#punchline Gothams dark joke series
zapreportsblog · 1 year
Punchline: Gothams Dark Joke
➥ summary : (Y/n) is a young adult who attends Gotham's Snyder College where she becomes infatuated with the Joker. After much searching and hacking into the dark web she finds the personal information on the joker even his home and lair address where she then decides to embark on a journey of affiliating herself with the man.
➥ chapter 7: Shadows of Obsession
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As (Y/N) delved deeper into the criminal underworld, her psyche underwent a profound transformation. The news of the Joker and Harley Quinn's falling out sent ripples of twisted delight through her being. Gone was the innocent infatuation she once held for the Clown Prince of Crime. In its place grew a twisted and sadistic fascination, fueling her obsession and desire to prove herself to the Joker.
The demise of the Joker and Harley Quinn's toxic relationship represented an opportunity for (Y/N) to step into the void left by Harley. The thought of standing beside the Joker, as his partner in chaos, sent shivers of anticipation down her spine. She had become infatuated with the Joker's wicked charisma, his dark charm, and the chaos he wielded like a weapon.
Since joining forces with the Joker, (Y/N) had eagerly embraced her role within his twisted empire. She ran errands for him, carrying out tasks alongside his henchmen, determined to demonstrate her loyalty and resourcefulness. With each completed mission, her obsession with the Joker deepened, consuming her thoughts day and night.
The intoxicating allure of the Joker's world had permeated every fiber of (Y/N)'s being. She reveled in the chaos, the mayhem, and the wicked laughter that echoed through the night. She yearned to leave her mark upon the city, to be recognized as a twisted force to be reckoned with.
But as her obsession grew, so too did the darkness that surrounded her. (Y/N) found herself drawn to the Joker's sadistic games, his cruel sense of humor, and his disregard for the value of human life. The line between right and wrong blurred, and she reveled in the destruction that followed in their wake.
One night, as (Y/N) stood beside the Joker, a wicked grin stretching across her face, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in a broken mirror. The image that stared back at her was one of distorted delight, a reflection of her twisted desires.
As (Y/N) caught a glimpse of her reflection in the broken mirror, a wave of dissatisfaction washed over her. The image staring back at her no longer represented the twisted persona she sought to embody. If she was to fully embrace the villainous life she had chosen, she knew that her appearance needed a transformation as well. Determined to look the part, she embarked on a journey to create a costume that would mirror the darkness within.
The next day, (Y/N) set out on a mission to craft her new identity. She purchased fabric in shades of black and purple, the colors that symbolized her allegiance to the Joker. With needle and thread in hand, she meticulously sewed together a long, thin turtleneck one-piece as the base of her costume. Its sleek design hugged her curves, accentuating her figure with an air of sultry elegance.
Next, she crafted a black leather dress that laced up in the front, creating a sense of allure and mystery. The laces acted as a symbol of her power, tightly woven together, reminiscent of the bonds that tied her to the twisted realm she now inhabited. The dress exuded a sense of dominance and seduction, enhancing her enigmatic presence.
Completing the ensemble, (Y/N) donned thigh-high leather boots that she adorned with a symbol that held meaning between her and the Joker. She meticulously sewed an "X" onto the top of one boot, representing the unpredictability and chaos that defined her existence. On the other boot, she stitched an "O," symbolizing her twisted affection for the Joker—a love that knew no bounds and danced along the precipice of madness.
To complete her transformation, (Y/N) contemplated a change in her hair color. She decided on a deep shade of auburn, a hue that mirrored the darkness within her soul. With each strand that was dyed, she felt a surge of power, as if the very essence of her being was aligning with the sinister path she had chosen.
Confident in her new appearance, (Y/N) ventured to visit the Joker, eager to showcase her transformation. As she entered his lair, his eyes widened in surprise. The Joker was taken aback by her new look, but his gaze quickly turned into one of appreciation and desire.
"Well, well, well, (Y/N)," the Joker purred, a sinister grin playing upon his lips. "You certainly know how to make an entrance. I must say, I find this new look of yours... absolutely captivating."
A mischievous smirk tugged at (Y/N)'s lips as she replied, "I knew you'd like it, Mr. J."
The Joker's eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and satisfaction. He circled (Y/N) slowly, taking in every detail of her new appearance. The air crackled with tension as their twisted connection intensified.
"You've truly become a work of art, my dear," the Joker remarked, his voice filled with admiration. "Together, we shall paint this city in shades of chaos and revel in the chaos we create."
(Y/N) basked in the Joker's approval, her newfound confidence radiating from within. She had morphed into the embodiment of her darkest desires, embracing the mask that concealed her true self. The path before her was laden with danger and uncertainty, but she was ready to face it head-on.
As the Joker and (Y/N) joined forces, their souls intertwined in a dance of madness, they embarked on a twisted journey that would test the limits of their sanity. Together, they would leave an indelible mark on Gotham, a testament to their devotion to chaos and the allure of villainy.
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laughingmagi · 2 years
🔥 on fc
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
I know you said you meant dc, and auto correct is mean, but I have opinions on fcs, too lmao.
On FCs
I know it's going to sound petty af, but I really hate when people choose a FC that has a very famous role and they insist on using that famous role in their caps. It's like. Okay, Chris Evans as an easy example. He's been in like 30-odd movies aside from the Marvel films. There's no reason to use Captain America, y'know? I mean, I have a fc with a well known role (even though like Ewan had been working since long before Star Wars and Obi-Wan was far from his break out role), but you don't see me using caps from SW. Mind you, I'm talking about the big roles, the iconic ones, right?
I don't know. Regarding the films, it's a fucking trash fire. It's a goddamned mess. As far as I'm concerned, they should just embrace the chaos instead of trying to get it under control. They should have fired Ezra, I'm sorry. Bar fights are one thing, but the culty shit? Messing about with teenagers? Idek, if they're not going to face any kind of legal consequences, they should at least be given time to sort their head out before throwing them right back into what probably unhinged them in the first fucking place.
I really don't pay attention to a lot of comics. Still extremely bitter that they didn't hang onto Stejepan Sejic with both hands, give him all the money, all the freedom to do whatever the fuck he wanted with Harley, Poison Ivy, Gotham City Sirens, and anything else. I know he's said that there is no bad blood between him and DC, he just decided he was more artistically fulfilled working on his original comics. And that's fine, that's valid, but I don't believe that DC didn't burn him somehow. Idek if that's an unpop opinion lmao, tho. I think anyone who knows him and has seen his work for DC feels the loss keenly.
Do we need a Joker sequel? The Gaga stills in her snoozefest Harley costume that just bubbled up are giving me nothing. I'm not enthused.
A quick encore of my classic Hellblazer/John Constantine unpopular opinions:
The TV show was trash. Yes, I've watched it and every minute was sheer torture aside from when Papa Midnite showed up. He was great.
