#DND prompts
eloquent-edits · 8 months
🗡️ For the Wicked and Weird (Part 3)
prompts based on quotes that never fail to make me laugh from my D&D sessions
“You can speak to plants?” “Yeah!” “Plants can’t talk.” “Fuck you, yeah they can!”
“God looked at me, thus I have to pay.”
“Character B, what did you just steal?” “A velociraptor!”
“Do I get a third dad now?”
“About what percentage of the population is puntable?”
“I don’t make the plans. I just steal stuff.”
“You’ve got a bright future.” “I’ve got a bright present.”
“So how do you two know each other? Are you two f u c k i n g?”
“It’s like PEMDAS.” “I think I had a friend who prayed to them once.”
“Alright, bone ape tit. Let’s go.”
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leonoracy · 7 months
stolen worldbuilding prompts
i have a few worldbuilding prompt novels, so i'm going to share some of their prompts here. if i make others, they shall be edited on to this post. i'd say support the original creators but that would make it swifter for the copyright creatures to find me. of course, these are mainly fantasy themed.
Describe the black market in one of the cities you encounter. Start by writing down the names, appearances and personalities of three vendors. What are some of the unique, unusual or magical wares they sell? Or what valuable information do they have?
Whenever you and your company hit a new town or city, you’re sure to be tavern-bound eventually. Write a list of at least five tavern names, their themes, their proprietors, and their personalities. What characters or unique brews might you encounter at each establishment?
Think about a child who has been affected by the actions of you or your party. How did crossing paths with you change its life? Did you burn down their village, or save them from a monster attack? What is this child like, as a result, when they grow up?
What are some major landmarks you encounter on your travels? Do locals tell tales about their origin? Write about how these experiences might affect you as you continue on your journey.
Write about someone you’ve lost along your adventures, how did you deal with that loss?
You and your adventuring company are going to a party. Who invited you, where is it taking place? A small gathering or a fancy masquerade, what’s the food like? What rumours or info will your company gather while at the party, or what villain will interrupt the festivities?
What is your world’s setting planet shaped like? Round, flat, atop a gargantuan turtle’s back? Describe its parameters.
Create a typical fantasy world, but one thing is dramatically different. Like, all creatures can do magic but humanoids cannot. Or humans can never die of old age but all the plants only live for a few weeks. Get weird. Get stupid.
Create a setting where gods walk the earth and directly interact with each other, their followers, their enemies. How will each interact with mortals of their world?
A member of your adventuring party gives off an odd scent. What does it smell like, what is the source of it, how does it relate to what one knows (or doesn’t) about that character?
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dm-in-the-corner · 2 years
Prompt: Night of the Living Veg!
Type : Mini Quest Sum up : Farmer's vegetables and produces are springing to life Description : Out in the country side, there are reports of a particular farm's produce seeming a bit off. your party has been requested to go out and figure out what exactly is going on. Recommended Setting Theme : Fantasy, Sci-fi Recommended Player Level : 3 to 6 Recommended Monster Stats : Awakened Shrub and Awakened Tree Recommended Party Size : 3 to 4 players Notes : the produce could be causing havoc in the nearby town or area could be attacking other crops, perhaps for sabotaging a contest could be attacking rival farmers could be a magical spell bringing them to life and they are for the most part harmless could be a druid who is trying to make new animal like vegetables
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twilight-skies · 1 year
Potential: D&D healer-class PC who began like the anime one in their backstory but by the time of the campaign has become the MMO one. They’ve delt with enough shit parties and could not give a singular fuck anymore with this newest band of idiots
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i was particularly proud of that one
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mumbled-writings · 2 months
“What Burning Questions do You Need Answered?”
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theladyregret · 1 year
I can’t get over the fact you can play a Dragonborn that’s also a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer of a completely different color lol
I can’t take it seriously because all I can think of when I try is this post
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gaddaboutgriffon · 8 months
Danny is a paladin in the Young Justice Team.
I have wanted to have the young justice kids have a video game or board game they can all play but they would have equal chance at winning. (My first thought was Pokémon tournaments bet robin gets way to intense on the competitive stats) and any video game that requires fast reflexes Kid flash/impulse dominates at unfairly. So doomed is out. This is something for them to bond over after missions and training. And they settle on DCs version of dnd.
