#professor gwilym lee
almightyellie · 2 years
Hello!! Idk if you're still writing for Gwilym, but is there any chance you might write more blurbs on Professor Lee?? I am in love with your writing <3
hey!! this is so sweet, thank you <3 i have a few blurbs kicking around my drafts that i’ll probably clean up and release as i find them!
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Master List
* = Smut 
Last Updated: July 14, 2019
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Ben Hardy 
American Girl (ongoing)
Chapter One 
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four*** (She’s filfthy)
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Brian May
(One Shot- Potential Series)*
Runaway (Ongoing)
Chapter One
Chapter Two*
Chapter Three
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Roger Taylor
I Want to Break Free 
Chapter One
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Gwilym Lee
Love and Lasagna (ongoing)
Chapter One*
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John Deacon
College AU! John Deacon x Reader Req.- MultiShot
Chapter One
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softspaceboibrian · 5 years
Journeys End in Lovers Meeting (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Professor!Gwilym Lee x student!reader
Summary: Reader is a new student at Harvard University and, on her first day, she does something she might regret. Or maybe not.
Warnings: swearing
Wc: 2044
A/N: hey, guys, so, I've been working on this fic for a while now and I just decided to post it. please, let me know what you think! if you have suggestions or would like to be tagged in future chapters, let me know!
Other chapters: 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
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Finding the class for the first lesson of the day was definitely not easy. It was your first day there, in the new University, and you got lost at least three times. Luckily, people where kind, maybe due to you foreign accent, or maybe for other reasons, who knew.
“Professor Lee? Oh, I see, you chose your courses carefully” told you your roommate the night before. Her name was Rose, charismatic, easy-going, determined, humorous, dark skin, black eyes, a little thick, but so confident that people didn’t even notice it. On the other hand, you was clumsy, introverted, anxious, quiet, shy, always so conscious about your aspect: the exact opposite.
“What do you mean by that?” you asked, confused by your friend’s statement.
“Well, you know, I have a few friends that followed his lessons and, apparently, he’s a really charming man. Many students fall for his looks” she explained, looking at you, sitting right across from you at your kitchen’s table. “but that is not the case for you. I mean, I’ve known you for only a couple months now, but I’ve got to know you pretty well and I can tell you’re not the kind of person that falls for a man just because he���s sexy.” That last comment made you blush.
In the end, after running from one side of the campus to the other because you had definitely entered the wrong building and turned in the wrong corridor, you found the classroom. And, as Rose warned you, the first two rows where already filled with girls wearing the most scandalous tops, bright red lipsticks, big lashes. With your simple jeans and old, oversized sweater, you walked to the side of the room, sitting alone with your notebook already opened in front of you. It was only a few minutes later when a tall, really tall guy walked in, making every girl in the front rows sigh in appreciation. So, that’s the professor, you thought to yourself. Isn’t he a little too young to be teaching at Harvard? For some strange reason you were expecting an old man with grey hair, old clothes and wrinkly hands, not someone like that.
A few minutes later the lesson started and, well, it was going great, until Mister Lee, that poor man, made that little mistake. And you, obviously, being the meticulous person you were, could not manage to keep your mouth shut: you had to correct him. The professor. On your first day of University. Great. Just great.
Actually,” You said without even waiting for him to give you permission to talk. When King Henry VI succeeded his father and became King of England, he was only nine months old, not ten. It was 1422.” You kept rambling on, everyone’s eyes, professor’s included, were on you. “And it was May 22nd of 1455 the day Richard of York marched against King Henry at St. Albans.” You didn’t mean to be impolite or anything, you just wanted to be precise. But the silence that followed was embarrassing to say the least. For the both of you.
“And you are?” asked the man, crossing his arms in front of his chest, a subtle smirk forming on his lips.
“Ehm... fuck” You whispered to yourself, before tell the man your name. The man kept his gaze on you for a little longer, before going back to his lesson. Yep, that was embarrassing.
Finally, the lesson was over. Not that it wasn’t interesting. On the contrary, it was probably the most interesting lesson you had ever attended, but having the professor gazing at you constantly was, well, awkward.
As soon as you were free to go, you collected your things, stuffing them in your bag as quickly as possible, hoping the professor would leave in the meantime. Obviously, he didn’t. So you quickly checked at the back of the room for a secondary exit, a door, a safe way to get out of there. But, sadly, there was only one way out and the professor was right next to it. He was still sitting at his desk, writing something on some papers. Good, you thought, that’s my chance to run out of here. If I do it quickly enough, he won’t see me. Well, you obviously didn’t think this through well enough.
“Miss” the professor called out your name right before you could step outside of the classroom. “May I have a word with you, alone? Maybe in my office?” Failure. The plan was a failure.
“I suppose” you murmured, adjusting your sweater and lowering your eyes, still too embarrassed to look at him.
“Don’t worry, it won’t take long.” He smiled, walking out of the room, making sure she was following him. They had to walk for about five minutes before arriving at his office, which wasn’t a lot given how much she had to walk that morning to reach the classroom, but it definitely seemed a lot more since they walked side by side, in silence, with the eyes of hundreds of students on them through the entire building. “So, you’re not from around here” he said while closing the door of the office behind you.
“Well, yes” Your voice was so soft that the words almost came out as a whisper. “But neither are you” What was he? Welsh? Yes, he definitely sounded Welsh.
Professor Lee grinned, apparently ignoring your comment, and walking over to his desk to lay his books on it, before turning around to face you. You were visibly scared, you were fidgeting with your necklace, eyes low on the carpet, as if you found more interesting the pattern of it rather than everything else. “Don’t worry, you’re not going to get scold off or anything for what you did” His voice was comforting, a gentle smile formed on his lips. “I was just curious. You seem to know a lot more about English literature than most of my students, even the older ones. Why didn’t you choose an advanced course? It would have probably been more interesting or fitted for a girl like you.” A girl like you? What kind of girl did he think you were? “Please, don’t tell me you’re one of those students that follow my classes just because they think I’m somewhat handsome.”
“No! Absolutely not!” You jumped up, finally looking at him. “Wait, no, I didn’t want to say that you are not… I mean, you are… But… oh, fuck…” You ended up murmuring to yourself, sitting on a chair and putting your hands in your hair. You were messing up big time, that’s for sure.
All you could hear afterwards was the professor trying hard not to laugh. “Don’t worry, I get it. You didn’t choose this course because of me.” He giggled. “And I’m kind of relieved to hear that”
“I didn’t even know what you looked like before you walked inside the classroom.” You smiled at the man, brushing your hair out of your face, tucking the strands behind your ear.
“Well, that’s good because, otherwise, it would have been weird for us to work together if you had a crush on me, since I asked you if we could talk so that I could offer you the position of teacher assistant. My assistant.”
Those words came as a surprise to you. It was your first day there and a professor was already offering you the role of his assistant. “Wow…” That was the only thing you managed to say. What should one say?
“You obviously don’t have to answer me right away”
“I accept” you interrupted him, leaving him speechless, in a positive way. He saw something in you, something interesting. “I only have one question: precisely, what does an assistant do?”
“Don’t worry” He smiled. “It won’t be anything too hard or demanding. You will meet me here in my office every morning before the beginning of the lessons. You will have to skip some of your other classes if your assistance is required, but don’t worry, you will be excused from them. You will have like a special permit.” He winked, making you laugh. It was the kind of laugh that echoes in a room, contagious, the kind of laugh that most people would try to hide, but you didn’t. And he liked it.
“That is fine by me. My only problem is that I share my car with my flat mate. Well, actually the car’s hers and she uses it every morning to go to work, which is on the other side of town. So, hopefully, if the bus isn’t running late, I will be able to get here half an hour before the beginning of classes. If not, I will get here only ten minutes before the bell rings and I really hope that is not a problem for you, Professor Lee.” You quickly explained.
“Call me Gwilym.” He smiled” We’re going to work together, after all.” He was sitting on his desk, the blazer, being the perfect fit, was tight enough around his arms to enhance his built. “Anyway, that is definitely not a problem. I could give you my number and, if you need anything, you’re running late or something else, you could just send me a message.”
You nodded, a little smile making its way on your face, your cheeks turning slightly pinkish, given that you had found yourself staring at him for a bit too long. But he didn’t seem to notice, or at least, he didn’t seem to mind. You spent the rest of the time laughing, talking about why you chose that University and those courses and why he decided to become an English literature professor, getting to know each other. The next time you checked the time, it was time for you to go home. “If you don’t have anything for me to do today, I think I should probably get going. There’s a bus coming in 10 minutes, and if I miss it, I will have to wait at least 40 minutes before another one comes.”