Both versions of Justice League Dark are bad, though the New 52 series was far worse than the reboot.
There hasn't been a legit good Hellblazer comic since the end of the Vertigo imprint. Merely passable.
The movie is good actually.
Most of DCs attempts to represent John's bisexuality have been either cowardly or shitty jokes (like I'm sorry, no one can convince me that the concept of John dating King Shark was anything but a cheap punchline. Because Harley was right there too and hahaha, wouldn't it be funny if it was assumed that he'd dated Harley but it was actually King Shark??????? Hahahahahahaahooooohaaa SO FUNNY YOU GUYS).
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two-threads · 4 years
ok, so as a teenager, my first jokers were the 1960s live action series, the Killing Joke comic, Arkham Assylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, and The Dark Knight Returns by frank miller.
so my ideal joker has basically ended up an existentialist, Discordian, flamboyant queer disaster who doesn’t really kill people indiscriminately and laugh about it, so much as a trickster/fool archetype who is mostly harmless. (mostly. usually.)
he exists to be batman’s foil and his chthonic guide to gotham’s criminal underworld. he’s a funhouse mirror--enough like batman to be a reflection, but flipped and distorted. they’re both trying to fix things, in their own ways. they both want justice. where batman is order and control and secrecy, joker is chaos and freedom and illumination. batman seeks to treat the symptoms (crime, suffering), joker wants to treat the cause (modern society is warped and cruel and absurd and unsustainable).
his motivation is to reveal flaws and absurdities--in individuals and in society--not to solely cause pain and chaos for the sake of it. that said, he’s not above doing shit just because he thinks its funny, but all jokes need to have a punchline, or they aren’t jokes. 
he’s not just going to stab the guy who delivers his pizza and be like, “haha! life is cruel and unpredictable! i’m so funny!” there’s no punchline to causing unnecessary suffering to some random dude just trying to get by. he’s going to make up elaborate schemes dripping in irony to punish people who deserve to be punished, or do harmless shit to get people all riled up, and then make them have to confront the ugly ways they act when threatened.
and, batjokes aside, he would never, ever, ever, EVER want batman dead or incapacitated. their folie à deux/pas de deux is too important to him to EVER risk being without his favorite dance partner.
(sometimes, though, he will absolutely do stupid, impulsive shit for batman’s attention. because lbr, that’s a universal constant at this point.)
anyway, i love the joker and i want to see them do more interesting shit with him beyond kooky scary queer-coded murder clown ✌
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jokerownsmysoul · 4 years
the extension of two souls shared around a tiny table
Summary: on a sunny spring morning you’re enjoying each other’s presence, your love is stronger than ever while your daughter is looking for Joker to spend some time with her daddy. You’re just… happy.
Pairings: Joker x Reader + biological daughter Content: soft, fluff
Warnings: nothing?? Only fluffy things
Word count: 4453
If you want, for a better atmosphere I was listening to this song.
A/N, just one thing: I got inspired by a dream I had two nights ago about Joker, I was afraid to write it because usually is Arthur having a family, I’ve never read this prompt with Joker. But still in my dream there was Joker, not Arthur, he came to me without me calling him and I didn’t want to change it by putting Arthur instead. I just wondered what Joker would do if he had a family and that’s what came out. It was a long shot to write it because I know that this fluffy version of Joker may not be supported by everyone but I run the risk, in any case I would understand it because each of us see him in his own way I didn’t know fluffy Joker hit me that much and I want to write a second part and a series dedicated to this family so badlyyyy I loved them and the connection between Joker and his daughter. and it makes me sad that he doesn’t have all of this :( This fic opened my heart in half and filled it with flowers and made them bloom and I hope you will appreciate it too.
Also… What are the chances of me finding this pic which shows two important elements I put in this fic, especially the green teddy bear, after I wrote it? I loved this coincidence and I like to think that this fic was just meant to be
A/N: english is not my first language so I apologize for any typos, I’m still learning.
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You were happy. On this day, while you were baking a cake, all you could think about was this.
You three were happy.
It was a sunny morning, all the windows of the apartment were open and its long curtains danced in the wind, creating vortices of fabrics that danced in the living room as if they were guests who had snuck into your home. Sometimes you looked up from the cake batter you were preparing to watch their dance, surprising yourself so enchanted that several times you’d even forgotten that you were baking a cake, that the oven, now hot, was waiting for you to bake it and that there was a physical world beyond the magical one you could see in the dance of these curtains.
There was just something in these curtains that you couldn’t explain. It wasn’t just curtains being moved by the wind, you saw something more poetic in that dance. You saw the beauty of life flowing before your eyes, you saw the freedom that could be found in the simple act of being led by someone, by something, like these curtains that were guided by the sunny air of a spring day.
Spring rarely visited this city. The days were often dark, the sun didn’t explode in all its light but it was always faded and covered by a blurry patina, the sky was continuously dyed gray and full of clouds even during the summer.
But the rare times when the sun took space between the clouds and its light exploded, it did so in such a way that no one could ignore its presence, it did in all its luminous power. The sunny spring days in Gotham were rare, but when they arose, they were breathtaking. Sometimes you thought that during these long dark periods the sun preserved its energies to use them all at once in one single day by coloring everything yellow. It wanted to be heard, it wanted to tell you that the sun existed and that it wasn’t gone.
These curtains dancing in the air showed all the beauty hidden in the world that not everyone could see, an entity hidden in everything around you, the natural reminder of the fact that in life not everything is lost and there is always hope for forgiveness.
These curtains were telling you that life was in all things animated and inanimate, it hid on the surface and you had to know how to see it. You saw the beauty of life looking at your freshly washed white silk curtains which smelled clean, dragged by the scented spring air which flooded the apartment with an electric floral smell, and if you had closed your eyes you could have seen a garden full of multicoloured flowers right inside your eyelids.
Joker was sitting on the table next to one of the living room windows and the wind coming in through the window made his strands of green hair dance here and there. The dance maded by these green hair moving in such a way reminded you of the same dance of fresh freshly cut grass which performs following the steps of the wind on spring days like this. Occasionally you looked at him and you were aware that his beauty confused you and distracted you much more than the curtains, no matter how beautiful they might be. Joker was your best distraction. He was looking at his book of jokes, the cigarette he was smoking and the pen took turns in his hand following a precise rhythm, he had a frustrated expression on his face which had appeared after the umpteenth time he had cancelled the punchline of a joke.
“Hard work day, love?” You asked as you watched the curtains dancing behind him, noticing his forehead creased and frowny eyebrows. Joker kept his gaze fixed on the book twirling a strand of hair around the fingers of his hand with which he wasn’t writing and playing with it thoughtfully. “I just can’t finish this joke, it’s harder than I thought.” You nodded by acknowledging the weariness in his face, smiling at yourself for the commitment he still put into his vocation despite everything had happened to him. You’d always admired how much perseverance, how much precision he put on his jokes. Joker was a meticulous man, and you were sorry that no one could see how dedicated he was to all the things he loved. In his jokes, in his job, in his family.
