#psspsps look at their hands
fish3s · 6 months
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funny how love is coming home in time for tea ☕️ 🎶
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oh-no-another-idea · 1 year
Find the word tag 🏵
Filling in an older one from @indecentpause today--thank you, pal! Had to do some stressful shopping today, but it’s done with, and now I can sit and breathe again. 😫 Getting some writing time in is just what I needed! Looking for sing, yell, cry, and morning in The Invisible Girl.
Sing: (a regretted haircut)
Velia eyed the sides of the [train] car, and far below, the grass flashing by. Could she hang over without someone holding on to her? Probably. Then again, if the top hat man saw her and started shooting, then even a hand on her foot wasn’t going to keep her from tumbling over to her doom.
Gunshot wound or crushed on the tracks? Velia mused, lying down and hissing slightly at the cool tin roof. The wind howled like a hoarse opera singer, and promptly blew her hair right into her face.
It was times like these that had Velia longing for the longer hair she could’ve braided back and away.
Velia wanted to collapse on the floor and cry, but she stayed upright so she could stare despairingly at Lewis and Antonio, who looked as though they were about ready to commit some murder themselves. She didn’t dare make any more noise—it was a wonder they hadn’t been discovered yet.
“You’re a conceited, arrogant—”
Antonio interrupted. “Well, that’s certainly the pot talking to the kettle, isn’t it? You—”
“Shut up,” Lewis spat.
Yell: (this happens a little after Cry--don’t worry, they make up)
“Is this the goddamn time?” Velia hissed, leaning around the corner and glaring at them both. If they still weren’t being quiet, she would’ve yelled.
“Well, it worked, didn’t it?” Lewis muttered. He reached out as if to touch Antonio’s cheek but dropped his hand.
The desert around them was steadily giving way to farmland, and barren brown was interspersed with rich green fields and darker woods. The afternoon sunlight had burnt away the mist of the morning, but vast and heavy clouds threatened uglier weather to come.
New words: solid, rush, gold, dirt, and watch! And tags for anyone who wants to search for them--also pssp psspsp @emelkae @magic-is-something-we-create @tc-doherty @loopyhoopywrites @emmalylis @justnerdy15 --any interest? :D
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A Date Out
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(Coverart done by @kankuroplease​)
The first person to donate after I got my offer out was @lemony-snickers and though she said she didn’t want anything in return, that sign can’t stop me because I can’t read. Instead, I’m just throwing this fanfic down and go psspsps at lemony and hope she comes out of hiding and enjoys it anyway.
Pairing: Kakashi x Reader
Rating: E (there is a little spicy stuff later)
3706 Words
Ao3 Link [x]
Kakashi and you have been dating for a while, but you haven’t been out for a proper date in months. After you point it out his senses are tingling with the challenge.
“We don’t even go on real dates anymore”, you wiggled your toes in front of Kakashi’s face, who had his head buried in his favourite novel, as always. You were both placed on your couch, your bare feet placed on his lap so he could stroke them softly while he was reading. Not having paid attention to your words he made a “Hm?” sound and you repeated what you said. “We used to go on dates when we started out and now we just hang out here.” He put his book down to look at you, the left side of his face covered to keep his sharingan safe under it. “And that bothers you?” he asked, putting his head to the side in a question.
“Yes, I mean, no, not really, but I just noticed,” you replied. Sure, it had been nice to go places and experience things for the first time, the being picked up, the first time hands were touching, the first unsure feelings, but now with the security and familiarity it was also very nice. You were quite comfortable to just sit with him in your apartment on your couch doing nothing. “Dates are fun, though”, you finished your trail of thought out loud and he closed his book, readying himself for a longer conversation. “They are certainly fun with you”, he said, “I thought they were just stressful before I met you.” You could feel yourself blush hard. The world famous, world-feared Copy-Nin just wasn’t handing out compliments like slices of bread, so it always caught you off guard. “S-See that is what I’m saying!” you stammered, wiggling your toes a little bit more, before he wrapped his fingers around your feet to stop you.
“I just feel like you have forgotten how it is”, you said, a little pout on your face. “With all that’s been happening.” Just about a year ago Kakashi had gotten his own genin-team, just right after you’d started dating, and since then so much had happened. Now all his students from then were gone training elsewhere and he had resumed missions, so you got to see him even less than you did before. And when you did see each other it was just to hang out inside. Not the worst, but you still missed the excitement of the beginning. “Oh”, he said, the free eye rolling over to meet yours. “You think I could forget something like that?” he asked, the eyebrow disappearing under his headband. “You think I couldn’t still take you on a great date whenever I would want to?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I mean, it might have slipped your mind as unimportant.” You poked him a little with your free foot and winked. “You are so important now. I’m just a lowly civilian without any shinobi powers. Might slip through your fingers.” A light crossed his eyes fast and sharp and you knew you’d pushed his buttons. “If you say so”, he said, a little pressed and leaned forward to put his nose closer to yours. “We will see about that.” You had known him long enough even before dating to know that his instinct for challenges had kicked in.
