#dawg i wish i was one of those guys who could be totally happy without bottom surgery but nooo i have to feel completely and utter horrified
fulminare-art · 1 year
*guy who has put his entire life on hold until he can physically transition because he can't do even the simplest task without being disgustingly conscious of his body voice* "yeah its really no big deal i can put stuff on hold for a few years ive been waiting this long right lol" < if he isn't ever able to have access to these surgeries for whatever reason he will sooner kill himself than figure out how to live with it
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the bachelorette, season fourteen, episode four: welcome to heteronormative summer camp!
This season is a car wreck, and not the good kind.
I know, I know. “Amanda, is there ever a good car wreck?” I don’t know, ask Holly Hunter and James Spader in Cronenberg Crash how they feel about that1. Ask insurance companies! They would know!
No, this season is a car wreck because not only are the men absolutely wretched - who would have thought we could get worse than the combination of Chad, Chase, Robb(ie) and Dean - but Becca is basically a nonfactor, and production DGAF about spoilers and the casting of literal sex offenders. This has all resulted in some of the most boring television I have ever had the displeasure of viewing.
But alas, I do it for y’all.
The episode opens up right before the third cocktail party, and those without roses are terrified. David / Chicken Man literally fell out of a bunk bed because this show has so many similarities to summer camp. Speaking of, Clay, who is a professional football player, hurt his wrist so badly he had to leave the show. This is the most fucked up summer camp ever, and we haven’t even gotten to Paradise yet.
Ugh. Paradise. Remember back when Paradise was the best part of my summer2?
Star of the Floptastic Fantastic Four, Miles Teller, takes Becca aside to make her feel better after Clay’s departure. And that conversation means talking about the number of kids you want! That’s totally how I relax. Blake wants 3-5 kids, which Becca reacts the same way I do - COMPLETE AND UTTER HORROR. Men always want a bunch of fuckin’ kids because they don’t have to do the work. They don’t have a parasite that feeds on your nutrients for nine months, then you EXPEL that parasite from your body and you’re expected to take care of that parasite for the rest of your lifetime, including using your body to feed them for a while afterwards. Like, it’s a vagina - not a clown car. I fully intend to approach pregnancy as “That Really Cool Thing I Only Want To Do Once, Maybe Twice, Just For The Shits And Gigs of It All.” I can’t wait for my kids to read this blog.
Becca wants to name her daughter “Stevie”, which… I’m not even going to get started on that one. No, wait, I’m going to. I am totally pro-gender neutral names3, but STEVIE? Stevie. You are robbing your child of an adult name if you name them Stevie. No one trusts a 45 year old named Stevie. They both also agree with “Charlie”, which is cute as a shortened version of Charles or Charlotte. I am not calling anyone named Charlie Charlie after the age of 23. Charlie is a fuckboy4. They make out after baby talk, which is not what it sounds like.
Jordan is relishing in David falling out of his bed, and Jordan believes that God willed David’s hospital visit into the universe. Is this what I sound like when I talk about willing shit into existence? I’m going to stop ASAP. Anyway, Jordan, despite being happy David is gone, doesn’t even think it matters - he can woo Becca in 5 minutes as well as he can in 30. Premature ejaculation is common in the Haus of Jordan. He goes off on some nonsense about wearing a tie but not wearing a tie so Becca can get a read on him?
Jordan is doing some Nathaniel Hawthorne-esque symbolism through sartorial choices and I would watch an entire series of Jordan trying to tell women how he feels about them using his clothes rather than his words. Becca presents Jordan with a pair of golden lame hot pants, and Jordan takes that as being the Golden Boy and that Becca clearly thinks his junk is gold. Seriously. Someone greenlight this series.
David comes back while this is occurring, and he looks a fucking wreck. Black eye, nose all banged up - David done fucked himself right up. Jordan acts like David can do anything about the way he looks with his broken nose. Becca does her due diligence and takes him aside, and she tells him how handsome he looks. Becca, you’re trying it. David schmoozes the FUCK out of Becca about how happy he is to be back and how this hurt more to leave her than him. Jordan, still banking on his looks and his looks alone, is completely focused on how terrible David looks. Jordan’s confident he’s getting a rose tonight and David will get sent home simply because of what he looks like.
Jordan is such a delusional monster, but he’s literally not even the worst person there.
Becca, being a saint, offers David a rose because there’s no way David can stand through a 4-6 hour Rose Ceremony.I feel like this is the one form of compassion we’re going to see from these people this season. David relishes in the fact that he gets to show off his bruised face AND his rose to Jordan, and skips off to bed.
And then, David goes, “Hey Jordan, what’s up?” and Jordan is so butt hurt about it.
We head into the Rose Ceremony. Chris, Colton, and David already have roses, so they don’t have to worry about a damn thing.
Jason / Andrew Keegan, Wills, Nick, Christon, Lincoln (BOOOOOOOOOO), Blake, Garrett, Leo, Venmo John, Connor (I think?), Jordan, and Jean Blanc Ralphio are all recipients of this week’s roses.
Bye, Mystery Hottie Ryan and Man Bun Mike. We literally never knew anything about you guys.
Oh, and we’re going to a winter wonderland. We’re off to Park City, Utah4! I wonder if they’re going to leave the country after Lincoln’s eliminated because they can’t travel with a felon!
Someone at the styling team really hates Becca because they put her in a bright red puffer jacket that must have been taken from the set of A Christmas Story: The Musical, LIVE! from last December. Hopefully that’s the closest Pasek and Paul make it to this disaster of a show, but knowing ABC, they’ll find a way. We learn that Garrett, who I hate, gets the one-on-one date.
