#ptn matilda
ok-rookie · 18 days
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Happy birthday to me!
Oh and happy birthday to Matilda from Path to Nowhere too!
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sekaithemystic · 10 months
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Women in military uniform save me...
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lanibijou · 10 months
So coming up for cn is Donald, Matilda, and a Horo 2-star skin!
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Ima be real with you I'm bout to turn into Mrs Steal Yo Girl with Matilda- like what need will he have for an adjutant when he's gonna be locked in the MBCC soon I'm just saying 🤷🏽‍♀️
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edeldoro · 8 months
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zwan99 · 10 months
Ohhhhh she pretty
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Cr PathtoSnake
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sinful-lanterns · 2 months
Thinking about playing a game of pool with some of the PTN ladies. Namely Langley, Shalom, Eirene, Nightingale, Matilda, Bai Yi, and anyone else you think would be into pool, as they all gather around to take their best shots at winning the game. Usually these women are very focused and concentrated on their moves, yet this time, you were simply too distracting for them as they couldn’t help but stare at your ass as you bend over innocently to line up your shot. Unaware that all these women were gazing hungrily at you like a gazelle, while they were the predators eying their prey…
Nightingale and Matilda may be blushing and biting their lips shyly, but the other women in the room are staring at you like you were a feast. They wanted nothing more than to have you sprawled against the green carpet of their little pool table, that mouth of yours put to work with one woman, while the other women occupied your hands, pussy, tits, you name it. They wanted to have you as their game instead, and the more they played pool with you, the more they wanted to play something else with you… 💕
I just wanted to thirst about playing pool with some hot women—
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sinsmockingbird · 19 days
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Those three really are the only sane ones in PTN. Poor Cinnabae just wants to protect you, Nightingale is literally running with the world on her shoulders, and Matilda's only thing is that she loves guns- (this is a joke).
I am laughing at this btw, thank you for sharing, hehe! Was a nice thing to wake up to.
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shalomniscient · 7 months
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“I’ll do better this time. I promise.” - Shrike, to [ERROR: DATA CORRUPTED]
◆ Name: Shrike ◆ Title: Passerine Eulogy ◆ Alignment: Anger ◆ Tendency: Reticle
Shrike is a fanmade character in Path to Nowhere. A mysterious Sinner who appeared one night on the MBCC's doorstep. No records of her exist on any database, as if she's nothing but a ghost. If you asked her, she'd agree.
◆ Info ⤷ Birthday: May 14th ⤷ Height: 170cm ⤷ Damage Type: Physical ⤷ Birthplace: UNKNOWN
◆ Appearance Shrike is a woman of fair complexion and average height with short, mint-green hair and eyes roughly the same shade. Her hair is cut unevenly, clearly done unprofessionally and in a rush, likely with a knife. On the left side of her face, one strand of hair is longer than the other. She wears an earring on her left ear only. She has a scar crossing from the tip of her right brow, to the edge of her right jaw.
On missions, Shrike wears a black coat over a standard-issue MBCC Adjutant uniform. The coat itself is quite ragged and is torn in certain places. The uniform, though similar, has some distinctly different features, such as the white panel being on the left side, rather than the right. Shrike also wears a leather glove on her left hand only, and wears the typical knee-high heeled boots. Most importantly, however, Shrike is missing the beret normally issued to Adjutants.
◆ Mutation Assessment The subject has the ability to traverse the multiverse. This gives the subject two other adjacent abilities, which include temporary intangibility as she phases between universes and the ability to somewhat predict the next few possible moves of her opponent by rapidly cycling through other universes and observing their outcomes.
According to the subject's own admission, her Sinner ability awakened when she suffered an immense failure of her duty. Desperate to correct her mistakes, she was contaminated by Mania and became a Sinner.
The subject's corruption state fluctuates randomly. Sometimes the subject experiences 'glitches', where she flickers in and out of the current universe she inhabits, causing a spike in Mania. However, these 'glitches' are easily calmed using the Chief's shackles. Beyond this, the subject exhibits a stable mind and low physical corruption. ⤷ An interesting fact noted by the medical team is that Shrike's DNA has a 100% similarity to Adjutant Nightingale's.
◆ Criminal Record The subject has no record in this universe, and remains tight-lipped about her criminal status (or lack thereof) in her home universe.
