xxjewellynwatts · 3 years
The shop owner - A James Gillies x OC (you!) story
Request: Hello:))) I don't know if you still write for James Gillies... but if you do then it would really be great with some fluff or something. I'm honestly a sucker for any James Gillies x reader content! Also, you're an amazing writer and I really appreciate that you write for Murduch Mysteries!! Hope you have a great day!!:))))
Answer: Thank you so much ! I haven’t written in ages, so I hope you’ll enjoy this! @mylifecrises
Warnings: contains spoilers of Gillies’ first episode.
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The sound of a bell got you out of your daydreams. A tall, confident, well-dressed ginger-head boy who seemed to be around your age got into the shop you now owned ever since the death of its owner.
His eyes paced for a while around the room, glancing back and forth from item to another, thinking fast before he at last locked eyes with you and briefly smiled.
Charming, you thought with a hint of mockery.
‘Good morning, how can I help you?’ you said politely.
He stopped walking towards you for a second, taken aback by the elegance of your voice. You were one of those people who didn’t ‘sound like they look’ but in the most flattering way.
‘I need a few tools for a physics experiment’ he said as he walked again towards you while showing you some of the said tools.
As you packed them for him, you looked curiously at him.
‘Are you a student at the Toronto university?’ you asked without sounding too intrusive.
‘Yes’ he smiled, happy you were quick to understand. ‘I’m Professor Bennett’s assistant.’
As soon as you heard that name, he could have sworn your mood shifted. Your face seemed a bit darker, and you had subconsciously furrowed your brows.
‘Oh’ you coldly said. ‘Well, have a nice day’ you quickly said as you handed him the package.
He smiled, less convincingly, very intrigued.
‘Thank you, you too’ he said slowly as he headed back to the University.
You sighed as he got out and went back to daydreaming the life you could’ve had had it not been for an unfair society.
A few days later, the young man came back to the shop. He noticed you had a different dress, nonetheless unique in the way it looked like it had been made just for you. Your (h/c) hair was tied up and your curls loosely fell around neck. You were reading a book before he interrupted you.
‘Oh, hello again’ you said with an unintentional smile. ‘How did the experiment go?’ you enthusiastically asked.
‘Quite well’ he said with the same smile. ‘If you ignore the fact one of the nails fell right when the machine was starting to work’ he sighed.
‘Oh’ you puckered your lips. ‘Isn’t it the most frustrating thing when something creating with our own hands fails us?’ you empathised.
The young man frowned and smiled at the same time, surprised by your poetic choice of words and relation to the situation.
‘Actually, yes. It’s really... frustrating. How come you know that feeling?’ he asked, curious.
‘Oh, trust me, I’ve been on both sides of the “creation”. I’ve felt the strong pride of succeeding in creating something as much as I’ve suffered from the pain of failed attempts. I like creating things, little objects to make my daily life easier like small machines just to... test a theory’ you shrugged.
‘Why, isn’t that quite surprising!’ laughed James. ‘Oh, I’m James Gillies by the way’ he said as he reached for your hand to shake.
You shook his, surprised by the sweetness of his touch as he was of your little enthusiastic roughness.
‘I’m (y/n), nice to meet you’ you smiled, suddenly shy.
‘It’s really nice to meet people who are so imaginative and creative. Sometimes I feel as though all students want is their degree, sadly missing the experience of intellectual stimulation thereby’
‘Oh, trust me I know...’ you answered, raging inside again. ‘Had it not been for this... stupid professor, I would have been experiencing things by your side, as the student I deserve to be.’
James starred in shock.
‘Wait... are you... a physicist?’
‘Officially? No, because I’m a woman. But in reality? Absolutely.’
You pointed towards the book you had left on the counter to meet him. It was a physics book, of a higher level than James’ current syllabus.
When James left your shop, he couldn’t stop thinking about you and how unfair it was that you were rejected from the University on the basis of sex. Had it been up to him, he would have gladly accepted you. You were certainly smarter than most of the students here.
