#puggledly huggledy is not a pig
fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Why Did I Trust You?
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Robin Hood
Pairings: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Sadness, angst, betrayal (sort of!), depression mention, fluff
Comments/Notes: Requested by @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig who is the biggest Guy fan that I know. From the prompt "They told me not to trust you but I didn't listen."
I hope you like the fic. As always, like, reblog and comment if you enjoy. If you wish to be added to any of my tag lists, let me know.
Everyone kept telling you how Guy had always been taken with Marian, and that his heart still belonged to her. No one could get over lost love that easy. She had disappeared into Sherwood Forest with her lover, Robin Hood. Leaving Guy to pick up the pieces of a shattered heart. You had never met this Marian woman, but had heard plenty about her from the locals. 
You had travelled to Nottingham in high hopes of better income, and thankfully, you had been given a roof over your head, alongside the work, for all for your trouble. Guy had sorted that out for you. After all, he knew your father, who worked as a fellow tax collector in the next town over and often visited Nottingham to report to the Sheriff. 
Being a newcomer also meant that everyone was suspicious of you. And you had become aware of the rumours that people were spinning behind your back, despite being polite to your face. Snakes, all of them. Most days when you walked through the courtyard of the castle, heading in for your day of work, you’d see people gently shoulder each other. You’d see this action out of the corner of your eye, but as soon as they saw you’d noticed them, they would smile. Vipers! 
By the time you had been there six months, you knew it was time to move on. Nottingham was not quite the charming place that you had been told by your old townsfolk. Maybe the stories had been spun from those assuming that due to Nottingham being a central stronghold for finances, that the streets were paved with gold. That couldn’t have been any further from the truth. Only the Sheriff’s personal chambers were lined with gold; everywhere else was run down and full of squalor.
The last arrangements were in place, and the following day, you were ready to return home. It would take you about a day to walk to your meeting point with your father, who was coming by horse and cart to collect you. Messenger pigeons had been flying between you and your father for the last month, as your depression had gotten deeper and beckoned you home. 
The only good thing about the place was Guy. In fact, he was the only friend you had in this horrible place. The thought of leaving him was hitting you hard, and as you cleaned the larger chambers of the castle, you kept Guy’s until last. 
Upon stepping inside the room, you saw the seat that you sat in most evenings, where you would share dinner with him. You would watch the candlelight dance across his pointed features, highlighting the sadness in his ice blue eyes. Was the sadness remnants of an unrequited love? 
Tears kept threatening to fall down your cheeks as you cleaned the surfaces with a rag. At his bedside table, you moved the vase of flowers you had placed there three days ago, sweeping the dust beneath it. All you could feel was the painful, burning sensation of something lodged in your throat. 
Don’t you cry. Don’t you dare cry! 
As you made the bed and took one last sniff of his pillow, you realised that you had nothing of his. And you couldn’t leave Nottingham without at least one token from him, even if he had not given it you freely. 
There was a jewellery box which you knew Guy kept in his wardrobe, just behind his boots, on the floor. You could remember him telling you about it, where he explained that no one else knew of its existence, but you. 
Your hands were shaking as you approached the wardrobe, and slowly you opened the door, listening to it creak. The box was simple, with no inscription at all. It didn’t matter what it was that you took, as long as it was Guy’s; something to remember him by. Not that you could ever forget him in a hurry. 
Blood was thumping in your ears as you opened the box and looked upon two gold rings inside. That was all the box held, these two gold rings. The first one was a simple band, with no jewels or inscriptions. The other was gold, but had a simple green stone upon broad shoulders. You snatched the ring with the green stone and slipped it into your apron pocket. 
“What are you doing?” a deep voice came. 
You gasped, stepping back at the sight of Guy. When had he come into the room? “P…please, it’s not what it looks like.” 
“Oh, I know it was exactly what it looked like. You stealing one of my grandmother’s rings.” His eyes were so wide now, and you couldn’t help but swallow hard, feeling a rod of ice shoot down your spine. Guy was terrifying when angry, a trait that many a person had seen who lived in Nottingham. This was your first time of seeing his anger directed at you. 
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered. You pulled the ring back out of your pocket and placed it down on the table next to you. “It really is not what it looks like.” 
Guy turned on his heel. “They told me not to trust you, but I didn’t listen.”
