#provincehumans bohol
countryshitposts · 5 years
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Doodle dump ft. Philip's family and America water colors and her pining for Japan
Also yeah in my hcs Philip is estranged from his brothers, Cebu and Bohol are older while Bangsamoro is the youngest of Sugbu's children
Cebu, even tho he's one of the most religious places here, seems to still embrace his tribal roots (along with other cities here, of course) but he doesn't like his younger brother. At all.
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countryshitposts · 5 years
Las Islas Filipinas
since i can’t find data on what people did as children or adults that doesn’t involve politics in pre-colonial Philippines (thanks a lot Spanish Empire) i decided to keep it vague
2- spain: this is my land now! sugbu: um, i rule this land, which means it’s mine. spain: *gasps* a woman??? ruling a land??? EW!!! that’s so against God and the bible! who gave you the right? sugbu: God up above? spain: you damned witch!
There was nothing eventful happening today, as always. Sugbu sighs as she continues on with her work, trying to make her village stable. Bohol was busy with his duties outside of her, so she was free to roam around her land. She had been here for as long as she can remember, the scenery unchanging, like calm waters waiting to be disturbed by a single or multiple people all at once, to create a big wave that will send them plummeting to their downfall and deaths.
Needless to say, mundane and normality is now sickening her, and now she wishes for something interesting to come from the skies or the seas, and prays to the gods, tired of the normality of this life. As much as she would like peace and tranquility, no swaying of trees, she also wants adventure and something that can entertain her.
Sugbu goes back to her home, one of the grandest in her land, because, of course, she was the leader of this village, and she is greeted by her servants that help her with her works and children.
Speaking of her children, they were both playing with other servant children, their joy making her sentimental. Sooner or later they will have to get their tattoos soon, to retell their lives in a set of grand illustrations dancing on their bodies.
"Hello mama!", Cebu greets his mother, standing up from the ground and hugging his mother, with Bohol following behind them. Sugbu delightfully scoops both of them up and perches them on her shoulders, smiling and laughing herself.
"Kamuta rin sa inyo, mga anak ko", she says warmly, a feat and move that rarely crosses her personality. She, from all her years of leadership and learning, had never expressed the need to be warm with her subjects, unless it's for pure gratitude and showing that she actually has kindness.
Sugbu went rogue from the archipelago and established her own rajahnate here in this island, peacefully living and trading with the others all around her. She met Bohol when she was fighting those damned Moro pirates coming from another island, and they fell in love quickly. Of course, that doesn't mean that they were matinud-anon, as they have a couple marriages outside of their marriage. But Bohol - the child - and Cebu made her life special.
"Rajah Sugbu!", one of her fellow subjects say, running up to her in a full state of shock and panic. "Mga dagkong balangay nga namintal duol sa among mga isla!"
Sugbu's eyes widen as she follows the boy towards the coasts of the island. The golden sand seems to become duller in color when she steps afoot, as if Bathala is warning her of an omen waiting to come, if she dares let these strangers come to their home. Perhaps they were just the Intsik who are willing to trade with them again. Or, perhaps, it was the Moro pirates again. She turns towards the boy, who was still in fear, and she wonders why some are afraid of a anino nga higante. It is the knowledge and wisdom that matters in a fight, but not physical strength, from what she had learned throughout her life, even now.
"Tawagan ang mga sundalo sundalo sa baybayon ug siguruha nga andam silang makig-away kung mahulga sila!", Sugbu says towards the boy, and the boy nods his head as he calls for the gathering of the armies.
Sugbu stands at guard, as these balangay start to get closer. She hears the sound of many thundering footsteps, and she didn't look back to find herself already surrounded by her army, getting ready to defend their ruler against this brand new threat. Then, the fog, as if the deities of clouds lift the air of invisibility away, fades, and they are now looking at giant balangays, and in the first time in her life, she feels the ever present fear tingling down her spine. From the corner of her eye, she sees Bohol and Cebu staring.
"Bohol, Cebu", Sugbu whispers, and they both face her.
"Po, Mama?", they both say at the same time.
"I need you two to alert your father. I know that it will be a hard journey towards his domain, but you will be accompanied by my servants to guide you there safely." Both Bohol and Cebu nodded, and Sugbu urged her servants to follow them.
The boats stop right in front of them, and while the others back away or start to run towards their villages again, Sugbu stands still, fists clenched, mustering the courage to try and walk towards the boat's entrance, but she need not do that; it opens itself, and a plank was delivered right in front of her. She furrows her brows, as a silhouette of a man appears right in front of her. He walks down the planks, talking in some sort of foreign language that she cannot understand, as he halts right in front of her. He was quite tall, he must be a half-god or a giant.
"Espanya", he says, as he kneels down and takes one of Sugbu's hands, which were punctured with tattoos, "Mi nombre es Espanya, mi senyora."
And Sugbu can feel the god's from up above breaking her independence.
Translations (note: i used google translate so if i got something wrong correct me):
so actually, the Rajahnate of Cebu’s language was Old Tamil and Old Malay, but, uh, idk
kamusta rin sa inyo, mga anak ko= how are you too, my children, in Filipino
matinud-anon= faithful in Cebuano
Mga dagkong balangay nga namintal duol sa among mga isla= there are big balangay spotted near our islands
balangay= a small boat for fishing or naval interactions, used by the pre-colonial Filipinos
Bathala= supreme deity of the Filipino pantheon
Intsik= Chinese in Cebuano
anino nga higante= ‘shadowy giant’ in Cebuano (some words can also be translated to Tagalog, ya know)
Tawagan ang mga sundalo sundalo sa baybayon ug siguruha nga andam silang makig-away kung mahulga sila= ‘call the soldiers to the shore and make sure they’re getting ready to fight if they start to threaten’ in Cebuano
the terms ‘po’ and ‘opo’ are polite terms referred to someone older than them, and it would be considered disrespectful if you do not say these terms to the elderly of give them a ‘mano po’.
Mi nombre es Espanya, mi senyora= ‘my name is Spain, my lady,’ in, well Spanish
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countryshitposts · 5 years
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i'm absolutely disappointed with how this all was drawn, especially my decision to not include the tattoos in *yet*, because i'm a coward and i've been redrawing the tattoos. But you can see that her wrists have tattoos. I'll update her design with the tattoos when I stop being a baby. She's based off of Lapu-Lapu, the guy who beat the shit out of Magellan.
the format of the whole reference is by @redffeather
Anyways, meet Sugbu, or formally, the Rajahnate of Cebu. She's really, really old, probably older than Spain but younger than the Luzon Empire. Her life before settling in Cebu is unknown. She's the Philippines, Province of Cebu and Bohol's, and Bangsamoro's mother. She was married to Pre-Colonial Bohol before Spain, but she fell in love with Spain while he was staying in her land. However, she got paranoid with the way Spain treats her subjects and making them convert to Christianity. She launched an attack on Spain while she was pregnant and won, almost killing Spain if he hadn't reached his ships on time. Sugbu gave birth to the Philippines, who was first called Maharlika by her. Later she has a fling with the Sultanate of Sulu which produced Bangsamoro, who'll later become an autonomous region. Years later, Spain comes back for revenge and thirst for colonization, and won against her, taking Philippines with him as he conquered the land whole. She would live on until the Martial Law Era, where her son kills her.
next is probably Philippines, probably
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