#aesop sharp imagine
myveryownfanfiction · 8 months
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Sharpuary day 2: shadow
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: swearing
As I was walking down the corridor towards the library, I paused. Professor sharp had just turned the corner in front of me. Tilting my head, I followed him to his classroom.
“Aesop?” I said as I went in. He turned to look at me, eyebrows raised. My eyes were firmly fixed on the floor behind him.
“Why…” I took a step forward and knelt down. “Why do you have a kitten following you around?” Aesop sighed and looked down at his feet where the small black kitten was trying to climb over his boot.
“Eleazars protege gave it to me.” He said, his tone suggesting he wasn’t thrilled by the gift. “Said something about me needing a friend.” Aesop gave me a slight smirk. “I didn’t have it in me to tell them I already had one.” I rolled my eyes at him as I gently picked up the kitten. “It’s been following me around like a damn shadow ever since.”
“has anyone actually noticed?” I asked, laughing as the kitten squirmed slightly, apparently hell bent on trying to get back to Aesop.
“well clearly they did.” He sighed. “And you. Black may have almost noticed…” Aesop looked between me and the kitten in my hands.
“how did you get away from that?” I laughed. Aesop reached out and gently scratched the kittens chin.
“some students may try to tell you about a strange, maybe elaborate dance I was doing while talking to black…” Aesop trailed off, cheeks tinting pink. "But rest assured they would be wrong. Very very wrong."
“for godrics sake Aesop!” I laughed. Aesop blushed even further as he started to pull his hand back from the kitten. The kitten started to whine in protest and Aesop moved closer to continue stroking it. “Don’t tell me you’re already attached to the thing!” Not meeting my eyes, Aesop gently took the kitten from me and deposited it in his coat pocket.
“now where would you get an idea like that?” He grunted. I laughed as he pointedly turned away from me to write on the chalkboard. I moved to lean against it, keeping an eye on his face.
“maybe the fact that you tried oh so very hard to keep black from noticing the poor thing.” I teased. “Or the fact that you have it riding around in your fucking pocket at this very moment!” Aesop paused and looked down just as the dark fuzzy head of the kitten popped up.
"I suppose you're right." He chuckled, looking back up at me. "I can't keep it in my classroom though. It's going to get trampled." I nodded.
"Well first thing is we need to name it." I said, reaching into Aesop's pocket and pulling out the kitten. "I think Shadow is the perfect name for this little guy." The kitten mewled in agreement and I looked at Aesop.
"I think so too." He agreed, reaching out to scratch it behind the ears.
"Second, I'll take Shadow to my room. You can come visit after classes are done for the day." I said, starting towards the door.
"Wait! Don't you have classes as well today?" Aesop called after me. I shook my head.
"They got cancelled!" I called back. "Weather is too bad and there isn't a classroom for me to take. So I have the day off!" I waved to him as I left the room. "Enjoy teaching Professor Sharp!" I laughed as I heard him grumbling behind me.
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illneverbesorry · 6 months
Don't Stand So Close To Me
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Don’t Stand So Close to Me - Part 1
Warning; - Mentions of thoughts/attempt of Suicide, Teacher-Student relationship.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
He hadn’t meant to hurt you so by pulling away, but he could already see the suspicion in the eyes of your fellow classmates. Now all he could do to try and ease his own broken heart was to watch you from the shadows in silence.
Now a 7th Year, you’d truly bloomed and blossomed into an even more beautiful rose and that was part of the problem. Aesop found it harder and harder to hide his affections for you, from his eyes lingering far longer that appropriate for a teacher to the constant half smile that graced his lips when he so much as heard your name even now, months on from the moment he ruined his own life.
Sadly, in Hogwarts, rumours can become cemented into the minds of even the staff if its spread with enough conviction. Whispers started with the words ‘Teacher’s Pet’ and Aesop knew it wouldn’t be long before even Black would take notice. He was left with only one choice if he was to save your reputation, he had to sacrifice his heart.
“We can’t go on like this Y/N” he whispered one night into his drink while you were curled up on the sofa with a book in his private chambers. Your head snapped up so fast you feared your neck would break
“What?” you whisper back in fear, you’d dreaded this moment, always fearing that one day he’d come to his senses and move on from the young, inexperienced fool you were.
“There’s already talk of a relationship between a teacher and a student and fingers are being pointed all over, its only a matter of time before they figure it out. Best to just end things now. Its best for both of us” he said turning towards the fire so you couldn’t see the tears glistening in his eyes.
“You’re just giving up? After everything? Don’t you love me anymore?” you tried to fight back the tears, but you couldn’t hide the tremble in your voice.
“Like I said, this is for the best. No point delaying the inevitable” he dances around your question, knowing he couldn’t lie to you.
“Please just tell me” you begged, moving to stand behind him, wanting nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and take comfort.
“No” Sharp simply answered, you took that simple word as your answer – his love for you was now gone, when in truth he was simply refusing to answer it at all. But he knew it was the escape clause he needed. He wouldn’t ruin your life any more than he had already.
With a gasp of anguish, you grabbed the few things you had kept there and made your way to leave his room for the last time, casting a disillusionment charm you whisper as you step out of the door “I’ll never be sorry”
You never hear his reply of “Neither will I” before he burst into tears and fell to his knees.
Everything had started so innocently; he can remember the chill that ran up his spine even now, when in your 6th year Poppy Sweeting came bounding up to him crying that you’d gone to astronomy tower in a zombie like state. Sharp knew what you planned to do before Miss Sweeting could even finish her sentence. Flooing as far as he could and running the rest of the way his leg be damned.
How he’d reached you in time he’ll never know, but he thanked Merlin that you were still gripping the railings and hadn’t heard him rush over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist he tugged you away from the ledge. You’d begged and screamed for him to let you go, but he just held you firm falling to the floor with you in despair. You cried for hours, sat on that floor, your face buried in Aesop’s chest. You were so young, too young to have lost so much, so quickly.
You followed him aimlessly when later he led you to the dungeons, the place that would become your sanctuary from that night on. He made you tea and he just listened. You poured out your heart and pain, you hadn’t had anyone just listen to you before.  
Fig was a great mentor but you always felt you HAD to please him, do what he wanted. You never felt like you could ever really talk to him, especially about your magic. Such a gift as he saw it, not the curse you’d come to see it as.
Sebastian was the same, he saw your magic as this Holy answer to his problems. The Keepers saw you as their saviour. You were so much to so many people. You felt you had no choice but to use this magic to help the wizarding world. Saving hamlets from spiders, dispatching ashwinders and poachers, saving beasts and most importantly saving the school from Ranrok and goblin rebellion….but it was never enough, there was always more and you were so tired.  
So Sharp became what no one else was to you, a lifeline. The one thing you could cling onto and tell him how you felt, how scared you were, how angry you were. You told him everything, and it took him all of his strength not to find those four abandoned frames in the map chamber and burn their remains. How dare they put so much onto your shoulders?! Apparently, it was too much for the four of them to handle but they were fine with dropping it at the feet of a young woman.
You both dropped into a routine, you’d meet every evening for tea, you’d help tidy the dungeon and just relax. You wouldn’t always talk, sometimes just being in each other’s presence was enough to ease two wounded souls.
Then the worst possible thing that could have happened to Sharp did so, your 17th birthday.
He didn’t know what he was thinking getting you such a gift. Hardly something appropriate for a man of his age to be getting a young woman, let alone a teacher for a student. But he’d seen it in a boutique window and he could almost see the smile on your face and had to buy it. It was a golden locket probably the most expensive gift he’d ever bought anyone but he couldn’t pass it up. It was perfect.
He wrapped it and hidden it in his desk draw ready for your nightly visit. He felt almost giddy, he knew he was getting in too deep and the fact that you were now of age would only make things harder for him. You most likely saw him as another father figure like Fig, the very thought made his heart ache but it was probably for the best. He was a broken man, permanently injured and scarred, what would a young woman like you ever see in him. A gentle knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts, he smiled despite his dark thoughts and called you in.
“I have something for you” Aesop spoke after a while of jovial conversation about your day “Happy Birthday Y/n”
You sat slacked jawed staring at the box in his hands, you hadn’t expected a gift from him, the thought that he’d carefully picked it out for you gave you butterflies. You gently take them gift smiling brightly at him, tearing into the paper and gasping as you saw the contents. It was stunning, something you always wished you could have bought yourself.
“It’s beautiful! Will you help me?” you asked taking the locket from its velvet box. Moving slowly Aesop took the chain from your hands and fastened it around your neck. You bit your lip when you felt his finger graze over your skin. “How does it look?” you ask turning to face him.
“Perfect” He answered but his gaze never left our face, wanting nothing more than to commit this intimate moment to memory.
Smiling up at him you reached up on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek, your lips gently brushing over his scar. You heard his breath hitch and froze, you slowly looked up at him. You saw reflected in his eyes what you knew was in yours and took the leap pressing your lips against his. Sighing contently Aesop wrapped his arms around you pulling you close.  That one sweet kiss would be the start of his downfall.
Smiling to himself in the shadows of the clock tower where he watched you and your friends become reacquainted after the summer. He missed you so, even after breaking both your hearts the rumours didn’t stop. He’d lost you for nothing and he doubted you’d ever forgive him for betraying your heart as he did. Turning to walk away, he didn’t see your eyes snap up to the rafters watching him leave, your fingers idly playing with the locked around your neck as your heart called out for his.
Please let me know what you think? i havent written in forever and am hella rusty so sorry for any mistakes! LOVE!
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Troublemakers ~ Aesop Sharp x Gaunt!Reader
Summary: Just a little story of Aesop and his best friend and childhood sweetheart going on an adventure that turns out to be more than they could take on, which ends up as one of the catalysts between them losing contact after Hogwarts... Only to end up meeting against, at the most unlikely of places, over a decade later.
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“I am SO bored.” Y/N sighed dramatically, plopping on the couch next to her best friend, Aesop Sharp, a particularly brilliant half-blood that excelled in DADA and Potions especially. It was no surprise that the two would always pair up for Potions, they were a terrific duo and the teacher always praised them. “Not much room for new adventures, unfortunately.” the boy with long, chestnut hair nodded his head in agreement. “There is so much exploring to do at Hogwarts, but we’re stuck here, with no lead.” Y/N suddenly turned to her friend, grabbing him with the arms desperately. “You’re the future Auror, aren’t you? You’re supposed to smell danger and adventure! Do something!” the poor boy looked weirdly at her, putting his hand over her wrists and suspending them in mid-air. “Calm down, you little troublemaker, I’ll think of something. I  always do, don’t I?” he offered a mischievous smirk. “Now, how about you stop bothering me and you do something useful with that energy of yours - Like, for example, retrieving THAT book you promised me?” no doubt, he was referring to her having promised to sneak into the restricted section of the library to find more advanced potions and dark arts spell books. After all, how better to know how to guard yourself against the dark arts, if not by learning about them? That is an Auror’s job. “Right. I almost forgot.” the girl muttered, nodding lightly. “A’ight! What’s the time... Ah, yes, just the perfect time for a raid. I’ll see you tomorrow - At our spot.”
