#proceeds to keep it under lock and key for the rest of the war often thinking about what they said and how their worst fears happened
rubypasha1 · 4 months
I’m going to be honest and say I had some bad experiences in the Transformers fandom. I wrote fics for it, admittedly very bad but they were my first. Had to learn somewhere. Thing is I enjoyed the writing, actually I loved it and it made me realize my passion for writing fiction.
But that didn’t stop the bad experiences. Mostly people. I won’t go into detail but for the love of god please don’t ask or encourage a 12 year old, who has clearly stated they are one, to write smut. And don’t send them very explicit, dead dove do not eat fics without at least staying “hey, there’s some messed up stuff in here so just be warned” instead of “Here’s some inspiration!” And constantly asking when smut will be written.
I swear Ao3 saved my creativity. I pretty completely left Wattpad after that, didn’t touch transformers content again till recently this year.
And I’ve made a decision. I’m going to write a transformers fic. Not now, only next year it’s my last year of school and stuff is hectic. But I’m going to write it. To prove to myself I can write a good transformers fic with good characterization. And a reader or oc that has a bit more depth.
Anywho, @ss-shitstorm fic “Breaking Bread” heavily inspired me and actually was the reason I got back into the Ttansforemrs fandom. I highly recommend it it’s one of my new top favorites and has a terrifying attention to detail. Great characterization, hilarious reader insert that’s basically a very stressed out certain magical princess who’s got a knack for science and baking. And a crazy dog. And sassy bird. Who likes Fluttershy. It’s amazing.
Did I mention there’s actual science stuff in it? Stochiometry my nemesis.
And it’s got me thinking about making my own. Maybe more of an oc fic but still written like ny other reader ones.
I’m thinking of doing one where a human is put in a cybertronian body, TFP universe. They have basic knowledge of TFP, watched it but couldn’t remember everything. But they knew enough. Definitely enough o know that cybertron being alive was before the war.
They’re placed in a cybertronian body before the deception uprising. Still around the time where Functionisin ruled and they were in a kind of ‘presenter’/‘video camera’ alt mode.
Except they have anxiety, often freeze up with a panic enduring lack of social skills driven from their natural personality and the fact they’re a human soul shoved into a metal body. Completely alone and forced to adapt to a society that bases value on an alt mode.
The were an artist while human and over time through constant stress and a lack of familiarity with materials on cybertronian, they loose their love of painting and creating art.
But it’s reignited. They find a underground club where mecs and Femmas of many alt modes come together to anonymously submit art ranging from poetry to music and more. And that’s when they find it, a piece of writing that captures their soul. Something so deep and beautiful they feel their own spark reigniting, and they try their hand at creating again. Even if small.
They keep going to the club, building up courage to place art pieces on view. They don’t get much attention, except for a mech who seems curious and stands beside them as they pick apart every little detail.
They talk for a bit. Share a few critics, nothing too crazy. Turns out he’s the one who wrote that lovely piece of writing that inspired them. They turn around, gasping and thanking him for creating something so inspiring-
Megatron stands before them.
Or rather, Megatronus.
The gladiator had just begun his days of battle in the arena but the end was inevitable, the reader knew who he was and fled in terror leaving a confused (and proud, it felt good to know his words inspired at least one person) Megatronus behind.
Readers in a panic, but it doesn’t end there. Their ‘job’ forces them to begin recording the gladiator fights, particularly the rising star Megatronus leading to the eventual meet up of the two again.
But it doesn’t stop there. Soundwave came soon after and, shockingly enough, Ratchet after some unfortunate events (who is far flirtier and leaves the reader thinking “Oh my god he’s so smooth but whyyyyy”)
And it gets worse. Megatronus clearly wishes to se ether atrworks, one of the few along with Soundwave who sees something more than just a waste of time or hobby.
A relationship is formed, tentive on the readers side. They see him and Soundwave less and less like the terrifying deceptions they would become but rather who stood before them. Mechs bashed by a cruel system, they’re creativity forced to writher in their sparks painfully, smothered by a need to fight for the entertainment of others or die by the claws of the system.
They care about them, they eventually realise in horror. And on an unfortunate night they broke down and revealed to Soundwave a horrible truth. War was coming, and they knew what he would become. What All of them would. They beg him, plead to not take things too far. Life was precious, organic or not and taking those of innocents . . .
Soundwave was an outlier himself, but he remained somewhat skeptical. It wa shard to not belive them, the raw emotions they displayed showcased fear and he was good at reading others frames.
The little cybertronian was odd, but intriguing. A friend he had grown to care for, to wish to protect as his closest companion Megatronus insisted, over time. But if there was truth to their words they must know things that could endanger all of cybertron. Soundwave didn’t see himself as a activist nor rebellious but even he couldn’t deny the waters were churning.
