#professor morpheus
part 3 of my hope!hob Pandora's box au
part 1 part 2
word count: 1317
Once they got through the door of his apartment, Morpheus hung up his keys, sat the various bags by the door and started towards the kitchen. "I'm gonna make us some tea, do you have a preference?"
"what do you have?" hope asked heading to the living room to look at all the things morpheus had strewn around in there, morpheus noted the way he held every item as if they were the most important and delicate things in the world with wonder on his face, as if he could see something morpheus, the owner of said items, could pointedly NOT see. he's been staring too long. open the cabinet, this is ridiculous, he is far beyond your comprehension "uh, I’ve got black, green, chamomile, raspberry, jasmine, lavender, lemon, hibiscus, and rose" saying the list outloud made morpheus feel like he had to much until he heard hope scurrying towards the kitchen ending with him bracing himself on the door frame with a (very bright) look of joy on his face.
"They made tea out of roses?" He said it so softly and full of awe, as if the very thought of such a thing existing put the world in a new light, and technically it did, there was a delicate glow radiating off of hope, drenching his apartment in warm light that he could almost feel his possessions absorbing. looking back at hope, and subsequently in his eyes, morpheus could see... something, he wasn't sure what but there was definitely something there.
"yes, they did" he said still holding the cabinet open and nodding slowly "would you like some?" hope smiled and nodded his head quickly "would like honey and sugar in it?" somehow hope got even brighter as he nodded.
Hob watched morpheus as he made tea, he noted how every move he made was graceful and precise, he made it seem like this kitchen was a stage, and with that ruby around his neck it seemed like he was in costume. the ruby was large, larger than any jewels he had seen people on the street wearing while they were out, it was also set differently than them too, older maybe?
"Where'd you get that ruby?" he asked walking a little closer
"hm?" looking up from the cup of tea and turning to him "oh, my husband gave it to me before we got married." he said handing hope the tea.
"you're married?" hob could feel his light dimming.
"Oh no, that was a very very long time ago. He's been dead a long time" he sighed as he walked back to the kitchen to make his own cup of tea.
"do you miss him?" had he been human hob would’ve said that the words caught in his throat and tore it up and he didn't know why. but he's not human so he won't say that.
"no, not really" he said without looking up from his cup "i didn't really want to marry him in the first place"
"Then why'd you marry him?" his not-a-throat is fine now.
"my parents wanted me to, and i didn't really have anything else going on so..." the nonchalance and the dismissive hand wave he had when he said this baffled hope, it was as if he was talking about going to the market with someone who was already planning to go to the market, not MARRYING SOMEONE.
"could you tell me about him?" Hope asked, sipping his tea and sitting down on the couch.
"you really want to hear about that?" he asked, sitting down on an armchair "it's really not that interesting."
"Well you still need to tell me a story, you haven't told me one yet!" he said eagerly, leaning forward. "you don't have to talk about just him, you can tell me about your family, your village, how you met my sister? because how DID you meet her? let me hear about your life before you tell me about everyone else's."
"al-alright um," he said shifting in his seat "well, let's start with my family i suppose"
Morpheus talked about his village, and how everyone knew everyone, the feuds, the loves, the market and the woman who sold the best oranges and how she saved a few just for him every week. about the old story teller in the square that everyone thought was crazy and the stories he'd heard from him. how his mother made fish at the solstices. how he didnt know the people of his village very well, just all their problems that came up in the gossip, which he also talked about. He talked about how they spoke of him, calling him 'hopeless' and the distance they kept from him.
He talked of how he met his husband. He talked of their wedding, about life living in his husband's kastro and how he felt like he was just there to be a pretty face to walk the halls. He talked of the kastro staff and their gossip, about the night he met death. how his life went after that, the worship in the beginning (which he was not fond of), the way they hunted him eventually. he talked of each life and each name he lived their virtues and vices and pointed to the various items around the room while he did so, mere scraps to hold entire lives in his hands.
By the time he stopped talking, the sun had set and the moon was high. Hope's tea was gone and morpheus's tea was cold and long forgotten in the cup he held.