Assuming they filmed this in February/March, making Garrett and Becca walk the streets of Park City could be considered cruel and unusual punishment. It definitely looks like one of those days that you think it’s warm because of the sun, but a breeze comes through and you think you’ve been slapped in the face. I don’t miss the cold. Becca brings Garrett to a an alpaca shop, which is not what I expected to be. Less alpacas, more sweaters. Becca sees her dad in Garrett, and honestly, this girl got her heart broken on national TV and doesn’t have a dad and clearly is going to look like that in a person.
And then we learn that Lincoln is a flat earther.
Okay, so Lincoln is:
Rumored to have issues pooping in public
An actual convicted sexual assaulter
AND HE’S BLACK???????????????
I hate being like “Man, this guy is making it look bad for everyone”, but I feel like if my friend Rae, who is also a Nigerian-American, heard any of this stuff about Lincoln, she would find him and chop his head off. He is making Nigerians look bad, and this is after Jackie Aina falsely accused another YouTuber of international bank fraud. Lincoln is worse than accusing someone of international bank fraud.
All the men are looking at him like he’s bonkers. He literally cannot fathom the idea of friction, gravity, or astrophysics. He invites an astrophysicist, the primary viewing group of The Bachelorette, to discuss it over hot chocolate.
I don’t even want to acknowledge Lincoln as a person anymore. Is he gone yet?
Back at the house, we hear Venmo John speak for the first time all season, and it turns out he has a weird voice. Is that mean? He’s talking with Jean Blanc Ralphio, who basically is this season’s anxiety bomb - he just needs to take a deep breath and chill out.
Garrett and Becca take a ski slope up to the top of a bobsledding track, and honestly, I really wish that they had just superimposed footage from Cool Runnings over this entire scene. We meet Shauna Rohbok and Valerie Fleming, who are silver medalists at the US Bobsled team, who also happen to be married to each other. My favorite part is Garrett putting two and two together than these two women are married to each other and that lesbianism isn’t a thing pornography made up and pretending to be super cool with that5.
Cue bobsledding montage.
Becca and Garrett sit down to “dinner”, and Becca immediately compares him to her dad. Garrett’s like “thanks dawg,” and then Becca’s like “okay, time to talk about your former relationships! Time to unveil your deepest personal traumas to me, this camera crew, and the rest of America!” Of course Garrett got married and divorced young - less than three years from dating to divorce, god damn - and he thinks it was to the Wrong Person. She was emotionally abusive and isolated him from the rest of his family, and he was the first member of his family to get divorced so he has Baggage. I mean, I still hate him. But that’s still unfortunate. Garrett reaffirms he’s there For Becca and he wants it to work for them, and that gets him a rose, and a dance in front of a band and a live audience. Again, do we ever hear from these bands again? Or the audience members, at that?
Back at the house, there’s a....
DATE CAAAAAAARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jordan, Chris, Star of War Dogs Miles Teller, Nick, John, Lincoln, Leo, David, Connor (I Think?), Christon, Colton, and Jean Blanc Ralphio are on the date card, which means My Boyfriend Wills is going on the other one-on-one date this week. And a ton of the dudes in the room are P I S S E D about that.
The guys all go to join Becca, who is wearing her best Lumberjack Chic outfit in a wheat field that’s somehow not covered in snow. Are they sure this is really Utah? They’re literally having a lumberjack bash, because… this show has a budget of $15 an episode, and they spent half of it on bobsledding lessons. They are literally going to throw axes and chop wood, because heteronormative activities on an arbitrary scale of masculinity is a great way to measure a man’s ability to be a good husband. Jean Blanc Ralphio, Frat Fink6 and He Who Shall Not Be Named are both disasters at chopping wood. I literally cannot be bothered to write anything positive about this because I do not understand the POINT. At some point the guys are literally lifting and pushing over logs?
This would never work for me. The guys, to make things worse, are split into teams to do a relay for Becca’s heart. There’s a ton of “separating the men from boys” things going on, and I thought that was determined by age and maturity, not by… being able to climb a 30 foot tall log. Maybe that’s just me? The final competition boils down to Venmo John vs Star of the Divergent Series, Miles Teller, and in a shocking twist, Venmo comes in first, and he gets a golden axe7.
If they wanted a date where the men wore plaid, I would much rather have all of them do their best Kurt Cobain impressions in a “grunge themed” group date. I had a much more insensitive punchline to that joke, so I’m just going to leave it at that for now.
It’s time for the After-After-After-After-After Party, and the first person to take Becca aside is Jason / Andrew Keegan, and basically he just talks about how nice it was to see Becca having fun. That’s it. He’s nervous because he cares about Becca so he’s finding it hard to be aloof, and agrees to just embrace that. Okay.
Is Jason working on me? Oh my god. He sounds genuine when he says this. NOOOOOOO, DO NOT LET ME FALL FOR ANDREW KEEGAN’S CULT!!!8 Colton tells Becca he’s been in love before, and this dude is a virgin who’s been in love? What the fuck? Jordan is wearing the hot pants Becca gave him under his clothes, and honestly, Aaron Samuels wishes. He takes off his pants to show her and kiss Becca, and she literally tells him she can’t take him seriously before sashaying away to the other men on the couch.
Jesus, Jordan is annoying. Colton and Frat Fink are irritated especially, and is the next to join the Jordan is Not Here for the Right Reasons camp. They think his behavior is disrespectful, and Colton wants his shenanigans to be over. Jordan asks if Colton thinks Jordan should be tired of all these men taking him aside to talk to him, and Colton’s like “yeah… because you’re annoying, dude.” He calls Jordan a motherfucker, a clown, all kinds of things. Colton calls himself “One of the Good Guys”, something I can certifiably say is unlikely to be true. Jordan is harmless and Becca clearly doesn’t see him as a real option, so this is all unnecessary.
