elayagaia · 6 years
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Very magical and filled with Light New Moon and Diwali :) Diwali is the Festival of Light happening in India now :) Linked to Beautiful Goddess Lakshmi and God Ganesha :) Beings of Abundance, Light, Love, Wisdom :) Protective Forces... As it is the New Moon, it is a beautiful time to tune within and see clearly all we wish to manifest :) Connecting deeply with Lady Moon and all of her mysterious magic :) Diwali is a time for lighting candles and letting the fire of Light rise within... May Light flourish in every heart tonight and may Light Waves of the Heart do Miracles tonight across the World. #diwali #ganesha #lakshmi #newmoon #newmoonritual #spreadthelight #firewithin #moonmysteries #letlightshine #lightworkers #healer #abundance #divinelove #divinelight #protectiveforces #moonguidance #moonrituals #moonmagic #newmoontime #elayagaia #elayamagic #sacredlight #thankyouIndia #inlovewiththemoon #candlelight #sacredfireoflove https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp5WAxcAO1C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1njp3l8mwbeln
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dirkgentle · 6 years
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💛💛💛 Valentine’s for my beloved girlfriend @protectiveforce, whom I adore just as much as Dirk adores Todd! 💛💛💛
( Because some beginnings deserve to be celebrated! )
I commissioned this beautiful artwork from the ever so talented @sadfishkid, who is a very lovely person and whose art is just to die for !! Please consider commissioning her to treat yourself ( or your girlfriend ... ) to a gorgeous thingie to stare at! ✨
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gentlejack · 4 years
⚢         ooc: This is the first TRULY emotionally fulfilling blog I’ve ever had --- I have nothing but fantastic threads I am 100% invested in, all my partners are amazing, Anne is thriving, and I even get to write her with Ann Walker, which is something I never in a million years thought possible, considering the niche-ness of the show !!  I’m just really happy with the way everything is going for the first time since ... practically the beginning of this hobby?
Maybe the true secret was writing a lesbian all along. 
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stupiidgood · 5 years
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shawn + dirk gently, holistic detective + todd brotzman, his...todd
@dirkgentle @protectiveforce
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snakeley · 5 years
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🐍ooc: Idiot on the left ( @protectiveforce ) and idiot on the right ( me ) having ♬ such a good time, we’re having a ball! ♬
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tendercuriiosity · 5 years
sometimes you should be doing coursework and sometimes you decide to make 37 OCs instead... on a totally unrelated note, anyone want to make suggestions for powers of blackwing subjects?
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ahamartia · 5 years
protectiveforce replied to your post: (my dash is so dead but this is my fault. I have...
-waves- !!!! ��
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normaltothemax · 5 years
@protectiveforce liked for a starter
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“Not to worry, I’m a doctor.” Well, he was the Doctor. Pulling out a penlight, he shone it in the man’s eyes, watching his pupils react to the light. “How’s your head?”
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gnarxta · 5 years
                                     @protectiveforce     \ ​         s.c.
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       “  .... Do you ever think about Area 51 ...?  ”
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penguinpositivity · 5 years
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@protectiveforce writes the perfect Todd Brotzman and continues to dish out the most amazing fanfictions for a tiny niche fandom. She's a wonderful person all around, a total darling, a creative firework, and frankly I just love her. <3
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powerovernothing · 6 years
Questions? Questions? Tell me about how Korbin and his brothers have been?
Awww, why hello there, my darling Sarah!
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So, let’s see here, in regards to how the boys have been over the last little while:
(*~*Updates, And Lore Related Talk Behind The Cut~!*~*)
In terms of their storyline in general, they have been taking a little bit of a much needed break from the crazy world in which they inhabit! Nothing really new has been happening in terms of adventures, as I am currently doing my best to finalize some of their older tales, so I can get around to uploading them on both here and Ao3 when they’re finally finished.
As of right now I am currently around 80% completed with a hurt/comfort story based around Lucien and Korbin, entitled “Everything’s Alright”.
Next on the list will be editing a humorous oneshot with the title “Bruma Winters, vs The Knight, The Emperor, And The Assassin.”, along with a currently untitled, more serious although gentle, one shot dealing with Lucien soothing Martin in the aftermath of Mysterium Xarxes related nightmares, and then one where Lucien endures nightmares himself. (”In The Dark Of The Night”)
Ironically, all of these are based around the concept of sleep, as it seems that even after all these years, I cannot let go one of my favorite things to do while I’m writing. And that is to end an emotional story with the characters falling asleep together. Should I probably try to find more creative ways to end my tales? Probably! But will I? Most likely not, hah!
And there is also my take on The Battle of Dagon, entitled “If This Is To End In Fire”, which is currently at around 60% completed – at around 12K words – but is on hiatus because of the length, and the fact that I lost sight of where the story was heading at the moment. But it should be picked up sooner or later!
If any of you guys are curious about these stories, or any of the others that I am currently working on, please feel free to drop me a message! Inbox, or Ims, I assure you that I never mind talking about them, and I welcome your curiosity with open arms!
