lionews · 3 months
“Pumas aren't even in the same genus of lions there's literally no way for them to reproduce and make cubs. Whoever made that suggestion is dumb "
i cannot stand people who don’t know basic shit about science i’m BEGGING yall to understand that scientific rules are not all size fits one jesus christ. Yes, typically it is much harder for two animals in separate genus to breed but it is NOT impossible and saying that it is just shows that you don’t know shit about advanced biology. it is okay to not know something but stop being so wrong so loud please. There is a name specifically for hybrids of two separate genus, they’re called intergenetic hybrids.
Known hybrids
-Pumapard (Puma concolor + Panthera pardus)
-beefalo (Bos taurus + Bison Bison)
-Caraval/servical (Caracal caracal + Leptailurus serval)
-dogxim (or Graxorra)
-chinese false-eyed turtle (Cuora trifasciata + Sacalia quadriocellata)
-Hybrid Iguana (cross between Amblyrhynchus cristatus and Conolophus subcristatus)
-Savannah and bengal cats (Hybrids of Leptailurus serval and Prionailurus bengalensis respectively with domestic cats, Felis catus)
-Ursid hybrids, so most bears of different genus can interbreed excluding giant pandas
-Yakolo (Bos grunniens + Bison bison)
-wholpin (Tursiops truncatus + Pseudorca crassidens)
-tiger trout (Salmo trutta × Salvelinus fontinalis)
sorry if this was too aggressive but PLEASE don’t call people dumb when you’re being a fucking idiot 🙏 it is common fucking sense to use google guys.
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whitepolaris · 4 months
Crypto Cats
Gauging from the number of sightings, Oklahoma appears to be virtually crawling with large unidentified felines. Though there is little to no hard evidence to support their existence, it seems everyone and his neighbor has spotted one of these big cats roaming the countryside.
Now, we're not talking about the usual bobcats or mountain lions here. And that looks to be the point exactly. Few people are precisely sure to what they did see, but they know what they didn't see. The mysterious beasts, according to reports, are larger and huskier than native species and are totally black.
Oklahomans in virtually every part of the state have run across the big black cats. Drivers have swerved to miss the animals, stopping briefly to get a view of the abnormally large and darkly colored felines before the creatures dart off into the brush. Some ranch owners have witnessed the cats skulking about their acreage. One resident say he was able to watch the mystery cat for several minutes as it stalked a group of deer on his property. Yet, despite numerous deny that any such beast exists.
Now, before we get much further, let's clear up a few things. Mountain lions, cougars, pumas, panthers: these all the same thing. In fact, the same cat has more than forty names in the English language alone. For our purposes, however, we're going to stick with panther. These panthers, which are unusual in Oklahoma, but not unheard of, are slender and measure about eight feet, including their lengthy tail. They're generally yellowish or reddish brown in color. Bobcats, which are quite common in the area, are well known for their spots, which cover an otherwise tan to grayish brown coat. They measure about three feet long and feature a distinctively wide face, pointed ears and with a stubby tail.
With this in mind, the mystery witnessed by so many residents are unlikely to be simple cases of mistaken identity. Occasionally, one of these cats is described as having spots, but is much too big to be a bobcat, not to mention its thick, "ropelike" tail. Many believe the creature at first o be a dog, its size being comparable to a Great Dane, but its features are distinctively feline.
As already mentioned, however, the cat is often said to be uniformly black. And this is where the sightings become so unusual. Although there are a number of recognized panther subspecies, none has ever been recorded, as having an all-black coloring. The term "black panther" is actually a misnomer, which refers to melanistic jaguars or leopards, not panthers. An actual black panther has never been scientifically documented.
So, could the mystery cat in fact be a jaguar or a leopard? Well, first off, leopards don't even live on this continent, and jaguars, while native to the Americas, certainly don't reside in Oklahoma. In fact, the only jaguars known to live in the United States are a small population in Arizona. Besides, black jaguars, even on the whole, are exceedingly rare. So, to find a jaguar, especially a black one, skulking around the suburbs of Tulsa would be nigh impossible, which is certainly why the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation denies any existence of such a cat.
