#promotional notebooks Ireland
taraslevin · 3 months
Maximizing Brand Impact with Promotional Products Ireland
In today's competitive marketplace, standing out is more crucial than ever. Companies across the globe, and especially in Ireland, are turning towards innovative solutions to make their brand resonate with their audience. One effective strategy is leveraging promotional products Ireland to enhance brand visibility and foster customer loyalty. This article delves into how promotional gifts and branded promotional products Ireland can serve as key differentiators in a cluttered market.
Harnessing the Power of Promotional Gifts
Promotional gifts are not just mere giveaways; they are a reflection of your brand's commitment to value and relationship-building with your customers. From custom pens and notebooks to eco-friendly tote bags, these items serve as constant reminders of your brand's presence in your customers' daily lives. The beauty of promotional gifts lies in their versatility and ability to cater to a wide array of audiences, making them an indispensable tool in any marketing arsenal.
Elevating Brand Perception with Branded Promotional Products Ireland
When it comes to elevating your brand in the Irish market, branded promotional products Ireland stand out as a potent tool. By customizing products with your brand's logo and message, you create a tangible connection between your business and your target audience. Whether it's at a corporate event, trade show, or within your own office, these branded items enhance your brand's visibility and reinforce its identity. More importantly, they serve as a subtle yet powerful form of advertising, ensuring that your brand remains top of mind among your clientele.
ConclusionIn a world where brands are constantly vying for attention, promotional products Ireland offer a unique opportunity to cut through the noise and make a lasting impression. Whether through promotional gifts or branded promotional products Ireland, these marketing tools are instrumental in building brand awareness, loyalty, and preference. By strategically incorporating them into your marketing mix, you can significantly amplify your brand's impact and ensure it stays ahead in the competitive Irish market.
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waltereliasmickey · 3 years
Mickey Mouse Book
Shortly after the premiere of Steamboat Willie, Walt Disney was approached by a man offering him $300 to use Mickey’s likeness on merchandise. Walt accepted the offer and shortly thereafter Mickey appeared on the cover of a series of school notebooks. Following this first deal, Walt and Roy quickly decided revenue from merchandise could not only help their bottom line, but could also provide the company with additional publicity.
Bibo and Lang was one of the studio’s earliest licensees. In 1930, this company published the first Disney character book, which was titled simply, Mickey Mouse Book.
While some have assumed animator Ub Iwerks drew the Mickey Mouse image on the book’s front cover, a New York freelance artist named Albert Barbelle may have, in fact, been the illustrator. An invoice from Barbelle was submitted to the studio in September 1930 for his work on the book. It’s not known at this time which illustrations Barbelle may have created for the book.
In the fall of 1930, exactly 26,219 copies of the book were printed. The first were offered for sale in the November 15, 1930, Official Bulletin of the Mickey Mouse Club, and were priced between 7 and 8 ½ cents each, depending on the number ordered. The suggested retail was 15 cents each.
Copies in the first run were offered almost exclusively to theater managers as a promotional item meant for distribution amongst Mickey Mouse Club members. One Salem Oregon theater ordered 2,500 copies, which gives an indication how many members that club had. (The membership in the 1930s theater-based Mickey Mouse Club actually numbered more than the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides combined.) First run copies contain advertising on the inside front cover, inside back cover, and the bottom edge of the back cover.
In December 1930 a second run of 25,050 copies was printed. Revisions in this edition included: adding the name of Bobette Bibo, the publisher’s daughter, to the title page; a spelling correction on page three; corrections to the game board; the addition of comic strips on page eight and the back cover; and the addition of “Printed in U.S.A.” on the front cover.
Words to song lyrics found in the second edition were also changed: as Mickey gained in popularity, his image was toned down. Early shorts showed Mickey smoking and drinking. Lyrics found in the first issue of the Mickey Mouse Book included: “When little Minnie’s pursued by a big bad villain, we feel so bad, then we’re glad when you up and kill him.” This line was removed and the song’s score was also rewritten.
In March 1931 the third and fourth printings of the book rolled off the presses. A total of 46,669 copies were published that month containing no revisions.
The Mickey Mouse Book contains the one of the first recorded “histories” of Mickey Mouse. Bobette Bibo, the eleven-year old daughter of one of the book’s publishers, allegedly wrote the four-page story. According to Bobette, “Mouse number thirteen” was expelled from Fairyland because of his tricks and capers. Because of his antics, Mouse thirteen was thrown out a chimney and just happened to land “on a roof in Hollywood.”
Traversing down the chimney, the mouse happened upon one Walt Disney. The mouse proceeded to tell Disney his life story, at the end of which Disney replied, “You give me the idea for a series of comedies. I have an idea that I can make you a picture star.”
Becoming an actor meant a name change for mouse thirteen. The mouse told Walt the first thing he had done when he landed in Disney’s home was to eat green cheese. Since green is the color of Ireland, and Mickey is an Irish name, ergo, mouse thirteen was renamed Mickey Mouse.
The book also contains a game and a marching song. The prize for the winner of the “board game” was the chance to lead all the other children around the room in a march to the strains of the book’s piano arrangement. One interesting note about this book — the story contains one of the first caricatures of Walt Disney.
Despite almost 100-thousand copies of the book being printed, this book is relatively scarce. Because pages seven through ten contained the game board and playing pieces, they are usually missing, having been cut-out and discarded many decades ago. Complete copies are extremely rare and few first printings have ever been offered for sale in the collector’s market.
One final few cheesy crumbs of interest — the book’s back cover illustration was also used on the cover of a piece of Bibo and Lang sheet music which was titled, The Wedding Party of Mickey Mouse. The only difference between the book and sheet music illustrations is that on the sheet music cover Minnie wears a bridal veil. And, one of the rarest editions of this book has a message imprinted on an inside page that reads, “Merry Xmas and Happy New Year Dec. 27, 1930 from Ray A. Grombacker Big Chief Mickey Mouse.” These issues were given to Mickey Mouse Club members at an Oregon theater.
Source: Disney History Institute
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weirdstuff-blog · 5 years
Me and stephanie dancing up Christian
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"ROB SIMS presents KellyMBentley.Com in 2008! "
Female 26 years old ATLANTA, Georgia United States
Last Login: 4/13/2008
I love models and everything to do with the glamour industry. I am seriously into photography. I love to dance and I am currently learning to sing. I am crazy in love with my American Pitt Bull Terrier "Layla" and I love spending time with her playing freesbee with her and my loving fiance Django. I love fast cars preferrably American Muscle. My favorite would be a Trans Am. Long live Cassondra
Music I love all types of music, but my favorite is Classic Rock including the Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Doors, Def Lepard, AC/DC, Primus, Nine Inch Nail all kinds of artists. I love dancing to hip-hop, but I really don’t have any favorites.
Movies I love chic flicks and cartoons. I’ve never really been a fan of horror flicks. My favs include Notebook, Ratatouille, Sweet Home Alabama, Youve Got Mail…you get where this is going.