Jean Blanc Ralphio takes Becca side to present her with a perfume, and it is at this moment that I realize his FIRST AND LAST NAME is Jean Blanc. This entire time I thought Jean Blanc was his first and middle name and I let out an entirely involuntary “THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS.” at my office. The perfume is called “Miss Becca Blanc,” which is so weird. We don’t even find out what it smells like before Jean Blanc Ralphio tries to exchange the perfume for a kiss, which Becca is not about. She can smell something unpleasant in the air, and it’s not JBR’s cologne - it’s Desperation, by Calvin Klein. At this time, Leo comes in to interrupt9 and that basically starts Jean Blanc Ralphio on a shame spiral. He wants to turn that frown upside dizity, but he doesn’t know how.
He decides to take life by the balls and interrupt Lincoln’s time with Becca. He wants to affirm how he feels about Becca, and tells her that he’s falling in love with her.
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Basically, this is Jean Blanc Ralphio:
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Becca’s response:
Me, at home:
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Also Me:
Becca doesn’t know anything about this person, or what brought on these feelings so quickly, but Becca is overwhelmed. Not just whelmed. She’s not even close to the same page, they’re in separate chapters. It may feel like it’s been a year, but it’s the fourth episode, Jean Blanc Ralphio. You feel NOTHING except a mild erection, and Becca’s allowed to not want you there anymore because she thinks your feelings are deeper than hers and she doesn’t know if she can get there with you. Becca asks if she can walk him out.
Jean Blanc Ralphio asks about his gift on his way out, and Becca offers to give it back. Uh, Becca? It was a gift. Likely it’s water with food coloring in it and a Microsoft Word label, he doesn’t need it back. And that’s when Jean Blanc Ralphio digs his grave.
Basically, Jean Ralphio expected to give Becca a gift and that would get her so aroused and turned on that she would fall madly in love with him straight away, and confessing his love to her was simply a tactic, not his actual sentiment. He fully admits to basically saying that because he wanted to stay there and because he thought that’s what she wanted from him. Uh, this girl just had her heart shattered on national TV from a dude’s insincerity, it’s the exact OPPOSITE of what she wants right now. Becca is so mad and basically shoves him out the door. Becca goes to talk to the other dudes in pure anger, and cancels the rest of the night. No one’s getting the group date rose.
The next day, My Boyfriend Wills has been prepped with the knowledge that Becca had a hard night the night before. Everyone saw Becca’s genuine, real anger the night before, and they have all realized Rebecca ain’t no one to fuck with. Becca’s an emotional mess from the night before still, and she feels weird.
Probably because you haven’t dealt with having your heart broken on national television, Rebecca.
My Boyfriend Wills approaches Becca in the snow, and he gives her a huge hug. They both talk about not wanting to talk about what happened the previous night, so of course that’s going to be the main focus on the evening. They’re going to go on snowmobiles so they don’t have to talk about anything, and Becca has a wonky eyelash. They have a snowball fight, My Boyfriend Wills has an ASMR voice, and it’s all pretty wonderful. They go to dinner, and Wills reveals that his Deep Romantic Trauma is from his ex-girlfriend wanting to open up their relationship and him not being game for that. He refers to this as a “Hall Pass”, which implies that it’s less wanting Openness, but her looking for an excuse to cheat. But Wills isn’t afraid of commitment whatsoever, he’s afraid of not being Enough.
Oh, Wills. I get that.
But that honesty and respect for Becca gets Wills a rose. Yas, My Boyfriend Wills.
Back at the house, the dudes who got fucked over by Jean Blanc’s fuckery cutting the group date short - Nick and Connor (I think?) - and Chris Harrison comes by for five seconds to reveal that Becca knows her choices and there isn’t going to be a cocktail party that evening, it’s going straight to the Rose Ceremony. Nick and Connor (I think?) are upset and fucked up about this.
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It’s time for the Rose Ceremony.
Leo, Colton, Blake, Jason, Connor (I think?), He Who Shall Not Be Named, John, Frat Fink, David, and Jordan get roses. Bye Nick, Bye Christon10. Jordan is shook he’s in last place, even though he’s been there before.11
Oh, and we’re off to Vegas!
Next Week: Tons of Vegas references! The Bellagio fountain! Becca is feeling amazing! Frat Fink is this guy’s “what about my attention? I’m better than these guys!” And David vs. Jordan in the desert for my favorite part of the season - the two-on-one.
See you then!
Random Assessments from the Desk of Amanda:
I’m so mad my hottie mystery banjo boyfriend is a MAGAhead, I cannot.
Oh my god, not only is Jordan’s identity Being Ridiculously Good-Looking, he also feels the need to bring up his crotch enough that I’m genuinely worried he might really be a Ken Doll down there.
The only good part of this week’s group date was the butts. Oh my god, the butts.
Seriously, was this season lit with the Benjamin Franklin’s lightbulb?
Okay, but god BLESS Jean Blanc Ralphio for having a name but also providing me with the opportunity to look at a bunch of gifs of  my Future Husband Ben Schwartz for this recap. #soloboloforevolo
I love that My Boyfriend Wills has a sweatshirt with his name on it.
Has the Rose Ceremony order always had the implication of favor? I didn’t know it was an official ranking of where you are to the lead.
Super Telling Of How Terrible This Season Is: this episode didn’t get a “funny behind the scenes moment featuring the guys while the credits roll” scene.
