#project ozone minecraft servers
ethtyn · 2 years
i'm going to preface this by saying i adore Etho. i love him with my whole heart and soul actually. but i have also been watching his content for Literally A Decade so i have probably forgotten some of his classics. if i did, PLEASE CHIME IN!
with that disclaimer out of the way, onward! to the New Ethowatcher Primer Post™!
i think Etho is arguably best known for his Minecraft singleplayer let's play, but at the time i'm writing this post, he's uploaded 571 episodes. that's intimidating! so in my opinion, a good primer for this series is his episode 550 world tour. it's 2 years old at this point, but catching up on 21 episodes afterwards is nothing compared to almost 600, and gives you a great reference point for everything that's been accomplished in the world so far - and if you like the world tour enough, you can go back and watch from the beginning!
he was also a member of the Mindcrack SMP. Mindcrack was to people then as Hermitcraft is today; everybody wanted to be a member. a good place to start with his Mindcrack series is season 4. that being said, if you only want to watch a single episode, try episode 10 king of the ladder (the origin of "Ladders" as a nickname for Etho) or season 3 the trial ("why's he got chocolate on his knees?") for wacky hijinks, season 3 final tour for the builds he did that season, or season 4 end of season 4 for the same reason.
he is currently a member of Hermitcraft; due to personal reasons he had to stop uploading in the middle of season 8 and has uploaded only sporadically during season 9. therefore most people usually recommend his hermitcraft season 7 as the best place to start, and for good reason. he builds extremely weird shit (The Monstrosity my beloved), experiments with doing noteblock covers of popular songs, plays ridiculous amounts of Decked Out (trust me. his runs are so fun to watch), participates in a resistance even though he has no idea what's going on (him being a Lorephobe™ means i had no idea Hermitcraft did Lore™ until season 9), makes a business purely to scam people...it's a classic for a reason. oooooo you watch to watch Etho's Hermitcraft S7 so badddddd
he also does modded series occasionally! his project ozone 2 series is a CLASSIC and i highly recommend watching, specifically for Taxes (you'll find out), but also because it is SO enjoyable watching a man be incredibly technical about a modpack even though you have no idea what he's saying most of the time. (i fully zone out during full episodes of this series sometimes. but still rewatch it every couple of years or so. it's chill.)
his original terrafirmacraft series is also one i remember fondly. this modpack is essentially Minecraft, But Hard Mode; more realistic physics and crafting make things much more difficult for the player and it's super interesting, in my opinion. he was also doing a series in an updated/forked version of the pack, called terrafirmapunk, but iirc his world for that series was corrupted and he was unable to restore it, so he had to discontinue it. RIP Chester ):
his current modded series is a modpack he collated himself. unfortunately due to the personal issues mentioned above he's only uploaded a few episodes here and there, but he seems to be really enjoying it and hopefully once things stabilize a little more we'll get more episodes!
he's also building a PVP map in Minecraft! just...slowly. introducing battle bane! we get an episode approximately every year or two or four. he recently built a simplified version on the Hermitcraft server for their recent charity stream and they played a round at the end!
of course, you're always welcome to just...watch his stuff from the beginning if you're a weirdo completionist like me (/derog /j). however, be warned that he is (affectionately) known as Your Favourite Minecraft YouTuber's Favourite Minecraft YouTuber for a reason, and has been on the platform for almost a decade and a half at this point. his early content is therefore much different than his current content and sometimes hard for new watchers to enjoy. i really feel like he's hit his stride in terms of talking to viewers in the last five years and it's much easier to jump in on his newer content, BUT that's just my opinion. ymmv!
i'll add episodes or clips to this post as i think of them or as they're mentioned, so again please don't be afraid to chime in with your opinions on things you think i should have added!
and above all else: ethogirls unite 😌
EDIT: HOW COULD I FORGET TEAM CANADA AND BDUBS. thank you @butterflycrafting for the reminder & the recommendations! further edits are going under the cut so as not to completely overtake your dashes with this post :')
Team Canada is comprised of Etho, PauseUnpause, & VintageBeef. they're all, as you might be able to guess, Canadian! they all played together on Mindcrack as well as doing series together. some faves:
pranking OCD Zisteau is an oldie but a goodie. Zisteau logs in while they're pranking him.
