#puppy killer
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republikkkanorcs · 2 months
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Republican Kristi Noem shot him in the head for not being a good hunting dog.
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Kristi Noem, South Dakota Republican psycho.
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denisemariaworld · 1 month
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odinsblog · 2 months
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Republican “family values”
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aunti-christ-ine · 2 months
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
Only Trump-loving semi-fascists would vote for a puppy killer like carpetbagger Mehmet Oz.
New Jersey resident Dr. Oz was handpicked to run for US Senate from Pennsylvania by notorious pet hater Donald Trump. 
In a scandal that will surely make Mitt Romney—who famously strapped his family dog atop the roof of his car for a road trip—look like a PETA activist, a review of 75 studies published by Mehmet Oz between 1989 and 2010 reveals the Republican Senate candidate’s research killed over 300 dogs  and inflicted significant suffering on them and the other animals used in experiments.
Oz, the New Jersey resident who’s currently running for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania, was a “principal investigator” at the Columbia University Institute of Comparative Medicine labs for years and assumed “full scientific, administrative, and fiscal responsibility for the conduct” of his studies. Over the course of 75 studies published in academic journals reviewed by Jezebel, Oz’s team conducted experiments on at least 1,027 live animal subjects that included dogs, pigs, calves, rabbits, and small rodents. Thirty-four of these experiments resulted in the deaths of at least 329 dogs, while two of his experiments killed 31 pigs, and 38 experiments killed 661 rabbits and rodents.
Fox News has been desperately trying to prop up Dr. Oz’s comically bad campaign. Perhaps we’ll soon see Tucker Carlson defend puppy killing the way he glosses over Putin’s war crimes in Ukraine.
Owing to a number of bizarre gaffes on the campaign trail, including a comically out-of-touch campaign video of Oz calling vegetables “crudités” and the resurfacing of his history of creepy comments toward women, Oz has been trailing Fetterman for much of the race. But after a slew of obsessive, anti-Fetterman Fox News segments, and key police endorsements of Oz, the latest polling shows the race tightening. 
If you know dog lovers in Pennsylvania, NOW is the time to contact them and urge them not to vote for the puppy killer.
For those who think Jezebel may be too partisan, People Magazine did a fact check which is in overwhelming agreement with the Jezebel article above.
Fact Check: Was Dr. Oz Responsible for Cruelly Experimenting on Dogs?
They spoke at length with veterinarian Catherine Dell'Orto who worked at Columbia when Dr. Oz was there. 
Dell'Orto tells PEOPLE she witnessed the inhumane treatment of dogs in lab experiments investigating aspects of heart function over which Oz served in the role of "principal investigator" — including leaving dogs in pain and paralyzed for weeks, with no discernible research benefit, before they were euthanized or died. 
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"When someone makes the choice to use an animal in a research experiment they should be 100 percent committed to reducing any suffering that animal will experience," says Dell'Orto. "And I did not see that happening with Oz. I saw the opposite."
These are not exactly “best practices”.
She says she saw some of these dogs' chests opened so that pacemakers could be inserted into their hearts, "pacing them at a very high rate to induce heart failure."
Then, she says, "they were doing different treatments to see what worked."
"I didn't think it was good science," Dell'Orto says. "I didn't think the results that came from such experiments were worthy of adding to the scientific database. It was so poorly done."
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rejectingrepublicans · 2 months
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republikkkanorcs · 2 months
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Real life Cruella de Vil.
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odinsblog · 2 months
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Reaching for an example of her unflinching preparedness to do anything “difficult, messy and ugly” if it needs to be done, Kristi Noem landed on a chilling example: the time she killed her pet dog, Cricket, in an execution-style gravel pit slaying.
The South Dakota governor, whose unbreakable devotion to Donald Trump has propelled her to somewhere near the top of his list of his potential 2024 running mates, reportedly included her disturbing tale of canicide in a book set to be published next month. “I guess if I were a better politician I wouldn’t tell the story here,” Noem writes, according to The Guardian, which obtained a copy.
According to the newspaper, Noem recounts the story of how she not only killed Cricket—a female “wirehair pointer, about 14 months old”—but then also proceeded to botch the killing of an unnamed goat that she owned to which she had taken a disliking.
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“I hated that dog,” Noem reportedly writes, adding that Cricket was simply “untrainable” and “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with.” It was then that she realized “I had to put her down,” she adds.
Noem explains that she grabbed her gun and took Cricket to a gravel pit. “It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “But it had to be done.” Afterward, she writes, she decided she also needed to kill a male goat she owned that was “nasty and mean” because it was uncastrated, complaining that the buck “loved to chase” Noem’s children around and would wreck their clothes by knocking them down.
She reportedly writes of the goat that she “dragged him to a gravel pit” like Cricket, but the killing did not go as smoothly. The goat jumped when she pulled the trigger, Noem says, meaning the goat survived the shot. She adds that she went to her truck to get another shell and then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down.”
Noem says that a construction crew had seen her killing both the dog and the goat. She also writes that when her daughter, Kennedy, came home from school, she “looked around confused” and asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”
(continue reading)
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futileexercise · 1 month
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She’s never going to live down her cruelty .
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webntrmpt · 2 months
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