Or if you’re my mother, ask James Spader in general - she has this weird theory he’s a weirdo and it’s my favorite thing. Like, she cannot deduce whether he’s a weird person or he’s really, really good at playing weird characters. I love his sliminess. ↩︎
Now it’s Claws. Are you watching Claws? You should be fucking watching Claws, god damn it. It's on Hulu! Get on it! ↩︎
Hi Jordan! ↩︎
Fun Fact: for years, I thought Park City was named because they had an Olympic Park there. Text STOP to stop useless facts about my life! ↩︎ ↩︎
My other favorite part? Shauna Rohbok is a lesbian Mormon. ↩︎
My friends call Chris Rat Fink, but I think Frat Fink is an even better variation because he totally was the gross frat guy in college. ↩︎
Something tells me Jordan is having a conniption somewhere. ↩︎
Then again, it would be the biggest compliment to be hot enough to be offered a spot in this cult. ↩︎
He is so shrouded in darkness and his hair I literally had to guess based on a floral print and a voice who this is. It could have been anyone. ↩︎
God, I hope Christon makes it into paradise and they bring back Scallop Fingers / Christen / Krysten / Kiersten and we get their names confused. ↩︎
He also compares himself to a sponge, and Monet X Change would like a FUCKING WORD. ↩︎
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warning, the following has mainly snarky (and possibly furious) opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
Alright, on to part three, where Phoenix’s big fat mouth gets Apollo and Athena into deep doodoo.
way to ruin the moooooood XD
well athena if its any consolation, smelling like a rotten egg will probably delight sadmad.
y’know. cause youre a putrid egg yolk.
“Once a rebel, always a rebel!”
apollo was never a rebel
you sent him back to America before he could do any rebelling.
oh everyone’s met up now
“It was like watching a pair of ostriches bury their heads in the sand”
the FUCK does that mean, Phoenix?!???
“dubious hovel”
whats wrong with athena? i thought she was huddling up in the corner because she saw something unnerving, then maybe because of all the sudden people there–– but it’s implying she’s disgusted by the shitty state of the place?
what, is Athena a germaphobe now??
“He said he hopes you’ll come back and take over this office someday.”
“Those were his words! He might have been half-joking though.”
I’m not sure which I’m more offended by; the fact that Dhurke still assumed Apollo would make a shit lawyer, or the fact that Apollo does indeed take over. Spoilers. Haha.
“must’ve been because of you, dhurke!”
no it was because of Phoenix Wright because he was a cool guy, once upon a time. also because, unlike every other lawyer in the gotdamn series, Apollo just really friggin loves the law. He thinks lawyers are legit cool and he wanted to be one because he just happened to have a passion for litigating. He’s not a prop in your stupid story, he’s his own interesting person.
“Dhurke was never a hands-on kinda dad...”
you can motherfucking say that again, vore machine.
“...but not a day went by that he wasn’t thinking of ya. That much I’m sure of.”
yeah he sure was
thinking of the favours he could one day ask of him.
“Doesn’t get more paternal than that!”
Athena, you don't even have a dad. Your opinion on the subject is completely worthless. 
“(Dhurke... And to think, I really did spend my days trying to forget you...)”
god apollo you don’t deserve this. you deserve trucy and klavier and thalassa (being an actual mom for once) HELL you deserve your ACTUAL, REAL DAD.
“The victim’s passport and any pictures of him were burned up in the fire. Without knowing his real name, no divination seance could be performed.” 
So you’re telling me Jove brought every single glossy of himself into that blaze? And after the fire, nobody bothered checking the dental records on the corpse/asking where that neato musician from the other night went?
Once again, DDSOJ police, at their best. If there wasn’t a coverup involved, I’m gonna be pissed.
( My real dad... I was never really interested in learning about him. )
While this is a totally understandable and natural reaction... I really wish–– Actually, no; it’s best Apollo never learned that he once had a father who actually gave a fuck about him. That’d probably break his heart.
“As the son of the terrorist Dhurke, Nahyuta was expelled from the royal family.”
i.... why did Dhurke keep him in Koooraheen, anyway? He really couldn’t have sent him to a happier life in America with his half brother?
huh i think that face-palm is a new expression for Vore Machine. he almost looks reasonable.
“As his son, Yuty no doubt got the cold shoulder at every turn.”
amazing. not only was Apollo abandoned in America in some shit orphanage with zero contact from anything he knew as family, but Sadmad was forced to stay behind in a country that hated his guts. The perfect situation for both boys!!! No wonder they’re both so fucking grouchy all the time! Dhurke, you parental genius!
“Dhurke’s the kinda guy who can become fast friends with just about anyone!”
guess that explains the fandom popularity 
“Lol come over n play some jams bro”
“Ok dawg is it chill if i bring my kid my wifes uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
“Yeah its cool I'm great with kids”
“It’s like Dhurke’s done nothing but save me all my life” yeah... from messes he made.
“Jangly Justice”
god. i want to root for Jove but like. He looks like a tool, he sounds like a tool, his stage name is the tooliest thing ive ever heard... 
originally this section was me ranting about how Thalassa would never have just ‘stopped looking for Apollo’ when she heard that Jove perished in the flames, since Apollo’s corpse was never found and the rebels were out looking for her to give him to her– but instead I’m just gonna leave you with ‘that excuse is mad weak and the writers need to try harder.’
“You should try on the jacket, Apollo!”
“Yeah, yeah!”
Look, I can excuse Athena, because she doesn’t know. But Datz knows its mold infested and disgusting. And he just finished talking about APollo’s tragic past. What the everloving fuck is up with this sicko?!
Also Athena, you can’t laugh at him wearing an eyepatch when he just got done wearing one all last year. 
“I’d recognize those horns anywhere!”