You and your little girl were his first priority. His breath and his whole existence were completely given to the two most important people in his life, you two, and every day he showed it to you with his permanent presence. “Is there anything I can do for you?” Joker looked up to you and met you. Your messy hair, your apron and flour stained face, your understanding look. He could read in your eyes the serenity of this moment and despite he was frustrated by the joke he couldn’t unravel he felt the same serenity as you did on this sunny morning, while the vanilla smell of the cake and the roaring laughter of your little girl from the bedroom filled the apartment. “Would you help me?”
A giggle slipped out of your lips as you wiped your hands on your apron. “Of course I would, you silly.” Joker smiled and put the pen on the table to hold the book with both hands while reciting the joke, but before he could even finish the sentence you were both interrupted by your little girl who had swooped into the living room trotting joyfully. “Who’s ready for cake?” she mumbled with a high-pitched voice and hopping for the too much enthusiasm which wouldn’t let her stand still, not even for a second.
“We’re all ready, aren’t we, mummy?“ he teased you by looking at you with a playful expression and his face wrapped in a smirk. You answered by turning to your little girl ignoring his playful look, but smiling at yourself and making sure Joker would have noticed it. “Of course we’re honey, but the cake isn’t ready yet.” Your little girl frowned for a few minutes enough to decide if this answer would suit her or not. She frowned in the same way as Joker did and a smile spontaneously appeared on your face. After a few minutes his thoughtful expression vanished, her forehead stretched out and she returned to have her face lit with happiness. “It’s fine. Wanna keep playing!”
He trotted to Joker, grabbing a flap of his sleeve in her tiny hand and waving it impatiently. “Daddy wanna play with me?” Joker smiled, stroked her back gently and before he could answer you turned to her. “Maybe later honey, dad is busy right now. I can play with you after I bake the cake in a few minutes.” Your little girl pouted and moved her head frenetically from both sides. “No, I want daddy!” She gave Joker a sulky, sad look waiting for an answer from him, hoping that he wouldn’t say the same thing by supporting your words and that he didn’t really have to work. Joker took one of the strands of her long brown hair held in two pigtails on both sides of her head and twisted it around the index finger, just as he was doing a little earlier with his own green hair in an enchanted expression.
“It’s okay, Y/N.” He said looking at you with a sympathetic gaze, then he turned to your little girl, an accomplice smile had framed his face as soon as their eyes met. “I would love to play with you, sweetie pie.” He laid the book on the table that he still held in his other hand while your little girl was jumping for happiness around him. “Yay! Yayy! I play with dad!” Shortly after she held his hand, it was so small compared to Joker’s big, strong one that it was completely hidden by his palm when he put his hand around her soft, plump one.
No matter how busy he was, he would never deny her to play together.
She suddenly became impatient to play with him and wanted to go straight to the bedroom where were kept all her toys. “Come on, let’s go!” With her short arm she pulled Joker’s one holding it by her hand and he let himself be dragged without resistance, but before they could disappear from your sight Joker looked at you amused shrugging, you smiled eloquently moving your head from side to side. “Look at these two…” You murmured to yourself smiling as you went back to handling the cake, knowing perfectly well that you could never sneak into them.
Joker had a special connection with your little girl that you never could build with her. She loved you both equally, but your little thing had a special bond with Joker and it was impossible not notice how much she doted on him. There was something when they were holding hands, when they were looking at each other and talking to each other that was impossible to explain in words. An accomplice born by itself without either of them went to look for it or tried to build, it existed by itself as an entity to which neither of them had ever managed to resist. You never had such a bond with her and you didn’t even try to have it, because the smile she had every time she stood beside him, which reminded so much his, and the loving look Joker had every time he looked at her, filled your heart with happiness and you were just grateful to be able to witness in the front row this particular bond that only the two of them had.
She was still dragging Joker to the bedroom where all his toys were kept in a large bench, a playful smile dressed Joker’s face while your little girl was more and more impatient and happy to play with him and only with a lot of self-control managed to stop jumping.
She stopped at the corner of the room, right next to the makeup dressing table that once belonged to Penny, where there was a small white metal children’s table set with a pink tablecloth hand embroidered by yourself some time ago and surrounded by four chairs.
“Would you like some tea daddy?” She looked at the tiny table on which a tea service was laid, then looked at Joker, another time at the small table and shortly afterwards looked once again at Joker with a hopeful expression and crossed her fingers in front of her face hoping that he would say yes, sure that he couldn’t notice her fingers crossed; Joker let a laugh slip from his lips at the sight of such naivety. “Of course I’d like to, sweetie pie!” A toothless smile lay on her lips and pointed out the empty chairs. “Where would you like to sit?”
Her attitude had completely changed; she had straightened her back, raised her chin upwards, the movements were more accurate and quiet; even the tone of her voice was no longer ringing as it had been until now but was calm and contained, while she was pretending to be a waitress who had to serve an important client who deserved only the best of the best; she had to fulfill his every wish, spoil him and treat him well. “Why don’t you choose for me? Where would you like me to sit?” She moved her head from both sides, moving her ponytails back and forth, making them bang on her squishy cheeks. “No, dad! The rule is you’re the guest, you have to choose!”
She laugh teasing him because he didn’t know the rules of the game and Joker smiled as he staring the chairs for a few seconds simulating an undecided expression. On a chair there was the green teddy bear gotten during one evening of the last summer, when you had gone to the amusement park. Joker had won at a points game and let her decide which teddy bear to take, she had chosen this teddy bear only because it had the same green color as her dad’s hair; right in the front chair was sitting the doll you gave her to cheer her up when months ago she had a flu which lasted more than a week and just didn’t want to leave and the other two chairs were empty. “I think I’m gonna sit next to Clowny”.
“Clowny! I was hoping you’d sit there because he’s green like you.” Joker giggled knowing and sat down right in the chair closest to the teddy bear; the chairs were for children and very small, and although Joker was a very skinny man he had to bend slightly to be comfortable. Your little girl giggled when she saw him sitting in this funny way, sat down in the last empty chair, took two cups from the tea service and put them in front of both; immediately afterwards she took the teapot and pretended to pour invisible tea into both cups with the same devotion and commitment as Joker did every time he devoted himself to his jokes. She put the tip of his tongue out of his mouth enough to lick his upper lip, a gesture she often made when she was getting involved in something that required her full attention, she had inherited it from you. As he watched her committed to pouring their tea, her tongue coming out as you did and frowning as Joker did, he smiled, seeing you both within her.
The love he felt for this little thing was the strongest feeling he had and would have felt in his whole life. She was literally the real proof that he had truly found the love and happiness he had longed for his whole life, that it had not been a daydream to meet you, that the nights you had made love, with your bodies lighting each other as if one were reflecting the light of the other, just like the sun does with the moon, really had existed, just as had existed the walks while you were holding hands, the first kisses you gave him by taking him by surprise and making him blush, every time you looked for his touch and didn’t think it was possible, and just like every single moment he lived with you which he held in his heart since he met you.