“Sure, you can go.” Said the man while brushing his dark brown hair out of his face, before standing up and picking up his stuff. “I should go home myself.” He smiled, walking beside you outside the office. “I guess I’ll see you here tomorrow.”
You nodded, adjusting your messenger bag on your shoulder, smiling one last time towards the man, with a soft “Bye, Professor Lee”, before turning around and starting to walk towards your destination.
Well, as everyone surely knows, Murphy’s Law says that, in any field of endeavour, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong: that was exactly what happened that afternoon. First of all, the bus you had to take changed the route because of an accident, so it wasn’t going to stop in front of your building, meaning that, if you wanted to take that one, you had to run to the other side of the campus, which would have taken you at least twenty minutes. Secondly, that morning you must have forgotten your keys at home because you couldn’t find them anywhere inside your bag. Furthermore, you didn’t have enough money to get a cab and your flatmate was still working, so she couldn’t come and pick you up. Last but not least, it began to rain. And, guess what, you didn’t have an umbrella. Why would you? That morning the sky was so clear that you almost thought it was still the middle of summer. But no.
At that point, you decided to start walking, you would find a café or a bookshop, go inside and wait for Rose to finish working, so she could come and pick you up. That sounded like a great plan, but something happened. You had been walking for only a couple minutes, when a shiny black Audi Q5 pulled up in the side of the road, right next to you. Accustomed to hearing all these sad stories about girls being picked up on the side of the road by strangers and then their corpse being found somewhere outside town a few weeks afterwards, you immediately started walking faster, fearing that something similar might happen to you too. What surprised you was to hear a familiar voice call out for your name. You stopped and looked inside the car: Professor Gwilym Lee.
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yelenasdog · 4 years
il un a visage gentil (prof!gwilym lee x prof! gn reader)
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genre: fluff
summary: who knew the attractive english lit professor also happened to speak french? not his new coworker, that’s for sure.
words: 1.7k
warnings: reader embarassing herself a lil bit, that’s it :)
a/n: hi!! first of all, no pronouns are used as this is from readers pov, so anyone can read. second of all, so i typically don’t write for gwil, but i had this idea in french the other day when my french teacher (sweet old french man who deserves better LMAODSJO) was going over some assignment that for some reason had il un a visage gentil in it LOLOL. that being said, i obvi don’t speak fluent french and this is all fictional! love u, hope u enjoy!!
“Hello everyone, and welcome to your first day. I’m Dr Gwilym Lee, and I am the head of the English Literature Department here at Oxford University. Feel free to call me Gwil, it’s what all my students do.”
I slanted my eyes from my position at the door, gripping the frame just a tad tighter than I had been before hearing his voice. I continued to listen to the doctor talk as I made my way behind the last row of seats in the lecture room, trying not to make any noise. My heels were thankfully mute against the carpet, not drawing any attention towards me, the professor keeping complete focus on his students.
“One of the first things I wanted to kind of, um, touch on, is that I will be quite flexible. I understand that you have lives, as do I. As long as I can see an honest effort being put into my class, I will hold no repercussions for late work or being physically late to class.”
With that, he looked up to where I had just sat down, quirking a brow. The eye contact was momentary, only lasting what seemed to be a second, if that.
I cleared my throat, looking to my feet.
“We at the english department are quite proud of our status, ranking 4th in english programs overall in the UK. Now I won’t continue to bore you with the statistics, but-“
I made a scan of the room, seeing how only 1 or 2 pupils were actually listening, the rest either slumped over looking at their phones, or pretending to take notes on a laptop while really watching netflix. (More than one student was watching gossip girl, oddly enough.)
Considering it was only 5 minutes into the hour long lecture, I was confused, as he was holding my attention, at least, quite well.
After about 30 minutes, I realized that my own “first day lecture” was in 15 minutes, which assured that I most definitely had to leave. I was saddened by this (even though I had only even planned on staying in Gwil’s room for a small while.
I sighed quietly, picking myself up from the surprisingly comfortable seats and making my way towards the door. Just as I was about to go, I felt eyes boring holes into the back of my head. I turned, realizing Gwilym to be the perp. I opened my mouth to speak and then closed it again, quickly walking out and down the hallway to my own room.
I made it in, hurrying down the many stairs, past where a few students were waiting.
“Hi, everyone, I’ll just be a few moments, just waiting for the rest of your new classmates to arrive.”
I smiled briefly, before slamming my office door audibly, chest heaving with my back against the shaded window. I closed my eyes, unaware of why I had been so panicked by the brief interaction, not to mention the butterflies it hatched in my stomach.
After giving myself some time to decompress, I exhaled, smoothing out the skirt of my dress and rotating. I placed a hand on the handle, preparing myself for the fresh faced freshman.
As I opened the door, I heard half a knock, before whoever was behind the door (poor soul) essentially fell on top of me.
Expecting to see a red faced pupil who had just made a very interesting first impression, I looked up, suddenly becoming the one with a warm and itchy wave of embarrassment making its way up my neck.
“I’m so terribly sorry,” He stood up, reaching out a hand. I hesitated before reaching forward and gripping tightly, allowing him to tug me up.
“It’s alright, Gwil, really.”
He opened his mouth (not that I was paying any mind to his lips), presumably to ask my name. Before he got the chance, I beat him to it, blurting out my full title, unfortunately in a quite awkward way.
The students that had gathered had mostly turned their attention elsewhere by now, only a few of them still watching the live disaster that was my interaction with the incredibly attractive man in front of me.
He spoke up as I tried to maneuver my way around him to the podium positioned in the front of the room where my laptop was waiting.
“Well, I had assumed you were a student who was trying to sneak off early, but I stand corrected, then.” He looked around my slowly filling space, a slight amusement hiding in his gaze.
“Yes, sorry, I had caught you at a bad time, I was hoping to introduce myself, you know, trying to make a good impression. Feels like the first day of school all over again.” I laughed, bringing a hand up to brush away a stray strand that had somehow managed to escape my bun.
“It’s alright, don’t stress about it. And trust me, I get it. New jobs are scary.”
I huffed, looking out at the sea of judgmental young people that I now would have to face after that fiasco. Lovely.
“You could say that again.”
We sat in a comfortable silence for a short amount of time, the clock striking 2:30 being what woke me from my trance.
“That’s my queue.” I gave a small wave as he walked off, a smile spreading across his face at the motion.
I turned to my teaching assistant, fully believing he was out of earshot.
“Il un a visage gentil, eh?”
She only laughed, nodding her head and plugging in my macbook, allowing the screen to come alive with a flurry of colors in my powerpoint.
“Hi guys! Or should I say bonjour!” I paused, receiving a few chuckles in the crowd.
“I’m sorry for getting us started so late, I had a small mishap. I’m Dr Y/n Y/l/n, and I am your professor this year in the French undergraduate course, where you will have the opportunity to study medieval literature, modern day linguistics, and much more, which I will get into later on.
 We here at Oxford have the single largest French department in Britain, which we have come to have extreme pride in. We also have a french cultural center, where you will find a large selection of programmes and literature to choose from. If you haven’t yet checked it out yet,” I briefly looked up, seeing Gwilym still stood at the top of the stairs. He gave me another small smile, crossing his arms.
“Sorry, lost my place. Where was I?”
After class, I walked up to where the tall man had now moved to the side, allowing students to flood right by him.
“Gwil, hi!”
“Hi to yourself.”
I blushed, the feeling of fuzzy-ness once again flooding my entire system at just the brief statement. Odd. Extremely odd.
“That was very nice, I have a feeling this class will be quite popular in the coming years.”
I smiled and nodded my head. “Thank you, I appreciate it, truly. Although, I must say that I can tell everyone is racing to get a spot in Professor Gwilym Lee’s class 100% percent.”
He cocked his head, slimming his eyes.
“Really, you think so?”
We continued to walk down the long hallway, neither of us quite aware of where we happened to be going.
“Oh for sure, I can imagine you’re especially popular with a certain demographic, too.”
His confusion seemed to only grow, stormy blue eyes seemingly lost.
“What do you mean by that, exactly?” His voice slightly raised an octave at the end, earning a chuckle from me.
“Look, all I’m saying is that with looks like that, I bet your roster was full in seconds.”
I paused, the flow of conversation stopping as I came to terms with what I had just accidentally said. Out loud. In front of my new coworker, who happens to be incredibly gorgeous. A wonderful first day I’m having.
