#professor dinsmore
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Method for decoding asteroid interiors could help aim asteroid-deflecting missions NASA hit a bullseye in late September with DART, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test, which flew a spacecraft straight at the heart of a nearby asteroid. The one-way kamikaze mission smashed into the stadium-sized space rock and successfully reset the asteroid’s orbit. DART was the first test of a planetary defense strategy, demonstrating that scientists could potentially deflect an asteroid headed for Earth. Now MIT researchers have a tool that may improve the aim of future asteroid-targeting missions. The team has developed a method to map an asteroid’s interior structure, or density distribution, based on how the asteroid’s spin changes as it makes a close encounter with more massive objects like the Earth. Knowing how the density is distributed inside an asteroid could help scientists plan the most effective defense. For instance, if an asteroid were made of relatively light and uniform matter, a DART-like spacecraft could be aimed differently than if it were deflecting an asteroid with a denser, less balanced interior. “If you know the density distribution of the asteroid, you could hit it at just the right spot so it actually moves away,” says Jack Dinsmore ’22, who developed the new asteroid-mapping technique as an MIT undergraduate majoring in physics. The team is eager to apply the method to Apophis, a near-Earth asteroid that is estimated to pose a significant hazard if it were to make impact. Scientists have ruled out the likelihood of a collision during Apophis’ next flybys for at least a century. Beyond that, their forecasts grow fuzzy. “Apophis will miss Earth in 2029, and scientists have cleared it for its next few encounters, but we can’t clear it forever,” says Dinsmore, who is now a graduate student at Stanford University. “So, it’s good to understand the nature of this particular asteroid, because if we ever need to redirect it, it’s important to understand what it’s made of.” Dinsmore and Julien de Wit, assistant professor in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), detail their new method in a study appearing today in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Spinning boiled versus raw The seeds of the team’s asteroid-mapping method grew out of an MIT class Dinsmore took last year, taught by de Wit. The class, 12.401 (Essentials of Planetary Sciences), introduces the basic principles and formation mechanisms of planets, asteroids, and other objects in the solar system. As a final project, Dinsmore explored how an asteroid behaves during a close encounter. In class, he wrote a code to simulate various shapes and sizes of asteroids as well as how their orbital and spin dynamics change when influenced by the gravitational pull of a more massive object like the Earth. “I initially just tried to ask, what happens when an asteroid passes by Earth? Does it respond at all? Because I wasn’t sure,” Dinsmore recalls. “And the answer is, it does, in a way that depends very strongly on the shape and physical properties of the asteroid.” That initial realization prompted another question: Could the dynamics of an asteroid’s close encounter be used to predict not just its shape and size, but also its internal makeup? To get at an answer, Dinsmore continued the project with de Wit, through the MIT Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), which enables students to perform original research with a faculty member. He and de Wit took a deeper dive into the dynamics of a close encounter, writing out a more complex code, which they used to simulate a zoo of different asteroids, each with a different size, shape, and internal composition, or distribution of density. They then ran the simulation forward to see how each asteroid’s spin should wobble or shift as it passes close to an object of a certain mass and gravitational pull. “It’s similar to how you can tell the difference between a raw and boiled egg,” de Wit offers. “If you spin the egg, the egg responds and spins differently depending on its interior properties. The same goes for an asteroid during a close encounter: You can get a grasp of what’s happening on the inside just by looking on how it responds to the strong gravitational forces it experiences during a flyby.” A close match The team is presenting their results in a new software “toolkit,” which they name AIME, for Asteroid Interior Mapping from Encounters (the acronym also translates as “love” in French). The software can be used to reconstruct the internal density distribution of an asteroid, from observations of its spin change during a close encounter. The researchers say that, if scientists can take more detailed measurements of asteroids and their spin dynamics during close encounters, these measurements could be used to improve AIME’s reconstructions of asteroid interiors. Their best chance, they say, may come with Apophis. During its forthcoming close encounters, de Wit and Dinsmore hope astronomers will point their telescopes at the space rock to measure its size, shape, and spin evolution as it streaks past. They could then feed these measurements into AIME to find a match — a simulated asteroid with the same size, shape, and spin dynamics as Apophis, that also relates to a particular interior density distribution. “Then, with AIME, you could publish a density map that most likely represents Apophis’ interior,” Dinsmore says. “Understanding the interior properties of asteroids helps us understand the extent to which close encounters could be of concern, and how to deal with them, as well as where they formed and how they got here,” de Wit adds. “Now with this framework, there’s a new way of getting a look inside an asteroid.” This research was supported, in part, by the MIT UROP office.
