dndfuckhouse · 1 year
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Whistling away the time, floating through the sky...
DAY SEVEN > Keva and Psalm Mess with the Necromancy Book -23/4
DAY NINE > Keva’s Second Follow Up Lesson - 27/4
The Helpful Timeline Diagram
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Psalm and Keva mess with the Necromancy Book - 22/4
The next day keva wrings her wet hair as she makes her way back to her room from the baths. She notes the wrinkles on fingertips, left over from spending long enough in a private bath to get asked to leave.
Keva: the day's just been so boring. there's only so much someone can do on a flying boat, and they still have three more days. her only solace is the nice smelling... things just freely available in the baths. she sniffs the ends of her hair--still somewhat pleasant but definitely undistinguishable. she thinks that she'll make to make sure to take some on her way out as she opens the door, and she finds psalm reading, as he often is. the book looked new though, and the cover was different from the others he usually reads. the letters were large and the colors bright. "are you reading a book for kids?" Psalm: Psalm turns to look at this temporary roommate, concentration broken by her arrival. Not to say that he was concentrating too hard on the book in front of him, since it was in fact a book for kids resting in his lap. "Yes," he says, "it's a 'children's guide to necromancy. Got it from one of the stores in Figstup." Keva: "necromancy... that's like, raising the dead and shit, right? the stuff the letterheads do?" keva makes her way over to her bed to sit, pulling her legs up into a pretzel "didn't take you for a turncoat" Ghester: you hear a misty void echo in both your heads "so far it's mostly been about reviving ancient creatures of the deep, very fascinating stuff..." Psalm: "I'm not a turncoat, I'm bored. And I've no plans to drink with the others for some time after the other day, so.." he gestures vaguely at the book. Keva: keva snorts that someone thought this book would be a good idea "how many ancient creatures have been brought back by kids with nothing better to do, do you think?" Psalm: "Hopefully not too many, don't want to be fighting for the attention of any ancient gods here when I try it for myself." Keva: "what's it say to do?" Psalm: "Well the beginner's stuff is mostly just summoning one or two servant gods to serve the eventual coming of the ancient ones... so nothing too extreme. And I guess it is a children's book so... for now all I have to do is turn off the lights and keep reading." Keva: keva's eyes flit to the side and back for a moment. "wait... are you actually going to?" Psalm: "Of course I am. I said I was bored." He pauses. "Unless you're uncomfortable with necromancy, in which case I won't bother." Keva: keva's gut tells her this is probably a bad idea. it's obviously bad. but..........she's also bored. and it's not like she hasn't seen some weird shit back home anyway, she reasons with herself. after a pause, she gets up to peer over psalm's shoulder, a silent agreement to go along with whatever's about to happen Ghester: "oh how exciting, even more witnesses to your grand experiment psalm" Psalm: Psalm isnt all that surprised that Kevas decided to join him. Boredom is a powerful motivator after all. "Great, because I flipped through and some of these rituals require two people." to keva "Do you mind getting the lights?"
Keva silently climbs up and puts out the oil lamp lighting the room from the ceiling as instructed.
Psalm: “Thank you, now let's see what the next steps are... think we'll need a knife or dagger and some parchment?" since his bags right next to him (he's been sitting on the floor by his bed) he just reaches over and grabs a few sheets and the dagger Henrick gave him. Keva: keva gets her journal out from under her pillow and rips out a few pages from the back. she returns her book to its place before sitting down near psalm. "pretty normal things for summoning an eldritch creature" Psalm: "It's what you do with them that matters probably, but I'd rather it stay simple then having us go fetch some weird crystal from somewhere."
Keva leans over and examines the book, though she cant read anything she’s curious to see what the illustrations look like. She sees little characters drawn in a crude rounded cutesy style, a little man with a whale head and a skeleton in blue robes. Both of them litter the pages throughout next to the written instructions as if helping to explain them. Though they are sometimes rendered over shockingly well painted backgrounds of the ocean and fish she doesn’t recognise from the deep waters.
Keva: "who are these guys? do they have names?" Psalm: "Doesn't seem so? I think they're just characters in the book. Kind of a cute idea honestly." Ghester: "we can have the freedom name them ourselves, i can see myself becoming immersed already" Psalm: "You are concerningly enthusiastic about this." Keva: "and what would you name them, ghester?" Ghester: "well what's the fun if we don't give it some gusto? you've got to get yourself in the spirit psalm" at keva's question he makes an exaggerated humming sound in thought before his voice echoes in your heads again "maybe....willie for the whale? and... hm.... would you say pepper's a cute name?" Keva: "pepper and willie, it is then" keva says with a bit of a laugh. simpler names than she was expecting. "what do pepper and willie say to do next?" Psalm: "Pepper and Willie are telling us that we have to arrange the parchment in a square shape," Psalm says. “Don't think it matters how much we use to achieve this...? It's not really specific." Keva: "like we have to have the full outline of a square? or just the corners?" Psalm: "It just says make a square, but the next step is to draw a shape on it so it's not just the corners." Keva: keva places the parchment on the floor and arranges them as instructed, the edges of the pages touching just so "draw any shape?" she takes out her journal again, pulling out hte quill stuffed into its pages, and grabs her inkwell from her bag. “what if we draw pepper and willie" Psalm: "Not just any shape," he points at a symbol on the page. It looks like a bunch of overlapping pentagrams with a few circles of varying sizes scattered around it. He frowns at it somewhat, no clue where he'd begin drawing that. Keva: keva takes one look and immediately hands the quill and inkwell to psalm. she still isn't forming her e's right--there's no way that's happening. "i'm better with a dagger" Psalm: "Whatever the book requires the dagger for will be your responsibility then." He dips the quill into the ink and begins to draw. Well, let's hope he doesn't fuck this up.
With a deft hand, Psalm skillfully and quickly recreates the diagram from the book over the parchments.
Keva: nice keva's impressed Psalm: Psalm didn't think he had it in him, somewhat impressed with himself for not fucking it up. Anyways, onto the next step. “The book says we have to sit across from each other with the parchment in the middle." Keva: keva doesn't get up but instead scoots her way over to the other side. "what, are they going to tell us to hold hands and say a chant next?" Psalm: He snorts. "Close, we just have to say the chant. Don't tell me you're secretly the author?" Keva: "if i could take credit for pepper and willie, i would, but i'm not that gifted" Psalm: Psalm looks at the decidedly simple whale man and skeleton illustrations for a moment. "I wouldn't say that. Also, I have no idea how to pronounce this." The chant is written in common, probably translated(?), but it's a long string of nonsense.
The first go around Keva messes up slightly repeating after Psalm so they attempt it once more. After the two of them finish chanting with a few less mistakes the second time around, they pause a moment staring at the parchments.
After a beat or so they suddenly see the ink glow a brief blue colour, and spot something begin emerging from the floor between the two of them. Glowing a faint blue and looking as crude as it did in the book, they see the image of little 'Willie' pop out of the floor with an airy flip. Landing on his feet he lifts his arms making little squeaking sounds. Soon after they spy a little pile of bones trickle in from above their heads, with a prolonged shaking sound the pile suddenly forms into the image of Pepper!
The two look at each other as Pepper makes rattling sounds if if they were speaking, before the two begin doing little rolls and hops across the square of parchment, performing a little show.
Psalm: Psalm is just staring at them like 😲 "That is not at all what I was expecting."
Keva reaches out to tap Willie on the head with her finger, though it phases through him as if he weren't there, he doesn't seem to notice her at all as he continues on with his little performance
Psalm: "Maybe Pepper and Willie are the servants," Psalm jokes. Keva: "i mean, maybe" keva tries to catch pepper with a hand, even knowing he'll phase through. "are these just like... magic pictures?"
After Keva says that the two see Pepper and Willie take stances on either end of the square and gesture. Soon after they see the image of a realistic giant whale emerge and swim through the air, from one the end of the parchment to another. It’s followed by little schools of fish and a parade of various sea creatures. After a minute the creatures become a little more horrific and distorted looking in strange ways, but they move around the same as the others. Willie and Pepper roll around underneath in some sort of jaunty routine.
Psalm: "Huh." Keva: keva's entranced for a few moments watching sea creatures she's never seen alive and moving, but jerks her head back the smallest bit as they start to warp Psalm: "Well that's disturbing." He flips the page, "anyways, lets continue." Keva: she seems to let out a breath of relief "okay, so they're not supposed to look like that" Psalm: "I mean it's a necromancy book, I don't think it'd display regular fish. That'd be somewhat anticlimactic." Keva: "well, they started pretty normal-looking" and then she mumbles under her breath "not that i've seen a lot of fish until recently" Psalm: "It doesn't really say what the purpose of that last spell was beyond 'summoning the servants', but we can't move onto the 'higher level' ones since it has to be done sequentially it seems..." he's just kinda rambling now as he flips through “For what it's worth I don't think fish generally tend to look like that." Keva: "a relief they don't" she says as she peers at one a little more closely while grimacing Psalm: "I think the second ritual requires an offering...? Doesn't say what kind." Keva: "uhhh" keva grabs some of food she saved from lunch earlier in the day and places it on the parchment Psalm: "Yeah why not." Psalm sees no issue with this considering the title of the book. “Then...another symbol, this time drawn around the offering." Keva: "how many spells are there to this?" she wonders aloud Psalm: "Seems there's five total? I think the other three are just summoning different types of gods though. The steps are pretty similar."
Keva takes the quill to have a go at drawing lines this time. Though a little wobbly, she completes the circle around the offering. The ink glows blue again as she finishes and from the ground rises a giant whale creature, mouth first as if it were snapping up the offering in its jaws as it continues drifting upwards into the air.
Though shrunken in scale to be the same size of the two of them, they can tell it's much bigger than the other creatures from earlier. Barnacles and a tens of flippers adorn its sides, it's beady eyes glance in all directions as it lets out the sound of a whale cry. Below, Pepper and Willie make little synchronised rolls before they gesture at the creature. They see little crude handwritten text pop up in the air above the image of the whale in front of them.
"Whoa! You just summoned Rraud'KunBinkur! How cool!"
Psalm: "How cool..except that this thing is huge and our room is tiny enough as is with two people."
Keva scoots back from the parchment as the whales makes its way upwards and moves around the room. She can't take her eyes off it, and without thinking reaches out to try and touch it again. Similarly to Willie before, her hand simply phases through it.
Keva: "not gonna lie... this is pretty awesome" she says as she watches the whales drift around them "what's next?" Psalm: "Yeah honestly I was expecting nothing to happen, and that the book was just being figurative." He flips to the next page. Keva: "hopefully whatever comes out next doesn't get much bigger" Psalm: Psalm checks the book to see if there's any indication of the size of what they are about to summon next, but as expected, there isn't. Oh well. "Guess we'll just have to see for ourselves." After skimming through the instructions quickly he says, "This one doesn't require a chant, but we have to hold hands over another symbol and just...wait for a few minutes?" He makes up his face a bit, "that's all? That can't be right." Keva: keva looks away from the whale to raise an eyebrow at psalm. she doesn't have a reason to think psalm might be taking advantage of the fact she can't read to confirm what he's saying but the thought still crosses her mind. seeing his usually stoic face twist a bit, she says "careful there, you'll get wrinkles" Psalm: Psalm just shrugs "I was just expecting us to have used the knife by now, is all. There's no complicated eldritch chant either." In any case he picks up the inkwell and attempts to draw the next symbol.
Psalm sets about drawing the next symbol with immaculate penmanship, as he does he hears Ghester pipe up again in their minds.
Ghester: "i do wonder if this is partly a ruse to force children to sit still together for a few minutes...?" Psalm: "Kind of a roundabout way to do it considering the only way to get this spell to work seems to include summoning a whale and two cartoon characters." Ghester: "If i was entertained by such beautiful imagery i wouldn't be crying too much at my mother's ankle i think" Psalm: "I would be crying for an entirely different reason yeah." Ghester: he lets out a chuckle "kids do love the... creepy crawlies don't they?" Psalm: "Not all kids, myself included."
The two join hands and wait for a couple of minutes, eventually good ol’ binker' makes it way back over towards them. It swims through the ‘o’ shape the two form with both their arms back into the parchment and the ground, out of sight.
In its wake emerges a thin long sea serpent, it coils out quickly, looping through the air as they hear the sound of water splashing echo around the room. Much thinner than it's whale friend, it makes up for it with its length as it swims around the air above their heads. They see the same crude handwriting appear below it in the air again as willie and pepper hop over their arms.
"Wow! You've just summoned Stot'klull! How fun!"
Psalm: That being said Psalm is somewhat relieved that they don't have to deal with a whale taking up all the space in their room, albeit that relief is evidently short-lived. Keva: keva watches it swirl above them "are all these creatures real? or are they from stories?" Psalm: "I have no idea. Eldritch stuff isn't my preferred genre of novel." Keva: "do you know anything about them, ghester? being i assume pretty old yourself" Ghester: "i have heard tale of our friends Stot' and Binkur' before in fact, though i wonder just how old you assume me to be madam?" he hums in thought "They're said to be great beings from the outer elemental planes, though others like to say they're denizens that lay in the deep of our very own. Perhaps they simply come to visit every now and again?" he chuckles at his own joke "I can't speak for how accurate these depictions themselves are, though detailed, they could simply follow the fancies of their creator, I've never gazed upon them myself. They are said to be a great whale and eel in most sightings or tales for what that is worth." Psalm: "Probably for the best, since the book says if you look at them directly you go insane." Ghester: "Ooh! The natural enemy for you then our watchful gaze?" Psalm: "Would make my job a lot harder for sure." Ghester: ghester laughs again at that
Keva: keva kinda squints at psalm a bit hearing this conversation but she has a gut feeling that psalm won't tell her even if she asks. fuck it she'll try "what is your job anyway?" Psalm: Psalm thinks for a bit, eyes focused upwards as he does so. "I don't mean an actual job, for starters. And the details are vague at best." He shrugs. "Ask Ghester." As he watches the eel swim around he realises something "I think we can stop holding hands now." Keva: keva blinks and pulls her hands away, tucking them under her legs. she turns her eyes upwards too while she forces a slight blush down. "at least i can trust you to answer my questions, right" at ghester "what's this guy's deal?" Psalm: "That makes it sound like there's something wrong with me..😥" Ghester: at Keva's insistence he chuckles a little "Our boy Psalm here was tasked by our dear patron from beyond the plane to witness as much as he can of the world. In exchange he was granted a little aid, and a new companion in myself" he says the next part a little proudly "The one and only Ghester, erstwhile man, sharpened blade and friendly ally" the tone of his voice soon returns to normal again "-Though you are already aware of that part." Psalm: "I have a dog too now, actually, so make that two companions. Don't tell the others just yet though." Ghester: "Ah, very true! another good ally in your midst" he seems in a good mood Keva: "i don't know what 'erstwhile' means but you are quite friendly, i can confirm" she laughs a bit "where's your dog? seems like we're slowly becoming a circus." Psalm: "Means he used to be a man, but no longer is one. Which I guess is obvious since, you know" gestures vaguely at his own head. "And the dog, well, you can't see it. It's inhabiting my shadow right now." Keva: "so like a ghost? did you die, ghester?" Psalm: "..........Sure? Don't think that's quite right." Ghester: he hear a sound as if he were repressing his amusement at the question "i do not know, there is a lot i remember of life yet i don't know that. an interesting thought though isn't it?" Keva: keva hmms before asking "what's your favorite memory you have then?" Ghester: he hums in thought, though less theatrically than his usual. "a favourite? that is something I hadn't put too much thought towards" after a few moments you hear him speak again in his wispy voice "i have one of being somewhere where it was blindingly light, where my feet would clack on the floor when i would walk, someone following at my side. eventually after i keep walking i find myself in a grand beautiful garden, warmed by the sun. though i cant recall how it looked or why i was there, a great warmth always seems to fill me when i recall the place." he chuckles "apologies for being none too clear, though I cant quite help it in this case." Psalm: "Yes, being clear is what your best quality, not at all in contrast to how you usually are. /s" Ghester: "you'd blame an old man for his senility? too cruel Psalm..." he snickers good naturedly Psalm: "You're an old man? News to me 🤨 " Ghester: "Yes, as old as tiiiii-me... I jest. Well we both know I've seen centuries by at this point, existing as i do now, would that not make me quite aged?" Psalm: "Well, there's a difference between being an ancient being, and an old man." Ghester: he laughs "the distinction means so much to you?" Psalm: "I mean think of it this way, if say, Finn lived another thousand or so years as a vampire he'd be an ancient being of sorts, but not physically an old man. That's what I mean." Ghester: he seems amused by the explanation "well ive told you before, he looked to be middle aged when i recall the body, as old as someone young and green as you would consider i suppose." Keva: "a rich man then, were you?" keva rests her elbow on her knee and then her chin on her hand. "or do you remember much of who you used to be?" Ghester: he laughs "wouldn't it be fun if that were true? I remember having a body once, though I cant say if it was mine" he thinks a moment "rather than who, it's snippets of feelings and sensations, though i think i did once think myself quite skilled with weaponry." Keva: "do you have a hunch about whether you chose to become an old not-a-man or not?" Psalm: he hums again "i do not know, though i am only made to know what i need, as so far as our patron deems. though that in itself is suspect wouldn't you say" he thinks "i find it hard to care much though for things i do not remember, it's not as if i will find out how i came to be ruminating in any case" Psalm: "Hmmmmm whatever you say," shrugs
Keva: "who is this patron anyway?" keva asks as she peeks again at the book, curious about what other creature might be next. Psalm: "No idea." Psalm also looks at the book, wondering if the next one requires more symbol drawing. Keva: keva looks from the book to psalm "...wait, so you don't know who you've made a deal with?" Psalm: "No, implying I 'made the deal' of my own volition." Keva: keva leans back on her hands, considering psalm for a moment. "so... is it like what you think happened to orin then? that thing you mentioned when we agreed to meet with vorde?" Psalm: "Not sure what exactly what your friend's deal is myself but it's likely. Says here that we have to stab through this next symbol but I don't really want to ruin the floor." Keva: keva doesn't say anything to that for now, but psalm might be able to tell she's thinking about it. she takes the quill and tries to copy the next symbol
Looking around, Keva finds a spare pillow and transfers her work onto the work carefully instead, in lieu of them needing to have to stab through the floor.
Keva: as she does she finally asks a bit quieter, "...do you think whatever's happened to you or... or orin... could be dangerous?" Psalm: "Dangerous? Compared to doomsday cults or plant witches?" He asks, deadpan. He takes the dagger out. "From the way you were looking at him like he's a walking ghost, I'd say whatever happened to him is better than the alternative" then he stabs the pillow.
After Psalm stabs the pillow, the ink lights up blue once more, the serpent in the air turns its direction and opens its jaw as if it were trying to swallow the knife as he holds it in his hand. It passes through it and Psalm’s arm, zooming back into the parchment.
Willie and Pepper let out a little squeak and clack of bones as they hop around excited below the two. Suddenly they hear a splashing sound as they watch two halves of a single octopus emerges from the ground, from either side of where Psalm holds the dagger. As gargantuan as its friend the whale, its two halves drift slowly upwards. They expect to see gore and viscera on the inside of where its bisected but instead simply see a flat surface of hard white, like bone. The various hundreds of tentacles of the octopus move as it swims idly through the air as they see text appear once more.
"Hooray! You summoned Hresturn'Tantala ! You're getting good!"
Keva: keva watches this halved octopus make its away around them like the previous creatures. "i know, i just-- i just want to understand, is all. all of this is..." she gestures vaguely but referring to all the recent experiences she and orin have had "it's all been a bit much, compared to... i don't know. you know what, never mind. what's this guy's name again?" Psalm: He crosses his arms. "That's....fair. Sorry, my response was a bit.. I don't know enough to help you. And that in itself is." He pauses. "Frustrating." Psalm recoils a bit at the serpent as it reaches for the knife. at the octopus he says "Hmmm I'm not sure I'm a fan of this one. It's Hresturn'Tantala. Whatever that is." Keva: keva waves a hand to brush off his apology. "don't like octopuses?" Psalm: "I think I'd be less disturbed if it wasn't cut in half like that." Keva: keva snorts "also fair. though i'd expect the insides to look worse" Psalm: "They should. They would for a normal octopus at least."
Psalm and Keva mess with the Necromancy Book PART 2 - 20/8
Keva: keva's gaze gets caught on a tentacle as it floats by just inches from her nose. "how many more of these are there?" Psalm: Psalm flips back through the book, counting aloud to himself. "Seems like one more. A shame. I was having fun." Keva: "were you?" her brows lift and he can hear a bit of a laugh of disbelief in her voice. she leans back on her hands as she lightly teases, "can hardly tell with you. ever tried your hand at (dnd equivalent of poker)? i mean, without cheating dangerous people." Psalm: "Yes, I was." He crosses his arms, mock offended. "I have a few times when I had nothing better to pass the time. Less fun without my life on the line though." He gives her a wry smile. Keva: keva snorts "you must be having a lot of fun then, with all this madness" referring to the multiple times they have nearly died in the short time they've been together. she points her chin out at the book "let's hope this last one will be a big finish" Psalm: Psalm ruminates on that a bit, suddenly serious. Is he having fun? There are times like that surely, but they're interspersed with a lot of shit he really would rather not be doing. It seems nothing has really changed from before he left home, but oh well. He flips to the last page, "Hopefully not too big, I think the whale from before was already enough. Says this last one requires the summoning of the previous four to work, then all we need to do is chant."
