gender-dictatorship · 8 months
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French soccer players refused to wear so-called "rainbow jerseys". As a punishment, they are threatened to be EXCLUDED from games. 
I am terrified to read that "cosmopolitan", force-imposing ideologues EXCLUDE brave, indomitable soccer players because of their honest, natural aversion to unnatural, coercive gender ideology !
The honest, natural fear of such unnatural ideas is NOT “discrimination”, and I feel the need to be able to express my own feelings without being afraid of being discriminated as a “bad discriminator”.
Please accept that some people prefer to be honest about their natural feelings and express them frankly. Why should anyone deserve punishment for their simple honesty? For misunderstood pseudo-tolerance in favour of an unnatural ideology, which propagates the war against one's own, natural gender? So that what “unites” us is the UNEXPRESSED FEAR of being punished for our healthy feelings ?
The courageous behavior of the indomitable players is a great relief to me. Because I'm really afraid that there are NO more honest voices against this imposed "cosmopolitanism"...because EVERYONE is intimidated by the sanctions and the public outrage in the anti-social media.
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French soccer players refused to wear so-called "rainbow jerseys". As a punishment, they are threatened to be EXCLUDED from games. 
I am terrified to read that "cosmopolitan", force-imposing ideologues EXCLUDE brave, indomitable soccer players because of their honest, natural aversion to unnatural, coercive gender ideology !
The honest, natural fear of such unnatural ideas is NOT “discrimination”, and I feel the need to be able to express my own feelings without being afraid of being discriminated as a “bad discriminator”.
Please accept that some people prefer to be honest about their natural feelings and express them frankly. Why should anyone deserve punishment for their simple honesty? For misunderstood pseudo-tolerance in favour of an unnatural ideology, which propagates the war against one's own, natural gender? So that what “unites” us is the UNEXPRESSED FEAR of being punished for our healthy feelings ?
The courageous behavior of the indomitable players is a great relief to me. Because I'm really afraid that there are NO more honest voices against this imposed "cosmopolitanism"...because EVERYONE is intimidated by the sanctions and the public outrage in the anti-social media.
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Since when is “Homophobia” an Illness ... and since when is “Homosexuality” something “natural” ? 
Seit wann ist “Homophobie” eine KRANKHEIT ... und seit wann ist Homosexualität “natürlich” ?
I want to freely express my Fear and my Nausea when another Man is sexually harrassing me... WITHOUT having to be afraid of being discriminated as an “evil Discriminator”, or being attacked, persecuted and excluded ! 
Ich  will meine Angst und meinen Ekel FREI äussern und ausdrücken können,  wenn mich ein anderer Mann sexuell belästigt ... OHNE Angst haben zu  müssen, als “böser Diskriminierer” diskriminiert , angefeindet, verfolgt und ausgegrenzt zu werden !
Imposed Pseudo-Tolerance is nothing but applying Might by using moral Pressure of public Outrage... It meets NOBODY´S Needs.   
Verordnete  Pseudo-Toleranz  ist nur das Ausüben von Macht durch moralisiernenden  Druck der öffentlichen Empörung... Es erfüllt aber NIEMANDES Bedürfnisse.
Manche Männer jagen Männer,
manche Frau’n jagen Frau’n.
Das ist genauso genormt,
wie Autos klau’n !
Da gibt´s nichts dran zu akzeptier’n,
da packt mich das kalte Grau’n.
Wenn die Männer ander’n Männern
verliebt in die Augen schau’n !
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gender-dictatorship · 5 years
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Since when is “Homobobia” an Illness ... and since when is Homosexuality “natural” ?
I want to express my Fear and my Disgust FREELY, when another man is sexually harrsssing me ... WITHOUT needing to fear, to be persecuted, attacked, excluded and discriminated as an “evil Discriminator” !
Verordnete Pseudo-Toleranz  ist nur das Ausüben von Macht durch moralisiernenden Druck … Es erfüllt aber NIEMANDES Bedürfnisse.
Imposed Pseudo-Tolerance is just applying Might and Power with moralizing Pressure ... But it meets NOones Needs.
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gender-dictatorship · 5 years
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Since when is “Homobobia” an Illness ... and since when is Homosexuality “natural” ?
I want to express my Fear and my Disgust FREELY, when another man is sexually harrsssing me ... WITHOUT needing to fear, to be persecuted, attacked, excluded and discriminated as an “evil Discriminator” !
Verordnete Pseudo-Toleranz  ist nur das Ausüben von Macht durch moralisiernenden Druck … Es erfüllt aber NIEMANDES Bedürfnisse.
Imposed Pseudo-Tolerance is just applying Might and Power with moralizing Pressure ... But it meets NOones Needs.
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