Every happy memory of him involved you, and this was a life for which he believed in the past not to be worthy of living, a life in which he was destined not to be loved. It was hard for him to accept your presence in his life during the first few months of your relationship because he was afraid that you might vanish at any moment. Let alone if he ever thought that in his life he would love another person as much as he loved you, and that you would both love him in the same deep, visceral, boundless way.
When your little girl poured tea into both of their cups she put the teapot gently in its place so as not to spoil it. She treated it with care as a precious gift, and indeed it was so. You couldn’t afford this tea service, but despite that, Joker was determined to give it to her. He saw it in a storefront across the street a few months before and it made him think of her; it was composed of four cups, each with its own saucer and teaspoon, a teapot and a sugar bowl. The tea service was completely white and covered with small blue flowers of various sizes, just the ones she liked in her favorite blue color. All the teaspoons have blue coloured extremities, on the teapot and the sugar bowl were represented two flowers of larger dimensions than the small flowers on the cups, on the saucers and on the edges there were blue and golden stripes running along the circumference of them.
He’d done everything he could to give it to her at Christmas, he’d saved up money for months and months making a lot of sacrifices, he had quitten smoking to save cigarette money and still every day he made small additional renunciations because he wanted to save as much money as possible and give her the gift he wished to be able to give her so much. The jump for joy she had made after unwrapping the gift were priceless and Joker was so happy to see her happy that you would have sworn that night you had seen his eyes wet with tears which he had held within him with all his strength; tears of joy and love.
“Daddy, you drink tea with sugar.” She asked though it was more a observation than a question, since remembering very well that he liked the sweetened tea she had already grabbed the teaspoon with her little tiny hand. “That’s true little thing, I like sweet tea and I’d like to some sugar.” Joker sat composed and let himself be served, your little girl smiled satisfied and took the sugar bowl of the same tea service, “how much?” She looked him in the eyes curious and impatient of an answer, biting her lip nervously, as if even putting sugar in his tea was an action to be performed perfectly, Joker didn’t let her wait any longer.
“Two teaspoons, thank you!” She glowed and proudly pretended to put two teaspoons of sugar in the cup, immediately after she put the same amount of sugar in her own and sitting more comfortably on the chair she took the cup with her left hand and raised her little finger like a upper-class woman, Joker imitated her and both drank a sip of tea looking into each other’s eyes. Your little girl had bright eyes of a heated happiness, the same green color of Joker’s eyes had extended in hers and Joker, looking into her eyes so much like his, could see himself inside her.
She was the most beautiful part of him. Thanks to her Joker was learning to love himself because into her he read all the beautiful things he had taught her, she was the confirmation that inside of him something good had always been and kept being there even after having made himself called Joker. Sometimes the weight his name carried frightened him but this fear instead of blocking him made him love her even more, to take care of her like no one had ever done with him. In the past his fear would have stopped him, but your little girl gave him the courage to turn over a new leaf and move on, look forward to a future that would only be of love and warmth.
She was the most beautiful part of him and she was the only one through whom he could see himself and recognize that he existed within her but also on his own. Your little girl taught him to love himself in the most spontaneous, light and carefree way he’ve ever felt.
“This tea is delicious, my sweetie pie. You are the best cook.” Your little girl made a joyfull jump on the chair, making it move slightly. “What about mummy?” A toothless smile framed her face as Joker leaned slightly forward. “Mummy doesn’t cook as well as you, but don’t tell her.” He whispered to her and your little girl curled her nose in a knowing and happy smiling face, rose hastily from the chair and approached him putting her little hand on the back of his own. “Our little secret!” She murmured in his ear, imitating him by talking with a whisper of a voice. Joker smiled and popped a kiss on her cheek and while he was wrapping her little body around his right arm she swooped on him and hugged him putting her arms around his neck. Her face buried in his green hair tickled him, Joker squeezed her hard but gently enjoying the hug with his little thing who was the extension of his soul and who at this time smelled of raspberries and talcum powder.
“Daddy?” She babbled with her face still buried in his hair, feeling safe between the arms and the scent of her daddy, tightening his neck with such energy that she let him believe she would hardly melt from this embrace if not for a valid reason. “Yes, sweetie pie?” She moved away from him slightly enough to look him in the eye, but her body was still in the Joker’s arms.
“I love you very much dad” she caressed softly his green strands which rabbed his cheeks, “and also your green hair”. Joker had a watery look because, once again, the evidence of love your little girl gave him every day allowed him to see himself in a different light. A warmer and brighter light.
She loved him so much and therefore everything was not lost, there was still hope for him and he had not lived for nothing, for the very reason that he had managed to love and to be loved in his life, and the best part of him would have kept to exist through her memories and, perhaps, people would have forgiven him. Despite the emotional and grateful expression he tried to muffle, he giggled. Not a single day had passed in which your little girl did not tell him that she loved his green hair, actually several times she also asked you both the permission to dyed her own because “I want to be like dad”.
“I love you too. Very, very much.” Joker approached his face to give her an eskimo kiss and she chuckled. “You’re tickling me!” Then they giggled together and shortly after her face suddenly became clouded while a thought was taking place on her mind without warning. “Dad! We have no cookies for tea.” A worried expression replaced the funny one of just before, she had worked so hard to give him everything that she had forgotten one of the most essential things, tea cookies. Joker rubbed her back tightly with the hand with which he was still holding her to calm her down. “It’s okay, little thin-” she interrupted him, talking shortly after.
“It’s not okay, I want to get it right.” Joker comforted her further, smiling at himself in recognizing his own words in hers, to make her understand that everything was perfect as it was; shortly after the worry disappeared from her face so suddenly that Joker wondered if there had ever been. She smiled showing all his teeth in a toothless smile and jumped proudly. “I got an idea!” She ran out of the room full of adrenaline with the surprised look of Joker staring at her and shortly afterwards returned with a couple of candies in her hands and approaching Joker put them in his.
“We can eat these instead of cookies” she said, proud of the brilliant idea that had came to her. “Perfect, I love candies.” Joker unwrapped one candy for her and laid it in front of her face. “Open your mouth!” Your little girl waved her hands joyfully and opening her mouth grabbed the candy with her teeth, shortly after he unwrapped the other one and ate it too. As she chewed, she approached her little index finger on his face and traced the colored lines of make-up Joker had painted on his face the day before and which, somehow, still were visible even if a little bit faded and smudged. She began to speak with her mouth full, her look was clever and special understanding while she was tracing also the blue triangles.