“Is that really the only way anyone recognizes me?”
cue Phoenix harrumphing from the corner and brushing his spikes
yknow maybe ive mentioned this before but why /hasn’t/ the queen found the safe house? It’s Dhurke’s old law office; that’d be like, the first place I’d check. Its like wondering if Dumbledore’s Army is based in Hogwarts.
I mean I guess you could say the Queen assumes theyre not stupid enough to hide in their old main haunt but... they’re stupid. they’re really, really stupid. it’s been proven like 800 times.
so we just had a ladder convo about lizards?
also what do you mean geckos like to live in houses? i thought they just climbed around outside them. aLSO WHY ARE THEY EATING THEM 
... I appreciate that it ended in a Bugs Bunny Switcharoo though.
...And Phoenix ends it with “theyre just a plain old lizard”
I guess Phoenix doesn’t know flowers or lizards. 
i really don’t know why none of the revolutionaries think sadmad’s playing the long con. they’ve all just completely given up on him. what if he was pulling a snape??? they talk about trust and shit and yet none of them trust their own leader’s son? shameful.
“It seems like Gar’an has some serious leverage over him”
okay, they suspect he’s being controlled with some kind of blackmail... and yet do nothing to help him? they’re dumb enough to risk their lives doing something like that, but not compassionate or caring enough?? to their leader’s son???? what the fuck??????
aww i missed Beh’leeb. I hope she and her (born/ unborn? cannot tell if she’s pregnant or not) kid are doing ok.
“So she’s trying to help the revolution along... in her own special way!”
that sounds enormously patronizing phoenix, shut up. she’s pregnant and she has to deal with fucks like Datz running around blowing off firecrackers at government officials.
...youre giving the orb to datz.
ill eat my hat if nothing happens to it.
“We’ll attract undue attention if we go in too large a group”
oh also because youre dressed like baby’s first paint set but
“Do you know something about this?” “Nope! Just felt like shouting is all.”
yes, this is definitely the guy who should hold onto the orb for you. also i presented the attorneys badge. guess he has nothing to say about apollo’s proof of profession, eh?
“Yeah... You’d think Nahyuta might’ve cut his old man some slack, but no.” Dhurke you thick son of a bitch
wow. one single flashback occurrence where Dhurke wasn’t a dick. Well, 1/1000 ain’t too shabby...
“What? You came to visit me and you didn’t even bring me a present?”
What, like your plate of ‘my son is NOT a failure” sushi, Dhurke ?
“But I’m not a rebel.”
“Don’t be ridiculous– You’re a member of the defiant dragons simply by being my son.”
If you present him your attorneys badge he jokes about dying happy and apollo makes it explicit that he means via execution 
dhurke. that means apollo would die too. stop fucking joking about him dying you prickwad.
Apollo: Hey Dhurke know anything about this necklace
Dhurke: OOOAAHHH!!! OHHH!! AHHH!!!!
Apollo: So thats a... 
Dhurke: Hahahahah its a no son give it here
Apollo: Yeah ok i see nothing suspicious about that at all and i sure hope the secret behind it wasn’t important to this case or anything..........
me: jeez i hope that stupid necklace was the last thing we had to present
phoenix, appearance from god knows where: hey maybe ask about the hostage
me: bless you baby. also i forgot you were here
Phoenix: Sounds like the minister has someone you really care about, cause you totally obeyed everything he did.
i know what youre trying to excuse here SOJ staff but no, straight up lifting right out of JFA will never be ok.
“Is there a new lady in your life?” “WHAT?! DONT BE RIDICULOUS SON!”
I’m gay now! Hahaha. But seriously. Nobody wants to date Dhurke.
“Amara was the love of my life, but she’s gone now, and there will never be another.”
cue Dhurtz shippers furiously jamming their fingers in their ears and whistling 
what the 
fuck is happening 
to his aRM
oh there’s something hidden in there THANK GOD THAT SCAREDTHE FUCK OUTTA ME
“Oh I see– so youre hiding a woman’s photo up your sleeve”
oh yeah, a 3D photo. that has bumpy bits. absolutely apollo.
“You don’t need to keep secrets like that from me– You’re an eligible bachelor now. But you’ll... introduce her to me at some point, right?”
this has that creepy ‘parent insists you have a crush on that one kid’ conversation vibe to it, especially since it’s not like Apollo ever had an attachment to Amara to make him see her as a mother; she was ‘dead’ before he could even walk.
“Mon dieu! Are you into younger women, Dhurke?!”
Athena,,,,,,,, athena,,,, Apollo,,,,, he’s 
oh never mind.
“Heh heh. Dhurke, you old dog, you. You got yourself a younger lover.”
“This is Amara before she died. If you look closer, you’ll see that I was younger, too.”
“Hey. You’re right.”
“Aww, that’s no fun.”
“Wait a second... Haven’t we seen this woman before?”
i really love that photo though. everything about it is generally just really nice.
wait hang on. they. they just. they kept her around? after her fake assassination? they just–– WHERE YOU COULD GET A PHOTO OF HER?!
“She was confined within the grounds, but she was fit as a fiddle.”
Ga’ran. Ga’ran. Ga’ran. You stupid, stupid, stupid bitch.
“She was being held under virtual house arrest, so I freed her, and we made a run for it.”
“Of course, we didn’t just proclaim it to the people so that they’d realize Ga’ran was a dirty bitch; that would have been way too easy hahaha.”