The next morning you woke up and he was already gone. The blanket had been quickly folded away at the end of your futon and his clothes had disappeared. You sighed. Probably Kakashi was called to a mission again. Shinobi life was never gonna be anything you could get used to, with your normal dayjob in a shop. The constant danger and the constant coming and going, but you understood that’s what he loved doing and whatever he loved, you loved. Fortunately, he was not out on a mission as a little sticky note on the fridge told you in his usual, little messy, handwriting. It made you laugh a little to read, he truly had wasted no time.
Wear the sundress. I’ll come back at 2.
Wear the sundress? Who was he to decide what clothes you’d wear? If that was part of his romantic date then it was off to a bad start. You pinned the message back to the fridge and opened it instead. It was glaringly empty. Well, there was a lot of time until two, so you might as well get out and buy yourself some food. You left the comfortable space of your apartment into the heat of July and immediately thought that he might have had a point with suggesting a sundress. Especially if you’d be outside together.
You sat ready at ten after two, tapping your foot on the floor of your apartment. You’d fulfilled his wish and put on the white dress with the blue highlights, the one he liked to see so much on you. To combat the heat you pulled your hair up and back, let your neck breathe a little. There was nothing else you could do to survive, the sun in Konoha was scorching in summer. You should have known that Kakashi would be late, it was his brand, but somehow you’d thought that just today he would make more of an effort (you’d been wrong to expect that). When it finally knocked on your door it was half an hour after two. You took your sweet time to go and open it. Let him sit there for a while, you thought.
Kakashi was on the other side, breathing heavily as if he’d just jumped over ten roofs to get to you. He wasn’t wearing his headband and was instead covering his left eye with a sort of white eyepatch. You looked over at him. It was a rare sight to see him without his uniform. He was always wearing it, no matter the temperature. But today he had exchanged the blues and greens for a light white shirt and black knee-long shorts that showed his white legs. He still wore the usual sandals though. You blinked in surprise. “Hi”, you said, mouth half open at him. “You look, eh, different.”
He wiped the sweat off his face and you could see that the mask he was wearing was also a thinner fabric as usual. Wow, the heat must have really gotten to him, you thought and couldn’t help but wonder what kind of date he had planned. “Thanks, I tried,” Kakakshi now straightened his back up and moved the arm that he’d held behind him forward. It was a bouquet of flowers. “I’m here to pick you up”, he said very fast, shoving the flowers into your arms, “This is for you.” There was a nice assortment of summer flowers, shining in bright colours of green, yellow and red. Clearly Ino had made it. You smiled at him: “Thank you, you’ve never done that before.”
“I know,” he replied. “First things never end, do they?” You shook your head at that and turned back to put the flowers in a vase. Then you came back out, now carrying a little purse that you could pull over your shoulder. Kakashi had dutifully waited at the entrance, as if he was picking you up for the first time again. “I wore the dress you required”, you said as you locked the door behind you. “I can see that,” he replied, “It looks as good on you as always.” You blushed a little. Two compliments in two days? Now he was just indulging you. “And you smell a little like lemon”, he noticed and you scratched your neck. You’d tried out a new fruity perfume.
He let you slip your arm through his as you walked past the other apartments to the stairs. Even though you were still in the shadow below the concrete the heat was already prickling on your skin. After all, you’d spend most of the time in your air conditioned apartment. “What is your plan for today?” you asked carefully, looking at him from the side. It was not your first time seeing his hair down, you’d seen it many times, many messy and hot and close times, but still it hadn’t lost it’s spell on you. He just looked very good like this. “You’ll see”, he said ominously. 
You followed Kakashi through the shaded backstreets of the village, noticing how well versed he seemed in finding ways to avoid the most heated places. Maybe that was the secret to him wearing his uniform all summer long without suffering a heat stroke. “It’s so hot today”, you said, waving air into your face to give you a little relief. “Don’t worry, it won’t be too warm where we are going” he replied, his dark eye moving over to you and he closed it quickly, maybe he was trying to wink at you, one could never really tell when there was only one eye uncovered. 
“I’m just glad it’s warm enough that you are wearing this”, he gestured with a finger to your dress. “Because it has to be my favourite thing about summer.” You scoffed: “Your favourite thing about summer is this dress?” The honesty was audible in his voice when he replied: “No, my favourite thing about summer is you in this dress.” You felt your knees weaken a little. Too many damn compliments. “Well I like the way your legs look like in those shorts”, you waved at him. “I didn’t know you owned any.” You could clearly see the blush on his cheeks and the quiver of his lips under his mask before he replied: “I- I didn’t.” You put your head to the side in a question. He stuttered as he continued. “I-I borrowed them. Uhm, from Gai.” You couldn’t help but belly laugh.