“Can you paint me like that, later?” An amused smirk landed on Joker’s lips, he should have imagined this question from the way she had weighed her look on his make up while she was tracing it with her tiny index finger. Your little girl liked to paint and most of all loved it when Joker painted her face in his own way, and every time she asked him in such a pleading tone that it was impossible to say no, even for Joker. Actually, even though Joker had never said it out loud, every time they painted Joker’s make-up to one another, he probably had more fun than her.
“Of course, but first we have to eat and do our homework, little thing.” She nodded in an understanding expression as a good compromise and hugged him again tightly, it was her way of thanking him when she couldn’t do it with words. Then she surprised him laying her hand on his head and caressing his green hair in a comforting way, Joker smiled at the simplicity of this gesture. Your little girl reassured him all the time without even knowing it, she just did it because she felt it, she felt him. 
You came into the room shortly after, they were still wrapped in this hug and a smile spontaneously created itself on your face; you laid your shoulder on the door and stared at them for a few seconds before interrupting their game and, above all, their hug. “Hey you two, cake is ready”, you said a few minutes later, your little girl pulled away from the hug and moved her arm energetically towards you. “Mummy, come here! Hug! I wanna a big hug!” She didn’t have to tell you twice because you approached them literally a second later with your arms already opened.
All three of you were hugging, interconnected so strongly, tightly, that it would have been impossible to untie you three. The cake had just been baked and had flooded all the rooms with its aroma, the sun was still radiating his light into the apartment. Joker was wrapped in your warmth and buried between your bodies, which were equally buried in the same way, a tear had fallen down his face like a secret he could no longer hide, drawing a blue painted tear along his left cheek.
He had never thought that after all the hatred and carelessness he had felt on his skin, after all the evil and sins he had committed, he could live an ethereal thing like having a family, an apartment to share with two souls who completed himself and full of love, an apartment which at that time smelled of cake, vanilla and… home.
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dccomicsnews · 4 years
June 9 will see the release of The Joker: 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1, and DC has revealed some preview pages from the issue. Of special note in the issue will be the origin of Punchline, told by creators James Tynion IV and Mikel Janin.
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Here are DC’s descriptions of the three previewed stories:
“WHAT COMES AT THE END OF A JOKE?” — Spinning out of the pages of his best-selling run on Batman, series writer James Tynion IV tells the origin story of the sensational new character Punchline! With stellar art from the acclaimed art team of Mikel Janín and Jordie Bellaire.
“BIRTHDAY BUGS” — The Joker turns birthday clown in this tale by Tom Taylor and Eduardo Risso. When The Joker goes to the home of an accomplice that did him wrong, he finds the man’s young son sitting alone picking apart bugs on his stoop. The boy assumes that the Joker is the clown for his birthday party and tells him that no one is coming. The Joker finds this unacceptable and goes around the neighborhood, “convincing” families to attend the birthday party and make it the best day he’s ever had. As for the boy’s father, he’s in for the worst moment of his life!
“KILL THE BATMAN” — In a story set in a not-so-distant future the Joker has finally made his dream come true of killing the Batman and we see the all the DC universe in mourning. But this act doesn’t provide the catharsis the Joker thought it would…he needs an encore…something at Batman’s public memorial perhaps? Written by acclaimed screenwriter Gary Whitta, popular writer/podcaster Greg Miller and rising star comic artist Dan Mora.
And here’s the full solicitation:
THE JOKER 80TH ANNIVERSARY 100-PAGE SUPER SPECTACULAR #1 written by BRIAN AZZARELLO, PAUL DINI, DENNIS O’NEIL, SCOTT SNYDER, TOM TAYLOR, JAMES TYNION IV, and more art by RAPHAEL ALBUQUERQUE, LEE BERMEJO, SIMONE BIANCHI, TONY S. DANIEL, MIKEL JANÍN, JOCK, JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA-LÓPEZ, EDUARDO RISSO, RILEY ROSSMO, and more cover by GREG CAPULLO The Clown Prince of Crime celebrates 80 years of chaos! The Joker has been the greatest villain in comics since his debut and to celebrate we have a who’s who of comics’ finest talent giving the Harlequin of Hate the birthday roast he deserves. The stories feature a range of terror and anarchy, showing how the Joker has impacted Gotham City from the police to Arkham Asylum, from the local underworld to the Dark Knight and his allies! Make sure to RSVP to this birthday bash—you wouldn’t want to wake up with a Joker Fish on your doorstep, would you? PRESTIGE FORMAT | ONE-SHOT | ON SALE 06.09.20 $9.99 US | 96 PAGES FC | DC
Sneak Peek: Joker’s 80th Anniversary Spectacular June 9 will see the release of The Joker: 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1, and DC has revealed…
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Punchline: Gothams Dark Joke
➥ summary : (Y/n) is a young adult who attends Gotham's Snyder College where she becomes infatuated with the Joker. After much searching and hacking into the dark web she finds the personal information on the joker even his home and lair address where she then decides to embark on a journey of affiliating herself with the man.
➥ chapter 1: Snyder College and the Seeds of Infatuation
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Part 1: The Introduction
The halls of Gotham's Snyder College were abuzz with anticipation as students embarked on a new academic year. Among them was a young woman named (Y/N), a determined and ambitious individual with a thirst for knowledge. Raised in the vibrant yet treacherous city of Gotham, (Y/N) had always felt a magnetic pull towards the enigmatic and often misunderstood figures that lurked within its shadows. However, little did she know that her life was about to take an unforeseen turn that would test her boundaries and ignite a dangerous fascination with one of Gotham's most notorious characters—the Joker.
As (Y/N) stepped foot onto the picturesque campus of Snyder College, she couldn't help but be captivated by its grandeur. Towering stone buildings, manicured lawns, and a sense of intellectual rigor permeated the atmosphere. Determined to excel academically, (Y/N) threw herself into her studies, immersing herself in a wide range of subjects that appealed to her curious nature.
Amidst the rigors of college life, (Y/N) found herself drawn to the unconventional. She sought out elective courses on abnormal psychology, criminal behavior, and even dabbled in the realms of art and philosophy. It was during one of these classes that (Y/N) first caught a glimpse of the Joker. A renowned villain, the Joker was a figure infamous for his chaotic nature and twisted sense of humor.
From the moment the Joker stepped onto the stage, (Y/N) was entranced by his charismatic presence. His manic energy, coupled with his wickedly sharp wit, left the her in the audience hanging on his every word in the amidst of everyone else’s panic. The Joker's ability to blur the lines between sanity and madness fascinated (Y/N) and ignited a spark of curiosity within her. She couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath the clownish façade—what drove him to commit heinous acts, and why he reveled in chaos.
As the semester progressed, (Y/N) found herself attending every lecture in hopes that the Joker would break into her school once more and interrupt her teachers boring lectures with one of his own. She took copious notes, analyzing his every mannerism and turn of phrase. The more she learned about him, the more she became intrigued by his enigma. It wasn't long before her fascination evolved into an unsettling attraction—an infatuation that both thrilled and frightened her.
