#pulling a bit of an scp anomaly thing. cognitohazard for barbatos revolving just that incident
rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
「 🐳 」 if we take away the canonical facts that barbatos messed with the timeline under diavolo's supervision, as well as how he drugged mc & lucifer on lucifer's birthday (even if it was out of good intention), how would dolasach view him, then? would his presence still yell, “ danger! do not interact! ”, or would dolasach take the risk in-spite of that fear and attempt to know him further? considering how artistic they are, i wouldn't be surprised if barbatos complemented them on their work; vice-versa, would dolasach be interested in the demonic profile flavors of teas and pastries? they'd be safe for humans, of course. i dunno! i'm down for whatever information you send my way :3 hopefully what i said made sense... make what you will of it!
Gosh so like... pre-Lesson 16 events (which for Dola happen like... much later into the year than the speculated 2 months that it does in canon. Maybe 4-5 months in?) I actually think things were pretty amicable between those two. Sure there's definitely something that she didn't like about him from the get-go, but without any reason to be outright suspicious or hostile beyond a feeling that he knew more than he lets on, she just... Let things be? And it goes on long enough that she eventually lets herself relax more around him.
And yeah! I do think that Barbatos would send a few compliments in Dola's direction about her work (maybe even suggesting to Diavolo at some point to commission her for a painting since during then that would be her main medium?) and that Dola would be interested in what the Devildom's greatest baker and finest tea aficionado has to offer regarding teas and pastries, especially since she has quite a sweet tooth. I don't think their relationship ever reaches a point where he invites her over exclusively for a little tea party or invites her to join him and Luke while they bake though. More of her making the most of her regularly scheduled visits to the castle without overdoing it. (I hc that the exchange students all head on over to the castle to have little check-ins with Diavolo every two weeks or more. Though post-Incident she stops actually drinking or eating anything from the castle during those meetings.)
Dola would think rather highly of Barbatos before he absolutely proved her right on her gut instinct to be wary of him. She'd chalk those feelings of distrust up to just her being intimidated by how freakishly perfect and refined he seemed to be, how he seems to outdo even Lucifer and seems to be the caretaker to the Prince instead of just his butler. She'd be fascinated by him to some extent, and he'd catch on to how scrutinizing her gaze is on him and maybe tease her about it (but she wouldn't be flustered about it since there genuinely aren't any feelings behind it). I think he more than knows that he's quite the enigma to her, but isn't keen on letting her in on anything the same way she keeps her own thoughts to herself.
There's likely some feelings of envy from Dola because damn. That's a level of perfection that she could only wish she could attain.
Post-Incident, well, she hates him to the point of genuinely contemplating claiming mice as her familiars. And I think the feelings are mutual, actually, because he never actually understands what the hell she did that night that interfered with his abilities to the point of not being able to see that that was how everything was going to unfold—he genuinely saw and believed that everything would go according to plan. Is this OP? Yeah, but Dola herself never figures out just what her other self pulled off so it's definitely just a one time occurrence.
He's probably one of the only beings across realms that Dola's genuinely afraid of, and she hates that he scares her simply with his existence. But he's not what appears when faced with a bogeyman.
The two are never like... Explicit with how much they hate one another. But it's there, Satan feels it when they're in the same room. Everyone does. There's probably some rumors into the Devildom as to what happened between them because it's clear in balls and meetings that there's a lot of disdain despite the polite civility in their interactions tbh, and it's probably really baffling on the Purgatory Boy's end because it would seem so out of nowhere when just the week before, they were getting on quite well.
Yet there's still a quiet, reluctant respect for each other thanks to seeing proof of just what the other is capable of. Barbatos is probably the first to remind everyone not to underestimate Dolasach's abilities, but it's definitely not coming from a place of praise.
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