“ah” he sighed “looks like i’ve kept you nearly long enough to see apollo again,” he placed his cup on the side table “suppose that will have to do for now, i’ve got to be getting ready for work.” he said as he started getting up.
it was a strange thing, to see hope scurry, this time at least, earlier, well yesterday really, the scurry held wonder and well, hope, this scurry however, was different it was more, oh what’s the word? that’s the problem with being a writer (and knowing far more languages than any man should really need to but that is beside the point) there’s to many words in your head, they get all mixed up. “can’t i come with you? i love to see what you teach!” morpheus contemplated it for a moment ‘it would help him underst- Hazel Tarcey has class today and i'd never hear the end of it' morpheus sucked in a breath "perhaps another time, i have to... conduct a mid... semester... check in." he desperately (was that the word he was looking for?) hopes that was at all convincing "i'd hate to have my students fall behind." hes smiles, around 700 a.d. he figured out that if he smiled after a lie people seemed to believe him, he wasn't sure why. He ALSO learned to use it sparingly around the 1500s. it was rather bothersome being hanged, always left a large bruise on his neck (for weeks!) and he'd always have to play dead until nightfall.
"oh..! alright. well..." hope looked down at his feet then the rest of the room "is there... something i could..." Hope looked at him briefly then looked away again "never mind!" Hope laughed, morpheus tilted his head. "Just, light the candle when you've got another story for me!" Hope was smiling, but Morpheus wasn't sure it was really, he'd alway had trouble with that. "Okay, well... i'll see y, i'll... call? no that's not it... flame? absolutely not. I'll light the candle, see you later." with a hand wave he was off to his room, words the damned things.
Hob stood alone in the room. He didn't want to leave. "okay.. bye" he waved to no one. and dissipated as a sun beam from the sunrise filled the room.
TAG LIST: (its been so long im sorry)
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evilkaeya · 2 years
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behindxa · 2 years
"You gotta focus on the board, guys."
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designtheendless · 2 years
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*Matthew didn’t appreciate that*
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4humankind · 21 days
In many fics Charles' ability to "soft control" people is described by planting an idea in their heads. For example to make them stay put he just vaguely shoves their train of thought into a "I wanna stay seated here, I have no desire to get up anyway" kinda direction, without directly ordering it or manifesting it in their brain. I've not read the comics yet and am not sure about the expanse of his powers in this regard.
Nonetheless, @no-te-lo-voy-a-dar and I came to the conclusion that ADHD paralysis is just Charles hinting at you to not Do Things™. Not exactly an order, just the idea planted in your head to not do it and you're just going with it, unable to break the spell.
Gotta get out of bed to Do Things™? Sorry, Darling, not yet, scroll your phone a bit more.
There's a deadline coming closer and closer but you can't finish The Thing™? My bad, not gonna happen until literally the night before and you will be stressed and regretful.
Dishes, laundry and other tasks are waiting for you to be completed? Maybe try again later. Until then - how about you stare at the wall for an undisclosed timeframe?
We blamed Morpheus for weird dreams we'd get, we might as well start blaming Charles for keeping us in bed and not for Fun Things™
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thebitchesterbrothers · 4 months
Remember this?
I couldn’t stop thinking about about it, so …
I wrote something. Here it is.
Hob was waiting at the bar for about forty minutes now for Dream to finally show up for his shift.
It was a friday night and the inn was already packed with party loving students.
His employees were busy waiting tables and handing out beer at the bar…except for one employee. Dream.
When Hob had reopened the inn, after completely renovating it, he had hired Dream as a bartender right away. He had experience, his drinks were amazing and a hit with the students and it didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes too. Not that that was the reason Hob hired him in the first place but hey, Hob had eyes.
Eyes that just loved watching Dream shake his drinks and look bored while doing it.
Before starting to work at the inn Dream was working for an expensive restaurant in a posh part of London. Hob should’ve been suspicious why a guy like Dream would give up that job for the inn.
Now he was convinced that Dream must’ve been close to being fired for his missing work ethics at his old job.
He was constantly late for his shifts without any explanation or excuse for his boss. He drank his fair share of shots while working. He went home an hour before his shift ended without saying anything to anybody.
He ignored customers he didn’t like. He smoked cigarettes in the kitchen and weed behind the building.
