#and Ratchet is a flirt when young
rubypasha1 · 4 months
I’m going to be honest and say I had some bad experiences in the Transformers fandom. I wrote fics for it, admittedly very bad but they were my first. Had to learn somewhere. Thing is I enjoyed the writing, actually I loved it and it made me realize my passion for writing fiction.
But that didn’t stop the bad experiences. Mostly people. I won’t go into detail but for the love of god please don’t ask or encourage a 12 year old, who has clearly stated they are one, to write smut. And don’t send them very explicit, dead dove do not eat fics without at least staying “hey, there’s some messed up stuff in here so just be warned” instead of “Here’s some inspiration!” And constantly asking when smut will be written.
I swear Ao3 saved my creativity. I pretty completely left Wattpad after that, didn’t touch transformers content again till recently this year.
And I’ve made a decision. I’m going to write a transformers fic. Not now, only next year it’s my last year of school and stuff is hectic. But I’m going to write it. To prove to myself I can write a good transformers fic with good characterization. And a reader or oc that has a bit more depth.
Anywho, @ss-shitstorm fic “Breaking Bread” heavily inspired me and actually was the reason I got back into the Ttansforemrs fandom. I highly recommend it it’s one of my new top favorites and has a terrifying attention to detail. Great characterization, hilarious reader insert that’s basically a very stressed out certain magical princess who’s got a knack for science and baking. And a crazy dog. And sassy bird. Who likes Fluttershy. It’s amazing.
Did I mention there’s actual science stuff in it? Stochiometry my nemesis.
And it’s got me thinking about making my own. Maybe more of an oc fic but still written like ny other reader ones.
I’m thinking of doing one where a human is put in a cybertronian body, TFP universe. They have basic knowledge of TFP, watched it but couldn’t remember everything. But they knew enough. Definitely enough o know that cybertron being alive was before the war.
They’re placed in a cybertronian body before the deception uprising. Still around the time where Functionisin ruled and they were in a kind of ‘presenter’/‘video camera’ alt mode.
Except they have anxiety, often freeze up with a panic enduring lack of social skills driven from their natural personality and the fact they’re a human soul shoved into a metal body. Completely alone and forced to adapt to a society that bases value on an alt mode.
The were an artist while human and over time through constant stress and a lack of familiarity with materials on cybertronian, they loose their love of painting and creating art.
But it’s reignited. They find a underground club where mecs and Femmas of many alt modes come together to anonymously submit art ranging from poetry to music and more. And that’s when they find it, a piece of writing that captures their soul. Something so deep and beautiful they feel their own spark reigniting, and they try their hand at creating again. Even if small.
They keep going to the club, building up courage to place art pieces on view. They don’t get much attention, except for a mech who seems curious and stands beside them as they pick apart every little detail.
They talk for a bit. Share a few critics, nothing too crazy. Turns out he’s the one who wrote that lovely piece of writing that inspired them. They turn around, gasping and thanking him for creating something so inspiring-
Megatron stands before them.
Or rather, Megatronus.
The gladiator had just begun his days of battle in the arena but the end was inevitable, the reader knew who he was and fled in terror leaving a confused (and proud, it felt good to know his words inspired at least one person) Megatronus behind.
Readers in a panic, but it doesn’t end there. Their ‘job’ forces them to begin recording the gladiator fights, particularly the rising star Megatronus leading to the eventual meet up of the two again.
But it doesn’t stop there. Soundwave came soon after and, shockingly enough, Ratchet after some unfortunate events (who is far flirtier and leaves the reader thinking “Oh my god he’s so smooth but whyyyyy”)
And it gets worse. Megatronus clearly wishes to se ether atrworks, one of the few along with Soundwave who sees something more than just a waste of time or hobby.
A relationship is formed, tentive on the readers side. They see him and Soundwave less and less like the terrifying deceptions they would become but rather who stood before them. Mechs bashed by a cruel system, they’re creativity forced to writher in their sparks painfully, smothered by a need to fight for the entertainment of others or die by the claws of the system.
They care about them, they eventually realise in horror. And on an unfortunate night they broke down and revealed to Soundwave a horrible truth. War was coming, and they knew what he would become. What All of them would. They beg him, plead to not take things too far. Life was precious, organic or not and taking those of innocents . . .
Soundwave was an outlier himself, but he remained somewhat skeptical. It wa shard to not belive them, the raw emotions they displayed showcased fear and he was good at reading others frames.
The little cybertronian was odd, but intriguing. A friend he had grown to care for, to wish to protect as his closest companion Megatronus insisted, over time. But if there was truth to their words they must know things that could endanger all of cybertron. Soundwave didn’t see himself as a activist nor rebellious but even he couldn’t deny the waters were churning.
Things happen, yada yada yada, reader gets kidnapped and put into stasis just as the war starts and wakes up many years later to the face of a human child se knew very well from a certain TV series.
All out panic ensures
OR, the other fic idea:
Human wakes up as a vehicon . Says “nope”, tries to get away and accidentally becomes the leader of a vehicon rights movement.
The autobots it’s are confused, the decepticons are angry and the reader just wants to get some dogs or cats dammit.
Of course, a dog does gain interest in them. And by that I mean a terrifying metal dragon who decides this trembling little con would be the perfect way to help him attain details on how to resurrect his kin.
He is very mistaken. Reader can’t even be in the same room as one of the deception lieutenants without rattling like a tin can.
Honestly don’t know if it would be a Soundwave or Megatron x reader. Definitely will be friendship developing there. Maybe both? I’m a sucker for tall dark and creepy guys who have a soft spot for tiny
Second idea is just all the vehicons lining up to get names form reader. All very human ones. . “Bill” “John” Matthew” Thomas” “My names already Steve” “Jenny” “Bucket”
And Reader is just stressing cause they’re not running a rebellion or anything. They’re running a daycare for a bunch of guys who do not care about their own safety and lives at all and she constantly has to tell them, no you cannot go to the Autobits the will shoot you on site. No, wanting to sacrifice yourself isn’t a good idea- CANDICE GET AWAY FROM THE FRAGGING WRECKER GOD DAMMIT DO NONE OF YOH UAVE ANY WILL TO LIVE?
Chaos ensures
33 notes · View notes
thebiggerbear · 4 months
Off Limits
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Summary: When Reenie sends you to assist Colter with whatever he needs after getting arrested for breaking into a morgue in Virginia, you meet his older brother Russell for the first time. There's some flirting and definitely a mutual attraction there before you Colter sends you off. Little do you know at the time that Colter has warned Russell that you're off limits and that Russell has no intention of listening to said warning.
Pairing: Russell Shaw x Female!Reader; Russell Shaw x Female!PI!Reader
A/N: So I've had this idea in my head since I first saw the episode (and that whole food truck scene) and finally sat down to start writing it May 19th, the day we were all hoping Russell would return for 1x13 (no spoilers). I did change up the ending of 1x12 a little here. By the way, I love Colter and I'm only a few episodes into the season but he kind of gives a little fuckboi vibe to me (meant affectionately of course) so I decided to kind of play on that a little here. Not that Russell also doesn't seem to have that vibe here a little bit. (again, meant as affectionate) 😉 I may write a follow up to this to fill in/shade in more areas mentioned in here.
Anyways, this was a lot of fun to write and try to practice ratcheting up the UST a little between two characters. I'm not sure if I succeeded but it was still fun to try. 🥵
All unbeta'd.
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged in any future Russell or Tracker works.
Song while writing: Coming For You - Nuela Charles (you can probably guess what scene I was envisioning/writing with this one 🤷‍♀️)
Warnings: sexual tension; flirting; a little smut; language
Word Count: 9357
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx
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You pulled up to the area where two food trucks sat and tables were scattered throughout the center of it all. You quickly recognized Colter sitting there, eating, talking to someone sitting across from him. You softly groaned at the incessant pounding in your head, tenderly rubbing your forehead. Why had Reenie charged you with this? True, you owed her a favor (or four) but still, getting on a plane with only thirty minutes notice, no time to pack an overnight bag, and her insistence that you go and assist Colter with whatever he needed was a bit much. Even for her. 
But here you were, dressed in yesterday’s clothes, your hair up in a messy ponytail after you quickly combed your fingers through it, and feeling scuzzy after a long night spent on planes. That’s right. Planes as in plural. Reenie hadn’t even sprung for a non-connecting flight, though she’d tried to chalk it up to none of those being available when she’d booked the trip for you ASAFP. You’d been stuck in coach the entire time, which was fine (you were more than used to it) but you’d had the middle seat and then the aisle seat — both seating arrangements were pure hell. Needless to say, you may have indulged at the airport bar in between flights and ordered drinks while on both, putting it on your business card that you immediately wrote off as travel expenses in your head. Especially when one of the guys you were sitting next to (who thought he was the next young Robert DeNiro apparently) was intent on making conversation, filling you in on his romantic and sexual history (relayed through a ton of bad implied jokes of course), as if he thought that would be a selling point for you to immediately want to induct him into the mile high club (there was no way he was a member despite his many stories hinting to the contrary). No thank you. Not ever.
Thankfully, you were able to pick up some essentials when you finally arrived at your destination and used the airport bathrooms for a little clean up before grabbing a rental car. You still felt gross and in need of a shower, but you’d manage until you did what you came here to do and then your time would be your own again. You were sure you’d get a shower and a change of clothes somewhere in between there. 
So while the alcohol helped to ease the tension your sudden trip created, you were badly hungover. Yep, sadly you were at that age where if you even looked at a drink, you’d get a headache the next day. So while you had maintained a nice buzz, you were now paying for it. You took a deep breath, slipped on your sunglasses, and got out of the car. 
Colter saw you coming, surprise fleeting across his expression, before turning his full attention on you when you sat down next to him. “Oof. Rough night?”
Your answer was to flip him the bird which made him chuckle. You then yanked out the folder of files Reenie had thrown into a travel case for you and slapped it all down next to him. “There. Directly from Reenie. With my compliments. Not that I don’t have my own cases to work,” you finished in a mumble. You snatched his coffee, ignoring his frown, and took a deep gulp. You made an immediate face. “Ugh. How do you still drink this shit?”
“It’s coffee,” he informed you as he began peeking at the files.
“I know. How do you not put anything in it? Do you like the taste of bitter ass first thing in the morning? Wait, don’t answer that.” You slipped out an airplane shot you had snuck into your jacket pocket that you swiped from the drink cart as it passed by during your aisle seat fun, beyond desperate to ignore the chatty Cathy next to you (her name had literally been Cathy as you’d found out against your will). You immediately lifted the lid and dumped in the contents, picking up a fry from Colter’s plate and using that to stir things around quickly before tossing it in the grass behind you. You ignored the “hey!” sounding not too far from where the fry had most likely landed and took a generous sip of the warm liquid, nearly heaving a sigh of satisfaction as it settled into your stomach. Not exactly the hair of the dog but it would do for now.
Colter was shaking his head, watching you, and you immaturely stuck your tongue out at him, about to tell him to blow you when you heard a chuckle across the table. You turned to see the guy Colter had been talking to grinning over at you, amusement clear as day on his face. You lowered your glasses slightly and took in his features, noting his obvious attractiveness, and you would be loathe to admit that you wouldn’t mind meeting him in an airplane bathroom had he been the one sitting next to you on that ghastly flight. Almost as if he knew what you were thinking, his smile grew and those green eyes lit up in a way that was all too familiar to you, and also had you wondering if there were any public bathrooms around here that you could slip away to for a bit. After the long night you’d had, an orgasm or two might just be what the doctor ordered. 
You pushed your glasses back into position and gave him a smile right back. “And who’s this?”
Before Colter could answer, the man stuck out a hand towards you. “Russell Shaw, Colter’s older brother.”
Your smile dropped as your hopes were immediately dashed. Fuck. Not only was he hot in a very rugged type of way (right up your alley actually not that you’d ever admit that out loud) but he seemed like he would’ve been game for what you were up for, too. Dammit. You forced yourself to shake his hand and not be rude, all the while trying your best not to think about what those hands could do or how that rough, warm skin would feel like against yours. “Y/N Y/L/N.”
The light in his eyes burned brighter. “Y/N. That is a beautiful name.” 
You couldn’t contain the eye roll at the obviously bad pickup line. Perhaps it was best that he was Colter’s brother. Not that you would’ve been doing much talking if he wasn’t, so his flirting skills wouldn’t have mattered. “So I’ve heard.” You cut that off at the knees. “Russell Shaw,” you drew out his name, remembering something Reenie had mentioned before you went through airport security. You yanked out another folder from your case, slapping it down in front of him. “Reenie insisted that I give you this and told me to tell you that you owe her quite a bit for taking care of those fines from Fish & Wildlife and something about a donkey in Tuscaloosa?” You glanced up at him in question. 
He chuckled, sounding nervous, and gave you a reassuring smile. “That’s not— The donkey thing was a misunderstanding.”
Right. “Oh, I’m sure.”
“No, really. We ran into a situation and we tried to free him when these cops saw us and—”
You held up a hand. “I really don’t need the details. It’s fine. But Reenie did say you should Venmo her.”
He pressed his lips together and dropped his gaze to the papers, nodding. “Sure. I’ll get right on that.” You studied him as he studied the paperwork and despite the suspicious donkey thing and your decision to already back off, you kind of wished he would get right on you. 
You heard a throat clearing next to you and turned to find Colter glancing between you, that frown on his face again. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes once more. Whatever, Colter had no business looking like that. He’d had his chance and he’d fucked it up, royally. Instead of giving that pretend jealousy shit the time of day, you snatched a few more fries off of his plate and glanced back and forth between the two men as you chewed. “You two look nothing alike, by the way.”
“He should be so lucky,” Russell teased his brother before turning that smile back on you. You almost wished you hadn’t indulged in an all night booze fest and had a fresh change of clothes. You must look like a wreck right now, more than what you’d seen in the rearview mirror earlier, and you probably smelled like one, too. Desperately trying to tamp down the images popping into your brain of this man underneath you and those hands of his gripping onto your hips, you stole more fries from the plate near you.
“Seriously, Y/N, why don’t you just go get your own food? The trucks are right there.” Colter hated it when you did this which is exactly why you did it. 
You arched a brow over at him as you chewed. “You buying?” When he didn’t answer fast enough, you snatched even more fries from him. “Didn’t think so.”
“I am,” Russell interjected, smirking over at you. “Just tell me what you’d like and I’d be more than happy to get it for you.”
His voice deepened on that last part and it made parts of you clench. You bet he would. Why the fuck did Colter have to have a brother? And why did it have to be this guy who was watching you like the Big Bad Wolf, looking like he would gobble you up the second you’d let him? Who had a roguish grin to match? Besides, based on what Reenie had said during your quick interlude at the airport, Colter’s brother had been hitting on her big time. She had warned you to tread carefully due to his connection to this case Colter was looking into. That his brother might try to charm his way into peeking at the files for his brother that you were carrying among other things, but this information was meant to go strictly into Colter’s hands. You were almost insulted at her implying that you weren’t a damn professional and that you were so easily led by your libido (it had been almost six months which was a damn drought for you). It was almost as if she knew you too well (she did).
