#ps i havent talked about charlie much but she has a boston accent and i love her
courier-sux · 3 years
number three (what do they sound like) for all your oc's!
this has also been in my ask box since november because i thought i could find voice claims for all my ocs, but as it turns out I have a really hard time finding a close match to how they all sound in my head. so here’s some descriptions and references for some of my main ocs! (and voice claims where I have them)
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
Ava: Sounds like the default female sole survivor voice in Fallout 4, Courtenay Taylor. She can sing, whistle, and roll her rs.
Athena: Sounds like Eliza Taylor as Clarke Griffin from The 100 (also a pretty good face claim). She can whistle.
August: Described here! I used Theo James as Four from Divergent as a reference though August’s voice is probably a bit lower.
Jace: Jace’s voice is soft, medium pitch, and has a very slight influence from Hispanic and cowboy (is cowboy an accent?) accents, usually only noticeable when he says certain words. He’s quite good at singing, with Alejandro Manzano and Darren Korb being pretty close voice claims (for singing at least). He can also whistle and roll his rs.
Jackal: Ironically, I have the hardest time nailing Jackal’s voice out of any of my characters even though they’re my most developed. It’s medium pitch, with a bit of a rasp and the same slight Hispanic and cowboy influence as Jace, but with more of an emphasis on cowboy and less on Hispanic. They can sing, whistle, and roll their rs.
Rome: Rome has a deep, husky voice that gets even huskier after she becomes a ghoul. She can roll her rs.
a (somewhat wordy) oc ask game
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