“Guy, please,” you pleaded, touching his shoulder. 
“Don’t touch me!” he growled. “I let you in. I offer my vulnerability to you, and I offer you so much, and this is how you value our relationship? By stealing from me?” 
Tears fell down your cheeks. Your heart thundered, shattering even more with each beat. “I wanted something of yours, to remember you by.” 
“Remember me by? What do you mean?” Guy asked, his voice less hostile now. Slowly, he turned back to face you. 
Tears had begun to form in his eyes. His gaze was intense, and locked on you. 
“I would never have betrayed your trust, Guy. Believe me. I value you more than you realise.” 
“Yet you still plan to leave?” 
Of course he knew what you had meant. “You have no idea how it’s pained me to complete my duties today, knowing it will be the last time we stand face to face.” 
“Am I not enough to stay for?” The words only just came out of his mouth, broken by the breath that was struggling to get out. “I’m never enough.” Those words were despaired whisper. 
“Guy, no!” you exclaimed. “Never think that.” 
“But you’re leaving!” His voice had re-gained its power, and he stared at you. “I’ve been beside you in everything since you came here. Why am I not enough?” 
You reached out and took Guy’s leather-clad hand. “You are enough. Why don’t you think you are? Is it because of Marian?”
Guy closed his eyes for a second and sighed. Then he focused his gaze back on you. “I see the townsfolk enjoy talking about me.” 
“Don’t blame them. You’ve mentioned her before, and I guessed she’s the woman you love.” 
“She isn’t. Not anymore. I did love her once and she left. Every woman I grow to love leaves me.” 
Did that mean…? Breath caught in your throat, but you tried not to get above yourself in your want of him. “So other women before her have left?” 
Guy smirked. “Don’t deny what’s right in front of you.” He whispered your name and came closer, his body so close to yours. He looked down from his taller height.
You placed both of your hands on his chest, wanting so much to feel his bare skin beneath the leather. Your gaze met his and you leaned up, placing a gentle kiss against his lips. 
Guy opened his eyes, seeing uncertainty in your face. And gathering his confidence and love, he wound his arms around your waist and kissed you. 
The kiss was full of love, passion and desperation. Your tongues met, and within a few more seconds, Guy’s lips were on your neck. He was panting, and you whimpering.
As you both slowed down, your breaths harsh, you embraced Guy. 
“Is this now enough to make you stay?” he asked. 
You looked up from his chest, and smiled. “What do you think?” 
“And maybe I have more reason.” Guy reached across to the ring you had placed on his table and held it to you. “I want you to have this…and be my wife.” 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @knittastically @middleearthpixie @guardianofrivendell @meganlpie @luna-xial @asgardianhobbit98 @mrsdurin @rachel1959 @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @sazzlep @aliasauthor @solairewisteria @littlebird-99 @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @whoooooisthis @emmyspov @dumbassunderthemountain
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Hi Fizz!
How do you think Gisborne and Lucas North are alike and different as characters?
Mmmmm. That's a tough one, but so good!
I feel like Lucas and Guy both hide a lot of their pain. Both of them have quite bad pasts, and they've made the most with the cards they've been dealt. I don't like to think of Lucas from season 9 with the whole 'I'm really John Bateman and stole another man's identity to get home" storyline; it was too far-fetched for me. Maybe because I work for the government myself and know how security vetting works. It was too much. So I always prefer to think of Lucas pre-season 9 with none of that crap in his backstory.
I think they're both willing to go to great lengths for what benefits them and for those they love. They're both very deep men in that regard. However, I feel that maybe (and you might want to hit me for saying this! LOL), Guy would be the one who would go to more morally questionable areas than Lucas...and that's obviously if we only take Lucas from seasons 7 and 8. If we took him from 9, this statement might be questionable.
I feel they're both very mentally fragile men. So, in my opinion, after giving this question some thought, I feel they do have a fair bit in common.
One difference that comes to mind, and this is going off one of Richard Armitage's interviews about Guy (although I never really saw him like this), and his vanity. I don't feel Lucas is vain; confident yes, but not vain. I personally don't even see Guy as particularly vain, but Richard seems to have that idea of him, so we'll go with that for now.
How about you? I'm curious to know your thoughts.
I suppose my answer is quite limited because of how I view Lucas and trying to cut season 9 out of his backstory (TERRIBLE WRITING!!!)
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