We resumed walking, a blanket of complete silence falling upon us all the way until we reached the entrance to the facility.
The chilly December air hit my face immediately, as well as droplets of rain that were falling so hard it felt like small bullets were grazing my nose, which I could barely feel after just a few moments outside.
“Here.” Gwil muttered, pulling out a bright red umbrella and using it to shield us both from the angry pellets sent from above.
“Ah, thank you.”
“Of course.”
Then it was quiet again between us both, minus the sounds of chattering students and the rain hitting and then sliding off of our cover, coming in contact with the ground with a final splat.
“You know,” Gwilym began, always the one to break the silence.
I hummed, turning my head in his direction.
“I speak a little bit of French, as well. And I think you also have a nice face.” He nudged my elbow and laughed, while I closed my eyes and sighed, hanging my head.
“So there really isn’t any other way I could possibly embarrass myself right now, is there?”
He only shrugged, scratching the back of his head. “Actually, now that I think of it, there might be one more thing I can think of?”
“What would that be?”
“Saying no to a cup of coffee?”
It was like I froze over completely, my mind suddenly growing blank when I needed it mostt.
“With me?” I asked, the question more aimed towards myself, a miniscule act of reassurance and affirmation.
Gwilym smiled brightly as he shook his head, and I swear, I had never seen anything more amazing.
“Yes, Y/n, with you.”
I stuttered, embarrassed for what seemed like the millionth time that day, specifically at my lack of verbal skills.
“Yes, yes of course, that sounds amazing.”
“Then what are we waiting for?”
He offered me an arm which I gladly took, and we started walking to the quaint campus cafe just across the street from our building.
It was the same cafe where (not that we knew it yet) the both of us would make many late night coffee runs together during midterms week, the stressful time growing to become one of our favorites as it was now filled with giggles and caffeine. 
Usually it would end up with one of us, that one of us usually being me, leaving a ring of coffee on the other’s ungraded assignments. Or even better, spilling an entire drink on the paper, only a “sorry!” written in Gwil’s rushed handwriting at the top of the curiously scented paper as explanation.
But as I said, we didn’t know that yet.
kinda gross but whatevs, like and rb if u did indeed enjoy it. mwah, go eat some protein, take an electronics break and drink some water. love u 
xx hj
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innuendostyles · 5 years
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prof!gwil moodboard
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bluesfortheredj · 4 years
Even though you were far from the lecture hall now, Gwilym still maintained a certain authority in your relationship. The power he had was clear and even after your year together it still never failed to make your knees weak when he asserted his dominance over you, his voice changing to a deeper tone and his eyes darkening whenever he chose to play with you. Your relationship was still very fair between you the two of you, and this side of him was usually only reserved for the bedroom or very special occasions outside of the confines of your boudoir.
He had almost managed to hide his feelings for you until you’d graduated, but had failed only a couple of months before; already knowing that you had a yearning for him as well thanks to your very obvious lip bites during lectures as he earned the attention of the room so effortlessly with his quick wit and smooth, silky voice that made you clench underneath the desk. It came as a shock to you when he pulled you aside one day, testing the waters by making conversation about life outside of studying and eventually asking to meet you for a drink that evening. As soon as you were both out of the educational setting sparks flew straight away and you ended up staying the night at his, even though it was on the sofa at first, and you practically hadn’t left since then, except now you were beside him in bed instead of downstairs.
The way he’d propose was so typically him, but he knew you’d say yes after dropping subtle hints about the idea of it beforehand, so that’s why he did it while withholding your climax as he stilled inside you and uttered the command of ‘marry me’; only continuing his punishing pace when you managed to say yes, and you’d never had an orgasm like it in your entire life when you finally got there. In true Gwliym style he’d made sure it had to be kept a secret between the two of you this way, and when people asked how he’d proposed you had a family appropriate lie to tell instead of explaining how you’d got engaged midway through love making; the threat of having your orgasm withheld luckily having no effect on your answer.
“What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” Gwil asks as he sits down beside you while you stare out of the living room window into the garden.
“Hmm? Oh, nothing,” you smile as you’re snapped back to reality.
“Are you sure?” he frowns as he lifts his hand and strokes the back of your head gently.
“Yeah, I was just thinking about how you proposed,” you reply as you let him guide your head to his shoulder.
“That crosses my mind a lot,” he says as he tilts his head to kiss your hair, “especially when I’m alone at my desk. The desperate, begging expression that was etched across your face was something I won’t forget any time soon.”
You lift your head from his shoulder and kiss his jaw before your eyes are drawn to the clock on the wall and the sudden realisation that you had somewhere to be.
“We’ve got to go!” you gasp, getting up off of the sofa and running into the hall to get your shoes on.
“What? Where?” Gwil asks as he leans against the door frame, studying your body as you bend over to pull on a pair of boots.
“My cousin’s birthday!”
“I’m so sorry,” he gasps lightly, his voice steady and calm unlike yours, “I completely forgot. The gifts are upstairs on the spare bed, I’ll get the wine,” he continues as he slips on a pair of loafers.
This pretty much summed you both up; him the calm and collect professor who seemed completely unperturbed by any stressful situation, and you the scatter brained art history lecturer who was almost always late and had at least one pen or pencil sticking out of her hair. They do say that opposites attract, and it was certainly undeniable when it came to you two. Gwilym opens the front door for you as you come rushing down the stairs with the presents and your car keys jingling in your other hand, then he locks up behind you both while you start the engine and tap the steering wheel impatiently as you wait for him to slide in beside you.
“Have you got everything?” he asks, knowing what you’re like.
You take a few seconds to think before nodding, “yes, I believe so!”
“It’s a miracle,” he chuckles lightly, giving your thigh a squeeze before you reverse off the drive.
You enjoyed his constant touches, the need to know you’re there and you won’t leave him the main motivation behind them, and the comfort they gave you filled your own need to be validated and reminded that it was you, and only you, that he wanted. When you pull up outside the house where your family were gathering Gwilym carefully takes a hold of your jaw so he can turn your head to face him, then his gaze falls upon your lips as he moves in to press a hungry kiss against them as his light grip slides down to your neck. You gasp into his mouth as he squeezes you briefly before letting go and breaking away from your lips, then you watch as he exits the car before you, going up to the front door and making your arrival known before you’ve even left the car.
“Arse,” you whisper to yourself as you free yourself from the seat belt; annoyed yet also extremely turned on at how he could leave you wanting more from a simple touch.
As soon as you walk in two children run past you both with a loud giggle, and your cousin gives you an exasperated sigh as he welcomes you in.
“I take it Helen’s family are here too then?” you chuckle as you give him a hug.
“Yep, and the 87 kids they have between her sisters! Hi Gwilym, thank you both for coming,” he smiles as he shakes Gwil’s hand.
“Don’t be so dramatic, there’s only three!” you laugh.
“Four now actually… Anyway, come on through and help yourself to something to eat and drink, and just move out the way if you see some children heading straight for you, because trust me they will not stop.”
“I appreciate the heads up,” Gwilym says with a raise of his eyebrows.
He slips his hand in yours tightly as you walk into the living room where most of the noise was coming from and you’re greeted by Helen’s family while yours hides out in the peacefulness of the garden. Somehow you’re torn away from Gwil as one of the little ones insists on showing you something very important, and within fifteen minutes you appear to have a mini art club going at the coffee table with all three kids and the new baby on your lap. The three, six and seven year olds sit in front of you in awe as you use their paints and pencils to create a rainbow over a forest of trees, then they copy your picture and add their own special touches to their works of art.
“That’s amazing!” you encourage them, “I love that dinosaur!”
Gwilym looks on from the doorway after having spoken to your family, his fingers tapping along the stem of his wine glass while he watches you carefully; the baby now being rocked in your arms as you idly stroke their tiny toes with your free hand and keep your eye on the older kids opposite you. His eyes widen as you look down at the small bundle in your arms and run the back of your hand so gently along their small, chubby cheek, then down their arm to the delicate little fingers that grasp one of your fingers automatically, and in that moment he aches to see you with your own.
“She’s brilliant with them,” Helen’s sister grins from beside him.
“A natural,” Gwilym nods.
“You’re going to be next!” she sings as she walks away.
You would, you definitely would, even if you didn’t quite realise it yet.
“We’ve got to go,” Gwil whispers as he kneels down next to you, taking a quick look at the sleeping baby pressed against your bosom, “we really need to get going.”
“Why? Are you feeling okay?” you frown with concern.
“I need to get you pregnant,” he says quietly, but very seriously.
“You… What?”
“I said I need to get you pregnant, now.”
