I might be late but... Happy birthday, Saggy 😉🎉🎈
Nah, just in time, prune kid. Thanks. Yanno’ what’d make a great birthday gift though? That promised sweater of yours… I’ve got the memory of an elephant. 🌝
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k0zue · 7 years
Oi, prunekid. You still in Europe?
I think I sensed your saggy-self coming, so I took the quickest flight back to Tokyo. I left Europe yesterday.
But please have a great time in France! 🇫🇷❣️ Safe flight and all the rest. Souvenirs, please 😌
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Properly thinking about this, the first three words when I think of you are: unusual, humorous (uh.. I hate to admit it) and slightly artful.
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Saggy goat-lover ✨
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@k0zue This is officially on the record, kid 🌝
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when @k0zue does the job for you 🌝
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k0zue replied to your post 
All y’guys gotta’ do is sploosh. We’re constantly target practicing over ‘ere.
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colour board / still accepting
"I may look calm, but in my head I've killed you three times.” ↳ ( @k0zue )
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k0zue replied to your photo
The only good content on your blog
You’re one to talk, kid. What’s yours got that mine don’t? Hint: nothing. 😤
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69. A song that reminds you of you
Lilac Wine, Jeff Buckley’s rendition but hell if Nina’s don’t work too.
music asks / accepting
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k0zue replied to your post
AS ONE SHOULD. Now say licky boom boom down so I can hold it against you forever.
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Check out @k0zue givin’ me a back massage! You’re a keeper, prunekid. 👍 🌝
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copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, when you are done tag up to ten people and also tag the person who tagged you.
tagged by.  @neonlucija​ - thanks, nerd tagging. @ellixxdj​ @godsqeed​ @morningfilm​ @m-a-d-or-d-i-e​ @k0zue​ @therecordedbutterfly​ @raffinne​ @erbxs​ @oftheoi​, @butterflyheartflutter, @crystalxking, @crxspin, @gunxshine, @hvoli, and whoever else wants to have at it
A - age: 44 B - biggest fear: Freedom lost C - current time: 10:43 pm D - drink you last had: Umeshu E - every day starts with: A morning boner  F - favourite song: Spill the Wine - Eric Burdon & War G - ghosts are they real: Better believe it I - in love with: Life, turbulent as it can be  K - killed someone: Haven’t we all L - last time you cried: Moonlight with prunekid  M - middle name: Sex god, McJerky, Dickwad, take your pick N - number of siblings: Lost count O - one wish: Good hair, I don’t do receding hairlines P - person you last called/texted:  probably Elephant Q - questions you are always asked: "Why ain’t you dead?”, “You gonna’ shut up already?”, “D’you think this is a game?”, and other questions usually fuelled by annoyance R - reasons to smile: Good wine, even better company, wakin’ up to lots of dog fur, shared sidelong looks, and well shot porn there’s only so much shaky cam a guy can take S - song last sang: Diamonds On the Soles of Her Shoes - Paul Simon T - time you woke up: 10 am and only ‘cause I was babysitting, otherwise U - underwear colour: Commando, baby– alright, I lied, they’re black, sue me V - vacation destination: Everywhere and anywhere, who wants to go with W - worst habit: Takin’ things too far X - x-rays you’ve had: None I can think of Y - your favourite food: Moussaka Z- zodiac sign: Scorpio
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k0zue · 7 years
Knew y'had it in you, prunekid. 👌
…. 😊
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k0zue · 8 years
What's the deal with that dino, prunekid?
It’s just chillin’, taking a bite out of my thigh, you know.. Just usual dinosaur stuff 😌✨
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