#project name // spiritus imperium
shatteredminds · 2 years
Ah yes, the virus children
Specimen number 97 of Project Spiritus Imperium, Uirusu Kyūjūnana.
Ethnicity- Chinese
Former name- Jin Lian
Given name- Lian
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Specimen number 100 of Project Spiritus Nibh, Uirusu Hyaku
Ethnicity- Spanish
Former name- Gregorio Merlo De Río
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Specimen number 56 of Project Spiritus Caedes, Uirusu Isoroku
Ethnicity- Danish
Former name- Ragnhild Ulfdatter
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And Finally Specimen number 89 of Spiritus Tenebrarum, Uirusu Yasoku
Ethnicity- French
Former name- Sullivan Lacroix
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deathbyvalentine · 6 years
Mock Intel Briefing
++++ Thought of the Day:There is no better milestone for success than that of adversity.++++
Recipients: Argento, Constantin, Agnes-Soba
Creator: Callum Gearwright
Transcribed by: Servo-Skull Designation 1542
PREFACE: This is perhaps less in depth than you were expecting, however due to our retrieval of several orders, I saw no reason to repeat what had already been established. Consider this instead a hierarchy of our orders and summary of our resources. 
There should be no team loss of life. The team as designated is: myself, Argento, Constantin and Agnes-Soba. 
Prevent total loss of life on board the station.
Improve faith in the God-Emperor on board the station.
Retrieve the banner of REDACTED
Retrieve the designated item from the Imperial Black Site
Prevent majority loss of life and structure on board the station.
If the above objectives are achieved to the best of our ability, there are several objectives that would be an heavy advantage moving forward:
Strike a spiritual AND/OR physical blow against the Arch-Enemy 
Gather intel on REDACTED’s aims, allies and desires
Prevent loss of allied life, notably the crew of the Storm Chaser and the Whispered Litany of the Omnissiah
Collect items from the Black Site that would serve ours or the Imperium’s future aims.
Essential: Prevention of team loss of life will be achieved by maintaining a firstly defensive combat protocol. Engagement should be measured and considered, with the primary aim being to protect the team and our allies until we withdraw to a non-combative area. 
Prevention of station loss of life and faith will be achieved by a combination of C.Gearwright’s healing and status and Argento’s preaching and ability to take confession. For any mechanicus devotees, switch out Argento for Agnes-Soba. Healing should only be undertaken under no immediate risk to the team.
Desirable: As above. 
In order to achieve a blow against the Archenemy, we may introduce offensive tactics into our combat repertoire, without risking loss of life to the team. We will look for more public opportunities for preaching rather than the one on one approach above.
Bonus: As above.
Insinuate ourselves to those we know are close to REDACTED. See REDACTED in particular. Making them sympathetic to our cause and beliefs may also prove long term beneficial, but the priority should be intel gathering. 
Extend defensive protocols to named allies, particularly the crew of the Storm Chaser and the Whispered Litany of the Omnissiah.
(This does not include the obvious such as the Archenemy assault.)
REDACTED. We have reason to believe they pose a notable threat to C. Gearwright. Negation techniques include not allowing isolation between the two, monitoring corruption levels, and a healthy level of suspicion all round.
Ill Health. C.Gearwright is currently experiencing extreme levels of fatigue amongst other symptoms. This will make combat significantly more dangerous and makes healing via the miracles of the God Emperor a risk. 
Sabotage. Many disagree with the preaching and status of our group. There may be those amongst us that would wish for us to disappear or discredit ourselves.
Allies. We have several allies working the objective with us. Of particular note is the crew of the Storm Chaser. Others include the crew of the Whispered Litany of the Omnissiah, The Lord’s Confidence, Mr. Gant, Anoretta. While we should not trust them completely, we can look to them for help and shared resources.
Weaponry and Equipment. We have quite an arsenal at our fingertips, of particular note Argento’s eviscerator, Constantin’s void suit and the technology afforded to Agnes-Soba.
Blessings of the God Emperor.
Knowledge of close quarters combat. C.Gearwright and Agnes-Soba are experienced in close quarters strategy, movement and combat.
Skills. Between us we have a unique and impressive skill set. 
Essential Outcome: 
No team loss of life.
Retrieval of both items.
Successful part evacuation. 
Desirable Outcome: 
As above. 
Successful full evacuation. 
Polanus is not destroyed.
Complete Failure:
Team loss of life.
Maximum one item retrieved.