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The 1998/1999 Little Men adaptation is so, so funny to me. It’s like  they said you know what is NOT sexy? A professor and his wife homeschooling street children. Let’s kill him off and bring in this new, random (admittedly cute tho) man with no qualifications; who was a sailor with a questionable past but also somehow knows how to break horses and is a cowboy?? And he and Jo will PINE for each other while her poor husband is barely in the ground and the children all run amuck. Also let’s make Jo so, so goody-goody and elsie dinsmore like and let’s have them use modern slang in the 1870/80s
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1909 StyleHats began to evolve from the wide brim Victorian hats with the plumes and sheer veils, to a variety of high fashion styles. Designers began to introduce unusual hats that did nothing for shielding the sun, and simply added a high fashion look. The sporting female was coming into vogue and they were no longer shunning the sun, and with the skirts shortened to ankle length, they were riding bikes, and participating in tennis.. General rule of thumb two fonts, three sizes or less. To highlight the handwritten nature of the board I might consider making a nice border, and then using special fonts 서산출장마사지 on the "flavors" part and then maybe again on like a "flavor of the week/month/season" Then use something more straight and legible on the rest. You can still maintain the look without sacrificing legibility on the flavors. This is hyperbolic. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (Roberts) swears in the new president. It doesn have to be on the Washington Mall, or in the White House, or any other place of historical significance. Women often wonder what exactly it is that makes men fall in love. There have been many theories over the years, focused on everything from good cooking to frequent love making. Almost universally, every attempt to discover what makes men fall in love fails when it focuses on such superficial aspects of relationship building. Like why Riku's hair changes, why some things don't add up, people seem to forget random things or remember different things that didn't happen (eg. Goofy says Yen Sid tells them "May your heart be your guiding key" but he doesn't and no one else remembers and Goofys like ahyuck? Whoops?)Just tries to connect some dots. The theory of the timelines is good and it also questions where Kairis heart is but it delves unnecessarily into Riku/Sora relationship at the end (just seemed like it didn't add to the theory, was just redundant speculation)masterchefcanada 10 points submitted 4 days agoJesus Chloe. Re: nude dip, I think it's pretty dependent on skin tone. The three lighter colors can appear quite same y, and that's a bit of a problem when there's only four colors lol. That tends to be an issue for me (around NC44) but I've also seen lighter skinned people (ex. For the record it can 서산출장마사지 be extremely hard being a parent. Hopefully one day he can approach me and ask to take interest in what I like to do. Even if at the time that's just sitting on the couch watching tv, or reading. And it totally makes sense what you said about Algol being harsher on angles. I was initially alarmed to see my sun conjuncting it but also curious because I feel I have had a lot of good fortune fulfilling relationships in my life. Your explanation of the sun diminishing its effect makes perfect sense.. I think some of them are just trying to support someone like themselves. It is like the BOMB challenge. I have one pair of her lashes, which were just okay. One reason is that they work. In general, "rich media" ads that contain video or other interactive elements are more engaging to online consumers, says John Dinsmore, a marketing professor at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. That expanding video screen that launches when you hover your mouse over an ad for two seconds is called a lightbox ad or hover ad.