The Slytherin girl hopped off the couch, wearing a mischievous grin as she swiftly exited the Common Room, leaving Aesop behind to gaze at her gorgeous swaying hair. “You’re going to be the death of me, little lady.” unbeknownst to even himself, his otherwise sardonic expression was replaced with a soft smile.  He never could deny the way Y/N made him feel, from the very same day they met, and he stood up for her when getting bullied by other Purebloods for being a complete embarrassment not only for their House, but for every respectable Pureblood family such as her own. Aesop could never stand injustice, and though he wasn’t usually one to go out of his way and solve others’ problems, the situation was getting out of hand. He hoped at first that, if he were to befriend the lonesome girl, people would stop targeting her - And although she seemed to be significantly livelier, and he couldn’t believe how kind and tender she was. He couldn’t comprehend the reason behind her bullying, save for needless fanaticism.
Regardless, Aesop never once regretted his instinct, which led to this beautiful friendship of theirs - And, perhaps in the future, even more. He did appreciate how diligent she was in her studies, oft times even passing him in various subjects altogether. Her conviction of becoming a Healer was commendable and it was yet another thing which brought them together - Their love for practical studies and saving people, though in different ways. The young man was cheeky though, and there was no end to his resourcefulness, especially when it came to intentionally practicing more dangerous spells and getting injured, only for the pretty lady to fawn over him with worry and tend to his wounds oh so gingerly.
He, the strong knight in shining armor, protecting his beautiful damsel in distress, who would heal all his injuries with a sweet kiss. Ridiculous thoughts such as this one always did make him chuckle with amusement. To think that even someone so cynical and pragmatic like himself would be capable of daydreaming of romantic scenarios was outright hilarious - Not that he minded though, it was a rather pleasant way of passing the time when relaxing or falling asleep.
The next day, just as promised, Y/N waited for her friend at their secret spot, a room only known to them, and she was already peaking at the contents of the book. As soon as she heard the door opening, a smile instantly graced her features as she jumped to her feet. “You will NOT believe what I found!” the girl chirped immediately, only to take a good look at the boy towering over her. “Have you been dancing with the mooncalves the whole night? You look positively disheveled. Get over here, you.” with a smug smile, the boy stepped in front of her and bent slightly at the waist, allowing her access to his hair and clothes to fix properly. He’d lie if he said he didn’t enjoy it - His own mother always fixed his dad’s clothes and hair before going to work, and now he completely understood the appeal. His mum sold him this cheeky tip, saying that girls love doing this, just as much as boys do.  “I’m not quite sure I could match mooncalves at their dance.” Aesop joked lightly. “But would you like to match other people?” the girl asked, looking down with a smile. Aesop’s brows furrowed a bit for a few seconds, only to let out a soft ‘oh’ sound. He remembered now, a crucial thing that he missed. Though it wasn’t announced yet, everyone knew that all students in their terminal year were invited to a Ball reserved only for them, as a graduation celebration. How could he forget? Silly him. “Well, perhaps that wouldn’t be so bad, if only I have the right company by my side.” he said, gently holding her hand into his own and planting a kiss on her fingers. “That is, only if you would join me.” “Ever the charmer. I wouldn’t even consider going without you.” the sweet blush on her cheeks only made her even more beautiful, if it was possible. “Now, look here - This book has some really nasty stuff, like the Unforgivable curses and even Horcruxes or... How to raise inferi!” “You’ve struck a mithril mine.” Aesop’s fascination was pooling in his eyes, as he swept the book from the girl’s hands and brought her over to the couch to read together.
With the stress of their NEWTS all gone, and euphoric smiles on their faces thanks to their imminent success, Aesop and Y/N were able to enjoy the Graduation Ball at their leisure, without any kind of responsibility left. On the evening of the Ball, the young man dressed his best, checking himself in the mirror a hundred thousand times before going to the Common Room and waiting for the girl of his dreams to descend down the stairs from her dormitory. He wasn’t the only one waiting, and lots of boys his age were anxiously fidgeting on their feet, left and right, waiting for their dates to come over.
One by one, beautiful lady after beautiful lady appeared in sight, and was immediately met up with her date, and guided to the Great Hall, where the Ball would take place. Finally, Y/N too appeared in sight, rendering Aesop breathless for the first time - That gorgeous updo of hers, leaving her supple neck revealed, and her cleavage adorned with an expensive necklace of gold and precious gems, that dress made of the best velvet and silk, and embroidered with small, twinkling diamonds - She looked like the brightest star in the night sky. She was glowing, and Aesop Sharp was feeling head over heels in love with Y/N Gaunt.
There weren’t many words exchanged on that day, as they were both rather embarrassed, watching their crush being so positively perfect. Still, nothing stopped them from having fun together the whole magical night, and dancing together until there was no other couple left around. Though bashful, it took a single look into his warm, dark eyes, a single gaze at that tender smile of his, and Y/N’s arms slowly wrapped around his neck as she leaned in to steal a little kiss from him. The little vixen wasn’t allowed to just be a thief and run away, however, as Aesop trapped her closer to his body, and with one hand on the back of her head, he deepened the kiss.
It was supposed to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship, started in their last week at Hogwarts, however, things never end up the way people want. 
Two days after the Ball, Aesop came over to the girl, telling her he’s found clues for a new adventure - Finding Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium. Y/N frowned, looking away. She was skeptical of such a discovery - After all, no good ever comes out of dealing with Slytherin’s things.  It was true, in a way, she could understand his policy of training only purebloods, in fear of having the whole wizarding world completely destroyed; However, that fanaticism and fear only brought misfortune and destruction, not only for himself, but for all the Pureblood lineages to come. Y/N knew that better than most.
“I don’t know what to say, dear, this is... This smells like a trap. Like, like... Like something bad’s going to happen if we meddle with him and his cursed antics.” Y/N tried to persuade him, only to end up getting kissed, a charming, adventurous smirk on his face. “And if anything happens, I’ll protect you. Aren’t I your knight in shining armor?” he laughed it off carelessly. “This is so much more than that, Aesop! Slytherin was known for playing with dark magic - I cannot even begin to imagine the implications! It’s not that I’m fearing for my life, but that I’m fear for you, more than anything. You know my family and how obsessed they are with muggle-torture and killing - Why else would I have gotten disowned? Regardless - The things I’ve seen, the things I’ve experienced - I wouldn’t wish them upon anyone! Anyone, Aesop! I mean it!” the frantic monologue was cut off by a kiss. “And I’m going to become an Auror - Isn’t that the perfect way of seeing whether or not I’m even cut for this job? Come on, Y/N, where has your braveheart disappeared?” he tried to convince the girl, only to see her hanging her head and shaking it in disbelief. “I’m going to regret this for the rest of my life. I take no responsibility if anything happens to you. I warned you! I did - You can’t blame me for anything that happens!” Aesop rose a quizzical eyebrow, seeing her so frightened, unable to even meet his eyes - Could things really be that bad, considering the Scriptorium was supposed to be in the safest place alive - Hogwarts? “Come on, I know the entrance.” The young man allowed himself to be guided by the wrist to some corridor, and watched as the girl revealed some braziers, before litting three of them on fire. “You already knew of this.” “Of course I did, who do you take me for? I stepped in this place, and as soon as I saw how vile it is, I left.” she spat, angrily. “Move along.” she nodded his head at him to follow inside the pitch black corridors.
Y/N cast Lumos to create some light, and once she did, Aesop already rushed to cast Reparo on the broken relief shattered all over the floor. All of a sudden, the soft sound of hissing echoed through the short corridor. “What is that?” Y/N sneered in annoyance and went by the door, touching it. “Are you sure you want to continue?” the girl received a frantically positive answer, she sighed and started speaking in Parseltongue to open the massive door. “Here goes nothing.” “What was that?” the young man asked. “Parseltongue, of course. Only the Slytherin’s own bloodline is capable of speaking with snakes.” she explained, just as the door behind them slammed shut and locked. “Yes, of course, how bloody likely!” the girl cursed angrily. “Don’t worry, I think I’ve found the door forward. It has these two symbols on it, see? And this snake statue too, is sitting on rotating stone engraved with the symbols. If we just match the order, then... Aha, yes, just as suspected! See, dear? The door opened?” with a smug, victorious smirk, Aesop threw open the doors and continue forward, with Y/N on his tail, watching as he quickly moved between the next two doors to open them. 
When he was done opening the final one, they were led to yet another corridor, filled with cobwebs on the walls and on the ground. Aesop went to the ominous looking door before them, only to realise it was perfectly locked, and it had no puzzle mechanism, nor riddle to open. Behind them, the door was slammed shut, and nothing Y/N did could get it open. Y/N cursed Slytherin with very unlady-like words, and it was then that Aesop realised why Y/N was so terrified of pursuing such an adventure. They were ultimately stuck in a small corridor, with no resources and no way of escaping. He doomed them both.
“Maybe if you speak to the door, it will provide some answer?” the boy tried to suggest, only to see the girl crouching to the ground, her head in her hands.  “I don’t need to speak to it. I already know what it wants - And I cannot give it! I will not do it! I refuse -- I can’t do it!” the poor lady whimpered so strongly that it made Sharp fall to his knees in front of her and gather her up in his arms.  “What is it, tell me? Some kind of dark magic? I know you don’t want to do any kind of dark spell - You’re not like your family - But if there’s anything I can do, I will do it, alright?” the girl nodded slowly. “The door - It... It wants to witness torture. It... It’s cruel, it... It wants to hear and witness nothing but anguish and sorrow and torment. I... refuse. I will not - I will not cast the Cruciatus Curse on you, even if I have to die here, starved and dehydrated.” the girl growled softly. “If casting the curse is the only way forward, then you’re our only means of getting out of here! Y/N, you’d be saving us, come on! It’s just once, and --” he tried to reason with her, only to find himself being pushed away, and onto the ground, as the girl stepped away from him. “WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW  OF CURSES?! IT’S NOT LIKE YOU HAD TO EXPERIENCE ANY OF THEM!” the girl yelled at him. “Just once, you say? JUST ONCE IS ENOUGH TO CORRUPT ANY PERSON INTO BECOMING DEPENDENT ON CURSES! Next, you’re going to say - Oh, an inconvenient person, I’ll just kill them! No big deal, yes? Oh, that guy doesn’t want to do what I say? Imperio his ass!” Aesop remained silent, watching the girl he loved breaking before his eyes. He shouldn’t have pursued this stupid adventure. They had just a few days left, and he ruined it. “Keep me out of this. I will not cast it on you. If you want to escape, just cast it on me, I don’t care. I’m used to it, I can take it. But I will not be forced to cast it. I almost died, I ran away, and I got disowned, just to escape this. I will not back down now.” her back was turned to him, and he could see her small form trembling in the dim light offered by his wand. He sighed, feeling ready to smash his head onto the adjacent wall out of frustration. How could he possibly be coerced into torturing his own girlfriend? That was... That was impossible! He was a gentleman, and he was supposed to save his beautiful maiden, not... Not throw her in danger and torture her, just to escape.