However, if you are curious as to what the newest thing I have done for them lately was, well it was a touch of characterization and world building, actually!
I gave Martin’s adoptive father – the one who raised him on the farm, as he mentions in game when you find him in the Kvatch chapel – a proper name, backstory, and personality. When you look at Darius Surus at first glance, you probably wouldn’t really notice anything familiar, but if you know my past and one of my favorite old and lovable shames… Yeah, Darius is based off of Jonathan Kent because I couldn’t help myself. Outside of that, I also gave him an extended role in Martin’s life, and made his death be the reason that my version of Martin turned to drinking – and ultimately towards Sanguine.
Angsty, perhaps, but then again, have you met me?
Outside of that, I also did more development for Korbin’s mother, Erisia Kynrick, and his father Corvus Redd, who were incredibly loyal Dibella worshipers and who believed their love making to be tainted once Erisia became pregnant with Korbin, and assumed that their Daedra Lord would look down upon them for what they had done – when in reality it would have been anything but, as Dibella would have favored Korbin highly by having been conceived from an intimacy session in her honor – and from their own selfish fears, lead them to abandoning Korbin at the age of five on the streets of the Waterfront in the Imperial City.
Again, incredibly angsty, but rest assured that even though they abandon Korbin outright, and go on to enjoy their lives without hardly a blink of an eye in relation to what they did to their son, they wind up getting their karma in the form of a shadowy protector years down the road. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that Lucien murdered a family member for a sake of a contract, or personal feelings.
But outside of that, and outside of some Next Gen related conversations that I have been having with my dear friends in the Discord Server, not much has really been happening lately! There’s the occasional Incorrect Quote here and there, and some Sims related shenanigans, but overall it’s been pretty relaxed! And honestly I think the boys deserve to take a little break now and again, don’t you?
Thanks again for asking, and I hope you enjoy these answers~! Lots of love and kisses for you! ♥~
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Wanna drop me a message, pick at my brain, or ask about something relating to my Oblivion related stuff? Feel free~! Just be warned my replies may be kind of lengthy, hehe!
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brtzmn-blog1 · 6 years
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 A brother and sister who disagree on everything, except                             for how much they love one another.
                                       todd brotzman & amanda brotzman 
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dirkgentle · 5 years
dghda fic rec thingie !! 
Listen, I still don’t know how any of this works, but I must - MUST - recommend the works of the ever so talented @superhiro ( who happens to be my girlfriend, by the way, shh just let me brag for a hot sec ), because I can absolutely never get enough of Sarah’s writing! To say her characterisation is flawless would be an understatement, and to call her language merely brilliant an insult, and no, I am not biased, thank you very much! I’m not much of a fanfiction reader, for reasons of time management, easily computer-screen-triggered headaches, trying to avoid subconsciously copying the ideas of another writer, and being quite protective of certain character portrayals, but I’ve adored @superhiro‘s fics since well before we got together. She writes a flawless Todd and a marvellous Dirk and manages to pull off every single supporting character in so effortless a fashion I’m often left completely bewildered by her talent, so --- long story short, go read her stuff! 
It's Late And I Can't Help But Need You 3908 words, very fluffy, sweet as sugar, Brotzly.  Dirk finds himself struggling to fall asleep and decides that there is only one remedy in the world that could possibly help him -- to show up at Todd Brotzman’s flat in  the middle of the night and also snog him silly. Please read this if you’ve always wanted a sweetness-induced cavity. Love confessions, cuddles and exclusive kissing privileges, what more could you want? :)  Even If You Cannot Hear My Voice 62794 words (holy shit, man. holy shit), Brotzly, hurt/comfort, cw for character death (though at least it’s temporary ...) and a certain amount of emotional and physical whump, but also, I have been promised, lots of fluffiness to make up for it.  The fic that has killed me just as efficiently as it’s killed ... well, I don’t want to put out any spoilers. Fact is, if you like suspense, cases gone terribly wrong, desperate not-quite-boyfriends ready to sacrifice everything for each other, hurt (lots of hurt. lots and lots of hurt. these words will personally break into your bedroom and stab you about a bazillion times.), horrible separations, Todd Brotzman nearly losing his mind (again), love defeating even the greatest enemy, and suitably dramatic reunions, then this should be your go-to to get you through the winter months. Please note that I have not yet finished reading this fic because I’m a wimp and have only so many tears to shed, but perhaps you’ll prove yourself a stronger person.  How to Work Through Sticky Situations (Both Figurative and Literal) 3366 words, Brotzly, light-hearted and silly, lots of fluff and actual sweetness, definitely good for a bit of a chuckle after the above fic ripped out your heart !!  This was written for last year’s spook fest and I’ve re-read it several times, because it’s simply one of the dumbest, but also most gorgeous little ficlets in the world. So cute it’s going to haunt you regularly even a year later. I don’t want to give too much away, but I am going to tell you this much: Todd Brotzman. Dirk Gently. Thirty pies. What could go wrong? Everything.  What it Means to Love You 9812 words (ridiculous, given that this was supposed to be a short one), Brotzly, demon hamsters, love confessions, amazingness.  Written for the DGHDA Valentine’s thingie, this amazing fic is dedicated to ... oh, modesty forbids me from saying it, but this story certainly holds a special little place in my heart. Todd finds himself faced with the problem of having fallen in love with his best friend (maybe. probably. definitely? come on, buzzfeed quizzes would never lie to you), and obviously, the epitome of emotional stuntedness and dorky awkwardness ensues. It takes a lot of fretting, frantic conversations, demonic rodents, dark magic and a brush with death, before ... pffft. As if I’m going to tell you. Go read for yourself. 