But still Hob couldn’t bring himself to fire him.
Every time he planned to confront him and have a serious talk with him … he just couldn’t bring himself to actually do it.
He would make up random excuses in his head for Dream's behavior. Maybe he was going through a hard time? Maybe he didn’t know better? Maybe he wasn’t feeling comfortable around his coworkers?
And despite his problematic attitude the customers loved him. They were all too happy to spend their hard earned money on fancy and more expensive drinks instead of cheap beer just so they had the chance to talk to the hot bartender.
Dream would gift some of them with a playful smile and get a ridiculous amount of tips in return.
It drove Hob absolutely insane. It drove him insane that he would do the exact same thing to make Dream smile at him like that.
He was well aware of his stupid crush on his employee. He knew it wasn’t very professional.
He was aware that this crush was the real reason he had not fired Dream yet. He wasn’t proud of himself, thank you very much.
Dream was in his twenties and more beautiful than anyone Hob had ever seen. He had that mysterious aura and eyes to get lost in.
Meanwhile Hob was a history professor in his thirties who spent too much time in his own bar ogling his employee. He was quite a few years older than the object of his desire and not nearly as attractive as Dream. He never would have a chance with him and he had accepted that months ago. It still hurt sometimes.
Not that he knew what exactly Dreams' type was. Women? Men? Both?
As much as everyone flirted with his bartender, Dream never took anyone home as far as Hob had noticed.
„Nice of you to finally show up, Dream!“, one of his waitresses interrupted Hobs thoughts.
Dream had just come through the back door, tying a black apron around his slim hips, looking bored and not apologetic at all.
„Dream! A word?“, Hob turned around towards his office without waiting for an answer. As expected, Dream followed slowly, clearly not in a hurry.
Hob sat on the edge of his cluttered desk, crossing his arms, watching Dream closing the door behind him. Did he lock it?
Before he could say anything, Dream beat him to it.
„What is it, boss?“ God damn, that voice.
„Dream, you’re almost an hour late. Everyone was waiting for you. You do whatever the hell you want. I should fire you, you know“, Hob sighed.
At that Dream smirked, stepping closer to Hobs desk and between his outstretched legs.
„Yes, yes you should. So tell me…why haven’t you fired me yet? Hmm, Hob? Why do I still have my job?“
Hob didn’t have a satisfying answer for him. Dream came even closer, his legs touching the inner side of Hob's clothed inner thighs. He could still feel the warmth of the other man through his jeans. How was he supposed to think like that?
„Hob…I mean boss…I think we both know why I still have my job. You just enjoy watching me behind the bar a bit too much, don’t you?“
Oh how Hob hated this arrogant little prick. How he hated that he was right.
„Oh Hob“, Dream smiled and tucked a strand of Hob's hair behind his ear. If Hob would just tilt his head a little to the left his nose would touch Dreams slightly stubbled cheek.
„Dream, this is highly inappropriate…“ Hob managed to force out. He should stop this. He should push him away. He was the boss, Dream was his employee.
Dream‘s eyes crinkled with mirth and raised his dark eyebrows.
„Very inappropriate, yes. Seems like you have to fire me after all, boss.“
Before Hob could react to that, Dream had cupped his face in his hand, his other surprisingly strong arm snaking around Hob‘s waist, pulling him closer into his chest before their lips met in a kiss that made Hob lose every single thought he just had.
Dreams' lips tasted of rum and irresponsibility and Hob decided that he would never get enough of it.
‚I never was a good boss anyway‘, he thought to himself before pulling a laughing Dream up the stairs into his flat. Dream was late anyway, what difference would a few more hours make?
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mallory-x · 8 months
Prof Dream dubcon for the wip game? 👉👈
This one was also popular, as @kydrogendragon and @seiya-starsniper wanted to hear about it as well!
It’s appropriate that you asked about it, Gabe, since it’s inspired by this one of your asks! It’s the first scene of the scenario, where history student Hob discovers that his hot professor knows all about his camboy side-gig. I’m calling Dream 'Professor Endels' in this, mainly due to a typo that I liked so I stuck with it 😂
CW age difference, professor/student, blackmail, dubcon and NSFW under the cut.