Ohhh I see. They didn’t know Ga’ran was the one who did it. Except Ga’ran was the one who kept her under house arrest and faked her death so... It’s pretty obviously her? Amara would know that by putting 2 and 2 together? But no... Apparently Amara was suspicious enough to suspect Dhurke of being the arsonist like Ga’ran said, but brave enough to ‘accompany him so she could ascertain the truth for herself.’
hey remember when i said brave. i meant stupid. she was stupid enough to go with someone she thought might have tried to kill her, completely unsupervised. though i guess you'd have to be that dumb to actually fall in love with Dhurke in the first place.
AH, and she was immediately recaptured. Because Dhurke sucks. 
Waaaaait wait wait. How long and when did he ‘rescue’ her? The incident was 23 years ago, but Rayfa is 14– and Amara would need the usual 9 months to gestate– plus, the room she’s holding Rayfa in has the Defiant Dragons handbook in there, so it’s probably someplace of Dhurke’s–– 
Meaning there was a nine year gap but they still didn’t show her to the general public to depose gar– AGHHH. ITS ALL TERRIBLE!!!
“Apollo. We need to grill the queen about Amara when we have the chance.”
Hobo Nick’s ghost: Hey uhh me, that might get you uhhhhh murdered i thought we got over that after von karma tasered the shit out of u––
Apollo: hey maybe the baby Amara’s holding is me. 
Athena: Nah it’s too cute to be you.
Apollo: ....i just want to have proof that I’ve known the loving touch of a mother at least ONCE ATHENA OKAY???
“Hm? Oh... well, either way, it’s not you, son.”
yeah fuck you apollo the Sadmahdis only love their REAL children
also its Rayfa. it was in the safe next to Rafya’s letter; Rayfa basically identified it as herself when she saw it, it’s Rayfa.
Apollo: wow youre sure acting vague and suspicious about this; guess i’ll just accept it for what it is.
Dhurke: [tells apollo’s he's going to die and leave him fatherless again]
Apollo: [immediately assumes its another of Dhurke’s jokes because Dhurke’s jokes are horrible and always at Apollo’s expense]
phoenix: ...are you sick?
i shriek laughed 
Apollo: [clearly emotionally distraught] 
Dhurke: [continues to dance around the issue, thus prolonging Apollo’s suffering]
(Why is this happening now? Just when I was finally starting to feel like you really are my...)
So far Apollo hasn't said “i’m gonna do x and x and x, or die trying!” and honestly i know it’s a bit on the nose but it’s more true for this situation than any other ones it’s usually said in.
Dhurke: I’ve got a big secret
Apollo: You’ve been hiding something *ELSE* from me?
Dhurke: I’m afraid I can’t tell you what it is. I’d be betraying a certain someone if I did.
“You’ll discover a truth that is hard to accept. But I know you. And I know you can handle the truth, no matter what it turns out to be.”
After all, you’re super great at accepting all the misfortune my existence has heaped upon you! Hahaha!!!
“Apollo... Are you okay?”
“...I’m fine.”
they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you’re fine, when you’re not really fine, but you just can’t get into it b
h e r e   c o m e   t h e   r e b e l s
and once again you have to manually move there. 
action bomb over here from Vore Machine 
also beh’leeb sweety youre doing amazing
“Dhurke belongs to the people!! Give him back!!!”
he what now
“They’ll be arrested? Just for protesting?!”
Apollo... you live in the real world, r–– oh well technically he doesn't hm
that point’s moot
“They are aiding and abetting a criminal by seeking his release”
uh pretty sure that’s BS yut
“Her Eminence, Queen Ga’ran, has ordered they be arrested and judged en-masse”
ok im fucking 
I'm wheezing so bad not ONLY do we have to save a revolution and Dhurke the rebel leader, but we are now about to defend most of the population of an entire country at once. Stakes RAISED bro
good fucking lord apollo stop being all “weren’t you a defiant dragon once?!wehh!!”
even Phoenix, with his Edgeworth obsession, didn’t really question it when Edgeworth was being his shithead prosecutor self.
Nahyuta: Sigh. Guess I can’t escape you. I mean I could use my magic beads to tie you up and then prance off but i have a plot to advance.
“Enough with the zen monk act, Nahyuta– Tell me how you really feel!”
Damnit, Sadmad, it’s not like we have someone who can read emotions by listening to-– oh yeah.
“She’s being held in secret where nobody is allowed to see her.”
second time’s the charm!
Apollo, simply bringing up the reason he’s doing what he’s doing won’t get him to stop. Remember the Phoenix and Maya situation? Until you can guarantee her safety, Sadmad’s just going to keep steam rolling along.
ok athena dish the dirt
alright, here we go, folks. time for Nick to get all their asses killed. i mean just listen to that ominous music :/
i love her laugh sprite. 
“a lawyer AND  a comedian, HOW DROLL”
the royal guards weird me out a bit though. its those masks. I'm getting high lady gaga gives 
lady gagaran
Apollo: better give her evidence to burn–– i mean, jog her memory with some evidence.
Ghost of hobo nick: future me!! stop this!! don’t you remember what always used to happen?!
...........that worked
....no it didn’t. just spring you damn trap already, gagaran.
Apollo: Hm better not tell the people, that could stir up the revolution and actually make it happen. Especially since there might be REAL terrorists hiding out there, just waiting until someone goes, “Hey, that dead queen isn’t really dead!!”
something went wrong?? no way
“Eeeek! Apollo! Don’t strip here!!!”
why is athena such a ditz in this case???
wow. apollo’s ass canonically bared in AA6
klavier gavin cries a million miles away
“damn i really thought he was hiding it in his skintight pants and vest. also ignore the other two, they couldn’t possibly have it.”
oh lord pls don’t hurt rayfa
“Your mind has been poisoned by the barbed one.”
