#propheta lucis
tanoraqui · 7 years
Oh wow, this is the best giveaway ever! Could you do something with Terezi and Tarvek interacting? Any quadrant, or not shippy at all if you want. I just think that could be really interesting. Or maybe some psychological conversation between Rose and Dirk? I'm sorry, I'm a bit partial to m/c characters... Also, are you posting all the results of this?
[This was for my 1001 Follower Fic Giveaway. I’m making a minimal effort to clean out my inbox, and I think I should admit that I’m never ever going to write more of this crossover than I already have. So… here you go! Belatedly.]
- gallowsCalibrator has started trolling arachnidsGrip –
GC: W3LL TH4T W4S 3MB4R4SS1NGAG: Y8u think????????AG: That was an unmitig8ed DISASTER!!!!!!!!GC: 1T R34LLY SORT OF W4SAG: That cr8zy pir8 8itch set myCOAT 8N FIRE!!!!!!!!GC: WOWAG: Why are you saying “wow” like a g8ping wiggler, Terezi.You s8w her!!!!!!!!GC: 1 D1D!GC: 1T W4S TR4G1C, 4NDSURPR1S1NGLY FL4MM4BL3GC: 1’M M3R3LY T4K1NG 1N TH3 S1GHT OF YOU, VR1SK4 S3RK3T,B3ING TH3 ON3 TO C4LL SOM3ON3 4 “CR4ZY PIR4T3 B1TCH”AG: She SET MY MINDF8NG CO8T ON F8RE!!!!!!!! I worked RE4LLYH8RD ON TH8T CO4T!!!!!!!!CG: Y3S, 4ND 1T W1LL B3 4V3NG3DCG: 1’M S3ND1NG YOU TH31R DOSS13RS NOWCG: ~PlayerGilgamTheBarbarian.ttrf~CG: ~PlayerCaptainDeathflame.ttrfCG: 1 TH1NK W3 SHOULD 4CTU4LLY B3 CONC3RN3D 4BOUT TH3 M4L34S W3LLAG: What, the 8lue8lood?AG: Wow, “Captain Deathflame”, I’m soooooooo scared.AG: How did you get those so quickly?CG: K33N L3G1SL4C3R4TOR 1NV3ST1G4TOR14L SK1LLS! >:]CG: 4LSO, TH3Y’R3 ON TH3 M41N FL4RP1NG W3BS1T3 L1K3 3V3RYON33LS3’S PL4Y3R B1OSCG: 1 LOOK3D TH3M UPAG: 8ut how did you know what names to search?CG: 1 LOOK3D UP TH31R SH1PAG: That was an official ship???????? It looked like aRUSTBUCKET.AG: I’m not even making a tasteless joke about that crazyrustblood. That thing looked like a bucket. Made of RUST.CG: W1TH BUZZ1NG 1NS3CT W1NGS 4TT4CH3DAG: Yeah!!!!!!!! It was soooooooo stupid-looking!CG: R34D TH3 DOSS13RSCG: 1T’S R3G1ST3R3D, OWN3RSH1P 4ND 1NV3NT1ON, TO G1LG4M TH3B4RB4R14NCG: WHO R3SCU3D 4LL TH3 HOST4G3S WH1L3 YOU W3R3 BUSYF1GHT1NG H1S P4RTN3R, 1N C4S3 YOU D1DN’T NOT1C3CG: TH3 HOST4G3S *W3* W3R3 GO1NG TO R3SCU3CG: 4ND TH3N TRY FOR TR3SP4SS1NGCG: 1T W4S SUPPOS3D TO B3 4N OP3N-4ND-SHUT SN4P-F4ST3N3DCONT41N3RAG: Hey! He’s registered as a Hero by trade!AG: He’s Neutral 8enevolent and his crazy partner’s a pir8!AG: That’s practic8lly Legally Neutral like you!!!!!!!!AG: They’re STE8LING OUR SCHT8CK!!!!!!!!CG: GL4D YOU COULD C4TCH UP W1TH TH3 CL4SS, MISS S3RK3T!CG: CONS1D3R1NG TH4T BL4T4NT TH3FTCG: 4S W3LL 4S “C4PT41N D34THFL4M3”’S W1TN3SS3D 4CT OF4GGR3SS1VE G4RM3NT4L V4ND4L1SMCG: (4ND TH3 L1ST OF OTH3R CR3D1TTED 4CCOUNTS OF MURD3R 4ND4RSON 1N TH4T DOSS13R, WH1CH 1 4CTU4LLY H4V3 TO 4DM1T 1S R4TH3R *1MPR3SS1V3* 1NL3NGTH)CG: 1T 1S MY PROF3SS1ON4L L3G1SL4C3R4TOR14L OP1N1ON TH4TTH1S R3CR34NT “T34M F4LCON” F4LLS *W3LL* W1TH1N OUR PURV13W OF PROS3CUT1ON!>:]CG: WH4T DO YOU S4Y, M1NDF4NG?AG: I say, Redglare, that we shouldn’t even feed them to mymom.AG: The pieces they’ll be in will be too small for her taste::::D
The other like ¾ of it were supposed to involve Vriska and Terezi finding out that Gil and Bang had nemeses in “Team Squall”, that is, Tarvek (violet) and Vi (indigo). Chatlog 2: Vriska asking Eridan for help forming an alliance with them, because of course Eridan and Tarvek would be fashion nerd snob friends. Chatlog 3: group chat of Teams Scourge and Squall +, unfortunately, Eridan. Vileta insists she doesn’t even like this game and she just plays to make sure Tarvek doesn’t get himself killed, because of some oath her ancestor swore to his. The others are all like, “so…moirails?” Tarvek and Vi simultaneously: EW, NO, GROSS. Then they all get back to planning, you know, vengeance of Gil and Bang.