Intrigued by the Joker's unorthodox worldview, (Y/N) began to explore his twisted ideology through various mediums. She devoured books and articles, studied the history of crime in Gotham, and even sought out individuals who had encountered the Joker firsthand. The more she delved into his psyche, the more she questioned her own morality and the boundaries of right and wrong.
As (Y/N)'s infatuation with the Joker deepened, she found herself torn between her desire to understand him and the nagging voice of reason within her. Friends and mentors expressed concern about her fascination with such a dangerous individual, urging her to distance herself from the Joker's influence. Yet, (Y/N) couldn't shake off the allure he held over her.
The dangerous allure of the Joker began to seep into every aspect of (Y/N)'s life. She found herself captivated by his unpredictability, his disregard for societal norms, and his ability to challenge the status quo. (Y/N) was walking a dangerous path, balancing on the precipice of obsession.
As (Y/N) grappled with her growing infatuation, she was forced to confront the shadows within herself. She questioned whether her fascination with the Joker stemmed from a genuine desire to understand the human psyche or if it was a reflection of her own hidden darkness. The line between curiosity and complicity began to blur, causing her to question her own moral compass.
By the end of the semester, (Y/N) stood at a crossroads, her heart torn between her fascination with the Joker and the fear of losing herself in his madness. The seeds of infatuation had taken root, but (Y/N) knew that she had to make a choice—to either distance herself from the Joker's influence or continue down a treacherous path that could forever alter the course of her life.
As Chapter 1 draws to a close, (Y/N) stands on the precipice of a dangerous infatuation with the Joker. Her journey through Snyder College has not only expanded her academic horizons but has also led her down a perilous path that challenges her understanding of right and wrong. In the subsequent chapters, we will witness the consequences of her choices and explore the depths of her infatuation with the Joker, as (Y/N) navigates the treacherous waters of obsession, morality, and self-discovery.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
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Chapter one ; Chapter two ; Chapter three ; Chapter four ; Chapter five ; Chapter six ; Chapter seven
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Punchline: Gothams Dark Joke
➥ summary : (Y/n) is a young adult who attends Gotham's Snyder College where she becomes infatuated with the Joker. After much searching and hacking into the dark web she finds the personal information on the joker even his home and lair address where she then decides to embark on a journey of affiliating herself with the man.
➥ chapter 6: Testing Boundaries
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Part 6: A Dangerous Proposition
In the wake of her encounter with the Joker, (Y/N) found herself further entangled in the web of madness. The Joker, intrigued by her unwavering obsession and the darkness that consumed her, decided to test her loyalty and resilience. He presented her with a dangerous proposition—a task that would serve as a testament to her commitment. To prove herself, (Y/N) would be sent out with a select few of the Joker's henchmen on a mission to extract payment from an individual who had gone into hiding.
As (Y/N) prepared for the mission, a sinister excitement coursed through her veins. The opportunity to unleash her sadistic side, to revel in the chaos and pain, fueled her obsession. The lines between right and wrong had blurred beyond recognition, and she relished the prospect of tormenting the target—the person who owed the Joker money and sought refuge in the shadows.
Armed with the instructions provided by the Joker, (Y/N) and the henchmen set out on their mission—a relentless pursuit to locate the individual who had incurred the Joker's wrath. The dark alleys and hidden corners of Gotham City became their hunting grounds, as they ruthlessly searched for the debtor, leaving destruction and chaos in their wake.
As (Y/N) closed in on the target, her sadistic nature surged to the forefront. A newfound pleasure in inflicting pain and terror took hold of her, transforming her into a ruthless tormentor. The mere thought of the debtor's suffering ignited a twisted delight within her. With each cruel act she committed, she embraced her sadistic tendencies, reveling in the power and control that came with it.
As (Y/N) displayed her sadistic nature during the mission, the Joker observed her with twisted satisfaction. He recognized the darkness within her, the capacity for cruelty that mirrored his own. The Joker saw in her a kindred spirit, an ally who reveled in the chaos he unleashed. Her actions affirmed her commitment, earning her a twisted sense of approval from the Clown Prince of Crime.
As they closed in on the hiding place of the debtor, (Y/N) took pleasure in devising and executing sadistic methods of torture. With each agonized scream and tortured whimper, she descended further into the depths of her own darkness. Her actions reflected the twisted desires that had consumed her, blurring the lines between reality and the nightmare that had become her existence.
Amidst the violence and sadistic pleasure, (Y/N) paid a heavy price for indulging in her darkest desires. The acts she committed eroded her humanity, chipping away at her sanity piece by piece. The cost of her sadism weighed heavily on her conscience, casting a shadow over her soul. She knew that with each cruel act, she risked losing herself completely to the abyss of madness.
Having witnessed (Y/N)'s sadistic nature firsthand, the Joker evaluated her performance. He assessed her dedication, her ability to embrace chaos, and the depths to which she would sink in pursuit of their shared obsessions. The mission served as a crucible—a test to determine if (Y/N) was truly worthy of standing by his side in their unholy alliance.
As the chapter neared its conclusion, (Y/N) found herself further entwined in the darkness that enveloped her. The sadistic acts she committed during the mission blurred the boundaries of her own humanity, leaving her teetering on the precipice of complete madness. The line between her own desires and the Joker's twisted whims grew ever more indistinguishable.
As Chapter 6 draws to a close, (Y/N) stands on the brink of a dark abyss, fully immersed in the chaos and sadism that consume her. The mission she undertook at the Joker's behest tested her limits, pushing her further into the depths of her obsession. In the subsequent chapters, we will witness the consequences of her actions and the toll they take on her sanity, as she delves deeper into the twisted world of the Joker and the madness that surrounds him.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Punchline: Gothams Dark Joke
➥ summary : (Y/n) is a young adult who attends Gotham's Snyder College where she becomes infatuated with the Joker. After much searching and hacking into the dark web she finds the personal information on the joker even his home and lair address where she then decides to embark on a journey of affiliating herself with the man.
➥ chapter 5: A Dangerous Encounter
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Part 5: The Determined Confrontation
Driven by an insatiable obsession, (Y/N) reached a pivotal moment in her journey—a decision to confront the object of her infatuation, the Joker. Fueled by a dangerous mix of curiosity and desire, she embarked on a daring mission to disrupt one of his clandestine meetings, fully aware of the risks involved.
As (Y/N) ventured into the heart of darkness, she located the Joker's lair—a place shrouded in secrecy and danger. The air hung heavy with anticipation as she breached the walls that guarded the enigmatic criminal. She was determined to interrupt his meeting, a feat few had ever attempted and lived to tell the tale.
As (Y/N) burst into the Joker's lair, interrupting his meeting, a rare sense of amusement danced across his face. His twisted mind found delight in the audacity of her intrusion. The Joker was a creature of chaos, and (Y/N)'s interruption added an unexpected element to the intricate dance he orchestrated. Intrigued by her boldness, he allowed her to approach, ready to gauge the depth of her obsession.