◆ Serving Term ⤷ Serving Term 1: The subject typically prefers to keep to herself, maintaining what seems to be a professional distance between herself and other Sinners. Notable exceptions are the 9th Agency Commander, Langley, as well as Sinners Donald and Matilda. Shrike is openly hostile to all three parties, and will vacate the premises if she encounters these three.
⤷ Serving Term 2: The subject is highly meticulous and capable at paperwork. The staff sometimes pass excess work to her, such as reviewing documents and evaluating reports. This extreme efficiency also applies to Shrike's performance on missions.
⤷ Serving Term 3: The subject has frequent nightmares during hypnotherapy sessions that causes her M-value to spike. During these nightmares, the subject often calls out to Chief in between screams and cries of regret and anguish. Thankfully, Chief is always around to use their shackles and calm her down.
⤷ Serving Term 4: The subject is sometimes puzzled by Chief's relaxed, friendly and compassionate behavior towards the Sinners. She appears to have expected Chief to behave otherwise. Although, she is quite happy with this change of pace.
◆ Voicelines
Obtain the Sinner...
...It's good to see you again, Chief.
Level Start...
This time, I won't fail. I swear.
Win Battles...
Chief, are you harmed? No? That's good.
Lose Battles...
No, no, no, no, not again, please...!
Special Conversation 1...
Your shackles... they feel strange. Softer. Kinder. It's... nice. I hope I can help them stay this way.
Special Conversation 2... [unlocked after completion of Chapter 13]
Hecate is different. There is so much... life to her now. Hella, too. You really are something, aren't you, Chief? They--no, all the Sinners are lucky to have you.
Special Conversation 3...
I've traveled more worlds than I can remember, and I've lost you in every one. But this time--this time will be different, Chief. I won't let anything happen to you, I swear it. I'll do whatever it takes.
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Developer Notes:
Meet Shrike, everyone. Possibly the most traumatized OC I've ever made, the product of my fever delirium and minor obsession with ITSV while listening to History Has Its Eyes On You on repeat.
To put simply, Shrike is Nightingale--if Nightingale failed to keep Chief alive. Shrike's universe hopping is in an effort to correct her mistake, but every universe she enters, Chief still dies; except for this one.
Shrike has traveled at least a dozen universes.
Shrike's name comes from the bird of the same name. Shrikes are passerine birds just like nightingales, but they are leagues more violent. Shrikes are also colloquially known as butcherbirds!
Shrike's weapon of choice is a handgun, just like Nightingale's. I haven't come up with a kit for Shrike as of yet, so for now she's relegated to being a lore-only character.
Shrike has negative trust in anyone even remotely associated with Paradeisos. Given the opportunity, she absolutely would put a bullet between Shalom's eyes.
Shrike is one of those characters whose loyalty is so strong it can corrupt into immorality. Devotion and destruction, one in the same.
As always, I can't draw for shit, so here's another Picrew of what Shrike roughly looks like. Since she's also technically Nightingale, you could also just imagine Nightingale, but a little more beat up and with short hair, LOL.
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taglist: @e-hibiscus
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shuemori · 8 months
[ Contain Spoiler for Ch.13 ]
Hello, fellow Chief. How are you faring after this chapter? As for myself, i'm quite satisfied with recent story. So much lore, meta, and others term which enrich our understanding of PTN world. 🥳
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WAY TO GO, DONALD!! 🫡 My man support The Chief all the way until the end. No fire, bullets, and reprimand from Matilda could stop him and his clownery to bring back his Bros.
...yeah, despite what happen to him, he is quite dependable in loyalty area. :') I thank AISNO for releasing a male sinner. The game is lack on that part haha...🤭
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CHIEF...!!! Oh god, i hope you got therapy + massage after what you experience 🥲 your shoulder must be quite heavy with all that burden and tensions... Paraidesos or whatever enemies out there will pay greatly for their conduct toward you 🤯
Nightingale must be furious if she heard what they did to you in 8 months.
But look!! your babies are grown. Hella and Hecate 🤧 Aaa ... I'm so proud of them, especially Hecate. She has found her own 'Voice'.
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AND THE LONG AWAITED ONE FINALLY RETURN! But hold on, Zoya, what happen to your face?? Is that remnants of Black Ring??
