yandere-fics · 7 months
There's hierarchy in the house now. The coguars follows the eldest MILF that pushes into GILF category, acknowledging her wisdom as an elder and proffesor.
It doesn't matter that this woman in her 50's is getting railed by her student that calls herself a mommy.
Nature sure has it ways.
Darla's darling : early 50
Sophie darling : mid 40
Skye's darling : mid 30/early 40
Ellie's darling : early 30
yeah this seems like the hierarchy, sure Darla's darling get railed constantly but she is a tenured professor and full of wisdom except for this one not smart choice.
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drawing-aleks · 2 years
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Coguar (at Amstelveen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkgtnGeLFIs10Cxrb1kXPjzwcG9RAncTBn_s5U0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aah-007 · 3 years
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Hello? Hi, Mom. Yes, I'm looking for a job. I'll find the money to pay for the apartment, don't worry. No, I don't draw all day on a tablet.
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Birthday Girl Teaser
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Birthday Girl
I Hate Fucking Hate My Birthday With A Passion!
Knowing my luck, someone would remember my birthday. Hope they were ready to be decked because that is the first thing I would do. Ok, might not be such a good idea considering half of the majority of the clients were celebrities. Seriously, when was the last time someone famous even remembered the receptionist’s birthday?
Ok so far so good, no one had approached me to mention my birthday. No way to bring or draw attention to myself that was until I neared my desk when I saw a large bouquet of Salmon-colored roses. That just screamed it was someone’s birthday or anniversary. Whoever sent me the roses would be in deep, deep trouble. I noticed a card attached to the roses, good a clue as to who was on my hit list as of now for making it a bit obvious to any of my co-workers it was a day I would like to completely forget. I took a quick look around to make sure the coast was clear before I slipped the card off the roses to read.
Does your Birthday Wishlist include “Sex”? Because that’s what I got you. Happy Birthday. I know that you like me, so why not act on it.
Your secret admirer
Birthday Girl Will Officially Be Blowing Out Her 30 Fucking 9 Candles On April 14, 2021
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overdrugs-mayhem · 5 years
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[Ow Shapeshifter AU] Baptiste animal form: Cougar (Beta) !! Mountain’s lions like to jump :P He was in Talon Clan when Akande was there, and he remained in the Clan until Widowmaker, Gabe and Sombra took over. When the trio gave to the members of the Clan the option join them, leave or die, he decided to leave. He’s currently a loner that help those in needs on his way, and fight those who deserve it. He might join the Waterhole Flock later, it will be nice to have another feline other than Genji ahaha
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wing3d-c4t · 6 years
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Far Cry 5 screenshots [12/?]
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darkmindbrightsoul · 7 years
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The Neon Demon
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mr-alfio-blog · 7 years
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I love the big cats! #coguar #tigers #puppysofinstagram #cat #loveofmylife #instagood
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scorpio-virgo-love · 7 years
I need a lil cougar 👅💦
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livetorevolution · 8 years
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aah-007 · 3 years
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zacklover24 · 5 years
Forgotten west chapter 9
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Summary:  The west was a forgotten place, a time when the land said to be untamable and untouched. A time of gangs and outlaws, a time when the law both good and bad ruled. A time when people did good and bad thing. They lived and they died and time went on, the west was soon forgotten and the gangs that though to rule were long gone and no one could tell who really ruled the land. But this story is about the survival of one gang, and there will and desire to live in changing times. But that didn’t last long soon they were gone and all that was left was broken dreams and broken hope. Time travel au, dealings with the devil, a coming of age story.
Tagging: @dolphinitley, @lokighost, @deputyoneill, @naromoreau, @thotful-writing, @outranks, @trashmouth-skywalker, @nykamito-x
Warnings: Blood, injury, animal injury
It was official angel was bored out of her mind. It had been a few weeks since , she was back, and she was bored Her, pa was off helping her uncle john and uncle john, aunt abigail and jack had gone to town. Uncle dutch and herr Strauss were also in town something to do with trying to con some big cattle owner, uncle javier and uncle hosea were out doing only lord knew what, swanson was passed out drunk, uncle was sleeping, bill was sleeping, lenny and sean were off on guard duty, and uncle charles was out hunting. And aunt Susan and the ladies were doing there chores, and angel had asked to help and they said no. Micah was off by the fire, while kieran was tending to the horses.
