#james gillies x reader
xxjewellynwatts · 3 years
The shop owner - A James Gillies x OC (you!) story
Request: Hello:))) I don't know if you still write for James Gillies... but if you do then it would really be great with some fluff or something. I'm honestly a sucker for any James Gillies x reader content! Also, you're an amazing writer and I really appreciate that you write for Murduch Mysteries!! Hope you have a great day!!:))))
Answer: Thank you so much ! I haven’t written in ages, so I hope you’ll enjoy this! @mylifecrises
Warnings: contains spoilers of Gillies’ first episode.
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The sound of a bell got you out of your daydreams. A tall, confident, well-dressed ginger-head boy who seemed to be around your age got into the shop you now owned ever since the death of its owner.
His eyes paced for a while around the room, glancing back and forth from item to another, thinking fast before he at last locked eyes with you and briefly smiled.
Charming, you thought with a hint of mockery.
‘Good morning, how can I help you?’ you said politely.
He stopped walking towards you for a second, taken aback by the elegance of your voice. You were one of those people who didn’t ‘sound like they look’ but in the most flattering way.
‘I need a few tools for a physics experiment’ he said as he walked again towards you while showing you some of the said tools.
As you packed them for him, you looked curiously at him.
‘Are you a student at the Toronto university?’ you asked without sounding too intrusive.
‘Yes’ he smiled, happy you were quick to understand. ‘I’m Professor Bennett’s assistant.’
As soon as you heard that name, he could have sworn your mood shifted. Your face seemed a bit darker, and you had subconsciously furrowed your brows.
‘Oh’ you coldly said. ‘Well, have a nice day’ you quickly said as you handed him the package.
He smiled, less convincingly, very intrigued.
‘Thank you, you too’ he said slowly as he headed back to the University.
You sighed as he got out and went back to daydreaming the life you could’ve had had it not been for an unfair society.
A few days later, the young man came back to the shop. He noticed you had a different dress, nonetheless unique in the way it looked like it had been made just for you. Your (h/c) hair was tied up and your curls loosely fell around neck. You were reading a book before he interrupted you.
‘Oh, hello again’ you said with an unintentional smile. ‘How did the experiment go?’ you enthusiastically asked.
‘Quite well’ he said with the same smile. ‘If you ignore the fact one of the nails fell right when the machine was starting to work’ he sighed.
‘Oh’ you puckered your lips. ‘Isn’t it the most frustrating thing when something creating with our own hands fails us?’ you empathised.
The young man frowned and smiled at the same time, surprised by your poetic choice of words and relation to the situation.
‘Actually, yes. It’s really... frustrating. How come you know that feeling?’ he asked, curious.
‘Oh, trust me, I’ve been on both sides of the “creation”. I’ve felt the strong pride of succeeding in creating something as much as I’ve suffered from the pain of failed attempts. I like creating things, little objects to make my daily life easier like small machines just to... test a theory’ you shrugged.
‘Why, isn’t that quite surprising!’ laughed James. ‘Oh, I’m James Gillies by the way’ he said as he reached for your hand to shake.
You shook his, surprised by the sweetness of his touch as he was of your little enthusiastic roughness.
‘I’m (y/n), nice to meet you’ you smiled, suddenly shy.
‘It’s really nice to meet people who are so imaginative and creative. Sometimes I feel as though all students want is their degree, sadly missing the experience of intellectual stimulation thereby’
‘Oh, trust me I know...’ you answered, raging inside again. ‘Had it not been for this... stupid professor, I would have been experiencing things by your side, as the student I deserve to be.’
James starred in shock.
‘Wait... are you... a physicist?’
‘Officially? No, because I’m a woman. But in reality? Absolutely.’
You pointed towards the book you had left on the counter to meet him. It was a physics book, of a higher level than James’ current syllabus.
When James left your shop, he couldn’t stop thinking about you and how unfair it was that you were rejected from the University on the basis of sex. Had it been up to him, he would have gladly accepted you. You were certainly smarter than most of the students here.
It was already dark when he left. You two had been discussing Physics theories the whole afternoon and did not notice the sun setting down nor the moon coming up. James didn’t even want to leave deep down. He was eager to talk to you and discover your wonderfully unique ideas and contributions to the field. But the rage he felt could not even represent a quarter of yours. You were a passionate, determined and very curious person. And it made you sick people stopped you from showing your true potential.
Ever since that afternoon, you’d meet up occasionally in a café with James to discuss Physics or anything. You two got along so well you seemed to have known each other for years. You were even one of the very few people who could make James actually laugh.
One afternoon, as you were sitting in front of each other, leaned a bit due to your eager interest in your conversations, a silence fell between you two and you got lost for a split second in each others’ eyes.
‘It’s a shame’ said softly James. ‘I wish I could study and work with you everyday.’
By the time the words were out, James realised what he said, and got a little bit nervous. He never felt that way, it intrigued him. He starred down, and around, trying to ignore your (e/c) eyes.
‘I wish so too’ you answered, not ashamed a bit but sad. ‘If I could kill Professor Bennett, I would.’
James immediately looked back at you.
‘Wait, who?’
‘The professor Bennett. He is the one who convinced the jury of teachers I wouldn’t be able to stand the competition and would never be better than all those young men. He refused my application even though I had a perfect education and threatened to leave the University if they accepted me.’
You had spat the last words with the quiet rage and sadness you had confined within you for months. Tears rolled slowly down your face and James did not even notice his eyes were discretely tearing up too. He suddenly wanted to take you in his arms, reassure you, just like he wanted to shout at the professor Bennett he used to admire so much. He suddenly took your hand. Startled, you looked up at him, across the small table. He hesitated for a second and, too nervous from the proximity he had created, stood up. He gave you one final hesitant look before turning around and nearly running away.
After that meeting, you thought James had had enough of your conversations. After all, no matter how intriguing and curious he was, perhaps you didn’t intellectually stimulate him anymore. But your ego was not shattered yet. His absence had only brought up a feeling of longing to see him again, for reasons you couldn’t understand at this point. Weren’t you supposed to be jealous of him? After all, he was studying something you were desperate and passionate about. He wasn’t the victim of his own gender.
A few days had gone by and you were starting to really miss him. But there was no way you would ever go back to the university.
Then one day, you woke up to read a really intriguing news in the newspaper. The Professor Bennett had been killed by an ‘invisible’ murderer. Your eyes paced restlessly trying to grasp the meanings of the words printed. You felt your heartbeat accelerate dangerously as a suspicion crippled dangerously in the back of your mind. You turned around, hoping you’d see James coming running to tell you about the professor’s death and how deeply he was affected by it. But there was no one around.
You hardly fell asleep that night. And you had to say farewell to the idea of ever sleeping well when you heard a strange noise at your balcony at three in the morning. You stood up, covering yourself in your blanket on top of your nightgown, and slowly approached your balcony (you lived just above the shop you owned).
You had to cover your mouth to shut down your terrified scream once you saw James climbing on your balcony. He stood up at your window and smiled once he saw you. Startled, you didn’t move until he softly knocked on the window-door. You shook your head, trying to get a hold of yourself and ran to open the door.
It took you by surprise when James immediately punched his lips against yours in an adrenaline rush. You stood back. You immediately understood.
‘What have you done?’ you whispered, your voice shivering in terror.
James slowly smiled. He knew you would understand. He knew you would receive his love letter through a terrible - but brave - act: a revenge.
‘I love you’ he said, smiling even more. It felt good to say it. He never felt anything like that for anyone. He didn’t even care that much about his own family.
You thought, fast. James was clearly a dangerous person. Yet as twisted as it could have been, you felt touched by his act.
You kissed him, finally making your decision. He kissed your hands and forehead.
‘Don’t worry. Even if they find out, I will always get back to you’ he promised.
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Being Married To James Gillies Would Include
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not my gif
(they never really explain much about James’s past or anything so I’m gonna say he had a rough childhood because I can;)
The two of you got married at a young age like 18.
Both of you going to the University Of Toronto.
You and Robert Perry being pretty close.
Him being so sweet.
And caring.
Only a few close people know that the two of you are married.
Being so excited for your future together.
James helping you study for tests.
Calming him when he’s stressed and vise versa.
Him calling you darling.
Now once/after he starts killing people.
After James and Robert killed their professor you weren’t really sure how you felt.
On one hand you felt betrayed and on the other you were heartbroken.
I mean the man that you loved just went to prison.
But on the other hand he did just kill someone so….
Murdoch would interview you about James on multiple occasions.
You had heard about everything else he has done since your University days.
And it somehow got out that the two of you were married. *ahem Louise Chery*
The next time you see James is after the whole train thing.
So anyway James jumps off the train and somehow ends up outside your front door.
It’s around 12:30 pm, it’s pretty late and you were just getting ready for bed when you hear a knock on your front door.
You open the door and there stands James holding bloody cloth to one side of his face.
You were absolutely shocked to see him.
You haven’t seen him since University and now he’s standing outside your front door.
You decided that you would help him the best you could and not call Murdoch until you had a chance to speak with him.
James told you how he still loved you and begged you to run away with him.
Obvi you said no.
You also yelled at him for killing Robert(for a good 7 mins).
Even after everything’s he’s done you still love him but honestly he just sounded crazy.
He tried convincing you some more but surprisingly gave up.