It was already dark when he left. You two had been discussing Physics theories the whole afternoon and did not notice the sun setting down nor the moon coming up. James didn’t even want to leave deep down. He was eager to talk to you and discover your wonderfully unique ideas and contributions to the field. But the rage he felt could not even represent a quarter of yours. You were a passionate, determined and very curious person. And it made you sick people stopped you from showing your true potential.
Ever since that afternoon, you’d meet up occasionally in a café with James to discuss Physics or anything. You two got along so well you seemed to have known each other for years. You were even one of the very few people who could make James actually laugh.
One afternoon, as you were sitting in front of each other, leaned a bit due to your eager interest in your conversations, a silence fell between you two and you got lost for a split second in each others’ eyes.
‘It’s a shame’ said softly James. ‘I wish I could study and work with you everyday.’
By the time the words were out, James realised what he said, and got a little bit nervous. He never felt that way, it intrigued him. He starred down, and around, trying to ignore your (e/c) eyes.
‘I wish so too’ you answered, not ashamed a bit but sad. ‘If I could kill Professor Bennett, I would.’
James immediately looked back at you.
‘Wait, who?’
‘The professor Bennett. He is the one who convinced the jury of teachers I wouldn’t be able to stand the competition and would never be better than all those young men. He refused my application even though I had a perfect education and threatened to leave the University if they accepted me.’
You had spat the last words with the quiet rage and sadness you had confined within you for months. Tears rolled slowly down your face and James did not even notice his eyes were discretely tearing up too. He suddenly wanted to take you in his arms, reassure you, just like he wanted to shout at the professor Bennett he used to admire so much. He suddenly took your hand. Startled, you looked up at him, across the small table. He hesitated for a second and, too nervous from the proximity he had created, stood up. He gave you one final hesitant look before turning around and nearly running away.
After that meeting, you thought James had had enough of your conversations. After all, no matter how intriguing and curious he was, perhaps you didn’t intellectually stimulate him anymore. But your ego was not shattered yet. His absence had only brought up a feeling of longing to see him again, for reasons you couldn’t understand at this point. Weren’t you supposed to be jealous of him? After all, he was studying something you were desperate and passionate about. He wasn’t the victim of his own gender.
A few days had gone by and you were starting to really miss him. But there was no way you would ever go back to the university.
Then one day, you woke up to read a really intriguing news in the newspaper. The Professor Bennett had been killed by an ‘invisible’ murderer. Your eyes paced restlessly trying to grasp the meanings of the words printed. You felt your heartbeat accelerate dangerously as a suspicion crippled dangerously in the back of your mind. You turned around, hoping you’d see James coming running to tell you about the professor’s death and how deeply he was affected by it. But there was no one around.
You hardly fell asleep that night. And you had to say farewell to the idea of ever sleeping well when you heard a strange noise at your balcony at three in the morning. You stood up, covering yourself in your blanket on top of your nightgown, and slowly approached your balcony (you lived just above the shop you owned).
You had to cover your mouth to shut down your terrified scream once you saw James climbing on your balcony. He stood up at your window and smiled once he saw you. Startled, you didn’t move until he softly knocked on the window-door. You shook your head, trying to get a hold of yourself and ran to open the door.
It took you by surprise when James immediately punched his lips against yours in an adrenaline rush. You stood back. You immediately understood.
‘What have you done?’ you whispered, your voice shivering in terror.
James slowly smiled. He knew you would understand. He knew you would receive his love letter through a terrible - but brave - act: a revenge.
‘I love you’ he said, smiling even more. It felt good to say it. He never felt anything like that for anyone. He didn’t even care that much about his own family.
You thought, fast. James was clearly a dangerous person. Yet as twisted as it could have been, you felt touched by his act.
You kissed him, finally making your decision. He kissed your hands and forehead.
‘Don’t worry. Even if they find out, I will always get back to you’ he promised.
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