“I’m so bored.” Angel moans as she was staring up at the ceiling of the tent, she didn’t want to read, or draw. She let out a snort as she sat up right as frost came back with something in his mouth. It was elk fur,
“Did you find some elk?” She asks the wolf, who nodded his head yes. Angel had wanted to draw elk, for some time now, ever since she heard her uncle charles talk about the big things. But she had a feeling that the elk were pretty far from camp, since frost was pointing his head  for them to leave  the camp.
“I could get into so much trouble.” She whispers looking at frost, frost let out a soft bark as if say to let’s go. Angel looked over at micah who was busy whittling a piece of wood and wasn’t really looking after angel. Not that anyone would ask him to, frost nudged her to leave. With a gleeful smile she slide off her cot and grabbed her hat and satchel and and her tan jacket, as she snecked over to the horses, the only one she could barrow was kaiern horse. With a smile she led the horse away from the camp, away from sean, and lenny and got on once she was save enough away.
In the back of her mind she knew what she was doing was wrong but she wouldn’t be gone that long right? Frost led angel away from camp, down the river and up past some falls  and into the woods. Angel got off the horse and followed frost into the woods, she spotted the elk and smiled. There was a bull elk, a female elk and a calf.
“Good boy.” Angel praises climbing up and into the nearest tree, frost hide himself away as to not be seen. Angel let out a soft sigh as she started to draw,  but angel  didn’t hear the growling the feline growling that  was coming from the bottom of the tree. But frost did, the wolf let out his own growl, as angel looked down. And then she screamed loudly. There was a cougar, a hungry looking cougar.
The cougar in turn roared loudly trying to find a way up and into the tree, but angel was not having it. She threw her satchel at the big beast which only looked mader.
“Get out of here.” She yells at the cat, who could only growl at her. Angel could hear her heart beating loudly against her chest as she thought of a way out of this mess. Thankfully, frost let out a deep growl as he tackled the cat to the ground. Angel let out a cheer as she hurried down for tree, but her jacket got caught and in a fit she threw off her jacket, which along with her satchel got torn up. Angel watched in horror as blood and fur flew everywhere as her satchel and jacket also got blood on them.
Frost had the cougar preoccupied, and angel ran. She ran as fast her legs could carry her, up the hill, past the animals. She whipped her head side to side, opting to not go to the train station. But up the second hill, she fell to the ground trying to settle her breathing.
“Why hello there little one.” Angel looked up at the man, and could only smile, maybe her luck was turning around, just maybe.
Arthur arrived back to camp, feeling very happy. He had stolen the oil wagon and didn’t get caught, and the plan to rob the train was coming along. Sadly the mood at the camp was one of fear and panic. He caught sight of hosea yelling at someone, as Swanson and uncle were trying to get sober.
“Mister Morgan!” Miss. Grimshaw yells running up to him looking panicked and flustered.
“Yes, miss. Grimshaw?” He asks, notting how everyone looked panicked, fuck not again.
“You didn’t happen to spot your daughter did you?” She asks very carefully. Arthur eyes went wide. She didn't, go off on her own again did she? Angel leaving camp was nothing new, she could go off, as long as she stayed in ear and eye sight.
“What do you mean? Did angel wander off again?” He asks seeing that frost was also missing, fuck not good.
“Yes, no one can find her and it looks like she took a horse and dutch, took sean and charles out to look up at the falls.” Miss. Grimshaw quickly explains.
“Who the hell was suppose to be watching her?” Arthur yelled,  trying to keep his temper under control as he spoke.
“I don't know. Arthur you need to be calm, you know angel is like you. She has your adventuring spirit.” Miss. Grimshaw says trying to keep him calm and settled his mind.