You called Murdoch as soon as he walked out your front door.
And that was the Last time you ever saw James Gillies.
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The Smuggler- James Gillies
Request: Hi! Are requests still open? If so, could I request a James Gillies one-shot where the reader(f) is just as cunning as he is. He's escaped from custody again and they team up. He thinks he's found his match, but she's actually working with Murdoch. Is this okay?
A/N: I rewrote the conclusion a couple of times but I am pleased with the end result. It’s somewhat a predictable ending but that comes with following the request. It was specified that Gillies was to see the reader as his equal but this seems out of character, ego seemed to be a great vice of his character.
Finding the correct tracks was surprisingly easier than expected, it still took several hours as the prey made the attempt to cover their path. Woodland creatures were always more preferable to hunt than other humans. The latter was arguably more intelligent than the former the fact you got so far without detection for so long would say otherwise.
The unset path became more vague as you continued along it. It was already days old but out in the forest there were few areas of value that differed from trees and foliage. Another hour had passed before a sign of human life was found, peaking from around a tree glimpses of a makeshift camp could be seen. A white sheet pretending to be a tent silhouetted the dissipating daylight. You freed the shotguns strap from your shoulder and aimed both barrels in the camps direction. A generous gift from a constable who left it unguarded on the chair next to him while he slept.
From a distance it appeared to be abandoned, a look closer confirmed this. A used fire place and sleeping cot now visible. It mirrored campsites if your own from the past months, perhaps with a worse tent and lacking a woman’s touch. Now standing in the center with the gun by your side, there seemed to be no thing of value or any sign the camps owner would return if they were still in the area. A shuffling brought you out of your surveying and the shotgun back to your attention. Turning both barrels towards a man emerging; even dirty and wrapped with makeshift bandages bushels of brown hair still glistened in the limited light. It would become less of a spectacle when you realized that shine was the result of sweat and grease; at least you managed to remain relatively clean out on the run. In his arms a bundle of sticks and scavenged logs for the fire, too bulky to be used as an effective weapon against a modern firearm. “Why hello there.”
That oddly cheerful line started the discussion that bleed long into the night, spiced with canned meat, forged plants and the remaining contents of rum in your flask. After enough coaxing you managed to get his story out of him, the only promise to unload the gun and tell your own. Both situations were remarkably similar: convicts in the run from the law, main difference being you crossed the boarder into Canada while he was already in Ontario.
“What did you do before this?” James politely asked. Regardless of his tone your guard remained up constantly, not ready to be played or manipulated with. “Smuggler, if you needed something questionable across a boarder we would get it. No hesitation.” You take a drink from your canteen before continuing, studying James as much as he’s studying you. “Mostly from the Philippines and Europe.”
“Sounds exciting.” You shook your head slowly.
“It had its moments but I don’t miss it. The pay was good but rarely worth the risk. One police raid tipped off by the competition and two dead cops leaves the whole operation up in the air.”
There was a moment of silence as James nodded along, nefarious thoughts no doubt lingering below the surface. He told you his story after, leaving out details for the sake of brevity. A former student turned criminal with a failed plot of revenge under his belt, much less a killer for profit but rather twisted glory.
“And I thought I was dangerous.” You muttered when he finished, earning a laugh and smile highlighted by the campfires glow. Another silence came over the pair of outlaws soon after. It was broken by you after it became overwhelming.
“What’s your plan then? Another attempt at revenge?”
You shifted in your seat, unsure if your next course of action would objectively be the best. This pondering did not go unnoticed by your dinner guest. “I have a proposal James.”
“Go on.” You leaned in closer despite not another soul being present within the range of a kilometer.
“We had contacts that would, cooperate, with us in the past. Ones a boat Captain up in Ottawa, worked to get equipment across the Atlantic. He owns me a favour and can get us passage far away from here.”
“You want me to go with you?” He phrased it as a statement rather than a question.
“It’s easier to travel long distances in a group, you can hold your own in a fight if the need arises.” You had to force yourself from not letting out a chuckle at the last part of the sentence. “And with all due respect, whatever half baked revenge plan will get you killed.”
He pulled back from you, his face almost returning to the darkness of the night away from the fire. You knew you tempted him, mutually beneficial with the prospect of escape; you were still the one in possession of the only gun however. “Where would we end up? Europe?”
“Balkans, Morocco possibly. No where past the Ottomans, not any more anyways. But no where we could easily be followed.”
James hesitated for another second before sticking out his hand, “Deal.” You shook it without delay. The skin was rough and calloused from his escape. Such scaly skin did give off the impersonation that you shook hands more so with a beast rather than a man. Only time could tell James Gillies would live up to his reputation.
“Over there.” You gestured over your shoulder to a well rounded man exciting a pub, “That’s our Captain.” Gillies discreetly looked but remained still as to not draw attention. In the past two months you managed to teach the fellow convict tricks of yours to blend in to a crowd, along with how to bath in the wilderness so you could tolerate his presence.
You pulled your cap down further despite having your back to the street, a habit maintained when operating in public or a big city. James would openly mock this trait, citing it as nervousness and in turn a weakness. The boldness increased the closer you traveled to Ottawa. Even with the shotgun still in your presence he was emboldened; likely due to his own side arm borrowed from a farm house back south. You were unsure if this was a gesture of friendship or a side effect of ego. Such examples were responded to with an eye role before moving on.
“We should meet him at the ship. Hard to imagine we’re almost out of here.” Readjusting the guns shoulder strap you turned into the streets with Gillies close behind. “Happy to get out of here too?”
“I just hope where ever Captain Roberts takes us will be far from the British and Yanks.” You weaved through the crowd of the harbour, by passing vendors pushing wears and men moving cargo without any taking notice of you or your companion. Just another pair of hands passing through. You could catch glimpses of Roberts through the crowd ahead of you, meeting up being an irrelevant aspect if you both had the same destination.
“I’m surprised you’ve stuck with me this long y/n.” James spoke up. You turned to face him briefly. “Despite the profession I held I’m a woman of my word.”
“You’ve got me this far without stabbing me in the back,” he taunted. “I’m starting to believe your being genuine y/n.”
“I could say the same thing about you James.” You retorted.
Not long would pass before you stood beside the ship promising safe passage; receiving a friendly embrace from Captain Roberts that only had a hint of ale on it. He wasted no time checking to see if you were alright, well feed, uninjured; perhaps in disbelief you were standing in front of him
“I heard your crew got caught up down south in New York.” He loudly whispered while bending down to your height. No one around would care to hear regardless, Gillies located himself on the lid of a wooden crate in earshot of the conversation.
“We did, if they’re not dead they’re in jail; likely be swinging by the end of the year.”
The discussion soon switched to business. Despite the simplicity of the request and recalling every previous good interaction between you two it was a tough order for Captain Roberts. “You still owe me for the Turks Roberts.” At that he sighed in defeat and agreed to the terms of passage. All the while Gillies hummed to himself, always planning his next step. The tune was interrupted by you.
“No guns.” He slowly looked up from his box seat. “Pardon?” “That’s the deal, you don’t like it don’t take it.”
You outstretched your hand to request the satchel containing his dangerous toy. Instead he used your appendage to pull himself up like a maiden. “I’m a reasonable man y/n. No need to worry.”
He walked past you and onto the ship deck to meet the captain. Now your turn to take up the rear for once in the journey. Gillies’ introduced himself to the captain was respectfully with a false name and full smile. Roberts coldly cut to the business without the bear hug you were provided. “Just hand it over son.”
Gillies relented, taking off his satchel for Roberts to forcefully part it from him, not that he was in a position to complain. The Captain rummaged through the mostly empty bag and retrieved the revolver still in quintessential condition. He held it up inspecting the chambers for loaded bullets to which he found six. James could barely register the barrel being pointed back at him before a blow struck the back of his head.
You smashed the butt of the gun into Gillies skull with all the strength you could muster in the brief window of opportunity. He fell limp almost instantly but you allowed yourself another strike on him before relenting. The heart beat that had been racing for the past hour had began to finally slow down. In no less than five seconds of action you had already spent all of your breath and began panting. Sucking in cold ocean air as James Gillies laid motionless on the ships wooden deck was one of the few pleasant feelings you’ve had the past several weeks.
“The deed is done!” You called out, despite Roberts being the only visible soul you knew others were lurking in the shadows. Then wondering over to the side to lean overlooking the other boats on the water. Constables emerged from hidden areas and placed chains on the unconscious Gillies bleeding slightly from his scalp.
“I thought we agreed to not risk injuring him.” You recognized Detective Murdoch instantly from voice alone. Still possessing a disdainful tone he had when he told you the plan. Likely debating if he should go back on his word and place you back in handcuffs.
“He’s not dead don’t worry. Besides I’d be doing you a favour if I offed that mad man for you.” He stood behind you, his eyes burning into the back of your head like a lit fag pressed against the skin. You disarmed yourself and leaneded the gun against the railing. Murdoch unsurprisingly took the weapon without hesitation. “I don’t doubt you think like that y/l/n.”
He was about to walk away but paused, forcing himself to show some form of gratitude. “Thank you for what you’ve done. I mean it.” Slowly you turned around to face him, shrugging with the response. Over Murdoch’s shoulder you saw the infamous killer being hauled away.
“I told you Detective, I keep my word.”