He pulls his face away from your so you can see it properly, and the pleading look in his eyes is more than enough to make you nod and start your goodbyes before handing the baby back and heading towards the front door.
“I’m not quite sure the ‘Gwilym doesn’t feel well’ line worked with you and your wandering hands all over me,” you say on the drive home.
“I couldn’t care less right now,” he states as he reaches over and lifts your dress so he could gain access to your underwear.
“What are you doing?!”
“I need you wet and ready by the time we get in the door,” he says with a lick of his lips while his fingers slip underneath the cotton and run along your folds.
Your knuckles begin to turn white with how tight you’re gripping the steering wheel and by the time you arrive home you’re certainly in the state he wanted you to be in; his already erect member sliding inside you with ease as he bends you over the drawer unit in the hallway before the front door has even shut. You slide your hands out to grip onto either end of the unit and steady yourself as he fills you over and over again whilst animalistic grunts leave his salivating mouth at the thought of you pregnant with his child.
“So you want me pregnant, huh?” you pant as he helps you stand on your unsteady legs after turning to face him.
“Yeah,” he nods before gently biting down on his lower lip, “I need to see you growing with our child, your stomach swollen with our baby safe inside, your breasts filling with the milk they’ll need, your whole body working to create our own little miracle. But that was a warm up, purely because I couldn’t control myself over the thought of it all.”
He discards his clothes where he stands and encourages you to do the same before taking your hand and leading you upstairs to the bedroom as you follow him in a stunned silence. You’d spoken about kids soon after he popped the question, but it was always finished with ‘in the future’, and never any more precise than that, although you certainly weren’t complaining about it happening now.
“Are you sure this is what you want Gwil?” you question when you get to the bedroom and slip your hand from his.
“Do you really think I would have mentioned it if I wasn’t?” he replies, taking your face between his hands.
“I suppose not...”
“I love you so much I feel as if I can’t breathe when you’re not near me,” he frowns with conviction.
You smile at him as your fingers wrap around his wrists lightly and slowly lower his hands from your face so you can pull him towards the bed here you throw back the covers and slide underneath them ready for him.
“Let’s make a baby then,” you grin as he positions his body above yours.
“Lift your bum up sweetheart,” he winks as he grabs a pillow from the other side of the bed to place right at the base of your spine, “I need to make sure I get nice and deep.”
Your fingers weave their way through his hair as he slowly eases himself inside you once more, then his hand travels up your body as he starts to move, and his lips leave lingering kisses along your neck and shoulder while your hands now tug lightly at his locks. This time he was slow and methodical with his movements, your hips meeting in a steady rhythm while the angle he was at allowed a deeper thrust.
“Gwil,” you groan, “ah! Oh god.”
His teeth sink down around your nipple and you can feel his lips turn up into a smirk at your reaction to both the tenderness of them at the moment and the sting of pleasure the bite gave you.
“I knew it,” he grins smugly as he lifts his head.
“Knew what?”
“That this would be the perfect time,” he says, ending the sentence with a stuttered moan.
“Because I should be… fuck!… ovulating?”
“Mhmm,” comes his muffled reply as he buries his face between your bosom and licks up to your chin before kneading one of your breasts with his hand, “these will be so big,” he exhales.
You open your mouth to reply but his pace increases at the thought of your chest expanding during the pregnancy, and all that emanates from your mouth is an unsteady moan as you try and keep your hips in sync with his.
“Your curves are going to be accentuated by the growing bump,” he pants, turning the speed up that little bit more and enhancing the sound of his skin smacking against yours with a renewed desperation to fill you with everything he had.
“Gwilym!” you cry out as your body now moved up the bed with his forceful thrusts and your fingers now dig into his back as your heels cross over and encourage him by pressing on his buttocks.
The sensations were almost too much for you and he notices the change in expression on your face as your mouth hangs open and your eyes squeeze shut, so he makes sure to cover your face in wet kisses to let you know he knew.
“You’ve got to take it… take it all… can you do that?” he whispers beside your ear.
“Yes Professor Lee,” you reply, knowing what effect that had on him.
“Oh you’re such a good girl… so… good,” and with one long loud groan he gives you everything you need; your thighs then shaking either side of his hips right on cue.
Once your pulses around his length have drained him of his seed you both stay as you are for a couple of minutes; him holding himself above your chest with one arm as his free hand brushes the hair back from your face lovingly, and he leans down to slip his tongue into your mouth for a hungry kiss as you smile up at him knowing that there’d be a lot more of this happening from now on.
professor Gwilym with a breeding kink!
@painthatiusedto @winnielinleigh @queenslandlover-93 @excellentbecca @peachllobotomy @lovemarvelousfics @lovemelikeyou1997 @readinghorn @godohammers @timeandpixiedust @lv7867 @fuckyou-imspiderman @aynsleywalker @the-baby-bookworm @chlobo6 @tenement-funstah @rogmeddows @drivenbybri
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warren-lauren · 4 years
I'm going camping from today until Monday (my birthday present from my lovely boyfriend) but don't worry, I've got a list of things to write, a brand new writing pad, and a pen full of ink. As soon as I get back, I'll update you with loads of content.
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beethoevennn · 5 years
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gwil wearing sunglasses 😎
(joe) (ben) (rami)
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yuyungi · 4 years
Could you do a professor gwilym lee moodboard please???
Here you go!!
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Love & Lasagna- Chapter One
I know I have a couple of requests waiting but those are almost finished and should be up in the next few days. I’ve had a lot going on since school let out and I got really behind in my writing. BUT I hope you guys enjoy this new series, and should be updating the others very soon. Let me know if you’d like to be added to this taglist or to my permanent taglist. 
This is a Prof!Gwilym x Reader. 
Warnings: 18+, smut, maybe some cursing, forbidden romance, unprotected sex (no glove no love, peeps)
Word Count: 4.5k+ (I can’t check for sure bc Word has decided to glitch)
It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon. Y/N tapped the end of her pencil on the table, barely paying attention to the words drifting from the professor’s lips. After a particularly grueling shift the night before at the local café she worked at, she found it increasingly difficult to stay awake. This was her favorite part of the day, her class with Dr. Lee. She was his graduate assistant, and although the freshmen in World History 101 could be a little tiresome, she loved her job. What she loved even more, however, was how close she had become to Dr. Lee. He was British and had moved to the U.S. to teach at the university she had been at since undergrad. His face was striking, with a subtly pronounced jawline covered in light stubble, and his deep, hazy blue eyes were set off by his neatly coifed brown hair. Today, his tall, slender (yet still muscular) frame was accentuated by a crisp white button-down tucked into a perfectly tailored pair of tan chinos. Even in her drowsy state, Y/N swooned internally.
Though there was always an air of professionalism between the two, she couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to kiss him. She shook the thought out of her head. He may not be her professor anymore, but he was still her superior. Not to mention he was on the committee overseeing her thesis. But she couldn’t help be remember fondly the first time they graded exams together.
She had been in her office after hours attempting to grade some of the 100+ papers she had stacked neatly in front of her. Gwilym had been on his way out when he heard the faint sounds of music coming from down the hall. He hadn’t expected to find you, but there you were. She startled at the sound of him knocking on the door. “What are you still doing here?”
“Uh, well, some hard-ass left a giant stack of papers here for me, so…” Gwilym laughed and her face broke into a wide, toothy smile.
“I’m sure he- or she-“ Y/N giggled. “- meant well. Maybe I could be of some assistance?”
“Well, I mean, considering you’re the hard-ass in question, I figure that would be the least you could do. Your office or mine?”
Gwilym glanced around at the small, cramped space. “Mine. Definitely”
He picked up the stack of papers while she slung her backpack over her shoulder. After locking the door, she followed him down the hallway to his office. Since he was one of the more recent professors to join the history department, he had also been stuck with a drab basement office. Y/N had been in his office many times. It was the same size as the TA office she shared, but with only one desk it was significantly more spacious. After settling into a pair of chairs, Y/N and Gwil settled in for a long night of grading. They sat in comfortable silence, interrupted every so often by exchanging jokes about some of the responses the students had left on their exams. “This one really thought Henry VIII broke with the church to marry Elizabeth I, his daughter!” The two laughed heartily and a conversation about the prevalence of royal incest ensued. The night continued on this way until Y/N had some trouble making out one of the written responses.
“Dr. Lee- “
“Gwilym.” He corrected.
“Right. Gwilym. Can you make this out by any chance? This one must think they’re a doctor.” Y/N walked over to where he was sitting, and leaned over his shoulder, placing the stapled packet within his view. His breath hitched at how close she was. She noticed but interpreted it to mean that she was crossing a line. She cleared her throat and took a step back.
