#ptera fic: nyctophobia
pterawaters · 1 year
Ptera's WIP List (6/2023)
Recently Posted
The Pelt (Complete) - Stranger Things, Steve/Chrissy, Werewolf AU, E rated, 1529 words
In Progress
Stranger Things
Hold on to Your Heart (WIP, 11/15 chapters posted, 12 written) - The older teen polycule, Jonathan/Argyle, Eddie/Chrissy, Steve/Nancy, Robin/Nancy, Steve/Eddie, Argyle/Eden, E rated, 59k
Post S4 Stoncy (editing, will post for @julybreakbingo), Stoncy, T rated, 8k
Demogorgon Steve (WIP, 7 of 9-ish chapters written) - Steve/Demogorgon, horror/body modification, some noncon, E rated, 30k so far, might finish up for julybreakbingo
Wrong Bed Coffee Shop AU (WIP, my main julybreakbingo fic) - Chrissy/Steve, Steve/Nancy, Jonathan/Nancy, Jonathan/Chrissy/Steve/Nancy, aged up, pregnancy, E rated, 21k so far, maybe 40k when it's done?
King Steve - Steve takes on a greater protector role starting in S1, 6k, not sure where it’s going exactly, but I'm not ready to abandon it
The Beast in my Bones (#3 of When is a monster not a monster?) - Tyler/Xavier, Xavier & Wednesday, eventual Wednesday/Tyler/Xavier, season 1 rewrite with Xavier as the Hyde's master, 13k and 3/~6 chapters? I need an outline for the rest
Original Works
"The Cave" - a 7.5k fic that will be included in a future anthology put out by Duck Prints Press, more info to come
Overnight - Magnolia Way book #3 (polyam/bisexual MCs), 25k, Coming Soon! (beta readers needed!)
A call from his dad ruins Brad Shepard’s plans for a relaxing weekend off work. He has to pick up his high school memorabilia collection from his dad’s place before Monday if he wants to save it from the dump. Time for an eight-hour road trip! Brad’s boyfriend, Sean, tags along for moral support. Along the way, a flat tire leads to an argument that threatens their relationship.
With the boys gone for the night, April and Jaime decide to throw a sleepover with April’s friend Nisha, the cute college girl from across the hall. Despite a rocky start, Nisha and Jaime get along better than April could’ve hoped. A night of movies, snacks, Truth or Dare, and karaoke ensues, though they’ve got to keep it down to avoid a visit from their cranky, homophobic landlord.
Moving day rewrite - Magnolia Way book #1, 14k of about 20, I felt like I could make some vast improvements with a rewrite, so I’m working on it!
Phase shift - Nyctophobia book #1, 99k, Sci-fi novel about a small-town family fighting interdimensional aliens and the government trying to cover up the invasion. In revisions.
Inertia - Nyctophbia book #2, 80k, I have about 15-18k left I think. I focused on this one a lot during Nov 2022 Nanowrimo and April 2023 Camp Nano, but I haven't worked on it much since. I could use some cheer readers, if anyone wants to read it and help me wrangle the ending.
"Many Hands" - I submitted a pitch for a polyam erotica anthology and I'm waiting to hear back if I got in!
GYWO Progress
My pledge for Get Your Words Out this year was 350k. Currently I'm at 165k, right about where I should be to reach my goal by the end of the year.
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pterawaters · 2 years
I’m rereading the Mr Sandman series and I’ve just finished Entanglement (my favourite) and even knowing the mystery I loved it so much. The suspense and the way you write the love everyone feels for each other is amazing. (I may have teared up a little at the adoption scene.) You make all the characters feel so real and the plot is exciting and original yet you manage to weave it into canon so well. I’m excited to see what you do with it for Phase Shift etc!
Thank you for such a kind message! Entanglement is my favorite story of the series, too! (Haha, I bawled while I was writing that adoption scene, no joke!) Honestly, I wish Entanglement could be a stand-alone book, but it just doesn't make sense without at least 2-3 books worth of backstory beforehand.
As far as Phase Shift goes, I've got a great beta reader working on it now, and when those edits are done, it might be time to start querying it!