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eswynn · 6 years
Who am I? My Name is Brita Wynn Dinsmore. I am creator of possible worlds, seer and empath, teacher of ancient and multicultural wisdom, grower of herbal medicine plants, and priestess of nature- a hedgewitch. I've been a teacher, herbalist, and builder of communities for over 30 years. As an anthropologist and retired professor, I am passionate about bringing you my deep knowledge of history, culture, science, and ethnobotany.  All these things inform my approach to ritual, magic, and esoterica. So, let's embark on a seriously playful journey together in my Patreon channel! What is this channel about? What we are building together here is truly more than just a channel. We are creating a community of light, magic, and healing, where I will offer vlogs, video, and in person classes, magical retreats in nature, as well as live video opportunities to connect in real time through learning and ritual. These offerings are truly transformative, deeply informative, magical, and therapeutic.  If you are ready, I invite you to join me in this journey of magic, herbalism, healing, learning, and self-realization! Why Patreon? I am a retired professor who currently teaches small classes and lives off the land as an organic farmer and herbalist.  So to make this work, I first need to build a steady stream of income so I can continue making weekly interactive live videos and vlogs, video classes, and more. Beyond that, I'm excited to build this business as a sustainable model of community-supported magical media! To do that, I need to invest in a few things, which means having a reliable stream of capital.  I will need a better camera and basic lighting, so I can produce higher quality videos for you! I will also need a newer, more capable computer that can handle video editing, so that I can create more sophisticated and well-edited offerings. Beyond those basics, I have some very exciting plans, and plan to bring you with me every step of the way! What do you get out of it? A whole lot! By supporting this channel, you will get exclusive access to a host of teachings and early access to a lot of content.  Depending on the level you choose, you will have access to weekly videos and vlogs, video classes, live streams, and even one on one tarot readings and herbal and magical consultations, early invitations and registration for in person retreats, and more! I'm so grateful to be able to use this platform to build a community where I can really connect with all of you on such a personal level! I also have some exciting plans to bring you into the world of herbal and magical symposiums and conferences, many of which you might not yet know about, but definitely should! I will be sharing highlights and reviews, interviews with community leaders and experts and more. You will get an insiders view, benefitting from what I learn, and the connections I have made, over decades in these fields, and get a better understanding of what these kinds of events have to offer, AND, I want to hear from YOU about where you think I should go next. As we build community here, I can take you beyond local events in the Pacific Northwest where I live, to the rest of the country and beyond, giving you an exclusive insider view the whole way! Eventually, I would like to take you to sacred ground and gatherings around the world, through live video and guided tours. We will visit places like Stonehenge, Glastonbury Tor, Bath, The Chalice Well herb gardens, Tintagel, Findhorn, stone circles and standing stone sites, sacred gardens and sanctuaries in Germany, France, Greece, Italy, really anywhere else you want to go! I'm SO grateful for each and every one of you. Some of you have been with me on this journey for many years, and many of you will be just joining me. To ALL of you, my deepest gratitude for supporting this vision of community. Thank You! I'm SO grateful for each and every one of you. Some of you have been with me on this journey for many years, and many of you will be just joining me. To ALL of you, my deepest gratitude for supporting this vision of community.
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ultramaga · 6 years
mentioned you on a post
“Stop telling women to “just say no” if they’re not interested and...”
@brett-caton So you didn't read the post then? "Murdered by her boyfriend when she tried to leave him". "Murdered by her husband when she tried to divorce him". Women are murdered if they stay and they're murdered if they leave. This is also a great example of the belief among men that women have no right to be in public spaces; the idea that the woman should leave the space instead of their man who is comitting the offending act and has clearly been poorly socialized.
“ So you didn't read the post then? “ The one about a microscopic number of murders that you whipped up into a hysteria? No, no, I just type the keyboard randomly - the fact my post addressed it and you were too brain dead to comprehend is just coincidence. “ Women are murdered if they stay “ That would mean the USA would have been depopulated. Gotta say, that ain’t happening. I noticed you never cite a reference, because Social Justice means you just make shit up because Feeelz >> facts in your mind. https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/ This is total murders, and it’s been consistently trending DOWWWWWN. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide_statistics_by_gender United States of America 14,827 total.   22.2% Female (all causes) = 1.0 per year per 100,000 inhabitants The chance any woman gets murdered by any man is fuck-all. You are whipping up hatred on the basis of sex because you are a nasty little bigot in a hate movement. And a lot of those murders are of women in drug or other crime situations - so here’s an idea - STAY AWAY FROM VIOLENT MEN.