“Ah, so the question is ‘what was the name of the pope who excommunicated Henry VIII,’ and they appeared to have answered incorrectly. Unfortunately, ‘that one pope dude’ is not a sufficient answer.” They laughed together again, and he handed the paper back to her.
They sat there grading for another hour, Gwilym glancing at her every so often. Her soft, Y/S/C face was framed by stunning Y/H/C hair. He had noticed it before, but only now did fully take it in. Not only was she intelligent, but she was undeniably beautiful and had a sense of humor that perfectly matched his own. When they finally called it a night, she waved goodbye as they went their separate ways. He watched longingly as she walked away, relishing the subtle swaying of her hips. Little did he know that she had fallen asleep that night touching herself to the thought of him. 
Dr. Gwilym Lee glanced up at Y/N occasionally as he droned on. Y/N was a bright student. Typically attentive and engaging in class, he couldn’t help but wonder why she looked like she was going to pass out at any given moment. Sighing, he shut down the projector and dismissed the class. The other students quickly disappeared while Y/N collected her things, not noticing Dr. Lee striding towards her desk as she shoved her notebook into her bag.
“Y/N?” Her head snapped up, meeting his gaze as a deep blush rose to her cheeks. “Are you feeling quite yourself today?”
His accent never failed to make her knees weak, but she steeled herself and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears. “I’m sorry Dr. Lee, I just had a late shift last night and my car wouldn’t start when I clocked out. I had to walk all the way back to my dorm and I had barely been asleep when some idiot pulled the fire alarm. By the time they let us back inside, I had to shower and get ready for my meeting with Dr. Barnett. I know that’s not an excuse, I won’t let it happen again.”
She was so frantic that Gwilym placed a calming hand on her shoulder. Y/N’s heart fluttered at his touch. “Don’t worry, Y/N. You aren’t in trouble.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, she felt visibly more at ease. “Thank you, Dr. Lee.”
Chuckling, Gwilym gave her shoulder a squeeze before letting his arm drop. “I’ve told you, Y/N. You can call me Gwil.”
“Right, okay. Gwil.” A smile crept across her face. She shifted her weight from foot to foot. Being this close to him made her nervous.
“Next time something like that happens, call me, yeah? I don’t live too far from campus and I’d rather lose a little sleep than have you walking alone at night, okay?” Her eyes widened, but she nodded.
“Do you have other classes today?” He looked at her inquisitively over the rim of his glasses. She shook her head. “Work?” She shook her head again. “Good,” he smiled. “Why don’t you try to go get a nap in, yeah? I had been hoping to discuss your thesis progress, do you think you’d be up to meeting me in my office later this afternoon? About 5-ish?”
“Sure thing, Dr.- I mean, Gwil. Sorry. I think I can manage that, Gwil.” He chuckled at her as she mentally chastised herself.
“Wonderful. I’ll see you then, just make sure you get some rest first.”
Y/N made her way back to her dorm room, but instead of going inside to sleep, she was confronted with a ribbon tied to the door handle. Shit, she thought. The ribbon was the code she and her roommate, Georgie, had decided on to signify when they had a “companion.” Unfortunately for Y/N, Georgie had been using this code at least three times a week. She was still in her undergrad, and although she was always friendly, Y/N couldn’t help but wish she had forked out the extra cash for a single dorm. Or an apartment, she thought. Georgie was only 19, and at 24, Y/N felt a bit out of touch with the culture of sex and partying that Georgie had bought into.
Sighing, Y/N walked back across campus to the building that housed the history department. If she couldn’t sleep in her own bed, maybe she could at least find respite in the TA office. It was small and she shared it with about three other TAs. The office was tucked away, out of sight in the cold, dank basement, with four desks crammed tightly inside. She breathed a sigh of relief when she found it empty, the other assistants out for the day. Y/N flicked off the main light and turned on the small lamp she kept on her desk. Her desk was tucked away in the corner and covered with books for her thesis. Pushing the books to the side, she zipped up her hoodie and laid her head down on the desk. She had just started to doze off when she heard the door open.
“Y/N? I thought I told you to go home and sleep?” Y/N peered up at Gwilym, who stood in the doorway.
“You did. And I tried. Except my roommate was too busy not sleeping, if you catch my drift.”
Gwil’s cheeks flushed. “Ah, yes. Well, you should have texted me. I forgot I had to go to a departmental meeting this afternoon, so my apartment will be empty until later tonight. I could give you a key, if you’d like, that is.”
It was Y/N’s turn to blush. “Oh, you don’t have to do that. I’ll be quite alright- “
“Y/N, please. I insist.” Gwilym slid his spare off of his keyring and handed it over. Y/N nervously took it. He pulled a blank piece of paper out of the printer on one of the desks and scribbled something on it before handing it to Y/N. “This is my address. Like I said, it’s pretty close to campus.”
“Thank you, Gwilym.” He nodded at her before muttering goodbye and turning to leave.
Y/N soon found herself standing in front of a small stone house, glancing back down at the scrap of paper to make sure she was in the right place. This is it. She walked up the pathway and unlocked the front door. Stepping inside, Y/N walked down the short hallway to the living room. The first thing she noticed was the books. The room was small, but with a cozy feel. There was a fireplace on the center of the back wall, with a leather couch and matching chair facing towards it. On the wall behind the couch, stood four tall bookshelves overflowing with books. Upon inspection, Y/N noted that they were predominantly history-related, with a few fictional classics thrown in. They were all meticulously organized by genre, then chronologically based on the period they covered. She chuckled to herself. Typical historian. It was how her own tiny dorm-sized bookshelf was organized.
It took minimal exploring to find the bedroom, given it was the only closed-off room aside from the bathroom. Inside, she found an immaculately made bed with white sheets and a matching white down comforter. It looked so comforting and inviting that Y/N almost climbed in still wearing her jeans. Shit, my jeans, she thought. With her dorm room occupied, she hadn’t been able to snag any of her pajamas. She could always sleep in her underwear, but then what if Gwilym came home and saw her? Would that really be so bad? She shook the thought out her head and walked over to the dresser, hoping he wouldn’t mind if she borrowed something. She pulled out a long pair of oversized, plaid pajama bottoms, and a plain white undershirt. Gwilym was relatively slender, but somehow Y/N managed to fit her hips into the pants. After changing, she pulled back the comforter and dove in. It felt like a cloud to her tired body, and she buried herself under the blanket. It took mere seconds for her drift asleep.
It had been a long day for Gwilym. The meeting had run late, and it was 7:45 P.M. before he finally made it back home. He could hear light snoring coming from his bedroom and opened the door slightly to get a look. Y/N was still there, fast asleep. Her hair was a disheveled mess atop her head, and her lips were parted just enough for a small bit of drool to escape. Beautiful, he thought, though he immediately felt guilty. At 29, he was only a few years older than she was, having only finished his PhD two years ago and had been lucky enough to find a position shortly after. Age, however, was not the issue. Though she was not his student, she was still his assistant. The other professors would not look favorably upon such a relationship, though he had thought about it often.
She’d been his assistant for most of those two years, and over the course of that time he had fallen hopelessly head-over-heels. They often chatted together while they graded the undergraduate students’ papers and exams and found that they both had the same dry sense of humor. He loved the way her eyes always shut when she laughed, how she tugged on her ear lobe when she was deep in thought, and so much more. Sometimes he even thought she might feel the same but had brushed the notion to the side. She would never love someone like me, he thought. Little did he know about the butterflies that plagued Y/N every time she was in the same room as him.
He gently shut the bedroom door and made his way into the kitchen to put the kettle on. As he waited for the water to heat up, he picked up one his books and settled into the leather chair. Soon after, the kettle began to whistle. Shit, he hadn’t thought about the noise that came with making tea. He silently chastised himself, hoping he hadn’t woken her. He knew how much she needed the rest.
Y/N shot up in bed at the sound of the whistle. She looked over at the clock he had on his nightstand. “Shit,” she muttered to herself. She’d been asleep for almost five hours. Hearing noises coming from the kitchen, she begrudgingly climbed out of the warm comfort of the bed.
Gwilym had taken the kettle off the heat and was digging around searching for a mug. “Gwilym?” At the sound of you voice he whipped his head around.
“Y/N. Please forgive me, I forgot how loud the kettle was.”
She rubbed her eyes, still heavy with sleep. “S’okay. It’s my fault for oversleeping.”