Even though you didn’t plan on going there, at all, you couldn’t resist, lifting your sunglasses to your head, not caring how bloodshot or tired your eyes looked. “Anything I’d like?”
He leaned forward slightly. “Whatever you want,” he promised, the look in his gaze making the same vow but for something completely different.
You leaned forward, too. “Well, in that case…” When you noticed him moving an inch more towards you, hanging onto what you would say next, you grabbed his box of fries out from underneath him. You smirked triumphantly and plucked a fry in between your fingers, popping it into your mouth. 
Instead of getting annoyed like Colter had, he quietly laughed and seemed plenty entertained as he watched you pick up another fry that had red sauce partially covering it. “I should warn you. I’m a sriracha on fries kind of guy.”
You glanced at the fry and then back at him, shrugging. “Oh, I’ve had way hotter things in my mouth than this, trust me.” You never broke eye contact as you slipped the fry past your lips, not reacting in the slightest when the spicy taste came into contact with your tongue. Russell’s eyes darkened and you had the distinct feeling that if you weren’t in public right now and Colter wasn’t here, you’d be at serious risk of him testing that theory.
“Okay,” Colter interrupted. “Let’s focus on the case, please.” He almost sounded irritated which made you glance over to see him glaring in both yours and Russell’s direction. You laughed to yourself and continued eating your stolen fries and sipping your modified version of an Irish coffee. As much as Colter’s annoyance amused you, you were also grateful that he was reminding you why you were there. You needed to get your horny ass in check.
“So this is everything Reenie could find on them?” He asked.
You shrugged. Reenie hadn’t exactly given you all the particulars and you assumed that was purposeful on her part for whatever the reason. Not that it bothered you in the slightest; you had your own shit to worry about. Besides, she also implied Colter would fill you in on everything once you caught up with him.
He looked displeased and then shook his head at you. “Why did she even bother sending you?”
You got angry then. How dare he? It’s not like you wanted to be sent on this fun little errand at the whims of the lawyer who was hellbent on helping him at every turn. “Hey. I traveled on two annoying ass flights to get here, dealing with chatty old ladies and misogynistic perverts, to hand deliver you this shit and to assist wherever I can. Without any warning or time to even pack a toothbrush, I might add. All while I have my own caseload to work on, thank you very much. To help you out and fast. So how about a goddamn thank you instead of whatever this is?” You gestured towards him. He went to reply, but you cut him off. “And while you’re turning that ungrateful frown upside down, why don’t you tell me what exactly it is you’re working on?”
Russell spoke up then, prompting you to look over at him. “A buddy of mine went missing and we’re trying to track him down. His wife called me and asked me to look into it. Colter’s helping.”
That quelled your irritation slightly and you pressed your lips together. You could only imagine how sick with worry this guy’s wife must be; you knew that feeling all too well. “I’m sorry to hear it,” you offered, your tone as genuine and sympathetic as you could make it. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Colter watching you, his frown gone, now replaced by the same sympathy you were feeling. You hated it so you decided to ignore it. “How long ago did he go missing?”
“A few days back. He was returning home after a grocery store run but he disappeared from a gas station while filling up.”
Your brows furrowed. “Taken?”
Russell shook his head. “No. He ran off. It looked like someone may have been after him.” 
Colter slid over the file to you, nodding when you glanced at him questioningly. “Doug Thompson. Former military. Now working for these guys as a private contractor.” Well, now Reenie’s explicit instructions made more sense. 
You opened the file and skimmed the papers as quickly as you could. “Wow,” you murmured. “So these guys are no joke.”
“No, they’re not.” You glanced up to find Russell watching you, all traces of any flirtation and humor gone. “But I don’t think they have anything to do with it. I would’ve heard something if they did.”
Your brows arched in surprise, hearing what he wasn’t exactly saying. “You’re working with them, too?”
He gave you a nod. “I am. We do mostly private security, that kind of thing.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the disbelief in Colter’s expression. He wasn’t buying it either. “Which is code for black ops, am I right?”
Russell tensed. Bingo.
“Which means that whether or not they’re responsible, they’re most likely connected to what’s happening. If someone was really after your friend.”
His jaw tightened. “What makes you say that? It could be anyone.”
You shot him a look and shut the file. “Because I was engaged to someone who did this kind of thing and I know how these things work.”
You watched as his eyes widened slightly and he leaned forward, curious. “Was?”
Ignoring that question and no longer as curious about him, you tossed the file back over to Colter. “Bottom line is this firm is where you should be looking first. Carefully, though. We both know how they like to keep their secrets.” You gave him a thin-lipped smile and sipped your coffee, slipping your sunglasses back on and getting up to head over to the food truck behind him. On your way, you spied a young family nearby. The mother was feeding a baby, smiling as she watched her husband spin his kindergarten-age daughter in circles by the arms, making her giggle. You felt an all-too familiar lump forming in your throat but you forced it back down and continued your trek, coming to a stop at the back of a short line, intending on getting your own food. You weren’t really hungry but you needed a few minutes to regain your bearings before you could switch back into professional mode and be of any help to the brothers.
By the time you returned, Colter sent you a sympathetic glance which you promptly ignored and dug into the case as well as your meal. 
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Colter sighed when your car pulled away. He had insisted you go check into a room and clean up while he and Russell made some calls, did some digging, and he would call you if something turned up. You had been only too happy to agree.
Russell turned back to him, after watching you drive off. “Oh, I like her.”
“Of course you do,” Colter muttered.
“Alright, you already gave me the sit rep on you and the lawyer. Now I need one for you and her.” He gestured in the direction you had disappeared in with his thumb. “And don’t hold back because she is…” He gave his brother the perfection sign.
Colter shook his head and wiped his hands with a napkin. “There really isn’t anything to report there, either. We had a…weekend about a year back when I was working a case in her town. Then I got a new case in the next state over and we went our separate ways. Nothing ever came of it.”
Russell continued chewing his fries that you had returned before you left, thinking it over. “There seems to be quite a bit of hostility between you two for just a casual weekend.”
Colter folded his arms on the table. “We didn’t end on the best terms.”
His brother chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee. “Bit of an understatement.” He then wiped his hands clean, too. “So, she’s fair game then, I take it?”
Colter shot him a glare. “No, she’s not. She’s off limits, too.”
“Come on, bro. You already said the lawyer was off limits.” He gave Colter a look. “Are you telling me you’ve got a thing for both of them? Because if you do, I wouldn’t blame you. They’re both—”
“It’s not like that,” Colter interrupted. “With Y/N, it’s… She’s been through a lot.”
Russell nodded and glanced back down at his food. “Yeah, I caught that.”
“The last thing she needs right now is a reminder of any of it.” Russell glanced up to catch Colter eyeing him sharply.
Russell got the message. He hadn’t addressed it at the time but he hadn’t missed it when you claimed to know how companies like Horizon worked or that you had been engaged to someone who worked for one of them. There was obviously a story there. And that combined with your change in demeanor when he mentioned Doug’s disappearance, you referring to your engagement in the past tense, and Colter’s protectiveness of you — Russell had a pretty good idea of what probably happened. It didn’t mean he didn’t like you, though. If he wasn’t mistaken, he had gotten the impression that you had liked him, too. But in the same vein, until he knew what he was working with, he didn’t want to do anything that might cause you to relive anything that you’d rather forget.
“You don’t plan to call her to help with any of this, do you?”
Colter shook his head.
Russell studied his brother, determining if that was the best option here. You were a PI and a damned good one if Reenie Green had sent you to help. It was obvious from his short interactions with the woman that she didn’t suffer fools and there wasn’t a single thing she missed. So he knew you had to be good at your job. Doug was still missing, Tracy was still worried, and they still weren’t any closer to finding any answers. It might be helpful to include you in this. Another pair of discerning eyes was always a good thing. In the end, though, Russell decided against saying anything. Instead, he asked, “So, you sure she’s off limits?” His brother gave him a glare and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m just kidding. I got it. Off limits.” 
He also didn’t mention that he had discreetly entered your number into his phone when you inconspicuously slid your business card over to him. At the time, he had thought you were giving him a greenlight to contact you after this was over, but now he realized you probably had known what Colter was going to do all along.
Instead, Russell mentioned the autopsy report he had stolen from the morgue and handed a copy to Colter to peruse. While he studied the paper, Russell discreetly sent you a message so you also had his number and so he could shoot you a text when the time was right.
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You were in a store, grabbing some clothes to have for the next few days, not knowing how long you were going to be needed here, when your phone began to ring. One quick glance at the screen had you smirking. Russell Shaw. You had slyly given him your number earlier when Colter wasn’t looking, telling yourself you were making sure you were included in the case so you could do what you were sent here to do. But another smaller part of you had hoped the man would contact you for a whole other reason. You may not have been thrilled to learn what he did for a living but that little fact didn’t have to ruin any possible fun you two could have, right? 
Sure, you felt a little guilty because he was Colter’s brother but you were also a realist. There wasn’t anything happening with Colter and whatever had was never going anywhere. Plus that had been well over a year ago. In your mind, you were free as a bird. So, you made a move; now it was up to Russell to make the next one. And you were hoping this was it.
You slid the green button on your screen and put the phone up to your ear. “Russell Shaw,” you greeted, making sure your voice sounded something akin to warm honey slowly drizzling over some fruit. “I had a feeling you’d be calling me.”
“Could it have something to do with me texting you earlier that I’d call as soon as I had an update?”
“Tomato, tohmato.” Hearing his smooth chuckle come down the line, you continued to sift through a rack of shirts. “So, what can I do for you?”
“A lot it sounds like, if I’m being honest.” His voice had dipped in register much the same way it had in your presence before but the effect it had being spoken directly into your ear like this…well, it was a good thing you had already grabbed a half dozen pairs of panties to have on hand. While it took you a second to recover, you couldn’t help but smile. You had been right earlier; he was definitely interested.
A woman walked right past you and you lowered your voice further. “Do you plan to find out?”
“You bet your ass I will. As soon as I’m free to.”
Fuck. If you weren’t in the middle of a store right now, you may have just asked him to start talking dirty to you right there. You had only been on the phone with him for less than a minute and already you were digging your teeth into your lip to keep a guttural moan from escaping you. This man had you so turned on you were surprised that you could still see straight or that you hadn’t run to the dressing room to temporarily alleviate the fire he had started in your belly that was blazing a trail down in between your legs. That voice and the way he was using it right now…it was pure liquid sex being poured into your ear. Your irritation with Reenie had abated some when you met him, now it was all but gone as were any warnings she gave you about the man as well as the thought of his younger brother. “Good. I’m going to hold you to that.”
“Oh, I hope you do.” That didn’t make you clench down on nothing, not at all. If this continued, you would be in that dressing room in the next thirty seconds, guaranteed. You were already starting to get seriously aroused at the images playing in your head. 
“Trust me, there will definitely be some type of holding going on,” you promised. 
“Don’t I know it,” he nearly growled into your ear. Holy… That was it. You were on your way to the dressing room. The sign said only three items were allowed at a time but you didn’t give a fuck at the bulkload of items in your arm; this was an emergency.
But what he said next after quietly clearing his throat had you stopping in your tracks. “As much as I’d love to continue this conversation, I only have a limited window of time. But I promise, we will pick this up later.”
You nearly let out a whine of disappointment. You very much wanted to continue this conversation right now but it slowly was coming back to you that yes, there was currently a missing persons case that was supposed to be your first priority. His missing friend in fact. Your brain knew that was more important though your body was screaming for something else. He had promised though that you would continue this later, something you could keep in your mind’s eye at the end of this very long and fucked up rainbow. As long as he dove into your pot of gold at the end, you could hold out a few more hours. “You better,” you grumbled.
Another warm chuckle floated down the line.
You turned to another rack of shirts, aggressively working your way through it. “So you said something about an update?”
“Yeah.” You had to admire how quickly he switched gears. While you were still struggling to get your libido under control and you were irritated, he sounded completely professional and nonplussed, as if he hadn’t been just talking to you with that tone of voice or implying what he wanted later on. “I reached out to one of my contacts and we think Doug might be hiding out in a location outside of town. We’re on our way there now to check it out.”
Shame immediately filled you at the mention of his friend. Here you were, horny as hell, about to go take care of yourself in the dressing room a minute ago and possibly ask him to tell you in explicit detail what he’d like to be doing to you if he were there, and Doug was still missing. You were more professional than that — hell, you knew better than that. You shook off the remnants of the last few minutes and went right into work mode. “Alright, you want me to come along for backup?”
“I’d love to have you back us up, but, uh…” 
You frowned at the uncertainty suddenly coating his tone. He wasn’t one of those guys, was he? That would be severely disappointing if he was and quite the mood killer, not to mention his third strike against him. You needed to get laid but not that badly. Though you hadn’t gotten the impression that he was one of those misogynistic assholes who thought a woman didn’t know her way around the big scary noisemakers known as guns earlier. “But what?” You snapped.
“Colter thinks you should sit this one out.”
Your jaw tightened and you quickly moved away from the mother and daughter that had just moved near you, lowering your voice. “That motherf— I don’t give a flying fuck what Colter thinks. I am not being sidelined.” You fucking knew it. The minute you had heard what the actual case was, seeing Colter’s gaze of sympathy directed at you — you fucking knew he would try to pull this shit.
“I think he’s just worried about you. You know? After what you’ve been through…”
That pulled you up short. “Exactly what did he tell you?”
“Uh, not much. He just thought this kind of situation might hit a little too close to home.”
You muttered a curse under your breath and made your way to the cashier. Fucking Colter. You knew you should have never told him about what happened with your fiance. He was the type of guy who would keep that in mind every time something like this came up. Hell, you were pretty sure that was partially the reason he had bounced out of your apartment so fast at the end of the long weekend you’d spent together. Sure, he had snagged another case, but you would never forget the look in his eyes as he quickly dressed — the same look you had seen at lunch earlier. At that time, you had liked Colter and you didn’t think your past would be something that could be held against you. Even though your time together had been strictly casual, he had talked to you about his father a little bit and he had seen a picture of Nate in your living room. What were you supposed to do when he asked you about it? Lie? After he had just shared something so personal with you? After he had slept with you four times thus far? You weren’t ashamed of your time with Nate and you had loved the man, been ready to spend the rest of your life with him before he lost his. That was just a tragic fact in your life. Never in a million years did you imagine that not only would it kick someone out your door so fast but now it would prevent you from being able to do your job.   
“Is it?”
You had completely forgotten you were still on the phone, silently fuming about this sudden development. “Is it what?” You dumped your clothes on the counter and gave a nod to the cashier in return when she greeted you.