As (Y/N) stood before the Joker, a charged exchange unfolded between them. Her heart pounded in her chest as she dared to challenge the embodiment of chaos himself. The Joker's magnetic charisma drew her in, fueling her fascination and the twisted connection that seemed to exist between them. Their interaction was a dangerous game, a dance on the edge of a knife, as they tested each other's limits.
Sensing (Y/N)'s unwavering determination and obsession, the Joker decided to test her resolve. He probed the depths of her twisted desires, seeking to understand the darkness that consumed her. Through a series of enigmatic and macabre tests, he pushed her boundaries, seeking to uncover the depths of her obsession and determine if she was truly worthy of his attention.
As (Y/N) engaged in this twisted dance with the Joker, their minds entwined in a deadly tango of manipulation and fascination. They probed each other's psyches, matching wits and delving into the darkest recesses of their twisted souls. It was a dance that defied reason and rationality, a collision of two damaged minds that reveled in chaos and unpredictability.
Intrigued by (Y/N)'s audacity and resilience, the Joker found himself oddly drawn to her. Few had the nerve to interrupt his plans and survive to tell the tale, and (Y/N) had achieved that feat. There was something about her, an intensity and darkness that mirrored his own, which piqued his curiosity. He saw potential in her—a potential for chaos, for unpredictability, and for becoming a twisted reflection of his own madness.
As (Y/N) and the Joker stood locked in their dangerous exchange, a twisted bond began to form—a connection that transcended the boundaries of rationality. They were two broken souls, irresistibly drawn to each other's darkness. The allure of this unholy bond held both fascination and danger, as (Y/N) found herself teetering on the edge of becoming a willing accomplice to the Joker's chaotic schemes.
Entering the Joker's inner circle came at a cost—a price that (Y/N) would soon have to pay. As she became entangled in his world, her sanity further unraveled. The lines between right and wrong blurred, and her own moral compass wavered under the weight of her obsession. The price of proximity to the Joker was a descent into an abyss from which there may be no return.
As Chapter 5 concludes, (Y/N) finds herself caught in a dangerous alliance with the Joker—an unholy bond forged through fascination and darkness. The encounter between them proved to be a pivotal moment, solidifying their twisted connection and plunging (Y/N) further into the depths of her own madness. In the subsequent chapters, we will witness the consequences of their alliance as they navigate the treacherous world they have chosen, risking their sanity and lives for the sake of chaos and obsession.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Punchline: Gothams Dark Joke
➥ summary : (Y/n) is a young adult who attends Gotham's Snyder College where she becomes infatuated with the Joker. After much searching and hacking into the dark web she finds the personal information on the joker even his home and lair address where she then decides to embark on a journey of affiliating herself with the man.
➥ chapter 4: Descending into Madness
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Part 4: The Dark Night
On a gloomy night in the heart of Gotham City, (Y/N) found herself wandering the desolate streets. The weight of her obsession with the Joker burdened her, pushing her deeper into the darkness that enveloped the city. Little did she know that this fateful night would shatter the last vestiges of her sanity and expose a sadistic side she never knew existed.
As (Y/N) walked through the dimly lit alleyways, she stumbled upon a grisly scene—a murder unfolding before her eyes. Her heart raced as she recognized the victim—an old college professor she once admired. Paralyzed with shock and morbid fascination, she watched as the assailant mercilessly ended the professor's life. The gruesome act sent shivers down her spine, but it also awakened something within her—a dark and sadistic curiosity.
Fear mingled with excitement as (Y/N) hid in the shadows, observing the aftermath of the murder. The chaos that surrounded her was intoxicating, amplifying the twisted desires that lurked within. She felt an exhilarating surge of power, as if she held the strings of life and death in her hands. It was a moment of revelation—an awakening of a sadistic side she had never acknowledged.
As the murderer disappeared into the night, leaving behind a lifeless body, (Y/N) emerged from her hiding spot. The scene that greeted her was gruesome and horrifying, but instead of repulsion or sadness, an unsettling laughter bubbled up from deep within her. It started as a nervous chuckle, quickly escalating into uncontrollable, maniacal laughter. It was a laughter that carried with it the echoes of her descent into madness.
Standing over the lifeless corpse of her former college professor, (Y/N) reached out to touch the lifeless body. The touch of death beneath her fingertips sent a jolt of excitement coursing through her veins. It was at that moment, amidst the chilling laughter and the grim realization, that she knew she had crossed a point of no return. The sadistic side of her nature had been unleashed, breaking the last barrier that held her back from embracing the darkness within.
With the taste of sadistic satisfaction lingering on her lips, (Y/N) fully embraced the madness that consumed her. The line between right and wrong, sanity and insanity, blurred into an abstract concept. The once-ordinary woman had transformed into a twisted reflection of her former self, driven by a primal desire to explore the depths of her dark nature.
As (Y/N) descended further into madness, she found herself drawn closer to the essence of the Joker himself. The lines between her own sadistic tendencies and his anarchic chaos became increasingly blurred. She sought out the remnants of his crimes, studied his methods, and reveled in the mayhem he left in his wake. The Joker's influence became a guiding force, fueling her insatiable hunger for chaos.
Yet, as (Y/N) reveled in her newfound sadistic nature, the price of her descent into madness became increasingly apparent. The world around her recoiled, the remnants of her former life slipping away. Friends and loved ones became distant memories as her obsession took hold. The cost of her actions weighed heavily on her conscience, even as she found perverse pleasure in the chaos she created.
With every step she took, (Y/N) danced closer to the edge of her own sanity. The darkness enveloped her, becoming her constant companion. She reveled in the macabre, seeking out the darkest corners of Gotham City and leaving her mark of sadistic glee. The laughter that once seemed foreign now resonated deep within her, a twisted symphony of madness.
As Chapter 4 draws to a close, (Y/N) stands at a precipice—an embodiment of darkness and sadistic desires. The murder she witnessed that night shattered the final barrier, unleashing a sadistic side she had never known. In the subsequent chapters, we will witness the consequences of her descent into madness, as (Y/N) embraces the shadows, dances with chaos, and risks losing herself completely in the twisted world she now inhabits.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Punchline: Gothams Dark Joke
➥ summary : (Y/n) is a young adult who attends Gotham's Snyder College where she becomes infatuated with the Joker. After much searching and hacking into the dark web she finds the personal information on the joker even his home and lair address where she then decides to embark on a journey of affiliating herself with the man.
➥ chapter 3: The Crossroads of Sanity and Obsession
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Part 3: The Acquisition of Sensitive Information
Having ventured deep into the dark web, (Y/N) successfully obtained sensitive information, including the Joker's elusive home address and the location of his hidden lair. The weight of this knowledge pressed upon her as she realized the danger that lurked within her newfound obsession. With each piece of information, she delved deeper into the darkness, torn between preserving her sanity and continuing her pursuit of the Joker.
