#professor sharp fanficiton
myveryownfanfiction · 8 months
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Sharpuary day 9: Portrait
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: brief mention of death
Aesop often wondered about his legacy. What would come after he left Hogwarts, one way or another. Having left the ministry the way he did, Aesop often wondered exactly what the school did for former teachers. He knew some of the teachers that had since passed were hanging on the walls of the very school he now taught at. Some of them often stopped him for a chat as he was making it his late night rounds. The nights he found himself in my bed, he often recounted them for me.
“Professor crumbs was asking about us.” Aesop said one night, looking up at me from his forced place in my lap. I blinked at him in surprise.
“Really?” I asked. Aesop nodded. “What could he possibly want to know about us?”
“honestly, I’m not entirely sure. He was asking how things were going.” Aesop said. “I tuned his rambling out after a while. He might have asked when we were getting married.” I giggled and Aesop smiled up at me, his hand coming to gently grab my own. He pressed his lips to my knuckles just below the ring he had put there a few weeks ago.
“good to know that the gossip mill isn’t running rampant among the portraits.” I laughed. Aesop smile grew as he ran his thumb over the ring.
“I’m sure it will soon.” He admitted. “I’m just too proud. Honored really. I’m of the belief that anyone and everyone should know about my amazing and wonderful fiancé.” I laughed again as I leaned down to kiss him.
“you old romantic.” I teased. Aesop sat up and pulled me into him. “I imagine the next question was about children.”
“surprisingly no.” He laughed. “Crumbs was too excited to ask any more questions. He settled on just rambling about perfect fits and needing to be invited to the wedding.” I smiled as I curled up on his chest, playing with the open collar. "I left before he could ask anything else. Maybe avoid that corridor for a while." I nodded.
"Would you ever want your portrait hung here?" I asked after a while. Aesop's hand stilled on my back. "Like after you're gone and our kids have finished school and all that."
"I'm not sure." He answered. "Obviously you wouldn't still be teaching here." I nodded. "And like you said our children would be gone but the children after..." Aesop started to draw different shapes into my back, occasionally spelling out words. "I think I'd want you to have the portrait. And then when it's your time to join me, donate it here. But make sure that you are either added to the portrait or hung near me." I smiled softly at him, burying my face in his chest when he looked down at me. "I'm serious. I wouldn't be able to handle the long trek from the dungeons to wherever they hang you. I need you close."
"Sap." I teased. Aesop chuckled. "But a sweet sap." I leaned up to kiss him, tucking his hair behind his ear.
"Only for you." He responded, cheeks dusted pink. "Only for you."
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myveryownfanfiction · 8 months
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Sharpuary day 7: Quidditch
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: swearing, talk of injury
"I really hoped we'd be able to bring back quidditch this year." I sighed as I looked out over the newly returned students. "They're going to be insufferable." Aesop looked at me with a frown.
"We both know that would happen anyway." He said. I waved my hand at him. "But I know what you mean. They're going to be worse than usual."
"There must be something we can do." I muttered, staring daggers at the headmaster. "Black can't just keep cancelling the quidditch season." Aesop followed my gaze and sighed.
"You know as well as I do, neither of us are in the position to start anything." He reminded me. "We could be fired and then what? Shop owners? No thank you."
"Cancel quidditch my ass." I muttered. Aesop reached over and squeezed my hand. "Wait. What if..."
"No." Aesop said. "Not here. Not while he can listen in on every fucking thing we say. Tell me later." I nodded and turned back to my food. The rest of the conversation moved to what our hopes for the new year would bring. After dinner and when the students were safely transferred to their common rooms and dorms, I made my way to Aesop's chambers. "Now what was that idea of yours?" He asked when we were sitting in front of his fire.
"What if we ran an underground quidditch season? Like how crossed wands operates?" I said, eagerness creeping into my tone.
"And who is going to run it? You? Me?" He asked, a small smile on his face. "I very well can't. Not with my leg the way it is. And you...remind me why you had to stop playing again?" I frowned and my hand went to my shoulder unconsciously.
"We'd find a way." I said. "We always do." Aesop stopped to consider me for a moment. "Think about Aesop. Being able to see quidditch played again. Of course we'd have to bring in Blainey in on it. Find some way to cover up the injuries without Black finding out. Merlin only knows the kinds of injuries that pop up while playing quidditch. We'd be in deep shit if that gave us away. But I think if we brought in the heads of house, we'd be able to come up with something."