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pterawaters · 2 years
Ptera’s WIP List
Because I need to keep it straight in my head, lol
Recently Posted
Ready for Each Other - Post-canon A/B/O fic, Stoncy, E-rated, 4k, posted for my @julybreakbingo Flash Bingo Card
Colorblind - Soulmates AU, Noir, Stoncy, T-rated, 1k
Finished but not Posted
My entry for the @strangerthingsbigbang. E-rated, 28k, more info after art claims
In Progress
Phase Shift - Nyctophobia Book 1, aka that original sci-fi book inspired by my Mr. Sandman stoncy series that I’ve been working on for like 2 years. During 2021 I rewrote it from beginning to end, coming up with a 93k draft. I’m punching up the beginning and adding a few elements to the earlier chapters that I thought of during the later stages of the last draft. I’m still thinking about whether I want to try to get it published or if I just want to put it up on Amazon so you guys can get it earlier. I’ll be asking for beta readers soon!
Inertia - Phase Shift’s sequel. Right now I’m working on plotting out the rewrite of this one. I have an old 130k draft, but it’s going to be completely rewritten to bring it in line with the rewrite of Phase Shift.
Overnight - Magnolia Way book #3, from my 90s polyamory sit-com novella series. I finished a second draft and this one is with beta readers at the moment. If you’d like to volunteer, let me know! I’m also 6k into rewriting the first book and working on a few shorts in this universe for my patreon (which is horribly behind, my apologies!)
Big Bang Sequel - I have 12k that I mostly wrote before I wrote the abovementioned stranger things big bang. It needs to be reworked and better pieced together. Probably looking at 25-30k, E-rated when it’s done.
Trickster - This is a Keys/Antwan Free Guy fic that I’ve been slowly working on, where Antwan tricks Keys into a relationship/soulbond. It’s 6k now. Not sure how long it’s going to get before it’ll be ready to post. E-rated.
Restaurant AU - OFMD my beloved! This is a Stede/Edward modern AU where Edward (Blackbeard) owns a gourmet restaurant on the “wrong side of the tracks” and Stede is the former food critic who wants to help him turn Blackbeard’s around. It’s also for the @julybreakbingo
A/B/O Gifts - Steve is an alpha who’s courting Omega!Nancy. Together they decide to court Omega!Jonathan and get him away from the alpha using him. Currently 5k and E rated.
Byersgrove - Jonathan/Billy sequel to this S2 fic where Jonathan can hear all Billy’s thoughts. Currently 1500 words and E rated.
On Hold
Indentured (working title) - This is an original polyam romance/erotica book that’s fully outlined and I’m 38k into the first draft. I lost steam on this one in the middle (like I usually do, lol). Maybe once I get a few more of my original works in a better state, I’ll come back to this one.
Queer Cozy Mystery (working title) - This is only in the concept phase at the moment, but the MC runs a Bed and Breakfast for his mom, and their permanent resident/tourist attraction is an agoraphobic “medium” who purports to speak to guests’ dead relatives. MC and his former-cop boyfriend need the medium’s help to solve a mystery plaguing the B&B. I like the set up and the characters, I just need to work on the mystery plot of the first book in what’s hopefully going to be a series.
Stoncy soulmates AU (working title) - Steve and Jonathan are soulmates, and Nancy is left ‘mate-less after Barb’s death. I’ve been thinking of it as a S1 AU, but I’ve done so many of those. Maybe it’s a college AU instead. Probably somewhere around 15-20k, but I could be way off, b/c I haven’t done an outline yet.
Through the Wall (working title) - Post-college AU. Steve and Nancy live together, and they hear everything that goes on in their neighbor’s (Jonathan’s) bedroom. This one’s much more fun, so maybe this will be the one I do for the big bang, but no promises!
GYWO/Camp Nano progress
Get your words out - I’m at 145k written since the beginning of the year (250k goal)
Camp Nano - I’m at 15k since the beginning of April (50k goal)
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pterawaters · 3 years
Ptera’s WIP List
I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I wanted to keep you guys updated on what I’m doing!