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siriusly-parker · 5 years
diana: sooooo you do like gilbert?
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Drabbles-MC Masterlist
Because of the link limit, each character now has their own link on this post that leads to a separate post. But this is still where to go to find all of my fics!
(You can also go HERE to find me on AO3)
Fic-list under the cut!
👀 = smut, 💔 = angst
Mayans MC Characters:
- EZ Reyes Fics
- Angel Reyes Fics
- Bishop Losa Fics
- Coco Cruz Fics
- Nestor Oceteva Fics
- Neron “Creeper” Vargas Fics
- Hank Loza Fics
- Gilly Lopez Fics
- Marcus Alvarez Fics
- Che "Taza" Romero Fics
Michael “Riz” Ariza Fics:
- Reckless
- Wipeout
Miguel Galindo Fics:
- Business Trip
- Withered 💔
Guero Fics:
- Always Here Anyway
Canche Fics:
- Trustfall
Sons of Anarchy Characters:
- Herman Kozik Fics
- Opie Winston Fics
- Filip “Chibs” Telford Fics
- Jax Teller Fics
- Juice Ortiz Fics
- Happy Lowman Fics
- David Hale Fics
- Alexander “Tig” Trager Fics
- SOA/Mayans MC Headcanons
Narcos/Narcos: Mexico Characters:
- Javier Peña Fics
- Horacio Carrillo Fics
- Steve Murphy Fics
- Walt Breslin Fics
- Amado Carrillo Fuentes Fics
- Isabella Bautista Fics
- The Diegoverse Fics: A Series of OG Narcos OC Universes
- Hugo Martinez Fics
- Chepe Santacruz Fics
María Elvira Fics:
- Favors Owed 👀
Danilo Garza:
- Things Like That 👀
Amat Palacios Fics:
- Just A Bad Feeling 💔
Officer Trujillo Fics:
- Looking On
Andrea Nuñez Fics:
- At Your Service
Sal Orozco Fics:
- Cómo Puedo Ayudar?
Enedina Arellano Félix Fics:
- Adamant
Jorge Salcedo Fics:
- Debts Paid
Other Fandoms:
- MCU Fics
- The Bear Fics
- The Bikeriders Fics
- Top Gun Maverick Fics
- Suicide Squad Fics
- Kingsman Fics
- John Wick Fics
- Altered Carbon Fics
- Outer Banks Fics
- Stranger Things Fics
- Silent Night Fics:
- Speaking Volumes (Brian Godlock x F!Reader)
- Better Call Saul Fics:
- Should’ve Seen It Coming (Nacho Varga x F!Reader) 💔
- Fresh Start (Gabriela Castillo x Nacho Varga) [Crossover]
- House MD Fics:
- Not to Spoil the Ending (Robert Chase x Greg House)
- At Least (Greg House x James Wilson)
- Bullet Train Fics:
- Pretty and Unscathed (Carver x Ladybug)
- Emily the Criminal Fics:
- Waking Hours (Youcef Haddad x GN!Reader)
- Law & Order: SVU Fics:
- Stomping Grounds (Mike Duarte x F!Reader)
- On the Ledge (Mike Duarte x GN!Reader)
- Our Flag Means Death Fics:
- Retelling the Story (Stede Bonnet x Edward Teach)
- Here We Are (Stede Bonnet x Edward Teach)
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S Fics
- The One Where It’s The Right Time (Joey Tribbiani x Rachel Green)
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multifandom-girlie · 3 years
𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞
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Imagine: "Can you do one where Daniel Gillies and the reader have an interview but they are divorced and have kids together *name doesn't matter*but the interviewer ask them why they divorce since it was unknown to why they did."
Pairing: Daniel Gillies x Wife!Reader
Warning: RPF, minorly angsty.
Words: 1813
A/N: I hope you like it anon, I will be honest it's not my best imagine but I really did try and make it the best I could. I hope you Enjoy!
The un-consensual ringing of my alarm tone triggered me to open my eyes. I glanced over to my phone and quickly made sure i didn't have any notifications before sitting up and wiping the crustiness of the sleep from my eyes. I decided to not wake the kids up yet, as it would be easier to get ready without two screaming children bouncing of the walls and begging for food. I chuckled the covers off and walked into my bathroom and heading straight for the sink to brush my teeth and wash my face. After I had, I heard two feet slapping against the hardwood flooring and I shut my eyes hoping for just two more minutes. I stepped out of the bathroom, guess we won't have a shower this morning then. Peeking my head out of the door, I saw two big brown eyes looking around my room. I put on a smile and walked over to them. It was my son, Tyler. I picked him up and sitting on my bed with him resting on my lap. I brushed his soft brown hairs out of his face and kissed him on the forehead as we hugged, like every morning.
"Good morning, baby. Are you ok ?"
He muttered a yes but still buried his head into my neck, I frowned. Of course I knew he was lying to me when he said yes but I thought it was just because he was tired from having just woken up. He's usually running around and screaming so loud you'd think he was getting murdered. The look on his face though wasn't just tiredness, it was a look he used to give me very rarely; when he was upset.
"I miss daddy, when can we see him ? Uncle Joe said that he wasn't sure if we gonna see him today."
I closed my eyes lightly. Damn you Joseph, making my job as a mom way harder than it already was.
"Don't listen to Uncle Joe, he's just playing around. I will make sure you see daddy today, I promise."
He made a big grin on his face, very similar to his father's and I couldn't help but smile back. God I missed that man, like crazy but I got two wonderful children and one on the way as a product of it. So, I will always have a part of him.
"Now, go and get your best clothes on to impress daddy when you seem him and tell your sister as well, okay ?"
He nodded running out my room and screaming to his sister, there it is...the screaming and running.
20 minutes later...
I was taking my first two aspirin of the day already and I had only been awake half and hour. Today was going to be a long day. I was sipping on the water when I heard the door knock and a bowl smash. I ran into the dining room to see that Lily's breakfast bowl was smashed into little pieces on the floor. She knelt down the pick it up until I spoke.
"Lily! Do not pick that glass up, I will do it. Go and put your shoes on baby and help your brother please. I need to go answer the door, hurry up."
I walked out of the dining room and over to the front door. Opening it I came face to face with Joseph, Paul and more importantly Daniel. I let them all in and as I was hugging Paul to say hi. I hear a bang followed by some crying in Lily's room. I widened my eyes and raced upstairs to her room. As I arrived, I saw Tyler standing in the doorway with a sheepish smile on her face.
"What happened ?"
"I haven't done anything, mommy."
"What was that bang then ?"
I moved him out the way and walked over to Lily, who was sat on the rubbing her bleeding knee. She started crying more as I went over to pick her up.
"Oh, baby what happened ?"
"T-t-tyler pus-sh-shed m-m-me o-o-ov-v-ver."
I hated seeing my kids cry it broke my heart. However, I managed to pick her up and take her downstairs whilst grabbing Tyler's wrist with my free hand. As we were walking downstairs, I asked Tyler what happened.
"She was trying to help me put my shoes on and being a bossy pants."
"Tyler, I asked her to help you. She wasn't doing anything wrong. Was that really want a good enough reason to push your sister over ? Look at her knee."
"I'm sorry, mama."
"Your saying it to the wrong person, baby."
As we walked into the kitchen and he saw everyone he screamed and ran into Daniel's arms. I would be lying if I said the sight didn't make my heart swell a million times but he had been naughty.
"Tyler James Gillies!"
Daniel looked up confused. Most likely thinking that I was trying to make sure Tyler didn't hug him.
"What did I just say ?"
I sat Lily down on the island and went to the medicine cabinet to get the band-aids, he trudged towards his sister and put his head down.
"I'm sorry I pushed you over."
She smiled at him in acceptance as I cleaned her knee and put on a band-aid. I lifted her down and I finished saying hi to everyone and walked out the door and then realised I didn't clean the glass up. I'll do it later.
At the comic con, 40 minutes later...
When we arrived, we were screamed at by millions of fans that had come from everywhere.However, if my kids weren't here covering their ears because of loud noise, I would've stopped and greeted a few of them. Not only that but since we were late, we didn't have much time but we did have a tight schedule.
5 minutes later...
Most of 'The Originals' cast had finished their interviews for a day but me and Daniel had been roped into to doing one more, just us. So, I let the kids spend time with all their 'aunts' and 'uncles' and we headed off. Wasn't looking forward to this.
"Hi Guys, I'm here with the lovely Y/N and Daniel Gillies. Who portray the sexiest vampires on 'The Originals' and we are going to be answering your questions that you've sent in on twitter."
I couldn't help but feel slightly awkward as he said 'Y/N and Daniel Gillies'. I thought everyone had been told now but it's okay.
"Okay so our first question comes in from @vampirefiction333 who says 'I really love Elijah and Aviana but will they ever have a relationship with each other because I NEED it.'"
"Um, I'm not entirely sure. We have certainly pushed in the past but I feel as though it just wouldn't end well."
"Yeah, I think what Y/N said was absolutely right. Considering her past relationship with Klaus I don't think it would end well for Elijah let alone Aviana."
“Okay, next question come from @y/n.y/l/n_ishot. Creative username, um so their question is ‘I know that Daniel and Y/N aren’t together anymore but I really want to know where they had their honeymoon because have you seen the pictures😍!!”