Still, there are too many reports across the state of the large black cat to simply ignore the possibility. So, what could it be? Some have suggested that it may be a northly migrating jaguarundi, an odd-looking, medium-sized cat that normally lives south of Texas, looks something like an otter, and sports a coat that can be blackish to brownish gray in color. Others think it might be some kind of bizarre hybrid such as the jaglion, the pumapard, or the popular liger. Some propose that it might even be something that escaped from Hugo in southeast Oklahoma, which has long been known to serve as the winter home for generations of circus folk.
Then again, there are some close encounters with the beast that are a bit harder to explain. In some circles, the ebony animal is known as the Ozark Howler, a fear-provoking feline that prowls Arkansas, Texas, and Missouri, as well as Oklahoma. Those who's gotten a better look say it's dark fur may, in fact, have a reddish hue, as do its eyes. Moreover, it proudly displays small horns, or features that appear like horns, as well as something resembling a beard. Its yowl, which gives the creature its name, is a bone-chilling sound that's much closer to a woman's terrified scream that any kind of roar or growl.
Unfortunately, there have yet been any reliable photographs of the Ozark Howler or its counterparts, as most encounters are fleeting and occur at night. And, honestly, those are probably moments in which one is at least likely to hold anything steady, much less a camera.
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faustian86 · 1 year
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The Pumapard
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aah-007 · 3 years
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ravens-cove · 6 years
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 Father: Puma, Mother: Leopard
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deannigel · 7 years
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Did you know that leopards and cougars can hybridize? the hybrid is called pumapard. An animal is usually much smaller as parents. Hybrid can surely occur just in zoo.  Pictures are taken from net. 
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Miles Agyeman-King → Alfie Enoch → Pumapard
→ Basic Information
Age: 136
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Born or Made: Born
Birthday: April 9th
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Animism
→ His Personality Miles is a hard character to place and understand. He seems to have a wide array of personalities mixed in one, which can be explained by his experience with the Hypershift. He is self-contained and doesn’t typically use strong emotions to show what he is feeling. He generally feels uncomfortable around outbursts of emotions. He doesn’t talk about his feelings, but he will act on them and show people how he feels instead of telling them. Miles prefers to keep his thought process to himself. He never brings up the past, whether it’s his or someone else’s, and never relies on people’s personal or historical experiences to tell him who they really are.
Miles is comfortable adapting to the environment and responding to the situation as it changes. He tends to blend into the background when stronger or louder personalities are in the same room. His silent strength however plays very well with the often overly expressive Cats in his pack. Hidden below the calm layer is that same zealous energy that he only allows out during schedule runs with the pack. He’s become known as an impartial calm judge in any arguments that might happen in the pack.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: History Teacher
Scars: Marks along his arms and sides from fighting when he was younger
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and Pwason Boukannen
Two Dislikes: Superhero Movies and Pen thieves
Two Fears: Heights and Hypershift
Two Hobbies: Meditation and Journaling
Three Positive Traits: Observant, Ambitious and Forgiving
Three Negative Traits: Secretive, Elusive, Restrained
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Roseline King (Mother): She was a fiercely protective mother and taught the boys how to fight for themselves. Her tenacity was up until the very end as Hunter blood was sprayed all around her, she got one last fight in before she died.
Emmanuel King (Father): Miles’s father was a quiet man. He and his brothers were rarely not butting heads with their father’s quiet and gentle behavior. As Miles has grown and reflected, he wonders what his father might think of him today. And if after the hypershift he became the person his father wanted him to be.
Sibling Names:
Arthur King (Triplet): He and Arthur are close, but not like they used to be. They split off after Henry was killed, only meeting up every so often. Arthur tried to settle down once, but the pack kicked him out once they heard of his hypershift. He’s been alone ever since, and has warned Miles that the same thing might happen to him.