Recently posted
Witness - A @triadverse AU of Stranger Things (ST) S1, Stoncy, T rated, 43k
Darkroom Hearts - No-monsters AU of ST, Stonathan, E-rated, 5k
In progress
Alpha Jonathan (working title) - A Stoncy follow up to this Stonathan ABO fic, E-rated, 4k right now, probably around 10k when it’s done
Two Steves (working title) - A post-S3 ST Stoncy fic where Steve meets his double in the upside down, E-rated, 12k now, probably around 15-20k when it’s done.
Phase Shift - Nyctophobia Book 1, aka that original sci-fi book inspired by my Mr. Sandman stoncy series that I’ve been working on for like 2 years. During 2021 I rewrote it from beginning to end, coming up with a 93k draft. I’m punching up the beginning and adding a few elements to the earlier chapters that I thought of during the later stages of the last draft. I’m still thinking about whether I want to try to get it published or if I just want to put it up on Amazon so you guys can get it earlier. I’ll be asking for beta readers soon!
Inertia - Phase Shift’s sequel. Right now I’m working on plotting out the rewrite of this one. I have an old 130k draft, but it’s going to be completely rewritten to bring it in line with the rewrite of Phase Shift.
Overnight - Magnolia Way book #3, from my 90s polyamory sit-com novella series. I’m working on the second draft (rewrite) now, and it’s at 15k, likely somewhere around 20k when it’s done. I’m going to be looking for beta readers for this one imminently! 
Two Steves prequel (working title) - I’m thinking about doing this stonathan (ST) fic for the @strangerthingsbigbang . I’ve outlined it and it looks like a 20-25k story, but it’s a tragedy, so I’m not sure I’ll be excited enough to stick with it.
Stoncy soulmates AU (working title) - This is the other one I’m considering for the big bang. Steve and Jonathan are soulmates, and Nancy is left ‘mate-less after Barb’s death. I’ve been thinking of it as a S1 AU, but I’ve done so many of those. Maybe it’s a college AU instead. Probably somewhere around 15-20k, but I could be way off, b/c I haven’t done an outline yet.
Through the Wall (working title) - Post-college AU. Steve and Nancy live together, and they hear everything that goes on in their neighbor’s (Jonathan’s) bedroom. This one’s much more fun, so maybe this will be the one I do for the big bang, but no promises!
Moving Day rewrite - Now that I’ve had a lot more practice writing original fic, I’m finding I really want to rewrite the first book in the Magnolia Way series. The plot won’t change substantially, but I’m hoping to make it easier and more fun to read by slowing down the introductions of the characters. It’ll likely end up longer than the 15k “first edition,” probably somewhere closer to 18-20k. Cheer-readers and/or beta readers would be great for this one.
On Hold
Musician AU (working title) - I have like 2k of really cute stonathan, but it doesn’t have a middle or an ending
Witch AU (working title) - Jonathan accidentally casts a spell that makes everyone fall in love with him. Another really cute 2k. This one has an outline, but I haven’t been able to make progress for a few months.
Indentured (working title) - This is an original polyam romance/erotica book that’s fully outlined and I’m 38k into the first draft. I lost steam on this one in the middle (like I usually do, lol). Maybe once I get a few more of my original works in a better state, I’ll come back to this one.
Oof, that was a lot! Thanks for reading this far! Let me know if you want to cheer-read or beta-read any of these stories. If you’re particularly excited about any of them, I’d love to know about that too! 
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pterawaters · 2 years
Ptera's WIP List
Recently Posted
Silver Nightshade - Pre-canon Free Guy, Keys/Antwan, E-rated, 16k/21k posted (last chapter goes up on Friday)
Ready for Each Other - Post-canon Stranger Things A/B/O fic, Stoncy, E-rated, 4k, posted for my @julybreakbingo Flash Bingo Card
Finished but not posted
Remember Me, Love - Post-S2 Stranger Things, Steve/Jonathan, E-rated, 28k, posting in June for @strangerthingsbigbang
Studying together - Stranger Things, College AU, Jonathan/Steve/Nancy, E-rated, 10k, posting next week for my JBB Flash Bingo card
In progress
(let me know if you want to know more about any of these)
Phase Shift (Orig)- Nyctophobia Book 1, aka that original sci-fi book inspired by my Mr. Sandman stoncy series that I’ve been working on for like 2 years. During 2021 I rewrote it from beginning to end, coming up with a 93k draft. I’m working on finishing up the latest draft. I’m still thinking about whether I want to try to get it published or if I just want to put it up on Amazon so you guys can get it earlier. I’ll be asking for beta readers soon!