“Is it hitting a little too close?”
You decided to nip this shit right in the bud. “Okay, Shaw, you listen to me and you listen good. It doesn’t matter if it’s hitting too close as you put it, or not. I do my job and nothing gets in the way of that. Just because your asshat of a brother has apparently decided that I’m some fragile flower of a woman that needs protecting from my own feelings doesn’t mean shit. I’m damn good at what I do and I’m a fucking professional. You hear me?” You handed the woman your credit card, noticing she was giving you an approving nod. You had forgotten that she was hearing every word of this side of the conversation. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
That was all you wanted to hear. “Good. Now, when are you going to send me that location so I can meet you?” You took the bag from the cashier, quietly thanking her, and made your way out of the store. 
“Tell you what. We’re only about thirty minutes out. From where you are, it’s about an hour and a half drive. Why don’t you let us check it out first and if it’s no dice, you can meet us on the way back into town? We’ll regroup and work it together from there on out.”
You tossed your bag in the backseat of your car. “Shaw,” you growled. “What did I just say?”
“This isn't that,” he assured you. “It’s a matter of us working against the clock. We’ve got to get to Doug before the guys looking for him do. That’s all this is.” 
You placed a hand on your hip and unclenched your jaw. He had a point and you also heard what he wasn’t saying: you racing up there to meet them would only slow them down and Doug couldn’t afford that. “Alright, is there anything I can do to help from here?”
“Not at the moment but keep your phone on. Depending on how this goes, we may need to lock down an address and quickly. And for that, we’re going to need you. I’m assuming you have an FBI contact somewhere?”
You pressed your lips together and got into your car. “I know someone,” you confirmed. “He owes me a favor or two.”
“I really want to say something right now at the idea of you and favors and me being the one to close out that guy’s tab but I can’t. My window of time is closing in about fifteen seconds.”
You smirked, shaking your head. “Pretty sure you just did.”
He cleared his throat one more time, affecting an even more professional tone than you’d heard from him thus far. “Got to go. Keep your phone on. I’ll text you as soon as I know what the situation is.” 
“Okay, will do.” You briefly closed your eyes, deciding the hell with it. “And, Russell?”
“Be careful,” you quietly urged, digging your teeth into your bottom lip. Despite what you said to him before, hearing speak in a way that was similar to Nate had your nerves sitting a little bit on edge, now knowing what he and his friend Doug did for a living and what he and Colter could possibly be walking into. 
“Copy that,” he responded, making you realize that his limited window of time he mentioned had expired and he was no longer alone. Sure enough, you could hear the sounds of a car door shutting in the background.
“Keep me updated.”
“Will do. Talk soon.” Before you could say anything else, the line disconnected. Even though you’d heard the confirmation of why he had to go so quickly, a part of you irrationally worried for a second that you had probably scared him off. That your warning him to be careful only cemented whatever Colter had said about you to him and why the former wanted to keep you sidelined. You had meant what you said earlier; you were a professional and your personal tragedies would never get in the way of your job. But that didn’t mean that an age-old worry you’d had every time Nate had gone to work didn’t immediately resurface the minute you were faced with a similar situation. And even though you were pissed at Colter, you also didn’t want him to get hurt.
The moment you figured you had screwed yourself with Russell, and not in the good way, an alert sounded on your phone. You glanced at your screen and saw a new text message from the very man you had just been thinking about. 
“We’ve got this. I’ll text you the minute we’re done checking it out.”
A small smile formed on your face and you texted back a genuine “Thank you”. You forced yourself to take a deep breath and get your head back in the game. You still had to find a motel to check into and you also had to be ready in case they did end up needing that address Russell had mentioned. You quickly looked up motels on your phone, weeding out the ones with the worse reviews, and settling on a place. You fired up Google Maps and started the car, intent on getting a room and firing up your laptop to check on a few cases to keep you busy while you were waiting. That had always been the worst part for you: the waiting. Waiting for a phone call or text to let you know Nate was okay after a job even though he couldn’t tell you the details of said job. So you were determined to place your focus elsewhere but also be ready in case you were needed. 
You truly hoped the brothers found Doug alive at this location they were headed to and that the danger, if any, was minimal. That it was truly nothing the two couldn’t handle together.
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Russell quickly hung up with you the minute Colter hopped back into his truck. His brother had stopped to get some coffee at Russell’s insistence though Colter had kept repeating they shouldn’t be stopping. When the latter didn’t immediately get out to go get the beverages after they parked, Colter arched his brows expectantly. Russell had given him a wide smile. “Mind getting it quick?” He waved his phone at the man, indicating he needed to make a call.
Colter looked less than pleased but gave him a nod, most likely assuming it was a call to one of Russell’s contacts that should remain unknown as his older brother had intended, and left. Russell removed his sunglasses and immediately pressed the phone icon next to your name, calling you.
Now, he definitely knew three things: you had lost someone to this type of work, you were a little bit of a spitfire and he liked you even more now, and he was definitely going to pay you a visit after he closed up this whole thing with Doug and got the man back to his wife in one piece. 
Sure, when he’d first seen you, you had been somewhat hostile but entertaining and you’d been a hot mess. One hell of a hot mess in his opinion. Then you’d been flirty, checking him out, and you had even stolen his fries to use them for implications that definitely hadn’t been lost on him (or Colter for that matter, the glare his brother graced you with when you weren’t looking he hadn’t seen since they were kids). Though he’d clocked your change in demeanor when Doug’s situation was brought up and hadn’t missed your evading his question about your engagement status, he couldn’t resist eyeing you up as you walked over to the food truck behind him, nearly whistling at the perfection he was staring at. Not to mention, he liked your spunk and that only made him want you that much more. Then when you plopped back down with your food, completely in professional mode and talking over the case quickly before Colter sent you off, he was even more impressed and he just knew he had to take his shot with you. Under him, over him, to the side of him — whatever you wanted, he was game. No matter what Colter had to say on the matter. Unless his brother had feelings for you, he was going for it the first chance he got.
Colter handed him his coffee, nodding at Russell’s thanking him. “You get anything?”
“Nothing more than we already know.” He placed his sunglasses back on and sipped at his coffee, feeling slightly bad for lying to his brother. He knew Colter’s “off limits” was more about protecting you than it was anything else. But he also had just gotten his brother to start talking to him again, to work Doug’s disappearance with him, and he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Nothing within reason, anyway. So a little white lie needed to be told; he’d done it before and way worse. Besides, he also didn’t think it was fair that Colter didn’t allow you the decision of whether you wanted to be involved in this or not. While he could appreciate his little brother looking out for you like the good man he’d turned out to be, everyone deserved to make their own well-informed choices. Considering your ex had been former military turned private contractor, you more than knew what you were dealing with. You had made a good point earlier: your history shouldn’t impact the job you had come here to do. And far be it from Russell to be the one to stand in your way and keep you from doing just that. Plus, they could really use your help if this safehouse Ann had given them didn’t pan out. 
Colter nodded and backed out of the parking spot. “Onward to the safe house. No more stops, right?”
“Right,” Russell confirmed. While Colter was distracted, he discreetly adjusted himself. There had been a moment in your conversation there that he had been tempted to tell you just how hard your sexy-as-hell voice and heavy flirtation had gotten him. But he knew once he did that, there would be no going back and either he’d have to jerk off in his brother’s truck (which would just be awkward especially if Colter returned quickly) or he’d have to somehow sneak into the coffee shop and make his way to the bathrooms so he could rub one out in there. Though that might also prove to be awkward if anyone else walked in to overhear the absolutely filthy things he would be murmuring into your ear from a stall, all of the promises he’d make about what he wanted to do to that sweet body of yours as soon as he had the chance, the sounds of him whacking it echoing loudly in the small space along with his deep groans. There had even been once or twice he’d gently rubbed the bulge in his jeans as you talked, only backing off when it got to be too much and he was about to break, close to ordering you to go somewhere private where you could touch yourself as well while also making sure you could be loud enough so he could hear every amazing sound he knew you would make. Hell, when you’d laid down the law to him, he’d nearly unzipped his jeans and stuck his hand inside to get some relief right there. Not that he didn’t hear what you were saying, not that he didn’t respect it or you, but damn if that little bit of fire you’d thrown his way didn’t turn him on even more. When he had answered you with “Yes, ma’am” a part of him had definitely been saluting you, no doubt about it.
Then he heard someone talking to you in the background, presumably a store clerk since it sounded like you had been told an amount for whatever you were buying. He had the quick thought, or hope, that maybe you were in a Victoria’s Secret or one of those places, buying a little something for him to unwrap you out of later on. Realizing just how much lust had fogged up his brain during this conversation, he dropped his head back against the seat, shut his eyes, and compulsively swallowed. He was immediately determined to keep his cool for the rest of your chat, especially when he opened his eyes to see Colter holding the coffee shop door open for an elderly couple walking inside, coffee cups stacked in his other hand. From there, he’d kept things professional and brief, though he hadn’t been able to resist getting that one last tease in before Colter opened the door. 
And then he’d heard your warning, detecting a note of worry in it, so he’d done what he could to reassure you with the text message he just discreetly sent you. He appreciated the fact that while this case might be stirring up some feelings from the past, you still had gone ahead and told him to be safe. He knew it was meant for both him and Colter, you obviously knowing how dangerous the job could be, but he was still getting used to him being included in that group. It was a little strange for him if he was honest. Other than Tracy saying it when he would pick Doug up for a job and the occasional conversation with Dory where he mentioned he was about to go to work, there was no one else who told him to be careful, to be safe. He found he kind of liked the idea and that only increased his appreciation of your situation, especially now having an even better idea of what you might be currently experiencing. He was no stranger to trauma, that was for sure, and so he could only imagine the thoughts racing through your mind right now, you being pissed off at Colter or not, you having just met him or not. He didn’t intend to give you cause for any more worry. No, he intended to give you something else when all was said and done. He couldn’t help but smirk at the thought.    
But now — now, it was go time. He needed to clear his head and focus on the job. He needed to get Doug back to his wife alive. Colter had made Tracy a promise that both brothers were intent on keeping. And Russell had made you a promise, one he was determined as hell to see through. 
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You were just leaving the bathroom wrapped in a towel, your hair damp and sitting on one shoulder after you just squeezed the water out of it, when you heard a knock on your motel room door. 
You frowned, wondering who it could be, thinking maybe it was Colter. He always had a way of finding you when that was the last thing you wanted him to do. Truthfully, you had bitched him out earlier when he called you to inform you that he had just successfully delivered Doug back home to his wife, alive and unharmed. He and Russell had found the man at the safehouse and he told them who he had been running from. While Colter didn’t share that information, you gathered from what he did share that it had something to do with a job he and Russell had done for Horizon in the past. You kept your mouth shut but you shook your head. You knew it. Doing that kind of work was always dangerous and always carried risks like that. 
They made the long drive back and now the case was closed. Something you already knew thanks to the text message Russell had sent you already confirming this but you didn’t let on to Colter that you knew. Instead, you proceeded to tell him to stop treating you like a fragile porcelain doll and from there it quickly became heated between you two. The conversation ended soon after with neither of you willing to budge and you let out an aggravated sigh when you hit the end call button. You were grateful he and Russell were okay, but the former could drive you up a wall sometimes. If you could go back in time, you would definitely have told him to get lost when he showed up on your doorstep that one Friday night.
That immediately made you think of Russell and you realized you hadn’t texted him back yet. Colter had called right after you received the text message, with you assuming they had just gotten back into an area with service, and he had told you they had Doug and he’d call again when they got him safely home. You had sat on pins and needles, trying to focus on your most prevalent case, but the worry gnawed at you. Colter’s tone had not been his usual calm, devil-may-care one. It was coated with concern, not something you heard from him too often. So you had been distracted until Colter called you again and then the rest was history.
You slid over to Russell’s name on your screen and tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. A different worry began to gnaw at you this time, the worry that you had indeed scared him off earlier. He had thought twice about it and decided you weren’t worth getting involved with, not even for the casual one night stand. The disappointment sat in your chest for a moment until you got angry. Between the argument with Colter and now Russell bailing on the plans he had implied to you that he wanted to keep, you were done. You hopped up and grabbed the bottle of whiskey you had purchased earlier, twisted off the cap, and took a swig. Well, it looked like it would be another dry night for you and your trip out here had been a complete waste. Colter hadn’t wanted your help and now you weren’t bumping pelvises with his hot older brother either so it was a lose-lose for you. As usual.
You swigged some more whiskey before deciding it was time for that shower you had been craving since this morning. Sure, you could take care of yourself in there and it might ease some of this angry tension in your body that Colter had helped to create, but you were too annoyed. You had angrily slammed your laptop shut and headed for the bathroom, intent on washing all of the bullshit from the last twenty four hours away.
And now, Colter had decided to show up. Of course he had. He might have a thing for Reenie that he refused to acknowledge (as did she), but he was angry (something not usual for him), worked up, and you were in town. Of course he’d show up wanting a repeat performance of the angry sex you’d had in the past. While you could really use the lay to get you out of this drought you found yourself in, you had no desire to go back there and you were definitely not in the mood.
That didn’t mean you wouldn’t give him a tease of what he couldn’t have, though. Not after that argument. Which is exactly why you decided to answer the door dressed (or underdressed) as you were. But when you angrily swung the door open, the person staring back at you in momentary shock was not Colter Shaw. You were shocked yourself; how the hell had he found you?   
Russell’s gaze darkened as he took all of you in. You noticed that he had changed his clothes and his hair looked slightly damp, as if he had recently taken a shower himself. “Hey,” he greeted, his voice dipping in register again. 
And just like that, as if a button had been pressed with that deep tone of his, you were back in the mood. You smirked and leaned against the door. “Hey,” you silkily replied. “Not the Shaw brother I was expecting.”
“But the one you were hoping for, right?” Russell’s wolfish grin was back, completely undeterred by your teasing.
You pretended to think it over for a moment. “Depends.” You grabbed at his jacket and yanked him in closer to you, making him chuckle as you swung the door shut behind him. “What does this brother plan to do?”
“Like I said,” He used that voice again, making goosebumps rise along your skin. “Whatever you want.”
“Exactly what I wanted to hear.” You lifted up and wrapped your arms around his neck, the movement forcing the towel to fall from your body, as you pushed your lips to his. You ran your fingers through his hair and greedily kissed him, nearly moaning into his mouth when his tongue delved into yours and his hands palmed at your ass. If he moved those fingers a little lower, he would find you already practically dripping for him. If you weren’t so busy trying to keep your balance as he proceeded to devour you, you might have marveled at the effect this man had on your body.  
A moment later, he gripped your ass tightly and picked you up, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist. You could feel the covered bulge against you and you couldn’t help trying to grind a little against it, trying to get some friction.