But they couldn’t stay there forever, could they? They had to somehow get out of there, before they lose all their senses. “Y/N, my love, we need to get out here. I will not force you to cast it on me... Even though it should be me, on the other side of the wand, not you. A gentleman should never hurt a lady, let alone his own lover.” he gently went to her side, embracing her and kissing her temple. “But if you refuse to cast it on me, the only other way of escaping is if I cast it on you. Will you ever be able to forgive me? Not only for this, but for getting you in this mess, against your will?” “I told you... I’m used to it. It doesn’t matter for me. If we get out of here, all the best. As long as I don’t do it... It’s fine.” her mumble was so soft, that he had to strain his ear to hear. “Come on, we have to do it in front of the door.” she guided him on the opposite end of the corridor, placing him into position. “You know how to cast it, don’t you?” he reluctantly nodded. “Good. At least that.” she muttered to herself. “Whatever you do, you must NOT stop until the door opens, understand?” though reluctantly, Aesop nodded. “And you MUST mean it, otherwise it won’t work. Pretend... Pretend that I angered you some day, or... Uh... Imagine something bad. Doesn’t have to be true. As long as you get angry, you can mean it.” Aesop gulped, raising his wand - But a single glance at the girl was enough to shatter his resolve. How could he possibly curse his girlfriend? “I can’t. I can’t. Merlin... I can’t.” “Then I guess we’ll just die here.” came her harsh voice. “In the name of Salazar, you are SO pathetic. How in the bloody hell were you sorted in our house, anyway? Incompetents like yourself don’t fit in. Surely, that dusty old hat must have made a great mistake, allowing a half-breed like you to step in our sacred house of Slytherin.” Aesop’s eyes widened with shock - He’s never heard Y/N speaking so harshly, nor with words so disgusting. No, he understood, she was trying to piss him off so much that he will be forced to cast the curse on her. Damn it all. “If you think you’re going to become an Auror, you’re seriously deluding yourself. Look at you, unable to even cast a simple curse. Do you think the dark wizards are just going to wait for you to disarm them? Oh, look at me, I’m a small, simple-minded graduate, all I know how to cast is Expelliarmus! I’m going to rid the wizarding world of all dark wizards! Whooo~! And they are going to throw their wands away when they see you, the ever intimidating child. Goodness, you are absolutely ridiculous. No, not even ridiculous, you are laughable. The laughingstock of Slytherin. Incompetent, good for nothing, half-breeds like you should just go back to the muggle world where you belong. You are not wanted, nor needed in ours.” her acting was exceptionally good, he realised - Were all of these words that her own family yelled at her for years on end? “What can you even offer me, anyway? Status? Wealth? Fame? Purity lineage? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You are a nothing, Aesop Sharp, and you will forever remain that way - A nothing.”
All of a sudden, the corridor was illuminated a bright, blinding red, and Y/N fell to her knees, shrieking from the familiar pain she was experiencing. It was hell - No, worse than hell - A searing heat, like getting electrocuted, surging through every vine, every capillary, every nerve and synapse, to the point of going crazy.
The amount of torturous torment she was feeling almost felt like the comfort of her own home, the warmth of the anguish mixed together with the freezing cold misery she was suffering with every second spent in that house, among those people. But it was fine, truly, it was - It almost felt like the gentle arms of death were there to hold her and reassure her a gentle road to the other side, and the angels were singing her hymns in her name.
Instead, it was Aesop holding her and dragging her into the Scriptorium, away from the cursed corridor, afraid that it might lock up and they’d have to repeat the process once more. It was an experience neither of them wished to repeat, no matter what the cost of it. “I’m so sorry, my love, please forgive me. Y/N, are you awake? Can you hear my voice? Merlin -- Please, wake up, please, Y/N, wake up already.” “I’m awake, mum.” the girl grumbled, trembling softly as she got up from his arms. “I’m okay. Truly, I am.” she dragged a hand down her face to properly wake up. “I told you, I’m used to it.” “Can you... Can you walk?” he asked, offering her to lean on him. “Yes, yes, I’m all good. Erh-- Now that we’re here, let’s look around, see if we can find anything of worth.” she said, though not refusing the helping shoulder of her lover.
The atmosphere was eerily quiet and uncomfortable, a heavy pressuring aura falling over, making them feel suffocated. Thankfully, Y/N found a chair to sit in whilst Aesop waltzed around the Scriptorium and investigated every little thing before settling for some books, ingredients and a cauldron, before helping the girl get up and leave through the door - Only to end up in their secret place. How? Unknown. But they weren’t going to question it anyway. They really needed to rest and forget about everything that happened.
With the ending of their beautiful educational era at Hogwarts and the beginning of their young adult lives, Y/N became a fantastic emergency Healer at St. Mungo’s, whilst Aesop became a renowned Auror, getting rid of dark wizards and what not, two little prodigies in a bast world filled with an ocean of skilled witches and wizards. A life so busy, that it made them lose contact ultimately, and for years on end, Y/N and Aesop stopped sending letters altogether... Mostly because the Auror was afraid of endangering the beautiful maiden, yet he had naught the heart to tell her the reason behind not replying to her mails anymore.
But one’s dream was bound to shatter rather swift into his otherwise pristine career, as Sharp and his partner were working on an assignment, where they got ambushed by the evil-doers, resulting in a severe injury for himself... And the fatalist ending of his partner’s life. Watching a friend die before his very eyes was never easy, nor having the torturous curse cast on him - Was this the blazing agony that Y/N felt when he cast it on her, that evening, in the corridor to the Scriptorium? Was this what she was feeling, whenever her awful family wished her ill for not obeying their evil orders, and she had to be punished?
Y/N... My beautiful Y/N... Will I ever see you again?  Aesop’s thoughts flew in a crazy disorder around his mind, as he lay on the ground, helpless, staring in the dead eyes of his partner.
He closed his eyes, thinking himself succumbing to the darkest pits of death, only to next open his eyes and see bright lights, blinding even, and the ethereal face of an angel, in the likeness of his lovely Y/N, sitting on a chair, holding his hand, her sleeping form leaning on the edge of his bed. He quickly realised her thumb was carefully placed over his artery, to feel his pulse, to feel if he was alright. It wasn’t an angel, and he wasn’t dead either. His sweet Y/N was taking care of him.
“You’re awake?” the girl asked, unmoving, as she felt his body stir. “Yes... I think so.” came his gruff, hoarse voice. “How long--” “Two days.” Y/N slowly rose her head, looking out of the window. “Three, actually.” she quickly corrected herself. “How are you feeling?” “I, uhm... My leg... It hurts like hell.” Y/N nodded grimly, looking down at the floor. “There was nothing I could do about it. The curse they cast on you... So far, nobody found a cure for it. The pain will come and go, and it will get better, and worse, sometimes from the season, sometimes from the cold, or overexertion... Sometimes, for no reason at all. You will need a cane... And a moderately sedentary life style.” Aesop looked at her with disbelief, only to feel a wave of surging agony cramp up his entire leg. He tried to cling onto it and bear the pain, only for the girl to give him a potion to relax. “I’m sorry, Aesop. Every Healer in St. Mungo’s tried everything - We even went over the very old and slightly less efficient spells... But nothing worked.” “So... You say I’m stuck with an office job?” Y/N nodded solemnly. “Guess it’s time to resign.��� “I’m really sorry. I know how much being an Auror meant for you.” she spoke softly, only to see him wave his hand dismissively. “I am alive, aren’t I? My partner wasn’t as lucky. I may not continue my life as an Auror, but I can do other things that will have some meaning and impact. Besides, I have to find a cure.” he offered a small smile as the pain subsided. “Won’t you help me?” “No.” she curtly cut him off. “I know why you stopped owling me, but I did not appreciate the rudeness. I think I deserved better than complete ignoring.” Y/N gave him a sarcastic smile. “Rest well.” “Wait, Y/N--” he called after her, feeling suffocated. “Will you come visit me again?” “You’re fine. I see no reason to. At most, the nurses will come offer the medication I prescribed, and when you’re entirely healed, they will release you.” she shrugged, not bothering to look back. “And when I get out of here, may I return to courting you?” Y/N thought hard about it, only to smirk in amusement. She turned her head slightly to watch him over her shoulder. “Only if you shave that raccoon off your face.” she let out a dry chuckle, before leaving him all alone in that chamber. “What’s wrong with my facial hair?!” he summoned the mirror from the wall and examined his face. Sure, he looked tired, and perhaps a little more mature than she remembers him at 18 years old - But that didn’t mean it was a bad change by any means!
It took awhile for Aesop to accept that he needs to leave behind his Auror life and retire, but every time his flesh was in searing agony, he reminded himself that it was for the best. At least he was alive... His partner didn’t have such a privilege. He had to make the best out of what was offered to him, and that was his life. For the time that he is allowed to remain on this earth, he was going to search for a cure for this pain to disappear, and perhaps find means to teach the next generations of young witches and wizards.
And thus, Auror Sharp became Professor Sharp, as he was accepted as the Potion Master of Hogwarts. All for the best, he always did love potions, though perhaps not as much as DADA - And now, he had not only the freedom, but the resources to start about his research for an antidote. The only downside of this would be that, once again, he would have no way of courting his sweet Y/N. Should he just let her go? No, he couldn’t. He’s been pining over her for ages now, since they first met each other at eleven years old. He couldn’t just give up. Weekends at Hogsmeade, perhaps? He heard of a nice tea shop that opened recently, at it was all the rage amongst people of all ages, for being so romantic and what not. Not exactly his thing, but Y/N loved cheesy things like this. Flowers, sweet words, slow dances, walks in the moonlight, romantic dates.
But Aesop never took into account the amount of pain he would be in, and how difficult it would be to return to a regular day to day life. It wasn’t just his walking, or rather, his inability to do so, nor was it easy to get used to the complex work of teaching students and actually creating a proper curriculum. For one, most text books were completely useless - And some even had wrong potion ingredients or instructions altogether! How was he supposed to teach young children, when the books help so little? He had to spend so much time properly structuring his lessons for all seven years, and organising all the ingredients, the tools and... Gah, what a mess. Months on end passed, and he had not even a minute of free time - Hell, he barely had time to sleep or eat, let alone do anything but work. How was he supposed to care for his social life, when he was buried under work tenfold - No, a hundredfold rather, than when he was an Auror?
Thus, the whole Summer ended, and the very first month of Hogwarts began, and with it, Aesop learnt how to properly teach his students of all ages the refined art of potion-making; yet even now, just like during his younger days, he had zero tolerance for troublemakers who didn’t keep up with the work. He was, after all, a troublemaker during his student-days, and so was his crush, but they were the top of their class and could afford some mischief here and there. 
And thus, more months went on, before, with a lot of difficult, Professor Sharp was able to balance his work with his recovery, and could now live a relatively normal life - At least by his standards... Though he will forever dread the annoyingly ugly cane that he had to rely on. Some gentlemen used canes for the aesthetic of it, while some kept their wands inside of it. He didn’t care for any of that silliness. He just wanted his health back, and maybe his sense of normalcy too.
It was around late December, and Christmas was approaching - Aesop finally dared send an owl to Y/N and ask her whether she wanted to go on a date with him, on Christmas Eve. Surprisingly, she accepted. For the first time in ages, he felt giddy, like he was a young man once again. But what should he get her? What were some good gift shops around Hogsmeade?