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Really, I find it hard to have sympathy for the women who flock to these guys because they have drug money, then are surprised when the violence is directed towards them. “ the belief among men that women have no right to be in public spaces “ If men believed that, we would have made laws to enforce it. Like they do in Islamist countries - you know, the ones we can no longer criticise due to feminist hatespeech laws?
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Feminists have dissociated from reality.
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The idea that the Patriarchy was policing the streets, keeping them free from teh wimminz is outright insanity. You are nuts. You are in a small echo chamber, and huffing each others farts has damaged your brain. Seek help!
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Afghanistan, before the rise of Islamism.
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Egypt, before the rise of Islamism.
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Iran, before... you get the idea. It’s not men kicking women out. But feminists? Constantly whip up fear and hatred - painting men as subhuman monsters - yet never do they act with genuine emotion, because people who are genuinely afraid fight or flee - and all feminists do is BITCH BITCH BITCH. "All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French, Authoress; (later, advisoress to Al Gore's Presidential Campaign.) "Men's sexuality is mean and violent, and men so powerful that they can 'reach WITHIN women to fuck/construct us from the inside out.' Satan-like, men possess women, making their wicked fantasies and desires women's own. A woman who has sex with a man, therefore, does so against her will, 'even if she does not feel forced.' -- Judith Levine, (explicating comment profiling prevailing misandry.) "All men are good for is fucking, and running over with a truck". Statement made by A University of Maine Feminist Administrator, quoted by Richard Dinsmore, who brought a successful civil suit against the University in the amount of $600,000. Richard had protested the quote; was dismissed thereafter on the grounds of harassment; and responded by bringing suit against the University. 1995 settlement. 1. "The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist" (National NOW Times, January, 1988). 2. "Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage" (feminist leader Sheila Cronan). (Somewhat ironical, because they then campaigned FOR gay marriage, because feminists flip and flop depending on whatever they think will gain them power at the time) A feminist professor at Occidental College recently argued that men must renounce their masculinity and “denounce anyone who chooses to identify with it.” Lisa Wade rejects the notion of “toxic masculinity,” saying it is time to recognize that “it is masculinity itself that has become the problem.” http://lastsonlost.tumblr.com/post/169224162977 More quotes here: http://brettcaton.blogspot.com/2015/11/quotes.html An explanation of why feminists are insane: https://youtu.be/zezhdw_dNlU
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vigrxwarning · 4 years
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An expert in the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University. AFTER 9 YEARS OF SUFFERING FROM PREMATURE EJACULATION & WEAK ERECTION, 45 YEAR OLD man finally discovers THE SECRET.
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Psychological therapy, behavioral therapy, and drugs are the main treatments for PE. You can talk with your health care provider to decide what will help. More.
To date, the use of selective PDE inhibitors is considered a reasonable approach for the treatment of various. of PDE5 inhibitors in targeting premature ejaculation, there is still much.
Certain Ayurvedic medicines, such as kaunch beej, kamini vidrawan ras, and yauvanamrit vati, are thought to treat premature ejaculation when.
Introduction: Varied medicine are available for lifelong and bought premature ejaculation (PE), but solely dapoxetine and FortacinTM have been formally registered. Paroxetine vs. duloxetine: A single.
Men falling on the lower end of this range might think they have a problem with premature ejaculation, when in fact they are within statistical norms. The International Society for Sexual Medicine.
how i cured premature ejaculation The future of pediatric healthcare forum in collaboration with Phoenix Children’s. This contributed column is the first in a content series as a lead-in to Becker’s 9th Annual.
https://xhamster.com/videos/premature-ejaculation-surprise-1910655 premature ejaculation thyroid Hyperthyroidism (a disease where the thyroid hormones are elevated) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) may also cause premature ejaculation. treating PE should not focus solely.Det finns många STORA gratis porrfilmer om premature ejaculation på ro89.com. Kolla in alla dessa premature ejaculation porrfilmer gratis.
BJU Int. 103, 940-949 (2009). A new topical spray-PSD502-for the treatment of premature ejaculation has shown promising results. “Our study shows that when the PSD502 spray was applied to.
"Most men with premature ejaculation respond to daily treatment with SSRIs, and some respond really well," says Ira Sharlip, M.D., a clinical professor of urology at the University of California.
