#professional tooka herder mun:
(On annon because I'm shy)
So, do you have an opinion on body insecurity? Like, it's not that I don't like my body, I just don't like specific things, like my acne and my stretch marks.
(Asking this on behalf of all the insecure girlies out there.)
Love u! 🫶❤️✨
Shy Cyar'ika
Everyone doesn't like something about themselves at first. When I was a cadet I didn't like my blonde hair. It made me a target by the long necks and I had to be separated from my batchmates because of it.
But acne is a normal response to something about pores and hormones. Even us clones get acne. Ashoka gave me this really nice face mask for them that doesn't itch. From my understanding acne can be treatable through face washing and exfoliation and sometimes hormone treatments. You would have to speak to your medic about what's best for you.
And stretch marks are beautiful. All bodies are beautiful. Skinny, bony, plus size, mom bods, Dad bodies . It doesn't matter to us clones. You can have blemishes and marks and patches and whatever else nat born beauty standards say are ugly and a clone definitely won't care.
I have a few stretch marks myself from rapid growth.
We will kiss your stretch marks and wear face masks together
The point is body insecurity happens, mesh'la, it's a natural part of living. But remind yourself that these are things that are a part of you. Which means they are worthy of being loved.
No one can make you feel inferior without your permission, not even yourself.
Everything about you is worthy of being loved.
You are worthy of being loved.
By others and especially by yourself.
Captain Rex | CT 7567
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jangosboyz · 8 months
Welcome to the RP Blogs of the GAR
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We'll be adding to this post as things change, but for now... Enjoy the RP blogs of the clone boys we've got so far! Rules and FAQs will be built up as we go, but for now, see below!
The 501st
Kix: @i-outrank-everyone
Jesse: @arc-trooper-juicy-j
Tup: @tup-perware
Hardcase: @hardcase-ct-yolo
Dogma: @is-that-regulation
Hevy: @hevy-lifter
Echo: @idiot-tamer
Fives: @fives-but-a-10
Rex: @professional-tooka-herder
Wolffe: @howl-like-u-mean-it
Fox: @a-1010-is-speaking
Thorn: @every-rose-has-one
Gregor: @its-capt-traitor-to-you
Hound: @massiff-daddy
Interaction Guidelines
Getting flirty/suggestive is cool, but please don’t get explicit with the boyz.
Muses on the dash, muns in the DMs. Pls don’t attempt to DM the boyz.
Feel free to tag us in fics, the muns love their muses and are thrilled to see new stories, but that doesn’t mean the boyz will respond…but they might 👀
Please feel free to tag us in art, so we can reblog it and show love to the artist.
Be polite in the askbox or you may get blocked. Thorn wields the Block Hammer just as well as his Z-6 😜
Please do not tag us in clonecest, incest, rexsoka, twincest, cloneshipping, or underage.
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