Maximum partial evacuation.
Lastly, if something happens to C.Gearwright that means they are in no position to lead:
Inform Inquisitor Nasser
C&A seek the advice of N. Castronova and Bridge
A.S seek the advice of Aleph
Do not sacrifice other mission objectives for retrieval
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ashaton · 6 years
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Today, we discover the Academy ! Famous place of the Imperium, founded on the ancient Dakshi culture favouring excellence, the Academy trains the elite. All the non-Dakshi aristocracy sends at least one of their children there, and Dakshis all enters the place.
The Academy offers to the worthy the best trainings of the universe : sciences, martial arts, spirituality, politics, economy, psychic abilities... The others will never leave.
Only those who entered the academy talk between them about what happens behind its wall. The others only know it's a "difficult" training. What the ex-pupils could tell ? For them, there is no other school. It has no name, because it gives them theirs. So, it is "The Academy". They become officer in the army, politicians, high priests. They become smarter, faster, relentless, dangerous. Ambition is secondary for them who give themselves to the Idea, to the Imperium. They are the best they could be. Maybe not the sanest. If you want to support me or my project, you can share the page and or suscribe or like it on facebook => https://www.facebook.com/guerresdelouhn/ or come watch me on deviantart => https://ashaton.deviantart.com/ Love on all of you <3
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is-nomine-vacans · 7 years
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It’s time to show some love for my boys- Cult Mechanicus.
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The Adeptus Mechanicus is the official Imperial name within the Adeptus Terra for the Cult Mechanicus or Cult of the Machine based on Mars which provides the Imperium with its scientists, engineers and technicians. The Adepts of the Mechanicus are the primary keepers of what is viewed as sacred wisdom, a privileged caste of Tech-priests who jealously guard the knowledge required to maintain and construct much of the Imperium's advanced technology.
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Warriors of the Maschine God: 
-Skitarii Vanguards -  informally known as "Rad Troopers”. They are feared throughout the Imperium, for they use the baleful energies of the Forge Worlds as their weapon. Equipped with pack generators that bleed potent radioactive by-products, these Omnissian martyrs are so saturated with radiation that even to approach them is to succumb to their peculiar curse.
-Skitarii Rangers -  the unstoppable cyborgs of the Skitarii Legions that do not rest until the bloody deed is done, for they are driven ever onward by the imperative to locate their foes and ensure their destruction.
-Sicarian Ruststalkers -  Known colloquially as "shivs" to the soldiers of the Astra Militarum due to the shivering, blurring appearance of their Transonic Weapons, Ruststalkers can dart across a battlefield with daunting speed and fight with a frantic energy.
-Sicarian Infiltrators -  perhaps the most sinister of the Skitarii's warrior clades of the Imperium's Adeptus Mechanicus, for their neurostatic bombardment robs their victims of their senses. When hunting, they emit a white noise that fills the visual, auditory and even olfactory spectrums with static, leaving their foes all but helpless before the killing begins.
-Ironstrider Ballistarius -  a Skitarii walker unit of the Adeptus Mechanicus based upon the Ironstrider Engine. They are peerless marksmen, and are commonly found stalking on the fringes of a Skitarii maniple. It is the role of Ironstrider Ballistarii to hunt down enemy commanders and spiritual leaders, knowing that to slay such individuals is an efficient way to degrade an enemy force's operative capabilities. Equally capable of disabling the war engines of the enemy, these unmatched riflemen will trample down those who block their passage until they have the perfect vantage point for their shot.
- Sydonian Dragoons -  tried and tested Skitarii warriors of the Adeptus Mechanicus who are given the honour of riding to war atop venerated, stilt-legged Ironstrider Engines. When these mighty contraptions burst from their shrouding fogs, they strike like a spear cast by the Machine God himself. These fearless cavaliers thunder through enemy fire to plunge lance-first into the thick of the enemy’s ranks, the pent-up energies of their taser weaponry blasting the foe back in a blazing storm of sparks.
-Onager Dunecrawler -  an Imperial combat walker utilised exclusively by the warriors of the Skitarii Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Onager Dunecrawlers decimate the foes of the Skitarii whilst channelling great swathes of battlefield information to their masters high above. Squadrons of these versatile walkers clank to war in long columns that stalk forwards in uncanny unison, clambering over shattered ruins and wading through toxic run-off without breaking stride.
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Tech-priests: servants of the Machine God.