Arthur could only shake his head, as he went back to his horse, “After everything that happened, you would think she would have learned her lesson. I'm heading out to look. JOHN!”
“Coming arthur.” John yells running over to old boy, “Were going to find her, it's going to be okay.”
“You better be right marston. I had hopped she had learned her lesson in Blackwater.” Arthur mutters, as they rode off. Fear and panic bubbled in arthur chest, there were too many what if running through his mind. He was hoping to God that none of those damn pinkerton's had gotten her.
“Tracks end here.” Charles tells dutch hopping off of taima as he was looking at the tracks on the ground, “Looks like she got off here, and headed this way.” Charles tells dutch pointing to the deeper part of the woods.
“This isn’t like her dutch.” Sean comments feeling nervous and anxious, if and when arthur found out that he and lenny had let her run off, he was a dead man, “She would have told one of us where she was going.”
“I know son, I know.” Dutch tells him getting off the count, something about this didn’t feel right. “Look around there might be some sort of clue as to where she could be.”
Not a minute later, charles was holding up angel bloody satchel and jacket, sean and dutch heart stopped, the satchel and jacket were torn to pieces and there was blood all over the items,
“Dear God no.” Dutch whispers, fear and panic bubbling in his chest.
“ANGEL!” Sean yells starting to run off, “Where are you lass?” Fear was starting to set in, if angel was dead then arthur was going to kill him.
“ANGEL! Sweetheart where are you?!” Dutch calls out, there was no way in hell that this girl was dead, she couldn’t be.
“ANGEL!” Charles called out, and they he heard it, growling, “I think I hear something.”  Charles led dutch and sean to the growling it was frost, the wolf was licking his wounds. Frost once prosince white fur was coated in blood with deep claw and bite marks, littering his whole body. The wolf was laying in a pool of blood with a dead cougar next to him with its throat ripped out. Frost was giving off a low warning growl.
“Hello frost.” Charles greets in low and calm voice it was calm voice used to settled startled animals, frost was growling but was also whimpering in pain, “Your okay, your okay. Here.” Charles tells him pulling out a piece of jerky from his pocket and giving it to the wolf.
“Dear god.” Dutch gasps seeing the sorry the state frost was in.  Frost look pitiful as he lay there eating, “Did-did- did he just kill that thing?” Dutch questions looking at the coguar.
“Seems so, and it also looks like that angel went that way.” Charles tells dutch pointing to the hill, “I think she got out here right as frost started to fight.”
“She’s alive?” Sean asks with a hope in his voice and a hopeful look on his face. Charles nodded his head yes. Dutch let out a sigh of relief as they mounted back up, with frost following/ limping after them. Charles stopped and with the help of sean put frost on the back of his horse.
The tracks led up past the train station and to small camp at the top of the hill it look like to be a trapper camp, and there was angel, sitting at the fire making something.
“ANGEL ELIZABETH!” Dutch yells getting off the count and marching over to the girl. Angel winced hard at the mention of her first and middle name as she stood and ran over to dutch,
“Hi uncle, dutch, uncle charles, sean.” She greets in a small voice, dutch picked angel up and gave her a hug.
“Do you have any idea how worried we were?” He asks hugging her tightly.
“Alot, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to wonder that far from my camp, honest.”  Angel explains, as she saw the state was frost in. “oh no.” As she wiggled out of dutch hold and to frost side, the wolf gave her a weak lick and nuzzled her best he could.
“He’s going to be okay angel, we’ll get him back to camp to treat him.” Charles tells her as angel hugged frost neck best she could. Sean went up to the girl and placed a hand on her head and angel said she was very sorry.
Dutch looked over at the man who was in the camp, “Thank you so much for finding our girl.”
“Thank nothing of it, she found me. Just glad to have helped. That wolf belongs to you?” He asks.
“Yes, he’s my niece pet.” Dutch tells him.
The man let out a hum, “If you want my advice mix some honey, ginger and ginseng with some echinacea. It will help with the pain, and help with an infection he might get.”