Henry King (Triplet): Henry died almost 70 years ago. He couldn’t control his shift anymore and the New Orleans alpha had to kill him. Miles has been scarred ever since that day, and uses it as a motivation to stay in control.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Malia Agyeman (Mate and Wife): M² have been together for 5 years but finally married at the beginning of 2019. Miles’ soft spoken nature is a stark contrast to Malia’s strong and outgoing nature, but he is always there to support her in her endeavors.
Platonic Connections:
Noel Crais (Good Friend): At first Miles was unsure about Noel mothering him or showing him genuine concern. She grew on him when she learned to speak Creole and about his culture. While Mile doesn’t appreciate her knowing looks but he does appreciate her not telling whatever it is she thinks she knows.
Kayla Silvestre (Friendly): Miles has tried to become a resource for Kayla as her dad goes into hypershift. He knows the long painful road ahead of the whole family, whether her dad pulls out of it or not, and he hopes he can ease some of that pain for her.
Esther Yoo (Close Friend): By default of Esther being Malia’s best friend, she’s somewhat become his as well. Esther serves as a good mediator when M² is fighting and is the only other person who excels at talking Malia down.
Rebecka Blake (Acquaintance): Rebecka has been trying to plan a hybrid class between history and English. He’s interested, but the planning is taking longer than he expected.
Roy Allen (Friend): Miles finds Roy a calming presence. There never seems to be an expectation from him and he is a good centering point when Miles feels overwhelmed with his secret.
Hostile Connections:
Rhett Colt (Hate): Rhett Colt was the one hunter who escaped after killing his parents. He sees taking a Colt daughter’s arm as revenge.
Churchill Darling (Annoyance): Churchill stole his face a few months after he came to town. His pack members generally can tell, but Malia has taken to punching Church when she thinks he has stolen his face and he’s been punched quite a few times by his wife on accident.
Ben Miller (Dislikes): He and Ben have had some altercations in the past, especially right when he joined. He’s found it’s better to steer clear of the liger to not trigger an unwanted change.
→ History Miles and his family immigrated from Haiti to the United States during his early childhood. Miles was 3 years old. They spent some time in Florida as crop laborers/farm workers but eventually worked their way up to Georgia then to New Orleans. His father worked as a seasonal framhand and his mother worked as a maid. His family soon met up with the local pack and they settled in. Eventually people began noticing his parents didn’t age. Some accused them of being witches, or of hiring one to keep them young. The townspeople became so riled up that Buford Colt caught wind, all the way up in Jackson, Mississippi. He came down with his sons and they went hunting for witches. Instead, however, they found the cats. Roseline and Emmanuel sent their sons away to get the alpha when they heard the news of a hunter in town. When their sons returned, they had already been killed. Their alpha and the local seethe quickly killed Buford and most of his sons, except for one.
Miles and two brothers quickly became reckless without their parents warnings. They were angry and in mourning and they took to running off their pain. The triplets would go on long runs, sometimes gone for days at a time in their shift. Their alpha told them to slow down, but they had already become too aggressive to really control. It was at this point any warnings were given up, and they were told to just not kill anyone in New Orleans. A few months later Miles, Arthur, and Henry woke up in Texas, next to a man who’d been mauled to death. They buried him, and realized it had gone too far. Their alpha hadn’t mentioned anything when they’d come back, but a part of Miles wondered if he knew. The brothers immediately stopped shifting, but it wasn’t a smooth process. Miles broke down once or twice, but managed to stop shifting for a year, Arthur figured it out a few months after Miles, but Henry succumbed to the Hypershift, and was killed the following year. That almost triggered both Miles and Arthur to begin shifting again, and they had to move away from the town. It was then that Miles began journaling, to keep his temper and cat under control. It was the only way that he could process those emotions. The two remaining King brothers moved to Atlanta the following year, and then split apart. Miles spent decades travelling around in his human form, until finally he made his way to Chicago. There he finally met a pack likable enough to stay.