We both laughed despite the user making a spectacle of the mutual split.
“We had our honeymoon at ‘The Samaya Bali’ hotel in Bali and we loved it. We stayed in the one bedroom royal courtyard villa, which was just incredible.”
“Yeah it was wonderful because it’s quite a small and private hotel by it is beautiful and it was definitely worth every penny.”
“That sounds great. Okay, last question is from @Y/NandDanielGilliesShipper. Very long name but uh their question was ‘I really wish Y/N and Daniel stayed together and it hurts that I don’t know the reason why they got a divorce. Someone please tell me😭.”
We both looked at each other and smiled slightly before he nodded for me to go first.
“Um okay. So, it was a mutual decision, we just realised that it wasn’t working anymore. I think that first initial spark that we had kind of disappeared and due to that the relationship just felt like a burden almost. The last kinda months we were together we just spent constantly having small disagreements which would then lead to a much bigger argument. I don’t think either of us deserved that and so we had a talk and we decided it was just better off.”
He looked at me kinda sadly as we knew the main reason behind those arguments but for the sake of privacy we decided to keep it to ourselves.
“Yeah what Y/N said. I believe that there is always going to be a deep and passionate love between us, there always will be. I think that’s due to how young and naive we were when we even started dating and then not long after we met; we married and had kids so yeah there will always be some love there, no matter what. I just feel as though because of being each other’s first every thing it led us to believe that there was nothing else.”
“Do you believe there is something else ? Not to make you feel uncomfortable or pressure you into answering.”
We all chuckled.
“No honestly it’s fine. I do believe there isn’t something else out there even if I haven’t fallen out of love with Y/N. There always is something else out there.”
“I think there is a lot of truth in what Daniel’s saying but we both definitely need to let ourselves heal and let our children heal before even entertaining the idea of new people.”
“Talking of your children, how’d you tell them ? How did they handle it ?”
“They handled it quite maturely, I have to say. Which was quite shocking as they are both very upbeat all the time and they are never serious or truly upset. So, to see them so quiet was kind of worrying actually. I think they were in a state of shock for just a moment and then they had a little cry and they accepted it. It was quite sudden though, which I do regret. They literally woke up 20 minutes prior, I was drinking coffee, Daniel was making breakfast and it was normal but then we just sprung it on them whilst they were eating breakfast. So, if we could change that I would but I think the sooner they knew, the smoother and quicker the healing would be.”
He smiled at us. I looked at Daniel and we smiled at each other once again. I was happy for him whether he was moving on with someone else or not. Even if we weren’t together there was still and us and that was some hope and I love that.
I loved him.
I love him.
Tyler James Gillies- 7 years old
Lily Aviana Gillies-5 years old
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xxjewellynwatts · 4 years
Who Is She? - A James Gillies x OC (you) story! (Part 2)
Request: Hello me again:)))) Just wanted to let you know that I would love more of the story you wrote with James Gillies^_^
A/N: Alright I really hope you like this! I'm very sorry for being late, I had such a busy week... But there you go, the end of the story! I really hope you liked it. And if anyone wants another imagine, I'm down for it!
Part 1: https://xxllewellynwatts.tumblr.com/post/622422351396667392/who-is-she-a-james-gillies-x-oc-you-story
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{The story occurs after James Gillies kidnapped the girl who lives in his old family house and before he is sent to jail for his murder of Robert Perry}
Murdoch and his colleagues will soon find out Robert Perry's decapitated body and you knew it. Months had passed by since Gillies was sent to jail but he was back and you quickly found him... though it was more like he found you.
Through Toronto's Gazette you had given hints for the place where you'd kill Robert Perry so that he would join you. And that's what he did.
You stood behind the now decapitated dead body and held Robert's head in your left hand waiting for James to come. And he came. He was well dressed, as usual and stood in a sort of shock / amazement after he closed the door that led to the basement of Toronto's church.
'I told you I'd kill him with my own hands if he betrayed you...' you said with a mysterious smile.
James looked at his head in your hand.
'He was alive' you said, following his eyesight. 'I cut his head while he was still alive.'
You chuckled and threw his head. It hit James' feet.
'I hate betrayers' you said with the most disgusted face and voice. And that gave James a chill.
'It's funny' he said after a moment. 'I had planned to kill him this exact same way, in this exact place...' he looked at you for a bit. 'How did you guess?'
'Come on!' you said smoothly. 'You and I... we share the same mind.'
You were standing pretty close to him and your faces were really close. You could nearly hear your hearts beating. Beating fast, with a thirst for life while a dead body sat right behind you two. What a way to tease death!
'We don't have long before the detective comes here' you said as you walked around the room, looking at Robert's body. 'You know we're going to get caught, don't you? The game was interesting, but we're going to lose. He will find Julia.'
He starred at you in surprise.
'Yes, I know you'll bury her alive. But he'll find her. Because you will keep giving him clues and hints. You can't help but make the game harder for you.'
You looked back at him.
'I like that about you.'
'You know me so well, don't you...?' he said quietly with a little smile.
You shrugged.
'I guess you could always surprise me and kill me now but... I've a good feeling about us. We could team up...'
'It means we will be both arrested for the same crimes.'
'I don't mind.' you shrugged again with a smile. 'As long as we get to execute our brilliant plans!'
And the game was on! He accepted the offer, obviously. How could he not? He liked you more than he thought he did. You were too brilliant to misjudge and so mysterious that he was... charmed.
And everything went the way you said. Murdoch found Julia in time and arrested you both for the crime of several people, including Robert Perry, even though you did it alone.
'Oh, y/n...' said James as you two were in the car meant to take you to prison. 'What an adventure' he said smoothly. 'I didn't know you played the violin' he said in amazement.
'What an adventure indeed' you smiled back and leaned closer in the car. You were sat in front of each other. James leaned a bit towards you too.
'And there comes the winner...' you said, annoyed, as you leaned back. You'd seen Murdoch from the corner of your eye coming close to the car.
There was a very small kind of window with bars to talk.
'Congratulations' said James to Murdoch. 'You won again.'
'This time, I'll see you two executed with my own eyes' said Murdoch grinning at you both.
'We'll be honored' you said with your charming voice and attractive smile.
'Why do this?' asked Murdoch. 'You two could've walked free.'
'Because I don't like losing' answered James. 'You beat me the first time, I wanted a revenge'
'Well, the game is over' said Murdoch. 'How about you, y/l/n?' he looked at you.
'That's the genius' weakness... he wants a crowd to applaud him! Or her, in this case' you said with a grin.
'Well, I guess both of your fate is sealed' said Murdoch. 'Driver!' he shouted for you two to go.
'I hope you like the violin!' you shouted at last to Murdoch as you laughed with Gillies.
When Murdoch came back to the station, Crabtree gave him a box. In it was a doll akin to those who had been used by James to leave hints to Murdoch. There was a record that could be heard as Murdoch turned the mechanical engine.
'I hope you enjoyed this game' arose a voice from the doll, which was James' voice. 'And I can't wait for us three to have so much fun next time!'
We could hear a violin playing in the background.
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At Night
The crackle from the fire intensified as you added another log. The stone basin containing the red and orange flames as they danced up the chimney, provoked by the addition fuel. Returning to your chair the light was once again strong enough to read the pages of your book. A medical journal for your studies at the University of Toronto. That is where you would rather be, not the farmhouse on the request of your parents.
While they were busy vacationing down at Niagara falls you had to watch their farm, tend to the livestock, horses and make sure the river bank did not burst. Thankfully the harvest had already been collected so you only had to make sure the animals were feed and hope your class mates were taking proper notes on your behalf. It would be more convenient if you could simply ask them but your parents were never a fan of the newer technology, the most advance device they owned was an oil lamp you've known since childhood.
However that was out of your control, pushing it from your mind and back to the book in front. The silence was daunting at first, only your breath and the fire were audible. Occasionally waves from the river could be heard but otherwise it was you and the flame. When you found yourself settled the book was again priority, taking in the information as a drunk would ale.
The concentration was broken again when the faint sound of coughing being carried to you by the wind. Rising from your chair you decided to investigate, you where the only person for several kilometres in all directions and no animal could make such a noise. Putting on your coat you exited the building. The cold was biting at your exposed face immediately but curiosity pushed you forward.
As you approached the stream the coughing gets louder, still hauntingly quite. When the river came into view your lamp revealed nothing, the black water reflecting the light back at you. You were about to turn back when the coughing picked up again, letting the noise lead you to its source. You almost dropped the light in surprise.
On the rivers shore laid a man in the mud. His head was turned towards you, a mixture of blood and dirt clinging to the surface. The rest of his body appeared no better, his dark blue clothing tattered by the waves. Exposed flesh on his back screaming in agony, lacerations leading from the neck to his legs that were still submerged in the water.
Without a moments hesitation you grab the man by his under arms, balancing his body and the lantern in your hands. His skin was stone cold, he could be mistaken for a corpse if not for the subtle breathing escaping his blue lips. It was risky to move him with a potential head injury but leaving him in the river was an almost certain death sentence by hypothermia.
It was roughly thirty meters to the front door but with the extra weight you were exhausted when you pushed through the wooded entrance. In the new found warmth and light you placed your guest on his back in front of the fire. When done you noticed the handcuffs that bound his wrist together. The light also revealed the dark blue was actually a prisoner jump suit, still recognizable when caked in mud. This was a surprise but his life was still in your hands, you are a healer, not a executioner.