Keva: keva blinks, picking up on his slight change in expression. funny how it gotten a little easier reading the minute differences since sharing a room with him. "oh, okay" she looks down at their work so far for a brief pause before saying cautiously, "did i say something i shouldn't have?" Psalm: Psalm looks at her, mildly confused. "No, What makes you say that?" Keva: "i don't know, you just... got really serious all of a sudden" and jokingly flashes a mimicry of his face just then "something on your mind?" Psalm: "Oh." Weirdly enough, her concern makes him feel kind of embarrassed. He fiddles with his bangs a bit. "Not really, I was just getting moody thinking about how rough we've had it recently. Not your fault." Ghester: ghester hums a little in your heads after psalm speaks "at least this ride has been a bit of well earned respite for the time being for yourselves" Psalm: GHESTER DOESN'T KNOW HE DOESN'T KNOWWWW)
Keva: "it has, actually. didn't think being bored could feel like a luxury" she peers over the edge of the book, not that she could read any of it. "do we just repeat everything from the top to summon all of them? they went away every time we summoned a new one" Psalm: "I doubt it'll last very long, knowing us..." He frowns at the chant. "I think its all of the previous ones plus extra on the end." Are they even going to be able to say all this? It's way too long. Keva: "do we have to redo all the drawing stuff tho? we can reuse this stuff right?" she picks a downy feather out from the cut they already made Psalm: "I think we can leave it as is. There's no mention of it so..." Psalm attempts the chant and immediately bites his tongue. Keva: keva laughs "are you okay?" Psalm: "[SETETH] " <-- this but as a facial expression, he attempts again, carefully sounding it out. Keva: keva follows along with a slight delay, doing her best to keep up
As the two of finish speaking out the incantation, the various spread out sigils on the papers light up for a final time. The floating bisected octopus floats over, split on either side of them before it sinks back into the ground below. As Pepper and Willie roll around in another elaborate little display of dance they hear the sounds of various sea creatures echo around them, squeaks and squeals, bubbling and sharp cries before a a dull and heavy sound echoes around the room. 
It reminds the two strangely of something sparking or zapping. Eventually from the papers floats up the image of a gigantic jellyfish, close in size to the whale from before. It's boxy in shape but as it floats up it reveals thousands of small tendrils and stingers coming out from below it. As they stare closer at them they notice small creatures caught up in the stingers, other marine life, fish and eels and all the rest, dead and in various states of decay being dragged along with it. It floats up towards the ceiling before it settles in the air between the two, doing little loops in a slow and drawn out matter. As they glance back down theysee the same childish scrawl from before appear in the air.
"congratulations, you summoned The Great Manak Warunza, the great arbiter of the old ones!"
Psalm: Psalm looks at it for a little while before going, "I'm a little disturbed." Keva: the awe and wonder morphs into disgust when keva catches sight of the decomposing animals in between the tendrils "not the fanfare i was expecting, but i guess that's on me. what's up with this guy, ghester?" Psalm: "I suppose most children's sense of curiousity runs out before they get to this one." Ghester: a little pleased that keva's asked for his input again he responds in a showier manner than usual "That, my dear, is probably the most well known of our great sea denizens. it's said the grand jellyfish looks over all matters of the sea, if you don't believe kord does in any case, maybe they jointly rule?" he chuckles under his breath "it's said that if you die beneath the oceans surface your body is grasped up into its stinging tendrils to drift forevermore beneath the waves, under its control beyond death..." Psalm: "That sounds terrible," Psalm says, flatly. Ghester: "hah, i'll do my best to insure you don't pass to the great beyond while over the sea then. we wouldn't want manak to come knocking for you" Psalm: "Death on land would be preferable, yes." Ghester: "anything for my kind host" Keva: "eugh" as the other two banter she thinks of how she nearly fell overboard into the sea just earlier during this trip... on second thought, maybe it hasn't been that peaceful "what does 'under its control' mean, like... you're a puppet or something?" Ghester: "mmm... you do its bidding, never leave its side, whatever it wants im sure. i remember a few scary stories about manak acting as judger of actions on the sea, and when you commit some great wrong it's undead minions will come up from the water to drag you below to repent" Keva:
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Keva: keva can only conclude that the ocean is scary Psalm: "Kind of like us and the patron in a way." /s Ghester: he laughs at that "i suppose you have become a dealer of justice as of late..." Keva: "unwillingly--he never wants to get involved" Ghester: "hmmm... even more fitting..." Keva: "well? is your patron a giant jellyfish?": Psalm: "I'm glad you understand. As for the patron, they're more like a large formless mass of black smoke with eyes. Very imposing." Keva: something in keva's brain clicks. "is that what all that smoke you cough up is about?" Psalm: "Yeah, fun side effect that. Not that I really know why it happens. Or who else has seen it so-" he makes a shh gesture Keva: "hmm" she leans forward "what are you going to give me to buy my silence?" Psalm: He smiles at her. "You're funny." Pretending to think, he says, "Maybe I can ask Cimmorro what you like, since the two of you seem to be closer recently?" Keva: she chokes on nothing in particular. oh gods, what has he seen? she's a poor actor, but she tries to look confused anyway. squinting her eyes, she asks, "what are you talking about?" Psalm: He just blinks at her, "I'll be honest I wasn't expecting that severe a reaction from you, since I was just bluffing anyways. You did kick me out yesterday though, or did that slip your mind." Her (failed)  attempt at being secretive is amusing though, so he figures why not keep pretending. He pauses, then  lets a look of realisation slowly cross his face. "You two aren't actually..." Keva: keva has just enough self-control to yank the dagger out of the pillow before pitching it into his face, breaking the summoning circles and sending down exploding out everywhere Psalm: "HEY, WH-" he starts as it smacks him square in the face. Quite forcefully too, he actually stumbles over a bit before catching himself. There are feathers in his mouth.
With a blip the jellyfish dissapears as the lights quickly die out, Willie and Pepper alongside it. 
Ghester: he lets out a surprised murmur "ooh, great form, a shame about old manak..." Psalm: Spitting feathers out of his mouth, Psalm goes, "I'm sure he won't mind too much." Keva: with an irritated twitch of her brow, keva doesn't let up and draws close, jabbing a finger on psalm's chest "don't get any funny ideas" she sinks back into a sit before saying with less bite "he's just helping me with something, that's all." she's kind of pouting bc she was messing around but got messed with instead. after a bit of glaring and calming down she crosses her arms and sighs in defeat "fine, you got me. was hoping to get something useful" she mutters the last bit Psalm: He raises his hands in surrender. "Fine, fine , I was messing with you but I went too far. I'm sure if you were involved in any way it'd be more obvious anyways, I mean look at how much he flirts with Vinny :plumface:." He starts laughing though, in a kind of obnoxious way. "It was a good attempt. Better luck next time." Keva: she pinches her face a bit at him, but it doesn't last. as stoic as he is, it's kind of nice to hear him laugh. she'll throw herself into the sea for the giant jellyfish before she tells him that though. "oh so now you're having fun, huh?" a small laugh of her own bubbles up a bit "asshole" she starts to gather the parchment paper up "you're cleaning the feathers on your own" Psalm: "I said I was having fun from the start :psalmface:." He sighs. "If that's what you want..." Admittedly he's curious about what Keva needs help with, but since she seems to want to keep it a secret he doesn't push it. Keva: she notices something when she looks up, reaches over, and picks a piece of fluff out from his bangs "it is" before blowing it into his face Psalm: He lets it bounce off, deadpan as always. "It just occurred to me that this is my pillow...." is he going to have to get a replacement...
Keva’s Second Follow Up Lesson - 27/4 
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Leaving their room for a bit to read on the deck, Keva gives it a few moments after Psalm closes the door before she squats onto the floor and lifts up her mattress.
She pulls out her completed worksheets, folds them up haphazardly into easy-to-hide sizes, and shoves them into a pocket. She hasn't been able to have a proper lesson in a few days, partially because there aren't too many windows of time they can study privately, and partially because... well, she's long figured out she's difficult. Things have been awkward with Cimmorro, not for his lack of trying to smooth things out more, she recognizes. Yesterday, finishing the last bit of her assigned work, she finally came around to trying, too.
Not that she feels any less nervous as she approaches his room. she bites at her thumbnail a bit as she arrives, and then wills herself to knock.
Cimmorro: cimm was on his way back to their room after letting jasper have some morning stretches when they both find a familiar face lingering at the front of their door. "keva...? is there a problem?" finding himself surprised, he could only assume there's a pressing reason why she's here after she's been putting some distance between them recently, despite his efforts. not like he could blame her too much for it though, he still feels bad for what he said. Keva: lost in her thoughts, she startles a bit when she hears him call her name. she glances at the door she just knocked on before looking back at him, "no, i--no. i just, i'm done with... you know." she fishes out her folded papers from her bag, brushes off crumbs from the bread she's stuffed in there from breakfast, and hands them over. it takes her a moment to get out her next sentence, but she manages, "...are you busy right now?" as she points covertly to her room.  Cimmorro: "oh," he takes her papers and skims through them quickly, aware they're in the middle of the hall. as fast as it was, his expression seems pleased at all the work she's got done. but before he could comment on it, he looks up at her question/invitation. after glancing at her door once, he replies, "mmm, I'm not right now, nope." he folds her work again and stacks them securely as a handful as he patiently watches her, as if letting her take this where she wants it to go. Keva: she chews on her thumb as she makes her way back to her room. she hasn’t really figured out a way to not make this… weird or out of the blue. she hasn’t had to put effort into getting along with someone new in so long, and she was never good at it in the first place, but she just… she doesn’t want to let this chance slip away. not when she already has once.when she arrives to her and psalm’s room, she kneels by her bed and reaches for something underneath. “psalm will be out for a while. said something about getting some sun.” Cimmorro: "ah, didn't take him for a sunbather. maybe we could slip in a couple of studies then," he pauses with his eyes trained on her. he realizes he doesn't actually know why she invited him over. "if, that's what this is anyhow." Keva: she pulls out a few sheets of parchment leftover from her practice first--"we can"--and then pulls out the colorful children's book she had asked to borrow from psalm last night. "i just..." she keeps her eyes trained on the floor as she speaks "i wanted to show you something." Cimmorro: he watches her curiously and at the glimpse of the book, his eyes glint in amused surprise. "oh, what's that? you've been reading?" the tone in his words sound pleased. he tries to discern what the title is while it's still in her hands, at the very least it's certainly vibrant... something about that makes him think it's kind of cute in a childlike way, the idea that keva would be enticed by a colorful cover. Keva: she sits properly on the floor as she arranges the papers together to form a larger rectangle, as she remembers doing a few days ago. "it's psalm's--some sort of guide to necromancy but for kids" slight amusement can be heard in her voice as she explains, still thinking it funny that someone thought to make a book like this. she juts her chin out at the space across from her, on the other side of the paper, while she gets her quill and inkwell. she pauses a moment when a thought occurs to her, "oh, but it's not like... bringing people back from the dead or anything." Cimmorro: at her initial explanation, his face of amusement turns into something that practically spells out 'h-huh?!'' across his face. but at her follow up detail, he seems to go back to being lax, letting out a relieved breath before sitting across from her. necromancy can be pretty broad, but it's difficult to not have the undead's wake as the first thing in his mind after all that they get up to recently. "i was about to comment how you two seem to have not gotten enough of our cultist endeavors to be partaking in raising the dead," he snorts and continues watching her. "what are you doing now?" Keva: "you'll see" she opens the book and flips through the pages until she finds the first symbol she needs to draw. picking up her quill, she doesn't need to think about how to hold it anymore as she copies it without much issue (i rolled a 21 sleight of hand lol). "um... there was something else... oh" she pushes the open book towards cimmorro. "there's a chant we have to say somewhere" cimmorro can get a better look at the goofy drawings of a whale-headed man and a blue-robed skeleton and the contrasting wildly realistic paintings of the ocean and animals down deep
Cimmorro: a smile tugs at one side of his face when he sees her carry her quill with what is almost like finesse. he looks up at her as she mentions a chant, then taking the book with a surprised laugh that's mostly like a gasp. he's never heard of this book in particular before, but it's nostalgic as he remembers how his mother used to bring him similar things whenever she came back from a trip. after scanning through it, he eventually finds the chant which is really just mostly nonsense, but also almost like a tongue twister in a way. definitely for kids and starters. he supposes it's to help them get used to reading and reciting more complex arcane incantations. "says we have to do it together, so, follow my lead?" Keva: she eyes him as he takes in the book for the first time, not showing her satisfaction that he likes it as much as she thought he would, and then nods in agreement Cimmorro: cimmorro begins to read it out loud, giving her space to follow in between a few words. Keva: the symbol glows blue, and soon enough the whale man willie pops out of the floor and does a flip while the bones clatter down from the ceiling and form pepper. they start to do their little dance and job on the parchment. "ghester named them willie and pepper," keva says with a small smile. Cimmorro: he watches the initial display almost in a trance, mouth open in surprise but smiling nonetheless. when keva mentions their names, he looks up at her. "aw, congratulations to ghester...! they got his beautiful eyes," he jests. before he could even let the joke sink in, the whale makes itself apparent in front of them, making him flinch and lean back in shock, jasper puffing up in surprise and scampering behind him. soon enough the spooked feeling fades away as they realize it's all a harmless show, and once again watches it all in awe. the timing couldn't have been better when they all started warping as he mindlessly tried to poke a fish floating by, to which his eyes grow wide and finds himself smiling somewhat horrified and amused at the same time. with a hand over his mouth, he laughs. "hmm, interesting. but not something id give my 5 year old if i wanted a peaceful night's rest." Keva: “don’t you think it’s weird someone thought this would be a great book for kids?” she snorts as she rips off a piece of bread from inside her bag. she places it in the center of the original symbol before gesturing for the book back. Cimmorro: "you'd be surprised to know that there's a book out there for everyone. i, for one, would've enjoyed this." he takes a moment to hand the book back to her. "i had a few things like this before, but my favorite was a small arcane orb that would project stars in a room. it played a small tune too," he shares as he goes back to watching the creatures above them. Keva: keva flips the pages again until she finds the next symbol she needs, though she looks up at one point so say, “why not just…look at the actual stars?” she starts to draw the larger symbol around the first. Cimmorro: "well, our tower doesn't really have any big windows, at least on the higher floors. it's to keep the archives safe from being damaged by the weather," he leans forward a bit to watch her write before continuing. "so if i wanted to see stars late at night, I'd have to go down, what, 20 stories, with my tiny little legs. I'm not allowed outside that late anyway... plus it's often cloudy at night." Keva: huh. she’s always imagined the top of the jasidian towers had the best view of the night sky, even imagined sneaking up one just to see it. it’d be a safer climb than some of the the steep faces of the hills in her home city. well…there goes that fantasy. she hmms as she finishes the symbol. “does that mean you had to climb 20 stories just to go to bed?” she says with a little bit of a laugh. Cimmorro: he rolls his eyes lightheartedly. "if i come from outside then yes, but sometimes i also just hang out at the archives, which is closer to the sleeping quarters. or i'd just fall asleep in my parents' offices..." he idly taps a finger on the floor while staring at nothing in particular then snorts after a pause. "my ma used to joke she hired kavach just so i could be carried up and down the tower because i'd just be crying 10 steps in otherwise." Keva: “sounds like fun” just as she says that, the ink on the parchment flashes blue again
Keva: as binky starts to swim around them, keva watches for cimmorro’s reaction instead Cimmorro: at each display, cimm marvels at them in a similar way as a kid would in an aquarium. he watches them with his tail wagging behind him, pointing out stuff here and there in all smiles. "you've never seen these things before, right? this one seems like a sort of whale. they're humongous, this size is nothing in comparison... one might even be as big as this airship itself." he tilts his head trying to read the writing. "it says this one's name is Rraud'KunBinkur." Keva: a small smile appears as keva listens to cimm point and explain. his enthusiasm is infectious. she doesn’t say anything for a bit, but as they settle into a silence while cimmorro admires the show, she inhales and says quietly, “listen…i’m not sorry for trying to pay you back for helping me. i’ve just learned the hard way if i have to ask for help, the sooner i can make things square, the better. but… i am sorry that…i made you upset.” she stares down at her parchment and fidgets with her quill, pausing for a moment before continuing “i still don’t really get it, and i know i’m difficult but… i don’t want to fuck this up, so… sorry” Cimmorro: cimm goes from watching binky to slowly looking down to stare at keva as she speaks, slightly surprised at the change in tone but never interrupting her. he patiently and carefully considers her words as she goes and, at some point of it all, he finds himself smiling at her. after a small window of silence, he softy says, "it's okay..." starting to feel a bit shy and guilty again, he keeps his eyes on the floor and shrugs sheepishly "uh, i was pretty pushy too so... and i wouldn't really call you difficult per se, especially knowing what you've been through... listen, i--" his words get caught in his throat when he attempts to look up at her again, only to be met with binky right in front of his face instead, staring at him as it swims by which makes him struggle to keep a laugh down. Keva: hearing cimmorro get cut off, keva looks up from smoothing down the fibers of her quill, only to narrowly dodge what would be a slap from binky’s tail. she has to catch herself with a hand placed behind her as she leans back almost too quickly, and she breathes out a laugh. “i guess ancient creatures of the deep wouldn’t know about personal space.” Cimmorro: "you think it likes me?" he jokes, still watching binky seemingly circle around him. Keva: “i think it likes the shiny things in your hair” she snickers. Cimmorro: "ah," he smiles defeatedly. "just like most people i come across, it seems. always the jewelry, never the man himself" with both hands he cups his face to add to the theatrics and sighs wistfully. Keva: "can't blame 'em. anyone down on their luck would think they hit the jackpot, seeing all that you're wearing on you,"
Keva: keva pushes herself back upright. "why do jasidians wear so much jewelry anyway?" she thinks back to all the excited whispers amongst those like her whenever the jasidians from the temple were in town. not many people actually dared to steal from them, being servants of the goddess of death, but it was fun dreaming about all the things they could have if they could snatch just one ruby.  Cimmorro: "i'm a treasure in more ways that one, not just my jewels, thank you very much." he snorts and smirks, leaning on an arm and opts to sit more sideways. at her question, he hums idly. "it's mainly her formal clergy that wears this much, really. it's part of our uniform. the more jewelry, the higher the position they hold in the church. we must look like suitable representatives of her teachings after all." Keva: keva rolls her eyes at cimmorro's self-flattery. "does that mean you're pretty up there in rank then?" she starts to thumb through the children's book again, but then remembers the steps for the next summon and opts to close the book instead. no more of that! Cimmorro: "mmm, yeah sorta," he tries to explain the hierarchy to her by emulating the tiers in mid air with his hand gesturing to each level. "so, there's the entire church, right? the grand leader is who we call the ruby, the high mother. below her are the mothers and fathers," he pauses for a bit, trying to think of how to explain it to her a little more plainly. "so they're like, monarchy who oversee the land, the land being the entire clergy in this sense. then each temple across portcus has their own leaders managing them as well... kind of like mayors and their cities. now, the hierarchy within each temple has the high priest and high priestess as their leaders, and the one right under them are the priests and priestesses, which is where i'm at. then below that theres 2 more, the sisters and brothers, then the acolytes. of course, not counting the casual followers." Keva: she was not expecting to learn about the jasidian hierarchy, but keva’s grateful cimmorro’s distracted as she discreetly inches the book back under her bed. “busy climbing the ladder then, are you? you don’t strike me as someone power hungry,” she jokes. maybe attention hungry though, she thinks, and that’s not a joke. she focuses her gaze on binky as it glides around room making its lonely-sounding calls. Cimmorro: he shrugs to one side while casually watching binky. "mm, I'm not all that interested, no. i mean, it's an honor for sure but... I'm content with my place in the church." recalling where she's from, he looks back at her he goes, "have you ever visited a jasidan temple yourself?" Keva: she sort of laughs out a "no," in a way that suggests she would never choose to, but catches herself and neutralizes her tone. "sorry, no." she rubs her arm a bit as she continues, "i've seen one though, in the distance. hard to miss. sometimes the clergy comes through and gets all the pickpocketers in a tizzy."  Cimmorro: he gives her a pensive smile, one that tells he expected as much. not a lot of people find their temple as a tourist spot, even the locals can be wary. half of the time, people who don't practice or follow wee jas' teachings only come if they require their services. he looks away from her, still in thought. at the comment about the pickpocketers, he says "yeah, i bet." Keva: aaah fuck. leave it to her to fuck up saying sorry. uhhh think think think “she’s quite popular where i’m from though. wee jas, i mean.” a pause “i didn’t mean any disrespect. i know jasidians aren’t as... scary as some people say they are. i just… don’t get it.”
Cimmorro: he blinks at her, not expecting her to explain herself like that. he didn't really take any offense from it, but he guesses that's how she took it, when it mostly just reminded him of their place in the world, currently. "don't worry about it," he waves a hand dismissively. "i'm aware i wouldn't be sitting in the same room with you like this if you really thought that way." he looks up to observe binky again. Keva: her shoulders seem to slouch a bit in relief. she thought she might as well quit now if they were just going to accidentally piss each other off all the time. but if he's not upset with her then... "what was that look for then?" Cimmorro: he gives her tiny smile and a slow shake of his head. "nothing, i just remembered something. hey," he sits up straight and leans over. "is this all there is in the book? i thought there were a few more pages... maybe there'd be some fun trivia about this guy!" Keva: keva searches his face for what he wasn't telling her, but can't follow her train of thought when he brings up the book. she starts to sweat a bit. "uh--well, there's not. trivia, i mean." Cimmorro: "haa?" tilting his head confused, he adds "then what's the rest of it for?" he tries to look for it where he last remembers  it was earlier but realizes it isn't there anymore. "where'd you put it?" Keva: "uh, nothing much" she looks askance, not meeting his eyes but instead meets jasper's. oh gods, she forgot about jasper. what if she saw? she probably saw. "hey jasper, want some treats?" trying to give her a meaningful look as if to say 'this is a bribe' Cimmorro: cimm finds her behavior strange, especially when she suddenly addresses jasper like that. he stares between the two of them trying to understand what's going on. "jasper...?" he calls to her, like a parent trying to get their child to talk. jasper looks frantic as she turns her head between him and keva, clearly conflicted. on one hand, that's her papa. on the other, treats... can anyone blame her? even with her intelligence, she is still an animal at heart.