When you both needed air, you moved to his neck, yanking his head backwards and making him chuckle as you went to town on him. You could also hear him letting out tiny groans above you as he tried to catch his breath. It was one of the hottest fucking things you’d ever heard and you intended on hearing more before the night’s end. “I should tell you before we go any further,” he panted.
“Mmmm, the only thing I need to know is if you’re clean. Because I really want that in my mouth.” You reached below to squeeze his erection, making his breath catch that was then let out in a quiet hiss.
“I-I’m clean,” he assured you.
“Good, me too,” you murmured, nibbling on his ear. “You just need to make sure to pull out and we’re golden.” 
“Okay. I, uh, I also came packing.”
You moved your hand over him and squeezed once more, earning another drawn out hiss of “shit”. “You certainly did.”
He moved you back so he could look at you, his eyes the darkest you’d seen them yet. He cupped your cheek, gliding his thumb along your bottom lip before gently placing it inside your mouth against your tongue. You sucked the digit in further, moaning around it. His gaze was so transfixed on your mouth that you couldn’t help but snicker and release his thumb with a pop. “Russell.”
His gaze slowly trailed upwards to meet yours.
“Was there something you wanted to tell me?” You teased as you rubbed earnestly at his erection. 
“Uh,” You noticed his eyes close briefly when you rubbed near where the tip was located. You could feel a little wet spot forming on the denim underneath your ministrations and it made you grin. “Uh, Colter said you were off limits.”
Your hand immediately stopped its motion. Oh no, that motherfucker had not. He had no claim to you and whatever moment you two had back in the day had long since passed, along with the several women he’d bedded after you including Reenie. There was no way in hell he got to play the dibs card or tell you and Russell, two consenting adults, what to do. You planned to tell him that the next time you spoke with him, if you ever did again. For now, though, you only wanted to focus on the man whose fingers were hungrily roaming over your bare ass and lower, groaning when he found your own wet spot.
You cupped his chin, making sure he was looking straight at you as you stated in the sexiest voice you could manage, “I think you mean no limits. Right, Russell?”
He groaned and held you to him as he hurriedly walked you over to the bed. “Fuck, I knew I liked you.” You let out a giggle as he tossed you gently onto the bed that was quickly cut off by a moan when his body immediately covered yours and his tongue plundered your mouth.
A sudden thought occurred to you and you nearly chuckled against his lips. You had seen the way he had been eyeing you up earlier today and you realized you had the man completely pegged right then. Because just like the Big Bad Wolf, he proceeded to consume you completely, before the tables turned and you did some devouring of your own.
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
the day you kissed a writer in the dark // han lue (tokyo drift)
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summary: she's stood by his side for years. his loyal mechanic, the brains behind his brawn. but she'd be lying if she said that it didn't hurt to watch him flirt with those other women in his club, when he came home to her every night in secret.
bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark, now she's gonna play and sing and lock you in her heart. i am my mother's child, i'll love you 'till my breathing stops.
pairing: han lue x mechanic! reader
warnings: smut, inappropriate use of a drifting car, insecurity and self-doubt, secret relationships, unplanned pregnancy.
author's note: here's something a little different today, lovelies! it's a departure from the usual realm of f1 content i usually bless you all with, but i felt like i needed to do something different to avoid burning myself out, and rewatching tokyo drift gave me the inspiration that i needed :)
she hated the club.
in the back end of her mind, she always resented the mere existence of that secret room leading to han's garage. the fact that he chose to surround himself with women in tight dresses with long legs and perky boobs like he was some kind of yakuza punk.
well, this wasn't crows fucking zero. this was real life.
she couldn't help but draw comparisons between these beautiful girls and herself. as she curled in on herself to duck through the crowd, she frowned at her reflection in the window: her torn up jeans, the grease stain on the cuff of her army-green sweater, the zip barely done up enough to cover up her double-d's, a small nut from her very first car hanging limply from a chain around her neck.
some days, she wondered why han had chosen her of all people.
"sean?" she asked quietly, poking the young american boy in the arm, practically shouting to be heard. "have you seen han?"
sean shook his head. "no, sorry. have you checked the garage?"
"i'm heading back there now. thanks, sean." she sighed, backing out the way that she came, trying not to think about all of the places that her boyfriend could be right now.
the anxiety ate away at her. was he with one of the other girls? one of the prettier, taller, thinner ones? was that why he wanted to keep the relationship under wraps?
was han ashamed of her?
she hurried down the rickety metal staircase, dropping her purse on the workbench as she went, subconsciously placing a hand over her stomach as she thought about the white plastic stick inside the fake leather bag.
they'd been sneaking around for a year, but they'd known each other far longer. she had come to tokyo when she was twenty-one, with a pocketful of cash and a monkey wrench. she had a high school diploma, but that didn't mean much to the rally teams she had applied to work on the pit crews for.
and that's when han swooped her up. when she became the bonnie to his clyde, the mechanic for his little street racing gambit.
that was three years ago. now she was almost twenty-five, he was twenty-seven, and he was in far too deep for them to keep going like this.
she knew why he had to keep it a secret. telling the world that she was his lover would put a target on her back. because that's what happens when you get in deep with someone like dk.
she pulled her hair back with the green rubber band on her wrist, pushing up her sleeves as she reached for a ratchet and approached han's car, the hood already open and ready for her.
working on the cars had always been her safe haven. her distraction from the outside world. fixing something that was broken gave her a satisfaction like no other.
"babe?" han's voice echoed through the garage, and she hated herself for the way that she froze up, fingers tightening around the ratchet. "sean said you were asking around for me? is everything okay?"
she withdrew from the car, slamming the hood down. "you're pushing the car too far. the engine is wearing down, you have to get something stronger. the serpentine belt is at it's brink."
"and that's why you're the brains of this operation and i'm just the pretty boy who drifts." han said playfully, wrapping his arms around her midsection as resting his chin on her shoulder.
"be more careful out there, seoul-oh." she said softly, placing a cold hand on top of his warm one before turning her head and kissing him softly. "i don't know what i'd do if anything ever happened to you."
han spun her body around gently, his hands on her waist as she jumped to perch her body on the edge of the hood, her fingers tangling in his dark, silky hair.
"you don't need to worry about me, sweetheart. i'm going to be okay."
she sighed, lacing her fingers together behind his neck. "where were you, han? wandering around your club with a girl on each arm? a girl that's three times prettier than i am, maybe one who's clothes are a little more revealing-"
"y/n, stop." han said firmly. "baby, you're the only one. my only one." he kissed her on the forehead softly. "i love you. i love you so much that it hurts. i wish i could shout it from the rooftops, but i can't put you in danger like that. i don't want dk to know, because that's a target on your back that i don't want there."
he pulled her as close as he could, arms wrapped securely around her as he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. "i couldn't live with myself if anything ever happened to you."
the sincerity in the older man's voice was reassuring. but some days, it wasn't enough. she loved him more than words could say, but she was getting tired of being his little secret.
but at the end of the day, it was her bed that he always came home to. his arms she woke up in. his terrible singing in the kitchen while he made coffee with breakfast.
han lue was hers.
she kissed him again, still sitting on the edge of the toyota's hood. this kiss was stronger, harder. with more feeling as she bunched han's sweater up in her fingers, trying to wrestle it off his broad shoulders, his hands gripping her thighs tight enough to make her moan against his lips.
"seoul-oh." she mumbled as han broke away from her, pulling his sweater off the rest of the way before tugging his everlast t-shirt over his head.
they fit together like well-worn puzzle pieces, his lips finding that place on her neck that made her crumble, turned her legs to jelly as he slipped a hand up the front of her sweater, thumb tracing comforting shapes against her stomach as he nipped at her neck, biting down gently. there would be a hickey there in a mere matter of hours.
trailing kisses back up her neck, he gently bit her earlobe before placing one hand on the side of her face to guide her lips back to his, the other hand braced against the hood of the car to hold himself up. she bit down on his bottom lip, wrenching a growl from the back of han's throat.
he pulled away, dropping to his knees in front of the car as his large hands dipped under the waistband of her jeans. after reaching down to untie and kick off her beat up vans, she reached above her to grab the exposed beam in the garage ceiling, pulling her body up and allowing han to pull her jeans and panties down her legs in one fell swoop.
"oh, not on the car, baby. you'll stain the bodywork."
"don't care." han hummed, kissing the soft skin of her thigh. "i can't think of anything prettier than you. on the hood of my car, legs spread wide for me." he mumbled in between kisses, inching ever closer to where y/n needed him most, her arousal dripping onto the cool metal hood of the drift car.
and when his lips touched her throbbing clit, she could have sworn she turned electric, using one hand to brace herself against the car and burying the other in han's hair as she threw her head back in a throaty moan.
"han." she panted, grinding against his face as his tongue licked and sucked at her core. "oh, baby, yes."
han smiled to himself, kissing her clit gently as he held her thighs open with his hands. "still think that i don't find you attractive any more?"
"shut up, please. i need you so bad." she'd barely finished speaking when another low, seductive moan left her mouth. the arm that was holding her body up threatened to buckle underneath her as she tugged on han's hair, urging him to keep going.
han chuckled, the vibrations sending shockwaves through her body as her arm buckled, and she found herself lying against the hood, her head on the windscreen as she bucked her hips, searching for more as her lover tongue-fucked her, her legs thrown over his shoulders with reckless abandon.
"seoul-oh." she whined, clenching her thighs around han's head
"i know, baby." he mumbled softly, kissing her thigh. "you're doing so well darling. come for me."
and that's exactly what she did. with a moan so loud that she was shocked that the patrons of the club couldn't hear it echoing through the garage, she let go, her juices coating the lower half of han's face as he licked her clean before wiping off the bottom half of his face with the back of his hand.
"fuck." he mumbled, standing between her legs and leaning over the car to kiss her. "i can't get enough of you, baby. i think i'm gonna need more."
"oh yeah?" she smiled sitting up slightly, resting her weight on her elbows and raising an eyebrow when she saw the obvious hard-on struggling to break free from the confines of han lue's jeans. "and what do you think we should do about it?"
"back. room. now." he said, softly but firmly, kissing her in between each word as she wrapped her bare legs around his body, allowing han to pick her up and carry her over to the back room, where a double bed was piled high with blankets for the nights where they worked late, or drift races lasted until the mere hours of the morning.
or, nights where neither of them wanted to go home. han was sure that they had fucked on almost every available surface of the garage.
she undid her sweater slowly, revealing the lacy white bra underneath, the makeshift pendant on her necklace hanging delicately just above the hollow of her breasts as she cast the fabric aside, reaching up to snap the elastic band in her hair, letting it cascade in waves down her shoulders.
"you're beautiful, you know that?" he said softly, kneeling on the mattress as he rested one hand gently against her cheek.
she leaned into his touch, reaching up to wrap her slender fingers around his wrist, pressing a soft kiss to the heel of his hand.
she knew she should tell him. han needed to know.
but now was definitely not the time.
not that she could find the words while he kissed her neck, her chest, her stomach, his fingers dancing across her back as he fumbled with the clasp of her bra, erection straining against his jeans.
"han, babe." she mumbled, reaching behind her. "it's been a year now, you should know how to undo a bra, mr. womanizer." she joked, pushing his hands away as she pulled the bra off by herself.
"why would i need to know how to do it when you just take it off by yourself most of the time?" he grinned, standing up to unbuckle his belt.
he started to undo his jeans, pausing halfway as if he had forgotten something before he darted over to the rolling toolbox in the back of the room, pulling a small foil packet out of the top drawer.
fat lot of good a condom would do them now.
not when she was already carrying his baby inside of her.
her body trembled with anticipation as she watched han rid himself of his jeans, the echo of his belt buckle hitting the floor echoing around the room before he rolled the latex sheath onto his thick, hard cock.
god, she was a fool in love. han seoul-oh made her feel every range of emotions all at once.
"seoul-oh." she mumbled, lips against his as he clambered onto the bed, covering her body with his broad one.
"hm?" han mumbled, pressing kisses all over her face.
"i love you, han lue." she said firmly, gently pushing his face away so she could look him in the eyes. "i mean it, babe. you've ruined me for anybody else. you're it for me."
"good, because i don't think i could love anybody else if i tried." han breathed out, kissing her again, the tip of his cock teasing her entrance.
she squirmed under him, a small gasp escaping her lips before she bit down on her bottom lip.
she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of hearing her beg. that wasn't what tonight was for.
han knew this as well, gently pushing himself inside her. tonight was about more than just chasing a high. for both of them. it was about love, and reassurance, and intimacy.
she threaded her fingers through his hair, whining as han moved ever so slightly, the sensations they both felt sending shockwaves through their bodies.
"seoul-oh." she moaned softly. "please. god, you feel incredible."
"yeah?" han crooned, thrusting softly and barely holding back a moan of his own. "you look so pretty with my cock inside you, my sweet sweet girl."
"just like that." she whined as he thrusted again, bucking her hips into him, trying to take his length deeper. "keep doing that, fuck."
when han's nimble fingers came up grip and massage her right breast, she knew she was a goner, arching her back to drive her body into him with a moan as he kissed her chest.
"you like that, baby? yeah, you love having my hands all over you. and i love touching your beautiful body." han murmured, sucking a hickey onto her collarbone. he could feel himself unravelling, knew that the end was nigh as he moaned against her skin, blindly reaching for her hand.
there were no more slow thrusts as the driver began to pick up the pace, his lover's legs wrapped tightly around him as she moaned his name.
"oh god, han, baby. fuck, keep going." she panted, one hand trailing down her body to play with her clit. anything to get her closer to that release she craved as she whined and squirmed under han's touch.
she'd seen this film before, and she already knew the ending. and the start if the sequel.
"come for me, baby. i know you can take it, just give me one more, okay?"
"han, han, holy shit." she moaned, feeling the coil in her stomach finally snap, her high crashing over her like a wave.
her lover groaned above her, a guttural sound ripped straight from his throat before han gently pulled out of her sensitive body, the evidence of his own peak contained within the clear latex that he slid off his member, tying the condom off in a knot before punting it into the trash can next to his desk.
she pulled the blankets up as han settled in the bed next to her, his warm fingers dancing in gentle circles against her sweaty skin as they laid together in the afterglow, a content look on his face as he kissed her on the forehead.
"seoul-oh." she said quietly, twirling his long, dark locks of hair around her fingertip. "i have to tell you something."
"what's on your mind, pretty girl?" worry creased han seoul-oh's face, a pit forming in his stomach.
he hated seeing her like this.
"i'm pregnant."
han's eyes widened. "what? babe, why didn't you tell me?"
"i've been trying all day. but you've had your hands full with dk and sean and drifting." she said sadly. "but i can't raise this baby with dk breathing down our necks. you need to get out of this life, seoul-oh."
han frowned thoughtfully, one hand resting against the side of her face. "i'm going to be a father. fucking hell, babe this is incredible. i promise you, i'm going to make a plan, and i'm going to get us out of tokyo."