“Sit,” says Professor Endels, gesturing to the chair opposite. Hob sits, dropping his messenger bag to the floor and folding his hands in his lap. He rubs his thumb over his knuckles, the repetitive action soothing him as he waits for Prof Endels to explain the reason for the meeting. The professor leaves him sitting there for what feels like an age, the silence of the room oppressive as Hob tries not to let his eyes wander over the crammed bookshelves littered with artefacts from across Europe in both time and distance. He starts slightly when Prof Endels speaks.  “I believe you have applied to study for a teaching qualification once you graduate,” he begins. “That’s right, sir.” Most of Hob’s lecturers prefer the students to refer to them by their first names, but although Professor Endels hasn’t specifically said so, Hob struggles to think of him by anything other than a formal title. “I put you down as a referee, since you’re my personal tutor. I hope that’s ok?” Professor Endels finally looks up from his laptop, steely blue eyes stripping Hob’s confidence from him and leaving him bare and vulnerable. He folds his hands neatly on the desk. “You think I can recommend one such as you for a job working with impressionable young minds? After what you’ve done?” His eyebrows are raised, effortlessly expressing his incredulity and disdain for Hob’s ambitions. Hob’s stomach sinks, weighed down by the cold stone of dread and disbelief that’s appeared at Professor Endels’ icy words. His mouth gapes open as he mentally scrabbles for words to refute whatever it is that he’s being accused of. Did he accidentally plagiarise his most recent assignment? Did he get filmed doing that impression of Prof Endels when he got drunk last week? Did Professor Endels find out about… No. No. He can’t have. Hob has been so careful. He knows he was risking everything, but he was desperate and he needed the money… His thoughts are cut off when Professor Endels turns the laptop around to face him, and presses play on the video on screen. He’s turned the volume back up, so Hob can clearly hear the whines and moans the image of him on screen is making as he works a fat dildo into his arse. He was on his hands and knees on the bed, arranged so his face isn’t visible in the footage, but from the twist of his torso it was clear that he’d turned his head to look over his shoulder and read the comments appearing in the chat.  It was unmistakably Hob’s voice reading some of the comments aloud - “Oh you like that, @BigBoy_69? Well since you tipped so nicely, of course you can have a closeup of my slutty little hole.” There’s a rustling noise as Hob moves backwards on the bed towards the webcam—the picture blurs, then refocuses on the dildo sliding lewdly in and out, lube smeared liberally between his arse cheeks. Hob continues reading. “Looks like @Daddy-loves-sluts wants me on my back - and since you’re paying for it, of course I’ll do whatever you want.” The Hob in the video turns over obligingly, face still out of view, but spreading his legs and stroking his cock lazily. “Is this what you wanted, @Daddy-loves-sluts?” His voice hitches as his other hand presses the dildo deeper inside. “Are you going to let me cum for you? Have I been a good boy?” Professor Endels taps the keyboard and the image freezes, leaving Hob red-faced, not knowing where to look. His tutor stares impassively at him while on the screen, pre-cum glistens as it hangs in the air mid-way between the tip of Hob’s cock and his stomach. Hob opens his mouth but his conflicting thoughts jostle for position in his brain and he can’t bring himself to speak.
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fulcrvm · 5 months
Last Line Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @teejaystumbles ! A really nice surprise!! :D I am indeed contemplating writing two Dead Boy Detectives fic right now, but they're both in the very early 'being-outlined-in-my-head' stage, haha. They both revolve around post-s1 Edwin pining for Charles, one where Edwin takes matters into his own hands and one where he decides to have a chat with the Cat King about it. Not sure if they'll ever be written but they're intriguing!
But for the sake of the tag game, here's a lengthy bit from a Dreamling wip I've slowly been chipping away at for a few months!
A scene from Every Little Thing (Working Title)— In which Morpheus is a figure drawing professor who has just been fired from a film production based on his comics, and Hob does part-time figure modeling and is determined befriend the aforementioned professor.