Despite being drained of energy you frantically ran around the house grabbing whatever could prove useful for the situation. Thankful you brought home some supplies from university, originally a resource for studying but now a tool. When you return to the living room the mystery man now had his eyes slightly open, fighting with himself to keep them that way. When you came into view the brown pools never leave your figure, filled with both curiosity and fear. You try not to pay him attention concentrating purely in your work, cleaning the mud and blood from the skin, seeming almost endless.
When free of muck you had a unobstructed sight of the work ahead of you, almost wanting to quite then and there. The left side of his face was almost caved in, fresh blood replacing any previously removed. His now bare chest was home to several deep gashes, one the length and depth of your fore finger. All of these injuries combined with the paper white skin was a sight any sensible person would run from, but the brown eyes staring back at you kept you in place. Either from fear or a sense of duty to life you stayed.
The fire burned strong through the night, illuminating the needle and thread as they stitched wounds closed. Glass bottles shining along with the liquids they contain. By morning the fire had turned to a smouldering ruin, a single line of smoke leading up the chimney. The man at some point last night fallen back unconscious, however he was at least alive. You did not know the extent of the damage however, the wounds on his chest, back and head were cleaned and covered in a white cloth to cover the horror beneath.
You sat in the same chair as last night watching him, waiting for something to happen. His hair and remaining clothes dried over night, revealing curls which fell back onto the floor. From what you could tell he was a handsome man, young and strong figured. But that would most likely change when the bandages were taken off. You were again brought from your thoughts by coughing, the man was awake.
The same brown eyes from last night found you again, less fearful this time but the pain more visible.
"Do you have a name?" You asked, the lack of sleep playing with your voice, but not remotely comparable to the grating response, a tone filled both exhaustion and pain.
Request: Are you taking requests? Is so do you think you could do some more James gillies x reader stories please. Love your writing btw❤️
A/N: Why are these on the bottom? Because despite the obvious twist that is we all saw coming I don't want to spoil it. The gender of the reader is not specified like usual because they don't interact with anyone, so my normal strategy of making it neutral unless necessary was not needed. My apologies for the wait.
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mayans-sauce · 4 years
Hanna’s Big Appreciation Post 💙
This is my appreciation for the content creators on Tumblr! Here I will link the creations of you lovely people that have decided to participate. If you would like to know how to take part in this please read ❕➡️THIS⬅️❕ post! I will also add my fellow mutuals and people that have reblogged the post and put their fellow creators on it.
This big appreciation post will be updated with people’s work when they decide to take part❤️
If there is a mistake, something you want me to change/add or you don’t want to be on this list just let me know😊
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Writes for Mayans MC (Angel Reyes, EZ Reyes, Gilly Lopez, Bishop Losa, Taza Romero, Coco Cruz, Michael Ariza, Hank Loza, Neron Vargas)
Writes for The Punisher (Billy Russo)
Some works:
- Shot - Creeper Vargas x Reader
- First Date - Hank Loza x Reader
- Gone - Billy Russo x Reader
- Stood Up - Billy Russo x Reader
- Missed You - Billy Russo x Reader
Writes for Marvel (Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Quentin Beck, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wade Wilson, Logan Howlett, Victor Creed, Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Alex Summers, Remy Lebeau, Frank Castle, James Wesley)
Writes for DC (Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent)
Writes for Star Wars (Han Solo, Poe Dameron)
Some works:
- Cry, baby - Steve Rogers x Reader x Tony Stark
- I Wanna Be with You - Poe Dameron x Reader x Finn
Writes for Star Wars universe (Din Djarin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Poe Dameron, Cassian Andor, Anakin Skywalker)
Some works:
- The Mandalorian NSFW Alphabet - Din Djarin x Female Reader
- The Sun On Both Sides - Cassian Andor x Female Reader
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@chibsytelford asked: Reader sees Gilly, Coco, EZ, and Angel in a bar and they all have been eyeing her up, Coco, EZ and Angel all try their luck with her but she is only interested in Gilly. He finally gets enough confidence to ask her out on a date 😊
Serie Index. Chapter 1.
Word count: 2115
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. At first, it's gonna be one-shot but I truly like this idea, so I'm gonna write three chapters. Who knows? Maybe more.
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You can't remember when was the last time you went out with your friends aka work-mates. But it's friday and have some beers and dance it's better than stay at home with Netflix on and eating cold pizza. So, here you're in front of the mirror. Black shorts high-waist and a body of the same color. Your hair is a goal to anyone this night, falling on your back like a brave waterfall. You also decided to wear those pair of Nike classic shoes, because night is young and you're not a high-heels fan. Make up on point, something soft and natural. You can't be more proud. And of course, a good outfit needs a leather jacket. Belongs to your mother, he gave you at your sixteen' before you found it in an old box, with some 80's stuff. Vintage as fuck.
You meet your friends at “Freakin' out”, a bar where you can listen and dance all kind of music; pop, latin, rock... Lots of cultures at the same local. It's one of your favourites places of Santo Padre, people there is kind and fun, the only things you need after a looooong week working without a break. “Hey, (Y/N)!”, you know Debbie is already drunk when she starts to shake a hand on air with a lot of energy and a happy smile in her lips. Oh, for god's sake. You also know that probably you'll have to bring her home, 'cause she'll not remember her own name at the end of the night.
“What's up, guys?”, you said, giving a hug to everyone at your table. You take a sit by Alex's side, your best friend. You met him four years ago at the supermarket. A random day talking about tomatoes and carrots, 'cause you love cook and those ones are your worst enemies in a sauce. That was pretty fun and you two always remember that fact when you're drunk. “What are you drinking, hm...?”, you ask looking every drink on the table with curiosity.
“Tequila!”, Debbie is on point, everybody start to laugh loudly. You shake your head before getting up to your way to the bartender. You wait with your arms supported on the bar, having a look around you. People dancing, drinking, talking about all and nothing, having a good time. And then, before you put your eyes again in the bartender, you can see a specific table. Leather jackets, tattoos, shitty faces, empty beers and rings decorating their fingers. Bikers. The Mayans ones. You know them, not personally, but who the hell didn't heard before about them in Santo Padre. They make the rules.
“Oh, god, please not tonight...” you whisper to yourself when one of the Mayans gets up and walk to your position. Supporting his worked body against the bar, he looks to you from top to down. You try to ignore him, making him believe you didn't notice his presence.
“Yo', I'm Angel, but I can be whoever you want me to be”, he offers you a hand waiting to be shake. A funny smile in his lips and you asking in silence to yourself if this works with other girls. It's not gonna work with you. You're not into bad boys.
“Great, congratulations”, you answer turning your no-friends face at him. He knows. You're not that easy.
“Hey, I'm tryin' to be friendly, what's wrong with ya'?”, he asks pretending to be offended, before he starts to laugh at you.
“I have a lot of friends, thanks”.
“Do ya' know who I am?”
“Yes, I buy at your father's carnicería”, you look at him, ignoring the fact that he's a Mayan and he wants to let you know.
At that moment, he already knows he's not gonna impress you with his Harley. So, he nods in silence and comes back to his table. You can see how his crew palm his back with peals of laughters for the lost battle. Another fallen soldier. A minutes later you come back to your table too, holding a beer between your fingers.
“Only you could say ‘no’ to a Mayan... Sweet Jesus, (Y/N), you're fucking crazy”, James shakes his head. You shrug having a sip of your drink.
“Well, I actually said ‘no’ to /this/ Mayan”. Of course you've been looking at them all, and you have your interest put in one specifically. But you have the suspicion that he's not gonna ask you out.
The night go on. You dance with your girls for long minutes and good latin songs. You're hips moves so easily that seems like you've been dancing all day long. Of course, alcohol has a lot to do on it. Also you're fucking happy you decided to put your Nikes shoes, when you're friends start to complaining about the pain they feel on their feet.
Without wanting, you collide with someone at your back. You turn at him putting your hands on his chest, with a loudly laugh in your throat. “Oh, god, I'm so sorry. You ok?”, you ask, before you know another Mayan is in your way. The younger one, maybe the one they call ‘prospect’. He nods smiling with a sweet gesture. EZ Reyes. You knew him at his father's shop two months ago.
“Are you having fun? Sorry 'bout my brother's shit”, he says pointing at him with a finger, just for a moment.
“Yeah, it's been a long time since I hanged out with my friends. And... don't worry about him. I can imagine how is him”.
“Really? Please, tell me”.
“He's not you. But you already know it, smart boy”.
“So, this fact lets me share a drink with you, ah?”
“Nice try, prospect”, you palm his chest with a hand, shaking your head before leaving him in the middle of the dance floor.
You come back to your own crew, they're looking at you with a incredulous gesture. Your mates think you're terrible and probably you're gonna die alone with this attitude. For the next five minutes, James and Shawn argues with you about you should accept a drink of one of them. You roll your eyes getting up and looking for a cigar in the inside-pocket of your jacket. You need some air after four beers and the loudly voices of your friends pushing you into the Mayans. It's not what you need and you start to think maybe Netflix and cold pizza was a good plan too.