He glanced up and down, recognizing the clothes she was wearing as his own. A grin tugged at the corners of his lips. “I see you made yourself at home.”
Her cheeks burned red, and she stuttered, “Oh, uh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to sleep in my jeans, and I couldn’t very well sleep naked- oh my god.” She didn’t think it was possible, but she felt her cheeks get even hotter when the word “naked” left her lips. “I’m so sorry, I’ll just go change and I’ll be out of your hair.”
As she turned to walk back to the bedroom, Gwilym reached out for her wrist without thinking. “Please don’t go. It’s alright, love.” It was his turn to blush. In a moment of spontaneous boldness, he commented, “Looks better on you anyways.”
Her eyes widened and she looked down to hide her smile, though it didn’t go unnoticed by Gwil. Clearing his throat, he tried to ease the awkward tension. “Would you like to stay for dinner? We never did get the chance to discuss your thesis. I’m not the best cook, but I can make a mean lasagna.”
“Anything would be better than another night of microwaved Ramen. And if I see one more Lean Cuisine I might die.”
Gwilym laughed. “Well, we mustn’t have that. God only knows where I’d be without you in class with all of those freshmen. If I hear one more question that could be answered by reading the syllabus, I WILL die.” They both giggled at that.
Y/N walked around the small kitchen island. “So, chef Gwil, how can I help?”
After dividing up tasks, the two quickly completed their masterpiece and placed it in the oven. “How long do we wait?” Y/N rubbed her stomach, not realizing until just then how hungry she was.
“About forty-five minutes,” Gwil said as he set the timer on the stove. Y/N let out a groan and Gwilym laughed at her reaction. “There, there, it will pass in no time. Oh, hold on. You’ve got a bit of sauce- “
He reached over to wipe a bit of tomato sauce off of her cheek with his thumb. Her breath caught as his sudden touch. He gulped and started to pull his hand away but was surprised when Y/N placed her hand over his. He stepped closer until she could feel his breath on her forehead.
“Y/N,” he whispered. She felt a chill run down her spine.
“Gwilym.” She closed the short distance between them and pressed her lips against his. She was surprised at how soft they were and even more surprised when his hand left her cheek and slipped into her hair, pulling her closer to him. He politely swept his tongue across her bottom lip before deepening the kiss. She moaned into his mouth as Gwilym reached around her to lift her up, setting her down on top of the island counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He uttered between kisses.
“I think I have some idea.” She pressed her hips into his pronounced erection, and he let out a soft moan.
The t-shirt she had borrowed from him started to fall off her shoulders, and Gwilym pressed kisses to the exposed skin, working his way from her shoulders to her clavicle. “You’re so incredibly beautiful, Y/N.”
“I’ve wanted you for so long, Gwil.” She answered, her head falling back as he marked her neck.
“And I, you.” He lifted her back up, allowing her time to wrap herself around him more securely before carrying her into the bedroom. He laid her back down on the plush comforter she had been buried in not too long ago. Y/N tugged at his belt, unbuckling it quickly before plunging her hand underneath the waistband of his pants and boxer briefs. His breath caught in his throat as she palmed his bare erection. She could tell by the outline on his pants that he was large, but she never expected what she found when she finally freed him from his underwear, working her wrist up and down him in steady strokes. He moaned before pushing his pants the rest of the way down his legs before kicking them off the bed, with his shirt quickly joining them on the floor. She only paused her movements for Gwilym to pull his t-shirt over her head and stood up briefly to remove his pajama pants from her body.
She started to climb back into the bed, but Gwil stopped her gently. “Please, let me just take you in for a moment.” She blushed but complied. Gwilym had often wondered what she would look like undressed, but now that he was confronted with the reality of her standing in her underwear in his bedroom, he was speechless. She silently thanked God that she actually managed to put on a matching bra and underwear. He quietly admired the way the purple fabric contrasted with her skin, then patted the space on the bed next to him. She belly-flopped onto the bed, and he let out a loud laugh. She grinned at him before moving to straddle him. His eyes shut at the erotic feeling of his naked member brushing against the thin fabric of her panties. Putting his hands on her back, he held her in place as he moved up the bed until his back was against the headboard. He cradled her in his arms and she slowly ground her hips into his.
She could feel his erection growing harder and the neediness she felt in the pit of stomach was becoming unbearable. Sensing this, Gwilym looked into her eyes. “Are you sure this is what you want, love?” She nodded fervently. Gwil reach behind her to unhook her bra and she stood up on the bed so that he could pull her panties off easily. She sat back down next to him and let her head fall back on a pillow. Gwil positioned himself at the foot of the bed and lightly pushed her knees apart. He trailed kisses up each of her thighs before finally settling in the spot she needed him most. Her body jolted with pleasure as he attached his lips to her folds, and she absentmindedly laced her fingers tightly in his hair to hold him in place.
“You’re so wet for me,” he breathed before reattaching to her clit. His name tumbled from her lips, over and over, the sound like heaven to his ears. When she moaned as two of his fingers slipped inside, he rutted his hips into the mattress for relief. “D’you like that love? Come for me, Y/N.”
He continued pumping his fingers and felt her start to tighten around them.
“I need you Gwil. All of you, please.”
God, even her whining is enticing, he thought. “Don’t worry love. This isn’t even the start of all the things I want to do to you. Want to make you feel good,” he murmured into her pelvis. “Do you think you can take one more, sweetheart?”
When Y/N nodded, Gwil carefully added a third finger and began pushing his fingers into her with more aggressive enthusiasm. She began to unravel around his unforgiving pace and felt herself tiptoe closer and closer to the edge of pure bliss. His mouth and fingers were relentless, and even as she fell over the edge, he kept up his pace until she was convulsing with the best orgasm she’d ever had. He pulled his fingers out of her, and the sight of him licking her wetness off of his fingers was almost enough to make her fall over the edge again.
Gwilym slid up the mattress until his face was level with hers. She turned and placed her hands on either side of his head before initiating another deep kiss. She pulled him until his entire body hovered over her own. His lips attached to her neck, and though she was still sensitive from her orgasm, she didn’t want to wait any longer. “Gwil,” she breath into his ear. “Please Gwil.” Her hand snaked down the length of his torso until she felt his member in her hand. He was so worked up that he bucked into her hand as she began stroking him. “You’re so needy, baby. Tell me what you want.”
Her words elicited a quiet moan from him. “You. Just you.” His lips met hers hard before he aligned himself with her entrance. He looked into her eyes once more. She nodded and he finally entered her.
Y/N had been with other men before, but none of them had even come close to filling her up as fully as Gwilym did. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he gave her a moment to adjust. After a few seconds, she pushed her hips up to meet his, silently giving him permission to begin.
He started slowly, afraid of hurting her. She felt heavenly around his cock, like she was perfectly made just for him. But she was just as needy as he was and kept bucking against him in an attempt to speed up the pace.
“So eager,” he chuckled. “Use your words, Y/N.”
“I need more of you, Gwil. God, I need more.” A moan escaped her lips at his tantalizingly slow pace, and he smirked down at her.
“All you had to was ask, my sweet, sweet girl.” He pecked her cheek before sliding his hand behind her head. He readjusted his weight and held her close as began to thrust into her with a renewed sense of purpose. He wasn’t going to last long, especially not with the cries that were flowing from her lips. She was so warm, and all she wanted, at least in that moment, was him.
When Gwilym felt her walls tighten again, his movements became more erratic.
“I’m so close, love.” He was struggling to hold back, but he knew he couldn’t for much longer.
“Me too, oh my God Gwil please. Please.” That was all it took for his hips to stutter as he released his warm, sticky fluid inside of her. The warmth the coated her walls was enough to send her tumbling back over the edge. Her vision went black and he continued moving inside her, coaxing her through the wave of pleasure that had taken over every inch of her being.
Her body trembled as she came down from her high, and though he was gentle, she cried out when finally pulled out of her. Gwilym held her tightly, steadying her as the began to come back down to earth. He sweetly kissed her temple, her nose, then her mouth. She parted her lips, inviting him to deepen the kiss. They laid there making out for short while.
Suddenly, Gwilym broke the kiss, pulling back slightly but his hand remained fully entwined in her hair.
“Y/N, I want you to know that this wasn’t just sex to me.” She looked up at him with wide eyes. “I know there are consequences to what I’m about to say, but I have to say it. I have been in love with you since the first night you came into my office to grade.”
She didn’t hesitate. “I love you, Gwilym.” She looked up at him through her eyelashes, taking in the surprised look on his face. He hadn’t dared to hope that she would feel the same way and hearing it out loud was more than he could ever want. “How do we do this?” She asked.
