#psycho rosekiller for the win
morsmortish · 4 months
HI. do u have any rosekiller fics you’d recommend ?? for research<3 (research being giggling manically at two gay psychos in love)
i would say that possibly my fav rosekiller dynamics are in the one shots by roadsidehorror on ao3, they're so chaotic and yet also so endearing there, without losing too much of the 'psycho' that i sometimes find lacking in fics.
for longer fics, i highly recommend "i would say i love you (but it's so hard, i won't say it at all)" by graveryavery, which is a lovely little friends-to-lovers roadtrip au that i ADORE, or "starvin' darlin'" by showinalittlelife, where barty is a cannibal and evan is terminally ill, or "show me those pretty white jaws" by 214liacsky, which i found on here when i was exploring the idea of catholic guilt and bcj, and it captures it perfectly!
i think i've only ever read one fic where evan is characterised in the way i see him, as that off-putting, weird little freak that stands in the corner of the room and stares unblinkingly at you, whilst barty is some sort of racoon-hyena hybrid that bounces off the walls and makes it his life's mission to win over evan, and that's "pickup or delivery" by lifeisabitch, and i LOVE it for those reasons and more.
(special shoutout to messermoon's protrayal of rosekiller, esp in of his bones, which is my all time favourite fanfiction ever)
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