redhotarsenic · 11 months
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Please look at my ptrata look at my fucked up animal <3
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fantrollology-bios · 1 year
these are your nerves, this is how they taste
Last Updated 4/6/2023
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— intro —
Your name is IGGLIT PTRATA, but most just call you IGGY. You have a penchant for groovy, brassy music, and you can often be found playing on your BASS CLARINET or GOING HAM ON SOME KEYS with your JAM BAND. Your musical prowess is enabled by some remnants of your grubhood, that is to say, your BUG LEGS. Thankfully your MUTATION only became apparent after your pupation, or else you’d surely be a splatter of blood on the wall of some cavern instead of a shrimpy, nearly unemployable 16 sweep old. Phew!
You tend to hop from 9-5 to 9-5. You’ve been fired probably over a dozen times, and have never received a promotion. You think that’s a LOAD OF HORSESHIT. You’re a good worker and have a knack for the tedious and laborious, you just also have a tendency towards NOT GIVING TOO MUCH OF A SHIT, and end up getting CAUGHT DOING DUMB STUFF. This stuff doesn’t really affect your work, you think, but c'est la vie. Your COWORKERS are always there to provide GLOWING REFERENCES for your next incredible minimum wage adventure.
Getting around suits your interests, anyways. You’re a bit of a HOARDER, and you’re okay with admitting that. You have an odd fascination for others PERSONAL AFFAIRS, whether this be receipts, phone messages, bills, letters, or anything else that gives a unique glimpse into the humdrum complexity of it all. You hardly have the words to describe it, but you get a little SENTIMENTAL. Typically, you just say you think it’s NEAT. Your cluttered hive says the rest.
— basics —
Name: Igglit “Iggy” Ptrata Pronouns: he/they, femme terms OK but she/her will make him go ???? not negative just confused
Orientation: Whatever
Age: ~16 Sweeps
Height: 4'10"”
Location: City apartment
Occupation: Changes often. Currently unemployed.
 — alternia —
Caste: Yellow #CCB933
Lusus: House Centipede, very long. (Alive)
Weapon of Choice: None
Abilities: Psychic wall crawling. Doesn’t know how to use it offhand, but seems to work in times of emergency.
— personality —
Sign: not sure yet
Likes: Artifacts of everyday life, funky music, loud/busy places, mindless/repetitive work, nonfiction books & poetry, antiques, playing piano & bass clarinet, being small
Dislikes: Cooking, having to articulate emotional thought, arguing/debating, silence
— plot —
Current Status: Looking for a job!
Goals: To have a chill time and not die!
Past plotlines:     ●   None yet!
Open hooks:     ●   Does your troll also enjoy funky music? Backplot with me and be in his jam band! If you want an example of music he likes check out his playlist!
— relationships —
    ♥   Matesprit Name - #None - [N/A]
    ♦   Moirail Name - #None - [N/A]
    ♠   Kismesis Name - #None - [N/A]
    ●   None yet!
— links —
Playlist ● Character Tag ● Art
Interest Tag ● Asks
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redhotarsenic · 11 months
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redhotarsenic · 11 months
I could’ve made the ptrata flesh colored entirely but ehhhh the green is better in terms of…eye catchery? Is that the word??
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fantrollology-bios · 1 year
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Button Gusset - Emotional wreck of a seamstress who works at Joannn’s. JC’s former keeper. Has a peculiar talent in making life-sized plushes of trolls, but keeps this on the low.
JC - Just a regular troll. After losing most of his memories he's out here to make friends & figure stuff out about the world again. Kind of bad at it.
Spyke - Former jadeblood if you can believe it. An ambiguous past ended with an explosion where he lost his head, literally.
Ionyll Ordave - Low-rung member of a magic cult who doesn't really get what their angle is. Currently wearing a push-up bra.
Pajama "PJ" Nogova - Soap maker and lifestyle guru. Sells overpriced products to highbloods online, and the real shit to lowbloods. A hot single in your area now!
Leathy Contin - Formally discharged after the head of a Fleet-tech black market was taken out and took his leg with them. Now working as a pharmacist, he's trying to use what he learned to get his patients, and himself, what they need.
"Fledge" - Child fleet recruit, recent defect. Kind of cagey about anything more. Not interested in spending time with you, but is trying to be.
Rilakk Akkuma - San-X, Sanrio, and streetwear enthusiast with 100k+ followers on Instagrub. Why walk when you can astral project? Alternia is a dangerous place.
Lauren DeVoss - Ex-fleet. Ex-subjug. Currently a freelance mercenary translator looking to fuck around & up. Hoping the fleet doesn't catch on that he's not dead.
Ceefor Topolm - The CEO of an explosives company specializing in interplanetary ballistic weaponry. Her #1 customer is the empires fleet, but they're far from the only recipient. Enjoys whiskey and revenge.
Alaise Palver - Hopeless romantic? Check. Crazy? Double check. Passionate about the world and everything in it - but destiny is at the core of it all! Enjoys tea parties & making shapes with her psionics.
Palaia Bezold - Sect leader and stage manager with a priority in psychic training, work ethic, and silence. Capable of warping perceptions to a deadly degree. Tread carefully.
Iggy Ptrata - Mutated yellowblood with a penchant for hoarding others personal items, getting fired a lot, and not giving a damn about it.
Alcess Alaska - Renowned physiopsionologist. Known for his work in helmsmen longevity and psychic enhancement. His breakthroughs did not come without cost, but, hey, the Fleet is the one paying.
Aether Gitses - They breathe in ghosts sometimes, but she doesn't mind sharing. However, after nearly a sweep of her life was lost to possession, shes taken to more caution.
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