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Background Tramadol is a centrally acting analgesic prescribed off-label for the treatment of premature ejaculation (PE). However, tramadol may cause addiction and difficulty in breathing and the.
source https://www.vigrxwarning.com/which-medicine-for-premature-ejaculation/
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mulheresativas2018 · 5 years
Spray pode aumentar em seis vezes tempo de ereção tratamento ejaculação precoce site oficial 👉 https://ift.tt/2lb885j kit 3 spray promoção 👉 https://ift.tt/2mBz8va olá galera do. Gozei sem querer. neste vídeo vou falar com vocês sobre um Esprey para demorar mais a gozar. Um Esprey criado por pesquisadores do Hospital Royal Victoria de Belfast, Irlanda do Norte, pode ajudar homens que sofrem de ejaculação precoce a prolongar o tempo da relação sexual em até seis vezes. ouça este vídeo até o final para entender mais sobre isso! Os homens que usaram o medicamento em testes cinco minutos antes do sexo estenderam o tempo da relação entre 30 segundos e quatro minutos. O Esprey tem anestésicos que agem localmente, no pênis. O estudo, publicado na revista especializada British Journal of Urology, a boa notícia é que o Esprey ja chegou aqui no Brasil e ja é licenciado pela ANVISA. deixo abaixo deste vídeo o site oficial od spray. Especialistas afirmam que até 40% dos homens sofrem de ejaculação precoce em algum momento da vida, mas é difícil ter uma estatística exata, pois ainda existe constrangimento para uma discussão da vida sexual entre homens e a definição de uma ejaculação precoce varia de homem para homem. Para alguns dez minutos de relação pode ser o bastante, mas para outros, uma relação que dure menos de 20 minutos pode ser insatisfatória. Mais de um minuto No estudo os pesquisadores analisaram 300 homens que regularmente tinham dificuldades em manter uma relação de mais de um minuto. A maioria destes homens tinha tentado outros tratamentos, o mais comum sendo antidepressivos via oral. Cada vez que eles mantinham uma relação durante o período de três meses do estudo, casa casal usava um cronômetro para marcar o tempo até a ejaculação. Os homens que testaram o spray, chamado de PSD502, conseguiram durar 6,3 vezes mais em média. O Volumão ajudou 90% dos homens a ter relações sexuais de até quatro minutos, sendo que anteriormente eles mantinham relações por apenas alguns segundos. Em comparação, homens que testaram um Esprey placebo duraram apenas 1,7 vezes mais. "Ejaculação precoce pode ser um problema muito aflitivo para os homens e pode causar frustração e fazer com que eles evitem relações sexuais", afirmou o professor Wallace Dinsmore, líder da pesquisa. "Nossa pesquisa mostra que quando o Esprey Volumão foi aplicado ao pênis do homem cinco minutos antes da relação, houve melhora na relação e na satisfação sexual, que são fatores chave para o tratamento da ejaculação precoce." "Isto pode ajudar particularmente os homens que têm problemas de ejaculação precoce relacionados com ansiedade", disse Paula Hall, da organização britânica de terapia sexual Relate. "Pode ajudar a aumentar a confiança deles, mas a causa da ansiedade ainda precisa ser tratada", acrescentou. Deixei o site oficial do Esprey abaixo do vídeo, aproveite enquabnto ainda há estoques para isso. compartilhe: https://youtu.be/I_GA8miXe6Y fonte: https://ift.tt/2kDTmnr Inscreva-se 👉 http://bit.ly/inscrever-saudesexual ejaculação precoce,spray sublingual para ejaculaçao precoce,pomada para ejaculação precoce,remedio para ejaculaçao precoce,spray sublingual para ejaculaçao precoce funciona,ejaculacao precoce,tratamento da ejaculação precoce,pomadas para ejaculação precoce,pomadas para ejaculacao precoce,pomada para ejaculaçao precoce masculina,pomada lidocaina para ejaculaçao precoce #ejaculacaoprecoce #disfunçãoeretil #tratamentonatural #receitascaseiras #viagranatural Saúde sexual😎 by Saude sexual
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isubuforever-blog · 6 years
O Que É Ter Uma Ereção De Qualidade, E Quais Problemas Podem Afeta
Essa situação é bem corriqueira em muitos homens, embora não seja admitido por vários deles. Assim, power red funciona melhor é sempre consultar um urologista para identificar a possível causa da ejaculação precoce e iniciar tratamento mais adequado. "Ejaculação precoce pode ser um problema muito aflitivo para os homens e pode causar frustração e fazer com que eles evitem relações sexuais", afirmou professor Wallace Dinsmore, líder da pesquisa.