Y/N apparated at Hogsmeade, wearing a beautiful dress and a warm cloak over, and she stepped inside the coquette, little tea house she was invited at, and quickly spotted the gruff looking gentleman tapping his foot with impatient nervousness. “You always did like taking your sweet time before inviting me anywhere, didn’t you?” the man immediately shot up and took off her cloak, hanging it on the coat hanger, before dragging her seat for her. “I have to admit, this place is gorgeous. I had no idea such a beautiful place was opened in Hogsmeade. Says a lot about my social life.” she let out a dry chuckle. “I couldn’t have you walking by the arm of a cripple who couldn’t even walk properly. It would be improper for a beautiful lady like yourself.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, looking away and shaking her head in disbelief. “Ever the charmer, you always know what to say to get out of trouble, don’t you, you troublemaker? You might have matured and... That raccoon from your face might make you look older, but you are still the same nasty troublemaker I met decades ago.” Aesop cringed a little, hearing the plural of ‘decade’. “Now you’re making the both of us sound so much older than we are.” he smirked wryly. “Besides, I have to say, I am rather proud of the way I trim my facial hair, and I will not tolerate such disrespect.” he said, before sipping from his tea. “I am very proud of the way my ferret looks.” Y/N couldn’t help but stifle her laugh. “Alright, forgive me, I mistook the furry animal residing on your face.” a comfortable silence took over them, as they held a tender look, gazing at each other. “I heard you became a professor at Hogwarts. How is life treating you?” “I learnt how to manage it properly, I suppose. It can be positively dreadful, though it’s nothing short of an adventure for cripples like myself. Though, I can’t deny, most students can be so dreadful. Our generation wasn’t like this.” Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “We totally were. In fact, the two of us, were the worst of the bunch, if you recall. We’d have gotten detention so much more, were it not for our brilliant grades. Always sneaking out at night, always going into the Forbidden Forest, looking for trouble, always stealing from the supply chambers... Need I go on?” Aesop’s eyes widened with horror, before tapping his cane into the rug. “I knew I forgot something.” he grumbled lowly. “I thought I was mis-counting my supplies. Instead, I was being robbed. Those nasty rascals!” the poor man dragged his hand across his face, crestfallen at his own silly mistake. “As long as you don’t rig it with deathly traps, I’m sure it’s going to be fine, whatever you choose to do.” the woman chuckled in amusement at his exhaustion. “I never imagined how much of a drag it would be, teaching students. I don’t get how Hecat or Weasley do it so well, but I’m having a hard time inspiring authority without everyone trembling in fear before me, as though I’m Salazar Slytherin himself.” Aesop complained about his students. “Could it be that you’re in need of some help, then? You, Aesop Sharp, the greatest Auror the Ministry ever had - Needs help, taming a bunch of unruly students?” Y/N leaned over the table, teasing the taciturn man before her.  “I’d take battling dark wizards any day, over hordes of annoyingly loud students. Besides! We both know I worked better alone during missions.” the man crossed his arms to his chest, as though he was a grumpy, indignant child. “Our potion teacher might have begged to differ, watching us paired together.” the girl smirked teasingly at him.  “You have always been different. That’s why I liked you. We were always on another level than anyone else. Not to mention, if you recall, it was you who dealt with people, not me. Getting us out of trouble, mediating and sweet-talking.” his smile turned bittersweet. “Those days were good.” “They were, indeed.” Y/N agreed. “Though you do need to learn how to listen to me, every once in a while. Maybe that way, you wouldn’t get in so much trouble.” “Ah, here she goes, reprimanding me.” Aesop shook his head dramatically. “But I would greatly appreciate some help.” “Well! I’m not entirely sure how I can aid you, all the way from St. Mungo’s... However! I can help with... This!” she put her purse on her lap and took out a surprisingly long gift box. “Figured at least one of us should care for the aesthetics.” Half excited, half nervous, Sharp took the box and removed the ribbon, revealing a gorgeous-looking cane - Expensive and polished, with gold embedded in intricate shapes, all that would suit a perfect gentleman. Unfortunately for him, he never truly did think of himself as one, considering the amount of rudeness he addressed his sweetheart, in the midst of courting her. “This looks more expensive than my house. I can’t... Accept this.” “Ah, there you go again, being so rude to me. I’m very upset, Aesop, and if you refuse it, I’m going to be even more upset with you.” she threatened with a smile on her face, only to steal his old cane and destroying it. “Oops. An accident.” “Alright, alright, I don’t have the right not to accept a Christmas gift from the heart. Of course, that means, you are not allowed to deny my gifts for you either.” in a swift move, he placed a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, along with a small, velvet gift box.  “You complain about the cane being expensive, but this couldn’t have been any cheaper. You hypocrite.” Y/N muttered, gazing at the gorgeous white gold necklace filled with emeralds. “Come on, go ahead, put it on for me.” with a cheeky smirk, Y/N pulled aside her hair, revealing her thin neck and the supple nape. Aesop stood behind her and carefully placed the necklace around her neck, before planting a soft kiss on her shoulder.  “Happy Christmas, Y/N.” he whispered tenderly into her ear. “Happy Christmas, Aesop.”
But a cane wasn’t the best Christmas gift that Aesop Sharp received - Instead, a few months later, he was surprised with the announcement of a teacher’s helper, mostly there to aid the newly arrived professors who are in need of accomodation and settling in their role as educators for so many students at once. He almost thought it was a cruel jab addressed to him, all by the insufferable Headmaster, but no, it wasn’t a cruel jab. Instead, it was a favour, from one noble Pureblood, to another - Namely, the esteemed Heir of Slytherin. It didn’t matter that Y/N Gaunt was more or less estranged from her family, and she might have had her portrait burnt - A Gaunt was a Gaunt for life, and for once, Y/N used her family’s name for good, as she was hired by the Headmaster.
When Aesop went to his classroom the next morning, he saw his beautiful lady drinking coffee and idly arranging all the bottles and jars of ingredients for the day. When she noticed him, she offered a sleepy smile, before returning to her work. “You always did prefer arranging everything by hand. I could never understand the appeal.” Aesop limped behind her, wrapping his arms around his waist. “It is called - Relaxing - Darling. I believe you should search that word in the dictionary, I truly doubt you’ve ever heard of it before.” her smile only widened, feeling herself melt in his loving embrace. “Ah, yes, because the overworked Healer does such a great job at taking breaks.” he jabbed at her swiftly. “This overworked Healer knows that you’ve overexerted your leg and that the pain is getting worse. Care to explain your misdemeanours?” she looked at him over the shoulder, only to be surprised with a kiss stolen from her sweet lips. “I will tell you, only if you agree to help me out with the pain.” he bribed her jokingly. “That is why I have come here. Not only you are in dire need of someone taking care of you... But I also want to help find a cure for your ailment... Mostly for you and your incredibly rude and inconsiderate self, but also, to help out St. Mungo’s, if any case like yours happens again.” Y/N admitted, turning around and placing her arms on his shoulders lazily. “As long as I have you by my side, it matters little to me - Though, I can’t deny, having your help makes me feel like we’re students again, ready to take on more troublemaking.” Aesop chuckled lightly. “All fine with me - But no more Slytherin adventures. I’m so done with that.” the ex-Auror cringed at the memory. “Deal.” he agreed, leaning in to plant a loving kiss on her forehead.
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“You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desire.Night and day,I dream of you.Do you even know all the ways a lady can be seduced?The things I could teach you” and “You have bewitched me body and soul” but make it an Aesop Sharp x reader(No OC’s) fanfic.
Pssst feel free to use and please tag me if someone decides to use this idea
This lives in my mind rent free
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5sospenguinqueen · 5 months
Professor Sharp: Sebastian Sallow did what?
Nurse Blainey: I wouldn't let him see MC because visiting hours were over, so he wasn't allowed to stay... So, he punched himself in the face and told me he was injured.
Professor Sharp: Well, you have to admire his dedication?
Nurse Blainey: He broke his nose!
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uhohwhathaveidone · 2 years
hiii im the one who requested a drabble about amortentia
yeah i meant that someone dosed reader with amortentia and that's why sebastian is pissed (fair enough)
and i don't mind it being 2nd part of Amortentia!! i just really hope the reader will be hufflepuff^^
thank you so much!!
Poor little Hufflepuff
Tainted Crush (S.S)
pt1 Brewed Crush
I sabered too close to the sun today on beat saber and played for 3 hours straight on hard difficulty and my limbs have gone to jelly, and then after all that I walked to my mom to tell her about how I found the new notes and suddenly there was glass in my shoe and i stabbed my foot, how I didn't do that while giving my all at the game is beyond me, I put my whole body and soul into those games. Anyway, Sebastian is very.... Sebastian in this. Very protective bf.
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     You hummed quietly to yourself as you walked down the hall to the Hufflepuff common room, eager to put your bag down and meet with Sebastian and Ominis for supper. You greeted a few students as you walked in, petting the soft feathers of an owl that perched itself on the rail of the steps as you walked up them. Poppy greeted you at the top, smiling a devious smile. “Hey there, y/n! I have something to deliver to you.” You looked at her, confused, as she pulled out a small box. “I was asked to hand this to you.” You took it from her hands, peaking inside. “Candy? Who gave you this?” You asked, picking one out of the box and inspecting it. Poppy shrugged, “Leander told me to give it to you, saying it was a gift for beating him in some game you played.” Your face relaxed a bit, nodding as you thanked her. Poppy smiled and excused herself, walking down the stairs and to one of her friends.
     You walked to your room, placing your bag onto the floor beside your bed as you sat down, looking at the candy. You weren’t quite friends with the Gryffindor boy, but you did interact with him a bit, and you knew that it would be rude to not at least eat one of the candies. You sifted through the assortment, grabbing at random and popping it into your mouth. Its sweet taste flooded your tastebuds as you chewed, the aftertaste felt odd, however. You had tried to figure out what the aftertaste was when your mind seemed to haze, your body beginning to feel fuzzy. Leander’s face popped into your mind, and you felt yourself thinking about him, much as you tried to fight it. Eventually, he was all your mind thought about, and you smiled to yourself as you looked down at the box, the candies tempting you for another bite.
     Sebastian sat beside you and Ominis, talking about the new spell you had learned in charms, asking Ominis how he felt about it. Ominis shrugged, claiming it was rather easy to learn, while you kept silent, leaning into the palm of your hand as you looked across the hall. “Hey, are you even listening to me?” Sebastian asked, bumping into your shoulder. After the Potions session a week or two before hand, the two of you confessing to each other and then trying to interrogate Ominis, you and Sebastian had gotten together, much to Ominis’ delight. “Finally, I don’t have to hear you whine about your feelings,” He had said. Sebastian waited for you to answer, bumping your shoulder again. “Hmm, yeah I’m listening.” You hummed, not shifting your gaze. Sebastian narrowed his gaze at you, noticing how you had your gaze fixed. He followed it, landing at the Gryffindor table, a mix of blue and red dotting the table. “What’s on your mind, then?”
     “Leander.” You swooned; a childish giggle left you as you smiled. Ominis choked and spit his drink out, coughing and gasping for air. Sabastian’s face heated up in jealousy, causing him to frown. “Leander Prewett?” You nodded, watching as the boy in question talked to his friends. “Why are you thinking about that guy?” Sebastian scoffed. Leander wasn’t the biggest fan of Sebastian, and Sebastian had to admit that he wasn’t a fan of Leander either, growing annoyed by him. He always found something to blame on Slytherins, and seemed to hold a grudge against Sebastian after he bested him in a duel on the first day of fifth year. Sebastian hadn’t even seen you talk to Leander before. You sighed, pulling Sebastian from his thoughts. “He gave me candy. They were really good too.” You said, pulling one from your pocket. Ominis’ head snapped up, looking in your direction. “Candy?” He asked, and Sebastian quickly snatched the candy from your hand.
     “Don’t eat that!” He shouted, reaching into the pocket you had taken the candy from, finding two more pieces. Ominis furrowed his brow, “How many did he give you?” You shrugged, counting your fingers. “Hmm…maybe…Ten? I think that’s it.” Sebastian felt panic rise in his chest, eyes widening. “Ten? You have three left!” Ominis found your shoulder, looking for your face. “Smells sweet, too sweet for candy.” He noted, looking over to Sebastian, who sat there, shocked and upset. “You’re sure Leander gave you these?” He asked, watching as you nodded. He grabbed your shoulders, turning you to him. His eyes widened as he took in your features, your eyes glazed over and pupils dilated. Your usual skin tone was replaced by a deep pink, and your face was extremely relaxed. Sebastian cursed under his breath, grabbing your face, and checking for anything else that was out of the ordinary.