Keva: without breaking eye contact with jasper, keva blindly pats around for her bag. "yeah? you want treats?" when her fingers finally find leather, she wastes no time digging into it and feeling around for the familiar shape of the jar. "it's been a while, hasn't it?" she takes on a slight doting tone she only uses with amos when they're alone. she does a fake soft gasp as she finds it, pops the lid open, and shows jasper what's inside. "we can't let amos eat it all himself" (there's a squeak squeeak! 🥺 over on her bed) Cimmorro: jasper watches keva do that and moves to take a step towards her as if hypnotized, until she freezes in place when she briefly remembers cimm is right behind her. she slowly turns to look at him with the most apologetic 🥺 he's ever seen her do before she hurries over to keva's offer, as if going faster would make him hurt less. he sits there in complete shock, mouth open, eyes wide. dumbfounded. she's never done this before. "e-excuse me, young lady?!" he sputters as jasper pokes her head into the jar. he makes excessive movement of his hands in the air, trying to find words to express himself "what's happening right now?!" Keva: a victorious smile on her face, keva gently scoops jasper up with one arm, pulling her away from the jar briefly "oh no no, we wouldn't want you to get a stomach ache." with her free hand she dips her finger into the jar for a moderate amount and holds it up for jasper to lick "there you go. good girl." Cimmorro: "HELLO?" cimm scoffs in disbelief as they continue to ignore him. at this point he's forgotten all about the book thanks to the sound of his heart breaking into pieces as he watches this unfold. "so, I'm just expendable to you then? and you!" he points at keva accusingly. "you... you temptress! explain yourself!" Keva: there's a strange sense of pride that comes over keva watching cimmorro become so flustered. her lips wobble a bit as he jabs a finger at her. she can't help herself. she holds jasper, who is still trying to lick away, up to the side of her face while she blinks innocently "what do you mean?" Cimmorro: "you're teaching her to misbehave!!" he bristles. "jasper! come back here!" she only looks up at him like 🥺 again but doesn't stop licking even so Keva: "i don't know what you're on about" she feigns ignorance a bit exaggeratedly. she angles her head so she can get a better look at jasper's ever adorable face "she's a perfect little angel, aren't you?" she shakes her gently a bit as she asks that. as this is happening, amos has been gradually making his way over to the still open jar, scuttling in spurts. Cimmorro: he claws at his face as jasper finishes her helping with a satisfied lick around her teeth. slurp slurp. truthfully, he knows jasper wouldn't disobey him like she's doing right now if not for the fact that she's taken a liking to keva already... but it still grinds his gears. with a hand still over his face, he lectures the both of them. "you need to be careful with that, as pretty as she is, she's a trained watcher! what are we going to do if thieves can just bribe her like that!" he says with a bit of growl in his voice. "furthermore--- NOT NOW BINKY" he waves binky away from his face as it started to drift between them again. at that moment he notices amos making a move and he points. "your mouse is going to end up with a sugar overdose if you don't stop him now" Keva: "sounds to me like i'm not the only one you'll be giving lessons to, because" and keva jiggles one of jasper's paws with every word she says next "a thief-just-did-bribe-her-like-that" when cimmorro shouts, keva fully laughs, perhaps her first unstrained laugh since she last spoke with orin. it's cut short with cimmorro's warning though, and she snaps around to see amos now gunning it for the treat jar. "amos, you little sneak!" she snatches him up, his little claws straining to reach the lip of the container as he's lifted away mere centimeters from his goal. there is nothing but amusement in her face and voice. "you'll get your fair share, don't worry" amos only squeaks in response, hanging in defeat 
Cimmorro: when keva's attention shifts to amos' mischief, jasper hops off and trots carefully in front of cimm who has both of his hands to his hips and frowning at her. "young lady, what do you have to say for yourself?" jasper replies a very soft and guilty meow before hopping onto his lap and rubbing herself against his middle, her way of apologizing. he relents with a sigh, clearly unable to stay upset with her and strokes her fur. "you and i are going to have a looooong talk." he looks up at keva and amos, the display funny enough to make him snort. "he learns from the best, doesn't he?" Keva: keva's already letting amos eat off her pinky finger by the time cimmorro addresses her. "nah, he was already quite the thief when i caught him running off with food i had just stolen," she chuckles a bit at the memory. Cimmorro: he snickers a little. "and what a duo you two have become." after watching the both of them he looks up at binky still floating around. "does this just eventually run out or..." Keva: "i don't know, actually... my guess if we break the symbol it'll just disappear" pointing at the parchments with her chin Cimmorro: "ah, that makes sense," he nods, looking somewhat impressed. "smart guess." growing quiet for another moment watching binky, it sinks in to him how thoughtful it was of her to share this with him in the first place. this entire time he's known her, she hasn't been one to initiate such a thing unless she needs him for something. so it does take him by pleasant surprise that she's doing so now. he looks down to face her again with a smile. "how about i teach you how to write amos' and jasper's names today? then i'll let you have a smoke break as thanks for showing me 'binkur," he jokingly grins. "we didn't get to have one the other day." Keva: as silence falls over them, keva sets amos back on her bed and moves to tuck her now closed treat jar away. her hand freezes in her bag for a moment as she glances up at cimmorro in surprise. a blink, a small smile, and a small nod. "what should we do about binkur in the meantime?" Cimmorro: "well, unless you don't like working with an audience, i don't mind keeping it around... though the wailing will probably start to be grating at some point," he laughs Keva: "ah, right" she snorts a bit and pulls apart the parchments [insert chip's lovely desc of what happens when the summoning circle is broken lol] "i do feel a bit bad, he sounds so lonely" she muses as she pulls out her writing tools. Cimmorro: "they do tend to sound like that. ah, reminds me of this one whale that sings differently," he starts to go on about it while scooting over to her bed. "so she's always kind of ignored by the others cause they can't recognize her mating call." Keva: she also makes her way to her bed, opening her notebook to the next free page. a few more have been filled in since cimmorro last saw it. she keeps her eyes on her notebook, but he can tell she's a bit bothered by what he's told her. "that's really shitty" she sort of laughs humorlessly. "is she okay?"
Inside the journal Keva has her practice scrawled on the pages as given to her by Cimmorro, there are also little doodles of willie and pepper scrawled around the page as she grew bored.
Cimmorro: he notices the work she put into journal since the last time he saw it. "oh! may i?" asking for her notebook so he could look through her penmanship properly. "also, no one really knows! no one's seen her yet. there's still so much about the ocean undiscovered, this is one of them." Keva: her gut reaction is to pull the book a bit away from him, but a second later, she relents and pushes it more towards him. she opts not to watch him look through it though and thinks of this poor whale instead. she has to let him see so he can teach her, but that doesn't mean she has to like it. though it's only been a few days, her letters aren't so large and inconsistently spaced out anymore. it looks more like a lazy school child's work more than a toddler just starting schooling now. in one corner there's a crude drawing of the characters from the children's book, which were already crudely drawn in the first place.  Cimmorro: "but doesn't it sound tragically romantic?" he looks up dreamily while sliding the book towards him. "migrating from one region to another, waiting for a lover to hear her call." when he finally looks down to study her work, he looks and sounds nothing less than impressed. "w-wow! you're quick and it's just been a few days... at this rate you'll learn how to write before we even get to antessa... assuming we don't bump into trouble so often." he flips over the pages and pointing out the improvement as he goes, until he finds the drawings which earns a surprised and somewhat gleeful noise from him. Keva: keva especially makes an effort to not look in his direction while he praises her, feeling a bit embarrassed. that's only the beginning of it though, because when she turns to see what could have possibly gotten that reaction out of him, she immediately starts to blush and tries to snatch her notebook back Cimmorro: keva swiftly swipes the book away from him, so fast that it still leaves him in the static position of how he was once holding it for a second or two. "....?" he takes another split second to realize what just happened and shouts, "what the hell!" his head shooting up to stare at her with wide eyes. Keva: she quickly flips to a different page and places her hand, quill tightly gripped, over it such that he would not be able to take the book or change the page. she stubbornly refuses to look at him, though as a result he can see the pink of the tips of her ears through her hair. she grumbles, “you weren’t supposed to see that” well, more like she forgot she drew those things in the moment… but still…! Cimmorro: "i wasn't even going to make fun of it!" he protests. why's she being so embarrassed about it, she's already seen his drawings too! "it's actually a good thing, the drawing. it can be useful when you find something you don't know the name of yet, like the symbols you drew earlier for 'binkur." Keva: squinting her eyes, she turns to him in confusion, "when would i need to do that?" Cimmorro: "i just pointed out an example. you could also draw labels for things. you asked me to help you with medicine, didn't you? you can mark which ones are poisonous and which aren't by simple symbols... stuff like that! also, they're just fun to do," he says as he pulls out his new spellbook from his bag and flips to a random page to show her. there she sees, among dense arcane formulas and his absurd handwriting, small drawings residing that depict what the spell does. at first page of it, there's also a cartoonish drawing of jasper with a wizard hat. Keva: honestly, she had forgotten she had asked him about medicine since it had been a while. weird that he even remembers. even weirder that his writing in his book looks nothing like his writing in hers. he must be making the effort to write more clearly for the sake of her lessons... she eases a bit, and simply says a noncommital "i guess." Cimmorro: he blows his fringe out of his eyes as a way to pout. "cmon, give it back i have to show you amos' and jasper's names. also i'll draw 'binkur" he opens his palm out to her Keva: she twists her mouth in hesitation and suspicion, but says, "don't try to go back to the other pages or i'll twist your fingers" before sliding her book back over. Cimmorro: his eyes go wide at the threat, less about being scared and more surprised she's being so abrasive about it. "wh- but, how am i supposed to give you my assessment of those then?!" Keva: "you can just check the worksheets! my writing looks just as shitty in here as it does in there!" Cimmorro: he shakes his head, finding it unbelievable how ridiculous she's being. "what do you even have left to hide, i already saw it! okay- you know what, fine-" he pinches the bridge of his nose while sighing. "we'll talk about that some other time lest psalm comes back here with us like this..." he starts to write jasper and amos' names, which pretty much has the letters she's learned to write so far, while mumbling about how they're going to look like an old couple arguing if psalm finds them.
Keva: keva leans over from the side as she watches him write, thinking to herself that that's not how she expected amos' name to look. however, her proximity that also means she can hear him talking under his breath. she lightly elbows him in the arm, saying "stop saying that before he actually does show up" Cimmorro: he gives her a little glare when she does that and a huff before finishing the writing. "you can start writing their names next for now, just so you're not always going by worksheets. this way you can practice the spacing between letters too," he says. in the next moment he turns the pages all the way to near the end, writing something on the corner which keva can make out her name being involved before he folds the corner into a neat triangle before pushing the journal to her. Keva: "wh-- hey!" she immediately turns to the dog-eared page, squinting at it as if that will suddenly help her read. "what did you write?" Cimmorro: "a treat," he puffs out his chest with a smile. "for when you learn how to read! though you'll probably need a new journal by then, but i'll just put another when the time comes. more stuff to motivate you with" Keva: keva makes a bit of a face at first as she looks back and forth between the page and cimmorro self-satisfied look. what the fuck did he write? she can't even ask someone else to read it for her, not even just because it would immediately give her away, but what if he wrote something embarrassing?! all she can really do for right now is huff in resignation and turn back to the page she's supposed to be working on, plopping it back onto her bed. she rests her chin and right arm on the bed, pouting without actually pouting on her face, while she dips her quill into her inkwell with the left, and starts to copy down amos' name first. Cimmorro: he doesn't try to rub it in but he does feel a bit smug that she didn't argue any more than that, his tail swaying amused behind him. the way she's moping is kinda cute, he thinks and helps her with a few attempts of their names before he starts packing up his things too. "i'll leave you to that then. should keep you occupied enough til we land tomorrow, hm?"  Keva: "yeah, yeah" she says begrudgingly, in that way when one is forced to agree with something they don't want to agree with. she continues to write a few more letters before pausing, and adding a genuine though still a bit muted, "thanks" as she glances as him get ready to go without moving her chin from its spot. Cimmorro: he gives her a wide smile. as he gets up, he messes the top of her hair and knowing she's going to react strongly to that and he's at high risk of being hit, he rushes to the door with a hurried "see ya!" followed by a laugh as well as a fluffy jasper sprinting behind him. Keva: keva's shoulders rise to her ears as he ruffles her hair, exclaiming an "HEY-- AAAAAhagHH", and almost immediately swipes at him with her arms that just narrowly missing. she's left to lightly seethe for a moment as she stares out the door with her mussed up hair. how's he going to complain about what all this might look like to psalm? what if psalm came back down the hall just now to see cimm leaving their room and seeing her hair like this? the thought is enough to get her hairtie and tie her hair up into a loose bun for now while she works.
Keva moves to kick her door shut, making a point to make it louder than she normally would. 
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dndfuckhouse · 2 years
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dndfuckhouse · 5 years
a warlock and a thief walk into bar
Summary: Psalm and Henrick have a third meeting by chance. And then a fourth. And then a fifth.
Notes: This is canon divergent(?) Yeah but also set after the current events. It's dialogue heavy bc I like dialogue and didnt feel like expanding sorry.EDIT: I’ve apparently grossly mischaracterised Han… Poki only leaves crumbs for me so I did what I could based on my knowledge of her from Psalm’s perspective. Wcyd?
Psalm should know by now that things never tend to go well when he's on a mission with the others. Han and Rokka were too nosy for their own good, something he still hadn't quite adjusted to yet but no longer got mad about. Well, except for right now. Right now is entirely their fault, and once he rids himself of the angry bandits on his tail he's going to make them wish they’d kept their mouths shut. With force if necessary. They just had to go and piss off an entire group of bandits.
The rational part of his mind tells him that there’s literally no way he could take either of the major brawn in their party in a fight one on one, let alone at the same time, but the thought of chewing them out helps to soothe his annoyance at least.
A dagger whizzes past his head. 
Stop daydreaming and focus, Ghester’s voice rings in his head, it'd be a waste for you to die here, and at the hands of some low tier goons no less.
“Is this your way of saying you'd miss me?” Psalm responds both in Infernal and his usual monotone. It's hard to sound deadpan in Infernal, which is mostly just a lot of hissing and growling, but he makes the effort. Of course Ghester responds with his usual dry laughter. No surprise there.
Psalm ducks around a random corner, not bothering to check if the bandits are behind him. He supposes part of this is his fault. He usually offered to divert the enemy so that the others could escape, but he bit off more than he could chew this time. He wasn't expecting his charm spell to wear off so quickly.
In a rare moment of good fortune, the alley isn’t a dead end. The goons are still behind him though, so he doesn't slow down. 
Eventually he comes across an alley with a small crevice between two houses, and wonders if it's a good idea to duck in there and hope they don’t notice. He hears them gaining though, and in a split second decision shoves himself into the nook and pulls his cape around his face for good measure. Red skin tends to stand out.
The goons run past the nook without even bothering to check, and he hears one of them yell “Where'd he go?” before the rest of them run off. Psalm waits for a couple minutes, and then a couple more just to be safe before he exits. It's a tight fit, especially with horns, but somehow he manages to squeeze himself out. 
“Oh, it's you again,” a voice says. 
Psalm reacts immediately. Ghester appears as a shortsword in his hand in seconds as Psalm turns and holds the weapon out in front of him. 
If he'd been thinking more clearly, he would've realised that the voice was somewhat familiar, but the adrenaline from the earlier chase was still rushing through him. It takes him a while to put it together in his head, not his fault, they’ve only met twice. Psalm blinks once, mostly in surprise and then breaks out into a genuine smile at the man in front of him. He can’t really help it. Not only is it not someone that had been trying to kill him earlier, but someone he's actually quite pleased to see. Henrick, looking just as scruffy and worn out as always, gives Psalm a small, sort of half assed smile. 
He eyes the shortsword wearily. “You gonna put that thing away or…?” 
“Oh, right. How rude of me,” Psalm says as Ghester disappears from his hand. Being able to summon Ghester at will is not something he reveals to people too often, the less ways to identify him the better, but he figures it doesn't matter right now. The action puts an even wearier look on Henrick's face though, which Psalm finds amusing. 
Henrick looks around a bit, for what, Psalm isn't exactly sure.
“Not to be cliché,” Psalm says while Henrick does this, “but we should really stop meeting like this.” 
Henrick pauses and gives Psalm a confused look. “Whaddya mean?” 
“You're with the group after me right now are you not?” 
A look of understanding dawns on Henrick's face.
“You're the one everyone's been chasing after? I couldn't really tell from a distance, but it's not like I can go against the boss's orders y'know so he had me out here searching too.” 
Rickert's goons again? What are the odds… Psalm thinks. Shorewater is clearly not as big as he'd once thought.
“You're still working for that tyrant? What was his name again? Ricken… Rackam?” Psalm pretends to think hard about it. 
“Rickert. You forget or something?” 
“Well Henrick, I must admit I don't make a habit of remembering the names of people I'm not interested in.” An obvious lie, but it serves its purpose when what Psalm has said dawns on Henrick and the man nervously fiddles with the neck of his scarf.
How fun, Psalm thinks.
You really seem to enjoy playing with people, but to what end? Ghester says in his mind. Psalm ignores him of course. He won't very well respond in front of Henrick right now anyways, and Ghester knows that.
“What'd you do this time?” Henrick asks, choosing to ignore Psalm's earlier comment. Psalm begins to answer, but is cut off by the sounds of shouting. The goons are coming back. Psalm curses himself internally for sticking around and making small talk instead of getting the hell out. Before he can look around for a means of escape, Henrick steps into his personal space. 
Psalm raises an eyebrow. “What are you doi-”
“Shhh,” Henrick hisses and backs Psalm right back up into the crevice where he'd hid before. Psalm gets the message, and tries to hide as much of himself as possible. He's taller than Henrick, but hopefully that won't matter too much as Henrick stands in front of the crevice and blocks Psalm from view. 
Sure enough, the men from earlier return. 
“Henrick! What’re you doin’ standin' around like an idiot for? He got away!” 
“If he got away there's no point in running around like this then is there?” Henrick sighed. 
“He got away cuz you were being a lazy shit I bet.” 
“Yeah? Who was the last guy that saw him before he ran off because it sure as hell wasn't me. Should I tell Rickert who lost sight of him?” 
Psalm watches as best he can as the two bandits argue back and forth about Rickert. As entertaining as it is, it's definitely too cramped in here and he wishes the goon would hurry up and leave. He considers just firing off an eldritch blast and ending things himself, but attacking Henrick's comrades was probably not in his best interest. 
Eventually Henrick chases the guy off, and after a couple more minutes Psalm is free yet again.
“Should be alright now,” Henrick says.
“Thank you,” Psalm says, “I'm afraid I’ve become the reason for your boss poking a fresh set of holes into you though.” 
Henrick shrugs. “You get used to it, and it’s not like it'd be the first time anyways. He was pretty mad that one time back in the market.” 
“Damn, and here I was thinking we'd been lowkey.” 
“Eh, he can sniff out money.” 
Psalm ponders that response for a minute but has no answer. Who is he to question one's choice of management? 
“I could always have a friend get rid of him for you, if you'd like.” 
The statement only serves to make Henrick more fidgety. It seemed that Henrick had at least some reservations about it, but Psalm supposed someone who'd been willing to help the enemy twice now could be expected to be a bit of a softy.
“I dunno…” 
“It'd be no trouble. She's been kinda eager to, let’s say “have a chat”, with him again.” 
Henrick shudders. “You mean the big one?” 
“Yeah, hard pass. Who knows if she'll stop at just Rickert.” Psalm laughs. He knows Han would, but the fact that she's scarred some of Rickert's men is pretty funny. Speaking of, he'd best return to the group soon. His diversion had taken longer than he'd expected. He hopes the others have made it back to Vinny's shop by now.
“I'll give you some time to think about it, but in any case, I'd best be on my way.” 
“No gold this time?” Henrick jokes, and then not a moment later looks awash with regret at what he's just said. 
“My pockets aren't as deep as you might think,” Psalm says. At that, Henrick, quite unexpectedly, starts to blush.
“That was just a… can you forget I said that?” he says. 
“Hmm, maybe not,” Psalm smiles. 
“I honestly just, don't remember your name…” Henrick trails off. 
“That's disappointing,” Psalm says. He looks around the alley, and for good measure, checks around the corners too. The bandits are gone, thankfully, but maybe it'd be best to avoid using the alleys just incase they were still crawling around.
“You don't sound like you care much.” 
Psalm turns back to Henrick after his thorough search of the alley. “I thought that we had something special going on, but clearly I was wrong,” Psalm sighs.
Henrick looks confused. “Huh?” 
“But it's fine. I'll reintroduce myself next time.” 
“Next time?” 
“Well a good deed can't just go unpaid.” 
Henrick fidgets with his scarf. “I was kidding ‘bout the gold.” 