→ The Present Miles always thought his years spent in hypershift killed off any chance of romance or a family for him. He’d stayed out of the way of most cat shifters to avoid anything that would trigger him losing control again.  He expected he’d act the same again in Chicago, but found something that clicked. Especially when he saw Malia cornered that night. It’d been one of the few times Miles had run with the pack and he wondered how that particular bit of luck worked out. He is truly in awe of Malia, and he’s even more in awe that he gets to be her husband. Her tenacity and strength and intelligence has brought a new vibrance to Miles that he wasn’t sure he’d get again without the use of a shift. Miles and Malia are both trying to figure out how to balance everything. Malia put things on pause for them and their wedding and Miles wants to show her that he appreciated what she did and knew the sacrifice she made for them.
Miles has yet to tell anyone about his past, except for Kayla. Not even Malia. He knows what animal shifters and specifically the Chicago pack think of those who have gone into hypershift and he worries about how it would affect his relationship with all of them. Arthur warned him against it the last time he visited, reminded him why they didn’t do packs. Especially not judgemental ones. He’s been dragging this secret around for almost a century, and when he finally could at least somewhat talk about it with Kayla, he felt a little freer. He’s debating telling Malia now, hoping it doesn’t ruin everything they’ve worked so hard to maintain and grow.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Alfred Enoch (Miles King)  [1][2][3]
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steeiydan · 4 years
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his name is Silly and he’s a pumapard and i love him
might change up his design a bit more before he gets a ref sheet though...
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ringingsilent · 4 years
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More mood-boosting sketches from work~ ballpoint pen on cardboard
[ID: Two pen sketches on cardboard. The first image is a close-up of a dragon eye complete with crosshatching-shaded scales. The second image is a pumapard from the chest up looking up and to the right. /ID]
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kicksaddictny · 2 years
PUMA Court Rider Maverick
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Court Rider Maverick - $110: The High Court Maverick Court Rider is engineered specifically for basketball with cushioning, grip, and stability. The bold “PUMApard” print will make a statement both on and off the court.
The final drop will be available starting April 8 at PUMA.com, the PUMA NYC Flagship and select retailers.
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mochascope · 3 years
Hybrid Animals Around The World
Hybrid Animals Around The World
Got bored with normal animals in the wild? Well we have bunch of list that can turn your world upside down. There have been many hybrid animals have been done throughout the world for many years. Here are the list: Liger, Male Lion and Female Tiger Tigon, Male Tiger and Female Lion Jaglion, Male Jaguar and Female Lion Leopon, Male Leopard and Female Lion Pumapard, Puma and Leopard Savannah…
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lionews · 3 months
Thank you for science anon, I love learning about that but I also am dying a servical it’s likely pronounced the same way the end of caracal is but I first read it as cervical
Anyway yeah, looking up “mountain lion hybrid” literally the first result is the wiki page about pumapards
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tlaquetzqui · 4 years
Inter genera hybrids do occur (ocelot x puma, leopard cat x domestic cat), even inter familial hybrids do occur (chicken x Guineafowl, sturgeon x paddlefish). Though these are much less studied than mules so it’s quite plausible they have health issues as well. The Torah contains a passage outlawing hybrid animals and plants (Leviticus 19:19), though this is usually thought of as merely a ceremonial law, but perhaps it has practical value as well
Given Panthera hybrids like ligers have huge problems, we probably have to assume Leopardus × Felis and Puma × Felis are even worse. That or they they should all just be considered Felis, the way Uncia (snow leopard) is now just Panthera. Similarly I would guess that the superfamily Phasianoidea should perhaps be demoted to family status, within the order Galliformes, with its families reduced to subfamilies. Or even maybe subgenera, as Asinus is a subgenus of Equus.
And it definitely has practical value; for every mule or zebroid there are several ligers, tigons, or pumapards.
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Miles Agyeman-King → Alfie Enoch → Pumapard
→ Basic Information
Age: 136
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Born or Made: Born
Birthday: April 9th
Zodiac Sign: Aries 
Religion: Animism
→ His Personality Miles is a hard character to place and understand. He seems to have a wide array of personalities mixed in one, which can be explained by his experience with the Hypershift. He is self-contained and doesn’t typically use strong emotions to show what he is feeling. He generally feels uncomfortable around outbursts of emotions. He doesn’t talk about his feelings, but he will act on them and show people how he feels instead of telling them. Miles prefers to keep his thought process to himself. He never brings up the past, whether it’s his or someone else's, and never relies on people's personal or historical experiences to tell him who they really are.