As they are playing they notice that some of the ways the dnd classes are used matches pretty well with some tactics they use on missions. Superboy is the team barbarian, Robin is the rouge, wonder girl is a fighter, Danny recently learned how to use ectoplasm for healing but he is a heavy hitter too so he is a paladin. Maybe paladin? (You guys can figure out what the other members are.) Oh and this gets them wondering if some strategies in dnd can be applied in the field. Several of which do and the mentors happy at the increased team work. Though they are confused at some of the code phrases the kids are using. (It’s not code just dnd terminology.)
Really this is what gave me the idea.
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hayleyolivia · 6 months
I made this on Insta as a tool to come up with random D&D character prompts. I have been using it a bunch, and I thought I would upload it here too (though tumblr mobile is so disfunctional when it comes to videos, so who knows if you’ll be able to actually use it 😭)
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juiceicicles · 1 year
Steve plays DnD with Eddie and the kids (not Hellfire, none of them are ready for that yet) for the first time and attempts to seduce a dude to get information.
The thing is, Steve’s character is also a dude. When he first asks, Eddie is shocked, the kids are confused because “he’s a man, Steve” and Steve just pulls out some old Harrington charm and sufficiently flusters Eddie and gets the information needed.
Most of the kids are just happy it worked. Will is happy and surprised because apparently both Eddie and Steve are cool with gay people, cool enough to roleplay as them! Mike is having an internal crisis because the lord has a wife but it still worked so is he gay or straight? When asked Eddie just says he likes both, which prompts a small internal crisis. Eddie is a weird jumble of feelings because Steve is flirting with him! But like in character. So is Steve gay? Is his character gay?! What’s happening!
Steve’s flirty remarks make it out of the game and just become Steve flirting ruthlessly with Eddie, but prompts no questioning from the party because “it’s an inside joke”.
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agoodpairofsocks · 8 months
werewolf cowboy who kills his own cattle at night and doesnt remember so he stays up all night on his porch trying to catch the wolf that keeps killing his cattle but always "falls asleep"
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eloquent-edits · 8 months
🗡️ For the Wicked and Weird (Part 2)
prompts based on random quotes from my D&D sessions
I’m proficient in kicking ass!
Very fun, we’re having so much fun. Character B are you okay? (distant panicked screaming)
Your parents are really worried about you! Why are you a shadow demon?
I’m going to disappear into the bushes, as a good citizen does.
Well if it fails the flight test we’ll get to the water test reeeaaal quick.
I’m going to hide behind Character B because they’re big and strong and will draw fire with their stupid remarks.
My literal biggest fan has come barreling after me!
Dog. Have you killed a man?
Were you dropped on your head as a kid? Oooooh, which time?
I am trying to have a conversation. I am trying to take these boots.
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 212
“Did we just pull an Isekai?” 
“I mean, does it count if it’s practically just Ghostwriter’s usual shit, just more chaotic?” 
“Sam, this is like a game, look, we even have inventory overlays!” 
“Yeah but Tuck, I died so therefor I pulled an isekai, right?” 
“Shit, why does that make sense?” 
“Boys, perhaps actually look into your overlay there? Perhaps look at the map as well?” 
“... oh my Ancients, guys, we’re not the players, we’re going to be the bosses of this game.”
. . . 
“This is going to be so much fun guys.” 
The JL Jr team would really like it to be known that they are in fact done with Klarions shenanigans. This is literally the first day school is out for the summer for them! Who even showed him DnD and anime anyway?!
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dm-in-the-corner · 2 years
Prompt : Don’t go down in the basement!
Type : Mini Quest, One Shot Sum up : Something insidious lurks in the depths of a basement. Description :The local tavern / business has had complaints of noises coming from the basement. But all those who have been sent to investigate did not return. The noises continue. The party must make their way into the depths of the basement, find out what happened to those who went before, and try to survive whatever the depths of this cellar has to offer. Recommended Setting Theme : Fantasy, Horror Recommended Player Level : 5-10 *this is subject to change, depending on the monster the DM uses. Recommended Monster Stats : Up to the DM for the monster they wish to put Recommended Party Size : 3-4 Notes : -Despite the ‘insidious’ description, this can be written in a more lighter light if the DM and party so wish -This can be as graphic or not any at all as the DM and party wants -It is recommended, for a spookier atmosphere, to make the session atmospheric for how much spooking the DM may wish to do.
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st4r-t3ars · 1 month
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A Pirates Life
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From Just Dance 2024
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