their sky factory 2.5 series is great. it's been awhile since i've personally watched it but their banter is always fantastic so i'm recommending it anyway.
watch them escape the Nether, but watch pause's video because it's unedited and you get the full experience that way.
i personally LOVED their capture the monument series back in the day. it's been long enough since i've watched them that i don't remember which one was my personal favourite, but here's the first episode of diversity 3 to see if it's up your alley anyway.
edit: MORE TEAM CANADA GOODNESS courtesy of @catmaidetho - [Etho voice] labyrinth of puzzles! it has, again, been a Hot Minute since i've watched this series but also i Know it's a solid rec so it goes on the list.
edit: @catmaidetho & @fartherlands suggest team canada r.a.d.! either i never watched this one or i watched it long enough ago that it has been erased from my memory, but i trust my mutuals. do the thing.
Bdubs (BdoubleO100) and Etho ALSO met on Mindcrack and now play on Hermitcraft together. i don't have any specific videos to share (feel free to suggest some!) but in my opinion Etho is the black cat friend to Bdubs' golden retriever friend. (that made more sense in my head, probably.) Etho is responsible for Bdubs' big eyes skin.
a nonnie wants me to tell y'all that Etho's hearthstone videos are worth a watch! there are five videos: just a random video, slow druid arena, consistent inconsistency, the arena dream, and beggku hunter. if you watch them, let me know - this is a series of videos i never did end up watching because hearthstone was a game that didn't interest me at the time.
funnily enough, anon suggesting non-minecraft videos reminded me that he'd done terraria is EZ with Zisteau, another Mindcracker. i remember them having a lot of fun in that series so definitely give it a try!
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minrcrafter · 5 years
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Minecraft Fanatics [Modded][Vanilla]{Whitelist}{US}{EU}{Discord}{Modded 1.12.1}{Vanilla 1.13.1}
Hello Everyone!
We are looking for players who are cool, laid back with community focused attitude, who have a good sense of humor and enjoy socializing. No Drama Kings or Queens need apply!
We handle whitelist approval process by submitting a simple post in our discord channel answering questions regarding mc and where you played before.
1.In game name
Your age
How long you have played Minecraft
The name of last server you played on
What country you live in?
What Modpack do you wish to play?
Finally, have you ever been banned from a server (if so please explain)
We do have a age limit but we will make a exception if your mature
Note: We now have a Global Whitelist set up to where you only will need to apply to one server to get whitelisted on them all except for the Vanilla pack via a forge mod
We currently have these servers up
Stoneblock 2 - US
FTB Revelations - Europe & US
FTB Sky Odyssey - US
Engimatica 2 - Expert Skyblock - US
Engimatica 2 - Normal - US
Project Ozone 3 - BETA - EU
FTB Interactions - US
Vanilla - US
Discord chat rules:
Don't swear excessively in chat, its fine to swear but not a lot
Be respectful to other people. Absolutely no name calling, picking on others, stay positive as possible in all conversations. Treat everyone how you would expect to be treated.
Minecraft Server rules:
Claims/Chunk Loading - You may have more then one claim, but Please, only claim land where you are using machines etc for chunk loading. No land grabs are allowed and people should let Server Operators know anyone breaking this rule! Thanks
Ender Dragon - We respawn the dragon for each player or group(s) that request it. We can regenerate portions of the end to provide a new supply of end cities as well. Our success depends on all players to have a good experience.
Quarries - Quarries are fine However, if a mining world is available use it. Otherwise only quarry where it will not be an eye sore, like the ocean.
Absolutely no cheating or stealing from other players (hacking clients, x-ray, or exploiting glitches.)
No pranking or pvp unless agreed upon by all players involved.
No shops on our servers unless you have spoken with other players about said shops before joining new world.
Please, before adventuring into the end ask other players to join you and same with the Twilight Forest please.
Minecraft Fanatics Discord List
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I’m thinking of playing minecraft again, and trying the Regrowth modpack again. Might (hopefully) be able to host a server if I can get 1-2 people to join ,me.