“Well, I wasn't. But really, let's save it for next time.” Psalm gives Henrick a perfunctory wave, he's not one for excessive good-byes, and heads off down the opposite way of the bandits. He doesn’t look back.
It's all very calculated for you isn't it? Is that how you usually make friends? Ghester pipes up once there's no one around. 
“Who said anything about making friends?” Psalm grumbles back in Infernal. 
About two weeks later, Psalm finds himself again wandering the alleys of Shorewater. However, this time, it's both he and Plum that have been separated from the others. They'd split into three teams, Han and Keva, Rokka and Cimmorro and he and Plum. It was a simple fetch quest, nothing serious. To put it simply: one of Vinny's cats had gone missing again.
“If this leads us to another thieves’ den I'm going home,” Plum says, obviously irritated at the idea. Psalm is inclined to agree. 
“We could get Vinny to pay extra if that happens though,” Psalm points out, “try thinking a little on the bright side of things.” 
“Don't wanna hear that from Mr.Broods-a-lot,” Plum mumbles. 
“Haha, funny.” 
They head to the market square again, the only difference from the first time this had happened being that it's night time now. The market takes on a different feel at night, less lively but still busy enough to feel comfortable. Plum and Psalm go around questioning some of the vendors, one of whom mentions having seen the cat a bit earlier skulking around the fish stalls. Go figure. 
“You think Team Rokka/Cimmorro has found it yet?” Plum asks as they make their way over to that section of the market.
“One can only dream.” 
Sure enough, when they get there, the cat is nowhere to be seen. One of the fish vendors informs them that the cat had been there though, having made off with one of his fish earlier. 
“You gonna pay up?” the vendor asks, as if that were the logical conclusion to the situation.
Plum makes up their face. Psalm steps in before they decide to make things worse. 
“I apologise, but it's not our cat. When we find her we can inform our employer and he'll reimburse you. Please wait until then.” 
The vendor grumbles but agrees, and Psalm congratulates himself for avoiding that situation. The congratulations last for all of about one second before a man goes barrelling into the cart. 
Psalm and Plum jump back immediately. Thankfully, the vendor is unharmed, but his cart has definitely seen better days. Psalm looks up to see Han, because of course this has something to do with her, and a hooded figure in the middle of the square. There are people rushing about, some trying to get out of Han's line of fire, others carrying on like nothing had happened. It's hard to see exactly with all the people rushing about.
Psalm considers ignoring the situation and carrying on with his current mission, but the next thing he knows his feet are carrying him over towards the commotion. 
“Han, what are you doing.” It's not really a question.
“Stopping thief,” she says, as if she hadn't just hurled a man halfway across the square. “You expect me to stand by while this man and his friends steal from innocent people?”
Psalm presses his head into his hands.
“Right now I think you're doing more damage than the thief,” Plum says, having followed Psalm over to the middle of the square. They point in the direction of the fish vendor's cart. 
Han looks over, confused, and then winces. 
“Oops,” she says, and then, “Vinny can pay for it.” 
I’m so sorry Vinny, Psalm thinks.
It's then that Psalm notices the hooded figure that Han had been engaged with is trying to make an escape. Unfortunately for them, Han notices too, and before he can get away she reaches down and hoists him into the air by the back of his hood, revealing his face.
Of course it's Henrick. 
Psalm quashes down a small wave of panic. Of all the people Han could’ve possibly gotten her hands on. Psalm wishes she had found Rickert instead, because he didn’t care one way or another what happened to him. Before Psalm can say anything to salvage the situation though, Plum reacts faster, surprisingly. 
“You're that guy that was with Ricke-!” they start to say, but before they can finish Psalm gives them a swift kick to the leg. Plum turns and glares at him.
“What was that for?” 
“What was what for?” 
Han narrows her eyes at at the both of them. “You know this thief?” 
“I’m not a thief,” Henrick says, “or well, I didn't steal anything just now.” 
Han ignores him, eyes trained solely on Plum. Psalm considers that a small blessing for the moment. There’s no way Han isn’t going to recognise Henrick once she actually gets a good luck at his now unhooded face, Plum points at Psalm. “Not me. This guy. They had some kinda shady deal going on. It was kinda gross to witness.” 
Leave it to Plum to throw him under the bus in a moment like this honestly. Han already didn't trust him a good percentage of the time, and now this. It’s then that Han finally turns back to Henrick, and of course, recognises him instantly.
“You’re one of Rickert’s men?” she all but yells. 
Henrick raises his hands in defense. “Yeah, but not willingly,” he says. While this is happening, Psalm is not quite glaring at Plum, who is making a point of ignoring him. 
Psalm, annoyed, turns to Han instead. “Could you put him down? You're causing a scene.” Technically she's already caused one, but Henrick looks like he's about to pass out from fear while Han manhandles him, and Psalm can't really blame him. She did spear one of his friends. 
“Like this, I'm stopping him from running away. Why is Plum saying you know this man, Psalm? Are you working for Rickert?” 
Psalm tries to think of an answer that isn't suspicious. He’s currently drawing blanks as to ways to avoid making the situation worse. He quickly peers over at Henrick, who, despite being dangled several feet in the air like a doll, looks somewhat pleased. 
“I remember,” Psalm hears him say, “it's Psalm.” 
Now is really not the time for that Psalm thinks, but he can't help feeling a little endeared anyways. 
“We spared his life remember? And he just so happened to be there when we were gathering information underground during that whole fiasco with the ball,” Psalm says, “Did I not tell you? Whoops.” 
That was a mistake of course, riling Han up, but his excuse was that he was quickly losing his patience with the situation. That and he was just flat out starting to panic. 
Of course, once Han realises what Psalm said she glares even harder. “You're working for Rickert aren't you. You've been fooling us the entire time.” 
“I have not, in fact, been working for Rickert. He tried to kill me too remember? Now if you could just put my friend down and maybe not kill him, that'd be great. Wonderful even.” 
“I don't kill,” Han says. Out of the corner of his eye, Psalm sees Plum turn and look at the man currently lying unconscious on top of what used to be a fish stall. 
“Just put him down and let him explain himself already Han, seriously the guards might come at any time now and I'm sure you don't want to go to jail.” 
Han grumbles at that, but eventually let's Henrick down and the group of them exit the square into a small alley a little ways away. 
As soon as they get there Han slams Henrick up against the wall of the alley. “You will explain.” 
Psalm watches this unfold with a vague sort of empathy. I understand, he thinks, I've been there too.
Henrick looks to Psalm for help. Psalm shrugs. As much as he would like to, things are honestly out of his hands at this point. Still though, he does kind of owe Henrick so he might as well try. 
“I think you're scaring him.” 
“Good,” Han says. She turns to Psalm as well. “Don't think this means I trust you.”
“Wouldn't dream of it, but I don't think we're getting anywhere like this,” Psalm tries but Han ignores him. Psalm resists the urge to beat his head against the wall. Why is she so stubborn? 
Psalm turns to Plum, not that he's expecting them to be of any help. Of course he's right, Plum has already resumed searching for the cat in the alley they're in. 
“What did you steal?” Han asks. 
“I didn’t,” Henrick says, looking exasperated. 
“You're lying.” 
“I am not.” 
This kind of questioning could go on all night, Psalm realises, so he tries to step in again. He looks Henrick in the eyes. 
“Did you steal anything?” 
Han looks indignant. “I'm doing the questioning!”
“We’ll be here until dawn if you do the questioning. Just let me do it.” 
“But you're working for Rickert,” she shouts at him.
“I am not,” Psalm shouts back, “God, I can even help you find him later if you want to kill him so badly, but can you please just let me do this so we can finish up here?” 
He's not sure what about that placates her, possibly the offer to kick Rickert's ass down the line, but eventually Han eases up off the wall and crosses her arms instead. 
“Explain everything later or it's not just Rickert I will want to kill so badly.”
“Yes, yes, hurt me all you want later. Now, some silence please.” Han huffs.
Psalm sighs and turns back to Henrick. “Do me a favour and don't resist please.” 
Henrick looks confused, and then his eyes glaze over. He looks at Psalm, and a dopey smile forms on his face. 
Psalm turns to Han. “I've charmed him, are you happy now?” 
Han knows by now what a charmed person looks like, but she still seems a bit suspicious. 
“How do I know this isn't a trick?”
“What could I possibly gain from getting in the way of you and Rickert, who I don't give a rat's ass about, at the cost of possibly own life? This man's innocent Han, don't drag him into it.” 
Psalm doesn't actually know if he's innocent or not. Everything he's saying right now is a gamble. He hopes Henrick hadn't been lying earlier. 
Psalm turns back to Henrick.
“Did you steal anything at the market just now?” 
Henrick thinks for a couple seconds, and every single one of those seconds is a year shaved off of his life he thinks. 
“Nope,” he decides. Psalm breathes a sigh of relief. Hopefully, Henrick isn't the type to lie too much to his friends though, not that Han needs to know the details of a charm spell right now. Still, just to be on the safe side...
“You're not lying?” 
“No point lying to you. You're nice to me. Nicer than Rickert for sure, not that that's hard to do.”
Han raises an eyebrow. 
“I paid him ten gold for some information. Don't read into it.” 
“Yet I shouldn't be suspicious?” Han says. 
“It's more gross than suspicious I think,” Plum pipes up, having given up on the search for the cat at the moment. 
“No one asked,” Psalm says. 
“Ask him where Rickert is,” Han says. Psalm is not totally opposed to finding out this information if it means getting Han to trust that they're not affiliated. He does feel bad about getting the information out of Henrick this way though. It was yet another way Psalm would've gotten Rickert in trouble. 
Something to worry about later though, when he didn’t have his own reputation to clear.
“Henrick you wouldn't happen to know where Rickert is at this very moment would you?” 
“Nah, he left the city about a week ago on some mission. Said it was too important to tell the likes of me and the others. Dunno when he'll be back either.” 
Han just barely manages to contain her frustration at that answer. 
“Are we done here now?” Psalm asks. 
“Do you have a base? Somewhere you meet up?” Han pushes.
Henrick regards her curiously. “Not since you guys trashed our first one.”
“I think we're done here now,” Psalm says. He turns to Han. “What now? You want to play detective with me too? I assure you I have nothing to hide.” 
Regarding Rickert anyways, he thinks, but of course he leaves that unsaid. 
Han looks conflicted. “You never give me good reason to trust you.” 
Psalm clutches at his heart in mock hurt, but responds in his usual monotone regardless. “After everything we've been through together?” 
Plum interjects again. “Is he just gonna stay like that?” Han and Psalm pause and turn back to Henrick, who is currently staring off into space. 
“Regrettably, I don't know how to end the spell. It'll wear off after an hour,” Psalm says. 
“I don't want to watch this guy make googly eyes at Psalm for an hour,” Plum says, disgust clear as day on their face. 
“Plus we have cat to find,” Han says. Psalm stares at her. 
“You sure changed directions quickly.” 
Han shrugs. “I'll beat it out of you later.” 
“Yes well, if I'm not halfway across the continent by then.”
Now it's his turn to get pinned against the wall by Han. Somehow, he's surprised he didn't see this coming. He has a vague suspicion she just likes to flex on him where possible. 
“What was that?” Han says sweetly.
“I said ‘I can't wait’ of course,” Psalm says. 
“Good.” She gestures to Plum. “We should go find Keva. And the cat.” 
After the two exit the alley Psalm sinks to the floor and stretches his legs out in front of him. Henrick is still standing nearby, zoning out, so Psalm snaps at him to get his attention.
It's only been like what, fifteen minutes? Henricks eyes are still glazed over. 
“This back and forth of owing each other is bad for the soul I think,” Psalm says to him. Henrick just stares before joining Psalm on the floor. Psalm just sighs. 
I must say that was quite entertaining, Ghester says. 
“I’m not in the mood to talk to you.” 
That would imply that you are normally would it not? 
“Good point.” 
Psalm has no idea what to do while waiting for the spell to wear off, but he can't just leave the man charmed in a random alleyway at night either. Then all of his hard work would've been for nothing. 
He entertains the idea of getting some information out of Henrick while things are like this, but it feels a bit underhanded, and there isn't really anything in particular he wants to know anyways. 
“I'm starting to think this was a mistake.”
You're like a child. Are you really telling me you can't sit still for less than an hour? 
“I can't help it if I get bored.” 
“Whatever, I'd rather chew threw my own tail than listen to you insult me.” 
You've no choice in the matter really. 
“And I'm the childish one?” 
“Who are you talking to?” Henrick asks from beside him. 
Psalm nearly jumps out of his skin. Henrick's eyes are back to normal. He'd forgotten that elves were more resistant to charms, especially full blooded ones. It hadn't been a full hour yet. The shock must've registered on his face, because Henrick starts to backtrack immediately. 
“Well I don't know if that was talking, actually. Not to be rude. Don't really get to hear Infernal all that often so, uh...nevermind.” 
Psalm stares at him in amusement. “I was merely practicing some spells is all,” he lies.
Then silence. Psalm tries not to find it a bit awkward, which he usually doesn't, but fails. Henrick is apparently thinking the same thing, because he starts speaking again.
“Your friend’s kinda scary.” 
Psalm resists the urge to chuckle, because it's the truth when he's on the receiving end. 
“I won't deny that.” It's a short reply. From the way Henrick starts to fiddle with the handle of the dagger in his belt, Psalm assumes he'd been expecting him to carry more of the conversation. Unfortunately for him, Psalm is feeling a bit worn out, and maybe just a little bit too amused at watching Henrick squirm a bit. But he isn't a bully. Not really.
“I suppose if we’re going to continue this pattern that it's your turn to save me next,” Psalm says. 
Henrick laughs nervously. “I hope you're not asking me to get in the way of you and your friend.” 
“Are you saying I'm not worth the trouble?” 
Henrick pauses, caught off guard.
“That upsets me to hear,” Psalm says. He rests his head on his knees and looks up at Henrick. 
Henrick continues to scramble for an answer. “Ok, but-” 
“I mean it's ok if you don't feel that way, as I'm obviously just messing with you. Only a madman would get in Han's way.” 
Henrick lets out a frustrated noise, and leans his head back against the wall.
Psalm laughs. 
Henrick glares at him, albeit weakly. Psalm assumes that's as intense as someone who looks as worn out as him will get. 
“Is it fun for you to do that?” Henrick asks. 
Of course, Psalm thinks. “Do what?” he says. 
“I dunno, screw with me?” 
“Ah, not quite. I believe the word you're looking for is flirting, yes?” 
Henrick's eyes widen and he pointedly looks down at the floor. “That's not what I meant.” 
Psalm smiles. “But isn't it though?” 
“Is that why you kept that note? And the dagger?” 
That makes Psalm pause. It's not that weird a question, given that he'd asked about it last time as well, but he'd never thought hard about why.
Henrick notes the lack of response, but doesn't look up. “I'm just curious is all. Don't get any funny ideas.” 
“Bit late for that,” Psalm says, and to his endless amusement Henrick rolls his eyes. 
“If you want the truth though, I was just clearing the crime scene. And you left the dagger behind. Who am I to turn down a parting gift?” 
“That's all?” 
Psalm lifts his head and leans in slightly. Even while sitting he's still taller. “You were expecting something else?” 
Henrick leans away. “I was just curious,” he repeats.
“I believe you.” 
Henrick snorts. “No you don't.” 
“I've no reason to lie to you,” Psalm says, and it's sort of the truth. If there's one thing Henrick has more or less proved repeatedly, it's that he poses absolutely no threat whatsoever to Psalm. Weird how not wanting to kill him has endeared this man to him. Psalm wonders where the hell he went wrong in life for a brief moment.
Despite his (mostly) sincere answer, Henrick eyes him cautiously, obviously not believing him. Now Psalm's the one rolling his eyes. 
“If I told you I kept your note to prove you'd owe me later would that make more sense to you? Keep in mind I can't see the future, so there's no way I'd actually know whether I could cash in on that or not.” 
“It's just weird that you're so nice to me when my boss and I tried to kill you I guess? It's not weird for me to find this weird right?” 
“Oh? What's “this”? There's a “this”?” Psalm says. Henrick places his head in his hands and let's out a muffled yell. 
“You're really frustrating to talk to! D'yknow that?” 
“So I've been told.” He watches Henrick get to his feet, but doesn't bother moving himself. 
“Next time it's your turn to save me, alright?” Psalm says as Henrick turns to leave. 
“Yeah, yeah. Ugh, I should just leave you if that happens.” Despite this, Henrick turns and waves before leaving. Psalm waves back, and Henrick retreats out of view. 
Psalm sits for a couple more minutes in silence. He's not really sure what to do now honestly except return back to the inn. As he stands up, he hears a small meow from further down the alley. When he goes to investigate, he discovers Vinny's cat, huddled under a small fort of crates. 
Psalm scoops her into his arms. 
“Well aren't you cute?” he says to her.
More honest with animals than people are we?
“Are you going to do this every time?” 
The group are at the tavern in the Swallow’s Perch celebrating a successful escort mission some nights later. Although, to call it a celebration when two thirds of the party hadn't been interested in attending was generous. Of course it had been Rokka and Han's idea. The two had somehow managed to get the other four to participate. Between Rokka's innocent cluelessness and Han's stubbornness, it isn't like they could've said no. 
Psalm watches from a safe distance as Keva goes around pickpocketing strangers while Cimmorro distracts them, and wonders what'll happen if Han notices. 
He's not really in the mood to drink right now, but he empties a few tankards anyways for lack of anything better to do. 
Rokka comes over and sits next to him. 
“Why the long face roomie?” 
Psalm raises an eyebrow. “This is how it is normally.” 
“Oh ok. Plum said you looked like you wanted company, so I thought you were sad or something but if you're not, that's good too!” 
Psalm is pretty sure Plum just didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Rokka's attention, but he refrains from saying that. Plum cuts their eyes at him from across the counter, and Psalm wonders what exactly he's done to incur their wrath this time. Probably nothing, if he's honest, Plum is just kind of a nuisance without really meaning to be. 
“Well since I'm perfectly fine, how about we both go let Plum know?” 
“Good idea,” Rokka says, clearly pleased at the idea. 
Plum does not look as pleased when they look up from their drink and realise that not only has Rokka returned, but Psalm is one step behind him. 
“Not this,” Plum says, “anything but this.”
Rokka takes the seat next to them. “Not what?” 
Psalm takes the seat on the opposite side of Plum. 
“Heard you were worried about me. I'm touched.” 
“I'm not worried,” Plum says indignantly, “you've just had a dumb mopey look on your face since the other day. Did your boyfriend dump you?” 
Psalm frowns at the exact same time Rokka's ears perk up. 
“You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend roomie!” he says, at a volume that was much louder than was necessary. Of course, it takes all of no seconds for the rest of the party to look at Psalm. This is what he gets for trying to harass Plum clearly. God has he learned his lesson now. 
“I didn't tell you because I don't have one.” Not that he would've gone out of his way to if he did. Not out of any sort of ill intent towards Rokka, it was just that clearly he couldn't keep his mouth shut. 
The others are suddenly crowded around him. Since when did they care so much? 
“How'd you find someone with the same freaky kinks as you?” Cimmorro asks. Psalm can never tell when he's being serious or not. 
“I'm not even going to grace that with a real response,” he says. 
“I have to agree,” Keva says, “with Cimmorro that is. Also congrats I guess. There's a heart in there after all. Probably.” 
“I'm shocked too,” Han says, “I just assumed one with no emotions like you would have trouble finding a partner.”
“All of you are rude as hell,” Psalm says, suddenly devoid of any desire to clear the misunderstanding. He has a small suspicion it wouldn't be worth the effort. 
It's at that moment, that karma delivers the biggest fuck you imaginable. The doors of the tavern swing open, and Henrick walks in followed by two men, one of whom Psalm doesn’t recognise, and one he does because it's Rickert. 
A lot of different things happen in quick succession at that point.
Henrick spots Han, because she's hard to miss, and immediately tries to make a U-turn out the door. 
It's unsuccessful, as Rickert spots Han as well, pushes Henrick out of the way and is gone faster than should be possible.
Han spots Rickert and leaps over the counter towards him.
Plum yells “There's the boyfriend! Go bother him!” at Rokka, and points at Henrick. 
Psalm contemplates jumping off the nearest cliff into the ocean. Or killing Plum. Whichever is easiest.
There's a lot of commotion after that. Ferrie looks slightly exasperated as she tries to calm the other patrons down. Rokka heads out the door as well, Psalm assumes to go back Han up, but not without sparing a glance over at Henrick. Henrick doesn't notice because he's too busy giving, Plum a curious look. It takes no time at all for Psalm to guess why.
Suddenly Psalm feels his sobriety evaporating into thin air as dread? Or maybe anxiety, he can't tell which, takes over. Curse his habit of over drinking.
“I think I'm done for the night,” he says, standing up. Better to avoid disaster completely, than attempt to face it while rapidly getting more intoxicated. 
Plum gives him a look of pity and understanding. Keva and Cimmorro have left, possibly also to go help Han. Or maybe it's just the bounty they're interested in. Either way it's just he and Plum left. 
“You don't have to go just because you got dumped,” Plum says.
“I am genuinely curious as to how you arrived at the conclusion that I got dumped, because you sound genuine and that scares me.” 
“Is this seat taken?” a voice says to his right. Psalm doesn't turn around because he knows who it is.
“Be my guest.”  There’s no escape as he hears Henrick pull back the seat beside him and sit down, but he tries anyways. 
“I was just leaving anyways.” He doesn’t want to think about Henrick’s reaction to that. Maybe if he gets there in time, he can get in the middle of Rickert and Psalm’s fight and they’ll both kill him. The idea is incredibly enticing.