Morpheus picks his class schedules wisely— he runs two first year general figure drawing classes, at 8 a.m. and at noon on Mondays and Thursdays. He helps the uni’s live figure workshop club on Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 p.m., and meets his sister for lunch on Wednesdays. All other free time was dedicated for his industry work. That wouldn’t be a concern anymore, would it. By the time Morpheus unlocks the door to the studio, sets his bag down by his desk, and starts fiddling with the ceiling studio lights pointed at the model stand, all of Morpheus’ thoughts have reduced to pure spite. Fine, maybe the big studios don’t want him. They don’t deserve him, then, their loss. His portfolio and repertoire are infamous in the industry, they’ll be crawling back to him in no time. Too bad, maybe he would have started his own production studio and he’ll end up with the next ground-breaking animated film. Maybe— Morpheus’ thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. He shakes himself out of it, calling, “Come in.” A glance at his watch tells him it’s only 7:48, perhaps it’s an overeager student here early. It’s only the second week of the semester, they grab every opportunity to prove themselves with a spirited step that Morpheus might be slightly envious of. “Hello, Morpheus Endeles?” Hearing his full name startles Morpheus, and he turns from the lighting settings to the door. “Yes?” The man who steps into view can only be described as radiant. He can’t be much older than Morpheus, not much taller either but wider in the shoulders. His hair is cropped just above his shoulders and he sports a neatly kept beard. Morpheus registers this all first simply because of his profession but— he gets caught on the man’s brilliant smile and deep brown eyes. There’s something there that knocks all thoughts clear out of Morpheus’ head. The stranger smiles warmly, smiles like he already cares. “I’m here to model for the morning and noon figure classes?” The man says. Morpheus clears his throat and steps forward, “Yes, this is the right studio.” He extends a hand, “Robert Gadling, I presume?” The man takes his hand— god, he’s so warm— and shakes it steadily, “Please, call me Hob! All my friends do.”
I'm a sucker for the 'Morpheus catalogues Hob's appearance during their first meeting' trope in most Dreamling human AU fics, I couldn't not do it too :]
Besides this, I've also got a Dreamling Velvet Goldmine-ish AU fic that I want to get done this summer. I'm a very slow and ruminative writer so let's see if I can commit to any of these fics now that I've posted about them lol!
No pressure tags! I have no idea who's been tagged recently so-- lol. @hardly-an-escape @valeriianz @moorishflower @amielot :)
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doctorhouse5343 · 1 month
Johanna, just fed up with Hob's ranting about Morpheus' attitude and behavior : Admit that you find him hot and that you want him in your bed already, I want to be able to talk about my crushes for once
Hob, almost spitting out his drink : What, no!! I don't like him, I hate his pompous, prideful, stuck-up personality. I just like riling him up whenever I can
Johanna, getting an idea : Alright, let's make a bet. If by at the end of the month you aren't dating our favorite nightmare of a literature colleague, I owe you a round of drinks for a whole week. If you do though, you owe me drinks.
Hob, rolling his eyes : That's a stupid bet because you will loose, besides me and him dating is just as unlikely as me being with Hobo Heart
Johanna, grinning : Oh yeah, I forgot all about him for a minute there, thanks for reminding me. Okay, if you do end up dating Morpheus and Hobo Heart, you owe me drinks and a little song of my choosing with a selected outfit any time I want for three months. *smirks as Hob agrees, shaking on it while knowing that he'll loose*
i want to write that so bad, this fic is definitely my most self-indulgent and it will have an age gap since Hob will be 43, Morpheus 42 and Hobo Heart 20. Yes Hob will have greys in his hair and crows feet, Morpheus will have greys too and shgjgjhj it will be so wholesome and cute and and *froths at the mouth in feral* I happily blame all those fics for this, they make me happy
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part 2 of my hope!hob Pandora's box au
part 1 part 3
word count: 2079
Morpheus picks the candle up and rolls it in his hand, examining it. it's not really anything special, just a yellow prayer candle. The glass is completely blank showing off the candle completely. He runs his fingers over the smooth glass considering putting something on it, like a sticker or something. Does he even have any stickers? Does hope even like stickers? Does he know what stickers are? He shakes the thoughts from his head and instead thinks about what story to tell. He'd thought about it a lot over the past few days. He's lived so long. How could he possibly choose where to start? Would hope have some sort of request?
he eventually decides to just light it, maybe his audience will inspire him and everything will work itself out once hope is here. Morpheus grabs a match and lights the candle and for a moment, everything is still. Morpheus looks around not seeing anything change and wonders if he did what he was supposed to. Maybe he was supposed to light it on an altar? Moving to a small table in his living room, he notices all the lights in his house are getting noticeably brighter until he has to set the candle down on the little table and cover his eyes from the blinding light. He keeps his face covered until he can tell the light has died down. When he uncovers his eyes he sees hope looking at him with a confused look.
