moremusic · 2 years
I was recommended by a friend to listen to this band, and I am glad I did. Their new single ‘Fresh Squeeze’ is a banger. Here is my interview with Purée
Tell us your band history, how did you form etc?
Basically Matt and Mack were living together both doing their own music projects as solo artists but always found themselves coming back to the idea of forming a band. Jack was in another band at the time but eventually left and started jamming with Matt and Mack. The pair had discreetly always wanted this as they had gone to watch jack a few times and fell In love with the way he played.
after months of ideas flowing and hype building amongst the now group of 3 we knew a drummer was majorly needed.
One day Matt put a story on his Instagram
Reading, “if anyone is a drummer or knows a drummer hit me up!” Not expecting much at all.
The following day as Matt was swiping through story’s, Liam popped up playing drums. He was incredibly talented and full of energy so Matt messaged him instantly asking to come round for a jam. He told Mack quickly after this that Liam was in-fact
“the one.”
We often talk about that moment as Liam says he only put that story up in hopes that it would be seen by Matt and boy are we glad he did.
After a long while Liam finally came by and jammed with the group and instantly we knew that we had formed something incredible. An unbreakable bond with energy that was so electric all of us could feel it.
soon after that moment we wrote our first song together which turned out to be Braindead, our very first release.
From the start, we all knew each other reasonably well. But watching one another become the best of friends through music we created will always be a great joy for us for many, many years to come.
Did the covid pandemic interrupt your plans?
Well we basically formed at the start of it all which we take as a blessing. It gave us lots of time to write music and learn how each other worked. we took a lot of time creating and tailoring a set for when we could eventually get out there on a stage and make our debut.
it was a really smooth process.
I am a big fan of your single “fresh squeeze” what is the song about, and how was the recording process?
Fresh squeeze is one of our OG songs we wrote together.
Simply put, the song is written about Liams strange addiction to fruit juice. Apple, orange, pineapple, blackcurrant you name it, he loves it.
So we wrote a song about it lol.
Recording the song was pretty breezy considering we knew it so well, so it was just a matter of adding a few little fun things we had on our minds that we could only do in the studio.
We record at treetop studios which is located close to where we all live in the Adelaide hills and it is a wonderful place to let our ideas fly and see them come to life.
When you write a new song, is it a joint effort in a jam session, or does a certain member bring a song already written to the studio.
Most of the time, one person will bring a set of chords, a bass line, a drum beat or a lead line and we just kinda jam on it for a second.
Usually from there sparks fly and we start adding the other parts as we individually see fit. Then we work on a basic structure of the song and the direction it should take.
The whole process is very much a group effort and each member adds their own flair to each song which is one of our favourite parts of working together.
Are you currently in the studio?
Yes we are! Right now we are just finishing up our next single and also chipping away at an EP which includes some of our early music we wrote together. It’s kind of a story book of our beginning as a band and it means a lot to us.
What is your career highlight?
At our first city show we played our debut single to what we thought was a crowd of fresh ears, but it turned out more people knew the song than we had first expected and they were singing our lyrics back to us, THAT was an incredible feeling that we will always remember and cherish.
What is your favourite venue to play?
The crown and anchor will always be close to our hearts as it was the first venue we played in the city, being back a few times now we really, really love it.
What do you think of the Adelaide music scene?
Our experience so far in the scene is that it’s super tight nit, full of talent and a joy to be a part of. Meeting bands left right and centre with the same love of music is a really cool thing to be involved in, we love it.
What other Adelaide bands should we listen to?
Dorkz, the Tullamarine’s, more colour, and stormy Lou are some of our favourites
Have you got any upcoming gigs you’d like to promote?
Our next show is gonna be a good one!
On the 17th of June we are playing at the grace Emily hotel with sycamore and sun sick daisy!!!
We are super excited.
What is your dream gig? (Venue, support etc.)
We can’t really think of any specific venues but we would love to tour the country.
A dream would be to play alongside one of our favourite bands “Kitschen boy” who are based in Melbourne.
What are your short/ long term goals?
Short term we would like to get some more music out there and do our first ever single release show alongside just playing as many gigs as we can. Our long term goals are really just to travel Australia sharing our music to new people all over, hopefully in the form of a tour someday!
Finally, where can people find you? Socials?
You can find us on Instagram and TikTok @pureeband
And on Facebook @pureebandaus
Also our music is on every platform you could imagine under the name, Purée
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