#prolly the only time i will write but idk we'll see lmao
rebouks · 5 months
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-- anon
I'm sorry, but what kind of accent does Ivan have? He's the only sim who speaks that way and now that he's more in focus, I can't help but wonder where he comes from! Also, while I'm at it, I've also noticed that you stay loyal to the Sim world ("speaking in Tartosan" "a Tartosan goddess", etc), and while it's obvious that Tartosa was based on Italy and Spain, do you imagine your characters being from real countries and with distinct cultural backgrounds?
hmmm idk that he really has an accent as such, it's more that he speaks more loosely/common than every one else. i don't really have voice claims or any real countries to pin these pixels to cos they're sims u kno, it'd probs get messy if i started tying things to irl and not others.. so nah, other than rough stuff like vaguely japanese for mt. komo or italy for tartosa i don't pin em to real places ig you could use my northern english accent as an example tho, like my mom is pretty well spoken but still northern right? so she pronounces her t's n shit but my accent is way more common and i drop all mine to a ridiculous extent (if i was to write butter or water the way i'd say it it's practically unreadable lol.. like bu'uer? bUHer?? idk lmao) so Ivan probs speaks like me tbh.. Tommy, Rhys and a couple others speak that way too and Oscar does when he's drunk
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-- @zosa95
For Bryatt!
Disagreements: How often do they argue/disagree? ehhh probs not a lot, i can't imagine Wyatt engaging in pointless arguments, he'd just walk off lmao
Sex: Who moans the most? Brynn..
Family: Who changes the diapers? mostly Brynn
Family: Who gives their children ‘the talk’? idk ig with Ellis it'd be Wyatt but it'd be like "wrap it up n' pee" so i can see Brynn adding to that 😆 all Brynn if they have a girl tho
Affection: Who gives the most kisses? Brynn!
Sleeping: Who wakes up with bed hair? Wyatt.. u know Brynn has pictures of that shit
Home: Who does the groceries? Wyatt.. gotta make sure actual food is in the house u kno
Miscellaneous: Who kills the spiders around the house? no one.. lil spider did no one any harm 🕷
Miscellaneous: What do they tease each other about? hmm idk if they tease each other all that much tbh, they're playful but not at each other's expense u kno
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-- @akitasimblr
hello becca! for salton, pleeeeeeease <33
Who is on top? Sid most the time lmaooo.. let's face it, Alton be lazy n' submissive
Ever had sex in public? a couple times
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? in between? mostly the latter
Where is the strangest place? probs a broom cupboard or smth at uni idk lmao 😆
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-- anon
I know you don't do WCIF but would you mind sharing the creators you like most for male sim clothes? I struggle to clothe my guys a lot and I noticed you have a huge cast of male sims, so I was wondering. My bad if this sort of ask is unwelcomed too tho
but.......... skjdskj idk darte77 and gorillax3 are prolly good places to start or u kno.. google
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-- @akitasimblr
hello becca!!! one more extra i wish to know of: well, a couple now, rickey love and patrick harvey :) a) where are they living now? b) what do they do for a living? c) any chances of seeing them again in fib (or their daughter...??)? thank youuuu!
ohhhh idk.. i think the whole point of em, as sad as it may be, is that Oscar n them lost touch n they kinda fell off the face of the earth u kno? a price Oscar paid for his choices ig never say never tho! and we'll see 'em again when i eventually get round to doing a uni flashback for Oskie so yay! 🤸‍♀️
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OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC! ty for the tag @dandylion240 @hannahssimblr @sirianasims & anyone else i forgot <33
What uncommon/common fear do they have? that Oscar will disappear off into his confusing world of horribleness Robin doesn't fully understand yet ;-;
Do they have any pet peeves? not rlly.. pretty hard to piss the guy off
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? headphones - cameras - letters ^^
What do they notice first in a person? their thoughts 👀🧠
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? idk.. 4/5? i imagine he's kinda used to feeling other ppls pain as well as his own but he's still a baby ;-;
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? FIGHT!