Before he can even start to move towards the door Plum pulls Psalm in by the front of his shirt and whispers at him.
“You can't leave. Look, he wants to sort things out.” 
“There is no way you could be this stu- I mean mis-infomed. Seriously.” 
“I don't get what you mean, but if you leave now it'll just be me and him, and I don't want that.” 
Ah yes. Typical Plum behaviour. 
“I don't care.” 
“I'll tell him about your weird kinks.” 
“Go ahead.” 
Plum shakes him a bit. “Why are you being like this?”
“I’ve had too much to drink.” 
“So you’re worried about saying something stupid in front of the guy you like?”
Plum laying it out bare to him like that makes him feel embarrassed. 
“I don’t like him. I just think he’s cute.”
Plum gives him a disgusted look. 
“Not like that. More of an ‘his reactions are cute so I want to bully him’ kind of way. Which is what I usually do, but now I don’t know if I can stop myself from saying anything stupid. Like I’m doing right now actually.”
“I see now why you want to leave so badly. You should never drink again. Ever. I’m serious.”
“Glad to see we’re finally on the same pa- where are you going?” Plum is in the middle of leaving their seat, but they stop to give Psalm an annoyed look. Not that the annoyed look every really left their face.
“I’m getting kind of tired of whispering, also you’re being dumb so I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Before Psalm can stop them, they’ve walked off to a different section of the bar, effectively stranding him here with Henrick, who he hasn’t even formally acknowledged yet.
That problem solves itself the moment Plum is out of earshot.
“So... boyfriend huh?” Henrick says. 
Psalm doesn’t turn around.
“If I searched hard enough I could find your boss and get him to kill me right? How far do you think he's made it?”
Henrick chuckles. “Dunno. You gonna sit back down or am I going to end up drinking by myself?” 
Psalm sighs. There's no getting out of this one. He considers for one, brief, desperate moment, asking Ghester for help, but that has never proved to be useful the entire time he's known him. 
“Can't have that can we?” he says instead, and sits down in the seat he'd been previously occupying.
There's a long silence as Henrick sits there and drinks, and with nothing else to do Psalm just watches him. 
“Not very talkative tonight I see.” 
“I don't really know what to do now that the tables are turned if I’m honest,” Henrick says. He scratches at his face sheepishly. 
“You could consider just forgetting me or my idiot friends said anything. We could go back to square one? Hello, my name’s Psalm.” 
Henrick smiles. “Are you drunk? It's kind of hard to tell, but it feels like you are.” 
“I'm perfectly coherent thanks,” Psalm huffs.He battles the urge to pout for a solid ten seconds before he loses. 
“It's kinda nice? Usually you're just like this,” and then Henrick makes a face that Psalm assumes is supposed to be an imitation of him. It just looks like he's constipated.
“A perfect imitation,” Psalm says.
“Oh shut it, you know I'm right. You're more honest too right now, I guess. You should drink more often. ” 
“That is quite literally the opposite of what I was told a couple minutes ago. Funny how that works. Life in general is funny. Ha.” 
God Psalm, he thinks, just shut it already.
“I think it's kinda cute?” Henrick says, and the takes a sip from his drink.
Psalm stares at him. The inebriated state of his mind isn't really helping to decipher the meaning behind that statement. Maybe there isn't any. He hadn't really thought that far ahead regarding his encounters with Henrick beyond, “elf cute, gotta tease”, so the reciprocation of sentiment on Henrick's part was throwing him off.
“Do you want to take a walk with me?” Psalm asks. He gets up from his seat. “I feel like taking a walk.” 
Henrick makes a face like he misheard. “Uh... what? Right now?” 
“You'd rather be here when Han comes back?”  
Henrick pales. “A walk sounds good.” 
It's a cool night, thankfully, because it'd been kind of stuffy inside the bar. There are just enough people outside in the streets for the night to feel lively.
“What are you even doing here? At Swallow's Perch. I’d figured it was too open a space for thieves,” Psalm asks once they're a reasonable distance away. 
“Eh, boss was meeting up with a client here. Although I guess the job's shot if your friend kills him huh...damn.” 
“You don’t sound all that concerned.” 
“Well it's not like I like the guy...he pokes me fulla holes any chance he gets really. Although it would be a pain to have to find new work and- hey, actually can we not talk about Rickert?”
Psalm fiddles with the neck of his shirt. “Sorry I'm all out ideas. I'm afraid you'll have to take over.”
Henrick snorts. “Weird, you usually have something to say.” 
“Yes well, right now it's harder for me. My head's a bit of a mess.” As if to prove his point, Psalm just narrowly misses walking into a lamppost. Henrick reaches out and pulls him out of the way. 
Just kill me now, Psalm thinks, there's no need for me to suffer first. 
“Maybe you should sit down.” 
“Great idea.” The two stop at a nearby bench, just a little ways off from the market square. Psalm hopes that Rickert is keeping Han busy, or it's likely she'll pass by them on the way back to the inn.
Psalm sits down, but Henrick remains standing. 
“Ok, I think we should probably stop beating around the bush,” he says. Psalm laughs nervously. 
“The tables really have turned haven't they? Is that the liquid courage talking or are you being serious?” 
“Actually it's both.” 
“I see.” 
“Ok just listen. I know this is kind of silly, mostly because you and your friends tried to kill me and my friends the first time we met, and it's been like, two other times since then and your goliath friend-” 
“Han,” Psalm interjects before he can stop himself. He's definitely swearing off alcohol forever.
“Yeah her, yeah she terrifies me, but, the point is I think you're interested in me in the same way I am in you, and it'd be nice if we could see each other maybe not by chance?” 
Psalm runs that last part in his head a couple times. “Are you asking me on a date?” 
Henrick's sudden burst of confidence seems to be disappearing, because he suddenly starts fidgeting. 
“Uh yeah? More or less. Unless I just completely misunderstood every interaction we've had so far. I did didn't I? Oh god.” 
Psalm feels like he's on fire, but he puts that aside for now to stop Henrick from self-destructing. 
“No, no you were right. Sorry I'm just- How about tomorrow?” 
Henrick frowns at him. “You don't seem very interested.”
“Sorry were you expecting me to be blushing like a teenage girl? It’s not very easy to pull off with red skin, I assure you.” Psalm is actually doing his best not to rocket into space, but Henrick doesn't need to know that. 
Henrick sighs and sits down on the bench. “Maybe I have a thing for assholes.” 
Psalm raises an eyebrow. “Oh? I can be nice too I if you want.” 
Henrick flushes. “What do you mean?” 
“I can show you if you'd like,” he says, meaning in.  Before he can make good on his comment though, there's a sudden noise like a stampede off in the distance. Psalm has a feeling he knows what it is, and sure enough as the sound gets closer he recognises Han's silhouette as she barrels towards them. 
There's a distinct lack of blood on her, so he figures Rickert escaped safely. 
“I think it'd be best if you escaped,” Psalm says.
“What makes you say that,” Henrick says as he leaps off the bench. He takes off in the opposite direction, but not before yelling “Remember tomorrow,” as he disappears into the distance. 
Han, having lost yet another target, focuses her attention on Psalm, who she picks up by the cape not unlike she would a small child. 
“Hello Han, having fun ruining my night?” 
“That makes both of us. Why did your friend run off?”
“You spent most of tonight trying to kill his boss.” 
Han scoffs as if what Psalm had just said was in any way unreasonable. “I was just going to gently persuade him to tell me location, nothing too intense.” She drops him to his feet (seriously, she must be doing this to flex on him or something) and begins to head back to the inn. 
“You coming?” 
Psalm falls into step a little behind her, and the two walk in relative silence for a bit before Ghester shows himself. 
Quite a night, he says.
“I'm glad it’s over, if that's what you're getting at,” Psalm responds quietly in Infernal.
Oh? Looking forward to tomorrow I see.
“Something like that.” He realises somewhat belatedly that they hadn't really set a time or place. Oh well, they'd figure something out.
“Did you say something?” Han turns back to look at him. 
Psalm smiles. “You must've misheard.” 
0 notes
dndfuckhouse · 4 years
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my japanese high school au
33 notes · View notes
dndfuckhouse · 4 years
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psalm doodles pt 2. (gabrielle’s highschool au)
5 notes · View notes
dndfuckhouse · 4 years
Session 30 - Things are Looking Up (Fuck You Rickert)
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> 🎵  Bridge to London / Vampyr OST.
We pick up again with the party separated into their two groups, exploring the underground for signs of Cole and Ezra. Han and Finn make their way back to the group’s assigned meeting place at Renny’s having lost their pursuers while Keva waits ahead of them anxiously. The three think over the roving hooded group they spotted, wondering why they seem to be guarding the Western Scaffolds in the meantime.
While the three were searching about, the other team find their way to a bar by the name of the Cracked Skull, with some directions from Nickel. After making up a reason to drag Henrick away for a chat the group find themselves taking part in a card game with Rickert in exchange for information, 350 gold if they lose or for free if they win.
The group shuffle themselves off to the other end of the bar to discuss cheating tactics, Ghester making another guest appearance to the others. At the same time so he’s not left awkwardly standing at the table with Rickert, Rokka shuffles off to awkwardly get the drinks he promised.
Chip: the cost for the ales is 32 copper, 4 copper per mug Rokka: he shuffles through his coins and see that he's short on copper "darn..." he pulls out 2 gold pieces instead "HERE TAKE THIS INSTEAD! THANK YOU BYE!" he grabs all the drink and Very Slowly walks back to Rickerts table Chip: you dont get too good a grip on all of them and end up dropping one full mug on the floor Rokka: He freezes in his steps and yells with his head tilted upwards "AHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo.... 😩 there goes my drink......." he sulks his way back to the table and hands everyone their drinks "here you go...." Rickert: in front of you he gives a hoot “well henrick this friend a yours is more hospitable than I thought” Henrick: he responds with a cough “ah-yup, always been a….good guy that one” Rokka: gives a thumbs up at henrick and rickert  😬👍
As Rokka attempts some sort of distraction the other three confer over their cheating plan, Psalm using Ghester to spy on Henrick’s cards while invisible Plum will tell Cimmorro what Rickert’s cards are by tracing the number into his hand.
Psalm: what if i said smn like "psalm repeats the plan" Cimmorro: [40 minutes later of psalm repeating the plan] Plum: "we should probably make sure that they're not watching us" Han: everyone turns around at the same time to look at rickert Psalm: you know when you're like "don't look now but" and then the person looks
Enacting their plan they hide Plum in the corner as they become invisible with Psalm’s help. Soon after the group meander their way back to rickert’s table with their plan set, as they do he gives them all a lazy once over.
Rickert: “oh back already, thought you’d run off with your tail between your legs?” he snorts  Cimmorro: taking a seat cimm snorts back, "and miss the opportunity to spend time with a handsome guy like you? not a chance. let's play" Plum: are you sure marriage isnt the end goal here? Chip: jez if i was drinking something i would have spit take
Rickert: he lets out a cackle “right right, sit your asses down then” he quickly pulls out a deck of cards and begins shuffling it "you and tall boy here are playing issat it?" Psalm: in his head like... am i tall???? when han exists?? "Yes, tall boy here is playing." psalm says as he sits down Rickert: he eyes you “hmmm righto, just in case your brains are both full’a cotton I’ll go over the rules again for you big man” Plum: rickert seems to be invested in psalm's physical size Chip: why do u phrase things like this Plum: WHY ELSE CHIP
Plum: you should have named ghester remy Psalm: SHOULD I? SHOULD I HAVE? Cimmorro: you know it works since u keep saying psalm is french, hence he’s linguini  Plum: you know how ghester is like a cloud of smoke, just start having him be like the nebulous shape of a rat
Rickert soon spouts off the rules for King’s Gambit for a few minutes until he’s satisfied the party understand. Pleased, he leans back in the booth taking a sip of his newly gifted ale before continuing.
Rickert: “and if I catch any of ya’s tryin’ anything funny the bets off, only one thing I hate more than being lied to that’s gettin' cheated, and I’m sure from experience you know how serious I am bout’ these things” he lets out a cackle Henrick: next to him you see henrick sigh “guess I’ll be the second player for us then” Rickert: he snorts “yeah you’re shit at cards, but not like either of these two chumps are any better” he says while elbowing one of the other two goonies, he squints around at your group gain before speaking "where'd your fourth skitter off to boys?" Plum: he remembers us 😳 Cimmorro: living in his head rent free
Psalm: just shrugs, "Seems they've disappeared somewhere. Our group is split at the moment so we'd need someone to tell the others we'll be running late." Plum: plum like ‘?’ right now and then like ‘oh’ Rickert: he idly taps the table for a moment before snorting "right. well lets get started shall we" and he hands the deck to one of his goonies "start dealing" they quickly get to work
The group begin playing the game in earnest, starting on the first round of cards, calling and raising the bet in turn. 
> 🎵  Marked for Death / Assassin’s Creed IV OST
Cimmorro: ok ill raise it to 10... Rickert: he raises a brow at you but says nothing Cimmorro: i wink at him Rickert: he rolls his eye Han: cimm flirting with rickert like its gonna give him any kinda edge is making my whole week rn Cimmorro: THIS IS HOW HE COPES SSKLJF
Chip: rickert is across from cimm, henrick across from psalm Cimmorro: damn kyaa double date Plum: i hate that this is a double date
The round continues, Plum manages to get glances at Rickert’s hand successfully the whole time, feeding the information to Cimmorro, while Ghester gets a good look into Henrick’s. The party end up winning the first round with Psalm on top, taking in 250 chips.
Rickert: he clicks his tongue angrily Psalm: psalm just smiles at him Cimmorro: cimm breathes out a really long sigh of relief Rokka: rokka looking like [pog] Plum: ryuji_losers!_mp3
Plum: what is this jojo part 4 right now Psalm: set the bar on fire Plum: YO IF HE FINDS OUT WERE CHEATING THE BAR ON FIRE FR ENUH
The group continue into the second round, calling and raising in turn while they attempt to prolong their cheating efforts with Plum and Ghester.
After a few turns of raising (and an increasingly confused cimmorro) Plum attempts another peek at Rickert’s hand. Though as they get close to him this time they see him twitch and an eye rove towards their general direction. 
Immediately after the party see, in a split second, a dagger come careening down into the table (right in front of plum’s face) stabbing into the wood with a crack. His hand keeping a firm grip on it hilt while Henrick jolts next to him, they see Rickert turn his head slowly around the booth as if looking for something before giving a glare at the two across from him.
Rickert: “now boys im gonna be nice an amicable and say im just feeling a little antsy, but ya' wouldn't happen to be pulling something over me right now?” slowly he gives you a sharp grin Psalm: "You really think we'd do that after seeing firsthand what you do to people that try to cheat you?" Rickert: he tilts his head holding the grin "believe me, there have been plenty of people stupid enough to try buddy" he pulls the dagger out of the table, flipping it round and back onto his belt “let’s keep it moving then shall we gents? better hope i dont feel nothing funny again” he turns his attention back to the game Henrick: he sighs next to him relieved Psalm: he just shrugs "Maybe, but I'd like to think I'm not thaaat stupid." Ghester: you hear him laugh in your head at that Cimmorro: cimm takes another chug at his drink and goes "okay soo, can we play now?" CIMM WANTING TO SIGNAL TO PLUM TO STOP BUT DOESNT KNOW HOW Plum: PLUM WONDERING HOW TO TELL CIMM SOMETHING SIMILAR
Plum: imagine if cimm attempted to cast guidance on plum for the stealth roll you just see shit lighting up outta nowhere Han: ;KH;LKHAKHLSDLFAWREFD Cimmorro: just havin a little giggle here mate
The group continue playing until the end of the second round, revealing their hands Rickert takes the pot for his team this time, a total of 520 chips, putting them ahead of the party heading into the last round.
Cimmorro: cimm is just " 😥 " at psalm rn Psalm: just pats his shoulder like "eh you were close" Cimmorro: [inaudible grumbling] "i expect at least a dinner date after you take my money from me when this is all over" at this point his mug is empty Rickert: he snorts "maybe if you ask nicely" Cimmorro: cimm snorts back
The group continue on into the third and final round, despite the previous mess-up Plum decides to peek once again at Rickert’s hand, though it ends up backfiring on them. As they move closer to get a look at his cards again Rickert twitches his eye back in their direction and grins, in a second he whips his hand out in Plum’s direction and grabs their invisible head by the hair.
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Cimmorro: it's ok plum u die with dick huge honor Celebrity Guest Aqua: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBmjUoB5OPo Psalm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoFSfas_tco
> 🎵  Take What Is Ours! / Assassin’s Creed IV OST 
Rickert: “ahhh-! now what’s this? tangible air?” he turns his head back in the direction of you two in front of him “you’ve got 10 seconds to explain boys” Psalm: just stares at what RIckert is looking at like "Oh Plum, you're back already?" Plum: "Yeah, the others said to hurry it up." i wonder if rickert can feel plum withering away Psalm: "Oh, alright, I trust you made it around the place without running into any guards?" Cimmorro: "the crowd wasn't that hard for you to get past, was it?" Plum: "well yeah, it was fine. duh" Rokka: rokka rn
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Psalm lying through his teeth against all odds somehow manages to convince Rickert, glaring at them all for a long while before releasing Plum from his grasp. He stares at the group for a few moments before speaking up again 
Rickert: "id prefer it if all the friends 'round the table here made themselves visible before sidling up into my personal space" he turns his back at the rest of you smiling Psalm: "We'll keep that in mind if ever we do this again” Rickert: “real smartass aren't you” Cimmorro: "still skeptical? i don't know why you think we're cheating on you when you just won... what? 520 chips? ....if anything i'm wondering if you're the one cheating" sighing "i like to think we have a good connection here" Rickert: he turns to you and barks a long laugh "if you've got any proof feel free big boy, im a man of principles here, wouldn't do good if i went 'gainst my own rules" Plum: "how about i just sit next to them so you know im here, i kinda like being invisible..." Rickert: he clicks his tongue at Plum "i aint playing if i cant see 'ya" Plum: ">:(" Psalm: "Boss' orders, sorry."
Psalm drops the invisibility spell, causing Plum to apperate before everyone once more in full view.
Rickert: he smirks seeing plum appear "appreciate it, now-" and he elbows henrick "pay attention dumbass" Henrick: he jumps slightly in response "yeah yeah..." Cimmorro: "my apologies then. [snickers] i clearly don't know that much about you. but i'm sure that dinner would serve well for getting to know each other. now, let's play?" Rickert: he raises a brow at you "really going on about that dinner thing huh?"
Celebrity Guest Aqua: cimm incapable of not hitting on anyone Keva: flirting to cope, yknow like how people laugh when they're nervous, that but flirting Han: yes exactly jasdf Psalm: it's actually fucking killing me jez like WHAT ABOUT THIS SITUATION Cimmorro: JUST LITTLE CIMMORRO THINGS
> 🎵  Marked for Death / Assassin’s Creed IV OST 
Rickert shuttles them off into the final round, calling and raising one by one. Cimmorro folds early clearly dissatisfied, Rickert also folds soon after, making it a battle between Henrick and Psalm for the rest of the round. The two stay engrossed in the game for the next few minutes while the nervous energy around them builds. Though in the end when the cards are revealed Psalm ends up winning 650 chips for the party’s team, as well as the entire game.
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Henrick: he sighs and sags his head over the table while rickert punches him in the shoulder disgruntled Rickert: "are ya useful for anything you deadbeat" Plum: "good job" plum says and looks genuinely surprised at you two Rokka: "Great work guys!!!!" Psalm: "Well it was close, honestly had me worried there." Henrick: henrick rubs at his face "...think thats the best i've ever played frankly" Rickert: next to him rickert rolls his eye and leans back in the booth chugging his drink
Cimmorro: [has been shaking psalm back and forth rn] "i could kiss you right now!!" turns to rickert "so... anything we want to know you'll tell? yes??? Psalm: "Er...Uh.......? You're welcome?" Chip: psalm like [touches chest] what is this feeling...
Rickert: rickert replies "yeah yeah... unless it's about my mother's maiden name or some shit like that" Cimmorro: [stops shaking psalm and clasps his hands together] "no longer interested!” Plum: this is the funnies tmessage in the world Psalm: rickert has a mother? i thought he just crawled out from under a rock fully grown and horrible
Cimmorro: “so, about the bounty hunter and the blue tiefling, where did you last see them?" Rickert: he leans back, one of his arms snaking behind the booth seating and responds “...ran into yer associates about a day ago now or something, they were wandering around an area near this inn down to the west, like they had nothing better to do” he tilts his head away to look over the rest of the bar and turns back stretching “a small group of strangers approached me and my fine crew here, asked us to nab em, tie em up, throw em into a building and keep watch over em, nice easy job” he takes a swig of his drink again  Henrick: he chokes on his own drink out of nowhere, coughing he turns to him with a withering glance "..T-THAT'S what you've been complaining about..?"  Rickert: he smacks his shoulder again "since when did you give a rat's ass about who we manhandle" Psalm: deadass, really, really rickert, really rickert you're responsible for this rickert really
Cimmorro: wincing, "strangers... can you describe what they looked like at least? and where is this building then?" Psalm: just pinches his nose bridge like r u kidding me rn Rickert: he lets out a cackle “hah figured you wouldn’t like hearing that! soon as I realised it was that swordsman freak I was happy to oblige, don’t know nothing ‘bout that eccentric tiefling though”  he scratches his chin continuing to talk “some skinny drow, and some obvious looking hired hands, didn’t pay up front but I was gonna let it be. grabbed the two with them and kept em nice and happy, best service ive ever provided frankly” then he frowns “but the prick who hired us suddenly ran off, probably got spooked and hey I’d be thankful to lose the company frankly BUT-!” at this he slams his drink hard down on the table “-THEY DIDN’T LEAVE ANY PAY! fuckers…. next time I see em’ im gutting them”  Han: SKINNY LITTTLE DROW.. Celebrity Guest Aqua: game theorizing, i know nickel would pay the first date i know it
Rickert starts idling flicking a knife in his other hand clearly annoyed discussing this while the two other goonies start grumbling next to him in agreement, next to him Henrick holds half his face in his hand.