     Ominis listened to Sebastian as he muttered to himself, seemingly cursing Leander. “He dosed them, some kind of love potion was in those candies.” Ominis widened his eyes in shock, trying to wrap his head around the possibility that someone even had the guts to dose another student, especially you. “What do we do, Sebastian?” Sebastian sighed, turning you towards Ominis. “Keep them here, I’m going to have a little chat with our dear Prewett.” With that, Sebastian stood, making his way over to Leander’s table. Natty looked up, greeting Sebastian. Leander paled at his name, keeping his head down and focusing on his food. “Hello there, Natty. Mind if I borrow your friend Leander for a moment?” Natty shrugged, elbowing Leander, who looked up in dread. He hadn’t told his friends what he had done, so they watched in confusion as he slowly stood from his seat, hands shaking as he walked over to Sebastian. “Hello there, Prewett.” Sebastian began, “Would you care for a conversation in the hall outside?” Leander nodded slowly, head hung low as he followed Sebastian out.
     As the giant doors closed behind them, Sebastian grabbed Leander by the collar, throwing him into the stone wall. Leander let out a gasp as the air left his lungs, a bruise already beginning to form on his spine. Sebastian walked up to him, grabbing his collar once again and holding him up against the wall, glaring daggers into Leander. “So, Prewett. Know why I asked you here today?” Sebastian asked. Leander shook his head, hoping that he could try to reason with Sebastian; come up with a lie to cover up what he had done. Sebastian scoffed, dropping him to the ground again. “Let me jog your memory then, yeah?” He held up one of the candies he had taken from you, watching as Leander’s eyes widened as he watched. “How many were in that box, Prewett? Ten?” Leander nodded, avoiding Sebastian’s eyes now. Sebastian paced in front of him, “Well, I have three in my possession. I assume you know how to count. How many do you think they ate, hm?” Quietly, Leander responded. “Seven, they ate seven.” Clasping his hands together, Sebastian smiled. “Correct! Seven points to Gryffindor!” He mocked, walking up to Leander. “What do you think would have happened if they ate eight? Maybe nine, or all of them? Do you think they’d be sitting at the table right now, probably mumbling about you to Ominis?” His voice and gaze grew dark as he hovered over Leander, “You could have killed them, then I probably would have killed you.” Leander shuddered, pushing himself against the wall. Sebastian looked down at the candy, lifting his gaze to the Gryffindor before him. “What would happen if you ate one? Would it have an effect?” He questioned. Leander shrugged, unsure himself. Sebastian debated the idea, playing with the candy in his hand. “Maybe next time.” He said quietly.
     “I’m going to let you go now,” Sebastian started, watching as Leander sighed in relief. He took out his wand, pointing it between his eyes. “But, if I catch you trying something like that again to my partner, even look in their direction,” Sebastian stared, “I will deal with you.” With that, Sebastian put his wand away, stuffing the candy in his robe and walking to the door, taking a final look at the cowardly Gryffindor, before opening it and walking in. He made his way back over to where you sat, standing in front of you. “I’m back,” He stated, letting Ominis know he was there. Ominis sighed in relief, glad to have someone that wouldn’t talk about some guy nonstop. “They’ve been talking this whole time, I’m becoming annoyed, to be honest.” Sebastian chuckled, reaching to take your hand. “I had a nice chat with Prewett. Now we need to get you to Professor Sharp.” You stood, gazing around as Sebastian led you toward Sharp, gesturing for him.
     “What is it, Mr. Sallow?” Sharp asked, standing before the two of you. Through gritted teeth, Sebastian explained to him the events that led to where you were now, glaring in Leander’s direction at the mention of his name. Alarmed, Sharp quickly led the two of you out of the hall to the potions classroom, Sebastian’s hold on your hand tightening as you whined, watching Leander’s figure shrink the farther you walked. Sharp ushered you into the classroom, heading to his desk to gather ingredients for an antidote. “How many did you say they ate?” He asked, measuring out portions of mandrake leaves. “Seven, I have the other three here.” Sebastian handed the candies to Sharp, who quickly examined them. “Seven is quite a lot, but this looks like Amortentia, which calls for an even stronger antidote.” Sebastian’s breath got caught in his chest, his anger melting and turning into stress. Sharp muttered to himself, mainly about how Leander had gotten his hands on the potion, and how he would reprimand Leander as soon as the ordeal was over. Sebastian watched as Sharp mixed the ingredients in the cauldron, glancing over at you every now and then to make sure you were still there, even with your hand locked in with his own.
     “Here, take this,” Sharp said, handing you a small cup of blue liquid. You slowly looked down at it, furrowing your brows. “Is this from Leander?” You asked, hesitant to take the cup from Sharp. Sebastian nodded, taking the cup and placing it in your hands. You smiled and quickly downed the contents, face contorting as the bitter taste took over. Sharp took the cup back, observing your face as the potion took effect. You shut your eyes tightly as you shook your head, coughing. Your mind seemed to clear up slowly as you squinted, looking around. You gagged, the full effect of the potion finally hitting you. “Why am I in a classroom?” You questioned, looking over at Sebastian and Sharp. Sebastian sighed in relief and thanked Sharp, who nodded his head. “Of course. Now, if you’ll excuse me, it appears that Mr. Prewett needs to have a chat with the Headmaster and I.” With that, Sharp excused himself, walking out of the classroom and heading back to the dining hall.
     You looked up at Sebastian, confused. “Last I remember, Poppy handed me a box from Leander, and I ate one of the candies to be nice.” Sebastian squeezed your hand, motioning for you to sit down. “He dosed those candies with love potion.” You felt your heart stop, disgust and shock mixing together on your face. “You mean to say,” You started, face heating up, “That I fell in love with some guy? Leander?” You shuddered, pretending to gag. Sebastian smiled as you dramatically pretended to be sick. You turned and buried your face into his shoulder, muttering. “That’s disgusting. Imagine, ditching you for Leander. A nightmare.” Sebastian chuckled, wrapping his arms around you as he held you, placing a soft kiss to your temple. “You’ll have to apologize to Ominis.” You looked up, frowning. “What did I do?” “You apparently talked his ear off when I left to have a chat with Prewett myself, I don’t think he’s too fond of the name at the moment.” “Oh no.”
     Leander did not get expelled, but he was delt a heavy detention, along with losing Gryffindor fifty points. You stayed by Sebastian each time you had to walk past him, who only glared at him, reminding him of his previous threat. Terrified, Leander never talked to you after that, or even looked at you for that matter. You didn’t ask what Sebastian had told him, nor did Ominis, who was just glad that you were talking normally again, forbidding Leander’s name from ever leaving your mouth when you were around him.
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worthy of trust
pairing: sebastian sallow x fem!reader
warnings: sebastian being a jerk & calling you ignorant, angst, feeling like you lost a friend but he makes it up to you with a lil kiss
note: i've been obsessed with hogwarts legacy and the gameplay itself is just phenomenal. 39 hours into the game lol and still so much to do, so enjoy this sebastian oneshot. based on his questline, in the shadow of the mine i think?
important note: i do NOT support hate towards the transgender or LGBTQ+ community. JKR has made her stance very clear and i could not disagree and be disgusted with her more. this fic and future ones merely pertain to the character(s) in hogwarts legacy and to my knowledge, JKR had no part in the game. if you are still mad i play the game/write fics for hogwarts legacy, you can scroll past this. thank you!
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you had no qualms about trusting lodgok since sirona ryan had known him for years, along with miriam. while the both of you had been albeit hesitant at first towards one another, he had proven his loyalty to stopping ranrok and was actively trying to be one step ahead of him - which is exactly what you, sebastian, and the others wanted.
however, when the opportunity arose to tell sebastian about lodgok, it all came flooding back to you - anne.
you and sebastian had just finished clearing out a cavern of arachnids, which quite honestly, was pretty exciting. you had even reminded him that well, spiders aren't insects.
"don't you start," he had responded, a small smirk on his face.
after finding the last piece to the tryptich and hoping to solve the mystery concerning isidora morganach, returning to the undercroft was the last step. you both were eager to see if the portrait piece would fit, and once it had been placed, you were able to breathe.
"please tell me you recognize the location in this bit of canvas," you said, turning around to face your slytherin partner in crime.
he sighed, "the good news is, i do, in fact."
your shoulders dropped, "and the bad news?"
sebastian turned to look at you, "we're in for more trouble."
you groaned, leaning your head back as Sebastian's eyes seemed to darken; gluing your attention back to your slytherin friend, he continued, "i know that coast. Ranrok has taken over a huge mine and the surrounding area. Marunweem has suffered for it. It's as bad as Feldcroft's become."
with a sigh, your eyebrows knitted together and you looked at the triptych once more. sebastian glanced towards you, "should we head there now?
you shook your head, "no, we should wait."
sebastian immediately questioned you, "why?
you gave a grimanced look, "all this time, we've been a step behind ranrok. I may know someone who could help us get head."
sebastian raised an eyebrow, "who is that?"
before you could even think about formulating your answer a different way, the words slipped out, "a friendly goblin named lodgok. he wants no part in ranrok's fight."
sebastian immediately became disgusted, angry, even. "a friendly goblin?" he started, "you know goblins cursed my sister to shut her up! said she should 'be seen and not heard.'"
you took a step towards sebastian as he stepped back. taking a breath, you nodded, " i do, but not all goblins-"
he glared towards you, "not all goblins what? have you forgotten feldcroft? have you forgotten the mine we just went through?"
you sympathized with him, no doubt. you knew how close the twins were, how much Sebastian loved anne and cared for her - but this fight against ranrok was against all wizardkind, not just anne. and you knew she would understand.
shaking your head, you tried to reason with Sebastian, "no, sebastian, i haven't. you're not listening to me."
sebastian scoffed, "why would i listen to someone so ignorant?"
you knew sebastian could be mean, cruel, but throughout these months of knowing him, he has only been so kind, sweet and soft with you. there was never any malice towards you, no anger or disgust. towards the goblins and ranrok in conversations with you, but it was never directed. it was understandable that what happened to anne was hurting Sebastian as well, but this anger was now at you, and he was changing.
you already had reservations working with lodgok before sirona ryan said you could trust him, but there was something he wasn't telling you. but it wasn't a secret that jeopardized your working relationship with him, no. if it had been, you would have turned your back and not worked with him another day.
it wasn't ignorant at all, you knew that. a bit sketchy at first, sure, but not ignorant. lodgok had proven himself trustworthy and has helped you in being one step ahead.
you stepped back in surprise, "that was cruel. perhaps your uncle was right about you - you don't know when to stop."
sebastian glowered over you, stepping forward as his words were laced with venom, "oh, i do know when to stop. unbelievable."
taking a deep breath, you turned and walked out of the undercroft, ready to scream. you understood where Sebastian was coming from but the way he talked to you was so...angering. maybe you should have lied about who it was, about what lodgok was.
but calling you ignorant? okay, yes, this was your first year learning about magic and catching up to the rest of your peers, but you earned respect and knew - for the most part - what you were doing. you would never intentionally put Sebastian, anne, ominis, whoever in danger if you were not confident.
with a sniffle, you made your way through the dark arts tower to your common room, ready to just cry about how upset and angry Sebastian was. but before you could, ominis's voice stopped you, "coming from the undercroft, are we?"
you turned around, eyes glassy with unshed tears - albeit glad that ominis couldn't see them. you gave a small smile, "oh, yes. we were just discussing a painting we found."
ominis hummed, not entirely satisfied with your answer, "your voice is shaky. what happened?"
you let out a breath, "i - we can't talk about it here, ominis. too open."
he sighed, and with his free hand, he grabbed your arm, pulling you towards an owl statue inside a small window, before it turned around and you found yourself...well, inside a wall at hogwarts.
before you had time to question ominis of where you were, he asked once more, "what happened?"
you explained everything, just leaving out the parts where Sebastian was intent on not stopping to find a cure for anne, but moreso focused on the triptych. when you revealed who lodgok was, ominis cringed.