"you know we can't keep this a secret any longer, right? i'm already eight weeks along, once the first trimester ends, i won't be able to hide it."
"you're right, you're right. we'll test the waters. i'll tell sean and twinkie in the morning, see how the news of our relationship goes over with them. i want to keep it from dk until i can find a way to get us out of here."
y/n nodded, lacing her fingers with han's and placing his hand on her stomach. "okay. let's do this thing." she broke out into a smile. "we're going to be parents, han. can't you picture it? sitting behind the wheel of your toyota, with our little gremlin on your lap, teaching them how to drive before they can even walk."
han laughed. "they'll be born with a monkey wrench in one hand and a bag of lays in the other."
"i love you, seoul-oh." she said softly, kissing him gently. "i'm so glad i found you three years ago.
"i love you more, y/n. and i can't wait to raise this kid with you."
Tags (though im not sure if any of you are interested loll):
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @scuderiamh
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Lithia reaction to Ratchet on Synth-En
SFW, Platonic, Slight Angst, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Lithia knows Ratchet is skipping out on fueling time.
She has tried getting him to at least get a bit more in, but he refuses.
So as a way of protesting, she fasts too.
She has a bad feeling when Ratchet seems to have almost perfected the formula. Like something bad was going to happen…
“Lithia, I need the spare test tubes in the other room.”--Ratchet
“Got it.”--Lithia
Lithia walks to the room when she hears a loud THUD!
Lithia turns back running to find Ratchet on the ground and Raf on his chassis with a slightly panicked look.
Lithia runs to her father’s side and immediately goes into her protocols.
Ratchet groans and slowly opens his optics.
“Oh, thank the Allspark—Wait, your optics. They’re green.”--Lithia
Ratchet has Raf in his servo as she helps him stand.
“Are you okay?”--Raf
Ratchet laughs a bit tossing Raf a bit in the air.
“Never better!”--Ratchet
Lithia snatches Raf from the air and holds him close to her chassis.
“That was a bit too rough don’t you think?”--Lithia
She gently puts him down on the balcony and reaches for him when Arcee’s signal goes off.
“She’s hurt. Stay here.”--Ratchet
Ratchet activates the groundbrigde and runs into it.
“Did he just—Oh to the Pits wit this.”--Lithia
Lithia grabs a spare med kit and runs in after him.
She runs straight to an injured Arcee as they both watch Ratchet absolutely demolish the Vechicons.
Even when the entire team gets back to the base Lithia is uncharacteristically quiet.
As soon as Ratchet recommends that everyone take the synth-en she immediately shoots that idea down.
She backs it up saying they didn’t know the true extent of this recipe and could be putting the entire team at risk by doing so.
“We still need more testing to make sure this is safe.”--Lithia
“Please. Am I not proof enough that it works?”--Ratchet
“No, it’s not. We don’t even know what kind of side effect—”--Lithia
She stops when he openly scoffs at her.
“Bulkhead with me.”--Bulkhead
Bulkhead gives an apologetic look before going with Ratchet.
Lithia just stares at the spot where Ratchet was.
She looks at Optimus as if to say ‘Did-you-just-hear-the-same-thing-I-did?’.
He gently places a comforting servo on her shoulder as she sighs tiredly.
“This is going to be a long couple of hours…”--Lithia
Later Lithia decides to take a walk with Bumblebee and Arcee when Bulkhead was literally thrown into the wall.
Lithia quickly goes and checks in on her friend as she sees her father trying to goat Bee into fighting him too.
She just helps Bulkhead up trying to practice some of the deep venting exercises she had seen on the internet.
Then he flirts with Arcee!
Lithia had an angry scowl on her face plate.
She held that annoyed look on her face for the rest of the day as she worked tirelessly to find out more about the synth-en.
She stayed back at the base when the team and Ratchet decided to go look for more energon.
Lithia was working on the main computer when she received a call from Bulkhead.
“You might want to get here.”--Bulkhead
“What happened?”--Lithia
“It’s Ratchet. He’s losing it.”--Bulkhead
Lithia grabs her spare med kit and runs through the groundbrigde.
She spots her father hurting one of the Decepticon miners and runs over.
The young medic kicks him off landing a few feet away.
Lithia turns to the Con whimpering in pain.
“What? Is it your turn now?”--Con
He winces and backs up a bit when she kneel down.
Her gaze softens showing no weapons.
“I’m here to help. It’s a quick patch job.”--Lithia
He flinches a bit when Lithia begins her work.
“Think it as an apology for whatever he did… I am truly sorry for that. I don’t know what got into him.”--Lithia
The Con is silent as she finishes up.
“You can go now.”--Lithia
The miner stands up with her, looks at her for a bit before running to his group.
She turns back to see the rest of Team Prime now looking annoyed at Ratchet.
Optimus was in the middle of reprimanding Ratchet when he interrupted him.
Then calling him soft and that’s why Elita wasn’t here.
Lithia froze hearing this then turned to fury.
Lithia marches up and stands between her father and Optimus.
“You have NO right! How dare YOU!”--Lithia
He glares at her harshly.
“Oh give me a break.”--Ratchet
“No, I’M NOT going to give you a break for what you just said! Dad what’s gotten into you?”--Lithia
“Don’t call me that.”--Ratchet
“Dad. That isn’t me and you know that.”--Ratchet
Lithia backs a bit.
“You don’t mean that. That’s the Synth-En talking.”--Lithia
“Ratchet, I believe it is best if we go back to base and get this Synth-en out—”--Optimus
“So what?! So, I can go back to being your medic?! Just your medic!? This energon just makes me see the truth clearer. For example.”--Ratchet
He turns to Lithia.
“You are not my daughter. I am simply repaying a debt to a friend. You are just some added responsibility thrusted onto me just like this war has!”--Ratchet
Lithia freezes as the words finally register in her mind.
Optimus narrows his optics gently pushing Lithia back as if shielding her from any more attacks from her father.
Arcee starts to march to Ratchet about to give him a piece of her mind when Bulkhead and Lithia stop her.
Lithia gives her a pleading look.
Arcee slowly backs down, for Lithia’s sake.
Bee gives her a side hug.
Ratchet spots the shift and openly scoffs.
“This is the softness I was talking about. We don’t need softness in war. You should know that by now.”--Ratchet
Bee glares at Ratchet now full hugging Lithia as she buried her face into his neck cables, just hoping this was all a horrible dream.
“That’s enough. We are going back to base.”--Optimus
“You’re going to the base. I’M going to finish this.”--Ratchet
Ratchet transforms and hightails it out of there.
Lithia makes sure that everyone gets checked in the med bay when they return to base.
It’s different this time around.
This time her movements almost felt robotic.
Nothing like her.
As soon as she was done with that, she went straight to the console trying to track down Ratchet silently.
The hard look in her optics didn’t leave her.
Optimus did try and talk to her, but she reminded him that right now it was important to find Ratchet.
As the most experienced medic and missing he was top priority.
Lithia doesn’t go with the group when they go after Ratchet.
She can’t…
There is mild panic when she sees Ratchet’s condition and gets to work.
Ratchet slowly and groggily opens his optics now free of the Synth-en.
He groans a bit at the light.
He places a reassuring servo on his shoulder.
“You are home now old friend.”--Optimus
He sighs a bit noticing Lithia at the corner reviewing all his scans and slowly approaches him.
“Your vitals are fine. A few more hours on the machine to make sure all the Synth-En is out, a few days of rest and you should make a full recovery.”--Lithia
Ratchet blinks surprised at the plain explanation as she turns back to the console to continue her work.
He does try and get to talking with Lithia afterwards, but she isn’t acting like herself.
He also notices a lot more of their team seems to be in the room when he tries to talk with her.
Ratchet didn’t think much when he saw Optimus by his nieces’ side.
But it was a bit strange when Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead went out of their way to be by her side when he was around.
He was getting frustrated.
He eventually asks Optimus what happened while he was under the influence.
Optimus is hesitant in telling him the news.
But he does.
The absolute look of horror and regret on Ratchet’s face is enough for the Prime to know he does regret everything.
Ratchet approaches Lithia.
Arcee, Bulkhead and Bee begin to move in, but Optimus holds both of their shoulders.
“They need this.”--Optimus
“If anything escalates then we interfere. For now, we watch.”--Optimus
The four bots can’t hear what’s being said between the two, but Lithia drops her tools and lunges at Ratchet in a hug.
Her sobs are audible as Ratchet Cradles her hugging her close gently rocking back and forth.
“Guess it worked out.”--Bulkhead
Bee beeps happily for the two.
Optimus lets a gently smile pass seeing the problem finally resolved.
It was going to take a bit for Lithia to move on from this, but this was a start.
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Hello! I wanna know how would the tfa bots, elite guard and cons react to meeting a female bot who's based off the batmobile(any version is fine) came to life by an allspark fragment.
And maybe developing a crush on her.
I imagine this bot being confident, capable, serious, determined, a bit mysterious and a 100% certified badass. She's the bot version of Batman.
-Optimus feels so bad about his crush because he doesn't think he deserves someone like her. She's so much better than him and he would surely just be a liability to her. That is if she would even accept his feelings to begin with, were he ever to confess to her. Which he won't. He would rather keep all those feelings locked inside rather than air them out and risk getting his spark broken. After all, she's so involved with her job, one that he greatly respects, that he doubts she would even give him a chance. Doesn't stop him from staring at her with goo goo eyes whenever she swings by. Immediately volunteers to help her with whatever case she's working on, partially because he actually wants to help but also so he can protect her (though he knows she can take care of herself).
-Back when he was young, Ratchet dated quite a lot. Most of them were lighthearted, not so serious relationships. Thing was, there was a time in his life when he had a clear type; a bit cold, capable and deadly bots that could beat him up and reassemble him into a weapon if they wanted to. Now' Ratchet hasn't dated anyone for a long time and so he thought he was over this phase. Turns out, no, and now he's got a major crush. He's so tired and frustrated with himself because of it but he's also kinda thinking "yeah, I still got good taste" whenever he thinks about it. Fusses over her injuries whenever she gets back from a case or battle.
-Bumblebee thinks she's so cool but also really intimidating. Because of this, whenever he tries to act smooth or flirt he kinda ends up stumbling over his words or forgetting his next line, simply because his nerves makes his brain short circuit. When his words fail, Bee tries to impress her with his actions. By helping her with her cases, whatever she asked him or not, he tries to prove to her that he's a reliable guy, someone that can keep up with her.
-Bulkhead can't help but idolize her in a way and think of her as invincible. She's just so capable, always so calm and collected. She's like a real hero should be! He can't help but blush just thinking about her, imagining how it would be if she were to ever save him from danger (a damsel in distress kinda scenario). She's his new muse when it comes to art, his usual choice of bright colors creating an interesting contrast with her darker color scheme. Too shy to actually show these to her though.
-Being a cyber-ninja, Prowl is used to being the one slinking around in the shadows, stalking people and so on. But now he sometimes finds himself joined by this new bot, crouched over next to him, silent except for maybe a quiet greeting. And being so close to her, shoulder to shoulder, in the dark... well, he can't help but feel a bit distracted. She values justice but believes in mercy and forgiveness and Prowl finds that not just admirable, but beautiful. He values those quiet moments they have together, even if the intimacy is just in his head.
-Ultra Magnus wants her to join the autobots, simple as that. She would be a great asset. Not only is she capable, she's determined and with a great sense of what's right and wrong. He tells her this many times, putting emphasis of how many people she could help if she became an autobot. What he doesn't say, is how he also would be able to see her more. As a Magnus, Ultra will probably never conjux, as it would put his partner in great danger. But just being close to her, to work with her, would make him happy. She would never need to know of the feelings she inspire within him.
-Similar to Bumblebee, Sentinel finds her slightly intimidating. But that just makes her hotter in his optics. He finds her mysterious aura alluring and the fact that she keeps her distance to most people only makes him more curious. Tries to lay it on thick when he flirts with her but her blunt attitude and confidence makes him stumble. She just seems to unimpressed that it makes him feel awkward, out of place. This only motivates him to try harder though (he will never succeed).
-Jazz loves how much she cares about people. Yeah, she might seem cold and detached but the fact that she works so hard to help everyone, even bad guys, proves that she just wants to help. Her humble attitude and devotion to her cause is inspiring and makes Jazz want to be a better person. The fact that she believes in change and rehabilitation of criminals makes him question the legal system on Cybertron, where 'bad guys' are just thrown in jail.
-Both Jetfire and Jetstorm thinks she's the coolest bot in the universe, no doubt about it. Everything she does is just so effortlessly cool and they find themselves geeking out whenever they hear how she helped someone or beat up some bad guys. Not at all put off by her standoffish attitude and clings to her, complimenting her discreet paint job and unique alt mode. They gush to each other about how cool she is.
-More than anything, Megatron respects her. She's proven herself in every way; as a combatant, as a strategist, as a leader and as an intellectual. Because of this, she is one of the rare people that Megatron sees as an equal. He doesn't try to manipulate her, not like he does with everyone else, knowing that she can see right through it. Wishes he could turn her into a decepticon, maybe even his conjux, but respects her too much to assume that he could achieve that. Her will is like his own, unbreakable, and while it's a shame they have to be enemies, he finds it truly enjoyable to challenge her. (Batman/Joker dynamic except the Joker is arguably more sane).
-Fuuuuck, Starscream is trying so hard to be the Catwoman to this Batman it's almost not funny. Like, she catches him, puts him in handcuffs and the entire time he's like "oh no, foiled again by my most beautiful nemesis, are you sure there's no way I can convince you to let me go?". Does he want to be caught? No. Yes? He hates failing but he loves getting roughhoused by this bot in dark armor. Never stops trying to seduce her to his side.
-Blitzwing get's beat up and the entire time he's thinking "this ain't so bad" because at least he's getting beat up by his crush. While her sense of justice is, admittedly, a bit annoying, it's also so funny because that makes her easier for Random to tease. Not to mention there's nothing more hot than verbal sparring with your crush. Hothead is the one that's most enthusiastic about getting beat up.
-LUGNUT IS LOYAL TO HIS BELOVED CONJUX, STRIKA, AND WOULD NEVER BETRAY HER TRUST BY FALLING FOR SOME AUTOBOT-ALLY! ... That doesn't mean he can't look though. What? There's something incredibly attractive about a bot in dark armor that has a ton of hidden weapons on their person.
-Knowing how intelligent she is, Shockwave is incredibly weary of her, being confident that if they met she would somehow figure out that he's undercover as Longarm. This makes her a serious threat to his mission and the decepticon cause. At the same time, however, he can't deny how attractive this makes her in his optic. Finding someone that's so intelligent and perceptive is rare and her overall abilities makes her incredibly alluring.