> 🎵  Bridge to London / Vampyr OST.
Plum: "so that means we can just go grab em no problem right" Cimmorro: "i... i see... did the drow happen to wear red robes? you didn't answer me where the building was now.” Rickert: he grumbles "nah wore all black like every other prick down here, didn’t recognise em’ so they definitely weren’t from round here which means they probably have no issue cutting and running. haven’t heard sign of em’ round here or up in the city since and believe me I’ve been keeping a damn ear out" he continues complaining into his drink Henrick: he continues somewhat awkwardly after him “it’s a uh- probably a little building in the north, think the boss here took ‘em to a basement there.” he sighs “didn’t realise uh… well,  It’s a building with a green painted door, sticks out like a sore thumb” Finn: rickert: yes i will answer your questions no i wont Cimmorro: i want to beat him senseless
Psalm: he sighs "No other defining features at all? Gender or name even?"  Rickert: he leans into his hand and groans "not much, didnt exchange names, they liked to complain alot, though think it was a gal but eh ive been to preoccupied...." at this he seems to remember something and whacks henrick on the arm who jumps again “oi- jackass did you actually get the shit from bren like I asked?” Henrick: after rubbing his arm for a second he responds “n-no? wait. yeah. yeah I did that” Rickert: he pulls him over and angrily grumbles something at him before kicking him out of the booth onto his feet “-hop to it then” Henrick: he makes a surprised sound and wobbles onto his feet quickly “yeah yeah don’t need to say it twice…” rubbing his head grumpily walking off  Plum: can we hire henrick Psalm: psalm is just : thonk : he's busy thinking Rokka: "bye henrick!!" he waves Henrick: he turns and stops and kind of lazily waves behind himself as he goes
The group watch Henrick walk off quickly through the crowd of the bar and out the front door after being shooed away by Rickert on some sort of errand. He then turns back to face the group addressing them again.
Rickert: “anything else eating at ya?” he idly starts shuffling the deck of cards looking annoyed Cimmorro: "speaking of the north here, we were given directions to head there as well. i was wondering what goes on up at that parts? yknow, just to be safe... hehe.." after a beat cimm goes "ah! right. i wanted to ask you about our previous meeting. you know with the crates? refresh me again what i was wearing at the time and the exact locations of where i assigned you to move those crates" Plum: plum trying not to laugh at those questions Rickert: he raises a brow with distaste "ya running round down here without knowin' that much? surprised you aren't dead" he sighs and leans forward "couple big gangs keep things running down here, guys who look over the east dive and places up north are called the Iron Mantles. Probably the most easy going frankly and the best to work 'round, long as you dont step on the toes of anyone wearin' a spiked pin anyway" at the second request he tilts his head and squints "....what ya' goin senile already bud? i've only ever seen you in.." he gestures with his hand lazily with distaste "whatever the hell all that is" Chip: rickert: your shoes? whack
Cimmorro: "aht, aht, aht. i'm the one asking questions right now. speak up" Rickert: he frowns and starts tapping his hand on the table "some dumb ass questions, told us to smuggle them into the cave network after u rolled up on the damn boat, dropped 'em out in some inconspicuous cove... YOU were there? what, grumpy you messed up the location or some shit" Plum: "do you know what was in the crates?" Rickert: he turns towards you and points at cimm exaggeratedly "big boy here said no peeking" Cimmorro: "surprised you listened... didn't take you for a good boy" cimm begins thinking "cove huh... is it far from here?" Plum: i was going to say something like that but i dont want to go down that route and you went and said it Cimmorro: LOL Han: (becomes homophobic)
Rickert: he makes this face at your comment 🤨 "bout as far as any other smugglers drop point"  Cimmorro: "well, your group just takes jobs from anyone that pays? what exactly do you guys even do? aside from like. [hand gesturing to all this]" Chip: cimm calling him a whore rn Han: rightfully so Plum: FIX HIS LIFE
Rickert: "what pays, what keeps the food coming in, what lets me get myself something nice every other month. cutthroats for hire in every sense of the word buddy" he downs the rest of his drink and continues in a mock sing song voice "such is the way of the foxbloods that tread underfoot" he then makes a gagging motion Cimmorro: nodding slowly, "right, right... what's the name for your little boy band here then? you and your gangs like names right? i must've missed it last time we've met." Rickert: he moves to rest his hand on his chin "just said it pal" Cimmorro: "foxbloods?" Rickert: he nods his head Rokka: ANNYEONGHASEYO FOX BLOOD IMNDA Keva: THIS MAD EM ELAGHGUH
Satisfied with their questioning the group finally make their tactical retreat from Rickert and his goons, bidding them a forced adieu. He waves the party off grumpily with little fanfare as the other two goonies near him slide back into the booth. As the gang step back out into the cool air of the cove they spot Henrick a ways down the road with all the bars outside, squinting at something in the distance. Following his eyesight it appears he’s staring towards the far west end of the cavern into the darkness.
They turn to squint in the same direction, on the very far end of the cove wall they notice it seems to be more lit up than before. They notice what looks like a network of scaffolds laid into the wall, spidering up to the ceiling and around it.
Cimmorro: i lightly tap henrick's shoulder and be like "so uh, what's that about" Henrick: he quickly turns his head towards you “huh? oh hey just…” he turns his head back “think they lit the lights on the western scaffold up…” Rokka: "is that supposed to mean something? o_O" Henrick: he raises his eyebrows genuinely surprised “you do work down here but ya don’t know…?” Cimmorro: "just think of me as stupid okay and answer my questions" Plum: “you and your group are so nosy” Henrick: he tilts his head confused at Plum "...us?"
Rokka: michelle literally begging to adopt henrick rn Cimmorro: MAYBE IF WE ALL GIVE HIM OUR PLATINUM Finn: its ok we can just house him in vinnys shop, he gets a new job that way too Rokka: HENRICK UR NEW BOSS IS NOW VINNY Cimmorro: wait thats perfect thats our new major goal now fack antessa Han: FUCK VORDE AND ALL THAT WERE GETTING THE ADOPTION PAPERS FOR HENRICK BABYYY
Henrick: “well uh…one of the big gangs has their offices high up on the western scaffolds. call themselves the ‘Enforcers of Harmony’ don’t involve themselves in anything outside their boss’ interest I hear, but they run a lot of stuff on that side of the cove. If the lanterns along the wall are all lit up usually means their guards are all out and about… makes life annoying” he sighs and folds his arms “…guess im gonna have to wait a bit for that to die down” Cimmorro: i look over to the others "... you don't think those rascals might've... you know..." Rokka: "i would like to have faith in them" Psalm: "Feel like that faith might be a bit misplaced given our record." Plum: “i mean they were what? checking out the roofs? not the least suspicious thing ever if you ask me” Cimmorro: “🙂 i really have to get away from you guys...” Rokka: he looks at psalm "it is not misplaced!" turning to henrick "hey henrick what's rickert got you doing out here anyways?" Henrick: "uhh... dont know if i should say, im just moving something" he folds his arms Rokka: "but we're OLD BUDDIES ! whatcha moving bro?" Ghester: you hear ghester in all your heads speak up "hmm never a dull moment" Psalm: *shrugs* Cimmorro: cimm just whips his head around again on reflex when he hears ghester, still not used to it Rokka: rokka also looking around Henrick: he gives you a weak stare "ah....i dont know if i'd call us that exactly" hes like ?? at everyone turning their heads and turns his too to look for anything suspicious Cimmorro: wait thats so funny and cute pleass
Psalm: "Well, be seeing you I guess, in any case we should actually get moving, I'm sure were over our designated time at this point." Rokka: "Sorry for assuming...:(" Henrick: he makes a 😰 face "....okay okay fine look were friends i still probably shouldn't tell you....." he nods at you psalm Rokka: he perks up "yay! okay I will respect ur privacy bro! I guess we will take our leave then!! SEE YA LATER BRO" Cimmorro: "yeah thanks for the info, get yourself a new job though" cimm begins to walk away Plum: “yeah for real, get a different job. your boss is an ass” Henrick: he gives you a lazy wave as you walk off "... yeah yeah no need to start the lectures now" he turns back to staring out over to the scaffolds Psalm: That's such a like idk video game npc thing to do, Just going back to staring Chip: dont disturb his pathing
> 🎵  Lost Lanterns / Below OST.
The group of four make their way back to the rendezvous point to meet up with the rest of the group, after a bit of a walk they manage to reach Renny’s inn successfully. Looking around they don’t see sign of the others until they spot Keva shuffling on the roof of the building, after a few more minutes Han and Finn also make their appearances from the rafters, joining the group below. 
Plum: “we made it here first?” Rokka: "i thought we were late! haha"
Keva: she turns to look at han and finn "what the hell happened?” Finn: finn stares at you for a moment before looking at han, not wanting to admit that they did an awful job back there. hoping that han will silently agree. Psalm: watching like that scaffolding shit was definitely them
Han: as han shares no such sentiment and wears her heart on her sleeve. she looks shamed and mad. "we climbed the wall and didnt notice guards. alerted them and attacked. got away once realized what were dealing with." Keva: "wait, they attacked you or you attacked them?" Han: shamefully looks away  "i attacked them" Rokka: "my faith......................." Psalm: "I shouldve made a bet with you.” Rokka: "good thing you didn't" Plum: “guess you were right cimm” Cimmorro: 
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Keva: her face is kinda scrunched up for a while and wants to lay into them more, but eases off seeing han showing remorse and also knowing she's had a lot on her mind following the cult business. she turns to the rest of you, irritated. "what now?" Psalm: "Well we managed to get Ezra and Cole's location after an uncomfortably high stakes game of cards." Cimmorro: “and some other things that i can tell you on the way to them"
Cimmorro: "right. do you know if they could recognize you if we were to scuttle around? we are heading north, however” Han: “i dont. one guy maybe got a look at me, better than Finn. if i can sit out to avoid unnecessary risk." Finn: "he might recognize me too, i climbed up higher than you, didnt i?" he grits out quickly, looking like a child who doesn't want to be in the presence of their parent after fucking up Han: "you also did not shoot him in the face." (editors note: it was not his face) Finn: “true that” (editors note: is it?) Cimmorro: "can we avoid shooting people in the face for now please" cimm looks pointedly at han like 😳 but without the blush 
Rokka: "perhaps you can turn to a bat and hang onto me or someone else?" Han: han lets out a small sarcastic HA at this Rokka: he tilts his head at this like ? Han: han doesnt respond to rokka, and doesnt make eye contact with finn Rokka: [confused dog head tilt]
Finn: "that thought crossed my mind as well." finn brings a hand up to his face. "psalm can hide me away under his cloak too, for less suspicion as to why you are carrying a bat around." Plum: “actually why’d you climb? why didn’t you just fly around in the first place?” Finn: finn looks at you for a good moment plum. "i... i did not think to do it in the moment. my head...my thoughts... they are elsewhere, i suppose.” Plum: “oh, gotcha. lot going on right now yeah.” Finn: he nods, appreciating the briefness of their exchange and seemingly plums understanding
Cimmorro: [helping to disguise han slightly] okay cimm just rummages and hands the set of clothes to han "here, try to make do with this" Han: han looks over the clothes, seems like shes about to complain about size but attempts to try them on anyway
Han slaps on the clothes given to her by Cimmorro, the pants wont fit her but, the shirt might though as its pretty roomy, as well as the cloak which she whaps over her other one. Wardrobe change complete, the party head out to the northern parts of the withered bone, making discussion and sharing information along the way. and searching around.
Han: "i wanted to ask renny who the west scaffolding belongs to, unless you guys know?” Plum: “they have some dumb name like enforcers of harmony, which doesn’t sound too good” Keva: "sound like cops" Finn: "how awfully tasteless..." finn sneers Plum: “it’s just too wordy if you ask me 🤔” Han: "... i think that sounds kinda badass, maybe they're nice?" Psalm: "If they're nice whyd you shoot them?" Han: "didnt know they had such a cool name" Psalm: "Well, can't argue with that logic." Keva: rolls her eyes at this
Soon enough they come upon the building, Henrick was right, once they were there it was easy enough to find knowing what to look for. Soon enough the find themselves before a rickety looking building, the green door sticking out against all the brown wood of its walls and roof. The building itself is about 2 stories or so high, its windows boarded up, like the others around it, nothing else about it seems to stick out. The group check the building out a bit, with Finn tucked in Psalm’s cloak. 
Though suddenly as he’s searching around with the party, Cimmorro sees a spark of magic apperate before his eyes, in the air shines a faint blue light before an envelope appears in the air followed by a bell sound. Perfectly crisp and black, and stamped with some sort of wax seal on its back, it drops into his hands before the magic in the air disappears entirely. The party each note it but continue searching, Han and Rokka nearby taking particular interest (and caution) at its sudden appearance. However after a few seconds of observation Cimmorro immediately registers the stationary as familiar, the same kind of stuff Willow uses, the wax seal having a jasidan symbol embossed into it.
Cimmorro: [OPENS IT LIKE A WILD ANIMAL] Rokka: "woah, cimm" Han: han peaks over cimms head at it Cimmorro: he is too busy to notice you
Sent to Cimmorro from Coralwash in Krenic
Dear Cimmorro I felt it would be prudent for me to send you back a quick response as soon as I was able. Seems you’ve gotten up to more recently in the past week than you have in the past few years, a cult of all things..? I shall be making the journey over to Shorewater as soon as I can along with a few others, feel free to let the king know that some of the Krenic churches will provide some aid in these endeavours. Do your best to keep out of trouble until then, is what I would say, but I feel that would be asking for a little too much of you. Looking forward to speaking to you in person again after all this time, I’ve let Ulle know about your package, they seems quite excited about it. I will see what I can do about Jasper and the sweets. By the Goddess’ Grace, Willow
Cimmorro: cimm looks like this 😖😖😖😖😖 thinking "finally something nice today!!!" Han: han reads the letter over cimms head and goes "your girlfriend? willow is a nice name. strong" Rokka: "GIRLFRIEND?!" Cimmorro: “i’ll leave that to your imaginations. didn't you know it's rude to read other people's mail??" Rokka: 😳😳😳 Han: "dunno, never got any." han shrugs and begins walking Cimmorro: "oh....sorry" > actually feels bad
As he neatly tucks away the letter the others share information amongst one another about their previous escapades, and the current doppelganger information they garnered from Rickert.
Keva: "how'd you get him to talk? don't know anyone like him that would give away that info for free" Plum: “we cheated at a card game and he forked over the info, almost got stabbed, i think?” Psalm: "Yeah, that was cutting it pretty close." Plum: “IT REALLY WAS” Psalm: "Cant imagine being morally bankrupt everywhere except for where cheating is concerned, but at least it worked out.” Keva: stares at you both like 🤨 "do none of you know how to pick your fights? thought we didn't want to die" Plum: “well we didn’t!” Psalm: "You wanna give that guy 350g be my guest." Keva: "you'd still have left over for the trip even if you paid, especially if you pooled" Psalm: "But the airship..."
Psalm: "Oh, I never thanked you for the assistance Plum. You too as well Ghester.” Plum: “all part of the job :j” Ghester: you all hear in your heads "appreciate it" Han: “i heard this one before” Rokka: "OKAY WHO IS PLAYING THESE MIND GAMES" >rokka begins to think he is being haunted fr Finn: :| Psalm: not registering anyone's reactions to ghester
Psalm: "And paying that guy would leave a bad taste in my mouth." Plum: “true, he has tried to kill me before” Keva: makes a >:-\ and sighs, a more somber look coming over her. "look, all i'm saying you need to be more careful messing with people like that." Psalm: "Yes mother 🤨 /s" Plum: plum about to be like well duh to keva, but can’t bother. they look like that’s what they’d say though. Keva: she gives you a very flat look at you both, and then her thoughts seem to drift off elsewhere.
The group make their way slowly into the building, checking for traps and keeping an eye out as they press into the first floor. Looking around they enter what appears to be a large room, pretty empty and deserted, dusty old furniture sitting around what looks like a living area of sorts. A few of the chairs look like they were moved recently into watch positions next to the walls. 
They spy a door leading out of the room to the left and right, as they make their way around they feel the floor creak under them slightly. From the leftside door they spot some rickety stairs leading up to a second floor, whereas the right one seems to open into some sort of closet. Peering inside Keva checks it, seems this is where whoever lived here threw all their old rotted furniture, pretty dusty, nothing of real note.
Psalm: sammy's summer home Cimmorro: PELASE
The group begin searching around the first floor while Han moves to go investigate the second one. Upstairs she doesn't find much of note, but comes across what seems to be an old bedroom. In the corner she spies a bed that doesn’t appear as dusty as everything else, seems whoever holed up here changed the sheets and used the room as a base for a couple of days, strangely particular. Judging by the dust on the ground they took everything they kept in here with them when they left in a hurry. 
Turning over the room Han finds nothing else of note, finding that it's been left pretty bare. Squinting at the bed though she does find a few long strands of white hair, about a torso’s length long. Poking around the main room Cimmorro finds its so dusty in here in certain parts that he ends up sneezing for about 10 seconds straight. Next to him Plum finds what looks like a trapdoor peeking out under one of the old rotten cabinets in the corner.
Cimmorro: [barely audible sneezing like a cat's] Plum: “do wee jas followers say something after sneezing?” Cimmorro: "ugh huh, wha-" [rubbing his nose] "bless you is common for most of us but more formal would be "by her grace"" still rubbing his nose while looking over what you're nitpicking there with keva Plum: “oh okay, kinda more normal than i expected. by her grace, then.” plum says Cimmorro: cimm pats your head Plum: plum just laughs
Psalm: oh yeah you're free to not be a bat anymore since we're inside right Finn: i want to be a bat... Chip: ALL YOU EVER THINK ABOUT IS YOURSELF
The group watch as Keva and Plum push the cabinet out of the way together, freeing the trapdoor. Keva makes to cracking open the lock on it soon after and flipping it open while Han makes her way back downstairs to reveal her findings, as she does Rokka listens in to see if he can hear anything coming from the passage below. 
Plum: [makes voila pose] “beholde” Cimmorro: cimm goes "ooooo" at keva and plum Rokka: "oooh" 👏👏👏👏👏 Plum: [bows]
Chip: picturing psalm just standing in the middle of the room holding finn Han: hes busy Psalm: BEHOLD: CREACHER Han: psalm is moral support Finn: meanwhile all i can think about is finn pulling his hair like remy Psalm: remy is real and in our campaign Finn: wait if keva has amos that means, cook off
Rokka: "I hear something down there....shuffling noises?" Cimmorro: "must be cole shuffling....  i hope" Rokka: "gosh i hope so 🥺 "
Han: breasts boobily downstairs "upstairs empty. found some white hair in a bed though, that is interesting." Plum: "i wonder if its that drow he mentioned, dont they usually have white hair?” do they Chip: yes Plum: AHA! Chip: HERLOCK SHOLMES Plum: LOCALISE THIS
Rokka: "are you keeping that hair" Han: “no? should i?” Rokka: “should u? 🤔” Han: han narrows her eyes at this, "you are right, better save than sorry" and runs back upstairs to get a sample Rokka: “good work han!” Han: distant "HELL YEA!" han comes back with some hair tied in a neat coil
One by one the group hop down the trapdoor and make their way down the ladder connected to what looks like a rock wall in the dark. After a few seconds of climbing they drop down into a room with wood floors and cobbled walls, no doubt carved out of the cavern walls. 
The room down here appears much more like it was occupied, dead lamps and candled having been snuffed out, as well as a number of chairs and tables placed around haphazardly. On the table it appears there are a few scrawled pieces of parchment. They dont spy anything else though, or any other exits.
Thinking of a way to light the room for his not darkvision having friends, Cimmorro uses his sacred flames on one of the dead lamps on the table. With a THWOOSH one of the lanterns kind of explodes in the dark and falls over, seems to stay lit as it lays upon the ground however.
Cimmorro: "let there be light?" Plum: wants to clap but snickers instead
As the group snoop about, Rokka and Finn crane their animal ears, and suddenly find themselves hearing sounds coming from the rightmost wall of the room.
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Plum: AHHHAUUGHHHAUWEH Finn: finn tugs lightly at psalm’s hair, on the right, to emphasize as rokka speaks
In the meantime Cimmorro picks up the parchment from the floor to examine it, looking at it, it appears to have the scratchings of someone keeping track of the things that occurred each hour, most of it appears irrelevant. Though judging by the descriptions of the two captives he ascertains Ezra and Cole were definitely brought down here, there is one other note but it appears to be written in something he cant read, seemingly some sort of code.
As Keva moves over to the right wall to inspect it she holds out a hand for Cimmorro to hand her the parchment, assuming it to be written in thieves cant. Though as she does, her other arm feeling around the wall suddenly goes through it, she pushes through curiously disappearing behind it. Cimmorro and Rokka quickly make to follow after her while the others continue investigating the initial room, quirking a brow at them walking through the wall.