Soon the gates of the village came in view and it was clear that his goal was the forest around it. “Your date idea is a stroll between the trees and being eaten by mosquitos?” you asked a little sarcastically, but Kakashi avoided the bait expertly by acting like he had been too distracted with scratching his neck to hear you. Well, couldn’t be helped, you thought, you’d just have to trust him now. Believe that he’d come up with something good. After all, he’d never given you flowers before either. Together you stepped out of village boundaries and he immediately turned to the left, pulling you by the arm rather harshly. You followed up, your eyes looking around for anything that might have shown where this road was leading.
Finally you could make out a little blanket in the distance, some sort of structure, like a dome, and beneath it the piece of fabric. You furrowed your brow while trying to get a clearer look at it, but you only could see it fully when you were really close. It was really hidden, between two especially large, thick acorn trees that were swaying above your head. Kakashi hadn’t been lying when he said that it was colder here. The shadow of the trees and the cool grass felt like relief on your skin. “What-” you said in surprise when you finally saw what was in front of you clearly. It was a little wooden dome, built between the trees like an arch. Somehow the mosquitos could not get close enough, flying in circles above it and beside it but not in it. Under the dome was a blanket and on it was food flanked by big cubes of ice. A bizarre view.
“A picnic?” you said, looking over the items that were on display. There was some rice, some vegetables, a few sweets, onigiri, apples, and strawberries. How did he bring them all here and how hadn’t weren’t they all melted and rotten at this point? “A picnic” Kakashi confirmed and led you by the hand under the wooden structure. You knocked against it in disbelief, it was really wood. You touched the ice cubes and they were cold. It was really ice. You blinked at Kakashi who couldn’t keep the smug look out of his eyes. “How-?” you asked not to finish the sentence. “Oh, Tenzo made the dome, Shino helped keep the bugs out, I made the ice, Sakura brought the food while I picked you up…” You didn’t know enough about shinobi abilities to question that explanation.
Moving your hand forward you touched a strawberry and then plucked it up to put it into your mouth. It felt sweet and fresh in your mouth. “So what do you say about this idea?” Kakashi asked, a little nervous. You took an onigiri and munched on it, the taste mixing weird with the previous taste of the strawberry. Over your head the trees were ruffling in the little wind that blew during this hot day. Kakashi was right by your side, his arm brushing against yours lightly. “It’s perfect”, you said. “Totally perfect.” When you looked at his face it was red from ears to the seams of his mask. You let your hand move over to him and danced around his mask until he let you pull it down so you could kiss him. “Strawberry and rice”, he said when he pulled back. “Not a combination I would usually want to eat.”
“Well, you brought both, so I need to try it all”, you winked at him and for a moment his mouth hovered in the air as if he was waiting for another kiss, but then Kakashi too turned to the food in front of him. It was absolutely delicious which probably meant he had made it all himself. Ever since he was a teen Kakashi was very good at cooking. He had not completely elaborated on the fact why that was the case, but he’d cooked for you more often than you’d cooked for yourself and all his food was excellent. You leaned back under the dome, shoulder next to shoulder and ate whatever you got under your fingers. You didn’t care about the mix of flavours on your mouth. For a while only the sound of eating could be heard. Kakashi didn’t even bother hiding his face, not from you ever and nobody else was around. There was only the forest and you.
“Taste this”, you teased and moved your lips into a kissing position. He didn’t second guess and leaned forward to meet your mouth with his. “You dunked your ice cream into the rice bowl?” he asked after licking around your lips a little, face disgusted. “Isn’t it great?” you laughed. “It doesn’t work together at all! Now I know!” He rolled his free eye a little and then shoved half an onigiri and a scoop of the same icecream into his own mouth. “Now you go”, he grinned and you took the invitation gladly. You felt the dry rice on your tongue and the sweet flavour of the ice underneath. “Terrible. Absolutely horrible”, you laughed. He laughed too. “Maybe it would taste better if you’d actually eat the things that belong together”, Kakashi closed his eye quickly again. Winking, this time he was definitely winking. “Everything tastes good on your lips”, you said casually, wiping a rice corn out of his face.
He let out a sharp breath, his finger trailing your jaw until it moved under your neck to pull it up. The light in his eyes had an intense glow that always made you feel embarrassed and happy at the same time. He wasn’t the kind of person who said the word love out loud easily, too burned in his childhood to be able to, but you could see it on his face when he looked at you like that. “It’s been a hard year”, he said finally, finger still under your chin. “But without you it would have been much harder.” You averted your eyes, trying to get out of the intensity of the emotions between you, but he pulled you back with a stroke of his hand against your cheek. You closed your eyes to let him come close, kiss you long and deeply, tongue moving over yours like it was his, because it was his.