Main issue I had with it before was there was too much to do alone and it was taking forever :P’
I like the pack though, in general. It’s got a sort of loose story/background to it. Essentially, the world’s gone through some sort of apocalypse and there’s no ore or materials left except for essentially charred wood and cracked sand. The ‘goal’ of the pack is pretty much to regrow the world.
I also want to try a proper skyblock at some point, instead of Project Ozone which starts you off with a TON of sky island generation (lacking ores, but still. a lot of space and exploration still and kind of defeats the purpose of a skyblock). Maybe agrarian skies or that FTB Infinity Evolved skyblock version.
Any interest in anything?
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picdediamant · 5 years
Hola Minecrafter! Botania es mi mod maldito, no lo entiendo, no se como avanzar más alla de la pure daisy,... suerte que en el server hay un crack del botania que me ayudrá. Gracias Flaytos! Gracias minecrafters, espero que os guste! Planet mods members --------------------------------------------------------------- Durnik70 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6d_tP2r2Qm8bC9_AUgLQQ https://www.twitch.tv/durnik70 Flaytos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFpPAf6ebOc9Pg8GJHkPIqw https://www.twitch.tv/flaytos Horus19 yt https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2TcDjpXhr35pIVnwdo-AJA Redes sociales Vicente y Punto https://www.youtube.com/djcentetgamer https://www.twitch.tv/vicenteypunto Redes sociales --------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/picdediamant Youtube en catalán: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm15Kk_GAgx6rZkY4MD_eEA Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pardalsalcap Discord: pardalsalcap#4939 Música outro --------------------------------------------------------------- Fights by Silent Silent Partner From https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music Acerca del Pack de Mods --------------------------------------------------------------- Teneis toda la información del pack aqui: Project Ozone 3 A New Way Forward https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/project-ozone-3-a-new-way-forward Esta disponible en el launcher de Twitch, y esta es la descripción oficial: Project Ozone 3: A New Way Forward is a pack filled to the brim of mods ranging from tech to magic to even exploration. A Better Questing pack filled with "currently 1140" quests (if you include the reward system). Project Ozone 3 also supports pack modes as they become available (Normal, Titan and Kappa). Normal mode in PO3 will be "slightly" more difficult than Project Ozone 2's due to mod progression. There are still "simple" achievements after the main quests we just use Better Questing entirely.
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zneumann · 5 years
10 Years of Z Network Technologies
Happy 10 year anniversary Z Network Technologies! It has been a wild 10 years and here are some new exciting things we have to announce. ~ The Z Server Survival Multiplayer Minecraft Server website has been rebranded into Z Server Multiplayer. ~ Z Server Multiplayer is our new name going forward and can be accessed via zserver.org, zgamers.org, or mczserver.com. ~ Z Server Multiplayer now features a central community hub for all of our game servers including a new forum area where you can post and interact outside of the game with players from our entire community. ~ Z Network Technologies got a new website design and domain names our shortcut url is https://znetworktech.com/ which now has a landing page showing our active services and organization history. ~ Z Server Multiplayer will be getting a huge popularity boost through a advertising campaign to bring new players on soon. ~ Z Server Minecraft now has 1.14.2 generated content towards the edge of the map border. ~ Z Server Minecraft's new Sanctuary project is ready for players to join and build in the town. ~ Z Server's Discord is now becoming cooler with Discord Nitro boosting. ~ Z Server CnCNet is now seeing more popularity than ever with players jumping on to our High Quality Community server with us having more players than any other v3 server on the CnCNet network. ~ Z Server Minecraft's newer spawn is fully functional and got a beauty update. ~ We have simplified our Admin page area to make it faster and easier for admins to log in to the game control panels on the web (*Only for games/servers that support web based control). ~ There is now a nice Network Status page that just tells people if there is any type of outage or not and allows them to see a more in depth status if they would like. ~ We have completed a huge back end overhaul of our network. We now have 5 servers in operation two for running game servers and three for web services (failover and testing). ~ We are looking at adding two new services fairly soon one is a Stardew Valley Server and the other is a private Live Stream Testing server which we might use for special things we won't put on Twitch. ~ We are also taking suggestions for new games we can host services for and are helping other people get their projects off the ground hosting things like Trumoo15's Bungeecord network and MasterNK's Project Ozone 3 server.