"They'd need a place to play." Aesop reminded me. "Somewhere almost as big as the quidditch pitch. With the hoops."
"Hoops can be made." I waved him off. "I think I know a place. And we'd be able to do it on the weekends too. In Hogsmeade."
"And that would make it difficult for any second years to get on the team. They can't go!" Aesop countered.
"They have the one eyed witch passage!" I shot back. "You really think it's been covered up since we were in school? Come on Aesop. You know better than that." He sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "But fine. You have a point. Someone would surely find them missing and it would fall apart. So we make a new rule. Third years and up."
"That could work." Aesop said. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "That still brings up the problem of who would run it. If you or I volunteered for every Hogsmeade trip..." He trailed off and waited for me to catch up.
"Black would suspect something." I finished. "Dammit. Same if the heads of house went. Isn't that usually their time for meetings?" Aesop nodded.
"But that is once every month or so." Aesop suggested. "Students enter and leave Hogsmeade as they please. We could arrange for certain days to be required trips with the other teachers involved and go from there."
"Garlick is almost always in Hogsmeade." I realized. "She can run it." Aesop nodded.
"I'll talk to her tomorrow if you want to tackle the heads of house." Aesop offered. I nodded. "Good. It sounds like a plan."
"It's going to be so lovely to see quidditch played again." I sighed as Aesop beckoned me over to bed.
"If we can pull this off." He reminded me as he pulled me close to him. "But it will be something to bring some joy back to this damn castle."
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myveryownfanfiction · 8 months
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Sharpuary day 6: kneazle
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: swearing
Aesop paused before walking into his chambers. I turned my head at the sound of the door but was soon brought back to the small kneazle that was running around the box I had put it in.
"What's in the box?" Aesop asked as he came further into the room, dropping his coat on a chair. He stood next to me and peered in.
"A kneazle. One of my students somehow got it into the castle. I think it's a full one but I'm waiting for Howin to come and confirm." I said, picking up some of the food I had also confiscated from the student. "Once she confirms, we're going to decide what best to do with it."
"Please tell me you don't plan on keeping it." Aesop said as he sat down on the bed next to me. I shrugged.
"Depends really." I said. "You know as well as I that kneazles don't like to be kept unless they actually the person or people that will be keeping it." Aesop looked at my hand which bore a small scratch.
"And I take it this one doesn't like you much?" he asked. I smiled at him.
"Oh this?" I said, holding my hand out. "This was gotten when I tried to take it out of the damn box. Apparently, the box is awful good fun for this little one. The kneazle likes me just fine, judging by how quickly it jumped into my arms and away from the student."
"And you were also waiting for me because if you keep this thing, it'll have to accept me as well." Aesop said, leaning over slightly to bump me with his shoulder. I nodded and he rolled his eyes playfully at me. "Alright. When do we take the little demon out?"
"Howin will do it." I said. "I'm not keen on getting scratched again. And I really don't think you want to either." Aesop nodded and shifted so he could put his arm behind my back. I leaned back on it and he smiled at me. "Would you want to keep it? I should have asked before I jumped into the whole we both need to be accepted thing."
"I don't see why not." He said. "My only concern is who will take care of it when we're in class. Our schedules match up almost perfectly. Not to mention over the summer, when we both go off to our respective homes." Aesop looked over at me, a glint of something in his eye.
"Is this your way of asking me to move in with you?" I laughed. Aesop shrugged, a small smirk appearing on his lips.
"Maybe." He drawled. I smiled at him.
"If we decide we're going to keep this little fur ball, then yes. I'll move in with you. If we don't keep it...well, I'll still move in with you." I said. Aesop muttered a quiet but enthusiastic yes before leaning in to kiss me. There was a soft cough from the doorway and we pulled away to see Howin standing there.
"Well, if the celebration is over..." She said as she walked over to us. "Let's see what we can find out about this kneazle."
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myveryownfanfiction · 8 months
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Sharpuary day 8: Scarborough
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: swearing, mention of Aesop Sharp's time as an Auror and injuries
Aesop hadn’t been back since…that night. For whatever reason, he allowed me to convince him to take a small vacation to the beaches of Scarborough. Aesop busied himself with the luggage while I handled everything else. Once we were in the room though, he immediately went to the bathroom and I heard the water running. Sighing, I looked out the window at the beach.