-If Starscream is trying to be Catwoman, then Blackarachnia IS Catwoman. While she doesn't enjoy her plans being foiled, she finds herself charmed by this vigilante. They just have this aura of mystique around them that makes her want to get closer. Plays around with them while at the same time going all out. Surprisingly finds herself enjoying the challenge.
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mychlapci · 2 months
Pregnant party ambulance is actually driving me nuts, and I think it would make everyone else at the university go wild too
Ratchet doesn't particularly care how other people respond to his pregnancy. He wants his sparklings, even if he didn't plan on having them so young, and if it slows down his partying so be it. He's actually a little surprised that when he starts showing he gets more bots coming to his dorm late at night begging to fuck him. Of course he'll let them in too, he's insatiable and his bitlets could always use more fluid.
Ratchet still shows up at parties when he's carrying, he figures he can probably snag some free energon and find some desperate bot to hook up with a single carrier for the night. He never expected when he walked in he'd be getting eye fucked by half the room. Everyone wants that sexy milf, Ratchet couldn't imagine how much hotter he was carrying. He just wanted one lonely bot for a trans fluid donation, he didn't see himself getting a train ran on him by horny bots who can't keep their hands off his cute round bump or his fat energon pouches.
The story of how Ratchet managed to give an entire university a hardcore pregnancy fetish. No one is immune. I mean, knowing about Ratchet's party ambulance reputation is one thing, it gets mechs charged up for sure, but to see the proof of it right on Ratchet's body? That little bump short-circuits processors wherever Ratchet goes. When he started to show, it's like he became the sexiest fucking thing on the entire campus. Mecha line up at the doors to his dorm, begging to fuck him... Well, Ratchet's libido was always high, and now that he's carrying, it's only gotten worse. He's actually grateful that so many bots want to fuck him.
mhmmm Bots will flirt with him just for the off-chance that they'll get to touch his swollen bump. Some don't even need his valve, they would be content rubbing up against his belly until they cum all over it. Ratchet can't have that, though... if they cum all over his belly or pouches, they better lick it off and then keep going down until their mouth is at his needy valve. There they can do their job.
Of course, after a while all that attention gets a little irritating. All his classmates want to be on Ratchet's good side, and they keep offering to hold up his heavy belly or to bring him energon between classes. It's so annoying...
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cozzzynook · 6 months
Thoughts on a Decepticon Hotlock Established couple deciding to woo Ratchet across the battlefield after Deadlock confesses to a long-term crush and Hot Rod decides to get injured to vet Ratchet and spends the entire time flirting with him while getting the best medical treatment of his life only to speed off back to Deadlock and go "Babe I approve, let's do this."
Now, Ratchet (and the Autobots) have to deal with Megatron’s top two assassins and known favorites chasing after Ratchet.
Pure chaos and a blend of things!
I love this!
Deadlock breaks in often claiming he has an incurable disease that only Ratchet’s time, love & affection can cure. He melts the door panels so no one can get out or in and spends his time bothering Ratchet with jokes, touches, flirty gestures and coy words while actually getting Ratchet to eat and take care of himself since medics are shit at doing that for themselves.
Ratchet has and will continue to break something on Deadlocks frame to fix an injury the con didn’t get checked or needs more attention. He will complain about this while also being so tender in his care.
Ratchet may or may not have found it easier to connect with Deadlock since they’re both older and express their emotions in a similar fashion.
Deadlock claimed Ratchet with a typical decepticon mating claim in the form of a vicious bite and claw marks while Hot rod used his flames.
Ratchet was a little more sly in courting Deadlock. He gifted the mech crystals, something he learned Deadlock loved because of Hot Rod. Hot rod could tell Ratchet wanted to display his own courting and so he told him one of Deadlocks secret joys.
Ratchet gifted Deadlock a space in his home for crystals and Hot rod enjoyed watching them seal their courting.
Now Deadlock and Hot rod already claimed each other with claw marks and bites and Hot rod’s flames but Hot rod and Ratchet have yet to go beyond the surface and this was due to Ratchet not believing someone as young and so full of energy like Hot Rod could want him.
It was Deadlock who put in perspective for Ratchet that Hot Rod was very much in fact interested in him. It was Hot rod who motivated deadlock to open up and be vulnerable with Ratchet and helped move things along its just Hot Rod wasn’t good at doing the same.
For all Hot rod’s charisma and cheer and personality he wasn’t a very happy mech deep down. It wasn’t something he liked to share with even Deadlock who he was closest to and learning that it was indeed Hot Rod who destroyed his own planet so Zeta could not make them weapons, at the acceptance of Hot Rods own people who shared the same sentiment as him, Ratchet found himself seeing the younger in a new light.
Especially when he learned Hot Rod was willing at one point to become an autobot before being rejected and almost offlined.
Ratchet started to notice then that Deadlock was correct and Hot rod did keep him at arms length while making him feel welcome.
He noticed the lower class mannerisms Hot rod couldn’t always hide and how the bot wasn’t always present not out need to move as he played off but because of insecurity and fear.
So Ratchet took a different approach and cornered the little speedster by trapping him in a blanket under his weight and keeping the little mech wrapped between his legs and arms.
Ratchet did it often enough that Hot Rod just came with his own blanket and sat on the medics lap who nodded with a smug appreciative smirk.
The three spent a lot of time like that and learned Hot Rod’s love language was touch just like theirs.
Ratchet made his courting gift to Hot Rod something personal. A knitted blanket with the courting dance of Nyon etched throughout the entire space.
Hot Rod cried for the first time in front of both Ratchet and Deadlock, the latter admitted to never seeing Hot Rod cry not even after his planets demise by his own servos, and Hot Rod immediately accepted the courting the same joor.
Making their union complete with a spark merge.
I hope this was to your liking. I love this ask, feel free to ask or rant about any transformers ships if you like. 💞🌙
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I will update this regularly to be best of my ability. My channel is still fairly new so I apologize for the slim pickings below
Strictly Professional - TFP Knockout x Reader Insert (female human reader, sfw)
Young At Spark - TFP Ratchet x Reader (female human reader, suggestive, vitality-insecurity, fluffy angst)
Secret Rendezvous - TFP Starscream x Femme Autobot Reader (nsfw, Forbidden Romance)
TFE (Earthspark):
Be Still My Beating Spark - TFE Megatron x Cybertronian Femme OC (reunited after the war, romance, conjunx, fluff, sfw)
NSFW Alphabet Optimus Prime
The Perfect Pick-me-up - ROTB Mirage x Female Human Reader (comfort, fluff, sfw, antisocial reader)
New Year's Resolution - ROTB Mirage x Fem Human Reader (New Year’s Party, Drunken Flirting)
Just the Way You Are - ROTB Mirage x Femme Autobot Reader (Insecure reader, self conscious of body, misgendered, comfort, sfw, fluff, confidence BOOST)
A Mutually Beneficial Partnership - TFA Swindle x GN Human Reader (Sfw, Deal-making, unforeseen benefits/consequences, Swindle being Swindle)
Ain't I Good to You? - TFA Blitzwing x Female Human Reader (Jazz Singer, Simping, Fluff, Tex Avery-inspired)
The Winning Team - TFA Starscream x Femme Cybertronian Reader (NSFW, Valveplug, seduction, cream pie)
Under Pressure - Unknown Continuity Optimus Prime x Megatron x Female Human Reader POLY (Sfw, adhd reader, polyamorous, fluff)
TFE/TFP Starscream x GN Reader (Showing Affection, NSFW)
TFP Arcee & Ratchet x Female Human Reader (Reactions to reader being hypnotized by Decepticons)
TFP Ratchet & Optimus x Male Human Reader (Reactions to receiving love letter from reader)
TFP Starscream x Female Human Reader (English as a second language, sfw, fluff, slight language barrier)
When Sparks Fly Part. 1 - TFP Fanfic Bumblebee x Femme Cybertronian OC (Reunited after years, unresolved feelings, romance, adventure)
Gif Collection:
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nova--spark · 7 months
Okay, so we talked about this in DMs but I needed to share this with everyone
So Hot Rod did not inherited even a single ounce of his adoptive father’s rizz. So here is a long, hilarious, compilation of all the femmes Hot Rod has failed to flirt with
It all started when Hot Rod went to visit his older brother Bumblebee and his team. Bee seemed annoyed to have him there though that’s mostly because Team Bee causing enough chaos on their own.
It’s even worse when Hot Rod becomes friends with fellow petty criminal turned adoptee Sideswipe. All seems to be going well until Hot Rod decides to start putting the moves on SideSwipe’s crush, Strongarm. Now Strongarm doesn’t really need SideSwipe to defend her honor, she’s more than capable of punting Hot Rod back to Cybertron herself (no space bridge required). And she almost does so before Bee manages to pull Hot Rod away
He then tried his luck with Windblade
“Don’t even think about it”
“Yes mam”
Meeting Anthea’s Team was also fun
He made the mistake apparently many have made of trying to flirt with Thea in her Holoform, a mistake that was quickly corrected when she revealed she was actually human
He also tried to flirt with Proxy, who was honestly kinda impressed. Many “full-sized” bots won’t flirt with or date minicons, so she’s definitely flattered. But she did gently let him know that she was simply too old for him. She probably would’ve agreed to a date if they were closer in age though.
He also tried to shoot his shot with his bestie from the archives Alba. This being the most disastrous attempt at flirting yet. Since not only was our lovely owl lady a lesbian. She had an over protective girl friend who attempted to claw Hot Rod’s face off.
The only reason Hot Rod lived to flirt another day was because Hot Rod, in his infinite wisdom, tried to flirt with Frost Claw and managed to get away while she was trying to comprehend the audacity this man had.
When in doubt induce blind confusion.
All of these failed attempts did make it back to his family. Who was more than amused at Hot Rod’s misadventures in trying to find a girlfriend. I’m sure he’ll find someone someday!
Since I’ve enjoyed putting Nova’s OCs into all of the AUs I figured it’s time I offer up one of my OCs. Everyone Meet Gadget!
During a medical visit Hot Rod met a young red and white femme who was one of the many being mentored by Ratchet. Her name was Gadget. She was a bit of a chatter box going on and on about anything that came to her mind. She seemed receptive to the young mech’s advances. Though their flirting was cut off by a thrown wrench and a reminder from Ratchet to get back to work that cause Gadget to scurry off
Maybe next time 😉
rodi you poor poor hot mess of a flirt
You tried. Also, no hate, Alba is not a lesbean, she is a demi-bean who likes ladies and gents alike. She also rejected Rodi cuz she was crushin on his dad anyway--
I mean what.
Proxy was polite for .5 seconds before laughing that Rodi cannot handle her even if he tried. Thea snorted, she's amused at the fact both Sideswipe and Rodi got so badly fooled by her bot form.
One day Rodi
One day
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timetravelersdoctor · 2 years
TFP decepticons (Megatron, Soundwave, Starscream, Knockout, breakdown, shockwave and arachnid) reaction into meeting tfa autobots (Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Prowl, Ultra Magnus, Sentinel Prime, Jazz and the twins?)
Hi Thank you for the Ask! Sorry it took me a few days to get to this one. So for this one I won't be doing Arachnid mostly due to the fact that I don't think I'd be good at writing her character. I hope that's okay.
TFP Megatron: Megatron goes into immediate shock upon seeing Tfa Optimus he acts to much like Tfp Orion. he thinks Tfa Bumblebee is annoying but he offers great entertainment by making Knockouts' life hell. Megs won't go near Tfa Ratchet at all, it's not because he's scared, it's really not. (yes it is Megs knows that Tfa ratchet will do things Tfp Ratchet is too moral to do.) He is impressed that Tfa Bulkhead is a space bridge scientist considering his Tfp counterpart is not. He literary doesn't know Tfa Prowl or Tfa Jazz exists, not because he doesn't care to acknowledge them Prowl and Jazz are just that good at doing what they do. Megs beat the scrap out of Tfa Ultra Magnus and he still doesn't know Magnus's name. Tfa Sentinel reminds him of the Tfp Council, he's planning to ensure Sentinel is afraid of him. He's heard rumors about the twins he would very much like to know them. (totally not for nefarious purposes. <- sarcasm)
TFP Starscream: Starscream is dying to get his hands on the twins if only to teach them how to fly.( He thinks the twins were Botnapped by the Tfa Autobots so they were raised by grounders which is very insulting in his eyes) Tfa Optimus freaks him out he can tell this little mech is feral and no one will believe him. There is no Tfa Ratchet. (yes there is Starscream can deny his existence all he wants, denial won't change a thing) Starscream doesn't really pay attention to Bulkhead but is immensely entertained by Tfa Bumblebee's actions against Tfp Knockout. Tfa Prowl Drives him crazy with the holograms. He hasn't met the others so he has no opinion other then they are enemies.
TFP Soundwave: Soundwave wants to Botnap Tfa Optimus because he wants Megatron to shut up about 'convincing the young prime that he is on the wrong side.' He lets Bumblebee continue his shenanigans' when it comes to Knockout because Knockout dug his grave flirting with Tfa Prime. Tfa Ratchet is considered the sanest one in the Tfa group in Soundwaves optics. Bulkhead is very useful, if only Soundwave could get him to join the Decepticon side. He wants Prowls accessories but greatly enjoys watching Starscream go crazy. He is currently Blackmailing Sentinel and Ultra Magnus to ensure they cause no problems. the twins interest him, he want's to know how they handle the changes from grounder to flier. He tries to keep an optic on Jazz but is unsuccessful.
TFP Knockout: Knockout finds that Tfa Optimus is easily flustered and likes to flirt with him. He straight up hates Bumblebee the little slag can burn in the pits for all he cares. He wants to compare medical knowledge with Tfa Ratchet to see the differences. (yeah totally not so he can torment Bumblebee not at all. <- also sarcasm) Tfa Bulkhead is kinda cute in a puppy kind of way he acknowledges that Bulkhead is trying to curb Bumblebee a little and Knockout appreciates it. He's been trying to convince Breakdown to offline Tfa Prowl because he keeps damaging his finish and he hates that. He Becomes very weary of Tfa Jazz after learning that he too is a cyber-ninja. he doesn't think much of the other Tfa Autobots.
TFP Breakdown: Breakdown Wants to fight Prowl so badly more so then he wants to punch Bumblebee. (He understands Bumblebees need to 'run off' Knockout due to his flirting with Tfa Optimus. he doesn't like it but he understands it) Personally he wouldn't mind if Tfa Optimus was interested in Knockout, he'd agree that Knockout is very good looking. Tfa Ratchet is an interesting character and he would like to get to know him better. (if only to learn first aid to surprise Knockout) Tfa Bulkhead reminds him of a younger Tfp Bulkhead and he doesn't know what to do with that information. He doesn't know much about the others though so he couldn't tell you his opinion on them
TFP Shockwave: first and foremost Shockwave would like to experiment on all of them to see what makes them tick. But he knows He can't touch Tfa Optimus because Megatron all ready claimed dibs on him. Tfa Bumblebee would be to annoying and while he could 'fix' that he doesn't have the energy to do so. Tfa Bulkhead's knowledge is too important to mess with and Tfa Ratchet would be extremely hard to subdue because of his electromagnets. Soundwave is currently blackmailing both Ultra Magnus and Sentinel Prime so that's a no go unless he wants to anger Soundwave. Starscream would kill him if he messed with the Twins and Tfa Prowl as well as Tfa Jazz are to skilled to catch. If he could be unhappy he would be.
