its United States v. Leon decision providing a good-faith exception from the Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule against use of evidence obtained through defective warrants in criminal trials. 1987 – Sri Lankan Civil War: The LTTE uses suicide attacks on the Sri Lankan Army for the first time. The Black Tigers are born and, in the following years, will continue to kill with the tactic. 1989 – Iran–Contra affair: Oliver North is sentenced by U.S. District Judge Gerhard A. Gesell to a three-year suspended prison term, two years probation, $150,000 in fines and 1,200 hours community service. His convictions are later overturned. 1994 – Jeff Bezos founds Amazon. 1995 – Armenia adopts its constitution, four years after its independence from the Soviet Union. 1996 – Dolly the sheep becomes the first mammal cloned from an adult cell. 1997 – Sri Lankan Civil War: Sri Lankan Tamil MP A. Thangathurai is shot dead at Sri Shanmuga Hindu Ladies College in Trincomalee. 1999 – U.S. President Bill Clinton imposes trade and economic sanctions against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. 2003 – The World Health Organization announces that the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak has been contained. 2004 – The first direct Indonesian presidential election is held. 2006 – North Korea tests four short-range missiles, one medium-range missile and a long-range Taepodong-2. The long-range Taepodong-2 reportedly fails in mid-air over the Sea of Japan. 2009 – A series of violent riots break out in Ürümqi, the capital city of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. 2009 – The largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold ever discovered in Britain, consisting of more than 1,500 items, is found near the village of Hammerwich, near Lichfield, Staffordshire. 2012 – The Shard in London is inaugurated as the tallest building in Europe, with a height of 310 metres (1,020 ft). 2016 – The Juno space probe arrives at Jupiter and begins a 20-month survey of the planet. 2022 – British government ministers Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak resign from the second Johnson ministry, beginning the July 2022 United Kingdom government crisis.
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ramonfranklin · 4 months
What Should I Expect During a Criminal Trial in Brampton?
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Facing a criminal trial can be a daunting experience, especially if you're unfamiliar with the legal proceedings. In Brampton, Ontario, understanding what to expect during a criminal trial is essential for anyone involved in the justice system. This article aims to demystify the process, providing a detailed overview of each stage from arrest to verdict.
Pre-Trial Preparations
Before the trial commences, several important steps take place. From the initial arrest to bail hearings and arraignment, each phase sets the stage for the legal proceedings.
During the pre-trial phase, defendants may undergo questioning by law enforcement, have the opportunity to secure legal representation, and attend preliminary hearings to determine the validity of evidence.
Understanding Courtroom Procedures
As the trial begins, defendants and their legal teams navigate various courtroom procedures. From jury selection to opening statements and witness testimonies, each step plays a crucial role in presenting the case.
Throughout the trial, both the prosecution and defense have the opportunity to present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and make closing arguments before the judge or jury deliberates.
Legal Representation
Central to any criminal trial is the role of legal representation. Defendants have the right to competent legal counsel, either through a private attorney or a court-appointed lawyer if unable to afford one.
Legal representatives play a vital role in advocating for their clients' rights, examining evidence, and crafting a defense strategy tailored to the specifics of the case.
Sentencing and Appeals
Following the trial, defendants may face sentencing if found guilty. Sentencing considerations vary based on the severity of the offense, criminal history, and mitigating factors presented during the trial.
In some cases, defendants may choose to appeal the verdict, seeking a review of the trial proceedings or alleging errors in legal judgment.
What Should I Expect During a Criminal Trial in Brampton?
Navigating a criminal trial in Brampton can be overwhelming, but understanding the process can help alleviate anxiety and ensure individuals are prepared for what lies ahead.
During a criminal trial in Brampton, individuals should expect:
Thorough Legal Representation: Defendants have the right to legal counsel to defend their interests and ensure a fair trial.
Courtroom Proceedings: Familiarize yourself with courtroom procedures, including jury selection, testimonies, and cross-examinations.
Evidence Presentation: Both the prosecution and defense will present evidence to support their respective cases.
Possible Sentencing: Be prepared for the possibility of sentencing if found guilty, with considerations for mitigating factors and prior criminal history.
Appeal Process: Understand that the verdict can be appealed, providing an avenue for review if procedural errors are alleged.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How long does a criminal trial in Brampton typically last?
A: The duration of a criminal trial can vary widely depending on factors such as case complexity, availability of witnesses, and legal motions. Some trials may conclude within days, while others extend over several weeks or months.
Q: Can I represent myself in a criminal trial?
A: While individuals have the right to self-representation, known as pro se representation, it's generally advisable to seek legal counsel. Experienced lawyers understand the intricacies of the legal system and can provide valuable guidance throughout the trial process.
Q: What happens if I'm found guilty during a criminal trial in Brampton?
A: If found guilty, sentencing proceedings will follow, during which the judge will determine an appropriate punishment based on the severity of the offense and other relevant factors. Sentences can range from fines and probation to imprisonment, depending on the circumstances.
Q: Is it possible to appeal the verdict of a criminal trial?
A: Yes, individuals convicted in a criminal trial have the right to appeal the verdict. The appeals process allows for a review of the trial proceedings to ensure that legal procedures were followed and that defendants received a fair trial.
Q: How can I prepare for a criminal trial in Brampton?
A: Preparation is key to navigating a criminal trial successfully. Work closely with your legal counsel to gather evidence, review case strategy, and familiarize yourself with courtroom procedures. Maintaining open communication with your lawyer and adhering to their guidance can enhance your chances of a favorable outcome.
Q: Are plea bargains common in criminal trials in Brampton?
A: Plea bargains, where defendants agree to plead guilty in exchange for reduced charges or sentencing, are a common feature of the criminal justice system. Whether to accept a plea bargain is a decision best made in consultation with legal counsel, weighing the potential benefits against the risks of going to trial.
Navigating a criminal trial in Brampton requires careful preparation, legal guidance, and an understanding of the processes involved. By familiarizing yourself with courtroom procedures, seeking competent legal representation, and knowing what to expect at each stage, you can approach the trial with confidence and advocate for your rights effectively.
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