TLDR; Sarah is fantastic, and she also writes a more-canon-than-canon Todd over at @protectiveforce, and if you’re not reading her stuff and following her, clearly you need a wake-up call. This is it. 💛💛💛
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waywardfeathered · 6 years
@protectiveforce hearted !
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           “Are you without a shelter, too?” Because the man has been sitting there for a very long time. And Cas may not have the means to help him, being homeless himself, being without as much as a dollar to his name, but he at least has his empathy to offer. “Humans… this life is so fragile.”
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stupiidgood · 5 years
@dirkgentle @protectiveforce holistic squad + shawn hcs you didn’t need
shawn rollin up in front of todd’s place blasting the horn “GET IN LOSERS WE’RE GOING SHOPPING”
shawn giving todd an entire lesson on actual mexican funerals and dia de muertos without even meaning to, one thing just sort of led to another,
shawn wearing dirk’s jackets when he isn’t looking
shawn stealing dirk’s jacket off todd to wear while he isn’t looking
dirk and shawn standing off to the side muttering about Important Psychic Stuff but really they’re just sharing cat memes
catch shawn flirting with amanda
shawn: i’m psychic
todd: D: 
dirk: :D
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snakeley · 5 years
just when we decided to limit the number of our threads for @protectiveforce <3 
      To run a pet shop. 
      No, he doesn’t bloody know what got into him to come up with such a stinky, dung-heap-rotten idea. A whole brainful of stupidity, by the looks of it. 
      The official story, presented to Hell’s record keepers whenever they deign to push their prying noses into his business, is that there’s hardly a more efficient way to spread pestilence and blood-curdling terror throughout the vast continent of North America than the illegal import of such internationally shunned creatures as hamsters and stick insects. They never bother googling any of the creatures Crowley names with sensational gestures and dramatic tones. As far as Downstairs are concerned, humanity knows no fear more archaic than chinchillas. 
      Unofficially: sod off. So WHAT if he likes the company, does that make him any less of a demon? No, he blasted well didn’t think so. Never got along swimmingly with horses, him - not even gallopingly -, but tossing a handful of mealworms to a bunch of hungry scorpions is easy enough. It’s not like he’s fond. It’s not like he cares. The pesky buggers keep him entertained, is all. And in fact, isn’t he honouring the age-old devilish virtue of regarding thriving lives as little more than a personal SPORT to delight in? 
      What’s less delighting is strolling to work in the early noon hours and finding the shop raided, the windows broken, the cages mostly empty but for a few particularly lazy individuals who clearly couldn’t be arsed to betake themselves to flight. 
      Hell didn’t do this. They’d have burned the place to a non-vegetarian crisp. As for the smug suit-wearing bastards Up There? Nah. They’ve been letting the planet slide lately, barely even investing a second thought into the upkeep of generalised holiness. Doesn’t bode well for the future of humanity, that ------ but today, Crowley couldn’t give less of a quarter of a shit. One of those apple-eating, misconstructed semi-furless apes did this. Made him step over the spiky-edged shards of his front door, make him search his way through the bedlam of shattered terrariums, dreading the sight of small bodies amidst the destruction. 
That was thirty minutes ago.
      No bodies so far. Just two unharmed Greek tortoises who didn’t quite feel the prospect of a morning jog, and his snakes. All of his snakes. ‘Course they’d never leave him, just as he couldn’t sell them to save his immortal bacon. He spent the past half hour collecting them with utmost caution, running his anger-heated hands along their bodies to heal minor cuts and bruises and soothing them with hisses in a language long forgotten by the world at large. Now, bespangled with silky-skinned, undulating reptiles like a cult-decorated Christmas tree, the demon is sat behind the counter, head in his hands, staring a hole into the wooden tabletop. Very slowly, it begins to burn and sends a hair-thin whorl of smoke towards the ceiling. 
      Moments later, the fire alarm blares to life. 
      A spray of cold water comes hosing down on him. Great. It’s pissing indoors. Just what he needed. 
      A set of hesitant noises by the door, along with a distinct sensation of human, alerts the serpent to an intruder. No point in looking up. He doesn’t want to see a SINGLE member of that wretched species today. 
      “ 'M closed. ”  (  Fuck off. )   “ Go away. ‘S the Great Flood in here. ” And no boat or rainbow in sight. 
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