#psyche deathbleeder // baby death hound
shatteredminds · 2 years
For this
First spin is Azagi Daivat Helmarnii Coinin
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He would pick on Toros about his crush on Azura when the duo were little due to the fact that Toros would follow Azura around like a lost puppy. He still pick's on Toros for his crush on Azura despite the fact that the duo have twin daughters.
Second spin is Achilles Loring Rhaghverii Lokison
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He's able to manifest diamonds in the palms of his hands and turn his skin into diamond. This makes for great defense when fighting.
Third spin is Scarlett Ahava Laninga-Lokison
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Zente's mate and mother to his children. She happened to be quite ditzy, her head always in the clouds or in Lala land. Her daughter Peony inherited her scatterbrain nature.
Forth spin is Harvey Jedrek Uvalashii Alyakhnovich
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Harvey is laxer than his twin Darrin. Often ditching training and avoiding punishment from their mother. Though that's not to say he doesn't have a vicious side like his father, Ulfric.
Fifth spin is Laima Saulé Zaishvala Bloodsworth
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She's the second female soul of the Ráhïňś of Hypëřbøřiä. She's also the daughter of the first female soul and the first male soul of Dacflur das Tăchoveșh and has the viciousness of both parents to prove it.
Sixth spin is King Theophon Melker Deathbleeder
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He's a sociopath, the only reason he married and had children was to carry on the bloodline.
Seventh spin is Theodoric Anastasiua Minukaii Lokison
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Not only does he take after Great Grandma Deaevidra in looks but in temper as well. Never take this bby birb shifters choccy milk unless you want to be bitten, scratched, or have him angrily screeck at you.
Eighth spin is Dexter Constantino Zaishvalii Friis
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This pup is the shortest of his litter at 5'7 despite the genetics from both his parents(Ulfric and Azura) being that of giants and his littermates tease him mercilessly about it.
Ninth spin is Psyche Seda Deathbleeder
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Daughter of Vex but the complete opposite of her mother. While Vex was a wild and rowdy child at the age of three Psyche is calm and timid.
Tenth spin is Blažena Sunniva Zaishvaerala Kovalenko
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She inherited her mother's fire, that being Soul fire. Depending on the weather the fire is black or white means how controllable it is. Azura's fire is black, which means her soul is corrupted. It's also harder to control and gives her backlash. Blažena's however is white, meaning her soul is pure. Her Soul fire is easy to control and has little to no backlash.
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