“It was an honour and pleasure, your eminence”
phoenix i know that was highly badass and all but youre literally sitting pretty to be executed 
“Well, Apollo, let’s head back to the safe house for now.” 
yes, just in case any spies follow us! so that the queen can get her hands on the orb that much fast!!
oh hi edgeworht, youre in this game
“Moving along to things that actually matter...”
it’s true, but he shouldn’t say it
“Yeah, it’s like the more we learn about this case, the less we understand.”
just like me and this game’s writing process
“A trial without evidence...”
there’s evidence, you wankers, what do you think that photo of amara, the old case files and the necklace are????
“Athena, you’re too young and extra to die. Sit this trial out so we can save on sprite space.”
“Gotcha, chief.”
“Plus, there’s prosecutor Blackquill to think of. he said he’d use me for sword practice if he put you in harms way.”
Yeah, if Athena dies, who’ll his new punching bag be??? don’t think i haven’t forgotten story teller. i will not forget. i will not forgive.
“Remember; the worst of times are when lawyers have to force their biggest smiles.”
ugh, finally it’s used semi right. 
And so, we come to the end of another frustrating chapter. It’s finally time to move on to the final trial. I’m actually kind of curious to find out how everything went down– though something tells me my suffering won’t end when i do. 
Welp, friends –  till next time. The final hurdle is at hand. Or at least, part one of it.
4 notes · View notes
thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
«What man?» “The man,” Marco explained, explaining nothing.
Jonathan Bradley: For a feminist song by an artist whose music is rarely explicitly political, "The Man" focuses its attentions on one woman in particular. That is a good thing; Taylor Swift writes best from personal experience, and this is a more immediate and sharply felt song than the blandly participatory, elections-inspired "Only the Young." "I'm so sick of running as fast as I can," says Swift, but she doesn't sound weary; she sounds resentful. And she should be, too: the public and critical response to Swift has been explicitly gendered for her entire career. One of the sharpest songwriters of her generation, she has been abjured as frivolous and feminine; petty and jealous; a scold and a snake; too nice, too nasty, too promiscuous, too prudish. ("The negative traits ascribed to Taylor always sound like a greatest-hits list of every bad characteristic associated with womanhood," Molly Lambert wrote in 2014.) "The Man" is, as Swift tunes often are, broadly applicable. But it's also specific in its indignance. These are wounds felt personally. [8]
Vikram Joseph: Taylor's lyrics are normally best when she's writing about heartache, but they are so strong here -- incisive, funny and bitingly on point about the ways in which women in the public eye are castigated for things that men are celebrated for. "What I was wearing / if I was rude / could all be separated from my good ideas and power moves" is particularly good, and the bridge contains probably the only acceptable instance of a mad/bad rhyme in pop history. Musically, "The Man" is deceptively amiable, almost to a fault -- it's fun synth-pop but feels like 1989-lite, "Out Of The Woods" with too much of the fizz dissipated. [7]
Katie Gill: Swift's superpower is the ability to release all the worst songs off of her album as singles. (Calling it now, her next single will be "London Boy.") "The Man" is far too happy and peppy for a song about institutional sexism, with a chorus that heavily relies on the line "I'm so sick." The mixing choices are bizarre: those "yeah"s hiding in the background are so awkwardly placed that it makes me wish goat remixes were still in vogue. And for an artist who still struggles to get past that iconic moment of being compared to Beyoncé, it's a weird choice to make a song that will inevitably be compared to Beyoncé. [4]
Katherine St Asaph: For all the Discourse that smogs up everything Taylor Swift does, especially (but not only) when it involves politics or feminism, "The Man" is not really of that world. It's Taylor Swift finally getting around to releasing her own "If I Were a Boy" or "If I Was a Guy" or "Do It Like a Dude": a standard topic for pop songs, alongside "fame sucks" and "I rule." These songs are rarely great, tending lyrically to The Wing ad copy (lowlight here: "my good ideas and power moves") and musically to midtempo resignation: sure, if I were a man then I'd be the man, but I'm not and won't be, so why get angry or excited? (To Swift's credit, she works with the resignation; there's genuine wistfulness to the "running as fast as I can" line, if not wistfulness that's explored far.) These songs also subsume personality: The artist is no longer herself, just a woman among the class of women -- and actually not even that defined, just not a man. Taylor Swift, being Taylor Swift, doesn't make herself totally anonymous -- the multiple lines about getting to chase models, specifically in the way Leonardo DiCaprio does, seems like a deliberate reference to the tabloid world of the Squad, Kaylor, etc. But for every spot where her vocal inflections sound indelibly like herself, there's one where she sounds exactly like Katy Perry, one where she sounds exactly like Sia, one where she sounds exactly like early Britney, and many where she sounds like late Britney, who by then sounded like everybody else. (And since Swift and Joel Little are the only writers, for once it isn't a demo vocal's fault. Which means neither are the scanSION isSUES.) Will it shift the narrative? That's the main reason this exists. Will it be anyone's feminist awakening? Given that her stans recently exhumed and endorsed a slimy blog post by one of the most notorious pustular men of publishing because it let them harass a woman for reviewing her PR documentary -- another standard form of pop-star content -- the snooze button's been hit on that. Will it take up man-sized space on the radio? Clearly; it is a song by Taylor Swift. You're the man now, dawg. [5]
Brad Shoup: For someone who's gotten so adept at threading personal storytelling in and out of celebrity narrative, Swift suddenly, inexplicably, writes like someone who hasn't browsed a magazine in years. She must know that Leo's romantic excursions are a punchline at best, and that anyone else dropping a couplet like "What's it like to brag about raking in dollars/And getting bitches and models" would be in for a straight week of surgical editorialization. As usual, her verses are intricate machines of melodic development and rhythmic gymnastics. But the chorus makes me wish she'd pulled a reverse Porter and gone full pitch-down. I know she can afford it; she's the man. [3]