Television I love reality shows. I was on the Coyote Ugly Reality Show but I hated it. My favorites shows include Pussycat dolls, ANTM, Ghost Hunters, Dirty Jobs, Rock of Love, Make me a Supermodel….well all of them except American Idol…hate that shit!!
Books I dont read anything but war books and Cosmopolitian magazine. Oh yea and the Bible of course. Heroes All of our American Military men and women especially those close to me….Andrew Goldman, Jason Edmondson, Chris Willis, and my sweet uncle Kurt. Love and appreciate you guys. If you have a friend or relative serving I send me their name and I will post it here to show my appreciation.
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Details
Status: In a Relationship Here for: Networking, Friends Orientation: Straight Hometown: Alabama Body type: Slim / Slender Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Zodiac Sign: Libra Smoke / Drink: No / No Education: College graduate Occupation: Model
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Schools Southern Union State Community College Wadley, AL Graduated: 2002 Student status: Alumni Degree: Associate’s Degree Major: Computer Science
2000 to 2002
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Companies NOPI Motorsports Atlanta, Georgia US Nopi Chic Model
Construction Cuties Atlanta, Georgia US
M Bentley Productions Atlanta, Georgia US
The Kelly M. Bentley is Taking Over the F*cking World!
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Latest Blog Entry [Subscribe to this Blog]
Rob Sims and Kelly Bentley 2008 (view more)
RIDE FOR LIFE…..Relay For Life Charity Event (view more)
Coyote Ugly Episode 5…Thank God its Over! (view more)
National Glamour Showcase Florida (view more)
Coyote Ugly Episode 4 (view more)
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The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Blurbs About me: Its hard to describe myself because I am constantly changing. So to start, above all else, I am a bad ass bartender. I bartend at OPERA Nightclub here in Atlanta, Geogia. Its the biggest and hottest club in Atlanta. I also bartend at the Irish Bred Carrollton where I can fulfill my bar dancing passion to AC/DC, Buckcherry (Crazy biotch!), and Def Lepard. I love serving up cocktails with a little sassy shake some come by either place and check me out!!
Second, I am a model and one of the hottest female entrepreneurs on this planet. In modeling, I specialize in glamour, fitness, and promotional modeling. I always have something going on somewhere. I’m partnering up with NOPI as a NOPI CHIC for 2008. I love doing charity work so keep updated on my events and help us out. As an entrepreneur, I own half of a calendar production company with JM Polsfuss that is responsible for the hottest calendar coming out in 2009 Construction Cuties. Watch for it!! I also just teamed up with get this…yes…The Rob Sims….which we will have my website launched by the end of Spring to help heat up the summer for you. Also watch for all the magazine covers, layouts, spreads, etc. coming soon…I told you guys I’ll be taking over the WORLD!! Lastly, I am a regular girl that had a dream and am still forcing it to come true come hell or high water. I’m from a small town, but I’m working hard to fulfill my big city dreams as well as those of other girls who want to be models with MODELICIOUS. So if you want to try modeling, don’t listen to people when they tell you that you cant do it, they said I couldn’t, and I look at me…so don’t listen, contact me and lets see what we can do. I DONT DO ANYTHING FOR FREE….so don’t ask. I have a small network of professional models I use and promote because they have become friends. Don’t ask for my contacts, because I work hard in promoting and networking myself so why should I just hand over my hard work to you. If you want my network, you pay for my network.
THINGS YOU WOULDN’T GUESS ABOUT ME: No one would ever guess that I used to be in the Army National Guard. I used to be on Active Reserve as the RA for SFC Robert Cornett. I got out in 2005. I also used to wiegh 170 lbs. I gained a huge amount of weight when I quit drinking and smoking. Yea a lot of you thought it would never happen. I quit cold turkey and the turkey went to my ass. I lost 50 lbs. on the Subway diet. I was recently on the Coyote Ugly Reality Show on CMT and hated every minute. I also have a degree in Political Science and Computer Science with a minor in Military Science. Just some cool quirks about me. TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF – The Survey Name: Kelly M Bentley Birthday: October 7th Birthplace: Anniston, Alabama Current Location: Atlanta, Georgia Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde/Brunette..hell I don’t know Height: 5’5" if I’d stand up straight Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Your Heritage: Irish/German &..39;The Shoes You Wore Today:’ My beloved flip flops Your Weakness: Your Fears: airplanes, elevators, and scurrying vermon Your Perfect Pizza: cheese/pepperoni without any sauce Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Be at 8% Body Fat by the end of the year Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: I dont even know how to set that shit up… Thoughts First Waking Up: What in the hell are the Backyardigans? Your Best Physical Feature: My big ghetto booty Your Bedtime: When ever my mind decides to quit thinking Your Most Missed Memory: No clue..too much memory lost Pepsi or Coke: Caffeine free coke MacDonalds or Burger King: both are some nasty shit…I dont put it in my body! Single or Group Dates: Cant remember my last date… Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I don’t drink any tea Chocolate or Vanilla: Just hand over the chocolate and no one gets hurt Cappuccino or Coffee: Caffeine free Coffee Do you Smoke: hell no Do you Swear: I swear I cuss too much Do you Sing: Did you catch my show? Think I’ll stick to the shower. Do you Shower Daily: more than once Have you Been in Love: Only twice for sure Do you want to go to College: Been there done that Do you want to get Married: Umm….when I’m too old to know better Do you belive in yourself: more than anyother person besides Roy Do you get Motion Sickness: Do you think you are Attractive: No but others tend to disagree Are you a Health Freak: Absolutely Do you get along with your Parents: depends on the day of the week Do you like Thunderstorms: love them Do you play an Instrument: In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: don’t drink alcohol In the past month have you Smoked: I quit when I was 20 In the past month have you been on Drugs: hell no drugs are for weak people In the past month have you gone on a Date: I havent gone on a date in the past few years In the past month have you gone to a Mall: No..I hate the mall..I’m in need of another personal shopper In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: yea right…my trainer would shoot me In the past month have you eaten Sushi: I don’t eat fish In the past month have you been on Stage: too many times In the past month have you been Dumped: No In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: I wish In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No but someone stole two of my damned portfolios Ever been Drunk: Plastered on many occassions Ever been called a Tease: What girl hasnt Ever been Beaten up: No but I got launched off some steps one time Ever Shoplifted: no I only steal hearts How do you want to Die: at 200mph on the Autobahn What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I’m doing it but not grown up yet What country would you most like to Visit: Ireland In a Boy/Girl.. Favourite Eye Color: Any that don’t lie Favourite Hair Color: any that I can run my fingers through Short or Long Hair: either Height: all heights Weight: weight doesn’t matter Best Clothing Style: clothes dont make the man Number of Drugs I have taken: Don’t do drugs Number of CDs I own: not too many Number of Piercings: ears and belly button Number of Tattoos: 1 Number of things in my Past I Regret: only 1…if you know me you know what it is
Myspace Layouts – Myspace Editor – Image Hosting
Who I’d like to meet: TO ALL MODELS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS: Now that I am partnered up with Robs Sims who is the most published photographer on the planet also owner of FitBeauties and FitModels International Magazines, photographer for Oxygen, MuscleMag, InStyle, American Curves, Maxim, FHM, Mens Health…okay I’m tired already. Too many to list. Google him for the rest…lol. Rob and I will be offering photoshoots to ambitious models with the guarantee to be published. Yes there is a catch. 1)like I said I don’t do anything for FREE 2) Neither does he 3) you have to be approved by me first. Sorry ladies…I have to be picky. Feel free to submit to me for shoots with Rob. I will be honest and give you feedback. WE ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN GUARANTEE YOU PUBLICATION IN MAJOR MAGAZINES.