The three come out into what looks like a short hallway with a door at the end, a small window inlaid into it. As they walk closer they hear grunts of what sounds like effort coming from the door.
Cimmorro: at the noise cimm blurts "working hard or hardly working" in a low voice and laughs to himself
Back in the initial room the others search around but don't find much else of interest. Bat Finn in hand, Psalm squints at the wall the others walked through and right above it he sees some faintly scratched arcane runes, though he cant read them (knew you should have payed attention in arcana class...)
Psalm: really missing comprehend languages right about now Chip: ghester voice like if only you had comprehend languages Han: "whoever was here cleaned up real good. left nothing." Finn: finn stares at you Psalm: not now finn i'm focusing * brain fizzling out *
Han and Plum join the others through the illusion wall while they fuss over the strange metal door with the window in it. Psalm and Finn keeping watch in the entry room while Psalm’s brain melts over arcane rune interpretation.
Craning her head up Keva peers through the small window in the door into the room beyond, there she sees Ezra unconscious on the ground with his arms bound, and Cole next to him, hers also bound. The two are behind a set of metal bars that divide the room in half with a metal door set into it, seemingly locked shut with them behind it. A lone lantern appears to have been left on a desk on the half of the room they aren’t behind.
Looking back at Cole it looks like she’s grunting with effort reaching her leg through the bars, very close to reaching a set of keys comically placed on the floor in front of her. 
Cole: “rrrrgh…..so….c-close…..come ooooooon” she eventually falls back drained “okay cole….take a break…5 minutes then give it another shot” she says while flopping back on the floor again.
Ezra appears motionless next to her, his eyes closed. The group go about examining the door, though strangely they cant even see a lock on it. As Keva fusses with it and smacks the window to get her attention, Cole jumps and sits up suddenly.
Cole: “huh wha- ohhh I bet you guys thought it was real funny-“ she stops her spiel mid-sentence once she recognises your face peering halfway through the window keva “….oh my gods you really came, and you’re okay!” she quickly shuffles towards the bars, sitting on her knees “im dying over here seriously-!” Cimmorro: "might have something to do with that parchment i gave you?" Psalm: wow i like that cole basically admits some jackass left the keys like that, probs rickert honestly
Keva nods at Cimmorro to hand over the parchment to see if they can garner any clues from it at all, interpreting the thieves cant to the others, it appears to be a hastily written terms of agreement.
“capture and guard of three individuals, elf, tiefling, and human. one is fine but its preferable for all three to be detained for best chance of success. we will be fighting whoever comes to get them, free to kill if it comes to it though heavy preferences for keeping them alive. Only need one of them for my purposes specifically, do as you’d like with the rest. payment will be given once the fight has ended, from there we go our separate ways”
Keva: "the human was probably vinny. must have been theyord." Cimmorro: "what in the.... well that won't solve the door”
While they think over the contents of the parchment, Rokka attempts to bust the door down with a huff, though he ends up bouncing right back off of it. 
Rokka: "OGH! MY NOGGIN!" Han: han catches rokka if he like, bounces off Rokka: he looks up at han "oh thanks han 🥺 " Han: "ye course, just be careful bro" 🥺
Unsuccessful at breaking it down, Keva goes back to yelling to Cole while trying to figure out a way to help her and Ezra escape their bindings. 
Keva: i call thru the door to cole "do you know how we can get in?"  Cole: she leans forward on the bars to hear you "uhh...not really. that thing looked real sturdy the whole time we were here..." and unmovable door... you take a moment to peer about the room she's in again through the window...
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> 🎵  Stage 03 Spook Mansion / Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Breaks Loose! OST.
The room looks Dishevelled and Ransacked… someone clearly left it without much care on how it looked. Looking around you see various bits of Furniture stacked precariously on top each other, Rope and Planks, a Chair and a Broom, A Lit Lantern and Sacks and a Chest, as well as a Hanging Bucket amongst other things….
The Metal Door appears locked, no doubt by the key just out of Cole’s reach. The Metal Bars seem sturdy… You think you can also see something carved into the top of the door. You wonder how you will go about helping her when you can’t even get into the room yourselves… at least she can see you through the Window....
Psalm: i played all this 999 for this moment Chip: SEEK A WAY OUT
The group begin scrutinizing the room, first eyeballing the runes and writing above the metal door as well as the glass window in the door. Deciding that they can probably help some more if they can get Keva’s mouse Amos inside the room, they also decide to try and break the glass window in the door.
Keva: she blinks..... and takes out a dagger. Cimmorro: he reels back thinking you were gonna stab him for a moment Keva: she laughs a bit at that
Keva tries breaking it with her dagger but is unsuccessful, though she gets the sense that it can, in fact, be broken. In the meantime through the others’ collective eyes read the runes on the bar door as some kind of enchantment, barring access (haha). They also spot some elvish writing under them, Cimmorro and Rokka both translate it to the rest of the group.
“Erzattan Dungeon Co. For all your Macabre Needs – And Always Remember: To walk forwards, one must first learn to shuffle from side to side”
Cimmorro: "this door asking us to dance.......? side to side" Rokka: "thats what i'm also getting..." rokka starts shuffling side to side while moving towards the door Keva: keva looks at the camera
Rokka dances towards the door, walking right into it, his dancing not appearing to have convinced it to open for him.
Cimmorro: “:D” Rokka: “ah.” rokka stops shuffling and just walks away Keva: i gesture at the window “your turn” Rokka: silently Keva: "No where are you--" Rokka: "im embarrassed" Keva: "just hit the window" Rokka: "ok....😳" Cimmorro: <about to lose it> Han: han is trying to contain her laughter
Han: takes out her handy dandy hammer "you want try with this?" Cimmorro: "why do you have something like that" Plum: "you had that on you?” Han: "what? why? i always have it on me" Rokka: "oh how nice of you han thank you!" Plum: [big sigh] Cimmorro: "... for???- you know what nevermind it became useful anyway"
Han hands Rokka her hammer, it actually looks different than most regular hammers. Its one solid piece of metal and looks very primitive, a small ram sigil carved into it. Rokka takes it gratefully before smashing the window open, he celebrates briefly before handing it back to Han who carefully tucks it away again.
Cimmorro: "redeemed yourself" Rokka: he blushes....................
Keva: i take out amos and hold him up to the window "see those keys? can you take them to her?" Amos: amos squeaks with determination" Cimmorro: imagining keva talking to amos like kronk with the squirrels Keva: no but she does speak in a higher gentler voice, as you do with pets
Keva gently drop him down through the window, he scuttles over to the keys and picks them up, slowly dragging them into Cole's cell, she takes them with her tied hands and whoops to rejoice.
She stands up, keys in hand, flips around and unlocks the metal bar door, it swings open before her ! But as she attempts to walk through she walks straight into what appears to be an invisible wall, shocked she stumbles back, nearly tripping over Ezra on the ground 
Cole: “w-what….huh…..” she begins leaning forward slowly attempting to push through the air unsuccessfully. Cimmorro: ....... Rokka: . Psalm: when we get dispel magic it's over
The group quickly tell her to try shuffling from side to side out the door instead. She stops attempting to push through and nods at the  guidance
Cole: "uh...shuffle to the side" you slowly watch her shuffle sideways through the door...successfully passing the invisible blockade
The group then begin instructing her on things to inspect around the room, attempting to get her out from the other side. She checks out the chest in the room as well as the door, informing the group that it needs some sort of specific key to open. She moves over to also inspect the hanging bucket, though she cant reach it so she instead bonks the bottom of it with the top of her head.
Cole: the bucket comes down but it appears to have been filled with water, splashing over cole's head, she shouts "ahhhh! thats cold..." you hear a clink clink of something hitting the floor with the bucket Keva: "you okay...?" Cole: she shakes her head like a dog "a-ok!"
She picks up what seems to have dropped with the bucket, another smaller key strangely enough. Back in the cell Amos seems to be idly sniffing around Ezra’s sleeping face and body. The group wonder if they could get him to chew through their ropes before realising they can probably just hand Cole a dagger instead.
Han: all of us cheering cole on while she struggles Chip: like ur watching her twitch stream Cimmorro: OH YM GOFDJA egirl cole
Cimmorro: EAT HIM AMOS Han: AMOS DOING WHAT U WISH TO DO Cimmorro: 😳 yeah im a rat 
Cimmorro: ezra blink twice if u need help Chip: ezra sleep Rokka: whats ezra dreaming about Chip: not being in here Cimmorro: he’s in a better place...
Cole manages to cut herself out of her ropes thanks to Cimmorro’s carefully thrown over dagger, she also moves to cut Ezra out of his, noting that the people who nabbed em knocked him out with something.
Finn: he tugs at psalm’s hair again, wanting him to go into the room Psalm: "If I'm understanding you correctly then... I can't say we'll be of much help but sure." Finn: he squeaks at that, not like psalm can make any sense of it but surely its not because finn is nosy and wants to see whats going on even if theyre both useless. he tugs at your hair again. chop chop Psalm: "Yeah, yeah I'm going." --> psalm looks around one more time and then walks off and enters the hallway Finn: psalm earns himself pleased chirping
Chip: like how u ask him to take u when u can just fly over Cimmorro: nobles.. Plum: what a chad Finn: when i have a gundam? you fool Psalm: AHEUF
Keva directs Cole to knock over some of the sacks high up on the shelf, revealing a couple of green yellow potions, she shuffles over the stepladder and grabs the two of them. Handing them through the broken window to the group, Plum sets about to identifying them as the others continue manoeuvring her around the room. Cimmorro takes the other one, seeing if he can glean anything with his medicinal knowledge. From what he can ascertain from its colour and contents it doesn't seem to be anything like poison, if anything it smells faintly like nuts. He assumes that it has restorative effects but he’s unsure.
Han in the meantime looks about the hallway, spying the incoming Psalm and Finn, but more importantly she finds what looks to be piece of what looks like some sort of mechanism. Deeming it important the group decide to hand it to Cole.
After handing it over, Keva instructs Cole to look in the bin near the metal bars, inside it she finds a locked box. She uses the previously found key on it, unlocking it successfully, peering about she tells the group there's a few gold coins and empty bottles inside, as well as what looks like another half of the mechanism they just handed her.
Staring at them it appears they slot together, once she does the item now appears to be a doorknob. Keva calls her over to slot it into her side of the door, as she does it clicks in perfectly, finally swinging the door open. 
Psalm: YOU FOUND IT Chip: 
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> 🎵  Lost Lanterns / Below OST.
Cimmorro: “👏👏👏👏” Rokka: rokka hoots Keva: keva smiles, satisfied. "okay, let's get ezra out" Cole: "thank you so mu--ch!" she pulls you into a big killer hug Keva: keva stiffens up in surprise, full hover hands. she laughs a bit, not sure how to react "alright alright okay. have you all had anything to eat?" Cole: she grumbles "not for like a day now...and oh uhggh one of them knocked ezra out with some magic because he wouldn’t stop making fun of them so I haven’t even had anyone to talk to for like….also an entire day!” she shouts out Keva: i pull out some of the bread and cheese i saved for her, saving the other portion for ezra when we get him up Cole: she wolfs it down bark bark
Han moves to pick Ezra up bridal style, as the group discuss what to do Plum also brings up the idea that should trash the place while concentrating on their identification, just in case.
Cimmorro: holds plum by the shoulders and helps them manoeuvre  Plum: "Well here's what I'm thinking......[concentrating]........if we trash the place they can't use it again. But if we trash the place they'll relocate and we can't find them again. but i suppose if we already came here they probably won't come here again." Celebrity Guest Aqua: can i be patron on vengaboys pateron. tier 1 is deciding when to do arson once an ingame month
The group discuss trashing the place, wondering if it was a letterheads base but assume they wont be coming back in any case. In the meantime Psalm slides into the room and snags the gold from the locked box.
Finn: finn climbs down to your shoulder and stares at you Psalm: He...pockets the gp and stare at him...? Finn: finns shocked but does respect the power move to not share. its what he'd do too.  Psalm: jeez he can share it out later it's not like he's trying to skimp anyone 🥺 "How about I split it and buy your silence then jeez..." Finn: the bat is pleased. you feel as though it has a smug aura. Psalm: psalm rolls his eyes and continues investigating
Cimmorro decides to give Ezra and Cole a full medical to be sure nothing funny has happened to them in their absence. Cole sits patiently at attention the whole time, they both seem to be okay, a few scrapes here and there, Cimmorro supposes Rickert wasn't lying when he said he wasn't allowed to rough either of them up. He doesn't notice any marks or blemishes that stick out either, the only real thing of note being Ezra's temporary coma.
in the meantime Psalm and Han go about properly combing the jail room for anything else useful (Ezra safely laid back on the ground for easy examining). Through their incredible teamwork they manage to find Ezra's sword and Cole's gloves shoved underneath the sacks in the chest, plus a few other things of note. About 20gp, another potion, this one black in colour and goopy, as well as a copper ring with the image of a ram carved into it, though distinctly different from Han’s. He hands the latter two items to Plum for identification.
Finishing with his examination Cimmorro also searches around the room a little while telling Cole they’ll probably have to wait on Plum’s identification. He doesnt find much else that the others dont but he does find two small shiny bells wrapped in a bag tucked away in the room.
Psalm: “These belong to you?” Cole: she turns excitedly and crowds you "ohhh so they kept them in here ohhh i was so worried i lost em!" she takes ezra's katana from you to carry for him and shakes your hands wildly "cute bat by the way! i didnt know you had a pet..." Psalm: * accepts the jostling* "Guess you lucked out." * psalm genuinely doesn't remember if Cole knows about Fin''s vampirism * "I uh..Thanks." Finn: finn kinda sweating bullets but appreciates psalm not ratting him out. although...well...cole and ezra are going to find out about him sooner or later wont they?
Keva: "what happened anyway?" Cole: she folds her arms with a sigh "some no good cutthroats jumped us while we were out looking for vinny...tied us up and tossed us in here, i cant tell ya how worried i've been about him this whole time..." she snaps back to attention as if remembering something "speaking of-where have you guys been, whats going on, have ya seen him??" Keva: “oh-- vinny's fine by the way, he's the one who gave us an idea of where you were." Cole: "the only people locked up were me and ol' ezra and- wh-oh really so you found him then? how's he doing?" she leans forward anxiously Keva: "he's alright. that lady jeane has him working pretty hard at the palace right now." Cole: her whole face goes like <:OOO "he's back at the palace? wait no did they capture him...."2 Keva: "capture?" Cole: "...yeah. the... you know! whole on the run thing...!" Keva: "oh no, we're all in the clear. think the royals just wanted his help with figuring out the mess the letterheads left." keva shrugs "don't really know anything about magic so." Cole: she stares at you, looking like shes thinking really hard "...i see i've missed alot" Keva: keva (and michelle) is now realizing cole does not know about the letterheads lmoa
In the meanwhile Plum finally identifies the green yellow potions, handing one over to Cimmorro to use on their sleeping beauty Ezra with Han’s help. They then get to work on identifying the one that is black and goopy.
Potion of Early Rising Common, 200gp - When this potion is drunk any effects rendering a creature unconscious are nullified, so long as the creature has at least one hit point.
Cimmorro: "you have to administer it via cpr han" Han: "no i dont" Cimmorro: "he's going to be sleeping beauty forever" i start preparing it anyways as i snicker at han Han: han drops his head "then leave him" Keva: keva watches all this with concern Cimmorro: "so so cold..." Han: "hes not my really my type" i bring ezras head back up Cimmorro: "you'll let him die just because of that?!?" Psalm: "Is that important when he's dying?" Plum: [laughing] Han: "no i just know i dont need to do that" han goes to flick cimms head Cimmorro: [head is flicked] >:(  Han: >:) Cimmorro: "just say you wanna fuck me it is that easy you know” Rokka: 😳 Han: "every night cimmorro. watch yourself when you sleep tonight" Cimmorro: “😏: Han: han giggles to herself (mostly)
Cimmorro: "okay han i need to know, do you find me hot. because i need to know if i'll be okay in a life and death situation with you. which, i might add, i've been in quite far too many times" Psalm: "I think if we were in a life and death situation and Cimmoro was the one that needed help the assumption is that we're all already dead." Cimmorro: cimm grumbles "you say that like i'd easily let any of you die on my watch..." Plum: "you know, can we hurry up and get outta here? before we have to fight someone?" Psalm: cant wait to find out who's long grey hair that is in the next 50 secs Plum: right Celebrity Guest Aqua: this is embarrassing that's mine 
Eventually Cimmorro pops the potion open, successfully getting Ezra to drink it. After a few moments he seems to cough and groggily come back to consciousness. He grunts slightly before blinking wildly and tensing up, recognising Han and Cimmorro however he untenses. slightly.
Ezra: “…uh” Han: "sup" Cimmorro: "good morning" Keva: we're all standing around staring at him Psalm: EZRA WAKE UP YOU FUCKED UP BIG TIME
Ezra: he rubs his face and sits up "...good morning...?" he looks around wearily Cole: she smiles Keva: she holds out the rest of the food she saved to him "was it worth it" re:getting knocked out for making fun of whoever lmao Plum: "your favourite person brought you here actually, ezra" Ezra: he takes the food and starts eating it quietly "yes." before turning to plum through his chewing saying  "i am well aware but thanks anyway" Keva: keva snorts Plum: [plum nods in acknowledgement while focused on the bottle] Cimmorro: "once ezra regains some footing i say we best head out already" Plum: “agreed” Cimmorro: [goes back to piloting plum from behind] Rokka: "just carry him" Ezra: he bristles at the suggestion and immediately stands "no need for that"
The party begin to make their way out of the basement and building and back into the cove proper, smelling the cool salty air again. Plum finds themselves successfully identifying the goopy potion along the way.
Potion of Hide from Undead Rare, 520gp - When you drink this potion, you become difficult to locate for undead creatures. An undead creature must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be unable to detect or locate you with sight, hearing or smell.
Even extraordinary senses such as blindsight and tremorsense are not effective. The effects automatically end if you take an action which uses radiant energy, attempt to turn undead, or attack an undead creature. Otherwise, the effects of the potion last for one hour.
Reaching the cove again and beginning to back topside to the city, the group give Cole and Ezra a run down of the past few days events along the way. As they go on the two’s faces change from various shades of shocked to flabbergasted, though they both appear relieved that Vinny seems to be doing well enough currently.
Cole: she mopes and places both her hands under her chin “figures we’d get grabbed by some nobodies while you guys are off saving the city… man I couldn’t even look out for the boss…” she kicks a stray rock Ezra: he sighs next to her “makes sense now why they just ditched, not worth the effort anymore if royal guards and corpses are being rumoured about” he stretches his arms “… hate this damn cove sometimes, never worth travelling on your own” he begins rifling through his coat and his pockets, though he starts to become more frantic over time as if searching for something “…bastards stole my damn-“ he sighs and rubs a hand across his face, fuming silently to himself Plum: [plum wondering if what he's looking for is the ring] can i identify this now, actually i ask if its what ezra’s looking for first Psalm: aw thats no fun Plum: IM NOT A THIEF Han: unlike some Psalm: unrelatable 
Ezra: as you ask him he huffs "...my sending stone" Han: "oh, hmm... we scoped the place but didn't find it. actually, was there someone with long white hair with you guys?" Ezra: he just goes 🤬 internally but all you can see is him furrowing his brow and rubbing his temple  Cole: she pipes up to respond "hmm? oh yeah i think....maybe one of them did? think it was a drow, they always had this hood up whenever i saw em" Psalm: "Is that all you know?" Cole: she shrugs her shoulders "...yeah... they didnt say why they grabbed us, the way one of them was talking though... i think he had a bone to pick with ezra" she leans over and whispers this conspiratorially to you Psalm: "Did you get a good look at that one? Although I feel like I know who it might be." Cole: "uhhhh messy red hair, scar on his face, weird smile" Psalm: "Thought so." Rokka: "thats rickert alright" Cimmorro: well here's the tea sis
Keva: "what was the drow wearing? like what color" Cole: she thinks "uhhh dark black clothes, dark hood..." Ezra: he nods to agre Psalm: "Did they have really dark skin? Like black almost?" Cole: she nods "yeah, that's pretty typical though isn't it?" Psalm: "I mean..? Not always..? Nickel's skin is pretty light in comparison I'd think." Cole: she cocks her head questioning "comparison? ohhhh have you seen this mystery merc?" Psalm: “Who knows? that’s what im trying to find out” Cole: “🤔”
Psalm: * racking his brain * "About their clothes was it full black or did it have any weird patterns on it?" Cole: "full black, though they seemed to be wearing alot of layers" Keva: "must not be used to the weather here” Psalm: "Carry any weapons or no?" Cole: she thinks "i didnt seem any on them... but they didnt really fight when they grabbed us...." she snaps her fingers "like a manager" Han: "for what it's worth, i have the piece of hair. if i remember correctly, it can help with the spell that looks at a person from any location.” Psalm: "Alright well that's all I've got. han if you want to locate them be my guest, but I'm not sure what good that'll do us now anyways." Han: ".. i dont think i like loose ends." Psalm: "I agree with you there."
The party continue making their way back aboveground from the cove while pondering these new questions, their two associates successfully rescued.