You are not become their test subject... right?? 😱😱 anyway, about that Rust Guy... is he also a BR's victim? Maybe another unlucky crew from Parma Group, secretly survived? 🤔
But this is a great development, so human who change into a corpseborn could survive? Hm... very interesting. I really hopes Julien could survive, but he is pretty stubborn to make sure Rustfire revival. And probably he would choose the same option again and again. ☹️ RIP Hero...
Zoya... have you seen Horo?? She is a true born leader 🥺🥹 You and Earl must be proud of her... also she increase in height, that Milk binge drinking finally reached its goal.
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And who are you guys? Why No.01 has Parma-like voice?? Are you secretly rejuvenating yourself with Mania?
Also GIVE US BACK SHALOM AND RAHU!! I don't accept that mysterious soldier and never EVER touch them with your hands 😡😡
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Hi from the other side, Elder Sister. Are you the one who wreck havoc to your little sister? 🤗 what a splendid flower you have, must be evil....
Am I to assume that AISNO are planning to create animation film? That would be great, ☺️☺️ Please do it, Aisno!!
So... this chapter are quite satisfying. I can't wait to see another chapter and meet other sinners. I'm also curious about that elderly woman and the Chief past.
I hope you guys enjoy the games too...😉
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nono-uwu · 8 months
Perhaps sensing my immense grief at ons chapter 134, the gacha gods smiled down on me...
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Teehee (also got a gui and hanya on hsr, and matilda on ptn :3)
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shackld · 4 months
fuck it ptn kin assign me you won't
let mak kin assign you
OOH BOY :D i have to say cinnabar and k.k. right off the rim
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and theres also something in my soul that says you'd fuck with matilda.
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also i won't include pics cuz im less sure about them but the artsy bitches are Enfer, Lisa and McQueen so look them up if you would like! i think you'd like Enfer the most tho-)
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crimson-lair · 8 months
Oh 🤓...I should be the one to apologise, I sometimes don't understand innuendos or sarcasm.
I have a few things to write about if I may:
Thank you for the new bots, haven't tried them yet, but I already know they are perfectly written.
Have you seen the new sinner "Matilda"? I think I'm in love, she is in my top 3 for sure now, even though I don't even play the game myself.
If I may ask, who are your favourite sinners in ptn? Out of curiosity.
(Tumblr is quite cool, look how organised my text is...I like the options.)
noooo im sorryy again for this 😭😭 no more apologies okok
first of all.. dont praise me to much OMG (im smiling so hard. what has gotten into me 😭)
and matilda! yes, she's pretty! i like her too (she's like.. the secret child of nightingale and langley)
i have a lot, LOT of favorite sinners. but the one who hooked my heart from the beginning is cinnabar ❤ it's safe to say that she's my ideal type.. (this situation is more like, i don't know if i want to be her or be with her) if only she exists :')
shalom is number 2! she can do.. unspeakable things to me oops 🫣 and zoya is in my top 3
i love all Chief's sinners 🫶 (please, someone, isekai me to PTN even if i know i won't be surviving there)
(very organised, not like mine 🫠)
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edeldoro · 8 months
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He's... okay...
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zwan99 · 10 months
PtN New Main Story Chapter Trailer—「The Weak」
The text at the beginning reads: "The Finale | Syndicate"
Julien says "I just want to know... who arranged such a fate for us?"
Cr Jiu Jiu subs
Also, Donald and Matilda are confirmed as the new S and A rank sinners.
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And Horo's new skin.
She looks cute 🥹
Cr. PathtoSnake
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sinful-lanterns · 9 months
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threesome pairs with the ptn women (nsfw)
enjoying a popsicle makes their imagination wander (nsfw)
enjoying a popsicle makes their imagination wander (nsfw)
collaborating with various ptn women for your streams (nsfw)
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edeldoro · 7 months
A quarter of Path to Nowhere, Round Two, has just been me grabbing Macchiato's hand, (internally) screaming, and running, because the account didn't luck out on Hamel this time and now I learn different team comps. Another quarter of it has been starting battle maps in earlier chapters and surprising myself with a quick makeshift plan because it suggests the experience transferred over (waow). Third quarter, re-visiting the story and having a somewhat better understanding, whee(zes in pain)
The last quarter is moping over not having Celine/Shalom nor Rahu in the roster
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