ask-princess-rarity · 22 days
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ask-gadzooks · 11 months
(ask-princess-rarity) Oh, I MUST ask a most important quest from you two brave adventurers! I hear you two are absolutely unmatched in bravery, courage, and expediency, I could simply choose no others for the deed. From deep within these caverns I am depraved of basic pony rights! Please, deliver to me one single pint of mint chocolate ship ice cream - only name brand and be sure it is NOT melted when it arrives - to my room within the next fortnight. In exchange I'm sure I could find some gem or the other for you fine gentlemen.
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"Less than a Fortnight" later...
Princess Rarity leaned out her balcony window, gazing into the vast underground cavern the diamond dogs called home. She took a deep breath and exhaled a long and dainty sigh. It felt like it had been decades since her last taste of ice cream, and she felt like she was constantly in the mood to eat it these days.
That is, she was constantly stressed enough to want to shovel it down her throat in hopes of drowning out her troubles.
As Rarity gazed out of her balcony, trying to pretend the glowing crystals on the far side of the cavern were creamy popsicles, she noticed a small disturbance near the orange-looking one. Rarity recalled that that was vaugely in the direction she had come from when she first arrived here.
Rarity pulled herself forward onto the railing to get a better look, though at best all she could see from here were vaugely moving specks of all the muted colors the diamond dogs came in. Except... was that one bright yellow? As Rarity angled her ears toward the disturbance, she thought she heard shouting... and it was getting closer, As was the yellow speck in the distance. As it moved in her general direction, Rarity could begin to make out yellow wings that were flapping frantically. Soon enough Rarity perceived that the yellow blob was being accosted by crossbow bolts and thrown spears from below, but every once in a while the yellow thing would retaliate with some unknown projectile of it's own. Were those... disks? So intent on her observations was Rarity that didn't notice that the yellow creature was headed straight for her.
Well, that is, until she remembered to duck. As the yellow bird soared over Rarity's head, one or two sharp objects followed him into her room, skewering the roughly-made throw rug. An instant later, she heard one of the diamond dogs below smack the other upside the head.
"Stupid! Don't kill Pony Princess!" He shouted.
"wasn't trying to!" the cowed dog replied. "Shut up! Somedog get up there!" the first dog said.
Rarity, however, was no longer paying attention; she was looking at the feather-tailed yellow griffon who had skidded to a stop not quite quickly enough to avoid hitting the far wall. "Your highness." Gad said, upside-down. As he righted himself, he took a sealed plastic bucket out of his saddlebags.
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"I hope this is to your satisfaction, miss!" Gad said, smiling. "It's a bit more than a pint, but maybe you could share a bit with your, uh... 'friends' down here."
As he placed the bucket down, Rarity may have noticed that the bucket was still coated in frost, despite the long journey it must've taken there. The paper sticker on the top was ringed with frozen condensation. "As for payment, don't stress about it too much, but if you could mail us one or two gems of different colors about yea big..." Gad held his claws about an inch apart, like he was displaying a golden bit between them... "Then that'd be great."
Before much else could happen, there was a pounding on the door. "Oops! looks like I've worn out my welcome here." Gad said as he readied himself for takeoff again. "Maybe you could explain this to the Diamond dogs so their response isn't so... violent next time? Oh! and probably dispose of that sticker before your room gets frozen!"
Gad climbed up onto the balcony railing and spread his wings.
"Let me know if you ever need a real rescue, princess! And sorry about Purglator's cape!" Purglator's... cape? what about it? Of course before Rarity could ask, Gad was swooping back in the direction he came, zipping, diving, and dodging projectiles like a mad bird.
An instant later, Rarity's door slammed open, and she looked back to see a rather strange sight, accompanied by the faint scent of cherries.
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(@ask-princess-rarity, since this was an anonymous ask, I don't know if this was actually requested by you, but I enjoyed writing it, nonetheless! enjoy your ice cream, and to a lesser extent, your pie.)
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@ask-gadzooks @sm0lcatfish
Thanks for all the PERFECT asks I got, mwahaha
I also wanna be sure it's clear that this isn't gonna be a story driven blog like Celostia. There may be some "events" but otherwise it's mostly just asks and fun stuff.
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((not an ask, but i have to say, I LOVE the expressions, especially in the latest update!))
:'D thank you! I get that a lot, actually, haha. I rambled on about it under the cut, whoops.
Expressions are so huge to me. Especially since I'm not so good at dialogue, haha. When it comes to telling a story well and showing what a character thinks or just showing a lot about their character without outright telling it - expressions and dialogue are the two biggest things. So I've really focused a lot on mastering expressions!! Breaking it down to the five essentials - Brows, Eyes, Mouth, Wrinkles, and Body Language - helps a lot with thinking about how someone would express how they feel without words.
But like, just look at the last two panels
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Just from the expressions you can tell that Purglator doesn't mean to frighten Rarity but that he does, even if she hides it. It's so much better to sell it with expressions then to have it be like Purglator saying "I'm sorry I don't mean to scare you" or Rarity saying "He scares me...." once he's gone.
So yes, expressions are sooooo so important to story telling and I think everyone should master expressions to master their visual story telling <3
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