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? yeeeeah.. he likes some quiet time now n then but he loves his family sm 🤗
What animal represents them best? fuck if i know.. a fly on the wall? lmao
What is a smell that they dislike? stinky younger sibling diapers
Have they broken any bones? not yet.. somehow
How would a stranger likely describe them? weird.. QUIET
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? night owl.. it's peaceful when everyone's asleep 💤
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? cilantro/coriander - pastries
Do they have any hobbies? photography - pissing around in the sea/on his bike/in whatever he shouldn't - writing to Alex - SPYING ON PPL
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? u can't surprise the lil guy.. i dare u to try
Do they like to wear jewelry? yeah ig as much as a kid does.. string stuff, friendship bracelets or w/e
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? kinda messy.. maybe it'll be neater later
What are two emotions they feel the most? intrigue & overwhelmed
Do they have a favorite fabric? he said he doesn't care
What kind of accent do they have? ✨imaginary pixel land accent✨
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and ty to anyone who's sent me any love trains recently <33333 ily all sm but i got overwhelmed the more i let pile up in my inbox so i deleted everything so i could breathe again 🙈
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euphoric-barnes · 3 years
his solace. — b. barnes
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synopsis: in bucky's list of people he wanted to make amends with, there were two names that he considered as his 'top priorities'—his friend, yori and you, his girlfriend.
pairing: bucky x fem!reader
genre: fluff fluff fluff—okay maybe a pinch of angst
warning(s): mentions of nightmares, a bit of tfatws spoilers, mentions of insecurities, violence, soft bucky, non proof read HEHE, one swear word
wc: 1,367
notes: idk what this is but... ive been wanting to post this so- also i suck at titles lmao
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bucky enters his apartment to see you on his couch sleeping, probably waiting for his arrival. ever since he tagged along with sam on the mission about the flag smashers, he's been texting you non stop—giving you updates because he felt bad for departing without telling you. bucky silently drops his bag on the ground, beside the couch as he walks towards you, kneeling on one knee as he watches you sleep with a smiling forming on his face.
then, he remembers what sam said.
but you gotta make them feel better. you gotta go to them and be of service.
bucky sighs, gently brushing the hair off your face. bucky vividly remembers his nightmares to the point even though he is awake it haunts him. especially when he's with you as you smile widely at him, after all, you are the happiest when you're with him. how many times has he heard you say that? probably a lot more then sam made fun of his staring problem. bucky would smile widely but the moment you turn your head away, bucky's smile would slowly slip off with his guilt eating him up.
he couldn't believe he hurt you back then.
it was so clear. you were younger, probably in your teenage years. you were on the ground, staring at him with wide eyes as you quiver in fear while he slowly walks towards you. other hydra agents who were with him in that mission were sabotaging innocent people. then, bucky would wake up, not seeing how he hurt you. but that wasn't the point, he knew he has to tell you the truth.
bucky didn't expect you'd be one of the avengers, fighting alongside steve to defend bucky—hide him away because people couldn't get that he was brainwashed. then the rest was history. bucky have slowly hut surely fell in love with you.
"bucky, stop staring." you mumble as you open your eyes, turning your head to him. bucky cracks a smile as you grin at him. bucky leans in, kissing your lips with his arm draping across your stomach as you cup his jaw with your hands. bucky pulls away, staring at you loving eyes, admiring your beauty. "how was the mission?"
then bucky pulls you up, sitting behind you as he lets your back rest against his chest with his arms around you as he holds your hands, playing with your fingers while he tells you all about the mission, from breaking zemo out if prison to taking the shield from walker. then, he gets to the part where he and sam talk about his amends.
slowly, he trails off then he pulls his arms away from you. "doll, we have to talk." bucky says seriously as you sit up straight and turning to him. bucky stares at the ground as he tries to build the courage to tell you. he takes one deep breath in before starting, "you know how i have a list of names that i'm making amends to,"
"and i have a person in my list i haven't been really truthful to."