- 🔮Psalm pocketed 34gp
- 🍺Plum gained a 「 Potion of Early Rising ✨」「 Potion of Hide from Undead ✨」 and is currently identifying a 「 Ring ✨」 with a ram’s head carved into it
- 💎Cimmorro found a bag with「 Two Shiny Bells ✨」 inside
- 🧰Cole and 👤Ezra have been safely rescued
- 🏹Han has a「 Strand of White Hair✨」 safely stashed away
- 🦇Finn is still currently in his bat form (20 or so minutes remaining)
0 notes
dndfuckhouse · 6 years
session 5: Sweet Freedom
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The group lay sleeping, though Psalm wakes with a start after having a strange dream he doesn't address, he wakes up coughing black smoke and clawing as his throat as the rest of the group rouse and ask him if hes alright confused. He shrugs it off saying its fine and the group pass back out, once they do he briefly talks to Ghester in infernal noting a ‘he' and is assured that smoke will happen everytime, he goes back to sleep with a huff.
The group slowly rouse again to a black room before Han lights a torch, Keva investigates the room for any untouched goods while Psalm approaches Ezra. Casting a spell on him, he compels him to reveal the name of his partner he contacted, Evelyn, before he snaps out of it, berating Psalm for trying that trick on him and angrily storming in a huff to the other end of the room.
While picking the room for any more valuables, Keva picks up set of bracers that end up pulling her wrists together, stuck. Han pockets the other set of bracers that were in the chest. 
Plum: swhat you get for bein a thief -on the underside though you see written in elvhen "the curious get bitten in the back"  Psalm: I laugh “It really is what you get for being a thief (lmao)"
They determine they cant do anything about the bindings for now and that she’s essentially stuck like this for the time being. Ezra goes over and inspects Arin as he hasn't woken yet, slapping him a few times at Han’s request, Rokka suggests peeing on him which everyone but Han in the room react with disgust to. Cimmorro walks over and inspects him, seeing a cut on his shoulder under his shirt and realising he has been poisoned. Keva notes the antidote may be one of the bottles she pocketed from the alchemy table.
Keva: i turn my hip to face cimm to indicate they're in the bag pocket thing there  Cimmorro: are you seducing me it's not gonna work Keva: oh my god theyre in my pouch Cimmorro: oh alright. lol should've said so 
Plum tastes the potions to determine which they should give Arin before handing them back to Cimmorro tired yelling to give him the blue one. He feeds it too him and it seems to ease some of his wounds but his condition still seems erratic, he asks the group if he should also give him the green, they all respond with an “aye”. The green potion seems to finally stabilise him. After the debacle Psalm uses a disguise kit to change his look to a purple looking tiefling with silver hair.
Not too long after there is a loud noise and a voice calls out to which Ezra responds. Before long a hole is burst open in the wall in the basement, wherein a blue tiefling with a giant metal contraption pops out. She talks to Ezra briefly before tripping and flinging he contraption onto the floor, the group make their way out of the opening she created while she chatters with Ezra in a chipper tone, as the group walks out Ezra makes to pick up Arin and carry him out.
As they make their way out Psalm notes a piece of paper stuck to the wall written by Henrick, thanking them for not killing him as they killed many of his colleagues, Psalm pockets it. As they continue out of the building Han ends up carrying Keva to help her up the ladder to the ground floor. The group make it to the outside again. Ezra notes he’ll bring Arin to where the tiefling works and tend after him, after saying their goodbyes the group head for Vinny’s store. Awkwardly as they walk they note Ezra and the tiefling seem to be walking in the same direction as well.
> 🎵  Industrious Ferret / Kevin Macleod
The group loudly barge into the store with Han immediately beeling towards Vinny and the group begin interrogating him over the entire basement debacle much to his shocked confusion. A threat that Rokka will piss on the cat is made for some reason. Psalm finally explains what happened while Han holds Vinny up by the scruff of his shirt off the ground as he listens intently.
The group relent and sigh and the cat is returned, Vinny scolds her for pulling them into a harrowing mess. Vinny leads the group into the back room so they can take a seat and leaves the room to go fetch their rewards. They note the room looks cluttered and busy but has a homely atmosphere, Ezra lays Arin down on one of the lounges and Cole brings them food and tea, helping Keva drink with her restrained hands. Cats mill about the room allowing the party to slowly decompress. In the meantime Psalm pulls out his spoils from the basement and inspects them. Cole introduces herself finally as Vinny’s apprentice, though they get the feeling he doesn't call her that really. 
Vinny returns with a chest and parchments to dole out the rewards for the party, first breaking the bracers around Keva’s wrists and then looking Ezra over much to his protests, then Arin as well. He turns back to the table and begins handing out the rewards. As he settles into business he notes he doesn't remember hiring Cimmorro for the job before Han bails him out saying he was there, slowly the rest of the group chime in to vouch for his help. He also asks Psalm if he was the same tiefling to which the others immediately say they’ve never seen him in their life, forcing him to take off the wig and remove some of the makeup, to which the group stifles their laughs.
Vinny begins to dole out information one by one as the afternoon in the store stretches on.
🔮 Psalm reveals he took a mason jar that hides its contents when closed, a pair of boots and enchanted underwear
🔮 Psalm asks for information on underground temples in the city and information on the dark blues, to which the group takes interest
🗡️ Keva asks for him to identify the weapons she pocketed and the location of the owner of a larger wrapped sword on her back.
💎 Cimmorro asks for information on someone he could direct him towards that specialises in healing, so that he can expand on his skillset.
🍺 Plum asks for a box of items from the store worth 50gp in exchange 
🏹 Han and 🐺 Rokka both ask for the 50gp
0 notes
dndfuckhouse · 6 years
Psalm’s Journal: Entry #5 - Payday (44th of Elfons)
I had a dream.
The details of which I won’t bother recording, since Ghester was right about him being pretty clear in his directions. I’m not happy about the entire ordeal. The fact that the dream came while I was locked in a basement with the others is probably no coincidence, and my own feelings about the matter clearly don’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things.  Of course Ghester found the entire thing incredibly amusing. I suppose his bullshit about me finally making friends probably should’ve clued me in on what was to come. If anything, I blame my own lack of foresight, but to be fair Ghester pokes fun at me constantly, so I didn’t think too much of it at the time. I guess life has a way of really biting you in the ass when you let your guard down. I’ll guess I have no choice but to play along for now. Besides, I am nothing if not faithful, even if it’s not             giving the orders. Hopefully that’ll change soon.
Aside from that, today was mostly uneventful. Not to say that nothing happened, it’s just that starting the day with smoke in your lungs as the direct side effect of a dream is pretty hard to beat in terms of its level of excitement.
One of Ezra’s colleagues, a tiefling by the name of Cole, came for us. This is all well and good, since I was pretty anxious to get out of there. I wanted to get my information and return to the inn before night.
The elf from before, Henrick, seemed to have left a note thanking us for not killing him. More importantly, he left a dagger and didn’t use my name (not that I remember giving it to him) so I can leave this place no strings attached at least. I could probably pawn the dagger, but I’ll keep the note as a reminder to not kill him if I ever see him again. (lol)
Upon arriving at the shop, it was revealed that both Ezra and Cole were Vinny’s colleagues, the latter being his apprentice. He apparently had nothing to do with our meeting each other earlier, but in the end that’s of little importance to me. I wanted nothing more than to get my information and leave. If it were up to me, it’d be the last time I see any of this group. I haven’t been making any great attempts at getting to know any of them (for obvious reasons), but even teaming up with them for a short period of time isn’t enough to endear them to me in any way. In fact, I think it’s proved to me that it’s not really worth the effort, especially after today. 
However, I’m not stupid enough to think I won’t see them again. As big a city as Shorewater is, it seems that what I want is directly opposite of           ‘s plans for me. If he has any. I suppose he was right about my being unlucky.
0 notes
dndfuckhouse · 7 years
Impressions - Rokka (sessions 1-3)
Session 1
Cimm: Where???? Who??????
Han: Ew
Keva: Nothing
Plum: Small and grumpy....
Psalm: Nothing
Session 2
Cimm: Who is this guy??????
Han: Ok
Keva: Ok
Plum: Good munchkin....
Psalm: Hm
Session 3
Han: Also no killing mindset. Cool. Lets be pals!!!
Keva: Seems useful....leader?
Plum: I respect you.
Vinny: Nice man
Henrick: Poor man
Rickert: Fuck You, man.
Arin: Poor man x2
Luna: Exasperated sigh
0 notes
dndfuckhouse · 7 years
impressions: keva (sessions 1-3)
session 1 cimm: who the fuck han: ugh plum: lol psalm: there rokka: dog
session 2 cimm: i still don’t know where he came from han: there plum: there psalm: . rokka: dog with swords
session 3 cimm: scales? han: y i k e s??? plum: acid shrimp bitch psalm: mind control??? rokka: dog with ghosts what the shit
BONUS: npcs
vinny: loaded  henrick: i started to feel bad somewhere down the line rickert: hate his type  arin: sorry luna: we’re literally about to die bc of this little shit
0 notes
dndfuckhouse · 7 years
Psalm’s Journal: Entry #1 (43rd of Elfons)
I lay awake in my bunk idly passing the time.
A Terrible Start 
Noon was a bit too light outside for my tastes, but as I’d yet to find what I was looking for I had no choice but to head outside again. I decided to take a quick nap before heading out, but my rest was interrupted by the sounds of laughter somewhere from inside the inn.
Nap now disturbed, I decided to chance leaving the inn and head to the nearest bar. I tried to gather some information on the churches in Shorewater but alas, my search yielded no information. With a growing sense of unrest I headed towards the location of a request I had discovered a poster for earlier.
There was a fairly diverse group of people gathered around the shop. A halfling, a goliath, a lupin, some sort of half elf (human perhaps) and another human(?). You can never really tell these days. The shop was familiar. From what I’d gathered it was a pawn shop of sorts run by some eccentric. The goliath held the door open for everyone except the human(?). Their past history has nothing to do with me, but I thanked the goliath anyways and headed inside.
The jingle of a bell alerted me to a presence in the shop. From behind the counter emerged a beautiful cat, and a rather scruffy middle aged man, also human(?). The man inquired if we’d be working together for the mission, to which most of us declined, and I am eternally grateful. I’d rather not be seen with a crowd. It seemed his cat Luna was missing. 50 gold for whoever found it, and 25 gold for the rest based on effort. 50 gold would be nice, but I had more important things to be searching for than this man’s cat. 
As if he knew what I was thinking, the man offered connections instead of gold to help if we were looking for something. Unfortunately for me, this was something I couldn’t pass up. My search hasn’t been fruitful at all, and at this point I was willing to bow my head and accept help from others. This also meant that I now had to expend the effort to actually find the cat. He had said that the reward was either gold or information, but I’m sure that if I found the poor thing I could convince him to give me both. If anything, I’m confident in my persuasive skills. I accepted the task and left the shop.
On the way out of the store I noticed that the human(?) from before hadn’t even entered the shop. His face was pressed up against the glass. I did my best to ignore him. I followed the goliath and lupin at a distance. If anyone could find a cat in a city as large as this, I’m sure it would be the one with the best sense of smell.  After a couple minutes of watching them, I deemed this a waste of time and headed off on my own to start gathering information from the citizens again. 
My situation requires I keep to the alleys. I never know when they’ll turn up, and being out in the open when they do would be a huge mistake. While I traversed the alleys I stumbled upon the cat. A stroke of good luck! My first since coming to this city. That stroke of luck immediately ran out as the cat ran into the crowded marketplace. I managed to spot it as it ran out of the square and down a side street. I pushed through the crowd to get nearer, and was rewarded with my first mishap of the day as someone pushed me face first into a nearby beam. My second attempt resulted in my getting shoved into a stall. After finally extracting myself from the crowd, I teleported myself ahead of the others to grab Luna. I still haven’t gotten the hang of teleportation while running, and shot past my target. Luna, probably startled by all of the commotion, ran into an alley and climbed through a window into an abandoned house. Sigh.
I approached the door of the abandoned house.
In retrospect, attempting to kick the door down when I could’ve just checked to see if it was unlocked was a poor choice. Face-planting into things is just a part of my life now I suppose. The half-elf strolled past me into the house. Not one of my better moments.
I had lost track of the others, but as it turned out they had all entered the house through the same window as the cat. The commotion inside implied that the house was not as abandoned as I had thought. I followed the half-elf inside. Her weapon, a short bow, was already drawn. She had the door slightly open and was peeking through it. The house’s residents hadn’t discovered she was there yet it seemed. I hoped that would work to our advantage as I summoned a short sword and approached the door from behind.
One thing to note, my weapon has been awfully quiet as of late. Usually I’d count this as a blessing, but I fear this is because I’ve been unable to pray at an altar in a long while.
From behind the door I could hear yelling, and the sounds of knives being thrown about. I became decreasingly interested in joining the fray, but I’m sure a dead cat would bring no gold, and even worse, no information. It would also make me terribly unhappy if the poor thing died. I whispered to the half-elf and informed her of my plans to stay out of it. She turned to stare at me and went back to watching the commotion outside. With any luck, she’d run out and take care of everything on her own, and I’d be free to go search for Luna. I had a sinking feeling that it would not play out that way. I was right.
She charged out of the room and I followed suit. For some reason, the room was filled with smoke. I couldn’t see anything. The half-elf was no where to be seen, and I did not get the sense that the others were in the room. A lupin and a goliath would be hard to miss, even amongst all this smoke. Suddenly, a man with a dagger drawn ran out of the smoke and in my direction. I attempted to run past him and charm him, but I apparently hadn’t learned my lesson about running while casting spells. He made a swipe at me with his dagger while I ran by and sliced my arm.
I don’t think of myself as being quick tempered, and I’m used to injuries of this sort, but for whatever reason I wanted nothing more than to kill this man. While I placed a curse on him from my side of the room, I noticed that the halfling was also here. They threw something at him, which erupted in a burst of energy. I couldn’t tell what it was for, as the man was still standing. The halfling then turned to me and said something I couldn’t hear. I really did not want to fight two people at once, but as it turned out it wasn’t a curse like I had originally thought, but a protection spell of some sort. I yelled at them that I would remember the help, as I am not one to ignore repaying debts. They responded with a short acknowledgement before running to the corner of the room.
I turned back to the man. On top of generally just having set me off, the fewer people that know of my being here the better. He ran for the door and made another attempt at attacking me by throwing a dagger. With my tiny saviour’s help, the dagger bounced off my chest leaving me uninjured. When he saw that his attacked had failed, the bastard fled out the door, all the while complaining about one of his colleagues. I was tempted to give chase, but Luna was still somewhere in the building as far as I knew. What a waste of a curse! Today was really not my day.
I walked up to the halfling and thanked them again. I was met with no response, and so I walked past them and into the other room, cursing under my breath about the loss.
Here I discovered a drunken man that had been tied up.
I tried to check both his and his companion’s pockets, but they reeked so much of alcohol that I couldn’t get close without retching. There seemed to be a trap door in the room, so we all climbed down to continue the search for Luna. The goliath suggested a truce for now, which we all more or less agreed to. There were more important things to worry about now that we’d been attacked by these rogues, so it wasn’t a terrible idea. I will admit I was slightly put off by the fact that she said not to kill anyone. Killing is easier than bribing people into keeping my being here a secret.
There were three rogues in the room up ahead and the room itself was filled with deafening music. I had managed to stop one of them from escaping by casting a spell on him, although that had nearly failed due to the halfling’s ignoring my instructions to leave him alone. I didn’t particularly mind, with the music playing they probably hadn’t heard me. They did, however, toss a bottle of acid at the rogue’s feet, which made it easier to tie him up with Ghester so all is forgiven.
(It seems that Ghester’s period of silence is over now, probably because I’d gotten myself wrapped up in more fighting. He’s usually more vocal during these moments. He can’t do much to disobey me since he’s my weapon, but I’m happy when he doesn’t complain.)
The rogue was an elf named Henrick. After some questioning, we discovered that their boss was a man named Rickert, and that they (quite obviously) hadn’t been expecting a rag-tag team of mercenaries to ransack their base looking for a cat. Not that I told him the reason we were here (although I did ask, and Luna was in fact still in the building, thank the gods.) The music was also intended to deter people from entering the room. I’m not particularly interested in ruining this bunch’s operations, I just want the cat. However, I did manage to steal some gold, silver, and some wine off the unconscious rogues, which more than made up for it.
After heading down the stairs, we realised we had all barged in on some sort of extortion scene. This was honestly my worst fear. I was hoping that Luna would be down here by herself and I could scoop her up quickly and head back with fifty gold pieces waiting for me. Listening to someone get beaten within an inch of his life seemed to really set some of the others off, because the next thing I know the goliath, half-elf and halfling were firing off attacks into the other side of the room.
For the sake of brevity (since my hand is starting to cramp) I’ll try to record the next set of events as shortly as possible, and also write down some other things I found to be noteworthy:
- The leader (Rickert), was able to use mind control to some degree. I found this out later when he attempted to use it on me and failed. This probably explains why the goliath suddenly walked alone into the room at the start.
- Said goliath was knocked unconscious shortly after.
- The barrels in the room were filled with some kind of explosive, and the majority of this fight happened while everything (including near the exit) was on fire.
-  I killed one of them (prompting a reaction from Ghester, who I really wish would shut up) and was immediately gored with an arrow right in the stomach. I’ve had enough of this already.
- The lupin can summon ghosts(?). I’m not exactly sure what happened.
- I’m down a potion of healing. The halfling ran out to save the goliath and put themselves in danger, and I owe them a favour so I had no choice. That kind of self-sacrifice is beyond my understanding.
- After being resuscitated, the goliath immediately killed one of the rogues. So much for the no killing rule.
- The cat was in the room. After we disposed of all the rogues (except Rickert, who ran off) the halfling healed the man that was being tortured.
Unfortunately, due to the fire the room had started to come apart. If the stairs are gone, we’re all trapped.
The Joker
I’m trapped.
i’m also quite drunnk, but i have this eintry to write so i can’t let that stop me.(it tokok this lonng to kicdk in huh?) back qto being trapped: the stairs had caved in dsue to the fire. after a quick investigation of the room (in whihc i found some clothing, a couiple of random items that aren’t worth detailing, and more gold and alcohol), i decided that xthe best icourse of action faor now would be to rest upv.
during this tilme, ei talked a bit with the lupin who, rather unsuccessfully tried to get me to tell him my name. i also watched for a bit as the goliath, lupin and ezra, a bounty hunter who had come for rickerbt, attempted to break the ceiling with the goliath’s glaive (also rather unsuccessfully. at least it was entesrtaining). ezra offered to help with myself and the others, but i ignored this. getting wrappde up with bounty hunters cis likoely the dumbesttf thing i could ever do. i’d much rather bleed out frojm this arrow wound in my gut.
the man rickert had kidnapped from before proved to be of no help. that’s all i have to say about himi.
after the efforts with the ceiling had faile,d ezra took a sending stone out of his pockent and called a frie.dn if not for the fact that i hated getting axssociated with bounty hbunters i would’ve gotten angrier thamn i di.d. getting mad at him really wouldn’t be worth the effort.
besides, in an houar orr kso i’d be able tyo teleport out (granted tehere was an exit of soeme sort where i cousld see the outside). i expelained thzis to the others. tahe goliath didn’t trust me to come back with help, which she was right to do. if not for the cat, i would’ve letf them all down there and made my way back to the inn. as cruel afs it sounds, it’s really not my responsbiility to protect this bunch, and i’m sure they’d finqd a way out somehow. probably. the inquiry struck me as a bit odd regardless, since there zwasn’t much seh could do to stop me from leaving. or so i thoutgh. as it turned out, the only known exit was a small, dargk vent. this vent served as our only source of fresh(?) air at dthe momaent, but aes i couald not see through to the other side, i couldn’t teleport out.
we all had to come to terms with the fact that we were stuck here unilt ezra’s friend came to get us tout. lgood thing i had this wine.
i listened in on a conversation the others were having. erza and the half-human(?) had apparently seen some kind of writing on the walls outside gthe house, but were unable to decipher the meaning. i had nothing else fto do, so i handed them ya pieec of parchment so they could write dofwn what they had seen.
written in thieves’ tcant: “danger, dark… shoes?” it couldni’t have been that concerning if it cwas about shoes. the half-elf corrected yme. “danger, dark blues-”. at this pooint i can’t count how often i’ve slipped up nin front of her today.
both thqe goliath and the lupin wanted the parhcment, even though thuey likely couldn’t read swhat was on it. after a brief argument that really tried emy patience, i handed them some fresh parchment (they wanted to play “boulder, parchment, shears”, of all things). tkhe half-human had managed to reembmre tdhe rest, which was “danger, odark blues roam near, trust-”. awfaully cryptic. none of it sounded familiar to me. the goliath mentioned “dark blues” being some kind of trading group, but that wasn’t familiar to me either. i took anorther long sip from my bottle.
ezra suggested we introduce ourselves, which i’d been ttrying to dodge all night. i’ve now dofficially told everyone my name. here’s to hoping that doesn’t cause problems for me later. i’m now somewhat acquainted with han the goliath, rokka the lupin, cimmoro the h(ee has scales? dragonborn?), keva the half-elf and prune twhe halfling.
afkter the introductions, we spent the rest of the night drinking and playilng cards. somethihng i’d noticed frlom before was that the hafling didn’t seem to respond well at my attempts to joke with them, so of course the only course of action xfor me here wats eto help them cheat at cards. i might’ve made soem (unsuccessful) attempgts at fucking with the game, but really who’s to say?
i might’ve also made a mistake and gotten too cojzy down here. this became aupparent when nhan and rokka started to question me about ghester (that son of a bitch). he even spoke to them, even though hfe knows i’d rather he not let people know that yi’m carrying a sentient weapon. i tried to lie my way out, which hopefdully worked. i’d been lying since we started drinking, avnd i’m sure i seemed too out of it to be telling the truth. i guess i’ll see how things go in the morning.
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