Posted by dcsmith2752002 on 2008-06-23 13:19:11
The post Me and stephanie dancing up Christian appeared first on Good Info.
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shopysea-blog · 5 years
Tips for Getting a Computer Parts from Online Store
If you desire to make your computer carry out efficiently and successfully you want to configure its hardware perfectly, because it holds the key of a very good overall performance. Most not unusual computer elements include a CPU, RAM, disk drives, motherboards, picture and sound playing cards, cables and extra. All this hardware needs to be perfectly functioning if you wish to make the most from your computer, fending off crashes and different stressful troubles. When considering a pc hardware store or a computer parts shop you must continually keep in thoughts numerous alternatives.
The developing fashion of Buy Laptop Chargers In Ireland is an wonderful alternative you cannot afford to overlook, both due to the fact you can get a few really excellent offers and expenses, and 2d because you may locate pretty lots something you might need, regardless of how rare that may be. There are innumerous on line shops for computer systems these days that make your options endless and facilitate online shopping for. You can choose amongst tremendous kinds of computer parts and hardware gadgets under extraordinary collection and types.
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However, in any case you ought to don't forget some matters. You can't really find something on-line and buy it right away. You need to pay interest on some key points so that it will make any transaction smooth, without undesirable surprises.
The first element you want to test is the proper validation of the online keep, concerning whether the organization is registered and valid. There are some online stores that claim to be promoting computer elements and hardware so one can fraud you, dumping a few cheap components to you. This is something you could avoid without a doubt checking the credentials of the organization. Its reputation may be very crucial. If you have got won expertise on the agency and its history, you obviously don't want to fear a lot. You also can take references from buddies or other customers that have already finished a few transactions with this employer and are aware about the best of the goods and the complete transaction enjoy.
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Buying less expensive computer parts has nothing to do with compromising with high-quality. After all, the best gain of online shops is they can provide you prices and deals you may no longer be able to find everywhere else or in physical stores.
For more info :-  Ireland Computer Hardware Online Store
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promolionblog · 2 years
Find Promotional Items in Ireland at Promolion
If you are looking for promotional items in Ireland, then you are at right place. Promolion is the one stop destination where you can get best promotional products at an affordable price. For more about our products visit our website.
We have a wide collection of high-quality promotional items to choose from. Branded products with your logo are one of the best investments that any company should make. The benefits of employing branded products in marketing initiatives are immense, and they consistently produce great outcomes.
All branded merchandise on our website has been customised to include the corporate logo.
Our latest trends such as: Notebooks, Corporate items, Pens, USB’s, Powerbanks, Lanyards, Mugs, Thermo Mugs, Water Bottles, Sport Bottles, Bags, Drawstring Bags, Travel Bags, Umbrellas,Key Chaines and much more.
For more details visit our website.
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raywritesthings · 6 years
Cakes and Compromise
My Writing Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Donna Noble, Tenth Doctor Pairing: Doctor/Donna Summary: Planning a wedding can be tough when the groom's an alien. AO3 link
Yet another sentence prompt for anonymous. I think I’ve just got two more left on the list! Enjoy!
Donna was quite good at planning events. The fact that she’d already planned her own wedding once before certainly helped, but even without that previous experience, she was confident in her abilities there.
Her mum had hunted down the usual books and folders and promotions for this sort of thing with only minimal grumbling, which Donna suspected had a lot to do with the Doctor telling them not to worry about cost.
She’d been running everything by him, of course. Donna would have anyway — he was the bloody groom, after all — but she didn’t want him thinking they were taking advantage. Not that he ever seemed to spare a thought for money, but wedding bills had ruined plenty of marriages before. Plus it was the only way she could guarantee getting him involved.
He wasn’t disinterested. He’d look at whatever she’d show him and largely defer to her judgment. Sometimes he asked a question here or there, but mostly out of curiosity more than anything else. Donna found herself wanting all this wedding business to be over and done with so that they could get back to traveling. At least she knew he liked that!
The one thing he seemed to be at all looking forward to was picking out the cake. He’d already asked if they could get one with edible ball bearings, and he even helped her decide on which bakery to go with. And that had given Donna pause.
Her fiancé liked to have a bit of fun, and while Donna loved that about him, the fact that he was so keen on cakes was worrisome.
Her first go-around through this, she’d never quite been able to extract a promise from Lance; he’d always give some vague answer about wanting it to be a surprise. Now she knew he’d probably been relishing the opportunity to humiliate her and get away with it before murdering her horribly.
The Doctor would never do that to her, at the least not on purpose, but it was also possible that he would see it all as just a laugh. Donna was not at all interested in being laughed at on her wedding day. So there was one thing she knew she had to make absolutely clear.
"If you shove cake in my face, I promise you this will be the worst wedding night of your life.”
Across the kitchen table from her, she watched the Doctor’s face scrunch up. “Why would I do that?”
“Well, you know. It’s sort of a tradition,” she remarked with a roll of her eyes.
“Is it?”
Donna had a moment of regret that she’d apparently reminded him — but then it hit her. “You really wouldn’t know, would you?”
“When did that start up?” He was too busy wondering to reply. “Is it a Three Stooges homage?”
How could she have been so stupid? Of course he wasn’t all that invested; this wasn’t a wedding to him. He’d thought her dress would have pockets!
Donna looked down at the books and stationary samples spread out across the table with a newfound sense of despair.
“Forget it,” she decided. “Forget the whole thing.”
She flipped the nearest book closed and pushed it away from her. “We’re not doing this.”
“The wedding? Donna, you’ve wanted to get married since the day I met you,” he reasoned. “This means a lot to you.”
“But none of it means anything to you! Here I am going on to you about flower arrangements and what order to do the speeches in, and I never even asked you if there was something you wanted to add from your people’s wedding ceremonies.”
“Oh.” He was quiet for a moment.
“Is there something you’d want to do?” She asked quietly. “That we could do?”
“Not without confusing most of the guests,” the Doctor admitted. “Look, Donna, I didn’t go into this expecting Gallifreyan customs to be incorporated into the ceremony. I didn’t even bring it up. You don’t have to feel badly for not thinking of it.”
“But I want this to be for both of us, to represent who we are as people and as a couple,” she insisted. “Hang the guests, I’m marrying an alien. Do you think I’m bothered if they’re confused?”
He smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners. “No. Right then, a human-Time Lord wedding.”
Donna felt herself brightening again and reached across the table for a notebook that she flipped open to a fresh page. The Doctor made an amused noise in the back of his throat.
“When you’re ready,” she told him primly.
“Well, I’m trying to think of what we can do. The full version of the ceremony is rather long.”
“How long?”
He gave her a look. “We had all the time in the universe.”
Donna nodded. “Okay. So maybe just a shorter portion of that ceremony.”
“Well, there was a shorter version. The battlefield version. But this isn’t exactly a battle, and I don’t really feel like asking your mum to let me marry you.”
“What’s that?”
“The shorter ceremony mostly consists of asking the parents of the intendeds to ‘consent and gladly give’ their children,” he explained. “I having no parents and you only having your mother, it doesn’t exactly work.”
Donna snorted. “Yeah, you’re gonna be waiting a long time for her to be glad about this. You’re sure there’s nothing else we could use?”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a Gallifreyan wedding,” he admitted. Then his expression changed, and Donna knew he’d found it. “But there was a bit in both ceremonies where you’d have the couple tie their hands together with a bit of cloth. A ribbon, anything would do.”
“That sort of sounds like hand-fasting,” Donna said. “They do it in Ireland mostly. I think it was the Celts that started it. But it’s not uncommon here.”
“Humans do it, too? That is fascinating. I wonder how that first got started?”
“We’ll have a look in on the Celts on our honeymoon,” Donna offered. “But, hand-fasting for the wedding. Definitely happening? Is there anything else you want to add?”
“Well, I might. I mean, there were some vows. No one would be able to understand them. I could just translate them to English—”
“What if we got it embroidered into the cord? Or whatever fabric we use to tie our hands together? That way it’s part of the ceremony, in Gallifreyan, and we have it forever.”
“Have I mentioned lately how brilliant you are?” He leaned across the table to kiss her, which she was very nearly tempted to continue even if it meant letting the rest of this go for the day.
The Doctor broke from her lips but left a hand resting on her cheek. “Thank you. Really. It means more to me than I can say. And I promise I will be here and present for all the Earth-based decisions, too. It’s important to me to see your traditions respected just as well as mine.”
“But not the cake one,” she added hastily.
He gave a single shake of the head. “Not the cake one.” He paused for just a single breath, then added, “Although, typical Gallifreyan wedding cakes always had edible ball bearings—”
Donna batted his hand away. “Nice try, Spaceman.”
“Can we please get one?”
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wonderblog775 · 3 years
Panasonic Toughbook Serial Number Decoder
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THE CF-29 Panasonic Toughbook (CF-30 Below) PDF datasheet for CF-29 mk4. Panasonic Toughbook Configurator. The CF-29 is discontinued, superseded by the CF-30. PDF datasheet for CF-29 mk4. Panasonic Toughbook Configurator click 'discontinued models' for info on the CF-29 configurations. Note you must use Internet Explorer to use the site, it. Serial Number Your Information. Please check if you want to receive information from Panasonic about special offers, firmware, promotions, and new.
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Weighing in at a solid 8.2 lbs, the sixth generation Panasonic TOUGHBOOK 31 held its ground as the toughest PC notebook ever for quite a few years – until the entry of the TOUGHBOOK 33 in 2017. Designed for field-based professionals, this TOUGHBOOK is vibration, shock, water, and dust resistant and ideal for use underground, in tight spaces, or where wet or bad weather. Toughbook Serial Number Lookup. The below listed Panasonic branded or Panasonic supplied options and accessories are covered under this limited warranty for the period specified from the date of purchase or as specifically stated below: AC Adapter / Power Cord – 1 Year; Desktop Port Replicator, I-O Box, Docking Cradle – 1 Year.
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taraslevin · 3 months
Boost Your Brand in the Emerald Isle: Promotional Products Ireland Unleashed
In today's competitive market, standing out is not just an option; it's a necessity. Businesses across Ireland are increasingly turning to promotional products as a dynamic way to enhance their brand's visibility and connect with their customers on a personal level. But what makes these promotional items so invaluable in the bustling marketplaces of Ireland? Let's delve into the essence of promotional products Ireland and how they can turbocharge your marketing strategy.
Harnessing the Power of Personal Touch
At the core of every successful marketing strategy lies the ability to create a memorable brand experience. Promotional products serve as tangible reminders of your brand, fostering a personal connection with your target audience. From custom pens and notebooks to eco-friendly water bottles and tech gadgets, these items are not just giveaways; they're powerful tools in building brand loyalty and recognition.
Eco-Friendly Options: The Green Wave
The trend towards sustainability is not just a fad; it's a movement that's here to stay. Businesses in Ireland are increasingly seeking eco-friendly promotional items that resonate with the values of their customers. By choosing sustainable options, companies are not just promoting their brand but also demonstrating their commitment to environmental stewardship. This alignment of brand values with consumer expectations is crucial in establishing trust and loyalty in today's eco-conscious market.
Tailored Solutions for Every Brand
One size does not fit all when it comes to promotional products Ireland. Each business has its unique set of values, target audience, and marketing goals. The beauty of promotional items lies in their versatility and adaptability. Whether it's a tech startup looking to make a splash at a trade show or a local café wanting to thank its regulars, there's a wide array of products available to suit every need and budget. The key is to select items that not only align with your brand's identity but also add value to your customer's daily lives.
Conclusion: Your Brand, Amplified
In a world where digital overload is the norm, promotional products offer a breath of fresh air. They provide a tangible connection in an increasingly virtual world, helping your brand to not just be seen but also remembered. Whether you're a small business in Dublin looking to increase foot traffic or a multinational corporation aiming to boost employee morale, the right promotional items can make all the difference.
As businesses in Ireland continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, one thing is clear: promotional products Ireland are not just a marketing tool; they're a bridge to building lasting relationships with your audience. So, why not take the plunge and see how these tangible tokens of appreciation can elevate your brand to new heights?
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architectnews · 3 years
Enric Miralles Architect Tribute, EMBT Barcelona
Enric Miralles Architect Tribute, Catalan Architecture, Photos, Spanish Projects, Designs
Enric Miralles Architect Tribute
12 May 2021
MIRALLES events in Barcelona
MIRALLES, a tribute to the architect that holds several events during 2021 in Barcelona, Spain.
You can review the press conference here:
Español: https://youtu.be/Glemy3aGZyc
“MIRALLES” A tribute that remembers the architect in all his facets
The Fundació Enric Miralles, with the support of Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat of Catalonia, is promoting a tribute to Enric Miralles, whose death marked 20 years in 2020.
Exhibitions and activities will show throughout 2021 his many facets as a creator: architect, designer, photographer and teacher, bringing his professional and human figure to the general public.
The curators of the tribute, Benedetta Tagliabue and Joan Roig i Duran, have selected for the exhibitions, original and unpublished materials from the archives of the Fundació Enric Miralles.