“I thank you sir.” Dutch tells him.
“Call me theo, he’s a good looking wolf.” Teho tells dutch.
“Yes, thank you.” Dutch tells him heading back over to charles and repeating what theo told him, charles nodded his head saying say some echinacea on there up here.
Back at camp angel got a lecture as she sat with frost who was all bandaged up with  honey, ginger and ginseng with some echinacea on his wounds.
End of line
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Birthday Girl Teaser
Birthday Checklist According To Her Secret Admirer:
Birthday Cake
Sparkling Cider
Birthday Sex
Birthday Girl Will Officially Be Blowing Out Her 30 Fucking 9 Candles On April 14, 2021
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overdrugs-mayhem · 7 years
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[OW Shapeshifter AU] ...Reyes please, watch your language around kids.  Kind of a sequel of [Morning Call] ita translation in formato bello ahah [here]
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hittcr-a · 6 years
@donttouchthestetson continued from x.
            he was nervous, to say the least. cougar knows. this part of him is special. it means a lot. and cougar gets to wear it around his neck. to keep him safe. eliot would rather cougar be safe anyway. that’s why he’s got it. eliot doesn’t consider himself a superstitious man but... then again... his eyes track coguar’s movements, tongue wetting his lips nervously until he spots that smile. it’s a smile that makes eliot want to kiss him.                 carlos hands him an envelope. eliot’s eyebrows lift, curiosity settling on his features. eliot’s fingers are delicate as they take the envelope. the message is short and sweet. which means it’s even more important that it’s there. a soft, gentle smile of his own touches his lips, fingers moving over the message almost like it’s somehow sacred before he turns his attention to the contents. at first he is a little confused, the paper is thicker and official looking but when his eyes rove to the actual certificate, of marriage no less, that smile returns, his cheeks flush, much to his despair. carlos and eliot sanchez-king. it warms the depths of his heart. of course he gets it.              “y’know that’s-- - i.... y’know tha’s when i sorta-- - knew....” he starts and stops a few times, thumb worrying the corner for a moment before he slips it back into the envelope. “you know.... right...?” of course carlos knows. he moves into carlos’ space. he feels like he’s welcome there, especially now. eliot bumps his nose against carlos’ before gently pressing their lips together. it’s chaste, gentle, but full of words eliot’s not sure he’ll ever have the guts to say. 
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Masterpost of threads
With @thewanderingsoul (Rey)
Lost and found on Jakku - Rey finds a Force artifact. Qui-Gon feels her from the Force and comes back as a ghost to investigate the disturbance.
Tiny Lost Child - Padawan!AU Rey is 6, Qui-Gon is 26. Their first meeting is fated by the Force. [finished] 
A new Padawan for Qui-Gon: One year after he Knighted Feemor, Qui-Gon is looking for a new Padawan - and of course, he wants Rey.
Teasing a Jedi - Padawan!AU Set two years after Rey was knighted. Sexy times happens. (Qui-Rey)
A dept paid in blood: Mordern au. The Vampire AU nobody asked for but that I desperately needed.
With @mcsterskywclker (Luke)
A new Jedi - Luke explores the temple of Alaris Prime, Qui-Gon appears to guide him.  [ended]
Stranded planetside - Qui-Gon keeps Luke company as he fixes his X-wing  [abandoned]
With @brokenspaceprince  (Kylo Ren)
You’ll never be free from me - Qui-Gon is sent to keep an eye on Kylo Ren. Kylo is thrilled. Can ghosts be murdered?  [ended]
A new Master in an old time - Ben Solo travels back in time, to a Gray Jedi who might show him a different path. 