"why were you covering your face?" he asks as Morpheus blinks away the floaters from hopes entrance
"your entrance was very bright" he says rubbing his eyes "if i hadn't it would have caused some serious damage to my eyes"
"oh I'm so sorry" hope apologizes stepping back and pulling his hands seemingly into his chest "I didn't know I'll try not to do it next time" he says looking down.
"It's alright, I doubt you can help it" Morpheus says turning back to the little table kneeling "next time I'll just close my eyes and face the wall after I light the candle." he assures hope as he clears the table of its previous inhabitants.
"What are you doing?" Hope asks, peering over his shoulder.
"I'm making a specific space for your candle." He explains picking up the candle to wipe down the table. He doesn't notice the endless' start to glow behind him.
"like.. an, alter?" hope inquires expectantly. no one had ever made HIM an alter before, it was always for some lesser being, made to syphon from him through a god or deity, he could feel it while he was in the box. he felt the faint pull in his chest, the construction and destruction of temples and altars made for others in an attempt to reach him through them. to have an altar made with specifically him in mind, well, it was... flattering.
"Yeah, an altar. seems like the most efficient way to do this, to get you caught up when I'm busy. I can just leave you things and you can examine them to learn about the current state of the world." he explains, dusting off his hands and standing up "does seem a little bland right now though huh? I don't think my darker colors really match your candle though, gonna have to go out and get some white and gold stuff." he adds examining the bare 'alter' with nothing but a candle, 'hardly counts as an alter right now though'
Morpheus turns to face hope, noticing he's still wearing a tunic. "how about instead of a story we can go get you a new wardrobe and some stuff for your altar?" he suggests looking hope up and down "you'll have to change though, i think my clothes will fit you"
"i- i mean- yeah, sure, sounds fun." Hob can feel himself falling through the words, first the mortal makes him an altar then offers to not only buy him clothes but choose things for his altar? He stands there lost in thought for a moment until the aforementioned mortal speaks to him once more.
"Also, will you stay here if I snuff the candle? I don't want to waste it." he asks handing him a set of completely black clothes 'he doesn't want to waste it' hob thinks with a smile. "yes I will, is there a room I can change in?" after Morpheus helps him to the bathroom and leaves hope to change, he snuffs the candle and makes a small list of the things he knows he has to get:
gold tablecloth
white lace runner
small offering tray
one (1) nice outfit for hope
they'd have to go somewhere nearby, hope doesn't seem like he'd be too keen on travelling by anything other than foot. Luckily there's a small boutique and second hand store nearby where they should be able to get everything. hob walks out with the clothes slightly askew and holding a pair of shoes.
"I do not know how to put these on," he says, raising them slightly higher. Morpheus looks up from his list surveying hope in his clothes.
"I probably should've helped you, apologies" he says adjusting the clothes slightly "but you managed to get the socks on so overall I'd say this is a success" he declares, motioning for hope to sit down on the couch. as soon as he does Morpheus kneels to help hope with the shoes
"Will the clothes we get me today look like this?" Hope asks as he watches Morpheus tie the left shoe.
"no, were going to get you something nicer, these clothes are just easy to take off and put on" he explains tying the right shoe "makes the whole process of clothes shopping easier" he sighs looking up "ready to go?" he asks standing up, hope nods. "alright let's go then."
the shops truly aren't that far. a ten minute walk at best. They don't talk much as Morpheus is too lost in thought and hope is too enamoured by the advancements of civilization, so enamoured in fact that he almost gets hit by a car. If Morpheus hadn't pulled him back onto the sidewalk at the last second he would've been very uncomfortable. He takes a minute to process what's going on and notices he is very close to Morpheus, almost burrowed into his chest with his arms wrapped around him. and Morpheus is so very comfortable and warm with the long coat he has on an-
"Okay" the word cuts through Hob's thoughts like a xiphos as Morpheus backs up to look him in the eyes and holds out his hand "take my hand."