Inertia (Orig)- Phase Shift’s sequel. I've got it all plotted out, about 4k written. I've got an old 130k draft to draw, but it’s going to be completely rewritten to bring it in line with the rewrite of Phase Shift.
Overnight (Orig)- Magnolia Way book #3, from my 90s polyamory sit-com novella series. I finished a second draft and this one is with beta readers at the moment. If you’d like to volunteer, let me know! I’m also 6k into rewriting the first book and working on a few shorts in this universe for my patreon (which is horribly behind, my apologies!)
Big Bang Sequel (ST)- I have 12k that I mostly wrote before I wrote the abovementioned stranger things big bang. It needs to be reworked and better pieced together. Probably looking at 25-30k, E-rated when it’s done.
Restaurant AU - OFMD my beloved! This is a Stede/Edward modern AU where Edward (Blackbeard) owns a gourmet restaurant on the “wrong side of the tracks” and Stede is the former food critic who wants to help him turn Blackbeard’s around. It’s also for the @julybreakbingo. Currently 5k and T-rated, close to being done
A/B/O Gifts (ST)- Steve is an alpha who’s courting Omega!Nancy. Together they decide to court Omega!Jonathan and get him away from the alpha using him. Currently 5k and E rated.
Byersgrove (ST)- Jonathan/Billy sequel to this S2 fic where Jonathan can hear all Billy’s thoughts. Currently 1500 words and E rated.
The Pirate Steve (ST/OFMD) - More of a fusion than a crossover. Post-S1 Ed absorbs new pirates into his crew, including a formerly aristocratic young man he quickly becomes obsessed with. Currently 1300 words T-rated
Special Assignment (FG) - Antwan/Keys pwp, E-rated, 1400 words, close to being done
GYWO/Camp Nano progress
Get your words out - I’m at 181k written since the beginning of the year (250k goal)
Camp Nano - I’m at 51k since the beginning of April (50k goal)
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pterawaters · 2 years
Ptera’s WIP List
Recently Posted
Remember Me, Love - Stranger Things, Pre-S4 Jonathan/Steve, E-rated, 28k, complete and posted
When I am Reborn - Stranger Things, sequel to “Remember Me, Love”, Jonathan/Steve/Nancy and Steve/Steve, Post-S4v1, E-rated, 30k/~50k posted, will finish posting on 6/30/22
Stargazing - Stranger Things, Jonathan/Steve/Nancy, Post S1, T-rated, 2k, complete
Special Assignment - Free Guy, Keys/Antwan, E-rated, 2k, complete
In Progress
Restaurant AU - OFMD, Gentlebeard, T-rated, 10k, almost done (posting before July 1st for @julybreakbingo‘s flash bingo)
Time Traveler Fic - Free Guy, Keys/Antwan, probably E-rated, 2k and just started
Phase Shift (Orig)- Nyctophobia Book 1, aka that original sci-fi book inspired by my Mr. Sandman stoncy series that I’ve been working on for like 2 years. During 2021 I rewrote it from beginning to end, coming up with a 93k draft. I’m working on finishing up the latest draft. I’m still thinking about whether I want to try to get it published or if I just want to put it up on Amazon so you guys can get it earlier. I’ll be asking for beta readers soon!
Overnight (Orig)- Magnolia Way book #3, from my 90s polyamory sit-com novella series. I finished a second draft and this one is with beta readers at the moment. If you’d like to volunteer to beta read, let me know! I’m also 8k into rewriting the first book and working on a few shorts in this universe for my patreon (which is horribly behind, my apologies!)
Expect lots of little fics for my July Break Bingo card fills. I might be rolling some of those in with @stoncyweek2022 as well!
GYWO progress
I’m at 245k of my 250k goal for the year, and I expect I’ll reach it by the end of June here!
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pterawaters · 3 years
Wait, I'm confused. I just saw a post. Did you take Mr Sandman off ao3?
Most of it! I’m taking the last few down tonight. I’m developing the story into an original fic series!
If you want a pdf copy of the fanfic series, email me: [email protected]
If you want to be on the mailing list for original fic updates, you can fill out this form!