You leave your back against the wall, with a leg flexed. Smoke goes out by your nose. Fresh air always help with this kind of situations, you can't stop thinking about the idea that you're almost on your twenty seven and you only had one boyfriend. The most asshole of all. You broke up with him last year and he continues calling you to tell you your a fucking shit, before starts to cry and telling you how much he miss you. He also went to your work a couple times with flowers. You hate flowers. You hate him. You have a horrible taste to choose men, so you prefer to be alone. But, that doesn't mean you don't wanna hang out with the Mayan your eyes are on.
“Bonita, have one?”
“Sorry, what?”, you turn to the man at your left. More tattoos than man, actually. He's looking the cigar between your fingers. In silence you give him the packet, so he can pick wichever he wants.
“You smashed Angel's ego, gurl'”, he says to you, adopting the same position by your side.
“I can do it the same with yours. Look, I go to war everyday, you're not gonna intimidate me”.
“Oh, really? I was sniper”, his proud smile points at you, turning his face to look at you a little better. Probably he thinks ‘between soldiers’ could be easier to share some drinks. Poor deluded.
“I work at a preschool”.
“Shit, gurrrrl”, he laughs having a puff away. “I'm Coco”.
“(Y/N)”, you say then. “Are you all try to ask me for a drink, or a date, or something like?”
“Eres muy bonita, we had to try”, he nods.
“Yeah, for sure. . . Is the only thing you matter about? I mean, I'm more than an ass and tits”, you throw the cigar to the floor when it finished, with a sigh in your lips.
“Hey, Coco! We're leaving!”, EZ voice makes appereance, few meters away. The crew have their helmet in their hands, near of the motorbikes they drive. Probably you're never gonna see them again, and you start to feel bad about the fact that the one he likes you didn't propose nothing. The man by your side shake his head one time saying goodbye, walking to his mates. Another sigh comes out. You start to move your legs with resignation, feeling a little like the Mayans you fucked up. Maybe he's not for you in anyway. Maybe there's no men for you, in the way you want. Find someone who shares similitudes with you it's hard. You're not complicated to understand or to treat, but looks like in Santo Padre is only bad boys or asshole or both.
“Go, try it, don't be stupid”.
“You don't have nothing to lose”.
“C'mon, Gilly”.
You can't avoid to hear the guys talking to the fourth one, pushing him away of his own bike. You try not to smile 'cause it's pretty fun how they think you're gonna say ‘no’ to him too. They're wrong. Very wrong. Secretly you've been watching him from your table, from the bar, from the dance floor, trying to get his attention. Yeah, he looks exactly like Angel, EZ and Coco. But he also looks like a good guy. You heard before some jokes he made and you have to tell that he's pretty fun.
“Fuck, Gilly. Go ask her”, EZ push him into your way, making you stop your steps.
“Oh, hey...”, he says with a hand on the nape of the neck. He looks nervous, maybe he's gonna sweat in a moment. Is trying not to look at you from top to down, keeping his eyes on yours. You cross your arms on your chest, with both eyebrows up waiting for another word. But he doesn't say anything, staring at you in silence.
You snort rolling your eyes. It's not your night, it's not your week. You turn around your feet, taking the door to pull it and go back to your table, maybe you'll finish your beer and go home.
“Wait, wait!” You hear his voice again, a big hand pushing the door to not be open. “I was... asking myself... if you...”
“Fockin' Gilly”, Coco talks sitting on his bike.
You look at him for a moment, before giving all your attention to the shy big guy in front of you.
“A date. You and me. You know... A date”, he repeats, more or less the same question.
“I thought you would never ask”.
“So... you want?”
You give him your phone, just to make it more interesting with the “I'll call you” shit men usually do. You're one step ahead as your three older brothers teached you. With a smile, he takes it typing his number.
“I'm Gilly”.
“Yeah, I heard it because your sniper friend”, you finally say. “My friends are more pretty than me”.
“You've been talking about maths and children with the guys”, he says then, pointing the fact that he's not like Coco, EZ and Angel. You can't avoid to smile, getting down your eyes at your shoes. You leave a lock of hair behind your ear.
“I'll call you”.
“I hope so”.
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Enjoy this angsty/fluffy piece y’all. It could be the last for a while, as I start my final year of University in about 2 weeks! Will happily continue to do Instagram prompts tho!
Note: Home (Songwriter(s): Michael Bublé, Alan Chang, Amy Foster-Gillies). No copyright infringement intended. Please listen while you read!
Pairing: Harry Styles x reader
Home: the place where one lives permanently.
In Harry’s life, that was never the case. Harry had many houses growing up - the one from his childhood, his father’s house, his mother’s house and now a few of his own. To Harry, home is a person, and her name is Y/N. She is his everything, she has been there through it all and given him all that he would possibly want or need. A love to last a life time and two beautiful children. Lyla-Anne, who’s 4 and the most bubbly little bean on the planet. And then there’s Rhiannon Gemma. She just turned 1 last week. And Harry missed it. But as if late, he felt as though he was missing a lot of things, first it’s Rhi’s (pronounced Ree) birthday, and Lyla starts nursery school next week. Odds are he’ll miss that too.
But for now, he’s in LA, about to perform his never before heard single on live TV. Harry never performs onstage without calling her first, she always answers, no matter the time of day, or night. But tonight his call goes unanswered. So he leaves his message at the tone. “Hi, my babies! It’s me. I miss you. I’m about to go on stage now. I love you. Call me.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for one of my best lads, Harry Styles!” James announces. H let’s out a long breath before crossing the stage, with his guitar in his hand.
“Hello, everyone. Thank you all for being here. If it’s alright with you lot, I’d like to perform a song that I wrote recently. It’s for my lovely wife Y/N. it’s currently 8 AM at home in London right now, but she should be up with our babies right now. Y/N, if you are seeing this right now, I love you.” Harry smiles, standing in front of his mic and looking directly into the camera.
“This next song is called Home.”
Before he could even get the first verse out, H felt himself choking up.
Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home
He loves what he does, but he misses his girls. 4 months on the road is a long time.
May be surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
Just wanna go home
Oh, I miss you, you know
Though he had his band and Jeff, his wife and babies were what really mattered.
And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
"I'm fine baby, how are you?"
Well, I would send them but I know that it's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that
She deserves poems and prose, and novels. And this entire song.
Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I'm lucky, I know
But I wanna go home
I've got to go home
He loves his job, but he loves his family even more.
Let me go home
I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home
Thousands of miles away, FaceTime and phone calls are hardly enough.
And I feel just like I'm living someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not
Come along with me
This was not your dream
But you always believed in me
If it were still just the two of them she would have gladly followed him around the world, but with one bub starting school soon and the other only a baby, she could no longer go. Though she always wanted him to follow his dreams. No matter what.
Another winter day has come
And gone away
In either Paris or Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home
And I'm surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
And let me go home
Oh, I miss you, you know
Let me go home
I've had my run
Baby, I'm done
I gotta go home
Let me go home
It'll all be all right
I'll be home tonight
I'm coming back home
He practically begged Jeff to have a long break with his family after these last few tour stops and promo appearances were over. His babies were growing up and he was missing so much of their lives.
By the end of the song, Harry had tears pouring down his face. The audience was going insane, and Harry couldn’t really figure out why. (It wasn’t a super uplifting song, after all). Looking over at the desk, even James was crying. When H turned around he knew why. Y/N and his 2 beautiful babies where standing right behind him with the biggest smiles on their faces, and Y/N with tears in her eyes.
“You are home, baby. We’re here.” Y/N cooed, whispering in Harry’s ear as he hid his face in her neck and wrapped his arms around her and his baby girls.
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xxjewellynwatts · 3 years
The Wine Cellar - A Llewellyn Watts x OC (you!) story
Request: Hello:))) I've had another idea for a fluffy love confession for Llewellyn Watts (I'm a sucker for those😇) we know that Watts love wine so I thought about the reader and Watts getting drunk and kissing.... Let me know what you think:))))
Answer: Hello, dear! Terribly sorry for answering and writing very long after you requested! I hope you enjoy this, I’m not very good at writing about alcohol as I am very anti-alcohol myself so I did my best!
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As a woman making it in history books (unbeknownst to you) as the first lady hired as a detective in a Canadian police station in the 19th century, you sure were a secretive, focused and serious person.
People enjoyed being around you, you were funny when you wanted to, but also very interesting to listen to for you had extravagant and insightful ideas. Detective Murdoch had quickly grown accustomed to discussing physics theories with you, so had constable George Crabtree when discussing ideas for his stories, and so had Dr. Ogden as you were always keen to discuss new discoveries in the fields of medicine but also psychology and much more.
Truly, the only person who seemed to be unable to get as close to you was Llewellyn Watts. When you had joined the Station n°4, he was already working there and you two had had very brief and courteous conversations that were always surrounding work. He had grown accustomed to watching you from afar as you worked diligently at your desk or as you walked around a crime scene with Detective Murdoch. He enjoyed your quiet presence around him very much albeit he would have rather preferred you discussed with him and showed him bits of your intriguing mind.
And yet... he could not see his wish come true. He was used to being regarded as the awkward detective and didn’t mind others finding him weird or not friendly. But he was friendly, and all the members of Station n°4 knew it. Except you. Perhaps he was too shy around you.
One day however, you both were given a case on which you had to work together. Llewellyn tried to read you and you didn’t seem to mind but neither were you thrilled whilst he could swear he had never felt so nervous in his entire life.