Barcelona – Fundació Enric Miralles, with the support of the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat of Catalonia, is promoting a tribute to Enric Miralles, one of the most emblematic figures in contemporary Catalan architecture, whose death marking 20 years this past 2020.
MIRALLES is a program of exhibitions and activities that shows the public the legacy that the architect left, with works in Barcelona -a city where he lived and worked-, Catalonia and worldwide. The tribute addresses his different facets as a creator: architect, designer, photographer and teacher, offering a multifaceted and personal look at his career.
The activities of MIRALLES are curated by Benedetta Tagliabue (Miralles Tagliabue EMBT) and Joan Roig i Duran (Batlle i Roig), and organized by Fundació Enric Miralles with the support of the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat of Catalonia through their Departments of Presidency, Culture and Territory and Sustainability, in collaboration with the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC) and the Miralles Tagliabue EMBT architecture studio.
This tribute “not only wants to remember the human and professional figure of Enric Miralles, but also wants to keep the spirit of the visionary, of the experimentalist, alive, as a way of working and seeing the world. And to leave his legacy also for the future generations.”Benedetta Tagliabue emphasizes.
The program extends to representative spaces of the city of Barcelona, starting with the Saló del Tinell, which is home to the exhibition about Miralles as architect, and also was chosen to host in 1956 the first retrospective of another illustrious architect of the city, Antoni Gaudí. The other venues for the activities, which are also emblematic, will be at the Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the Disseny Hub of Barcelona City Council, the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC), the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) and the Fundació Enric Miralles.
Through these spaces a “Miralles circuit” has been designed that can be visited at various times of the year and that is accessible to all audiences. Thanks to the different formats: talks, debates, photography, videos, plans, drawings, models, notebooks, sketches, collages … anyone, whether or not linked to the world of architecture, can get closer to the human figure life of one of the most international contemporary Catalan architects.
Miralles has an exceptionally prolific career: in just 26 years of profession, from 1974 to 2000, he received 62 awards, participated in 68 competitions and was a finalist in many others. In addition, he has carried out installations and executed different projects. Among all these aspects, a total of 225 works and projects are collected in different countries such as Holland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Scotland, Japan, Austria, Argentina, United States, Brazil, Greece, Finland, France, USA, England, Ireland, Switzerland, and Denmark.
He taught in Barcelona, Frankfurt, and at the most prestigious universities in the United States such as Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, and Yale. He is the most studied and imitated architect by students in the western and eastern world. The foundation that treasures his legacy receives more than 2,000 visits from all over the world each year. The tribute prioritizes the documentation and materials that Miralles made in his lifetime, some of them unpublished, which will come out of the archive for the first time.
But MIRALLES is also an act of affirmation of the heritage it has left in the history of architecture and in the academic world, extending its gaze to the imprint that the EMBT studio has been able to follow.
Curator Joan Roig i Duran explains that “a meticulous research effort has been made within the archives to find those documents and materials that can best explain Miralles to the general public. It is not a tribute made from a distance; it has been thought from the front line to make it accessible to everyone.”
Agenda – Events at “MIRALLES”
MIRALLES. A quarts de quatre… From 15.04.21 to 04.07.2021 Saló del Tinell. Plaça del Rei, 10 Barcelona Entry fee: 3 € (general fee MUHBA)
Exhibition co-curated by Benedetta Tagliabue and Joan Roig that shows his work as an architect focused on four of his most representative works: the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, the Igualada Cemetery, the Santa Caterina Market in Barcelona, and the Sports Pavillion in Huesca. Original and unpublished material will be exhibited: models, plans, photographs and videos. The entire creative process of Miralles that will show to the general public, from the first approaches to the construction.
MIRALLES. Photos & Collages From 15.04.21 to 30.06.21 Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica. La Rambla, 7 Barcelona Free entry
This exhibition shows part of the photographic documentation of the life and work of Enric Miralles. Photographs taken by himself that cover both his personal and professional life. Directly from the private archive of Enric Miralles, his emblematic photographic collages will be shown for the first time. This exhibition is coordinated by Salvador Gilabert, professor and project manager at Miralles Tagliabue EMBT architecture studio.
MIRALLES. To be continued… From 15.04.21 to 23.12.21 Fundació Enric Miralles. Passatge de la Pau, 10 bis Barcelona Free entry
The Fundació Enric Miralles has, among its objectives, the preservation of the architect’s works, ideas, and creative spirit for the benefit of future generations. ‘MIRALLES. To be continued…’ covers the legacy that Miralles left in his studio and how it has marked the trajectory of Miralles Tagliabue EMBT throughout these 20 years. Models at different scales and referring to various phases of creation, sketches, photographs, correspondences, collages and projections are the protagonists of this exhibition project that will feature reflections by Martha Thorne.
MIRALLES. Perpetuum Mobile From 27.05.21 to 29.08.21 Disseny Hub. Plaça de les Glòries, 37 Barcelona Entry fee: 3 € (buy at Disseny HUB)
Exhibition of Enric Miralles as a designer. Furniture and objects that he designed along his life for his own use will be shown together for the first time. ‘Inestable’, ‘Dolmen’, ‘Troncos’ and ‘Tropical’ tables, the ‘Lelukaappi’ shelving inspired by the work of the architect Alvar Aalto and several chairs and unpublished lamps. The exhibition, curated by Benedetta Tagliabue and Joan Roig, and organized with the support of American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) with wood donated by AE Maderas, is completed with unpublished plans, drawings, and sketches of the design process of these pieces.
MIRALLES. Converses 03.06 – 10.06 – 17.06.2021 COAC. Plaça Nova, 5 Barcelona Free entry
The Barcelona College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) joins the tribute to Miralles with a cycle of three talks with international guests. Architects, academics, and artists will share their experiences with Enric Miralles and will talk about his career and influence. Meetings between Rafael Moneo and Benedetta Tagliabue, Liz Diller and Beatriz Colomina; and Soraya Smithson and Carme Pinós.
MIRALLES. A l’escola From 22.09.2021 to 24.11.2021 ETSAB.  Av. Diagonal, 649-651 Barcelona Free entry
His work as a teacher was a very important facet in the life of Enric Miralles, who worked as a professor at various universities. The exhibition ‘MIRALLES. A l’escola’, curated by Carme Ribas and Ton Salvadó, focuses on the activity of the ETSAB, where he trained and to which he dedicated most of his teaching activity.
Enric Miralles Benedetta Tagliabue – Embt Arquitectes Associats SL
EMBT : current page for this Catalan architects studio
Enric Miralles Architecture Books
Buildings by Enric Miralles / Benedetta Tagliabue
Buildings Selection
Trinity Quarter, Leeds, West Yorkshire, northern England, UK Design: EMBT+ Stanley Bragg Partnership image from the architect Trinity Quarter Leeds design by EMBT – this retail building project is now using other architects.
New Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh, Scotland Design: EMBT/RMJM Scottish Parliament Building – master work by this Catalan architect practice
Santa Caterina Market, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain Santa Caterina Market Barcelona Building
Barcelona Architects
Barcelona Architecture
Architecture Studios
Buildings / photos for the Enric Miralles Architect Tribute in 2021 page welcome
Website: Building
The post Enric Miralles Architect Tribute, EMBT Barcelona appeared first on e-architect.
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oathkeeperofspira · 4 years
Intel Health Guide - Head First Into Home Health Monitoring
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After over three decades of research, development, and market research, Intel announced the introduction of the Intel Health Guide, an Intel-branded apparatus for remotely monitoring and managing patients with chronic illness in the home.
By Intel's demo one can see that the unit is a notebook computer no keyboard and a reversed touchscreen. Patients may join and upload blood pressure monitors and other medical devices to communicate results with distant health care providers. Along with vital sign data collection, the health tracking software also provides individual reminders, surveys, educational content, and other communication tools.
Health Hero Network. It'll be interesting to see whether or the improved functionality like video conferencing and multimedia content are the key to promote adoption.
The actual barriers to adoption of remote monitoring and other chronic care plans may be less about performance compared to about institutional incentives and business models ingrained in our health care system. The health care marketplace with Medicare from the guide still rewards health care providers much more for treating the complications of chronic illness than it does for proactive monitoring and management aimed at preventing them.
The incentive systems that determine the viability of new models of health care empowered by devices such as the Intel Health Guide and the Bosch Health Buddy could be about to change, however. With positive results from the Medicare chronic care improvement demonstration project currently underway from Health Hero Network in Washington and Oregon, Medicare coverage for health care providers to provide home health monitoring services might be around the corner.
Steve Brown is an entrepreneur and active board member in advanced software and Internet businesses. He's the founder and former CEO of Health Hero Network, a pioneer in health and remote health monitoring, acquired by Bosch in 2007.
Health Guide - Understanding How the NHS Works
The National Health Service (NHS) was set up by the government to offer healthcare for all residents of the UK and is funded by general taxes. This support is based on people's need for healthcare rather than the ability to pay for it. Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have their own different NHS services.
This guide will explain in simple terms how the NHS is structured, so you can better understand how to get the treatment that you or a member of your household need.
Department of Health and Its Authorities
The NHS is conducted by the Department of Health, which reports to the Secretary of State for Health.
In total, the Department of Health is in charge of NHS and social care delivery via the Strategic Health Authorities.
Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs)
These Authorities oversee the Trusts that operate NHS services in their regional areas. There are 10 of these in complete and their responsibilities include developing in addition to integrating plans to increase health services.
The main Trusts the Health Authorities watch over are as follows:
Primary Care Trusts (PCTs)
These are your first port of call in providing care when you've got a health problem and need to go to a physician. PCTs make sure that there are sufficient health services for people in their regional area. In total, their services include providing hospitals, dentists, opticians, mental health services, screening, pharmacies, NHS walk-in centers and patient transportation.
Acute Trusts
These Trusts have the responsibility of managing hospitals to make sure they're of high quality and effective at spending money. This may also include such services like training health professionals in universities and providing health centres, clinics or care at home in neighborhood communities.
Hospital and Foundation Trusts
Overall, there are 290 NHS Hospital Trusts who oversee 1 600 NHS hospitals and specialist care centers.
Foundation Trusts, which total 83 at present, are a new kind of NHS hospital especially tailored to local needs.
Ambulance Trusts
There are 13 Ambulance Trusts in England, while Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have different versions. These Trusts provide emergency access to health care - their emergency management room prioritises calls for an ambulance and determines what sort of reaction to send. They also offer transportation for patients needing to get to hospital for treatment.
Care Trusts
Care Trusts are a consequence of the NHS and local governments agreeing to work in partnership to create a closer relationship between health and social care.
Mental Health Trusts
In accordance with their name, these Trusts provide health and social care services for those who have mental health issues. These include health screening plus counselling and psychological treatments
Special Health Authorities
Unlike Strategic Health Authorities who concentrate on local services, the Special Health Authorities offer an NHS health service to the whole of England or the United Kingdom.
Their branches include the following. Agencies:
Medicines, Healthcare Products and Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
The MHRA grants licences for medicines so that they can be sold and modulates both medications and medical devices in the UK to make sure they meet certain criteria of safety, quality, functionality and effectiveness.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
NICE provides national guidance on the prevention and therapy of poor health. Additionally, it generates the guidelines on whether certain treatments are available on the NHS in England and Wales.
National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA)
NPSA is made up of three divisions which are specifically designed to help enhance patient safety in the NHS throughout the UK.
Health Protection Agency (HPA)
The HPA has three centers which protect the UK against infectious diseases and other dangers to public health like radiation and chemical risks. This includes providing expert training to help prepare emergency services nationally for major incidents.
The above overview on how the NHS is structured can help you know precisely who to contact for your particular healthcare and safety requirements. To make your research even easier, use Health Guides to find contact information for the various centers that can provide you with the perfect treatment.
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Some hotels are affairs allowance cards for approaching stays to accompany in banknote during the pandemic, but sources said this hasn’t been a huge success appropriately far.
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GLOBAL REPORT—In a appeal slump during a pandemic, some hoteliers accept pivoted to affairs allowance cards for approaching stays, aback leisure and business travelers re-emerge.
It’s a action that could be in comedy for the abbreviate appellation at assertive types of properties, admitting capricious levels of success as a revenue-generator, sources said.
Jeff Osborne, admiral of Greenwich Hospitality Consulting, said the abstraction has not been actual advantageous appropriately far for hotels. Two of the firm’s auberge admirers answer and awash allowance cards online and through absolute as able-bodied as added promotional channels.
“Sales were not strong,” he said. “In general, what we begin was that bodies would rather accept the action of a absolute booking with affairs and dates, as against to the acquirement of a agenda for the befalling of a approaching stay.”
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Adrian Mooney, administrator of sales at Kilkea Castle Auberge & Golf Resort in County Kildare, Ireland, said, “this was appropriate as a cogent savior for cash-strapped hotels and added tourist-related outlets. However, while we did see a baby boost year-on-year in agenda sales, it did not booty off as expected.”
He said consumers ability accept feared that a auberge would not appear out of the communicable “and appropriately cede the vouchers worthless.”
“There was additionally some artlessness about this topic,” he said. “The angle that ample swathes of the public, who were already banknote beggared themselves, were activity to somehow appear to the account of hotels is this address was a little misguided.”
Gift cards for approaching auberge stays can serve as the agnate of an beforehand acquirement reservation, but after set dates.
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Resorts accept the best luck with this strategy, and it can advice with both banknote breeze and allure of demand, said Robert Rauch, architect and CEO of RAR Hospitality.
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Gift cards could possibly be acclimated in auberge amalgamation pricing, he said.
“I’m a big accepter that as boilerplate ante appear bottomward clearly this year, the displace of the industry will be to amalgamation added artefact rather than acutely discount,” he said.
