jnjzksekfjvn · 4 months
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orbitinghetalia · 2 years
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Gilbert isn't just a great storyteller, but also a gifted writer. Yet he only writes in his journals and no one else reads those.
Chiara believes everyone likes her sister's art better since their grandfather took the time to teach her. Now she only paints in when she thinks no one is looking.
For @hwsrarepairweek2022
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temas-misc-gamework · 3 years
Okay I can understand where you’re coming from with the shipping when it comes to the p*do/lo*i/s*ota stuff, that’s disgusting, but you’re basically saying no shipping at this point for the jam games.
I can understand you’re uncomfortable/disgusted with In*est like ships (who wouldn’t be) but by technicalities every nation is related in some way, shape, or form and half were raised by others. Not everyone interprets the characters in the same way that you do. Some characters you may see as brothers/sisters/foster parents someone else might not.
Plus no relationship ever goes completely unproblematic, there’s of course a line at straight up do*estic v*olence and s*xual as*ualt, but you can’t really say no to problematic relationships as there’s always problems in relationships that can be considered problematic even if it’s something minor.
No Teacher-Student Relationships If your game is romantic or has romantic elements; ships must be between two consenting adults in a non-abusive, non-incestual relationship. Ask the judges if you’re unsure if your ship falls into this category.
No shipping of characters directly stated in canon to be siblings or ships in which one nation raised the other from childhood. (Ex. Veneziano and Romano, Norway and Iceland, America and England or Germany and Prussia.)
No Teacher-Student Relationships
No Ped*phillia or L*li/Sh*tac*n ships.
Which means you cannot portray incest (people hima specifically called out as related), pedophillia, loli/shota, teacher/student relationships or characters who raised other characters from childhood.
I never said no problematic ships, you could still have a relationship that was abuse of power in the dynamic if you wanted to create that “drama”, but I mostly said you cannot portray relationships set up in the show to be familial as romantic.
It’s not exactly a high bar to clear. It’s not about deep world built plots, its about the canonly developed relationships.
I can say no “problematic” ships if I want to. If I am not comfortable playing it then I can not comfortably allow it because it wouldn't be fair to the creators of the game because they would not be judged fairly. 
It doesn’t have to be romantic either! Families, found family, friendships and platonic relationships all exist and deserve content too! Showing off family doesn’t mean it has to cross into that line. Romance isn’t the only driving force in the world.
There are tons of ships that are fine. Here. Have a list of examples:
CanUkr, HunUkr, Germano, GerIta, GerAme, PrusIta, ItaPan, AmePan, GerCan, PruCan, RomaBela, ItaBela, ChiCan, ChiFra, RusFra, PrusHun, AmeMano, AmeIta, RusUk, PrUK, FrUk, PortEng,CanMano, RomBul, NedCan, NedPan, RusThai, Giripan, TurkPan, GiriTurk, AmeUkr,
Not Including Nyo Examples or where one is male and the other is female.
Get creative, I’m not changing this rule. These are my boundaries. Have a problem? Go make your game somewhere else, or on your own. You don’t need a jam to publish.
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themirlo · 11 years
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Si lo creo
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bunvolio · 12 years
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