"why?" If hob were human he'd say he could feel the blood rushing to his face as his eyes widened. but he's not human so he could soundly tell you  that he was glowing slightly.
"So you don't go, somehow unknowingly, stepping into oncoming traffic." he explains as he holds his hand up a little higher, hob takes it and they continue on their way.
Morpheus wouldn't say he was out of his depth when it came to clothes shopping, he just didn't buy color very offten. All of his clothes were various shades of black and dark grey with a few lighter greys (to which his students never failed to make a comment along the lines of 'busting out the spring collection I see' ) but looking at hope in his clothes... well he just didn't look right in black. but trying to figure out what base color to start with was tricky. black was out of the picture but yellow seemed too strong to use as a base. Eventually he settled on a white button up to layer with some sort of sweater. Maybe that's where the yellow could come in? He could worry about that in a moment, he should deal with the rest of the outfit first then the rest of the layers. He looked over all his options, made some choices and measured them against hope to get the right size and sent him to try them on and went looking for some layers. Maybe a blue sweater? but then the colors would-
"professor galanis?" uh oh "what are you doing here? its for sure not your style.'' This much was very true, though he hadn't expected to run into any of his students so he absolutely did not come up with a cover story.
"well, i-"
"hey, could you help me with this?'' The students' eyes go wide and Morpheus can't tell if the interruption is a blessing or curse but goes to help nonetheless. After defeating the buttons he hands hope a couple sweaters to try on and turns around to see his student still standing there.
"sorry about that I-"
"don't even worry about it sir." she says with a smile "sorry for interrupting your … outing." he’s going to get so many questions on Monday "i'll just-"
"actually, could you help me?" he will never hear the end of them "I'm not much of a color person and I need to pick out some accessories"
her eyes light up and she smiles wider "of course sir, i wasn't planning on buying anything anyways"
They spend far more time in the store than Morpheus had planned and by the end of the trip Hope has several outfits with accessories to match. The outfit he's wearing to replace Morpheus's clothes consists of a pair of cuffed blue jeans, a pale yellow sweater over a white button up, a string of fake pearls and a pair of converse.
"Thank you Ms. Tarcey," he says as they start heading out.
"no problem Mr. g, I came out to window shop and this was way more fun!" she says, opening the door.
"I'm sure it was," he says with a laugh "to show my gratitude, I'm willing to give you full marks on the writing assignment I know you haven't started." he offers as they get to the street watching as her eyes go wide and mouth falls open. "Now this is a one time thing. I will not offer this if you help me again." he warns, grabbing Hope's hand before he can run down the sidewalk to follow a dog.
"sir you have no idea how much that helps me" she mumbles, face still in total shock.
"I actually do," he quips. "have a good evening Ms. Tarcey. I'll see you Monday" he says leading hope to the secondhand store across the street.
"who was that?" hob asks once they're in the store.
"one of my students." Morpheus says inspecting a tablecloth. "I teach creative writing" he clarifies, putting the tablecloth back and picking up another. "What do you think of this one?" he asks, handing the fabric to hope.
The cloth is a rich yellow with a light shine, when the light hits it, shifting it reveals a pattern akin to Victorian woodwork, hob doesn't know that of course but he thinks it's beautiful anyways. He looks over to Morpheus who is carefully inspecting other tablecloths and table runners. hob notes how sharp his facial features are, how … elegant … they look. Morpheus turns back to him and he shakes the notion from his head.
"huh? oh, OH, yes i like it, it's perfect" hob chastises himself over how the words come out and picks up a thin lace table runner and pretends to examine it to keep his eyes from wandering. "this one's nice isn't it?"
"mm" he agrees silently, taking it from hob’s hand  and putting it in the small basket on his arm and walking towards a different part of the store. As he's following a small dish catches hob’s eye, well it's not really a dish, it's a scallop shell with a castle on a hill painted in blue on the inside and the edges are painted gold. He carefully turns it over in his hand examining it closely.