With @bencannolikenobi (Obi-Wan)
The timeline’s all wrong - When Qui-Gon dies, he rejoins the Force… Only to wake up twelve years later. General Kenobi is shocked to meet his Master anew. (QuiObi)
Hoodie for the feckless - Modern!AU Obi-Wan is out in the cold with only a t-shirt. Qui-Gon offers him his hoodie.  (QuiObi)
To be young again - Obi-Wan is deaged to a toddler. Qui-Gon is defeated by the cute. [ended]
Frip him hard: Shameless smut. Qui-Gon has been away on a long mission and Obi-Wan is thirsty. (QuiObi)
With @beststarpilot (Anakin)
The long path to Knighthood - Anakin is Qui-Gon’s Padawan. As much as he likes his Master, he’s eager to become a Knight.  [ended]
With @nieithryn (Mace Windu)
Flirting with danger - Qui-Gon and Mace space. The battlelust becomes simpler lust. NSFW. (QuiMace)
With @thesarcasmofasoldier (Obi-Wan)
Young and wild - Wereanimals!AU Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are both from Stewjon, but the first is a lion, the second is a coguar. Qui-Gon is assigned Obi-Wan as his Padawan to teach him to control his animal side. It’s a rocky start.
Valentine confession: On Valentine’s Day, Obi-Wan has the courage to confess his love for his Master. (QuiObi)
With @onlyhopc (Obi-Wan)
It goes on - Qui-Gon doesn’t die on Naboo, and wakes up to face his mistakes and his feelings.
The Fall: On Apsolon, Obi-Wan is too late. Qui-Gon kills Tahl’s murderer in hate, and steps into the Darkness.
With @therapardalis (Thera Pardalis)
King and Lionheart verse:
A Jedi lost in outer space - Qui-Gon finds himself stranded on a Force-forgotten planet in the Outer Rim. Seems like Captain Pardalis is his only way out of there. (October)
Oh no she’s hot: Qui-Gon looks at Thera Pardalis and has naughty thoughts. (November)
Tahl and Micah are too noisy (My drabble, January)
How to fail and the sequel - Qui-Gon is oblivious and he makes a fool out of himself. Things could turn out right for him and Thera in the end, though. NSFW (February)
Why can’t people just shut up already (Panth’s drabble, March)
Movie night - Thera is a damn tease, and she knows it. Shameless NSFW. (March)
A chat between friends - Qui-Gon and Thera talk of attachment and unsolved issues. (April)
Modesty what’s that: Qui-Gon returns exhausted from a mission, and Thera pampers him. (April)
Master of bad choices: Qui-Gon has a fallout with the Council and seeks comfort in Thera’s arms. (May)
Thera deals with the fragility of life (Panth’s drabble, May)
Happy Birthday Thera!: It’s Thera’s birthday, and Qui-Gon gifts her with a lightsaber. (June)
Meeting a star: Their favourite actor, Ha’at Boi, is in trouble, and the Jedi send them to help him. Happy coincidence? (July)
Sparring is showing off: Ha’at asked to see Qui-Gon and Thera spar.
Night at the premiere: Thera and Qui-Gon are invited to the premiere of Ha’at’s movie
A thoughtful gift: Micah gives Qui-Gon glow-in-the-dark condoms. What are Qui-Gon and Thera to do but they them? NSFW
One more dance - After a successful mission on Darla, a ball is announced. Qui-Gon is invited, and he asks Thera to be his plus one. (August)
Vacation on Scarif: exactly what it says on the tin.
Valentine’s day: Qui-Gon is so cheesy. I can’t.
I’m not calling you a liar: one of Qui-Gon’s old lovers appears with a baby, saying that the child is his. Things go south fast.
Thera’s Life Day gift to Qui-Gon
Qui-Gon’s Life Day gift to Thera
Other AUs:
A difficult night - Qui-Gon goes to a bar to drink his heartbreak away. Thera is there to play babysitter and counselor. [finished]
In time of crisis - Thera really tried to be ok with an open relationship, but she hit her limit.
Of lions and men: Gladiator!Au where Quinn is a werelion and Thera came to free the lions from the Colosseum.
Fauns in space: Qui-Gon is a faun with a streak of very bad luck.
With @negotiator-kenobi (Obi-Wan)
In your skin - Soulmate AU where what you write appears on your soulmate’s skin (QuiObi).