Chatlog 4: Gil chiding Bang for setting Vriska’s coat on fire again, as well as Eridan. Not his clothes - Eridan entirely. Aflame. DF: well ma¥be ¡ƒ ¥ou ha∂n’t been too bus¥ ƒl¡rt¡ng w¡th ¥our k¡smes¡s to stop her ƒrom tr¥¡ng to m¡n∂control me aga¡n!!!GW: }Tarvek is ~NOT MY KISMESIS~{
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tanoraqui · 9 years
know what, I’m just going to start a list of the best things in this upd8:
[it became a list of my reactions and some theorizing based on the upd8, and sorta long, so cut]
Dave calling Roxy “Mom”, correcting it to “Roxy”, and repeat. And repeat.
“my best best best best best friend”
the oh-so-delicate attempts to dance around the subject of Dirk/Bro. “Attempts” is the key word here.
Dersedorks: a friendly family psychiatry business
Rose is enjoying herself far too much rn
Dave evidently has two modes, Obsessive Projection of Image vs. No Filter Whatsoever and I’m completely loving it
he also totally ships John/Roxy
Dave really really does have a problem with making everything into an innuendo, geez.
Roxy seems okay with the implication of Dave/Jake though. 
update on the first bullet point: it gets even better oh lord
update on the third bullet point. ALSO GETS EVEN BETTER. “and maybe a better person to have it with than me” “…” “do you like orange soda” “no” “NO??”
Dave saying “y’all” when talking to a single person is also great btw. more people need to write this kid with a deep Texan accent because you know he has one.
“what about your quest” THANK YOU, DAVE. {I firmly believe all the kids are going to have to complete their quests or at least talk to their denizens before this is over, and Rose’s was clearly important.)
“I can't squeeze it in before the battle. And after, we'll have supposedly "won"” *hysterical laughter from reader who knows better not even because Caliborn’s shitty vines but oh Rose, have you been living the same comic I’ve been reading? last time there was a Plan you created the Sun you were trying to destroy…*
THIS IS A FANTASTIC USE OF SPRITE KERNEL OH MY GOD ARE WE GOING TO DO JOHN NEXT AND HAVE ALL THE BETA KIDS THIS IS SO GREAT. she’ll probably die because having repeat players seems unallowed (unless - no, even if Davesprite is out there somewhere.) But OMG GOOD GOING JASPERSPRITE YOU’RE THE BEST GHOST KITTY/GAME CONSTRUCT EVER.
“DAVE: thanks ghost cat great job” “JASPERSPRITE: :3 :3 :3″ Damn straight.
aahhhh Light players and their projections of narrative (I mean they’re not technically wrong, just…generally wrong.) Oh Rosey-posey, no sweetie, don’t you feel like you have no goal and you’re nothing but an observer. You are a magnificent fucker-upper of shit, you analyze and organize and tbh could probably totally lead your session though it’s true that John’s a better, um, center of the group. Though it’s also true that I don’t really see Rosesprite going anywhere - if Rose touched her, would she be absorbed into the sprite or would she become a Spritely God Tier like Jade? SUPER SEER. seems fair; John also has extra powers now, and Dave as the Supermegaultra Pimp-Slaying Sword of Destiny. 
seriously though, love how Dave’s questions are all Let’s Be Friends get-to-know-you level and Roxy’s are all Sleepover level. Y’all are adorable and I for one cannot wait until Roxy formally adopts Dave. There will be papers and a ceremony I’m sure. Dad and his kids will provide the desserts. 
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tanoraqui · 10 years
rose lalonde
opening lines of “Amsterdam" of course: "I’m sorry, mother… I’m sorry, I let you down / Well, these days I’m fine - No these days I tend to lie”
Neon Jungle’s "Take Me to Church" cover is my hemostuck!Rosemary song, again from the first lines: “My lover’s got humor / She’s the giggle at a funeral / Knows everybody’s disapproval”
“Landsailor" is the one true Beta Kids song, fight me. They’re even in order, second verse being Rose’s. "Lightbringer / Tamer of night / Blossom of hours unleashed / Make me a law bender / All equalized / Saved from the chill and heat / Your power flows through me transformed / Here’s where I was born" Then after the musical interlude I’d bring in the alpha kids, 2 lines per person, and the last verse would be everyone being badass together oh if only I had art skills.
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tanoraqui · 10 years
The first body that ever went missing (in Homestuck) was actually just Kanaya waking up and saying, "fuck this 'being dead' thing, I'm (blood)thirsty." Given that vampirism is traditionally passed through bites and there's nothing to say Rose and Kanaya didn't get at least a little kinky on the asteroid, I choose to believe that daywalkerism/vampirism is transmittable cross-species and Rose just got up and wandered off of her own accord, possibly fearing that she would drain her best friend and mother/daughter if she stayed where she could smell their blood. This is canon until proven otherwise.
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