termo disfunção erétil foi sugerido durante a realização de um consenso sobre impotência sexual realizado em 1992 tendo sido definido como: a incapacidade de obter e manter ereção suficiente para uma relação sexual satisfatória”. Se você e a parceira têm problemas no relacionamento, isso poderá interferir na relação sexual.
A ansiedade é um fator essencial e uma das principais causas da ejaculação precoce. Fazendo uma dieta com os alimentos certos a médio e longo prazo você vai perceber uma melhora em todos os aspectos de sua vida inclusive na vida sexual conseguindo ereção fortes de duradouras.
Com diagnóstico fechado, depois de uma investigação médica minuciosa, diversos tratamentos poderão ser utilizados para melhorar a qualidade da vida sexual do casal, a começar pelos medicamentos via oral. A causa exata da ejaculação precoce ainda é desconhecida, mas os médicos acreditam que fatores psicológicos e biológicos estejam envolvidos nos motivos que levam à ocorrência desse problema.
Um alto nível de estresse ou nervosismo, medo de que a parceira fique grávida ou passar por ridículo”, pode ter como resultado a perda do controle durante a relação sexual. Estudos indicam que cerca de 10 milhões de homens apresentam problemas de ereção no país e muitos vão se defrontar com a condição ainda este ano.
A acupuntura trata corpo como um todo não apenas a doença em si. É usada para mais de 10.000 anos para a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento de várias doenças. Denota-se ejaculação precoce a incapacidade do homem de controlar reflexo ejaculatório, com ou sem penetração, antes que sua parceira atinja prazer ou orgasmo, podendo ocorrer com ou sem que homem atinja orgasmo junto à ejaculação.
"A ereção só não ocorre se paciente erra local da aplicação", diz médico. Saber entender próprio corpo também pode ajudar a chegar a essa fase da vida com tranqüilidade bem power red como manter um bom diálogo com parceiro em relação aos desejos e fantasias. Isso pode ter motivos diferentes em cada homem mas em 90% dos casos está associado a um uníco problema que atinge homens de qualquer idade.
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deniseyallen · 7 years
Portman, Brown Announce Members of Bipartisan Commission to Recommend Candidates for Judicial Vacancies in Ohio's Southern and Northern Districts
WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) today announced the members of the bipartisan judiciary advisory commission that will assist them in identifying the best candidates to fill vacancies on the U.S. District Courts for the Southern and Northern Districts of Ohio. The Southern District has court locations in Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton and serves more than five million Ohioans in 48 counties.  The Northern District has court locations in Akron, Cleveland, Toledo, and Youngstown and serves approximately 5.9 million citizens of the 40 northernmost counties in Ohio.
Elizabeth Smith, a Partner at Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease LLP, will chair the commission. The other members of the bipartisan commission are as follows:
-           Ted Adams, Vice President and Senior Counsel, L Brands
-           Michael J. Beazley, City Administrator, Oregon, Ohio
-           Tim Cosgrove, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs
-           Michael Crites, Partner, Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP, Former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio, United States Department of Justice
-           Rebecca Cull, Partner, Kohnen & Patton LLP
-           Caroline Gentry, Partner, Porter Wright
-           Joyce Goldstein, Partner, Goldstein Gragel LLC
-           Art Hernandez, Director of Global Compliance, RPM International Inc.
