#process that is talking to therapists surgeons and doctors to even get on a waitlist which can then go up to five years depending on who yo
fulminare-art · 1 year
*guy who has put his entire life on hold until he can physically transition because he can't do even the simplest task without being disgustingly conscious of his body voice* "yeah its really no big deal i can put stuff on hold for a few years ive been waiting this long right lol" < if he isn't ever able to have access to these surgeries for whatever reason he will sooner kill himself than figure out how to live with it
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batz · 4 years
Hey I know you’re in Canada, but I just wanted to ask how hard it was to get on T/apply for top surgery when you’re not a trans man? It might be very different rules where I am, but I’ve wanted to get top surgery for ages and I’m worried about getting rejected. If you’re okay with answering this, could I ask for some advice/tips?
its honestly a different process for everyone bc it really depends on ur doctor. i was lucky to have a nonbinary gender doctor™ so they could understand the nitty gritty details of my experience with gender.
that being said, a lot of gender therapists, top surgeons, etc, are a lot more educated when it comes to gender stuff nowadays. like a lot of videos abt top surgery i watch are based in the states and other countries and quite a few of them are for nb ppl. things are changing and a lot of doctors are in the know about this kinda thing now.
the big thing is like. if you are able to, choose what doctor you want to go with. kinda like ur shopping u know? check reviews, talk with people, join facebook groups (as ancient n outdated as that sounds, it HELPS, im in a few trans fb groups for transitioning help n all that) before u find out which doctor u wanna go with. a lot of the time people will be able to tell you which doctors are educated in regards to the whole 'Do They See NB People As Legit And Real' thing.
i feel like theres a VERY small chance you'll be rejected hrt just bc ur nb. its very rare. doctors will basically just make sure ur healthy enough to take T or get top surgery or whichever. they talk to u about what u want for ur future in regards to gender stuff, ask u awkward very cis-centric questions abr gender that dont rlly matter. and... yeah... a good lot of it is just check ups and waitlists and paperwork. its kind of a pain but its worth trying, even if its nerve wracking.
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