We started as a flash games website and look forward to seeing what we become in the next 10 years. ~Z
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rbplays · 5 years
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at http://bit.ly/2smKMKf
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real-obsidian · 6 years
Hello! My name is Gaudy, and I play on the Avius server, a hardcore Minecraft experience based around colonization and skill mastery! We are currently still in open beta, with the official release coming with the 1.14 update.
I also play the Stoneblock 2 and Project Ozone 3 mod packs, and I will be sharing some from those here as well 🤗🤗
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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Project Sierra [Modded] {ProjectOzone 2: Reloaded v2.4.0} {Skylands} {MC 1.7.10} {Grief Protect} {Whitelist}
Hey there,
Project Sierra is a Modded Minecraft server & community established in May 2015. We are truly a diverse bunch, we have players from Japan, China, India, Africa, Serbia, Canada, USA and many many more places.
Since we are a small, close-knit community, we typically have around 4-8 players online during peak times which is why we would love to have you join us in our adventures.
Your land is protected from griefing using a 2-way protection system with FTBUtils and GriefProtection plugin
Multiple ranks - Your rank on our server is counted up by your investment into the server and each new rank gives you more cool perks like multiple home spots to teleport to and from just to name a few.
FRESH MAP! - Since we changed modpacks, we have also reset the map which means that it (map) has not been explored much. This means that there is absolutely no lag and the fact that we play Skylands means that you never have to worry about ores and such, since you are the one generating them, so you can just follow your own playstyle.
Multiple new advancement trees - with Project Ozone 2: Reloaded Modpack, we cannot express how much playtime there is, minimum estimated playtime to finish all the 800+ quests is well over 600 hours so you will have loads of fun times and don't expect to be bored any time soon!
No mob griefing - We killed so many mobs during the blood moons that they are scared to touch our blocks now!
All mob heads obtainable - We all love having a trophy room, right?
1/2 online player sleep
Custom nicknames (ask SkyyBluCloud or AlWolf)
Discord-to-minecraft chat - So you can always stay in touch with your friends in game, even on the go.
Go Exploring with RandomTP (RTP)! - The world is adequately sized with no border currently set which allows for plenty of room for exploring and finding that one perfect land mass! Feel free to claim an island or two, or five, to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool island with an awesome view of the void and the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel / Multiple Homes / TPA - We all know how difficult it is to have to walk thousands of blocks to visit a friend’s base, or trade, now, with Skylands - well, that's just a feat of the crazy ones!This is why we have set you up with multiple /home spots (when you start you will have only 2, but the more you play, and rank up, the more homes you will get) and the ability to Teleport to other players via /tpa command. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere seconds.
Discord - so that you don't have to worry about typing "AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENNAAAA" when John Cenna creeper is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!! We all love hanging out in Discord and sharing interesting stories, jokes, builds, server screenshots and the dankest of memes in our #memes-cave channel. That being said, we support each other when things go south and serious too, so you can think of it as one big, multi-continental family!
Server Owner and Staff that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. The individuals in our Staff team are hand picked, mature persons who know how to conduct themselves in a professional manner whenever needed.(then again, we didnt have any problems with anyone in the community for 2 seasons)
There is always something interesting and cool to do
Hourly Backups - we backup our map on an hourly basis, so that in an unlikely event that anything does go south, we can be back on track in minutes.
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a modded server are not allowed.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone wolf types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on Project Sierra and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat away. Here, you can be "adult" if you'd like, but we do expect from you to know when the line of oversharing is crossed.
Server Specifications (Great Performance guaranteed!)
CPU AMD Ryzen Threadripper @ 4.5 GHz
Disk RAID 1 Solid State Drives
Network 1 GBit/s uplink
Additional Information
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on Project Sierra. As anything in life, our community is always striving for improvements, so we are always keeping an ear open and a pen and paper so to speak nearby to write down all the ideas on how we can advance as a community be it having fun minigames, events, builds or you name it
Interested in Joining?
We are thrilled that you’ve decided to give us a chance and we promise to not disappoint!
If you’re interested, just find and message, on Discord, AlWolf#7683 and you'll be on your way to play with us in no time!