"oh, that's not the worst part," you said, wiping a stray tear, "he asked why he should listen to someone so ignorant."
ominis winced once more, "yikes."
you grumbled, "tell me about it. i want to cry because, well, i understand why he is upset but lodgok is a lead to stopping ranrok, to being one step ahead."
your blind friend nodded, "agreed, and if sirona trusts him, that's saying something."
you both stood in silence, the occasional sniffle from your nose giving ominis hints of how much this bothered you.
"give him time to cool off," he began. "anne is a sore spot for him, but he needs to understand that she won't be the only one cursed without your goblin friend's help. you made your way into his heart, those that he cares about. you'll be fine."
you nodded, trying to formulate your words, "thank you, ominis. i apologize for putting you in the middle of this, but it was nice to have someone listen."
ominis smiled softly, "of course, y/n. meet you at dinner?"
with a quiet, "yeah," you watched ominis make his way out of the secret room, and once again, you were left with screaming thoughts. sobs immediately racked your body, regret aching from your tears and sore throat. there was nothing left by the time you were done, face dried with tears as you composed yourself.
taking a breath, you left the room and immediately looked down, seeing a letter by the 'door.' on the top left was ominis's handwriting, but the letter itself was unopened: told you he's gone soft for you.
with a pained sigh, you picked up the letter and opened it, reading the words:
we need to talk. undercroft after dinner?
"merlin's beard."
dinner was not something you could stomach at the moment, and to be honest with yourself, you were sure it could come right back up as you made your way to the undercroft. with a wave of your wand, you opened up the clock-looking door and headed inside, anxiety eating you up like a full-course meal.
sebastian had his back to you, staring intently at the triptych until he heard the door open. his eyes met yours immediately, and he softened.
"hi," he said, biting his lip nervously as you made your way over to him.
"sebastian, i-" you began, but he shook his head. with a small smile, he grabbed your hands and held them against his chest, "it's ok."
your eyes welled up with tears, "but it's not, seb. i should've been honest with you and i wasn't. I'm sorry, you have every right to hate me."
sebastian was silent as the tears fell down your cheeks until he wiped them away with his thumb. you sniffled, looking up at him. he grasped onto your hands once more, "you were hesitant to tell me because you know how much i care for anne, for my sister. you listen to me and want what is best - that has always been you. I'm not mad at you, dove. I'm mad at merlin for making that our last option."
you gave a sad excuse for a chuckle as he smiled at you. he continued, "dove, listen to me. I'm sorry for what i said. i know you aren't ignorant; i reacted harshly about your goblin friend, but you understand why?"
you immediately nodded, squeezing his hands, "of course, seb. i know how important it is for you to find a cure for anne, and i would never jeopardize that if there was a chance lodgok could betray us. but he's good, honest."
sebastian grinned, and you continued, "i'm not mad at you either, y'know. you're good to me, seb, and i was just scared i lost you."
he held your face between his hands, thumbs softly rubbing over your cheeks as he adored you, "you could never lose me, dove. you are one of the few good things left in my life and i'd be an idiot to let you go."
you swallowed a sob as tears clouded your vision, but Sebastian hushed you, "it's okay, sweetheart. we're okay - i trust you. promise."
you nodded and gave a small smile, "i trust you too, seb. promise."
leaning forward, sebastian nudged his nose with yours, and you giggled as he mumbled, "there's my pretty dove." and with that, Sebastian sealed your lips in a kiss, your hands wrapping around his neck as he grounded himself on your hips.
maybe you should send lodgok a thank you card.
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lavenderandturpentine · 2 months
MC: Sebastian, I have something I need to confess.
Seb: As do I...
MC: On the count of three?
Seb: On the count of three.
MC: One…
Seb: Two.
MC: Three…
MC: *simultaneously* I accidentally caught feelings for you…
Seb: *simultaneously* I accidentally set fire to your potions homework…
MC/Seb: Wait… what!??
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misswildfire · 2 years
Imagine- Dating Aesop Sharp
It took quite a while to convince Aesop to take a chance on a relationship with you.
Patiently rebutted all of his arguments about why you guys shouldn’t be together: He was a cripple, too old for you, would ruin your reputation for being with a washed up Auror and your former Professor. Not that any of that mattered to you, you loved him just as he was, nor did you particularly care what anyone else thought. 
Once he finally gave in, he would take his time to court you properly (Minus the fact you both have a hard time keeping your hands off each other, heavy make out sessions were very common)
Walks in the gardens, in the forests, long talks in his office, small gifts - potions and salves he makes for your cuts, bruises and aches you always seem to collect while adventuring in the area.
In turn, you would gather ingredients for him, especially ones that were notoriously hard to get a hold of. There was no mountain too high or cave too deep that you wouldn’t venture into in order to procure what you needed.
You would help him develop salves for his leg that would keep the pain at bay for longer periods of time. There was most likely no cure, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t keep perfecting pain management.
Massaging his leg on particularly bad nights before rubbing in pain salves and other salves to help the muscle surrounding the affected area relax. It had taken you forever to convince him to allow you to do this for him, that he wasn’t a burden and you wanted to help take care of him.
You loved the way that he would take charge, how he would pull her into his arms, how she felt safe, loved, protected.
He drove you wild when he would pick you up and pin you against the wall. You loved the feel of him against you, being able to feel every inch of him.
But what you loved most of all is when he would finally let go of his self control - usually after hours of teasing him. His growl always sent a thrill racing through you. 
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myveryownfanfiction · 8 months
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Sharpuary day 8: Scarborough
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: swearing, mention of Aesop Sharp's time as an Auror and injuries
Aesop hadn’t been back since…that night. For whatever reason, he allowed me to convince him to take a small vacation to the beaches of Scarborough. Aesop busied himself with the luggage while I handled everything else. Once we were in the room though, he immediately went to the bathroom and I heard the water running. Sighing, I looked out the window at the beach.
“I know you’re worrying about me.” Aesop said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “You don’t have to. I’m fine. I’m going to be fine.” I turned to look at him, noting the small smile and shining eyes.
“If we end up anywhere near that dock, you tell me and we’re out of there.” I said. Aesop nodded, not losing his smile. “I’m serious Aesop. You tell me.”
“I will.” He assured me before kissing me softly and dragging me out of the hotel room. That night when we had returned, I headed to the bathroom while Aesop put away everything that we had brought with us and purchased. I tried not to think too hard on what it must feel like for him to be back here, even though I did not yet know the full story. Aesop was a closed book when it came to the night he had lost his partner and gained his injuries. Turning off the water, I wrapped a towel around myself before venturing back into the main room.
"Aesop?" I said softly when I saw him sitting at the little desk, lost in thought. "Sweetheart?" Aesop looked up at me and gave me a small smile.
"Feel better?" He asked. I nodded, having gotten all the sand out of my hair. "Good." Aesop turned to look out the window and I moved to get dressed, knowing he was getting lost in his own thoughts even if he was trying to have a good time with me. "You can see the dock from here." I had just pulled my shirt over my head when Aesop spoke again. "At least I can. Sort of. Maybe I'm staring off in the direction of it since I know it should be there."
"I know what you're going to say," I said as I walked over to look out the window with him, hand on his back. "But do you want to change rooms?" I started to rub his back as I waited for his response.
"No. I don't want to be an inconvenience when I honestly am probably just imagining things." Aesop shook his head. "Besides, you deserve to know." He turned to look at me.
"I don't need to know Aesop." I whispered, watching as he opened a door in the wall he had built up. "You don't need to do this unless you want to." He smiled at me and wrapped an arm around me.
"Always looking out for me." He breathed as he kissed my head. "I want to. You know that I was cursed on that dock. I lost my partner." I nodded as I let him pull me closer. Aesop pointed out the window. "The dock should be just over there." I followed his finger and nodded as I could just make out the dock in question. "My partner was my childhood friend, Ashley. She was an even better Auror than I was. And I don't say that to be modest. She really was. We had a tip that there would be smugglers coming to that dock. They were part of a ring we had been tracking for months and this was going to be our chance to take them down. What we didn't know, or rather didn't bother trying to find out, was that they were expecting us. We don't know who tipped them off. We didn't even know who tipped off the Auror's office." He sighed and squeezed my shoulder. "A fight broke out. I thought Ashely could handle her own so I barely gave her a second thought. I was so sure we'd both get out of there. I had just finished off the last of the smugglers. Or so I thought." He ran a hand down his face. "The bastard came out of nowhere. Ashley didn't have a fucking chance. She was dead before her name even left my mouth." I tightened my hold on Aesop as he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Aesop..." I breathed out. "It's not..." He shook his head.
"I was frozen. Couldn't do anything." He breathed out. "Next thing I know I went flying back as I was cursed. Other Aurors had shown up by then. Managed to surprise the smuggler so that he only hit my leg. Part of the curse managed to clip my face. It's not as bad as my leg but it still hurts on some days." I turned and wrapped Aesop in a hug. I buried my head in his shoulder and felt him slowly hug me back.
"I didn't know." I breathed out. "I can't believe that's what happened. The Ministry covered it up didn't they? I don't think...I never heard..." Aesop nodded against me as he laid his head on my shoulder, eyes finally falling close.
"They did. Wouldn't want the wizarding world to know that one of their greatest Aurors had failed." Aesop said, a bitter edge to his voice. "It's not the curse that makes it hard to talk about. I..." He trailed off and I nodded in understanding.
"It's Ashley." I breathed out. "You didn't fail her Aesop. You did everything you could to protect her. If you had known, if you had moved faster...it's all just playing into variables you had no control over." He nodded and buried himself deeper into me. "I think she'd be happy you came back here." I finally said, tangling my fingers in his hair. "I think she'd tease you about our relationship." I felt his laugh rather than heard it as he nodded. "And I think that I would probably get along nicely with her. Finding out all about how you were as a child and a teen." Aesop pulled back, a twinkle in his eye.
"Oh I can tell you that." He laughed. I smiled softly at him as he nodded towards the bed. "What do you want to know?"
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illneverbesorry · 4 months
Don't Stand So Close To Me- Part 6
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Don't Stand So Close To Me - Part 6
Warnings: Swearing, Teacher-Student Relationship
You wake up to a rather loud owl on the first Saturday of half term. Your dorm was empty as most of the students had gone home for the week. The owl screeched again as you try to rest your head back onto your pillow "Ok! Ok! I'm up!" You stumble to the owl, taking the letter from it and giving it a treat before it flew off, clearly it didn't want to wait for a reply.
You smile as you recognise Sirona's handwriting, you break the wax on the envolope and pull out the letter.
'Hello my friend,
I have a big favour to ask of you.
Would you be able to work the lunch shift with me today?
Its going to be very busy and I need the help.
You never minded helping Sirona after all she'd done for you. You head to bathe and change before grabbing an apple and decided to slowly make your way to Hogsmead.
Aesop POV
Aesop grumbled at the tapping at his window. It's was too early and he was too hungover for this, he pushes open the window and pulls the letter from the owl's beak, he offers the creature a treat and it seems to roll its eyes at him and flies off.