Things happen, yada yada yada, reader gets kidnapped and put into stasis just as the war starts and wakes up many years later to the face of a human child se knew very well from a certain TV series.
All out panic ensures
OR, the other fic idea:
Human wakes up as a vehicon . Says “nope”, tries to get away and accidentally becomes the leader of a vehicon rights movement.
The autobots it’s are confused, the decepticons are angry and the reader just wants to get some dogs or cats dammit.
Of course, a dog does gain interest in them. And by that I mean a terrifying metal dragon who decides this trembling little con would be the perfect way to help him attain details on how to resurrect his kin.
He is very mistaken. Reader can’t even be in the same room as one of the deception lieutenants without rattling like a tin can.
Honestly don’t know if it would be a Soundwave or Megatron x reader. Definitely will be friendship developing there. Maybe both? I’m a sucker for tall dark and creepy guys who have a soft spot for tiny
Second idea is just all the vehicons lining up to get names form reader. All very human ones. . “Bill” “John” Matthew” Thomas” “My names already Steve” “Jenny” “Bucket”
And Reader is just stressing cause they’re not running a rebellion or anything. They’re running a daycare for a bunch of guys who do not care about their own safety and lives at all and she constantly has to tell them, no you cannot go to the Autobits the will shoot you on site. No, wanting to sacrifice yourself isn’t a good idea- CANDICE GET AWAY FROM THE FRAGGING WRECKER GOD DAMMIT DO NONE OF YOH UAVE ANY WILL TO LIVE?
Chaos ensures
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hbnewsnetworkblog · 7 years
10 Step East Asian Skincare Routine
2016 has been the year of Korean and Japanese beauty for skincare. Countless international brands have attempted to dip their feet in, and although some battles over a space on Sephora’s counters were successful, the war was won at the hands of East Asia. Korea and Japan have been successfully infiltrating Western pop culture for as long as we can remember; be it at the hands of K-Pop or Anime’s finest. But never has a success been so great than its recent influence on the beauty arena. Every time you pop onto Instagram, you’re guaranteed to come across some video of a makeup artist testing out a new Korean beauty fad.
The strange ways of East Asian skincare have taken the beauty world by storm: with East Asian beauty brands becoming household names as well as coming to fill the spots as some of the most luxurious skin care Sephora has to offer.  While worshipping at the shrine of their products, not many of us are actually aware of how they were made to be used. It’s rare to find a non-East Asian that practices, let alone knows of the elusive 10 step skincare routine.
    10 Step East Asian Skincare Routine
    Did I lose you at 10 steps? Well, bear with me because this lengthy process is what East Asians owe their clear, glowing skin to. We’re all victims of envying the youthful almost-photo shopped-looking skin that most East Asians flaunt. We’re better accustomed to the clear signs of aging and the look of what years of pimple-popping can do to a woman. So what’s their secret? Oh, nothing much, just a strict 10 step routine to be followed daily- one that most young Koreans begin to practice at the ripe age of 12. But do we, the avid supporters of the quick wash and moisturize every night, stand a fighting chance? Let’s see what it takes to glow like there’s no tomorrow. Better late than never, right? *fingers crossed*
  The Double Cleanse (First 2 steps)
The beginning is simple enough; remove your makeup. Excluding the rare lazy night or spontaneous staying the night at a friend’s place, we’re mostly strict with removing our makeup even if only with a cleansing wipe. The East Asians are much less forgiving. The first two steps to both Japanese and Korean skincare routines is a double cleansing. Double cleansing is the process where you first remove your makeup thoroughly and then proceed to cleanse your skin after that.
The best way to wrap your mind around the hassle of two cleanses is to consider your makeup routine. The 30 minutes most of us devote to applying our makeup involves many layers and steps. So why is it that when it comes to removal, we only give it the bare minimum time and a single step? What we have done, needs to be undone with the same precision. This mantra will get you through the first two steps patiently enough.
The double cleansing steps have very strict techniques; it is preferred that the first cleanse be done using an oil based cleanser or a balm. The Korean skin care market is filled with tons of cleansing balm options to choose from. The second cleanse differs between the two nations. Koreans recommend and prefer using a water-based cleanser; this is seen as a more hydrating and less harsh way to remove the remaining impurities. However, the Japanese stick to a foaming cleanser to help really extract the dirt and leave your skin with a matte feel.
It is at this step that we see the prime foundational difference between Japanese and Korean skincare preferences; the Koreans aim and purpose of this all is to achieve a dewy glowy skin finish, whereas the Japanese are more focused on matte skin. These differing notions of beauty can be subtly noticed with the choices within each step- although the steps are the same.