Thank you for reading over this post and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent!
We are super excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations being wrecked and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills together with us. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Modded Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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Dragon Realms Minecraft (DRMC) is proud to host Project Ozone: A New Way Forward - skyblock version 3.0.38.
The server was released on 2/16/19 and the spawn was designed in an open creative plotworld (also hosted by DRMC) by Nerdlfe.
We are a fun, friendly, and active community that is interested in modded minecraft packs. If you interested in playing with us, our discord is https://discord.gg/nhu3RCR
Server address: po3.dragonrealm.me
Here are some pictures of our Spawn-Build event for our PO3 Spawn: https://imgur.com/a/IcMzX9J
• Respect others
• Don't mention staff unless it's urgent
• Do not spam
• Do not advertise without permission
• Keep all swearing to a minimum
• Keep chat English
• Don't abuse servers
• Don't bring alts without permission
• Don't used hacked clients
Additions for Project Ozone:
• Golden Bag usage is on own risk the Item is know for constantly loose its inventory (no items will be restored when the bag is involved)
• Using Chance Cubes is at your own risk entirely , no items or chunks will be restored that are lost because of usage , player data and chunks that got corrupted will be reset (grief from other player is an exception of course)
• Jumping into the void is on your own risk (you'll end up in the nether) , this however can cause a cozy lava bath or desyncs with the server(crashing your game), no items will be reset , your playerdata will if necessary
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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Minecraft Fanatics [Modded]{Whitelist}{US}{EU}{Discord}{Modded 1.12.1}
Hello Everyone!
We are looking for players who are cool, laid back with community focused attitude, who have a good sense of humor and enjoy socializing. No Drama Kings or Queens need apply!
We handle whitelist approval process by submitting a simple post in our discord channel answering questions regarding mc and where you played before.
1.In game name
Your age
How long you have played Minecraft
The name of last server you played on
What country you live in?
What Modpack do you wish to play?
Finally, have you ever been banned from a server (if so please explain)
We do have a age limit but we will make a exception if your mature
We currently have these servers up
Stoneblock 2 - Europe & US
FTB Revelations - Europe & US
Divine Journey - US
Beyond the Skies - EU
Project Ozone 3 - BETA - EU
Discord chat rules:
Don't swear excessively in chat, its fine to swear but not a lot
Be respectful to other people. Absolutely no name calling, picking on others, stay positive as possible in all conversations. Treat everyone how you would expect to be treated.
Minecraft Server rules:
Claims/Chunk Loading - You may have more then one claim, but Please, only claim land where you are using machines etc for chunk loading. No land grabs are allowed and people should let Server Operators know anyone breaking this rule! Thanks
Ender Dragon - We respawn the dragon for each player or group(s) that request it. We can regenerate portions of the end to provide a new supply of end cities as well. Our success depends on all players to have a good experience.
Quarries - Quarries are fine However, if a mining world is available use it. Otherwise only quarry where it will not be an eye sore, like the ocean.
Absolutely no cheating or stealing from other players (hacking clients, x-ray, or exploiting glitches.)
No pranking or pvp unless agreed upon by all players involved.
No shops on our servers unless you have spoken with other players about said shops before joining new world.
Please, before adventuring into the end ask other players to join you and same with the Twilight Forest please.
Minecraft Fanatics Discord List
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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Minecraft Fanatics [Modded]{Whitelist}{US}{EU}{Discord}{Modded 1.12.1}
Hello Everyone!
We are looking for players who are cool, laid back with community focused attitude, who have a good sense of humor and enjoy socializing. No Drama Kings or Queens need apply!
We handle whitelist approval process by submitting a simple post in our discord channel answering questions regarding mc and where you played before.
1.In game name
Your age
How long you have played Minecraft
The name of last server you played on
What country you live in?
What Modpack do you wish to play?
Finally, have you ever been banned from a server (if so please explain)
We do have a age limit but we will make a exception if your mature
We currently have these servers up
Stoneblock 2 - Europe & US
FTB Revelations 2.6 - Europe & US
Divine Journey - US
Beyond the Skies - EU
Project Ozone 3 - BETA - EU
Discord chat rules:
Don't swear excessively in chat, its fine to swear but not a lot
Be respectful to other people. Absolutely no name calling, picking on others, stay positive as possible in all conversations. Treat everyone how you would expect to be treated.