Miles is comfortable adapting to the environment and responding to the situation as it changes. He tends to blend into the background when stronger or louder personalities are in the same room. His silent strength however plays very well with the often overly expressive Cats in his pack. Hidden below the calm layer is that same zealous energy that he only allows out during schedule runs with the pack. He’s become known as an impartial calm judge in any arguments that might happen in the pack.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: History Teacher
Scars: Marks along his arms and sides from fighting when he was younger
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and Pwason Boukannen
Two Dislikes: Superhero Movies and Pen thieves
Two Fears: Heights and Hypershift
Two Hobbies: Meditation and Journaling
Three Positive Traits: Observant, Ambitious and Forgiving
Three Negative Traits: Secretive, Elusive, Restrained
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Roseline King (Mother): She was a fiercely protective mother and taught the boys how to fight for themselves. Her tenacity was up until the very end as Hunter blood was sprayed all around her, she got one last fight in before she died.
Emmanuel King (Father): Miles’s father was a quiet man. He and his brothers were rarely not butting heads with their father’s quiet and gentle behavior. As Miles has grown and reflected, he wonders what his father might think of him today. And if after the hypershift he became the person his father wanted him to be.
Sibling Names:
Arthur King (Triplet): He and Arthur are close, but not like they used to be. They split off after Henry was killed, only meeting up every so often. Arthur tried to settle down once, but the pack kicked him out once they heard of his hypershift. He’s been alone ever since, and has warned Miles that the same thing might happen to him.
Henry King (Triplet): Henry died almost 70 years ago. He couldn’t control his shift anymore and the New Orleans alpha had to kill him. Miles has been scarred ever since that day, and uses it as a motivation to stay in control.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Malia Agyeman (Mate and Wife): M² have been together for 5 years but finally married at the beginning of 2019. Miles’ soft spoken nature is a stark contrast to Malia’s strong and outgoing nature, but he is always there to support her in her endeavors.
Platonic Connections:
Noel Crais (Good Friend): At first Miles was unsure about Noel mothering him or showing him genuine concern. She grew on him when she learned to speak Creole and about his culture. While Mile doesn’t appreciate her knowing looks but he does appreciate her not telling whatever it is she thinks she knows.
Kayla Silvestre (Friendly): Miles has tried to become a resource for Kayla as her dad goes into hypershift. He knows the long painful road ahead of the whole family, whether her dad pulls out of it or not, and he hopes he can ease some of that pain for her.
Esther Yoo (Close Friend): By default of Esther being Malia’s best friend, she’s somewhat become his as well. Esther serves as a good mediator when M² is fighting and is the only other person who excels at talking Malia down.
Rebecka Blake (Acquaintance): Rebecka has been trying to plan a hybrid class between history and English. He’s interested, but the planning is taking longer than he expected.
Roy Allen (Friend): Miles finds Roy a calming presence. There never seems to be an expectation from him and he is a good centering point when Miles feels overwhelmed with his secret.
Hostile Connections:
Rhett Colt (Hate): Rhett Colt was the one hunter who escaped after killing his parents. He sees taking a Colt daughter’s arm as revenge.
Churchill Darling (Annoyance): Churchill stole his face a few months after he came to town. His pack members generally can tell, but Malia has taken to punching Church when she thinks he has stolen his face and he’s been punched quite a few times by his wife on accident.
Ben Miller (Dislikes): He and Ben have had some altercations in the past, especially right when he joined. He’s found it’s better to steer clear of the liger to not trigger an unwanted change.
→ History Miles and his family immigrated from Haiti to the United States during his early childhood. Miles was 3 years old. They spent some time in Florida as crop laborers/farm workers but eventually worked their way up to Georgia then to New Orleans. His father worked as a seasonal framhand and his mother worked as a maid. His family soon met up with the local pack and they settled in. Eventually people began noticing his parents didn’t age. Some accused them of being witches, or of hiring one to keep them young. The townspeople became so riled up that Buford Colt caught wind, all the way up in Jackson, Mississippi. He came down with his sons and they went hunting for witches. Instead, however, they found the cats. Roseline and Emmanuel sent their sons away to get the alpha when they heard the news of a hunter in town. When their sons returned, they had already been killed. Their alpha and the local seethe quickly killed Buford and most of his sons, except for one.