Kylo Nocom: Taylor's precise satire ends up a greater priority on "The Man" than the melodies, leaving a more impressive statement than a tune. Neither Blue Neighbourhood squeals nor choral presets are intriguing by 2020, making me wonder whether Joel Little realizes, almost seven years after Pure Heroine, that its influence is getting boring now. (Yeah!) [3]
Alfred Soto: Those staccato synth chords and Taylor Swift's stentorian delivery distracted on a rather effective album sequence last August. Radio play, however, has revealed the mild gender subversion explicit in the chorus, especially the way the electronic space fails to distinguish it from the competition. Exposure, alas, spolights "If I were a man/Then I'd be the man." [7]
Tobi Tella: For an album billed as her "most political yet", Lover mostly sidesteps real discourse. "The Man" is gloriously unsubtle, but I'm not sure how true Swift's conceit rings. There are some great confrontations of double standards here, mostly of her dating history; but would Taylor Swift, a woman who writes gooey emotional pop songs about love, be "the man" in any circumstance, regardless of gender? [6]
Michael Hong: Does anyone remember that interview around the release of Lover, where she explained why she wrote that dreadful second verse of "You Need to Calm Down?" It's hilarious: a statement by a woman whose allyship stretched as far as a throwaway "boys and boys and girls and girls," now expressing public indignation at the mere idea that one might perceive her as a homophobe. As a result, we had to suffer through "why are you mad, when you could be GLAAD," which somehow earned her GLAAD's Vanguard Award, further proof for cynics that Taylor Swift had become an expert at gaming the system. "The Man" is more of the same, Taylor Swift honing in one way she's a minority and filtering out all her other privilege. It's punctuated by a weak statement: "if I was a man, then I'd be the man," ignoring the fact that "the man" is more commonly used as a symbol of oppression. Nothing about the track challenges any piece of existing culture; even the call-out of Leonardo DiCaprio is more of a playful little ribbing, something Taylor might joke about to him during one of her extravagant yacht parties. "The Man" is a brilliant piece of marketing, a demonstration of Swift's ability to flip social issues into sounding personal and branding herself as a feminist. It helps her sell her own records while elevating her own standing. But as a song, it's another awkward and clunky moment that she seems to perceive as her own little mic drop. Hopefully next time she'll a) hire some women personnel in the studio and b) learn about the concept of intersectionality. [1]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: I've criticized Taylor Swift before for her political silence, so I feel hypocritical now -- especially as a cisgender man, especially in the context of her recent Netflix documentary -- saying this sounds heavy-handed and awkward. Taylor explores the political less clumsily than Katy Perry circa 2017, but that's hardly a compliment. "The Man" is a message song, and it achieves its goals confidently, without mincing words. But Swift is a talented songwriter with many more interesting things to say, and has even talked about similar themes in more interesting ways (see "Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince"). Lover is full of intimate, gorgeous pop songs like "False God" or "Daylight," so to push this as a single is disappointing. #JUSTICEFORCRUELSUMMER [5]
Lauren Gilbert: "The Man" is a theme song for every woman who has had a man explain to her that if she just smiled a little more and tried a little harder, of course it'll all work out. It feels like walking out of a horrible job for the last time, looking at the sky and knowing -- absolutely, with a certainty you never have about yourself -- that you're better than that place, and you'll make more than they will, anyway. And I'm completely here for these MUNA-esque synths and Taylor's half-rapped "bitches and models." OK, so I docked a point for rhyming "man" and "man" in the chorus. But Taylor's still got it; this bitch still knows how to write a damn song. [9]
Ashley Bardhan: The production is deceptively honeyed -- gumdrop bass and candy button high hats. It does its job in distracting from how frustratedly deadpan Taylor sounds, probably proving her point that "it's all good if you're bad/and it's okay if you're mad," as long as you're a man. She uses the word "bitch" twice in the bridge, a testament of anger from the pop star who doesn't publicly curse very much at all. She spits it out, "I'd be a bitch, not a baller," as if singing the word will get rid of it. Of course, a famous white woman like Taylor Swift wields the kind of power that most women won't even allow themselves to dream about, but still, I feel sorry for her. [7]
Edward Okulicz: In a sea of competing takes, cut-through is achieved by blending the incisive thoughtfulness of Taylor Swift with the head-scratching vacuousness of.... Taylor Swift. I wonder which man wrote the hook that made it so catchy. If you'd once written an entire multi-platinum record by yourself and still people assumed you were ghostwritten, you'd throw your hands up too. [8]
Alex Clifton: "The Man" is a bit basic and one-note, but then again, I never expected a detailed intersectional rundown of systemic oppression in a four-minute pop song on an album titled Lover. The message of the song--"if I was a man, then I'd be the man"--is one of Swift's weaker chorus lines, because it's so redundant and clunky. Still, other lines like "when everyone believes you, what's that like?" hit like a dart. I've had my share of those experiences myself, some which I still struggle to talk about, and unfortunately I know way too many other women do. To hear someone as big as Swift sing about it in a song, knowing she's had her own experiences with sexual assault and harassment, is really powerful to me. "The Man" is not the best song on Lover, but it does make me feel more hopeful about the state of the world, if only because there are going to be teen girls listening to this and deciding that they're going to make a change in the world for themselves. There were no songs like this on mainstream radio for me when I was thirteen, and I wish there had been. So if this song makes young girls feel like they can and should fight for their rights, Swift has done her job. [6]
Isabel Cole: I mean, it could have been SO much worse. [6]
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