dm-in-the-corner · 2 years
Prompt: Night of the Living Veg!
Type : Mini Quest Sum up : Farmer's vegetables and produces are springing to life Description : Out in the country side, there are reports of a particular farm's produce seeming a bit off. your party has been requested to go out and figure out what exactly is going on. Recommended Setting Theme : Fantasy, Sci-fi Recommended Player Level : 3 to 6 Recommended Monster Stats : Awakened Shrub and Awakened Tree Recommended Party Size : 3 to 4 players Notes : the produce could be causing havoc in the nearby town or area could be attacking other crops, perhaps for sabotaging a contest could be attacking rival farmers could be a magical spell bringing them to life and they are for the most part harmless could be a druid who is trying to make new animal like vegetables
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dm-in-the-corner · 2 years
Prompt : Don’t go down in the basement!
Type : Mini Quest, One Shot Sum up : Something insidious lurks in the depths of a basement. Description :The local tavern / business has had complaints of noises coming from the basement. But all those who have been sent to investigate did not return. The noises continue. The party must make their way into the depths of the basement, find out what happened to those who went before, and try to survive whatever the depths of this cellar has to offer. Recommended Setting Theme : Fantasy, Horror Recommended Player Level : 5-10 *this is subject to change, depending on the monster the DM uses. Recommended Monster Stats : Up to the DM for the monster they wish to put Recommended Party Size : 3-4 Notes : -Despite the ‘insidious’ description, this can be written in a more lighter light if the DM and party so wish -This can be as graphic or not any at all as the DM and party wants -It is recommended, for a spookier atmosphere, to make the session atmospheric for how much spooking the DM may wish to do.
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dm-in-the-corner · 2 years
Prompt: I Wish I had a Heart
Type: One-Shot, Series of One-Shots Summary: Killer scarecrow attacking outsiders Description: A scarecrow has been cursed and turned into a monster that has been stalking outsiders. When the bodies are found they are missing their hearts and there is no lead on who done it. The party is hired to deal with the menace and put an end to the carnage Recommended Setting Theme: Fantasy, Horror Recommended Player Level: 5 to 10 (the more players, the lower the number) Recommended Monster Stats: Nightveil Specter. Recommended Party Size: 3-4 Players Notes: The scarecrow can be aware of it's actions, or mindless, or defending itself it could be metaphorical, where it is looking for the person of where it's heart rests, or it could be literally searching for a heart that was taken from it. It could be a monster that was made without a heart entirely and is trying to fill a void. It could summon minions of undead and undeath lower than it's recommended stats CR. If conflict is undesired, create a talisman that can be destroyed to weaken or destroy it.
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dm-in-the-corner · 2 years
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