Miles and two brothers quickly became reckless without their parents warnings. They were angry and in mourning and they took to running off their pain. The triplets would go on long runs, sometimes gone for days at a time in their shift. Their alpha told them to slow down, but they had already become too aggressive to really control. It was at this point any warnings were given up, and they were told to just not kill anyone in New Orleans. A few months later Miles, Arthur, and Henry woke up in Texas, next to a man who’d been mauled to death. They buried him, and realized it had gone too far. Their alpha hadn’t mentioned anything when they’d come back, but a part of Miles wondered if he knew. The brothers immediately stopped shifting, but it wasn’t a smooth process. Miles broke down once or twice, but managed to stop shifting for a year, Arthur figured it out a few months after Miles, but Henry succumbed to the Hypershift, and was killed the following year. That almost triggered both Miles and Arthur to begin shifting again, and they had to move away from the town. It was then that Miles began journaling, to keep his temper and cat under control. It was the only way that he could process those emotions. The two remaining King brothers moved to Atlanta the following year, and then split apart. Miles spent decades travelling around in his human form, until finally he made his way to Chicago. There he finally met a pack likable enough to stay.
→ The Present Miles always thought his years spent in hypershift killed off any chance of romance or a family for him. He’d stayed out of the way of most cat shifters to avoid anything that would trigger him losing control again.  He expected he’d act the same again in Chicago, but found something that clicked. Especially when he saw Malia cornered that night. It’d been one of the few times Miles had run with the pack and he wondered how that particular bit of luck worked out. He is truly in awe of Malia, and he’s even more in awe that he gets to be her husband. Her tenacity and strength and intelligence has brought a new vibrance to Miles that he wasn’t sure he’d get again without the use of a shift. Miles and Malia are both trying to figure out how to balance everything. Malia put things on pause for them and their wedding and Miles wants to show her that he appreciated what she did and knew the sacrifice she made for them.
Miles has yet to tell anyone about his past, except for Kayla. Not even Malia. He knows what animal shifters and specifically the Chicago pack think of those who have gone into hypershift and he worries about how it would affect his relationship with all of them. Arthur warned him against it the last time he visited, reminded him why they didn’t do packs. Especially not judgemental ones. He’s been dragging this secret around for almost a century, and when he finally could at least somewhat talk about it with Kayla, he felt a little freer. He’s debating telling Malia now, hoping it doesn’t ruin everything they’ve worked so hard to maintain and grow.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Alfred Enoch (Miles King)  [1][2][3]
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zephirawolf · 4 years
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Le ligre ou ligron est un félin hybride né de l'union d'une tigresse et d'un lion mâle (l'union d'une lionne et d'un tigre mâle donne un tigron). Le ligre, mais aussi l'ensemble des hybrides entre différentes espèces félines, est le résultat d'un croisement complètement artificiel. On ne rencontre jamais d'hybride félin naturellement, du fait de l'éloignement géographique, des périodes différentes de reproduction et en particulier du comportement différent de chaque espèce vis à vis de l'autre. Dans la Nature, il est presque impossible que les lions et les tigres s'accouplent entre eux, car la majorité des lions habitent en Afrique et la majorité des tigres en Asie. Les ligres ont été produits en captivité, soit de façon délibérée soit accidentellement.  