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arunatheplant · 2 years
February 2, 2023
- Megastar -
My headcannons!
(OOC will be involved and two nicer star and megs)
Megatron are having nightmares about his twin brother, but it's not a problem, star is ready to help and support him.
Starscream is working around the ark for too long and megatron finds him always coped up in his lab and drags him to bed.
Wheeljack flirted with Star and when megatron found out via starscream's ranting, it became a cat and mouse game for megatron and Jackie.
Megatron and Optimus are best friends (my au) as for ratchet and starscream they're also friends op and wrench lord helped megs to purpose to screamer.
Starscream was having a bad day but nothing a little cuddles and kisses will fix.
Megatron fell for starscream first and yet star fell harder.
Megatron's pets names given by starscream are, my lover, dearest, love, megatron, sweet spark.
Starscream's pets names given by megatron are, my seeker, sweet spark, lover, my star, star, starlight, and my scientist.
They would kill for each other.
Their children are, knockout (adoptive, his as young as bee in my au soo, yup), hailstorm, mission, and seastrike (Trine mates).
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lifetimeshipper · 2 months
My Little Dancer
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Megatron/Megatronus x Arcee
Chapter 1
Since this story will be doing a lot of back and forth between the past and present I will put  Xs before and after the parts that are memories of the past.
Arcee's spark skips a pulse as the door opens and she walks into the room. She slowly approaches Megatron who is lying on the berth in Med Bay hooked up to a monitor to help him stay functioning. She knew he was still alive, she could feel it in the bond, the connection never broke. However, it's very faint since he is so close to death.
:: Arcee, what is it? :: Ratchet asks over the comm.
Arcee steadies herself as she looks over at Bumblebee in hopes that he couldn't tell that something was off with her. He doesn't seem to notice which relieves her and she gets on the comm to respond to Ratchet, "It's Megatron... He's alive." Arcee transforms her servo into her blaster as she tries to calm her spark which is pulsing so hard she feels like it's gonna jump right out of her chest.
:: Th-that's not possible! :: Ratchet responds in complete shock.
"Well, I'm staring right at him. Good news is, he's not staring back."
Arcee doesn't know if she should be happy or mad that he's still alive. This is her sparkmate, her old lover, but he's not the mech he was when they met and fell in love. He's now a warlord intent on creating destruction everywhere he goes and getting rid of the Autobots. Every so often she catches herself thinking back to when they met when he was the gladiator Megatronus and a good mech, and she wishes she could go back to that time when everything was good.
Arcee checks her armor once more to make sure it looks nice before she runs out to get on stage with the other femmes. She works as a dancer, part of a dance group that goes all over Cybertron to perform at any building that would hire them. The group was led by an old mech and femme who went around taking young femmes and forcing them to be part of their dance group, and they had to do any dance that they were taught. If they refuse they wouldn't get any Energon.
Arcee has tried a number of times to escape and return to her parents but she always got caught, usually by one of the guards that were assigned to watch over them. It seems that there are only two ways to get away from them, offlining or being sold.
Acree gets on the stage with the other femmes and gets into position to begin. The others have grown accustomed to this lifestyle and some seem to be really enjoying this fame and having the mechs fight for their attention. They always get so giddy when a mech comes to talk to them and flirt with them after the show, but she would rather stay to herself as she makes a plan to escape.
The lights turn on to focus on them and they begin their dance routine, moving sexually as they strut around the stage before breaking out into a dance. That was when she first saw him, Megatronus, he was sitting with other gladiators drinking High-Grade and seeming to be celebrating. Probably celebrating that they were still alive. She doesn't get why they would willingly put their lives in danger to entertain other bots.
She turns her gaze away to look at the rest of the audience who are howling and saying inappropriate stuff, as usual, she just rolls her optics as she continues dancing. A few minutes later, she looks over at him again and sees him looking right at her, his optics roaming over her body as he seems to be ignoring his pals. She quickly looks away not liking the tenseness of his gaze. Why doesn't he look at the other femmes and watch them?
She could feel his gaze on her the whole time until the dance ended and she exited the stage, which made her feel uneasy. She quickly exited the stage with a few of the others while the other femmes stayed to drown themselves in the applause and compliments, once again taking in all the mechs that wanted to flirt with them and fight over them.
"Can you believe them? How can they stand this kind of attention?" One of the femmes asked as they headed to the back.
"They just like attention, they don't care who they get it from," one of the other femmes says.
"Well, I'm gonna go get some High-Grade Energon, I haven't had any in quite some time. Wanna come, Arcee?"
Arcee looks at them, "No, I'm fine."
One of the femmes walks over to her to whisper, "If you come up with a good escape plan let me know, I too would like to get back to my parents."
Arcee smiled at her and nodded, her spark went out to her. The other femmes began to leave but stopped when they saw the two leaders come to the back with the gladiators that were sitting out front. They all looked at them and they could guess why they were brought back here.
"The great gladiator, Megatronus, wishes to buy one of you," the old mech tells them.
Arcee looks at him and her spark quickens when she realizes it was the mech that was staring at her so intently while she was dancing. Primus, don't let it be her that he wants to buy. She turns to sneak away before he notices that she's there but she stops when she hears him speak.
"Where do you think you're sneaking off to?"
She turns to look at him and sees him walking around the other femmes as he heads over to her, "What's your name?" He asks her.
Arcee remains silent, she doesn't want this, she doesn't want to be sold to a mech she doesn't know. She wants to go home to her parents. "With all due respect, Megatronus, you don't want to take this one," the old mech tells him, "She's very disobedient and she's a fighter, you would have a really hard time getting her to do as you say."
Megatronus chuckles, "She sounds very interesting and quite challenging. How much do you want for her?"
"The kind of femme she is I'll have to say, ten thousand creds."
"It's a deal," Megatronus says before getting on his datapad to send him the credits.
"Her name is Arcee and she's yours. It was a pleasure doing business with you," the old mech says before he walks away.
"Arcee..." Megatronus repeats as he takes her servo. He bends over to place a gentle kiss on it before looking up at her again, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my little dancer."
Arcee is pulled back to the present by Bumblebee nudging her, "Are you okay?"
Arcee looks at him, "Just fine."
:: Arcee, does Megatron display brainwave activity? :: Ratchet asks over the comm.
Arcee looks over at the monitor, "Spiking hard. His sick mind is still at work."
:: Perfect, if a cure exists Megatron may be the only one who knows it. You must enter his brain and find it. ::
Arcee pauses for a moment to think about this. Doing a mind and body split is risky but they need to find a cure for Optimus. She wishes that she could just read his mind through the bond and find it, but Megatron seems to have blocked off a lot of stuff from their bond so she can't see it. Also, she would have had to come up with an explanation of how she was able to find it to keep Bulkhead and Bumblebee from finding out about her bond with the warlord. Optimus and Ratchet already know but they've been keeping it secret from the others.
Bumblebee was getting ready to volunteer to go in when Arcee spoke up, "I'll do it."
Next Chapter
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Turtles in Time Liveblog
Turtles in Time 1993 is my least favorite of the 90's movies, so let's hope this episode is better than it's film counterpart.
Oh more Giving Up On Karai stuff.
... Is he, still hung up on April? He hasn't really been acting like it these last few episodes, one of very few saving graces in them. Also LEO THAT'S YOUR SISTER STOP TRYING TO BE LIKE LUTHER AND ALLISON IN TUA ABOUT THIS GROSS
Awwww, Mikey saying he'll never have a crush is adorable.
Door in sky- woman? Woman with claw-like Chronoscepter from Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time? Oh it's the lady from the Monster Arc in Season 5
She looks like an adult. I don't like that she and Mikey have a thing. They better specify her age in this episode.
Awww really? Mikey is just The Cute One in the future? He should be The Surprising One, he's always pulling out surprises, be it parties or badassery
Very casual about being from the future, okay.
Ew Mikey is flirting, I don't like this.
Oh god this guy looks so lame. God I miss The Kraang.
Okay just right into a nonsense rant. Oh well, he was easy to get rid of.
Can I just say, I fucking hate that trope/idea that someday in the future humans will somehow become responsible for upholding the concept of time. I truly hate it.
You're right Donnie. This isn't good. Isn't a good episode.
It's not as bad as 1993... yet.
Oh god they're in the bad DND episode costumes again.
I can't even enjoy the boys fighting because of how much I hate the costumes.
Oh a He's Right Behind Me moment.
I feel. No tension. Oh, a loop. Okay. How many times do we have to see it though?
Didn't that stick Demon Guy in a loop too, though? Or was it a temporal clone?
Donnie it wasn't that awesome. Mikey don't be jealous.
Was Raph referencing 1993 with the Turtles on Horses is Weird part?
Yeah this is- I dislike everything about this.
Oh haha Raph fell off the horse. Maybe I just need to sleep and it'll start being fun again? It's like trying to watch Season 3 of Danny Phantom all over again... why are Nickelodeon Season 3 of Cartoons always so bad? Well, this one started really, really good, but. Once The Kraang left, it got bad.
Let's talk about something else. How about we talk about what I think human versions of the boys would be like, like a Normal Humans AU? Not even ninjas in this.
So basically I created this idea of them within the concept of "One of those tropes where the heroes are put into a Perfect World dream and have to help each other escape" and Donnie's would be them all as normal humans.
So they're all Japanese, Splinter is a single parent of 5 kids. He's got his biological daughter, Karai (named Miwa at birth but she's goin through a Rebellious Phase right now so she changed it) and his four adopted sons. He's a trained martial artist, but he never felt a need to train his children very heavily in it, because they live pretty peaceful lives. They know enough to defend themselves if needed, but they're not ninjas.
They're quadruplets, but not identical. Splinter finds it curious how they all have varying eye colors but are definitely all blood related. He adopted them sort of by accident, meaning to just foster them for a while when they were babies, but well, they just claimed his heart!
Leo is very into yoga and zen sort of exercise methods. He's a total nerd, of course, and goes to cosplay conventions pretty regularly. Mikey usually helps him make his homemade cosplays, with extra flair like lights and stuff added by Donnie. He's decently well-liked in school, except he tends to be a bit of a snitch and a hypocrite at times. He lets his hair grow out the most and wears mostly baggy shirts and plain jeans, very Chill Guy vibes (basically if Leo didn't have to worry about saving the world all of the time).
Raph is following in his older sister's footsteps and entering his Rebellious Phase. He's in therapy for anger issues, and uses sports as a release. He's on the school football team, still very short but stocky enough to be a good player. He's a little more balanced thanks to being able to actually go to therapy, so he lashes out less. It's well-known around school not to mess with The Hamato Siblings, because both the older sister (who's been known to carry knives around on her) and the short football brother have no issues Pummeling People Who Mess With Their Siblings. Raph tends to wear t-shirts and gym shorts, but sometimes he goes for an all-out Punk Badboy look. Only when he's really feeling it though, because it's a real hassle to put the look together in the morning. He keeps his hair pretty short, not buzzed though.
Donnie is willowy and lanky, though surprisingly not wimpy. Splinter makes sure all of his kids exercise regularly, so he's got lean muscle, but much less than any of his other siblings. He usually doesn't need glasses, but when he needs to make sure the smallest detail possible is perfect, he has a pair of them. Otherwise his sight is... passable. He's the kid everyone hopes to be paired with on science projects, because he'll inevitably end up doing the whole thing himself and be happy to just let you sit there and watch. He likes to tinker with electronics and chemistry, but he's already planning to go into some field of Biology as a career, possibly something medical. His gap tooth is just because, when that baby tooth fell out, there was no adult tooth to replace it. Genetics, what're you gonna do? It's actually what got him curious about biology, so he doesn't mind it. he prefers sweatshirts usually, or anything easy to toss on in the morning, because he has a bad habit of staying up way too late reading or tinkering. Yes, he is neurodivergent, of course. He usually lets his hair grow out a little, not on purpose, just because he forgets to make the barber's appointments.
Mikey is a gymnast and an artist! He's really good at gymnastics and wins competitions pretty often, and would be captain of the school team if he could just get his grades up a little more. He only just got diagnosed with ADHD and is still getting his medication and therapy regiment set up, but he feels good about how things will go once that's done. He's also the artist of the family, in that he draws the most. Raph is actually better at the technical aspects of art, but he doesn't really do much art beyond sometimes going out with Karai to do some graffiti. Mikey however is always doodling and drawing, their house is covered in old wall drawings form when he was small. He has a million fidget toys. He likes to layer up, usually a long sleeved shirt with a jacket, one of the kinds where the torso is denim but the sleeves and hood aren't, is the minimum he must have every day. He draws on all of his jeans (Donnie actually does too, but he writes down notes to himself and formulas and idea, while Mikey just doodles train-of-thought style). His hair is short and oddly poofy, and always gets in his eyes. How he does gymnastics so well in spite of that is a mystery to all.
Karai is very protective of her brothers, because she's had one too many people say something about them "not being her real brothers" and it makes her Furious. She's gotten into a real rebellious phase, because while Splinter is a good dad he can be a little too strict sometimes, and she got tired of it. She got piercings at a friend's house, started going the graphic liner, decided to get a big leather jacket and spiked gloves... she loves it, and loves feeling very powerful and badass. She actually isn't super happy about Raph following in her footsteps so early (she's a couple years older) but knows he won't just Stop Doing Stuff, so she usually offers to let him tag along with her trouble so he's supervised and not out spray painting places alone.
April met the Hamato Clan in freshman year of highschool, she was trying to find her class and they were all arguing in the hallway about where to go. Donnie broke away from the argument and helped her out. She knows he has a crush on her, but he's a lot less creepy about it in this AU, it's mainly just he blushes around her a lot and gets self-conscious when they're along together. But she doesn't want to make things weird by telling him no, or yes, she's not sure, so she pretends not to notice. The brothers basically adopted her as another sister, which Karai also eventually came around to. She's into things like astrology and tarot cards, but on the downlow, she's a little embarrassed about it.
Casey was friend with Raph first, both of them trying out for the hockey team at the same time. Raph didn't end up making the cut, but they stayed friends. Eventually Casey and Donnie realized they both like tinkering and making little gadgets and they became friends, and then Casey was talking about his graffiti art and Mikey joined in and they became friends, and Leo warmed up to him when Raph asked Leo to take over a video game fight for a bit while he went and got some snacks. He thinks Karai is really cool, and Karai trusts him to take care of Raph or the others if Casey convinces them to do some mischief with him.