-           Emily Houh, Professor of the Law and Contracts, University of Cincinnati College of Law
-           Matt Jolson, Assistant General Counsel, Nationwide Insurance
-           Kurt Kaufman, Attorney at Law
-           Cathy Kilbane, ‎Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel, The Sherwin-Williams Company
-           Peter Kirsanow, Partner, Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP
-           Mark Kuhn, County Prosecutor, Scioto County
-           Michael Lenzo, Chief Legal Counsel, The Ohio House of Representatives
-           Sandy McNair, Partner, Schwarzwald McNair & Fusco LLP
-           Margaret Murray, Partner, Murray & Murray
-           Mike Oestreicher, Partner, Thompson Hine LLP
-           Leah Pappas, Partner-in-Charge, Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP
-           Aftab Pureval, Clerk of Courts, Hamilton County
-           Lisa Radigan, Vice President and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, Diebold, Inc.
-           Carole Rendon, Partner, Baker & Hostetler LLP, Former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, United States Department of Justice
-           Frederick L. Ransier, III, Partner, Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease LLP
-           Marquettes Robinson, Shareholder, Thacker Robinson Zinz, LPA
-           Mark Wagoner, Partner, Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
-           Christopher Walker, Associate Professor of Law, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
-           Mark Weaver, Partner, Isaac Wiles Burkholder & Teetor, LLC
The bipartisan advisory commission process was first established by Sen. Brown and former U.S. Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH), and Sens. Portman and Brown have carried on the tradition.
Sens. Portman and Brown accepted and reviewed applications for the Commission earlier this year.  The process yielded a strong field of candidates to serve on the Commission, and the senators are confident the commissioners they are announcing today will provide informed and constructive counsel in choosing Ohio’s federal judges.
The President of the United States nominates U.S. district court judges based on recommendations from U.S. senators. Nominees must then be confirmed by the full U.S. Senate. Federal district courts are general trial courts that hear both civil and criminal cases.
  from Rob Portman http://www.portman.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ContentRecord_id=6C310982-8A11-4A37-96F7-2B2ABEC22620
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austrisk · 7 years
Why some people are willing to pay for a mobile app
Why some people are willing to pay for a mobile app
Who pays for apps? Who doesn’t when they should? And who is most likely to make in-app purchases on the fly? To help app developers build a strategy, we asked two experts about mobile app purchasing behavior: John B. Dinsmore, assistant professor of marketing at the Raj Soin College of Business at Wright State University and lead author of “To ‘Free’ or Not to ‘Free’: Trait Predictors of Mobile…
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brianlichtig · 7 years
Why some people are willing to pay for a mobile app
Who pays for apps? Who doesn't when they should? And who is most likely to make in-app purchases on the fly?
To help app developers build a strategy, we asked two experts about mobile app purchasing behavior: John B. Dinsmore, assistant professor of marketing at the Raj Soin College of Business at Wright State University and lead author of "To 'Free' or Not to 'Free': Trait Predictors of Mobile App Purchasing Tendencies and Joe Silverman, CEO of New York Computer Help.
To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here
from CIO http://www.cio.com/article/3195155/mobile/why-some-people-are-willing-to-pay-for-a-mobile-app.html#tk.rss_all Baltimore IT Support
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deniseyallen · 7 years
Portman, Brown Announce Recommendations for U.S. Attorney and U.S. Marshal for the Northern District of Ohio
Portman, Brown to Recommend the Appointment of Justin Herdman for U.S. Attorney and Appointment of Pete Elliott for U.S. Marshal
WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) and U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) today announced their recommendations to President Trump for the positions of U.S. Attorney and U.S. Marshal for the Northern District of Ohio.  The Northern District of Ohio consists of the 40 northern counties in Ohio and has offices in Cleveland, Toledo, Akron and Youngstown.  The President of the United States nominates U.S. Attorneys and U.S. Marshals based on the Senators recommendations.  Nominees must then be confirmed by the full U.S. Senate.
Portman and Brown will recommend the appointment of Justin Herdman for U.S. Attorney and the appointment of Peter (Pete) Elliott for U.S. Marshal in the Northern District of Ohio.
“Justin Herdman has the unique qualifications that are needed to lead as the next U.S. Attorney for the Northern District,” said Portman.  “His legal, military, and public service background, combined with his skill set addressing complex legal issues, makes him a strong candidate for this position that will serve the citizens of Ohio well.  If he is nominated and approved by the full Senate, I will look forward to working with him to address the heroin epidemic impacting our state, combat human trafficking, and stop violent crime in our communities.”  