  Brighten and Smoothen
Exfoliation is key to the East Asian skincare routine. This step is only included once or twice a week to avoid stripping your skin completely. This is probably one of the more enjoyable steps of the routine; partly because it feels good to rub away your dead skin cells, but mostly because it yields the most instant results. Now, the exfoliation can either be in the form of chemical or physical. Coming in liquid form or pre-soaked pads, a chemical exfoliator contains acids that exfoliate the skin chemically.
Whereas alternatively, you could use a physical exfoliator, which contains rough pieces comparable to sand that physically slough off your dead skin cells. Your skin will feel baby-butt soft regardless. For more sensitive or breakout-prone skin it’s always wiser to avoid the physical exfoliators because they can be too harsh and leave you with bright red skin! This step works to reveal brighter and smoother skin and ensure that the rest of the steps work to their best potential and that your skin drinks them up like a cool iced tea on a summer’s day.
The fourth step is the final prep for the rest of the products. After clearing your skin of all debris and pollution, and then rubbing off your dead skin cells, toning is the step that finally preps your skin for what is to come. A toner comes as a spray or a water base which you apply to a cotton pad. This is a seriously important step because it restores your skin’s pH balance. All that cleansing leaves your skin feeling stripped- this helps remedy that. This restores the hydration your skin naturally requires and prepares it to absorb the following steps to its best ability. Fun tip: it’s often recommended to take this step and those that follow, down your neck as well to prevent aging and sagging.
  The Essence of Skincare
Prior to this, most of the steps are likely to have sounded familiar. The concept of an Essence is unique and particular to East Asian skincare. This addition is taken very seriously and considered one of the most important steps. An essence is essentially a more lightweight serum. It comes in a similar form to a toner, although the application is entirely different. Patt essences into your skin with your hands; here‎’s your opening to gently pat your face and live out your inner-beauty-ad fantasy. The main purpose of this step is hydration and rejuvenation. An Essence also works to restore the skin’s pH balance, with the added benefit of hydrating and soothing your skin to further the absorption of the following steps.
  Easy as A, B, S (Ampoules, Boosters, and Serums)
This is where it gets personal. One of the most highly concentrate products throughout the routine are Ampoules, Boosters, and Serums. This is where you can personalize according to your own skin issues; whether it be redness or acne or dullness. This is the part where you can most heavily treat those problem areas. Tapping it in is key yet again, so you might want to make sure your hands are clean between steps to avoid the mixing of products. A serum is another one of the most potent doses of treatment you’re going to get, so this is definitely the step to splurge on!
Looking to clean your pores: check out The Truth About Pore Strips
  Scary Sheet Mask Selfie Op
Sheet masks have been one of the greatest beauty fads we’ve witnessed in ages. At first, everyone just wanted in on the funny scary selfies with a white piece of tissue placed on your face. But as they grew more and more infamous, people began to truly value the results they give. A sheet mask gives you the most intense and instant dose of whatever you need; similar to Serums. The added benefit of the spa-like feel doesn’t hurt either! Sheet masks are easily one of the most successful ways that East Asian skincare has infiltrated our homes!
  All About The Eyes
We’re getting closer to the finish line! It’s time to care for the most delicate and sensitive part of our skin- our under-eyes. Our under-eyes show the earliest signs of aging and can instantly show signs of exhaustion. It is vital that we treat them regularly to avoid any long-term as well as short-term damage. Apply this step with delicacy and care; strictly use only your ring finger and use a gentle tapping motion. Avoid rubbing at any and all costs!
Tips to help with dark circles under your eyes.
  Set Your Hard Work in Place
Almost there. All your hard work can go amiss without this second to last step. Applying a face cream/moisturizer of some sort is a necessary step to lock in moisture and all the work that’s just been done. Moisturizers can also be personalized to your needs. For example, while Koreans opt for more hydrating and glow-inducing moisturizers, Japanese skincare prefers mattifying creams. This step is important both day and night. During the day, it works as a perfect base for your makeup to ensure its smooth application and longevity. At night, keep your skin hydrated as it absorbs all the previous steps while you get some shut-eye!
  Protect Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself!
Now, this final step is only for the morning. There’s no better step we can take to prevent aging than applying SPF daily. We never truly realize how much damage the sun does, and we definitely never realize how little protection an SPF-infused makeup product can give. It’s imperative to start applying SPF every day religiously as early as possible to prevent aging and dark spots and the millions of baddies that come along with a lack of SPF!
*Drumroll* We made it! Now the question is, will we make it in practice? Time-consuming, definitely, but these 10 steps give such serious payoff that it’s worth attempting. We’re halfway there with the sheet mask obsession, so why not give the whole thing a chance? When in the era of East Asian skincare…
The post 10 Step East Asian Skincare Routine appeared first on HB News Network.
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