Surprisingly though, he found out you were easy to talk to. You actually smiled more often now you were alone with him and working with him and seemed more open for conversation.
As you two made your way to the house where a murder had occurred, he found out you could understand his philosophical references. He couldn’t hide the joy of finally having someone who understood them!
‘Well, Detective Watts, you have been smiling for a few minutes now. May I inquire you about that?’ you said with your own little smile.
‘It’s just...’ he said as he turned around on himself, surprised you caught his smile. ‘It’s the first time someone understands my references’.
What an adorable smile and thought, you thought to yourself as you felt your stomach flutter. You were a very sociable person but ever since you’ve been working there, you couldn’t seem to be able to become Detective Watts’ friend. He was the only one with whom you were unsure of how to act. He impressed you quite a bit and you felt as though he could be deceived of your personality if he had gotten closer to you. You were glad you were assigned to that case with him. Now you could get a glimpse of his intriguing worlds and ideas.
‘Well, this is the most flattering thing I have heard in a while’ you said honestly, still smiling at him.
He got lost for a bit in your eyes and the way your eyes shined when you smiled before he was interrupted by the opening of a door. The owner of the house in which you had to investigate had finally answered the door.
As you inquired about the crime, you could see Llewellyn wander through the house before asking to the owner and thereby cutting him through one of his answers to you:
‘Would you mind telling us what this little door leads to?’ he asked as he snapped his fingers at a small door on the right of the entry of the parlor.
‘Oh, it’s my wine cellar’ said the owner.
Llewellyn raised his eyebrows.
And before you knew it, the owner had opened the door and had let you two discover his wine cellar as he went on to discuss with his maids upstairs.
It didn’t take you long to realize Llewellyn was a wine connoisseur. And a fine one at that, too.
‘What a surprise’ you said as you looked at him taste the wine. ‘I didn’t know you were a connoisseur’
He smiled at you as he offered you some wine.
‘You want me to become one, too?’ you joked before you accepted the glass.
He laughed a bit as he waited for your opinion.
‘Not bad’ you said after you had brought the glass to your lips. ‘I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite though’
He laughed again. It was the first time you heard him laugh genuinely and for some reason you wished you could hear it again and again and again.
‘That’s normal, Miss (y/l/n). His collection, I’m afraid, is not one of the best. But here...’ he said as he took a bottle out. ‘Here, it seems we have an interesting one’.
He opened it and poured the both of you some of it.
He raised his glass and you smiled. You both drank it and before you realized it, the bottle was empty and you both were laughing off philosophical debates and the owner’s wine collection.
Now to be fair, you two were not completely drunk. Just a bit. And that bit seemed to have eased your mutual shyness.
‘You know I’ve never thought you were so agreeable, Llewe- sorry Detective Watts’ you said as you looked away. Could it be you were becoming rude?
Llewellyn’s heart skipped a beat though upon hearing his name come from your mouth in such a friendly way.
‘No, please, I don’t mind. Please, call me Llewellyn’ he insisted.
‘Well, then... Llewellyn... I am very glad we seem to get along so well’, you said with a genuine smile.
‘And so am I’ he admitted. ‘I have been struggling to talk to you for some reason. I have never been able to connect with people, really. You know... man’s flaws...’ he said with a distant look in his eyes before turning back his attention to you. ‘But you... seemed so competent, so... intriguing... I didn’t know how to approach you...’ he admitted, a bit saddened.
You stared at him in shock before getting slightly closer to him.
‘Llewellyn... What a strange coincidence... I... I had been feeling and thinking the exact same things!’ you exclaimed a bit louder than you had intended to. ‘It’s easy to be likable with others but with you I thought... I think I thought I wasn’t enough... Like you wouldn’t find anything about me interesting...’
‘You thought you weren’t enough?’ he repeated as though he thought the alcohol was hitting him hard. ‘God you are... your mere smile is enough to make me feel happy for the whole week!’ he suddenly said. ‘And your face is so symmetrical...’ he added with a distant look.
He looked back at you as he realized what he had just said.
Both of your hearts were racing by now and you were suddenly leaning in closer until both of your minds registered the pressure on each others’ lips and labelled it as the kiss you both had been longing for.
You two quickly parted away though as you heard the owner of the house come back down to the wine cellar as he exclaimed:
‘You two are still in here?! And... what have you done to my wine?!’
You both looked at each other holding back your laughter.
‘Well, Mr, thank you very much for answering our questions. Hopefully you will not hear from us provided you are not the killer. Anything else, Miss (y/l/n)?’ he pretended.
You played along.
‘Actually, no. We were just about to go’.
And right before you closed the door behind you, you said to the owner:
‘Oh, and sir, you might want to consider getting a better collection’.
You could see his face becoming red but before he could fight back, Llewellyn and you were running far away from the house bursting out laughing.
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xxjewellynwatts · 3 years
The Perfect moment might never come — A Llewellyn Watts x OC (you!) fanfic
Request: Something along the lines of Llewellyn Watts and the reader having secret feelings for each other and then share their first kiss in a time of crisis....
Answer: took a break from my abnormally tight schedule + constant adrenaline rush state to write this gem. neptune in pisces this year is killing me w those illusionary feelings. this is a nice let out.
This is a fem!reader fanfic! I like to think this young sir is bi. My left hand still has no ring on it, I’m waiting for him lmfao.
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You had been hired by the Police station number 4 as the first female detective after saving Murdoch and his colleagues from a near-psychopath who had put up a trap with some tricks and riddles for you to find them.
Obviously when Llewellyn first saw you, he deeply appreciated you saving his life and his colleagues’ life (who wouldn’t!) and also found your face particularly symmetrical but never dared to say it.
As for you, you were a lovely, confident, fun and awkwardly smart young lady. Station #4 quickly got found of you. You’d think about the little things that made people’s day easier and happier, you’d make everyone laugh (young, old, man and woman alike!), you’d solve with your quick witty mind abstract and complex problems (from helping Murdoch’s physics experiments to dangerously tricky crimes). Yes, to say station #4 was found of you was the very least.
As the time passed by, you didn’t notice how Llewellyn would always try to be around you when working on a case, or, when you both were sloppily sitting around the station doing boring work, how he’d always find a way to clumsily discuss with you newspaper articles, and show you around town. You didn’t notice how he’d silently look at you while you were working with others, holding a leaf in his hands as the autumn winds mimicked his whimsy thoughts.
As the time passed by, you didn’t notice how you were also trying to impress him and how much you enjoyed randomly finding his hat lingering around after he had forgotten it. You started liking that smile of his when you came to him with his hat in hand as he would snap his fingers and clumsily thank you.
It had been a few months now and you grew increasingly nervous yet happy yet shy yet bold every time you saw him around. Little did you know he felt the same, the only difference is you couldn’t tell, as he had always been awkward and clumsy. But you loved that about him. You loved everything about him.
And so once he got in the police station today, you barely had the time to mentally register him putting his hat on you before snapping his fingers and getting you up from the chair.
‘Come, quick’ he said. ‘Or there will be a murder... no, two murders.’
Surprised, you only followed him along, holding his hat close to you in an anxious way. You had been thinking about a plan to eventually reveal your feelings for him. And after all the cases and crimes and riddles and tricks you had solved and all the times you had endangered your own life for the sake of finding the truth, you were positively convinced that telling someone you loved them was the most dangerous thing one could ever do. What’s more, the right time never seemed to arrive. You two were either too casual (in your own awkward ways) or too blinded by the adrenaline of solving a crime and endangering your lives to ever properly talk about something so serious.
‘Are you okay?’ you suddenly heard.
You snapped your head at him. You had been following him, head down to his hat in your anxious hands.
‘Yes, sorry. What happened?’ you quickly hid your nervousness.
He starred at you for a while, brows furrowed but didn’t insist.
‘Apparently, Murdoch has a few enemies and one of them got out of prison and is now holding both him and Julia hostage. And I think I have found... the location.’ he said as he starred at a big factory where you two just arrived. He showed you a paper which contained random numbers. Random, until you accordingly put them in order to make up the date of creation of this factory.
‘18th of July 1889’ you breathed.
He smiled, appreciating your quickness. But before you could both head inside, the sound of a gun took you out by surprise. Instinctively, Llewellyn held your head as you both crouched down.
‘Apparently, there are two enemies who got out of jail...’ you said as you looked at him.
You both quickly ran inside and tried to find where Murdoch and Julia had been locked.
You opened a door using your hair clip and finally found the couple. They were gagged and tied to a heavy machine which produced dangerous gas.
Llewellyn and you coughed as you untied Murdoch and Julia and you quickly ran out of the factory which was threatening to explode any minute now.
But as you rushed out and shouted to everybody around to run as far away as possible from the factory, you saw Llewellyn’s hat on the floor, where you had both crouched down a few minutes ago when the first bullet had been shot.
For some unexplainable reason, you felt the urge to go back and get it, and acted upon that urge. As you heard Llewellyn yell and run after you, you thought, paradoxically about why you were doing that. Perhaps it was because this hat had been the symbol of the meeting of you two. It was the only thing that made you feel the closest to him. It was the only thing that could excuse you hanging around with him, using the returning of his hat as an excuse.