"yori?" you ask and bucky sighs, shaking his head.
"there's another one." bucky says as he takes the small notebook, turning to the right page as he gives it to you. you grab it and look at it. right at the very bottom was your name, just like yori, it had been encircled a couple of times, emphasizing that it was a priority.
"why's my name here?" you ask and bucky sighs, running his hand through his hair.
"doll, i hurt you back then." bucky admits. "i don't know how, but i think i hurt you bad. most of the times it's what i see in my nightmares. you were so young back then, everyone was being beaten up and shit, i saw you. you stared right back at me when i was walking towards you. i- i'm so sorry, doll."
you stare at him, sighing. you close the notebook, putting it on the coffee table as you look at him. "buck, you really have got to stop beating yourself up with the things that you did as the winter soldier." you simply said that got bucky looking at you as if you were insane.
"y/n, doll, i kept this—"
"bucky, tell me about that nightmare." you said and bucky looked at you. you smile at him and bucky sighs. how could you be so kind?
"the whole town was a mess because hydra messed the whole town up, barging in people's house and then i saw you. you were looking at me with big wide eyes as i slowly walked up to you." bucky said. "that's it."
"bucky," you softly call. "i was 17 that time—"
"it was a long time ago but it doesn't mean you should just forgive me right away!" bucky exclaims.
"oh my god, james buchanan barnes, let me finish!" you exclaimed, laughing and bucky got even more confused. how the hell are you taking this lightly? you offer your hand out to which bucky hesitantly places his. "i was 17 that time. i was confused and scared at that time. a man pushed me, running off. i was at the ground, crying because i didn't know what to do. then, you saw me. not the winter soldier, you."
you look at bucky as he stares back at you. "you helped me, bucky." you mumbled. "you think i wouldn't remember that kind of thing happening to me?" you asked and bucky just listened to every word you said. you scoot closer, cupping his jaw as your thumb slowly caresses his cheek. "you were surrounded by hydra agents. they could have knocked you out, tortured you right at the spot, but what did you do? you took me away and hid me somewhere."
bucky couldn’t believe it. “no.” he mumbles.
“yes.” you contradict. “they give you these orders, turning you to some kind of weapon but bucky, if you were awake in those times, would you have done that? no, you wouldn’t.” you softly say. “i always go wherever natasha goes. the first time that i didn’t was when i fought alongside steve to protect you. steve was confused why i did it but he didn’t question it.”
“so, i didn’t..?” bucky trailed off and you gave him a smile, shaking your head off.
“stop beating yourself up and start seeing the good in you. you’re not perfect, i know but they are still a part of you and i love you. so much.” you said and bucky tugged on your hand lightly, making you wrap your arms around his shoulders as he wraps his arms around your waist. bucky softly sighs, hiding his nose on your neck as he takes in you soft scent that never failed to give him solace.
“i love you, doll.” bucky softly says as he closes his eyes savoring the moment as if you’ll go away. but he knows you won’t, it’s just that no matter what he can never get enough of you. “so much.”
“come on,” you said, giving his shoulders pats as you lightly pull away, cupping either sides of his jaw. “what do you want to do?” you ask and bucky bites his lower lip, smiling as his eyebrows move up and down. you let out a groan, “you want to watch the hobbit again, don’t you?”
“thanks, doll!” bucky enthusiastically says as he pulls you closer, pressing his lips against your cheek, his stuble tickling you causing you to giggle. bucky pulls away as he sets up the movie just the way you taught him how to. when he’s done, you look at him with a wide smile, opening your arms wide as he plops on the couch beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
bucky feared that you would have left him after telling you the truth, not knowing he would be happy with the information he got. he was relieved that even though the winter soldier took over him through those years, he knew that somehow he still fought against him even though it was difficult.
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did i went ooc? i’m sorry it’s my first time writing for him 😭
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