“I don’t know. You only have a few months before you graduate. We just have to keep this between us until then, and maybe for a little while after to avoid suspicion of foul play.”
Y/N didn’t like keeping secrets but knew that in this case she’d have no choice but to make an exception. “What about my thesis?”
“Well, we’ll just have to continue as normal. It would look odd if I suddenly resigned from the committee.”
Y/N nodded, and Gwilym pressed a knowing kiss to her temple. “I know this is difficult,” he said. “But I love you and I want to be with you. It will be okay, Y/N. No matter what happens, you will always have me.”
She smiled, and then jumped up out of the bed. Panicked, she looked at Gwilym and shouted, “THE LASAGNA!”
Permanent Taglist: @disasterdeacy
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softspaceboibrian · 5 years
Journeys End in Lovers Meeting (Chapter 5)
Pairing: Professor Gwilym Lee x student reader
Summary: Reader is a new student at Harvard University and, on her first day, she does something she might regret. Or maybe not.
Warnings: fluff, like so much fluff
Wc: 3081
A/N: once again, I'm sorry for not being active! uni is driving me crazy and I'm trying my best to upload, but I obviously cannot do it everyday... anyway, enjoy the new chapter! please, remember to reblog and comment, I love it when I find nice comments from all of you!
Previous Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Taglist: @tegan-eva  @kerouacsroad (if you would like to be tagged in future ones, just ask)
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Now you were sitting at the table in Gwilym’s kitchen, waiting for the cookies to be ready, while reading an old book. You hadn’t been doing much in the last few days, you had probably seen pretty much every single Christmas movie available on Netflix, you had listened to the entire Michael Bublé’s Christmas album at least 14 times, you had even put up a little Christmas tree, just to make the house look a little more festive, and helped Gwilym with his own tree. It was Christmas day and Gwilym was supposed to pick you up at 6, but, since neither of you had nothing to do, he picked you up earlier, so that you could spend more time together.
“They smell so good” he smiled, immediately trying to steal a cookie. You covered the tray as fast as you could, reminding him that they had to rest before he could actually eat them. “But, please! Just one” He pouted, hoping that it would make you give in and give him one.
“Gwil, I know you pretty well by now, and I know that you will ask to eat one and you will end up eating most of them.” You chuckled, winking at him, while closing the oven door with your hip.
He rolled his eyes, laughing softly. “Remind me again what their name is”
“Pepperkaker. They are Norwegian cookies with cinnamon, ginger and cloves” You replied, a gentle smile on your lips while you sat next to him, the book you were previously reading still open on the table. “I used to make them with my mama every Christmas Eve and then we would eat them in front of the TV while watching Love Actually”
You never really talked about your past with anyone, but with him it was different, everything just came naturally. And he appreciated it. He understood with time that the taboo subject was your father, which he never dared to ask you anything about, fearing you might get upset, and close yourself up. That was far more than enough. “Well, I’m sure my mama is going to love them.”
“I hope so” You replied, your usual genuine smile, a soft reddish blush on your cheeks, both due to the high temperature in the room and the way he looked at you. He couldn’t help it but stare at you in awe; he had often read in books how people describe a man looking a woman as if she was the sun, but that wasn’t him. He never really looked at the sun except in frustration. Maybe he basked in its warmth, but he never really complained when it was gone. He never looked at it until it was leaving, admiring the beauty of the sunset. That wasn’t the case: Gwilym looked at you like you were the moon, he looked at you in wonder and love and amazement, he admired you, and he knew a part of you was always hidden away, but that didn’t scare him off.
“Is something wrong?” You asked, your own face burning hot.
“I don’t know, you’re staring at me”
He shook his head, a soft smile on his face. “I was just think that you look really good” He wheedled, tilting his head to the side, placing his cheek on the palm of his hand. You were wearing a red, blue and green tartan skirt, with a black turtleneck sweater tucked in, and black platform shoes. Definitely nothing too formal, but still nice. You still wanted to impress Gwilym’s mother. Not that you had a reason to, but it was the least. After all you were going join their “family dinner”. “Maybe we should get started. My mom is going to be here in less than an hour and we still need to set the table.”
Not even half an hour later, everything was ready. The two of you had been laying on the couch for a while now, the TV was off and no music was playing. It was just the two of you laughing, telling each other embarrassing stories from the past. But you couldn’t stop noticing how good Gwilym looked that night. His hair was a little longer now, since he hadn’t got a cut in a while. But even that messy look suited him. You were just now realising how it made his eyes pop – as an expert would say. “You look nice with your hair like this” You admitted, not knowing where you had found all that courage to pronounce those words. And you could see that he was trying to cover the fact that his cheeks were warming up a little, but then the doorbell rang, and he had to get up. When he opened the door, a beautiful woman walked in. She had Gwilym’s eyes, but she was smaller.
“Hi, my dear” She greeted him, her voice was so soft, she spoke with that gentle tone any mom would used after seeing their child after a long time, no matter how old their child was now.
“Hi, mom” He replied, leaving a quick kiss on her cheek, immediately helping her with all the bags she had. She really did prepare enough food for an entire army. At that point, you stood up from the couch and walked towards the woman that was still talking with her son, whom had to stop her to introduce you to her. “Mama, she is our guest. I talked to you about her, do you remember?”
The woman quickly glanced at you, studying your figure, smiling only after a few seconds. “Yes, yes, I do remember her. She’s the girl that works with you. – she spoke with a strong Welsh accent – She’s younger than I expected.”
“Well, I’m a stu-” You were trying to explain to the woman the fact that you were that young because you were only a student, but Gwilym cut you off by coughing and catching his mother attention. Didn’t he tell her that you were his student other than his assistant?
“Is there anything that we need to warm up, mom?”
“Oh, yes, dear, in here – she moved quickly, taking the dishes out of the bags, and putting them on the kitchen counter – what’s this smell?”
“Y/N made Norwegian biscuits! They smell amazing!”
“Well, then I can’t wait to taste them” The Woman smiled towards you. You had just met the woman, but you already loved her. She reminded you of your own mother, in a way. The rest of the evening was spent like so, the woman would ask questions about her son’s work, how he treated you, whether he was good to you or not. Every once in a while, you would look over to your left just to catch the man already with his eyes on your small figure, always ready to smile, to reassure you. For once, after a long time, you felt accepted, you didn’t feel like a weight, or anything. You knew you could be yourself around the man, and he would never criticize you, at least not with bad intension. He had too big of a heart to even think of hurting a fly, let alone you. And, even though he would never admit it to himself, and neither would you, the woman sitting at that table with the two of you could see how you both cared for each other, how much her own son was concerned with you feeling comfortable, feeling good. She had never seen him this happy, not in a long time at least. And that filled her heart with so much joy.
The hours went by and the woman decided it was probably time for her to go back home and rest. Or, at least, that was what she told you while putting on her coat. She told you how happy she was to have finally been able to meet the girl her son couldn’t stop talking about every time he called her, immediately noticing how quickly your cheeks turned red. At that point she was ready to go. “Bye, mama. Drive carefully. Text me once you’re home” said the man, before quickly kissing her cheek. And he was going to get away, knowing how mushy she can be when saying goodbye. But he felt her hand on his shoulder, as if she was trying to prevent him from running away.
“Dear, treat her well. She’s a good girl and I can see you care for her.” Her voice was soft, caring, loving. She really did want to see her own son this happy more often.
He tried to hide the blush on his face, but his mother knew him too well. “I will, mama. I will.”
“I have no doubt about that” she said, before kissing him once again on his forehead, before turning around and walking out of the house. You were standing only a few feet behind the man, and you did obviously hear everything but, once he turned around to face you, you acted as if you didn’t notice the small trace of blush left on his cheeks.
A few minutes later the kitchen and table were clean, and you two were finally relaxing, the man sitting on one end of the sofa, you occupying the rest of it. “I have something for you. I was just waiting for the right moment to give it to you” you said, stretching out a little bit towards your bag, which was lying on the floor right next to where you were sitting. You took out the present, wrapped with a newspaper page. “I’m sorry, I didn’t have wrapping at home” you giggled while handing it to the man. He didn’t expect you to get him a gift, and that surprised him, in a good way. “It’s nothing, really. I know for sure you already have it, but when I saw it, I immediately thought of you.” Your eyes were fixed on his face, waiting to detect any kind of reaction. It was really a simple present, but you still wanted to make sure he liked it. When he opened it and read the title, his lips curled up in a little smile, a genuine one, which made you feel as if your stomach was all tied in knots. But then he turned around to face you, his lips immediately reaching for your forehead to leave a soft, slow kiss there.