You quickly grabbed it as a shot brushed your leg. The adrenaline was too high for you to notice though, so you took the hat and ran into Llewellyn who had been running after you.
You both fell to the ground, breathing heavily. You were bleeding a little bit from your leg and the factory threatened to explode any second now.
‘Why did you run back?!’ quickly shouted Llewellyn as he shook your shoulders.
You starred at the hat in disbelief.
‘I.. I... I...’ you quickly said, shaking your head around. ‘I couldn’t leave it!’ you shouted back.
‘This is just a hat, L/N!’
‘No, it’s not! It’s your hat. Only this hat makes me as happy as it does when I randomly find it.’ you quickly shouted back.
He starred at you, shocked and you starred back, just as shocked of your own words. The moment seemed long... it was not. Your ears rang, the heat was insufferable, you both were in terrible danger and had to get up now and run.
‘How come your face is so symmetrical even when you’re angry...’ he suddenly quickly mumbled to himself.
And with no second thought, you both kissed each other right before getting quickly back up and running.
The factory exploded, like your heart.
You could not believe what just happened.
‘Y/N...’ said Llewellyn after you both hid far enough from the chaos. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...’ he quickly said, looking down. He could not dare to look at you. He was ashamed of what he did but knew he would do the same thing if he locked eyes with you.
‘Llewellyn, I love you.’ you quickly said.
You slowly put his hat on his head as he slowly beamed, realizing what you said.
‘So... You mean...’ he said with his nearly broken voice.
You kissed him again.
And once you saw the beam on his face, you finally understood that the reason why he was so happy every time you found his hat was because you brought it to him.
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xxjewellynwatts · 4 years
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xxjewellynwatts · 3 years
Cus yeah I’m kinda a writer too, ha.
James Gillies ✯༄
˚✧₊⁎ Who is She? (James x OC - you! - story)
˚✧₊⁎ Who is She? Part 2
Llewellyn Watts ✯༄
˚✧₊⁎ The Perfect moment might never come (x OC - you! - one shot)
˚✧₊⁎ The Wine Cellar (x OC - you! - one shot)
Five x OC (reader) original story ✯༄
˚✧₊⁎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬
˚✧₊⁎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥
˚✧₊⁎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ��: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬
˚✧₊⁎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭
˚✧₊⁎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬
˚✧₊⁎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫
𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖...
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xxjewellynwatts · 4 years
Who Is She? - A James Gillies x OC (you) story!
Part 2: https://xxllewellynwatts.tumblr.com/post/623376771092480000/who-is-she-a-james-gillies-x-oc-you-story
Request: Hello. I saw that you want to write James Gillies stores and I thank you for that!! It would be great if you wrote something were the reader (in this case a women) had connections to James when he was still at the school. As he starts his killings. And maybe the have a little flirt going or something ^_^
A/N: You're welcome!! :) I'm so glad you requested! I tried my best to make it as short as possible, I'm sorry!! I could only cover his first killing but I could do a part 2 if you want to! And for the flirt part... well I imagined what 'flirt' meant to James and I guess it looks like that haha.
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Like every morning, the physics students of the University of Toronto entered the class and found their seat. And like every morning, James Gillies, a brilliant student (if not the most, actually) sat next to another brilliant student called Robert Perry.
Unexpectedly, the professor did not take place at his usual desk. Instead, you entered the room in your beautiful white and blue Victorian dress and took place at his desk after the professor introduced you:
'Gentlemen, we have a new student. Please welcome her kindly as she will attend every class and exam just like every one of you.'
It may seem as an odd introduction but you were, in fact, the very first woman taking a physics course in the University of Toronto. And these 'gentlemen' didn't seem to take you seriously as you could tell from their small grin. Nevertheless, you stepped up and spoke with your mildly low but charming voice. You were confident, as always, and that sure erased the grins of these men - except for James and Robert. Though James' grin seemed more of a curiosity look.
'Good morning, gentlemen' you said. 'My name is y/l/n and I am very honored to be the first woman in this class. I am looking forward to discovering more on our Universe as well as on our Earth for we merely have theories that have yet to be experienced' you smiled a bit. 'I'm looking forward to working with you all as well'. As you said this, your glance caught James' who seemed to have been whispering to Robert's ear.
When the class was over, you heard Robert speaking with James on their way out.
'She must have had incredible results to have gotten here' said James.
'Or an incredible charm' said Robert mockingly.
You immediately stopped them even though it seemed inappropriate considering you've been eavesdropping.
'I'm afraid I have to tell you something Mr...?' you asked as you looked right into Robert's eyes.
'Perry' he said, surprised and confused as you could tell from his frowning face.
'Mr Perry, you should never underestimate a woman's capability. Be it physically or mentally. Or you might have surprises... and I mean... bad ones.' you smiled arrogantly, which made James chuckle in amazement as Perry took him away after one last angry look at you.
You'd been in the class for two weeks now and merely ever talked again with the duo. You later found out they were both the Physics' professor assistant (James) and Chemistry professor assistant (Robert). You would have gladly taken Robert's place to show him what you were capable of but you loved Physics much more. And that showed in your work. Which is why you were offered, after your first week, James Gillies' place as the professor's assistant. You had never spoken to James after that which is why you were even more surprised when you saw him sitting in front of you tonight, in the library.
The library was quiet and empty.
'Congratulations' said smoothly James.
You looked up from your work to him.
'Thank you' you said coldly.
'I'm genuine' said James as he looked at you with a small smile. 'I was considering quitting anyway but I'm glad a woman took my place.'
'It's a pleasure to meet a man who knows women and men are equal' you said as you handed your hand for him to shake. Which he did, immediately.
'So tell me... what made you want to become a physicist?' asked James.
'I've always been interested in physics. And I like to believe everyone should study physics to understand the world around us and the one that is out of our sight. How about you?'
'Same reasons...' he said, surprised at your answer. 'Though I also like to apply theories through experiments' he said with a spark in his eye.
You continued to talk with him for a long time before you two were thrown out of the library for it had to close. He invited you to the pub, but you refused kindly as you didn't want to miss your lectures the next morning.
The thing is, James was incredibly confused about you. You were very smart, you had proven it, but you were also a bit mysterious. It was like you had had a tumultuous life before you entered the school, which was certainly the case as James would later discover.
A few months later, you woke up to a terrible news. A professor had been killed by an invisible person. You were wondering why someone would do that when you saw James and Robert talk with Station Four Detective William Murdoch. You overheard them asking to follow the investigation to see how physics could apply to real life and that is the moment when you realised something was off about these two. They had been talking very discretely in the library everytime you saw them there. You even once saw Robert get mad and storm off the library as James sighed. Maybe they knew something would happen to the professor...
A few days later, you found them, yet again, talking with Murdoch to know more about the case. Why would they be so interested if they didn't have anything to do with it? Maybe it was a bit far-fetched to assume that already but you had always had a very good intuition. On that night, you decided to talk with James. You followed him as he headed to an empty class to take back his books which he had forgotten. You silently closed the door behind you and you stood in the dark in front of him as he struggled to see who closed the door.
'You said you like applying theories didn't you?' you asked suspiciously.
'Yes I did' he said with a smile. And you knew this smile by heart by now. It was an illusion meant to make him look like he had everything under control.
'You know...' you started walking slowly around the class as your face was lit every now and then by the streets' lights. 'Science can be used for so many things. And I find it highly satisfying when something you wrote on paper comes to reality.'
You stood in front of him.
'I like your mind' you said smoothly. 'You are a chaotic yet so logic person. You'd do anything to achieve your goals and see your plan come to reality.'
His smile had disappeared by now and he was slightly frowning.
'First time?' you asked.
'I beg your pardon?' he asked.
You stood in the light, closer to him. He tried to analyse your face, that grin of yours he knew by heart. You startled him as you took out a paper. There was an illustration. A mechanical object holding a gun which was supposed to shoot once the sand was out of the bag.
'First time killing someone, ay?' you said with a smile.
'Excuse me...!' he started to act shocked.
'There's no point in denying it, James.' You called him by his name for the first time.
'I won't go to the police. After all... my life would get boring if I didn't see your brilliant criminal mind work.'
The room was silent for a moment.
'What do you want, y/n?' he asked, saying your name for the first time as well.
You laughed. It amused you. You liked these little games. You two had been playing the perfect student all along. But now that you knew his flaws, you could show a bit of yours as well.
'I may... or may not have a criminal past.' you said as you started walking around the room again.
'How come you're not arrested?' he asked, as his smile grew wider.
'The art of disguise, Mr Gillies! I love acting. And I have to say, I'm quite convincing. Otherwise, how could I have been a constable for a few months and erased all evidence incriminating me?'
James didn't know if he could trust you or not. But you sure were serious... and convincing.
'What did you do?' he asked, now all interested.
'Ah! That's a story for another day. Now, Mr Gillies, if you'd like some advice from... a friend, I'd recommend you get rid of this Mr Perry.'
You leaned closer to him.
'He will speak. He will betray you. I can tell from his eyes and from the fight you had last time.'
James' smile faded away.
You kept the paper incriminating him with you.
'Have a good night. And if anything happens to you, I'll kill Mr Perry myself.'
For some reason, that made James' heart beat even faster. But not out of fright. It was out of excitement and.. curiosity.
He couldn't help but stand in that empty dark class and wonder...
'Who is she?'
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