"Do you like it?"
Hob turns and sees Morpheus is behind him looking over his shoulder "oh yes, isn't it cool?" he beams, staring into morpheus's very.. pretty.. pale blue.. eyes.
"It is very pretty," he says, taking it from Hope's hand, examining it himself for a moment before gently putting it in the basket. "lets go check out." he says with a small smile and hob glows a tad.
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evilkaeya · 2 years
Rose: why does my history professor call you babygirl?
Dream: how about we stop talking for a while
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scifrey · 2 years
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Read on Tumblr or Read Edited Version on AO3
Status: Complete
Series: the Hob Adherent series.
Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Includes some comics canon, and some cameos from the wider Gaiman-verse, but it's not necessary to know to enjoy the story.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Discussions of grief and in-canon character death.
Relationships: Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling, Eleanor | Hob Gadling's Wife/Hob Gadling (past)
Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling, Matthew the Raven, Lucien | Lucienne (The Sandman), Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Patrick the bartender, Harriet Butler, Glenn Davies (plus some cameos from other characters from the Gaiman Television-Literary Universe)
Hob Gadling is a clingy bastard, and he’s not ashamed to admit it. He clings to life. He clings to hope. He clings to his love of humanity. He clings to his Stranger. He also, unfortunately, has a habit of clinging to his name.
Which means, when the BBC is looking for a new pet history expert to appear in their educational docudrama series “Elizabethan Manor,” they’re overjoyed to find a professor who (according to their meticulous research) is actually descended from the Master of the National Trust building they’re filming in - Gadlen House.
Only Hob knows how right they are.
Picks up a few hours after the end of Season 01 Episode 6.
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designtheendless · 2 years
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8 am class coffee delivery
New zoom location unlocked!
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I’m looking for the fic(s) where Hob is a professor and is demonstrating weapons. I know they are out there somewhere. Can someone help find them?
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littledreamling · 2 years
Snitches Get Stitches sounds like fun. I'd be so down for some Prof Gadling gossip 😄 I'm sure his students would go wild with theories, especially when Rose throws oil into the fire.
I like to think that Hob's students definitely know something's up with him but it's the history department's best kept secret. Rose definitely throws oil into the fire, but when she starts insulting Shakespeare, suddenly her history professor is the last person she needs to worry about
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soutcftime · 2 years
Big brother - Human AU?
so in Argentina started the Big Brother reality show again and i just found it would be so funny to see Dream of the Endless/ Morpheus struggle in a house full of unknow people hsajhsk so here I go:
Dream is a full on drama actor (no funny interviews, no social media, anything but the :| face and the brat TM mark) and his siblings (Desire mostly and Delirium but just because she thinks it would be absolutely funny) put him in the Big Brother house. Somehow, don't ask me just enjoy?
The first day Dream just come and he's like WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE???? and there's people everywhere and cameras and oh my god where is he?? he does not understand what is happening?? (his fans are screaming and melting out over so much content in so less time? like oh there is our caveman living in a house with other people and we can see him ALL THE TIME??!!)
Anyways, he's just there with the "i hate people" face and pout, and the first thing that get out of his mouth to the camera is an absolutely serious "I want to go, can I? There's no legally thing that keep me here right?" and the host of the show is like "WE WILL ASK TO THE PEOPLE!!" and C'MON THE PEOPLE WILL SAVE HIM EVERY-TIME!!!
After that, his first week past along with out problem. He's just there, standing without talk with anyone. He just look at them with the most hating look that he can have and being honest no one cares about him. One of the guys, Matthew, start to call him the plant man.
One night at three o'clock the people just start to freaking the hell out on twitter and instagram because Dream is talking to someone! just a small talk like "you want coffee?" "i don't drink coffee" "a tea then?" "...yes, thanks" and Morpheus' stans just start to love the professor Hob Gadling.
Hob is the new fandom protected. A whole new shipp for the fandom. And Hob's students are like NO FUCKING WAY THE PROFESSOR AND DREAM OF THE ENDLESS????? THE TWO GOLDEN GLOBES AWARDS WINNER???? AND OUR NERD HISTORY TEACHER???? bastard.
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