“Thank you” he breathed, losing himself in your eyes for a few, quick seconds, before turning around and reaching for the drawer on the side table, opening it and taking out a present neatly wrapped in a lovely green wrapping with Santa Claus and other typical Christmas images. “This one is for you. I was going to leave it on your desk once we got back to University, without a note or anything, almost like a secret Santa, but this moment is probably a lot more adequate.” You looked at him, you eyes full of surprise. You didn’t even feel like you deserved it. “Go on, open it. I’m anxious. I need to know if you like it” He giggled, bopping your nose with his finger. You nodded, moving your eyes from his face to the present in your hands, which you started to carefully unwrap, making sure not to tear the paper. As soon as your eyes were able to read the title, a sincere smile made its way on your face. It was probably the biggest smile Gwilym had ever seen on you, and he loved to think he was the reason behind it. “I know Keats is your favourite poet ever. And when I saw you looking at this collection of all his poems and compositions online, I knew I had to get it for you.” Suddenly, your arms were wrapped around his neck, a simple, whispered thank you. He gently placed his hands on your back, pulling you onto his lap, his lips getting in contact once again with your forehead, leaving another soft kiss on it. As soon as he felt you moving, he held on tight to you, saying into your ear “Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet. I like to have you this close”. Those words made your heart beat even faster than it was already doing, her cheeks turning crimson. It was the closest thing to admitting his own feelings for you he had ever said. And you loved it.
The silence that followed was far from uncomfortable. It was filled with your heartbeat echoing in your ears, the sound of the man leaving soft kisses on the your temple. You closed your eyes, your head on his shoulder, while his fingers gently traced lines on your back. You could definitely fall asleep right there, in that position, cradled by the man’s attention. “Do you think I could stay here tonight?” You mumbled, looking up, receiving a simple nod in response.
“You can take some of my clothes, you know where to find them” he added after a few more seconds of silence, letting you get up, following your small figure with his eyes, till you disappeared into his bedroom. He had loved having you over since the first night you fell asleep at his apartment. That first time wasn’t on purpose, but as the months went on, he would put on a movie really late at night just to be able to have you over for the night, spend as much time together as you could. He loved seeing you first thing in the morning, with messy hair, the blanket he had covered you with the night before wrapped around you small body, asking for a hot cup of tea with cookies. After a while, things started to change, you would ask him to stay at your place whenever Rose was out of town or simply staying at her friend’s house; or he would tell you that you could sleep at his place if you were going to work late. And in those cases, he would often give you a hoodie or one of his sweatshirts, loving the way they smelled the morning after. Little did he know you too loved being able to wear his clothes, mainly for the smell. Lately you had often found yourself recognising that smell as something safe, warm, home.
He got lost in those thoughts, and when he finally came back to reality, the door of the room was open, the warm light of the lamp on the nightstand washed everything out. He stopped at the door, his shoulder against the door frame, looking at the girl who was lying on the bed, now with his clothes on, clothes that were definitely too big for her, but he didn’t really cared much about it. And neither did you. “Are you tired?” the man asked after a few moments, finally walking towards the bed to lay next to you.
You opened your eyes, which you had kept close, but something told you that he was there, meeting his gaze and blushing. “Not really, I’m just not used to eat this much anymore” you giggled, hiding behind your hand and the few strands of hair that had fallen in front of your face. He didn’t comment, he just raised his hand to move the hair from in front of your face, meeting once again your eyes, almost as if he could not look at anything else. You just spent what seemed both an eternity and a quick second in silence, looking each other in the eyes, wanting to say so many things, but still not wanting to ruin the moment. Looking at him, you realized you knew a million little things about him. But, most of all, you knew that he was all you wanted in your life in that moment. You wanted to be around him, you wanted to go places with him, you wanted to do everything as long as you had him by your side. And maybe Rose was right, you did have feelings for him, maybe even more. You were just too scared to admit it to yourself. To scared of the consequences, too scared of not being enough, of him not feeling the same. But whenever you looked at him, you could almost read it in his eyes, or at least you believed. And that was probably why you did it. You did the simplest thing. You leaned over and kissed him. And the world cracked open. All the million things you thought you knew disappeared from your mind; when your lips met for the first time you couldn’t even remember your own name. You were told to expect fireworks, but his lips set your whole heart on fire. His hand slowly moved to your back, gently pulling you to himself, while holding the sweatshirt you were wearing in a fist, almost as if he didn’t want to let you go, too scared that, if he did, you might slip away from him. After a few moments, you pulled away, both gasping for air. No one said nothing, not yet. You just enjoyed the music of their heavy breaths, his forehead against yours. It didn’t take long for him to press his lips once again against yours, making your heart beat like crazy. When you kissed him the first time, he felt as if he were losing his mind. When you kissed twice, he wasn’t even sure if he wanted his sanity back.
The rest of the night was spent like that, with your back against his chest, his arms holding you tight, while whispering random thing in the soft light coming from the nightstand’s lamp, giggling at each other’s jokes. The feeling of being curled up in Gwilym’s arms with your fingers intertwined and the soft feeling of his breath on your exposed neck could never be put into words. You could, however, say for sure that it was where you belonged, and it was in those arms that you felt at home. Often, you had pictured the two of you holding hands and watching movies, sitting on benches beneath old oak trees, hearing his breath and catching his smile when he thought you couldn’t see. And all you could do was hope that, when he closed his eyes, his mind would be filled with thoughts of you. But now everything was slowly changing, becoming everyday more real.
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Professor Lee
What do you think he’d teach?
All moodboards tag: @festive-jon-moxx
Professor series tag: @doctorqueensanatomy
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fairestofvanilla · 5 years
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head full
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Wanted to try and make a moodboard about professor!Gwilym Lee.
Not great but now there is more gwil soooo.....please dont hate me, thnx 🥰
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Pictures that give me major prof!gwil vibes
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innuendostyles · 5 years
nando's & chill
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!!! nandos is a very well known uk chain restaurant incase you didn’t know :)
“come on love, one more page and then i’ll take you out for dinner” gwilym said, running his hand over your cheek.
“i can’t gwil. i need to finish this.” you whispered, genuinely feeling like you could hardly breathe. you shouldn’t have left all the work til the last minute and you knew that, but somehow it still happened.
“this last page and then come for some food. that’s all, sweetheart. you can go back to it when we come back!” gwil offered.
you closed your eyes to try and relieve your headache and sighed.
“gwil, theres... so much to do. i’ve not got time.” you complained. you removed his hand from your cheek and set it in your lap, fiddling with his fingers.
“you haven’t eaten since last night, y/n.” he scolded, using his other hand to cradle the one you were holding.
“i know.” you gave a weak laugh, the energy from a granola bar last night not really giving you what you needed.
“half an hour in here.” he said as he stood up, gestering to the pile of work that surrounded the desk you were hunched at.
“half an hour, then you’re getting changed and coming with me. right?” he said, more of a statement than a question.
you nodded your head and moved forward to kiss his cheek.
“30 minutes, y/n.” he quipped his brow and you chuckled. he left the room and you got straight back to it.
you finished the entire piece of writing you had to do for your class in 25 minutes, even managing to go back and change some of the weaker words you’d used in your panicked frenzy.
you felt so good. relieved. happy. content, even! you heard gwil knock on the door and a smile appeared on your face as he walked in.
“finished it.” you said.
“knew you would, cariad.” he replied.
you closed your laptop after saving your work, scooping up all the piles of paper on your desk and putting them into the correct files in the folders gwilym had bought for you.
once your room looked decent, you took a moment to look at gwil and suddenly you were hit with a wave of emotion. you smiled at him and touched his stubbly cheek with your hand.
“nandos?” he asked and you nodded happily.
you changed from your lounging clothes into some jeans and a hoodie of gwilym’s. somehow it still looked stylish.
you took your phone off charge and put it in your bag along with some money and other stuff you had in there.
you and gwil set off in the taxi, your head resting on gwilyms shoulder the entire time. one of your friends asked if you wanted to go to town tonight, to which you simply replied the “😴” emoji.
gwilym just chuckled as you put your phone back in your bag.
you sat down in a booth of the restaurant, ordering your food to share with gwilym.
you reached your hands over the table to where gwilym sat, joining your hands in his.
“i love you.” you stated.
“i love you too, baby.” he smiled back at you.
you squeezed his hands and gave him a love-sick smile, unable to process just how much you loved this man.
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