Minecraft Server rules:
Claims/Chunk Loading - You may have more then one claim, but Please, only claim land where you are using machines etc for chunk loading. No land grabs are allowed and people should let Server Operators know anyone breaking this rule! Thanks
Ender Dragon - We respawn the dragon for each player or group(s) that request it. We can regenerate portions of the end to provide a new supply of end cities as well. Our success depends on all players to have a good experience.
Quarries - Quarries are fine However, if a mining world is available use it. Otherwise only quarry where it will not be an eye sore, like the ocean.
Absolutely no cheating or stealing from other players (hacking clients, x-ray, or exploiting glitches.)
No pranking or pvp unless agreed upon by all players involved.
No shops on our servers unless you have spoken with other players about said shops before joining new world.
Please, before adventuring into the end ask other players to join you and same with the Twilight Forest please.
Minecraft Fanatics Discord List
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picdediamant · 5 years
Hola Minecrafter! Ha llegado el momento, vamos a por el dragón!!!! Hemos conseguido cuadrar horarios para que todos los miembros del server podamos matar a la dragona, a ver que tal! Gracias minecrafters, espero que os guste! Planet mods members --------------------------------------------------------------- Durnik70 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6d_tP2r2Qm8bC9_AUgLQQ https://www.twitch.tv/durnik70 Flaytos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFpPAf6ebOc9Pg8GJHkPIqw https://www.twitch.tv/flaytos Horus19 yt https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2TcDjpXhr35pIVnwdo-AJA Redes sociales Vicente y Punto https://www.youtube.com/djcentetgamer https://www.twitch.tv/vicenteypunto Redes sociales --------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/picdediamant Youtube en catalán: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm15Kk_GAgx6rZkY4MD_eEA Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pardalsalcap Discord: pardalsalcap#4939 Música outro --------------------------------------------------------------- Fights by Silent Silent Partner From https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music Acerca del Pack de Mods --------------------------------------------------------------- Teneis toda la información del pack aqui: Project Ozone 3 A New Way Forward https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/project-ozone-3-a-new-way-forward Esta disponible en el launcher de Twitch, y esta es la descripción oficial: Project Ozone 3: A New Way Forward is a pack filled to the brim of mods ranging from tech to magic to even exploration. A Better Questing pack filled with "currently 1140" quests (if you include the reward system). Project Ozone 3 also supports pack modes as they become available (Normal, Titan and Kappa). Normal mode in PO3 will be "slightly" more difficult than Project Ozone 2's due to mod progression. There are still "simple" achievements after the main quests we just use Better Questing entirely.
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rbplays · 5 years
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at http://bit.ly/2smKMKf
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rbplays · 5 years
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at http://bit.ly/2smKMKf
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rbplays · 5 years
Project Ozone 3: A New Way Forward is a pack filled to the brim of mods ranging from tech to magic to even exploration. A Better Questing pack filled with "currently 1129" quests (if you include the reward system). Project Ozone 3 also supports pack modes as they become available (Normal, Titan and Kappa). Normal mode in PO3 will be "slightly" more difficult than Project Ozone 2's due to mod progression. There are still "simple" achievements after the main quests we just use Better Questing entirely. Instead of clogging up your inventory with loot chests we chose to go a more currency type of way where you gain RAK (Random Act of Kindness) from quests and you choose when you want to spend the RAK for your rewards whether its for a basic loot chest, legendary loot chest, or even Epeolatry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://ift.tt/2pxGuxY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me...socially Discord: https://ift.tt/2Vx65oH Twitter: @rb_plays Instagram: @rb_plays https://ift.tt/2EIg7Oe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support the channel! YouTube: https://www.gaming.youtube.com/rb_plays and hit the "JOIN" Button Patreon: https://ift.tt/2Vx66sL Twitch: https://ift.tt/2pxGuxY and hit the "Subscribe" button Merch Store: https://ift.tt/2UWQizC
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rbplays · 6 years
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://ift.tt/2pxGuxY
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