Aware of the potential consequences of her actions, (Y/N) made a fateful decision to sever the ties that could lead the authorities back to her. Recognizing the risks involved, she destroyed her laptop, meticulously erasing any trace of her digital footprint. By eliminating the evidence, she hoped to protect herself from the scrutiny that would inevitably arise should her actions be discovered.
As the remnants of her laptop smoldered, (Y/N) found herself at a critical juncture in her life. The crossroads loomed before her, forcing her to confront the question that plagued her every waking moment—should she let go of her dangerous obsession with the Joker and salvage what remained of her sanity, or should she plunge deeper into the abyss in pursuit of a man who personified chaos and destruction?
In the aftermath of her decision to destroy the evidence, (Y/N) contemplated the allure of forgetting about the Joker altogether. The weight of her actions, the guilt, and the constant fear of discovery weighed heavily on her psyche. She yearned for a return to normalcy, to reclaim the innocence she had lost in her pursuit of darkness. The prospect of leaving the Joker behind seemed tempting—a chance to reclaim her sanity and rebuild her life.
Yet, even as she contemplated walking away, the pull of the Joker's twisted allure remained unyielding. His enigma gnawed at her thoughts, refusing to release its grip on her mind. The tantalizing possibility of unraveling his motivations, understanding his madness, and perhaps even finding redemption within his chaos tugged at her curiosity. (Y/N) knew that turning her back on the Joker meant turning her back on a journey of self-discovery that she may never have the opportunity to embark on again.
As days turned into nights, (Y/N) struggled to maintain her sanity in the face of her obsession. Sleepless nights and haunting dreams consumed her, blurring the boundaries between reality and her fixation. Her once orderly life had been replaced by a tangled web of shadows and secrets. Sanity teetered on the precipice, threatening to shatter under the weight of her relentless pursuit.
Faced with the choice between the remnants of her sanity and her unyielding desire to understand the Joker, (Y/N) made an irreversible decision. She acknowledged the risks, the potential consequences, and the toll it would take on her mental well-being. But the allure of the Joker's twisted mind was too powerful to resist. She resolved to dedicate herself fully to the search, knowing that her actions might lead her down a path from which there was no return.
In embracing her obsession, (Y/N) forged a dangerous pact with madness. She would follow the breadcrumbs left by the Joker, piecing together his history, motivations, and methods. The consequences be damned. Sanity would be a small price to pay for the knowledge she sought, even as she acknowledged the very real possibility of losing herself in the process.
As the chapter neared its end, (Y/N) stood on the precipice of a perilous journey. The remnants of her destroyed laptop lay as a testament to her commitment—a commitment that threatened to consume her every waking moment. She was prepared to walk further into the darkness, aware that the light of reason and sanity grew fainter with each step.
As Chapter 3 concludes, (Y/N) finds herself on the verge of a descent into madness, consumed by her obsession with the Joker. With her laptop destroyed and the last remnants of her connection to her former life severed, she stands resolute in her decision to pursue the enigmatic criminal at any cost. In the subsequent chapters, we will witness the consequences of her choice and the depths to which she will descend in her relentless quest for understanding, risking her sanity and potentially losing herself in the process.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Punchline: Gothams Dark Joke
➥ summary : (Y/n) is a young adult who attends Gotham's Snyder College where she becomes infatuated with the Joker. After much searching and hacking into the dark web she finds the personal information on the joker even his home and lair address where she then decides to embark on a journey of affiliating herself with the man.
➥ chapter 2: A Dangerous Obsession Unleashed
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Part 2: (Y/N)'s Employment at the Police Force
Having completed her studies at Snyder College, (Y/N) found herself immersed in the world of law enforcement after landing a job as a secretary at the Gotham City Police Department. The position granted her access to sensitive information and systems, giving her a unique vantage point from which to observe the ongoing investigations, including those involving the Joker.
In her seemingly innocuous role, (Y/N) had access to the inner workings of the police force. Over time, her fascination with the Joker deepened, and her desire to protect him grew stronger. Driven by an overwhelming infatuation, she made a fateful decision—to exploit her position and hack into the police systems, erasing all information and trails they had on the Joker.
With a combination of technical prowess and cunning, (Y/N) skillfully bypassed the security measures of the police force's databases. Fueled by a mixture of adrenaline and fear, she swiftly erased any trace of the Joker's activities, leaving the police force blind to his malevolent deeds. It was a dangerous move that could have severe consequences, but (Y/N) was driven by her unwavering loyalty to the enigmatic criminal.
As (Y/N) returned home, the weight of her actions began to sink in. Guilt gnawed at her conscience, as she realized the gravity of what she had done. She had compromised her principles and abused her access, potentially jeopardizing public safety in her obsession with protecting the Joker. Yet, even amidst her guilt, her curiosity continued to pull her deeper into the twisted world she had willingly embraced.
Armed with her coding knowledge and a burning desire for more information, (Y/N) delved into the treacherous depths of the dark web. She navigated the murky corners of illicit online forums, searching for any leads or whispers about the Joker's activities. The dark web became her sanctuary—a place where she could explore the darkest recesses of the criminal underworld, fueled by her obsession.
As (Y/N) unraveled the threads of the dark web, she unearthed a plethora of disturbing information about the Joker. Accounts of his past crimes, his twisted philosophies, and the havoc he had wreaked upon Gotham City flooded her consciousness. The more she discovered, the more she found herself drawn into the web of chaos surrounding the Joker, dangerously blurring the line between reality and fiction.
Within the dark web's shadowy realms, (Y/N) encountered individuals who were as infatuated with the Joker as she was. Drawn together by their shared fascination, she formed an unlikely alliance with hackers, conspiracy theorists, and fellow admirers of the Clown Prince of Crime. They exchanged theories, speculation, and even shared their own experiences with the Joker, each reinforcing the other's obsession.
As (Y/N)'s obsession intensified, the cost of her actions became increasingly apparent. Her once promising career at the police force hung by a thread, as suspicions began to arise about the erased data. The guilt that had haunted her now transformed into a constant state of paranoia, aware that she was just one step away from being exposed.
Caught in the tangled web of her own making, (Y/N) grappled with her conscience. The consequences of her actions weighed heavily on her, forcing her to confront the reality of her infatuation with the Joker. Was her desire to protect him driven by a misguided belief in his misunderstood nature, or had she fallen victim to the seductive allure of chaos and darkness?
As Chapter 2 concludes, (Y/N) stands on the precipice of a dangerous and self-destructive path. Her hack into the police systems and her foray into the dark web have pushed her deeper into a world of obsession and criminality. In the subsequent chapters, we will witness the inevitable collision of her actions with the relentless pursuit of justice, as (Y/N) grapples with the consequences of her choices and the dangerous allure of the Joker's twisted world.
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