Equivalent Exchange - Qui-Gon is dying, but Obi-Wan is given a choice by the Force: be able to heal his Master, but lose him anyway, because Qui-Gon will forget about him. Obi-Wan accepts. (QuiObi)
Adventures in dating - the fake dating AU everyone needs. (QuiObi)
Give me some sugar: Sugar Daddy AU. Qui-Gon feel lonely and Obi-Wan has a little brother to care for.
With @thezabrakassassin (Maul)
Of learning and manipulation - Maul survives Naboo and is brought back to the Temple for interrogation. Qui-Gon wants to learn all he can about the Sith, but there’s always a price.
From ashes of hate: Maul was rescued as a kid and became a Jedi, Qui-Gon fell after Tahl’s death. Sith and Jedi meet, and they’re more alike than they would have expected.
With @theironlyhxpe (Obi-Wan)
Of past and future: Timetravel AU: A Sith artifact unwittingly activated by Obi-Wan and Anakin brings back a 25 years old Qui-Gon. Ansgt and smut happens. (QuiObi)
Unexpected confession: Qui-Gon brings up his feelings for Obi-Wan in an unexpected way. [finished] (QuiObi)
The first touch: Sequel to Unexpected Confession, the first time QUi-Gon and Obi-Wan are intimate.(QuiObi)
Birthday boy: it’s Qui-Gon’s 70th birthday, and Obi-Wan decides to make it a good day.(QuiObi)
With @darksidewalker (Anakin)
First date: It’s Valentine’s day, and Qui-Gon asks Anakin out on a date. (Quikin)
Flowers and weeds: It’s Valentine’s Day, and Anakin gives Qui-Gon a flower. How can he not return the favour by taking him to his greenhouse? (Quikin)
A big start:shameless smut. (Quikin)
With @lcstjedii (Rey)
Maybe too much aggression: (AU) Rey is a youngling at the Temple, but everyone says she’s too reckless, to angry. Qui-Gon sets out to discover why.
With @obiwankeno-bae (Obi-Wan)
to be tagged
With @galaxyofmisguidedstars (Dooku)
Sithly beginnings: Tahl’s death and his thrist for vengeace made Qui-Gon Fall hard. Trying to come to terms with his new identity in the Dark, he seeks out his former Master, in need of council.
With @stillsalvaging (Rey)
An old ghost: Rey reads the ancient Jedi text, looking for anwers - what she gets is a guide.
With @shieldshawk (Clint Barton)
Underground City: Qui-Gon needs a guide to navigate an undeground city. Clint just so happens to need money.
Oh look a shiny: (Marvel AU) Sorcerers don’t interfer with earthy business - unless the dimensions are at risk. Quinn does his duty, but that puts him in SHIELD’s path...
With @partialparseltongue (Harry Potter)
The herbology professor: (Hogwarts AU) Quinn was hired to teach one year at Hogawarts, and gets to know Harry Potter - and look, he’s adopted a new stray.
Haunted greenhouses: Harry Potter died in the summer of his fifth year. Professor St. John finds a ghost in his greenhouse.
With @astrawalk (Thor)
A god far away from home: Thor is catapulted by the Bifrost into a new Galaxy. Qui-Gon always had the bad habit of picking up strays, so...
With @justastarkgenius (Tony Stark)
Magic and iron come together: After IW, Tony Stark has taken to checking in on Stephen Strange. One day he meets Quinn St. John instead.
With @ariadne-inthesky (Ariadne)
A woman not to be trusted - Ariadne is an explorer who specializes in finding lost artifacts. Qui-Gon just so needs an artifact to be found.
A beating heart of stone - AU where Ariadne’s family wants to marry her off. Qui-Gon accepts to marry her to save her from that and oh no look they’re in love now.
With @keeperoftheliars (Asha)
The Mandalorian ways - Death Watch tries the diplomatic route... Except that the Order sent Qui-Gon Jinn, who knows the Mandalorian well. Asha is not going to have an easy time with him.
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