A cruise ship, for example, sells berths at a abject amount and again adds in alcohol packages, excursions, claimed casework and allowance upgrades, Rauch said. That is the alone way to get aback to 2019 rates, as guests this year and abutting are acceptable to be led by the leisure sector, he said, acquainted these guests are the ones best attractive for value-added promotions.
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Packages ability accommodate a meal program, best of spa casework and allure tickets, at a amalgamation amount so that anniversary amount is hidden.
Mexico Grand Hotels did not get the acquirement after-effects it capital from alms allowance cards, but did get some acceptable acknowledgment for its the properties, said Gabriel Ibarra, sales and business director.
The promotions “showed (the public) accordant agreeable and affinity with our audience,” he said.
This affectionate of action gives guests a acceptable faculty of adaptability aback booking anon with the hotels, Ibarra said.
“For us, it is a new action that we accept implemented and will absolutely stick with for a while as addition business opportunity,” he said. “It will accompaniment our primary sales strategies and is arch us to accept added adjustable behavior due to new biking behaviors.”
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artstartart · 5 years
Artist Spotlight: Julia O’Brien
Get to know one of our Cleveland Institute of Art artists from the August 2019 Sale on ArtStartArt.
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To get us started, share more about yourself and your artwork.
I am a visual artist from Michigan currently working toward my BFA at Cleveland Institute of Art.  I work primarily with oil, acrylic, and watercolor in my paintings, and I am interested in expanded media and incorporating found objects into my work.  In addition to visual art, I enjoy writing and am a musician.  Writing is a large component of my artistic process, often prompting and serving as a catalyst for my paintings.   I view a lot of my paintings as a reflection of an interior space.  Perhaps, a glimpse into some lost past, just below the surface, hazy, indistinct, and reflective.  A few of my most recent works have engaged in creating an interior space of empathy and sensitivity to the ephemeral, reflecting the personal relationship I carry to the found photographs that I collect, as well as internal fears.  It is a space based on melancholy associations with physical objects and their histories.  It is also a space of memorialization and a desire to nurture.  This is born of feelings of guilt, protectiveness, and a memorization with the past.
Tell us about your first experience creating.
My first experience creating is somewhere in my early years of childhood, drawing lilacs picked from the backyard at the kitchen table after school.  Somewhere between songs scribbled in school notebooks and four note piano melodies.  Between crayons, collage, and papier-mâché alchemy.  Growing up in a home where creativity was encouraged and fostered from an early age is something for which I am deeply grateful.
What has been your favorite part of art school so far?
Being surrounded by other creative individuals and inspiring artists, learning from them, and having the opportunity to engage in discourse about our work has been incredible.  The community engagement and volunteer projects that I’ve been privileged to be a part of while at CIA has been a meaningful favorite experience, as well.
What are you currently exploring in your work?
Recently, my body of work has become an investigation into themes of memory, empathy, the passage of time, familiarity, and preservation.  With regard to media, I’ve been working with reductive processes in painting, as well as different surface textures, the employment of found objects and the histories that they carry, and exploring additional media such as enameling, assemblage, and embroidery.  I’ve also begun to interweave visual and tactile signifiers of ephemera into my paintings. I am interested in the physical objects and spaces that surround us and the memories invested in them.  In recent months, I’ve worked with both imagery related to personal experience and anonymous histories.
What excites you about ArtStartArt?
As a full-time student, I initially found it difficult to start promoting and selling my work, but ArtStartArt makes the process incredibly accessible.  I think ASA is exciting, because the platform provides students with the exposure and advice to help simplify the process, as well as discover and connect with other creatives working in this field.  I’ve found the platform to be both welcoming and supportive.
What’s your favorite spot on campus and what do you like to do there?
The Coffee House. The atmosphere is cozy and comfortable, and I’ll go there often to sketch, write, or catch up with someone over a cup of coffee.  

Who, or what, is currently inspiring you?
I am currently inspired by history, found photographs, experiences, the beauty of nature, and the human inclination to document and remember.  Memory is at the heart of what is influencing my current artwork.
What plans do you have for the future of your art?
Following my BFA, I am interested in continuing on with a studio practice, volunteering with nonprofits, and studying historical art conservation.  In my art, I hope to further build and expand upon the themes that I’ve been exploring in the past year.
Rapid fire questions for Julia:
Favorite quote: There are many quotes that I hold dear to heart.  This one in particular I think of when it comes to creative work:  “It seems to me that the desire to make art produces an ongoing experience of longing… Always there seems something ahead, the next poem or story, visible, at least, apprehensible, but unreachable… It’s like a lighthouse, except that, as one swims toward it, it backs away.” - Louise Glück
Favorite book(s): To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf is one of my favorite books.  In terms of art making, The Tears of Things: Melancholy and Physical Objects, by Peter Schwenger has been the most influential on my practice in the past year.
Favorite movie(s): Ingmar Bergman’s films.  Naomi Kawase’s filmic diary footage.   Also, Carrie (1976), La Jetée (1962), Melancholia (2011), and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004).  
Next place you’d like to travel: I would love to travel to Ireland, someday.  
Last album you listened to:  It was either Are We There, by Sharon Van Etten or Ma Jeunesse Fout L’Camp, by Françoise Hardy.  Both are favorites.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: I once had a writing instructor share with me in a quote the writing advice of William Wordsworth.  It really influenced my approach to writing, as well as painting, and I’ve always loved it as direction in beginning a creative project:  1. “To begin, begin.” 2. “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” 3. “Come forth into the light of things…”
Behind the Scenes with Julia:
We asked Julia to share some images that encapsulated the creative process.