There was heat in the movement immediately. Kakashi pulled you in as tightly as he could, his hands on your naked shoulders. You moved through his hair, the hair you loved down so much, and enjoyed the tight embrace. He let you drink him in, let you fall completely into him. In return he was all over you, hands on your neck, hands on your face, shoulders and collarbone. You sighed to relief the knot that had formed at your core a little. If only you’d be at home right now, you caught yourself thinking. The same thought seemed to cross his mind as his hand found its way under the dress he made you wear, stroking your naked inner leg. “W-wait”, you pushed him away just a little. “Here?” He moved forward to tip his nose against yours. “Shh.” You blinked at him irritated. When had he ever sushed you before? But his fingers moved up your leg against the fabric of what you were wearing underneath and the last thought slipped your mind.
In the past you’d already met the Copy-Ninja’s skilled fingers, his expert usage of them to tease and drive you, but right at this moment, outside in a blanket in the forest, it seemed even more intense than it had been before. Kakashi moved forward so he could access you easier, move the fabric of your panties away and his tongue in your mouth. You held on to him on both sides of his head, face heated red in embarrassment and anticipation as his thumbs started circling over you. “Y-you don’t really-” you tried whispering, getting cut off by your own breath hitching. “Shh”, he said again and didn’t let himself get deterred from his work.  
Soon he switched from thumb to pointer finger to be able to navigate easier and the difference in intensity shook you to your core instantly. “Ka-shi”, you breathed into him and you could feel his grin beneath your mouth. He wasn’t gonna let go of you now that you were sighing blissfully in his arms. He used his free hand to let one strap of your dress fall so he could grab beneath it, massage one of your boobs in your bra. You moaned and bit his lip in response. The finger moved faster on your clit. “I don’t think it’s the perfect date yet,” he whispered enticingly, “but maybe I can help push it over the finish line a little”. You could feel your legs cramping, the knot in your core pulling tighter. Kakashi tilted his head a little and when his teeth met the soft skin of your neck you couldn’t hold any longer.
You buried your fingers in the back of his head, let him drink all the sounds from your mouth with his. Eyes pressed close, pulse racing. He didn’t let go at first, changed from pointer finger to thumb again, circling over you once more. You didn’t have to have your eyes open to know he was watching you still, grinning at the look of your face lost caught in the intense feeling. Finally, Kakashi brought you back by letting you go and instead kissing you again, softer, not heated or urgent, but loving. You opened your eyes back at him, blinked a few times to get rid of the blur that you were experiencing. “That’s how dates usually are supposed to end, right?” he grinned and you knocked your forehead into his cheek. “Shut up, idiot.” He placed a kiss on your temple. 
Hand still shaking you moved it over his shirt to his pants, trying to find the bulge beneath them, but he caught your wrist in the act. “That would be messy,” he crooked a brow. “Messier than me having to waddle like a duck home because I can’t wear my panties right?” you said accusatory. He laughed and picked up one of the last strawberries to eat it. “I can carry you,” he said. And then with a lean forward he growled a little: “But I take that payment once I’ve delivered you to your apartment.” You threw your head back, wiping the sweat off your forehead. “Huh, who says I’ll be satisfied enough with this date to let you sleep over.” He narrowed his eyes as if he were upset with you, but then both of you started laughing.
For another half an hour you just sat with each other, you lying in his arms, eyes closed and listening to your surroundings. Then you got bit. You hit the mosquito on it’s head immediately and sat up. “They are back”, you said in a low voice, as if an especially terrible enemy had returned to Konoha. Kakashi sighed: “Seems like.” You got bit again. You slapped your arm. “Well that ends it then”, you said and turned your head to see two Kakashi suddenly sitting next to you, both now wearing masks. “Clones?” you asked a little confused. “Yeah, this one will clean up,” Kakashi gestured to what you assumed was the clone. “I’ll bring you home, as promised.”  You wanted to offer help with the cleanup, after all he’d already prepared it all, made all the food, brought it all here, but the buzzing in your ears gave you an intense flight reflex. “Alright”, you said finally.
Kakashi got up and you once again got a good look at the white legs under his shorts. “Don’t get used to it”, he said following your look over him. “I’ll bring them back to Gai first thing tomorrow. This- this didn’t work for me at all.” You moved to your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Worked for me though.” He blushed a little as you climbed onto his back to be lifted up. You knew him well enough to know that arguing over the piggyback ride was useless. “Well you have to admit then,” he said, the smug voice from earlier now back, “that I still got it when it comes to dates.”
You rolled your eyes and snapped his mask a litte: “Yes, you win. You still got it.”
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