Splinter tries his best to be a good dad. It can be hard, and he makes lots of mistakes, but he tries. He was raised in a very Traditional household, but all of his children are very much the opposite of that, and he struggles with breaking away from how he was brought up to do things for the sake of not stifling his children. Still, he seeks counseling so he can do his best, especially once Mikey was diagnosed (Donnie hasn't been diagnosed yet but Splinter has his suspicions) as neurodivergent. He's still strict, usually, but has been known to soften up sometimes and allow a bit more excitement into their lives and home.
So there. That's that AU. I got so bored of the episode I jotted down this AU instead, and I'll put it in it's own post too sometime later.
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ainyan · 2 years
The door slid shut behind Ciprys and she engaged the locks, rubbing her forehead as she sighed. “Damn it, Risha,” she muttered as she shrugged out of her jacket, tossing the leather coat carelessly on her bed. She began to unbuckle her holster, then paused, eyes narrowing. “Oh for the love of - how the hell did you get onto my ship?”
“Will you really insult me by asking that?” Stretched out in her desk chair, Theron Shan raised one eyebrow at the Chiss. “I mean, you’ve got great security, but we’re talking me here. C’mon Ciprys,” he added in a wheedling tone, “don’t tell me you’re not happy to see me.”
She didn’t want to be. The spy who sat before her with that charming smile and those sly hazel eyes was a complication she neither needed nor wanted in her life. Risha might make light of her habits, but her lightskirt reputation had been quite calculated. “Yeah, sure, Shan, I’m always happy to see a handsome face.” Her smile was coy as she swept past him, ruffling a hand over his hair. “Just stop by for a reprise of our farewells on Yavin? I might have time to oblige.”
He reached up to snag her wrist, holding her fast, and felt her tension immediately ratchet up. “I didn’t say that,” he replied mildly, watching her as she stared at the far wall. “I saw you were on planet and thought we could talk.”
“I already told you once,” she replied shortly, “I’m not interested in being an SIS mole. I have a lot of good, valuable clients that might be put off by the idea. If you want to tangle up my sheets, Shan, let’s go. Otherwise, I’ve got stuff to do before the manifest comes in.”
He didn’t release her wrist, even though she tugged experimentally, testing his grip. “Almost perfect. I’d have bought it on Rishi - I did buy it on Rishi,” he corrected, feeling her stiffen. “But you slipped up on Yavin. You almost had me completely fooled.”
When she yanked her wrist again, he let her go and she jerked backwards, rubbing at her hand. “What you see is what you get, Shan. I’m about as deep as Corso.”
The spy steepled his fingers before him as he met her bland scarlet gaze. “Having looked into your white knight, I’m pretty sure that’s far more insulting to you than to him,” he replied, and she bit back a bark of laughter. “You are definitely more than you appear,” he added, more soberly, and her mirth fled. “I get why you pretend otherwise - but you can’t fool me again, Ciprys. No backwater bumpkin is going to manipulate the head of the Dark Council with such precision.”
She turned away from him, still rubbing her wrist. “Everyone has moments, Shan,” she muttered. “Mine are few and far between. I’m exactly as I appear. A hotshot smuggler from beyond the Outer Rim whose big goal is to get rich and retire young, preferably with a bevy of pretty young men. And if you’re looking to be one of those,” she shot over her shoulder, “alienating me ain’t gonna get you there.”
“Bullshit,” he countered pleasantly, and her eyes went hot. “I’ve seen your accounts - all of them,” he added before she could retort. “I know your contacts. You could retire today and never lift another finger for the rest of your life and never want for anything - even with the funds you sink into some schools out in the Outer Rim.” She could hear the puzzlement in his voice.
Ciprys grunted. “Kids gotta learn, and they don’t always have options out in the back of beyond. What does the SIS care what I do with my money?” He noticed, curiously, that she didn’t seem particularly upset by the intrusion into her privacy - or even surprised.
Theron closed his eyes, sighing. “For the SIS, they care because you’re Chiss,” he replied flatly. “Any Chiss in Republic space is suspect - don’t tell me you didn’t know that. For me, I just want to know you better.”
She made a disgruntled noise. “Look, Shan,” she snapped, whirling around and stabbing a finger towards his chest, “you and me, we’re from different galaxies, but we got a few things in common. One of those things is that we’re both players, not stayers. We had fun - and it was some great fun - but that’s all it was.”
His hazel eyes held a glint that she found disconcerting. “Then it shouldn’t be any problem for you to join me for a caf while you wait on your manifest,” he replied with a slow smile. “Just between friends. Nothing to worry about.”
“Theron Shan, I am absolutely certain that that phrase and you shouldn’t be within shouting distance of each other,” came the captain’s exasperated retort. His grin only increased her irritation - and her wariness. “Seriously? You want to have a cup of caf? You don’t have to seduce me, spyboy. You already did that,” she added dryly.
Theron watched her with infuriating patience. “Caf and conversation. That’s all I want.”
Ciprys was at a loss. She was no stranger to clingy males; the cost of playing around meant that occasionally one ran across a man who didn’t understand the concept of a one-night stand. But she knew she hadn’t misread the spy - he was as likely as she to have ‘one in every port’ as the old saw went. 
So why the hell was he so insistent on dragging this out? Some SIS operation? Concern from up top about the carte blanche they’d given her after Yavin?
No, too heavy handed.
Did he really just want caf? “Fine,” she finally replied shortly, eyes narrowing at the triumphant glint in his gaze. “Some caf, some conversation. We can just nip into the kitchen…”
“Nope. Know a nice little place in the Galactic Market sector. Quiet, out of the way, most of the clientele are people like you and me.”
She blinked. “You want to go out?” she asked flatly, then, “and there is no you and me. There is no one like you and me, because you and me are antithetical to each other.”
Theron’s lips quirked. “Do you even know what it sounds like when you say words like ‘antithetical’ in that country bumpkin’s voice? Is it just me that breaks your cover, or does it crack every time you get frustrated?” Before she could reply, he shook his head. “No, I’ve seen you stay perfect under pressure. I’m flattered.”
The heat in her eyes would have seared a lesser man to cinders. “You’re about to be flattened,” she growled, and when he grinned, she snapped her teeth at him. “By the Flame, Theron Shan, what the hell is your malfunction? I know I’m good, but I’m not that damn good.” She paused. “Well, okay, I am that damn good.” She caught sight of the laughter in his eyes. “Disagree?”
Theron spread his hands. “How about that caf?” he deflected, levering himself up from the chair and coming to his feet. “Ciprys,” he added softly as she hesitated, “I really just want to talk. No grand conspiracies here. No convoluted plans. I’m not trying to recruit you, and I know you’re loyal to us. I just want to talk to you - as friends.”
Friends. What a strange concept. Ciprys sighed, rubbing her neck. “Fine,” she muttered. “Fine, you win, Shan. Let’s go get some caf.” She snagged her jacket from the bed. “Dunno what you expect me to tell you that you don’t already know.”
“Well,” he replied as he followed her out of her cabin, past the gaping Risha and spluttering Corso, “for one thing, what’s the story behind the akk dog?”
Ciprys glanced towards where the spiky crimson creature lay beneath the table, watching her with huge dark eyes. “What, Mongo? Some idiot Houk was teasing him as a puppy. Put a stop to it and he wouldn’t stop following me. I’ll be back,” she told Risha, biting back a grin at the smuggler’s dumbfounded expression. “Patch that manifest through as soon as you get it.”
Brown eyes blinked rapidly. “I - uh - yes… yes, captain,” she sputtered. “Captain, I…”
Ciprys lifted a hand, waving at her crew as the door cycled open and she led Theron from the freighter.
As the door slid shut behind her, Risha turned to stare at Corso and Akavi, who had come out at the commotion and was peering curiously after her boss. “Who the hell was that? What the hell was that?”
The Zabraki Mandalorian rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “That was Shan,” she pointed out. “The one she worked with on Rishi and Yavin. I did not know he was on board.”
“Neither did I,” Corso and Risha replied together, exchanging a bewildered glance. The Mantellian sighed and scrubbed at his jaw. “Knew she could smuggle damn near anything,” he muttered, then turned and walked away.
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 10 months
Hi I wanna know how would the tfa bots elite guard and cons react to meeting a female bot who is like Barbie who came to life by an allspark fragment and developing a crush on her
-Optimus feels ashamed of his crush because he doesn't think he's worth her. She's just so... so perfect. Beautiful, kind, funny, intelligent. She's got it all and Optimus doesn't. He'll probably try to avoid her for some time after realizing how he feels about her.
-If Optimus feels ashamed then Ratchet feels embarrassed. He's an old mech, past his best years and he's not supposed to go after some young, pretty bot that's just started figuring out life. Not to mention that he's long since given up on having a love life. Like Optimus he'll probably avoid her if possible in an attempt to smother these feelings.
-Despite his claims, Bumblebee don't have a lot of experience with lady-bots. You know what, scratch that. He's got ZERO experience. That doesn't mean he'll dive right in and do his best to impress her. Super nervous about making a fool out of himself but he masks this with false confidence. Starts stumbling over his words whenever she smiles at him though.
-Bulkhead in love is just so wholesome. He realizes he's got a crush on her when he finds himself painting nothing but portraits of her. Tries to woo her the old fashioned way, with flowers and poems about how pretty her optics are. Will ask her to model for his paintings as an excuse to spend time with her.
-For Prowl, him having a crush is divided in two parts. First, he ignores it. Ignores her. Tries to be smooth about how he leaves when she shows up but he's just desperately trying to avoid her so he won't fall deeper in love. But he can't focus on anything, all his thoughts keeps drifting back to her so eventually he accepts it. Now he's determined to woo her though he feels intimidated by how amazing she is. How is he supposed to prove himself?
-It's been centuries since Ultra Magnus last had a crush but he just can't help it with this bot. She's everything he looks for in a conjux. Graceful, gentle, determined, intelligent, kind. She would make a perfect First Conjux (cybertronian version of First Lady). Now, he's not been in the dating game since he was a new frame but he's still confident that he can muster up the old charm.
-Fuuuuuck, Sentinel is so damn annoying about his crush. He flirts, says a million different pick up lines that makes everyone else cringe yet he fails to notice how hard he's failing. In his mind, a perfect mech like him deserves nothing less than a perfect bot like her. Thinks she's got a crush on him just because he can't imagine otherwise. Tries to impress her all the time.
-Jazz, just like Sentinel, flirts, but he's so much better at it. At first the flirting is mostly playful, trying to test the waters and see if she's interested, and once he's more confident then he'll lay it on real thick. Loves coming up with improvised love songs on the spot, singing about her many amazing qualities.
-The jettwins, Jetfire and Jetstorm, are like two puppies the way they follow her around, desperate for any scrap of attention. Like, they are down BAD. They hang onto her every word and think she's the most incredible bot in the world. Desperately try to impress her.
-Every lord needs a lady and that includes warlords so of course Megatron is determined to make her his. While she's a little too kind for the position as Lady of the decepticons he doesn't mind it. Her intelligence and charm more than makes up for it. Super suave with his flirting.
-Starscream tries so badly to impress her, be it with his intelligence, power or by flying. He tries to to act confident and suave with her but the moment she does anything he feels completely lost because she does everything with such ease. She's naturally graceful, doesn't even have to try to make people like her and that's everything Starscream wishes he had.
-She's got Blitzwing's personalities rapid switching because they all want to spend time/look at her. Hothead's usual anger and bravado turns into a blustering mess around her and all he can say are simple sentences like "You're pretty" or "I want to hold your hand so badly". Gets so flustered by his admissions that he willingly switches out. Icy is better, he is calmer about his crush and tries to woo her by being a gentleman. Too bad Random suddenly switches in and ruins it by saying that he wants to eat her so they can be together forever. Awkward.
-Look, Lugnut already got a conjux that he loves and adores so he feels super guilty about his crush. Whenever he sees this bot he will shout at them to stay away, calling her a temptress. Secretly though he's wondering if Strika would like to meet her. He's pretty confident that she'd like this bot and she's always been up for a third.
-Shockwave is torn between acting professional and ogling her like an idiot. She's perfect in every way, sense and form and he'd be an idiot to just ignore her. But because she's so perfect he finds himself so taken off guard that he doesn't know how to react.
-Yeah, Blackarachnia feels terrible. She's got a crush on her bot at the same time she's super jealous. This bot is beautiful and highly sought after by everyone and she feels so lacking in comparison to them. Might try to flirt but honestly don't think it will go anywhere, even if they for some reason were interested. Blackarachnia simply couldn't bear constandly comparing herself to this perfect bot.
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mychlapci · 8 months
Okay but drift going back in time through some mishap and telling himself "I'm not going to do anything to influence the timeline again" and then he sees a young college student ratchet flirting with another mech and throws the whole thing out the window
Maybe they are at a shady bar, drift went to make sure he stayed out of the way of his past self and ratchet went with a bunch of classmates for their first pub crawl. Of course he's not going to refuse a drink from the hot older guy at the bar. He doesn't even notice the way drift scares off his classmates until it's just the two of them.
He does notice when he gets up to leave, much drunker than when he sat down, and drift drags him over to a corner and bends him over a stool. It's not even a dark corner, the whole bar can see them as Drift takes Ratchets seals and fucks him full of transfluid. Maybe that's where the party ambulance rumors start, as half ratchets class watch him moan like a whore for a mech he just met and doesn't even know the name of 🐢
hghhhh that's exactly what i meant by Drift catching a possessive streak over seeing young Ratchet… he knows they haven't met yet and they're not conjuxed, but seeing him get flirted with immediately made him forget his promise to not mess with the time-line. It's just that… Ratchet’s getting flirted with by some life-less, idiot student that cannot possibly become Ratchet's first… No, Drift won't allow it, he can't allow it. Ratchet deserves to have his seals broken by a good spike, an experienced spike, a spike that knows his internal nodes inside and out. He ends up chasing away the guy and cannot stop himself from offering Ratchet a drink… they chat for a while and Ratchet keeps getting more and more buzzed and his friends have disappeared to the other end of the bar, conflicted about the scary older guy that's currently getting closer and closer to Ratchet… but Ratchet doesn't seem to need any help, in fact he appears to be enjoying himself, putting his hands on the older mech, shimmying closer to him in turn, arching into every touch, generally being a giant flirt for a guy that has yet to tell him his name...
Drift getting Ratchet, now stumbling and a little drunk, into a corner and shoving his spike into that tight, virginal heat, feeling Ratchet's seal snap when he pushes in. Ratchet whining and whimpering, drawing curious optics towards their little corner of heaven as he has his first proper overload, legs quivering so much he doesn't think he can stand for much longer… His classmates then spend the entire semester talking about the Party Ambulance that lets just about anyone have a turn on his holes <3
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