L'apparence des ligres est particulièrement aléatoire. Certains individus sont plus tigres que lions, pour d'autres, c'est l'inverse. Globalement, le pelage est roux clair avec des rayures estompées sur les flancs, les pattes, la queue et le visage. Les mâles peuvent présenter une courte crinière qui débutent fréquemment derrière les oreilles (le front est dégagé). L'abdomen peut être tacquis comme celui des jeunes lions. Il arrive que les oreilles soient semblables à celles des tigres, c'est-à-dire noire sur le revers avec un point blanc au centre. Les ligres sont les plus grands des félins, dans la mesure où ils pèsent quelquefois plus lourd que les deux parents réunis. Ils peuvent peser plus de 400 kg, et mesurer près de 3m05 de long, avec la queue. En réalité, les parents du ligre ne lui lèguent aucun gène inhibiteur de croissance ; ainsi, ce dernier grandira toute sa vie. Parmi les records de poids, citons un ligron né en 1897 et pesant 467 kilo soit à peu près 1030 livres. Le ligre peut vivre une vingtaine d'années. Cependant, les individus sont particulièrement fragiles, et font fréquemment l'objet de nombreuses malformations. Par conséquent, la majorité des ligrons ne survivent pas plus de quelques jours après l'apparition. Les mâle son stérile, leur maturiter sexuelle ne se développe pas par contre les femelles (la ligresse) son fertile elle peuve donner naissance, avec sois un lion ou un tigre, la seule chose qu’elle peux pas faire sais d’alèter ses bébés.
Le comportement des ligres et des autres hybrides félins, est particulièrement ambigu. En effet, les deux parents étant d'espèces différentes, leurs comportements sont différents. L'hybride oscille alors entre les deux, ce qui en fait un individu incapable de survivre à l'état sauvage. Le mode de communication peut aussi être totalement faussé, l'hybride ayant hérité des deux langages. A titre d'exemple, les ligrons peuvent aimer nager, tout comme leur mère tigresse, mais à l'opposé de leur père lion, qui déteste l'eau. De même, les ligrons peuvent aimer la solitude, (comme le tigre) ou les clans familiaux (comme le lion). Les ligres savent tout autant feuler que rugir.
Quelques félins hybride
-Le jaglion est le résultat du croisement entre une lionne et un jaguar mâle.- Le léopon est un hybride, produit du croisement entre une panthère et un lion.- Le liard est  le résultat du croisement entre un lion mâle et une léopard femelle.- Le tigron est un hybride issu du croisement artificiel d'un tigre et d'une lionne.- Le li-tigron est un animal hybride, c'est le croisement d'un lion mâle et d'un tigronne femelle.- Le liguar est le résultat du croisement entre un lion mâle et une jaguar femelle.- Le pumapard est un hybride entre un puma mâle  et une léopard femelle.- Le savannah est un hybride résultant du croisement entre un serval et un chat domestique.
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orcinus-ocean · 7 years
Fertile hybrid animals
and their weirdnesses
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Everyone knows that if you cross a horse (Equus caballus) and a donkey (Equus africanus), you get a mule (mare x jack) or hinny (jenny x stallion), and they are sterile. It has led to the idea that most or all hybrids between two species of animal will be sterile.
In fact, even mules aren't 100% sterile. Very, very rarely, a female mule will give birth to a foal, fathered either by a horse or donkey (as male mules are always sterile). It has happened about 60 times in 500 years.
The reason is that donkeys have 62 chromosomes and horses 64, so mules and hinnys have 63. Why some rare females are fertile, we don't know.
Interestingly, mules have been scientifically described as the most intelligent of all equines, beating both of its parents in tests of cognitive ability.
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Beefalo are a hybrid between American bison (Bison bison, often incorrectly called "buffalo") and domestic cattle (Bos primigenius). Interestingly, a male bison crossed with a domestic cow will rarely result in calves, but the opposite, crossing a domestic bull with a female bison, works much better. In those bull x bison cow crosses, only female hybrids will be fertile, but the males are mostly (not always) sterile.
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A Żubroń is a hybrid between wisent (European bison, Bison bonasus) and domestic cattle.
Similar to but slightly different from beefalo, females are always fertile, but first-generation males are always sterile. Cross a female back to a domestic bull or wisent, and male and female offspring alike will be fertile. Strangely, first-generation crosses alwaysh ave to be born through c-section, because while pregnancies are carried full-term, birth is never induced naturally.
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Dzo or Dzomo
The Dzo is the bull and Dzomo is the cow. They are a hybrid between domestic yak (Bos grunniens) and domestic cattle.