Shrugging at the fussy owl he closed the window and turned his attention to the letter, Aesop frowns not recognising the handwriting. His eyes scan the words before him and he visibly shudders, now thr stuck up owl made sense....
It was a letter from Widow of a former colleague from the Aurors office. She wanted to 'meet up' for a drink in Hogsmead this afternoon. Her name was Helena Steele, she was a half blood witch with the ideals and attitude of a pure blood.
Even at her husband's funeral she was trying to look for her next parter.
Sadly while Aesop's colleague lay dying in St Mungo's he made a promise to check in on Helena every now and then.
The letter said to meet her for Lunch outside the Three Broomsticks. Sighing Aesop checked his pocket watch and grumbled, he'd have just enough time to floo to Hogsmead. It was going to be a long day.
It was a beautiful day and you were happily walking through the streets, it was bright day in the Highlands and if you were going to be inside all afternoon you were going to enjoy the weather while you could.
Your eyes were drawn to the figure of a woman dressed in the most gerish dress and enormous hat you'd ever see.
You chuckle to yourself the sight, you laugh right up to the moment she rushes up to a man and throws her arms around him.....not just any him.....around one Aesop Sharp.
You dive behind a building only peaking your head out to see them. Aesop wraps his arms around her in return and your heart sinks. Had he met someone else? Had he moved on?
The woman leaned up and kissed his cheek, weaved her arm around his and pulled him out of sight.
You fight the urge to cry as you pull yourself back around the corner, you push your back against the wall trying to ground yourself.
Had you really lost him? All these months later, even after all the pain and heartache you still held out hope that somehow you'd find your way back to one another. But it seemed that you were truly too late.
You enter the Three Broomsticks with a fake smile and a heavy heart, but ready to help your friend.
Almost instantly Sirona grabs your arm and stops you further entering the premises.
"Y/n, I tired to reach you. Its not that busy, I don't want you to waste your afternoon" Sirona looked flustered and suspicious.
You glance over her shoulder to see Aesop and his lady friend sitting at a table near the back.
"I've already seen them Sirona, I saw them on my way here" you smile tight lipped and make your way around the bar grabbing a towel and serving tray before putting yourself to work.
"Aesop I do wish you'd have chosen a better establishment, this place is so.....beneath the likes of us" the snotty woman said loudly, you catch Sirona's eye to the side of you. Her shoulder tightened but she shrugged it off.
"And these people, they're so.....simple and dress so terribly. Oh and don't get me started on the hostess...oh, service! Service!" The woman shouts snapping her finger at you. Aesop with his back to you didn't even speak a word, you doubted he even knew you were here.
You glare over to the table and back at Sirona, that was the last straw. You smiled evily "that's about all the bullshit I can take"
Sirona grabs your hand "Y/n no, I'm used to it, people say things like that all the time" you smile and squeeze her hand sweetly.
"Well it's the last time they do it infront of me" you grabbed your tray and turn as the woman snaps her fingers again.
When the woman sees you're moving towards them she turns her attention back towards Aesop. Putting her hand on his arm.
You lift your tray above your head and let it drop to the table with an almighty bang. The woman jumped with a scream. Aesop's gaze snaps towards you "Y/n...." you can hear the worry in his voice.
"Oops, sorry guess I'm just so....simple" you fake apologise.
"These people are just so rude, even this poor child has been....infected by this hideous place. Don't worry dear, one day I'm sure you'll find a man with money who can supply you with the finer things in life and you won't be trapped here any longer" she straightened her hideous and obviously expensive dress, while grimacing at your outfit.
Your outfit is more form fitting than hers and the way you can feel Aesop's gaze burning its way over your curves you'd dare say you look so much better than she does. You chuckle humourlessly
"Wow, while your insult disguised as advice was.....charming" you rolled your eyes "you have reminded me that money can't buy everything, take you for example. Money may have bought that hideous dress but it hasn't bought you class or manners" you smile brightly "or a basic sense of fashion" Aesop smiles but drops his head to disguise it but not before Helena see him. "You insolent little...."
Helena raised her wand towards you, "and I'm not a child which means I can legally do this" you raised your hand and with the very limited wandless magic Natty had helped you master, you knocked her wine over the monstrosity she was wearing. "MY DRESS!"
"Oh dear" you fake pouted your lip "I would apologise but honestly that dress is so terrible I doubt people would notice the difference" you smile and walk away stopping only for a second to pull off your necklace before turning back momentarily "Oh I almost forgot, here Professor I believe this is yours." You drop the locket down onto the table and walk away.
You glance at Sirona who had a small smile pulling at her lips "anything else you need boss?" She smiled shaking her head at you and told you to head home. You strut towards the door with a skip in your step.
"A little over the top don't you think?" You hear the distinctive accent of one Ominis Gaunt who was leaning. You smiled over at him and pulled him into a hug.
Ominis pulled you out of the Three Broomsticks and back towards the castle. You didn't see Aesop jump to his feet at the sight of your arm wound through Gaunt's. "Heading somewhere PROFESSOR?" Sirona shouts towards him when he goes to follow you, her eyes set hard believing he'd once again broken your heart.
Aesop clutches the locket in his hand sinking back into his chair and turning to glare at the woman before him who had ruined everything.
Ominis walked you back towards the castle, explaining that he needed a break from a Sebastian and his new collection of books in Feldcroft and that he'd walked into the Three Broomsticks just in time to see your performance.
"There is one thing I wanted to ask....whats going on with you and Sharp?" you head snapped towards your friend who smiled. "I was probably the only person who noticed you pulling off the locket you've worn for over a year and slam it down before him. So I'm guessing he's the one who gave it to you...which would lead one to believe that you and he...."
You sighed heavily and stop walking turning towards Ominis "What? Are you going to report me?" Ominis smiled slyly
"Y/n, if I didn't report Sebastian for what happened with his Uncle I'm hardly going to report you having a fling with a Professor" you rolled your eyes pulling him back along the path.
"It wasn't like that, it's not like I was trying to get help with my grades...." You trailed off shyly
"I never thought for a second that that's what you were doing, if you're willing to take such a big risk for him, if you both are willing to risk everything, then your feelings must be very much real" you look over at Ominis with a teary smile and throw your arms around him. He laughs and hugs you in return.
You felt the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders, someone knew and they didn't judge you, or hate you. "Thank you, but things are over."
You wiped your eyes and smiled sadly. "He's made that clear time and time again. Now I need to let him go, like he's obviously let me go"
"I wouldn't be so sure, considering I heard him try to follow us, Sirona stopped him." Ominis grabbed you hand tightly
"I've seen things, in my own way," you laugh as he waves his wand infront of your face "I see the way his gaze follow you, how his demeanour changes around you and how you both changed and not for the better at the end of last year."  He sighed squeezing your hand "and I've seen how in the last few weeks how you're both been happier"
"Yeah he's so happy he's on a date with another woman Ominis" you interrupt your friend causing him to scowl at you.
"Does that heinous woman really seem like the type of person Sharp would put up with? He barley tolerates Black on a good day!" You laugh "things may not be as simple as they seem, don't lose hope" Ominis reaches for you face and wipes away a tear he seemed to know was there.
"Lets get you back to the castle, then I can go and see if Sebastian has been buried in a book avalanche"
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orions-tears · 2 years
Close to the Sun - Aesop Sharp [Part 1]
Pairing: Aesop Sharp x fem!reader
A/N: Hey guys! So I got two requests about sharp and I think they could be combined to make a really good story so here it is. I plan on this one being pretty long so stay with me! Thank you @the-error-in-love and @anmactireaonair for your requests! I promise I'm fitting both so I hope you enjoy what's coming for the fic! Also this hasn't been edited at all or beta read so oh well
Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 are linked :)
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“I must just have a numb thumb,” you laugh, throwing your hands up. You’ve never been very good at growing plants. Every dittany plant has died, every chomping cabbage has bitten you, and you don’t even want to think about what happened with the venomous tentacula.
Mirabel smiles and holds your hands. “My dear, that’s nothing we can’t fix!” Letting go, she grabs a fresh pot and some dittany seeds. “This is wonderful! I’m excited to help you grow your skills. Now, what else do you plan to use? Anything else we can nurture together?”
You fold your arms. “No, unfortunately. The last ingredient may be very hard to find. I need a phoenix tear.”
“Impossible,” you hear a gruff voice say.
You look over to see a taller man slowly coming down the stairs. You can’t help but stare as he walks over, thinking he looks a bit familiar. He raises an eyebrow at you and you feel your face burn a bit, looking back at Mirabel.
“Professor Sharp! How wonderful to see you here,” Mirabel chirps.
She genuinely looked pleased to see him, Sharp thought offhandedly. The woman with her doesn’t seem to feel the same. “Phoenixes are hard to find and even more so to extract ingredients from.”
You pout in response and smile, looking back at him. “Well, I’m very good at those sorts of things…Professor Sharp, was it?”
The faintest smile graces his face as he looks at you with narrow eyes. “Yes…well I suppose I should retrieve what I came here for and leave you two to your devices.”
Mirabel excuses herself to help him for a moment and you lean against one of the potting stations. Despite such a rough introduction, you can’t help but be compelled by him. Through his apathetic demeanor, you could see a bit of intrigue. He was also fairly handsome for a Hogwarts professor. If you had a professor like him in your time here, maybe you would have fared better on your O.W.L.S. Mirabel returns and bids the man goodbye. When he leaves, you grab her hands and look at her.
“I need more of him.”
She looks at you shocked for a moment and then laughs. “Well, he is the potions professor. I’m sure he’d be wholly willing to help you in your endeavors, my blossom.”
After collecting the ingredients you need from the greenhouse, you thank Mirabel with a hug and say your goodbyes, heading to the potions classroom. Upon arrival, you peak your head in to see if he’s teaching. The room is empty save Sharp sitting at his desk in the back of the room. You walk over, hands clasped behind your back, and stand over his desk.
“Professor Sharp?”
He sighs, continuing to write. “I would hope you haven’t forgotten your homework this quickly,” he states, obviously annoyed.
You laugh quietly, causing him to look up. “I apologise, Professor, but I’m no student.”
He turns a light shade of red and pushes himself from the table. “Apologies. I’m used to students with thoughtless questions. Professor Garlick’s acquaintance, if I remember correctly?”
You nod. “My name is (Y/N).” You stare at him for a moment and shake your head. “I’m sorry you just…you look so familiar and I can’t place it.”
He raises and eyebrow. “Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for you. Is there something I can help you with, (Y/N)?”
You gasp and nod, pulling out some of your ingredients. “Mirabel said you were good with potions. Well, you are the professor for it, but I was hoping you would have some insight on brewing a new potion.”
He scoffs and walks around the table. Watching him this close, you can see he has a noticeable limp. Somehow, that confuses you more on why you can’t remember him. You follow him around the room, rambling about your plans for a new healing potion. He stops at one of the blackboards and looks down at the ground, putting his hands on his hips.
“I think it would really be helpful. Sometimes Wiggenweld just isn’t enough. I think if we can make something strong enough, it could heal great wounds.”
He looks at you, seemingly irritated, and sighs. “Not everything can be healed.”
“You say that now, but-“
He grunts and walks to his office. You follow behind him until he closes the door in your face. For someone so handsome, he’s quite unseemly. Frustrated, you apparate back to the ministry and trudge to your office. When you sit down at your desk, you pull out the ingredients and stare at them. “I can do this. I just need to do it right…” you mutter to yourself.