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possiblyafangirl · 7 years
Hurricane- Tommy Shelby part 1
Okay, first time posting anything like this on tumblr. I'll add more parts to this later. // Seven things that went wrong today. 1. I almost lost my job. 2. Jimmy was right. Again. 3. There's a hole in my left shoe. 4. Crusty vomited on the couch. 5. I now have to go to Birmingham. 6. I've somehow managed to misplace my suitcase. 7. I'm almost out of cigarettes. Closing her notebook, Poppy Dean sighed in frustration. Nothing ever seemed to go her way. Not only had she almost lost her job, but now she had to travel to Birmingham and present her boss with an article that will save her job and promote her from a secretary to an offical journalist. It was her dream. To become a journalist and report the events of the world around her. The closest thing she ever got to said dream was a position as a secretary at the Norwich daily. It was a small independent newspaper company, run by a small man who's nose resembled that of a birds beak. His name, Steven Pratt. Now, Mr. Pratt was not only a small man with a nose that resembled a birds beak, but a sly man. Mr. Pratt only cared for three things, how much money he had stashed in his bank account, how much food he had in his stomach, and the odd night he spent with an upper class whore. Poppy knew theses things about her boss. They were all obvious signs to her, even before she began to work for Mr.Pratt. But she was in need of a job, so she took what she could get. Her best friend, Jimmy Jordan had warned her about Mr.Pratt, she still remembers what Jimmy had said to her when she first began working for him; "Poppy, you know he's nothing but a greedy fat man, who only hired you so he can peep at your bum when nobody's looking" "I can't help it Jimmy, I have a nice bum" "Poppy... I honestly don't know how you've made it this far in life." Pushing her chair back into place, she smiled at herself. Jimmy had been right about Mr.Pratt, it was rare that he was ever wrong. So Poppy trusted him when he told her that going to Birmingham was a bad idea, but she had no other choice. Poppy didn't want to invite him to come with her, but it happened.  He had just lost, his wife to typhoid fever and was in need of comfort from his friend. Tying her hair into a neat bun she moved into her her bedroom. Making sure to avoid the sleeping mutt that rested next to her bedside table. That mutt was her's, before she adopted him he was a stray and the neighbourhood children had named him 'Crusty' due to his matted fur. Pulling off her silk robe, revealing her cotton night gown she threw it across her room. After Slipping into bed, Poppy let her eyes slowly close and let sleep overcome her. // "I can't believe mrs. Harris had my luggage the entire time!" Poppy exclaimed, pushing though the mass of people hustling about the train station. He best friend Jimmy and her dog, Crusty, in tow. "You lent it to her when she went to Ireland with her husband for her nephews wedding" Jimmy said trying to keep up with the woman, dragging his belongings behind him. "The least she could have done was return it" she scoffed, looking back at her best friend and stopping momentarily so he can catch up. "You should know mrs.Harris, if you don't ask you won't get it back." He huffed placing his belongings next to Poppy's. "Anyway, where'd you say the ticket booth is?" "We should be close, the woman I asked said it'd be near platform six"  said Poppy. "Poppy!" Jimmy shouted gaining a few seconds of attention from the people passing by. "Yes?" "What platform are we on?" Jimmy hissed trying to lose the attention. "Platform four" Poppy replied giving Jimmy an odd look. "Fucking hell Poppy, we're not on platform four, we're on platform twelve!" Jimmy hissed. "Don't be ridiculous Jimmy - oh shit" she muttered the last part to herself, wide-eyed once she realised Jimmy was right again. "Stay here, I'm going to get some directions" Jimmy sighed. Poppy let out a small shaky breath and smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles in her skirt, trying to make herself look busy. She watched Jimmy ask a man in a peaked cap for directions, she watched the man point Jimmy in a direction and her best friend thanking him. "Alright Poppy, get your things" Jimmy said, getting his luggage. "Right, lets go." Poppy smiled gathering her things, following Jimmy to where the man had said the ticket booth was. "Crusty" she called for the small dog who was hot on their heels. //
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taraslevin · 6 months
Unleashing the Power of Promotional Products in Ireland
In the dynamic landscape of marketing, businesses are constantly seeking innovative strategies to elevate their brand visibility. One such impactful method is the use of promotional products Ireland. These tangible items have proven to be a game-changer for companies looking to leave a lasting impression on their target audience.
Promotional products encompass a wide array of merchandise that carries a brand's logo or message. From everyday items like pens and notebooks to more specialized products such as tech gadgets and apparel, the possibilities are endless. The key lies in selecting items that resonate with your audience and align with your brand identity.
At Tara Slevin Group, we understand the significance of promotional items in creating a memorable brand presence. Our extensive range of promotional gifts caters to diverse preferences, ensuring that you find the perfect match for your promotional needs.
Why invest in branded promotional products Ireland? The answer lies in the tangible connection they create with your audience. Unlike digital marketing channels, promotional products offer a physical touchpoint, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust. A well-chosen item becomes a daily companion, reinforcing your brand message consistently.
When exploring our collection of promotional products, you'll discover the power of customization. Tailoring items to reflect your brand colors, logo, and tagline ensures that your promotional efforts are cohesive and memorable. Whether you're participating in a trade show, hosting an event, or simply looking to express gratitude to clients, the right promotional gift can make a significant impact.
Moreover, the versatility of promotional items makes them suitable for any industry. From healthcare to finance, education to technology, there's a promotional product that can effectively convey your message. Our team at Tara Slevin Group is dedicated to helping you navigate this vast selection, ensuring that your promotional strategy aligns seamlessly with your marketing goals.
In the competitive business landscape of Ireland, standing out is crucial. By investing in branded promotional products Ireland, you position your brand as not just a service or product but as a valuable presence in the lives of your customers.
It's important to note that the success of a promotional campaign extends beyond the selection of products. Distribution strategy, timing, and understanding your target audience are equally vital elements. At Tara Slevin Group, we collaborate with you to create a comprehensive promotional plan that maximizes the impact of your chosen items.
In conclusion, promotional products are a powerful tool for businesses aiming to enhance brand visibility and engage their audience. Tara Slevin Group's commitment to quality and customization ensures that your promotional gifts effectively communicate your brand message. Elevate your marketing strategy with branded promotional products in Ireland, and leave a lasting impression on your audience that transcends the digital realm.
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deskpadsforschools · 3 years
What’s required for business print today
The printing business has been in the trend for quite a time and has also caught the audience eye because of the demand it has, especially now-a-days. As the time has evolved, we have come across with the diversity of printing ways. From traditional printing to digital printing and if we talk more about it, then we are also introduced to customized printing as well. On the marketing standard, printing is one of the majors in showcasing your work or business. And in this way business printing solutions are the one's people will always be looking for. Now-a-days, this has become a common trend to open printing shops where people can get their prints done. Moreover, the idea of printing has also moved a lot from traditional to customized printing where you can have your specification of material or thing on which the printing should be done. As a customer, if you ever notice how influential the printing has been, it will definitely surprise you. Printing is about quality, design, creative ideas and more specifically the target audience. First thing for printing a brochure or any leaflet is what kind of audience you are approaching while finalizing the print and then the quality. As it is something that will bother customers because you need to take a notice of how many leaflets have been thrown away without notice. Even though with the rise of social media people have started to move to digital printing as targeting audience there is easier than having traditional printing. We can’t get into the argument of which one is more beneficial as both have their pros and cons. There have been many studies and researches where digital is considered less influential as there is so much on scroll and getting people to remember yours is a real work. Therefore, we would close it with the fact that both have their own place and demand according to what people want and the business specifications. While taking note of different ways and techniques of printing, we have now seen printing on shirts, notebooks, mug, printing of labels and other things. The field of printing has worked much on bringing the variety such as printing label has been one of the much-considered divisions. A product can say much from labels and can even make a customer last longer. Globally many have come across with the creativity and diversity in printing labels such as print labelling solutions Ireland. As we have talked much about the printing ways, especially in regards to marketing then we can’t forget to mention the retailing services that have been provided in the market. Because of the retailing services product can have a good turn over on sales and even for promotions it is of great benefit. The print for retail is as effective as the print marketing. With the help of retailing you can easily reach the local or regional customers which can bring much of the sales to the business. And as for the printing business, it will also be an effective and long-lasting marketing strategy.                                
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