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pterawaters · 3 years
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A little sneak peek of Interference (Nyctophobia Book 3). Third to last day of Camp Nano and I almost forgot to update my words today!
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pterawaters · 3 years
I am curious about "Phase Shift"
Thanks for asking! Phase Shift is my YA Sci-Fi book that I wrote! It’s the first book in the Nyctophobia series. I’m polishing the manuscript now and it’s just about ready to start sending out to publishers! I’m not expecting it to get picked up, but it would be really cool if it did!
Here’s the summary:
All his life, Oliver Mitchell had been in charge of protecting and taking care of his little sister, Cam. When she goes missing along with a slew of others, he has to get over his aversion to other people and team up with Cam’s best friend Jake, and Jake’s older sister Lizzy. They learn to get Cam and the others back they need help from someone who knows how to reach across interdimensional barriers. Their only hope might be Subject M (a.k.a. Emma), who’s torn between finally getting away from Dr. Bowman and his incessant experiments; and sending back the deadly creatures she accidentally summoned to the sleepy town of Hatchette, Minnesota.
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pterawaters · 4 years
I finished a first draft of my book! It’s 95k, likely to hit 100k after edits/scenes that need to be added/changes that need to be made. I hope you guys like it!
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pterawaters · 4 years
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“Oh, let’s go somewhere warmer for college,” she said, before realizing she was planning for a future that was still a year and a half away. She and Oliver had only been dating for two months. Lizzy was getting ahead of herself again.
Oliver was quiet by nature, much quieter than either Lizzy or Seth, but she loved it when he chose to speak. He often said things that were sweet and endearing, like, “I hear Florida is nice this time of year. If we don’t mind party schools, we could go there.”
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pterawaters · 4 years
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Jake stood up, saying to Seth, “We should go.”
“Yeah,” Seth said, standing up as well. Then he stopped and leaned down, saying something into Oliver’s ear. Oliver smiled and nodded, saying something back that made Seth laugh. He gave Oliver’s shoulder a good-natured push as he left.
Jake had to admit, it was weird seeing Oliver Mitchell with friends. He’d always just been Tim’s older brother, who didn’t talk to anyone. And now he was friends with one of the most popular guys in school. It was funny how things worked out sometimes.
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pterawaters · 4 years
For the wip game: done?
"Look, you went on a trip, you ditched your girlfriend, I don't care," Campbell told them. "All I want to know is what happened to this girl?"
There was another microexpression on the Gibson girl's face. The boy shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
"They don't know," Bowman told Campbell, but it was the girl who turned to Bowman, giving him a look that felt like an inspection. He locked eyes with her and had a sudden realization.
They're looking for her too.
"I'm done here," Bowman said, leaving the room. Campbell didn't follow him, though Bowman didn't expect him to. Campbell might know in theory what the real world was like. He didn't know the half of it.
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pterawaters · 4 years
WIP game: big
“Oh, Katie,” [Mark] said, wrapping his big arms around her. “It’s okay. We’re going to find him.” 
Kathryn knew it wasn’t a given. There was a dead man in her hallway, and there was nothing saying Oliver wouldn’t end up the same way. Swallowing some of her tears, she told Mark, “I was so busy worrying about leaving Tim alone, I forgot to worry about Oliver!”
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pterawaters · 4 years
For the WIP game: good?
After a good fifteen minutes of walking through the forest, Lizzy whispered, "The other night? When we were all together?"
"Yeah?” Seth remembered the way Oliver's hand settled on his just before he fell asleep.
"Is it, I don't know…" Lizzy said with a little sigh. "Is it stupid that I wish we could always be like that?"
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pterawaters · 4 years
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Wiping a tear from his eye, Oliver couldn’t stop himself from crashing into Seth, giving him a tight, grateful hug. “Thank you. This is…” Oliver made himself let go and take a step back. He shouldn’t have done that. They were out on the sidewalk in public. Anyone could have seen. Looking away, Oliver knew he couldn’t just say, “Thank you,” and leave it at that. He told Seth, “This is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for my family.”
His cheeks still red, Seth shrugged again. “It’s not a big deal, really. It wasn’t even that hard.”
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