As with many other bovine hybrids, bulls are sterile while the cows are fertile. Similar to lion/tiger hybrids, they are larger and stronger than both of their parents.
I can find no photos of this cross, but the yakalo is, understandably, a hybrid between a yak and an American bison. No, this picture is not of a yakalo, despite commonly being spread as one. It is a takin, not a bovine at all but related to sheep and goats.
The yakalo was created as an experiment in the 1920s, using yak bulls with bison cows as well as beefalo cows. Very few calves survived, only females turned out to be fertile, and the experiments ended in 1928, which is why there are no modern photos of a yakalo, because the animal simply doesn’t exist today.
Despite there being so many different bovine hybrids, water buffalo (Bubalus arnee) and domestic cattle cannot conceive offspring together. In laboratory experiments, the embryos fail around the 8-cell stage.
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One of the coolest hybrid animals in my opinion (and one that looks like it could be a real animal - seriously, it looks way more normal than a llama or alpaca), is the Cama, which is of course - a hybrid between a llama (Lama glama) and a (dromedary) camel (Camelus dromedarius).
Llamas and camels have the same number of chromosomes, so as far as we know, the cama is fertile. Frighteningly however, it's the father who is the camel, and mom is the little llama. Because of this huge size difference, camas are only created through artificial insemination. Inseminating a camel with llama sperm doesn't work, however.
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I know it looks fake, but it's not. The animal is likely overweight, but still, this is what you get if you cross a two-humped Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) with a one-humped Dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius). An in-between animal, with shorter legs and thicker build like a Bactrian, and a single hump like a Dromedary, but the hump is ENORMOUS.
They are fertile and crossing them back to either species looks like this:
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(Inaccurately called "breeds", Bactrian and Dromedary are two entirely separate species, like horse and donkey, or gray wolf and coyote, and there are no actual breeds among domestic camels, only bloodlines.)
Feline hybrids
Cats are "extreme" in their ability to produce fertile hybrids between species, genera, even further apart still.
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The Bengal cat, one of the most popular cat breeds in the world, originates as a hybrid between domestic cat (Felis catus) with the Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis). The picture above shows a first-generation cross, while the purebred modern cat has much less wild ALC in its genes.
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The Savannah cat, is a hybrid between the domestic cat and the medium-sized African Serval (Leptailurus serval). They too, are perfectly fertile and have become a popular (although rare and expensive) pet breed.
There are so many small cat hybrids, I won't include them all, but these two are notable. On to the big cats, we of course have...
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Ligers and tigons
A male lion (Panthera leo) crossed with a female tiger (Panthera tigris) will create the more well-known liger, while a male tiger with a female lion will create a tigon.
As with the bovine hybrids above, the females have been proven to be fertile, as females of both ligers and tigons have bred healthy offspring with both lions and tigers.
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Surely one of the strangest hybrids I've ever seen*, the pumapard is, as the name suggests, a hybrid between a puma or cougar, and a leopard. This stuffed animal shows clear signs of a puma's facial markings and morphology, and the spots are supposed to come from the leopard (puma cubs, whiel spotted, look nothing like this).
The reason this is so strange is because unlike all the other animals I've shown you, this is not the cross between two species or even two genera, but two entirely separate subfamilies. The puma is from the "small cat" subfamily (Felinae), and the leopard is from the "big cat" subfamily (Pantherinae). That makes this cross as likely to occur as a tiger crossed with a domestic cat, because they share the same last common ancestor as pumas and leopards (the same common ancestor that split off into Felinae and Pantherinae).
It would be far more believable if a puma had bred with a smaller spotted cat, in the same subfamily, but this is well-documented as being puma x leopard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumapard
They are unlikely to have been fertile, I guess the only way to find out the truth would be to breed one today, but I had to include them here because they are so strange.
*The other would be someone's random pet bird I came across on the internet, it was a pet cockatoo in Australia and it looked so strange, the only thing it could be was a hybrid between a Greater sulphur-crested cockatoo and a tiny Cockatiel.
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