“It’s clear Justin Herdman is committed to both public service and to northern Ohio,” said Brown. “From his work with Youngstown’s 910th Airlift Wing, to tackling blight and addiction, and overseeing the consent decree in Cleveland, I’m certain he’s prepared to take on the issues important to northern Ohioans. He has the experience we need and I’m pleased to offer my support for his nomination.”
“Pete Elliott is the longest serving U.S. Marshal in Ohio’s history for good reason,” said Portman.  “He has earned this recommendation through his tireless efforts to protect our community.  His leadership can be seen throughout the entire U.S. Marshal Service through programs like his Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force, which has arrested nearly 40,000 fugitives since it was founded in 2003, and which now includes more than 125 partner agencies and more than 350 law enforcement officers.”
“Marshal Pete Elliott’s long, accomplished career in law enforcement makes him uniquely qualified to carry out the law as our U.S. Marshal for the Northern District,” said Brown. “He has demonstrated a strong commitment to service and I am glad that he will continue to serve as U.S. Marshal.”  
Justin Herdman:
Portman and Brown will recommend the appointment of Justin Herdman for U.S. Attorney.  Mr. Herdman is a Partner at the Jones Day law firm in Cleveland, Ohio.  He previously served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Cleveland, Ohio.  As a prosecutor, he litigated several terrorism cases and prosecuted highly complex matters.  Mr. Herdman has also served as an assistant district attorney in New York City.  He currently serves as a judge advocate in the U.S. Air Force Reserve for Youngstown’s 910th Airlift Wing.  He received his law degree from Harvard Law School and his undergraduate degree from Ohio University.  He currently teaches as an adjunct professor of law at Case Western Reserve University.
Peter (Pete) Elliott:
Portman and Brown will also recommend the appointment of Peter (Pete) Elliott for U.S. Marshal.  Marshal Elliott is currently the U.S. Marshal for the Northern District of Ohio.  He is the longest serving United States Marshal in the history of Ohio.  Marshal Elliott grew up in Lakewood, Ohio and graduated from St. Edward High School and then Capital University with a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration. He is a third generation law enforcement officer and his law enforcement career has spanned more than 32 years. He worked undercover narcotics then followed in his father’s footsteps to become a Deputy United States Marshal. He later became an ATF Agent investigating terrorism, firearms and explosives cases.  Marshal Elliott has been recognized both locally and nationally, with numerous national and local awards for his work, including the “Distinguished Service Medal” from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives.
In the interest of identifying the best possible candidates for Ohio's U.S. Attorneys and U.S. Marshals, Portman established diverse Screening Committees of law enforcement, legal, and community leaders to review applications and interview candidates interested in serving.  The Screening Committees reviewed candidate qualifications and submissions, conducted meetings and interviews, deliberated, and recommended candidates for these vacancies.
The U.S. Attorney Screening Committee members included: Denise Robinson, CEO, Alvis House; Captain Mike Crites, Partner, Dinsmore; Craig Morford, Chief Legal & Compliance Officer, Cardinal Health; Donna Alvarado, Founder and Managing Partner, Aguila International; Diane Brey, Deputy Chief Legal Counsel, Office of Gov. John Kasich; Stuart Dornette, Partner, Taft Stettinius, Hollister; Scott Kane, Partner, Squire Sanders; Tim Cosgrove, Partner, Squire Sanders; and Tom Wagner, Retired Co-Chairman, Calfee.
The U.S. Marshal Screening Committee members included: Jay McDonald, President, Ohio Fraternal Order of Police; Eve Stratton, Former Ohio Justice, Ohio Supreme Court; Mark Wasylyshyn, President, Buckeye Sheriffs Association; James Ervin, Compliance and Ethics Counsel, L Brands; Jeffrey Mitchell, President, Police Chief Association of Ohio and Chief of Police, the City of Lebanon; and Frank Williams, President, FOP Lodge #7, and Sergeant, City of Akron.
from Rob Portman http://www.portman.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ContentRecord_id=FE7F0772-E840-4ED7-90A6-64F07C1157D1
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