“I know you’re worrying about me.” Aesop said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “You don’t have to. I’m fine. I’m going to be fine.” I turned to look at him, noting the small smile and shining eyes.
“If we end up anywhere near that dock, you tell me and we’re out of there.” I said. Aesop nodded, not losing his smile. “I’m serious Aesop. You tell me.”
“I will.” He assured me before kissing me softly and dragging me out of the hotel room. That night when we had returned, I headed to the bathroom while Aesop put away everything that we had brought with us and purchased. I tried not to think too hard on what it must feel like for him to be back here, even though I did not yet know the full story. Aesop was a closed book when it came to the night he had lost his partner and gained his injuries. Turning off the water, I wrapped a towel around myself before venturing back into the main room.
"Aesop?" I said softly when I saw him sitting at the little desk, lost in thought. "Sweetheart?" Aesop looked up at me and gave me a small smile.
"Feel better?" He asked. I nodded, having gotten all the sand out of my hair. "Good." Aesop turned to look out the window and I moved to get dressed, knowing he was getting lost in his own thoughts even if he was trying to have a good time with me. "You can see the dock from here." I had just pulled my shirt over my head when Aesop spoke again. "At least I can. Sort of. Maybe I'm staring off in the direction of it since I know it should be there."
"I know what you're going to say," I said as I walked over to look out the window with him, hand on his back. "But do you want to change rooms?" I started to rub his back as I waited for his response.
"No. I don't want to be an inconvenience when I honestly am probably just imagining things." Aesop shook his head. "Besides, you deserve to know." He turned to look at me.
"I don't need to know Aesop." I whispered, watching as he opened a door in the wall he had built up. "You don't need to do this unless you want to." He smiled at me and wrapped an arm around me.
"Always looking out for me." He breathed as he kissed my head. "I want to. You know that I was cursed on that dock. I lost my partner." I nodded as I let him pull me closer. Aesop pointed out the window. "The dock should be just over there." I followed his finger and nodded as I could just make out the dock in question. "My partner was my childhood friend, Ashley. She was an even better Auror than I was. And I don't say that to be modest. She really was. We had a tip that there would be smugglers coming to that dock. They were part of a ring we had been tracking for months and this was going to be our chance to take them down. What we didn't know, or rather didn't bother trying to find out, was that they were expecting us. We don't know who tipped them off. We didn't even know who tipped off the Auror's office." He sighed and squeezed my shoulder. "A fight broke out. I thought Ashely could handle her own so I barely gave her a second thought. I was so sure we'd both get out of there. I had just finished off the last of the smugglers. Or so I thought." He ran a hand down his face. "The bastard came out of nowhere. Ashley didn't have a fucking chance. She was dead before her name even left my mouth." I tightened my hold on Aesop as he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Aesop..." I breathed out. "It's not..." He shook his head.
"I was frozen. Couldn't do anything." He breathed out. "Next thing I know I went flying back as I was cursed. Other Aurors had shown up by then. Managed to surprise the smuggler so that he only hit my leg. Part of the curse managed to clip my face. It's not as bad as my leg but it still hurts on some days." I turned and wrapped Aesop in a hug. I buried my head in his shoulder and felt him slowly hug me back.
"I didn't know." I breathed out. "I can't believe that's what happened. The Ministry covered it up didn't they? I don't think...I never heard..." Aesop nodded against me as he laid his head on my shoulder, eyes finally falling close.
"They did. Wouldn't want the wizarding world to know that one of their greatest Aurors had failed." Aesop said, a bitter edge to his voice. "It's not the curse that makes it hard to talk about. I..." He trailed off and I nodded in understanding.
"It's Ashley." I breathed out. "You didn't fail her Aesop. You did everything you could to protect her. If you had known, if you had moved faster...it's all just playing into variables you had no control over." He nodded and buried himself deeper into me. "I think she'd be happy you came back here." I finally said, tangling my fingers in his hair. "I think she'd tease you about our relationship." I felt his laugh rather than heard it as he nodded. "And I think that I would probably get along nicely with her. Finding out all about how you were as a child and a teen." Aesop pulled back, a twinkle in his eye.
"Oh I can tell you that." He laughed. I smiled softly at him as he nodded towards the bed. "What do you want to know?"
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