#professor red flags
thatbirdrestaurant · 8 months
Lysandre: Humans are scum to the earth and I will not rest until the world is perfect. Peace out, losers.
Sycamore: What a passionate, totally not evil or mentally unstable man 🥰
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rainbowpufflez · 4 months
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Lily colored glasses
Get it cause— cause— ca—
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redbootsindoriath · 1 year
Okay so I didn’t remember that International Don’t Stab Your Best Friend Day was coming up until I was in the middle of a multi-day road trip, so here’s a comic I threw together in a huge rush while traveling in a moving vehicle and then took ages uploading on hotel wifi.
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[Gurthang:] “Hey Túrin.” [Túrin:] “Yeah.” [Gurthang:] “I still can’t get over the fact that you literally murdered your best friend lol.” [Túrin:] “...” [Gurthang:] “Like how stupid do you have to be to do something like that, haha?” [Túrin:] “Oh yeah, you’re so right!  If only there had been someone there who could have said something!  A talking sword, for instance.” [Gurthang:] “Hey now, don’t pin this on me.” [Túrin:] “‘Dude stop, it’s just us, don’t freak out and stab anybody, even though it’s dark and you can’t see anything!’” [Elf 1:] “Is he okay?  Should we...do something about this?” [Elf 2:] “Absolutely not, I am not going near that situation.”
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alphashley14 · 6 months
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“My Sweet Ricky.”🚩
“Don’t ever call me that! You lost that the night you betrayed me.” 💔
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pinksdoodles1 · 2 months
professors will say shit like "i never put top marks" and never realize that they're basically admitting to being proud about none of their students ever succeeding. how do your own farts taste, huh?
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sundial-junk · 1 year
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Hear me out, I think the fandom on Tumblr also deserves to see silly PL characters as animals. Also, I need to branch out and post here instead of only Instagram lol.
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kageyahma · 2 months
like now that i feel i've recovered a bit from university i can consider potentially doing a master's if i can get in w bare minimum grade requirements but there comes the fact that i need academic references and i fucked up my thesis so incredibly bad that i don't think i can show my face or have my name show up in my pi's inbox ever again
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t4llhum4n · 8 months
Too tired right now, but tomorrow? I'm gonna rave about Blake.
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dirt-apple-productions · 11 months
The biggest plot twist of AssClass by far was Professor Bitch being a Christian
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lebrookestore · 6 months
we were studying a new chapter in psych and there was a line in our textbook about red flags and our professor just gave us a look and was like "i would like everyone to underline this for their own reference please"
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strywoven · 8 months
another week of the semester down , and t'were it not for the fact i am tasked to hand in analytical essays each week + a draft for a full 12-15 page research paper , i might indulge being here more. as always , my apologies for the silence ( but i do admit it is due in part to a sense of ambivalence / lack of connection ) .
my one funny tidbit from the last couple weeks was that my professor made the mistake of handing me an ACTUAL COPY of the DSM-5 and i was reduced to a mess of whimsy and wonder ; did i horde the book the whole lecture ? did i pog in real life when she handed it to me ? yes , of COURSE i did. that text is the holy grail to me , and i could cave in a man's skull with the force of the empirical knowledge it contains 😤
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Why is it that whenever I see a scientific journal about autism it is written by an ableist.
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t-lostinworlds · 1 year
just finished watching endings, beginnings and its.....a movie.
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snekdood · 10 hours
im not gonna say you cant use the n word w a hard r on a almost fully anonymous tumblr account where you claim to be black-
I will say that it makes you 100% more suspicious and worth keeping an eye out on you bc usually its neo nazis pretending to be black that spam saying the n word w an r and use tumblrs weird trust for almost fully anonymous accounts to their advantage to get away w it
you can say it, but, if you Are a neo nazi pretending to be black, I will say, you're not doing a good job of convincing me rn that you actually are.
#got too excited you could get away w saying it ey?#inb4 'PeOpLe aLwAyS DeMaNd yOu GiVe YoUr LiFe sToRy-' bs- babe--- i wouldn't have cared or even noticed or even remarked on it#if you said it w an a. its more believable at least. lmao.#and I say bs bc ik its likely a neo nazi and ik they know that we say that a lot on tumblr- that ppl dont owe u every detail of their life#- and ik a neo nazis one of the least trustworthy people in the world so ofc they would abuse that line to get away w saying the n word#w a hard r around a bunch of progressives who have so little info about you that they dont know if they get the right to feel uncomfortable#when you say it- but personally im not built like that and i will tell you rn im uncomfortable w you saying it and idc what excuse you give#doesnt mean you hafta do whatever i say. just means I actually take a stance on shit unlike a lot of easily manipulated tumblr users.#i mean come on. its a neo nazis wet dream to run around a progressive (well. given recent events- supposedly progressive) space#and say slurs unchecked by said progressives. its one of their favorite ways of having you shut up. even if it is all done in secrecy#like the cowardly bitch made bitch built bitches they are. theyd never do it off anon or with their face exposed.#they simply cant take the heat. so the only way this type of person can feel like they've won is when they do manipulative shit like this i#secret. which is just so so sad. this is how ik the nazis are gonna lose. you're too much of a cowardly bitch to say it in front of#progressives with your whole chest.#why're you so scared? afraid you might be outnumbered? afraid you might not win as many ppl over as you think you will?#i mean cmon nows the perfect time to take the mask off right? perfect time to radicalize leftists? surely there shouldnt be#an issue waving your red flag huh? come on now. dont be shy. why are you scared? afraid you might reveal to the leftists you're#trying to indoctrinate that you're actually a hateful pos? and that you've been manipulating them to hate jewish ppl?#nah you're right joshua tyler stevenson it's probably a better idea to hide in the shadows like a bitch.#you're black on the notoriously white website? yeah. ok#i mean im sure theres just so many black ppl just dying to be here. thats why most black ppl ik hate this site 😒 for sure dawg i believe u#i mean ig if there were ever a place for a black nationalist to roam unchecked it'd be here though... generally they stick to twitter ime#its just hard to believe when I seldom see black ppl on here to begin w and most of the ones I do see are just like. normal people#w/o weird fucked beliefs. and if you are black- i think its really interesting that the black ppl with black nationalist beliefs almost#never show their faces in any capacity ever while other normal black ppl do. what are you scared of? afraid ppl irl will recognize u#and laugh?? or is it that... you're not actually a black person......... so far professor flowers is the only internet black nationalist#who's dared to show their face that ik of.
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this is what my college education pays for.
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szczekaczz · 11 days
i had my last lecture on the 20th century rssian literature with my beloved bitchy professor... i will miss you queen
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