Days go by as you attempt to brew the potion without the phoenix tears, but even this brew was a fail. One blew up in your face, another simply caught on fire (not quite sure how you managed that), and the third turned black. Not exactly a good sign. It’s not like you know anything about making new potions. The measurements of ingredients, how to stir and how long? It’s just impossible. You must get Sharp to help you. You sigh, looking at your cauldron dejectedly. You can do this. You just need help.
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Headcanon that Professor Sharp has tattoos and not anything small either.I’m talking like full sleeve on both arms and/or on his back too.Probably first got one when he became an Auror and since then he just got more.
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5sospenguinqueen · 8 months
Garreth: Anyone else have the weird urge to lecture themselves?
MC: What?
Garreth mimicking Sharp: Weasley, what are you doing?
Sharp (walking up): Weasley, what are you doing?
MC: You conjured him.
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uhohwhathaveidone · 2 years
If it’s possible can I request a Sebastian x Reader one where for Potions class they were told they will make Amortentia and everyone is going crazy thinking what they will smell. Just the pining between the two only for them to realize that yeah they like eachother? Please and thank you, hope you have a great rest of your day!
I've brewed you a potion!
Brewed Crush (S.S)
pt2 Tainted Crush
The idea of Amortentia sounds terrifying tbh. Remember how Ron acted to the love potion meant for Harry? Terrifying. Anyway, these two are so oblivious it hurts, I hope you enjoy! It's not as long, but i still hope it reaches your expectations. Sharp is a little shit in this too, he likes to see his students embarrass themselves.
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You walked beside Sebastian down the hall, chatting about random little things. You had Potions next, and while you were always eager for a chance to mix ingredients and create things, word was that you would be working on a particularly dangerous potion, but that’s all anyone could say. Initially that would be exciting, but knowing you and Sebastian, you would probably mess it some and maybe even blow up the whole classroom. You shuddered at the thought. Sebastian, on the other hand, was incredibly excited about the idea of working with a dangerous potion, and he had racked his brain trying to figure out what kind they would be working with. “What if it’s a poison?” He asked, brows raised in excitement. You scoffed, shaking your head. “Why would they teach us how to make poison?” Sebastian shrugged, “I don’t know. It sounds like something they would teach us!” You let out a laugh as you turned the corner, meeting Ominis, who nearly ran into you.
“Ominis! You just returned from Potions, right?” Sebastian asked, pulling the two of you to the side. You studied Ominis, his face red and brows furrowed. He didn’t respond to Sebastian at first, and bit his lip. “Well?” Sebastian pestered, crossing his arms. “We talked about love potions.” Ominis said quietly. You stifled a laugh as you realized that Ominis was flustered, no doubt from whatever love potion they talked about. Sebastian, on the other hand, dropped his arms in disbelief, eyes wide. “Love potion?” Ominis nodded. You tilted your head, knowing that there were many forms of love potion out there. “What kind?” You asked, and Ominis looked in your direction, tightlipped. “The bad kind.” And with that, he walked away.
“It can’t be that bad.” Sebastian said as he walked through the door of the classroom. You nodded in response, thinking about what kind of love potion Ominis was talking about, when you bumped into Sebastian’s back. “Hey, come on now.” You huffed, trying to squeeze by him. Sebastian had frozen in place, staring at the board, staring at the words written on it. You made it past him and followed his gaze, eyes widening as you also read the board. Amortentia, the love potion that smells like what, or who, you desired most, and was considered one of the most dangerous love potions in existence. You shuddered, fear getting caught in your throat. “Let’s hurry to our seats before we get trampled.” You suggested grabbing Sebastian’s arm and pulling him to the seat you usually sat at. Sebastian looked at you, puzzled. “Isn’t that the potion that’s supposed to smell nice?” You nodded your head, “It’s supposed to smell like the thing you desire most.” Sebastian’s eyes widened and felt heat rise to his cheeks.
The two of you sat, watching as students poured into the classroom, chattering loudly as they saw the potion on the board. You swore you heard one of the girls shriek slightly when her friend told her what kind of potion was, and you mentally prepared yourself. Professor Sharp walked in soon after, eyeing some of the students as they chattered. His gaze found your own, and you could have sworn he smirked. He motioned for everyone to open their books, turning to the chapter about love potions.
“As you see on the board, today we will be working with Amortentia, a very strong love potion.” Sharp began, holding the book and walking to stand in front of his desk. “I want to express the dangers of this potion before we go and create it, and I will be checking each of you before you leave, if you decide to keep some for whatever nefarious reason.” You watched as the girl from earlier seemed to deflate, hanging her head low. You smiled slightly, nudging Sebastian. “It seems like someone wanted to keep a bit for herself.” You whispered, smiling up at him. His face hadn’t lost the red tint from when he walked into the classroom, and his eyes still seemed a little wide. You shook your head and turned back to Sharp, who had begun to go through the specific dangers of the potion. “Just so we are all aware, this potion does not make someone actually fall in love. The victim only feels the attachment, not the real feelings, which is what makes this potion so dangerous. You are lucky I’m sharing this with you today, but many of the ingredients are forbidden to collect, which means that this will be the only time you will be able to make this.” Sharp continued, and you sighed in relief hearing that news, glad that you would be safe if anyone ever wanted to use it on you.
Ten minutes of lecturing later and Sharp had begun to distribute the ingredients needed for the potion, also noting how much he gave each of you in case someone decided to take the rest of the ingredients. You nudged Sebastian, pointing to his cauldron. “So, what are you going to smell?” You asked, smirking. Sebastian stuttered as his cheeks became hotter, only to get out “uh, apple tart, of course!” You raised an eyebrow, “You’re attracted to the smell of apple tarts?” Sebastian nodded quickly, turning the conversation around. “What’s yours going to smell like then?” You bit the inside of your lip, knowing that you had no idea what it would smell like, except that it would more than likely be connected to Sebastian. “Probably marshmallows.” “Marshmallows?” “They’re tasty!”
You glared at the page, trying to figure out the instructions. The measurements seemed strange and unproportioned, and you began to think that you had it wrong. Turning to Sebastian, who had his tongue out in concentration, you looked at his instructions. “Do these measurements seem right to you?” You asked, watching as he places an odd amount of a green fern into the cauldron. He didn’t respond, deep in concentration still, and you shrugged, grabbing at his parchment. “Hey, I need that!” He said, looking down and finding the page gone. You compared the two pages, which were identical, sighing. “It doesn’t feel right. These measurements are way too uncontrolled.” You stated, handing the page back to Sebastian. He shook his head, tracing his finger back to where he left off. “You won’t blow anything up, it's fine.” You shook your head in annoyance and went back to placing ingredients into the pot.
You watched as the potion began to make steam, which swirled around the top of the cauldron and seemed to shine. You looked over at Sebastian to see how he was doing, watching him stir his potion one final time. You began to worry, afraid to get too close to the pot in case it had started to let off fumes. Which it did, of course. You were hit with the scent of burning cinders and wood chips, mixed with salted caramel filled your lungs. Your face warmed up instantly, and you recognized the scent. It smelled just like Sebastian. You looked around, looking to see if anyone else could smell your potion, praying that it only smelled that way for you. Your cheeks heated up even more as the warm scent filled your senses, and you glanced over at Sebastian.
He wasn’t having the best time either. As soon as he finished stirring the pot, he was hit with a big wave of vanilla and lavender, a scent he had smelled many times before. It was what you smelled like, and there was a hint of marshmallow; you had said they were good. He sat there, wondering if his face could even heat up more than it already had, knowing that the potion knew exactly what he felt. He liked you, of course, but he didn’t think he liked you that much. Ominis had teased him a bit about how Sebastian “Most definitely had a crush” on you, but the love potion was basically screaming out that he was in love, and he shook his head and looked around. Everyone had finished their potions, and Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief as he began to pack his things up, ready to escape before you asked him about his potion.
Professor Sharp had other ideas. “Now that you have created your potion, why don’t we tell everyone what we smell?” He had a sly smirk on his lips, seemingly like his whole plan was to embarrass his students that day. You looked over at Sebastian and shared a wide-eyed stare, fear written on both your faces. Sharp started at the row closest to him, motioning for someone to start. You felt your hands clam up, noticing that you were sat in the center, both a curse and a blessing. You wrung your hands anxiously as Sharp got closer, walking up to the students on the outer edge of your row. Sebastian would go before you, and he knew it. You could practically see the sweat on his forehead as his eyes followed Sharp, sucking in a breath when he stood before him. “Mr. Sallow. Do tell us what you smell.” Sebastian looked around, noticing all the eyes trained to him. “Uh, vanilla, sir, and lavender.” Sharp raised an eyebrow, knowing that Sebastian had another scent in the pot. Sebastian looked down at the pot, “and marshmallow.” Sharp watched Sebastian with a smirk and looked over at you, raising an eyebrow in your direction. You took a breath in, “I smell… wood chips…burning cinder…and salted caramel.” Sharp’s smile grew, “That is quite the combination.” He walked to the next student, and you and Sebastian released the breath you had both been holding. You glanced at Sebastian, cheeks warm, hoping he didn’t know that he smelled like that.
The two of you walked out of the classroom and quietly made your way to the dining hall for lunch. You awkwardly walked beside Sebastian, trying to cool off after what could only have been the most embarrassing moment of your life. Sebastian was deep in thought, trying to figure out where he had heard salted caramel before. He could faintly remember you telling him one day that he smelled like it, and had even asked if he was carrying any, which he was. His thoughts began to run faster than he could keep up, and he pulled you to the side. Surprised, you looked up at him. “Your potion, who was it about?” He asked quickly, trying to wrap his head around the fact that perhaps your potions were for each other. Your cheeks heated up again, and you looked down at your feet. Quietly, you responded, “It smelled like you.” Sebastian barely heard you speak, only catching what sounded like the word “you.” “Did you say me?” Sebastian began to smile, watching as you nodded. He grabbed your shoulders, making you look at him. “That’s…that’s great!” You looked at him, confused. “My potion… it was… it smelled like you too.” He smiled shyly as his cheeks heated up to match your own. “We had each other?” “Yeah!”
Once the two of you had gone through the process of properly confessing your feelings for each other, the two of you walked to the dining hall, a new goal in mind. What did Ominis smell.
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thesongthesoulsings · 7 months
Isn’t it something wrong to lust after a fictional man while having a husband to care and love already?
Most women are so consumed in love and monogamy that they would just go for the real deal only rather than also pine over a made-up character in a video game who they don’t know personally. Also, isn’t it an unfaithful, unloyal sin and not upholding righteous family values at all?
My answer: No, it isn´t. I´m usually into characters that are very similar to my husband (physically as well as personality-wise), and when I write I insert a lot of my real life dynamic with my husband. Maybe that´s even why the characters are my favorite characters in the first place. It´s a way of inserting myself in an exciting fantasy world with my husband and share the excitement with others. I get even more lost in my husband through it. Mind your own business. People who are happy do not have to put their nose where it does not belong. My husband is aware of everything I consume and I even write a lot with his input. He finds it very endearing that I see him in my favorite characters. I´m happily married, have wonderful children, and am a nerd - I think people who have no backbone to show their face when questioning people´s morals are the real tragedy. When I write sexual content, I write about characters that are already married. When I write, I uphold dignity. Sexuality is always tastefully written when I go about it, and I make it my business to have a moral underlining in my writings. Sexuality is part of life and something wonderful - something that should be shared in the right mindset. Now, why are you writing multiple people about this issue? Don´t you have a life?
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