The Tech-priests provide the rest of the Imperium with its technicians, scientists and engineers. Though their bodies often incorporate many inorganic components as bionic replacements, Tech-priests are fully human, unlike the cybernetic Servitors created by the Adeptus Mechanicus that carry out most of the heavy labour for all of the Imperium's myriad organisations and enterprises.
Ruling members of the Cult Mechanicus:
 -Fabricator-General- leader of the entire Adeptus Mechanicus.
-Magos-  master of a technological or scientific discipline, having devoted many years of service to the Omnissiah in that area of study. There are many specialist divisions within the Adeptus Mechanicus known as Divisiones. Magi from these are given a rank containing the specialisation of their Divisio, such as Magos Alchemys, Magos Biologis, Magos Technicus, Magos Logis, Magos Xenologis, Magos Lexmechanicus, Magos Orbologis, Magos Cybernetica, Magos Xenobiologis, Magos Astrologicus, Magos Digitalis, Magos Fabricator, Magos Genetus, Magos Physic, and possibly many more.
-Logis-  Tech-priest skilled in mathematics and data analysis who serves in the role of a logistician, data analyst, or statistician. His purpose is to predict future large-scale demographic, sociological or demographic trends and make forecasts about the required expenditure or other strategic needs.
-Genetor-  name derived from High Gothic that is given to a high-ranking Tech-priest specializing in the genetic sciences and biological engineering. Sometimes referred to as Magos Biologis, Genetors number alongside the Logis, Artisan and Magos ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus as its ruling Priesthood, possessing access to knowledge and resources far beyond that of the lesser Engineseers and Lexmechanics.
-Artisan-  sometimes called Constructors, are the Tech-priests who design and build new devices, edifices, spacecraft, weapons, technology and other Imperial military hardware. They essentially serve as the Mechanicus' all-purpose Corps of Engineers and can be found pursuing construction projects across the Imperium.
Ordinary Priesthood: 
-Electro-priests-  fanatical warriors for the Cult Mechanicus,  tasked with using their cybernetic abilities to support other Tech-priest warriors. Their dermal layers are implanted by the Magos Cybernetica with metallic Electoo circuits throughout their bodies. These circuits are designed to interlink with the Electro-priests' neural cortex, which allows them to generate a tremendous amount of bio-electrical energy which they can release in powerful and devastating blasts.
-Enginseer-  the most common of the Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus. They view themselves as engineer-mystics dedicated to the Omnissiah, and each Enginseer possesses a wealth of knowledge on how to maintain and repair mechanical and electronic technology. Unlike most of the Priesthood of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Enginseers can be found serving in almost every Imperial institution.
-Transmechanic-  Tech-priests who specialize in the repair, operation and maintenance of the Imperium's various forms of communications technology.
-Lexmechanic- their purpose is to compile data so that it can be entered into a central Cogitator  repository. Lexmechanics are the librarians and scribes of the Mechanicus. They work with computer-like speed and accuracy, assembling battle reports, economic statistics, planetary reports, and other masses of necessary if mundane data required to keep the massive bureaucracy of the Imperium functioning from day to day.
-Rune-Priest-  Tech-priest who is responsible for performing the rituals required by the Cult Mechanicus' doctrines for the awakening of Machine Spirits. These rituals involve the scribing of runes and the chanting of Cult Mechanicus liturgies over the devices to be so awakened. Rune-priests are often experts after years of studying perhaps the most arcane branch of science explored by the Adeptus Mechanicus: intuitive mechanics, better known as speculation and improvisation.
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So when you are using your computer, firing your bolter, riding in your chimera or simply enjoying songs from your servitor think about us- the servants of the Omnissiah who works hard to provide your comfort and safety.
@techpriestess @tech-priest-regis @beans345 @askbelisarius-cawl @bones-johnson-standard-edition @american-werewolf-in-kuwait @h2oplusnacl
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shatteredminds · 2 years
There is one group of 100 specimens that were used for two different projects. Those projects being Project Spiritus Imperium and Project Spiritus Nibh. All 100 were subjected to experiments for both projects and only two survived. Certain specimen died while the others either turned into the living electronic viruses Azura was wanting.
Though only two are still alive due to the others body's slowly rotting and dieing away. The two who survived are:
Uirusu Kyūjūnana, who became the ideal results for Project Spiritus Imperium that Azura wanted.
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The other is Uirusu Hyaku who became the ideal results for Project Spiritus Nibh that Azura wanted.
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