#purple popsicle monty
realscinder · 4 years
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just need someone here ya know? monty and otis having some difficulties.
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justmenoworries · 3 years
thoughts about the lastest Security Breach short (and the updates on SB in general):
everything is a lot more purple. going back and watching the first two cartoons, I noticed the tinge has been getting more and more purple with every episode. it was already a bit darker in episode 2
lmao, my prediction for Bonnie just kinda blinking away like he always does when he becomes the lead was spot-on.
speaking of Bonnie, the video quality always worsens to the point of nearly cutting off when he’s in the picture by himself. we never get a clear look at him in this episode.
the episode overall is much worse in quality than the two previous ones, a lot more glitching, the sound is muffled and i already mentioned how the purple tinge is a lot stronger now, to the point it darkens the entire picture
we have two hidden pictures this time. one’s of Glamrock Chica, one’s of Roxanne. GC seems to be missing her beak already.
the plushie in securitybreachtv has been changed from a Glamrock Freddy to a Roxanne, almost all the messages now say “be careful”, the Montgomery-popsicle has melted, the icon changes from the standard logo to a Glamrock Chica and a Roxanne-logo when double-clicked on and there’s a toy cupcake now too. Roxanne and Glamrock Chica seem to be taking over, just like Monty did when episode 2 was released.
the “after credit scene” showed us a new animatronic, but whoever it is, they seem to be in a state of disrepair or messily jumbled together from multiple parts, kind of like Scraptrap. they’re limping and their separate limbs (what we see of them) don’t seem like they’re from the same body. personally, i think this is Springtrap’s/William’s “new” body, the same one that was already teased in the gameplay trailer
the purple and the glitches surrounding Bonnie seem to hint that William is coming closer/getting more control. both purple and Bonnie are heavily associated with William Afton (purple being the color of the sprite representing him and the Springbonnie-suit being the one he used for his murders and then later on possessed when it killed him)
i’ve noticed that the more the other Glamrock-animatronics come into the picture, the more Glamrock Freddy seems to “retreat” for lack of a better world. security breach tv only has one piece of merch representing him now (the night guard-freddy cup). it used to feature him exclusively, but now everything that represented him has either been taken away or been replaced by something that represents one of the other Glamrocks interestingly, Glamrock Freddy is also the only Glamrock that didn’t get a scary hidden picture in any of the shorts. Seems like it really will be Gregory and Glamrock Freddy vs the rest of the Glamrocks :’(
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thewritelycampix · 7 years
No Pokeballs Allowed
Chapter 8: Evil Ways
Something was wrong here. Not including the fact that her coworker was basically converted into a macabre living ice sculpture by this ghost, something felt wrong. Squirtle felt as if there should be some fanfare echoing through the cave. Some horrific stab effect of realisation. She’d even accept a gasp or a scream or something.
Make no mistake, Squirtle had been trying to fill in this gap of silence with a shriek of terror, a declaration of revenge, a gasp, a yell, anything. But nothing came. Like Coran himself, she was frozen to the spot, nothing in her body willing to work. She couldn’t express any sort of emotion over this.
As a result, the offending Chandelure didn’t seem to notice that they’d arrived. It was still mumbling to itself.
“Poor soul...poor delicious soul...trapped in ice, like a Poké-popsicle...what to do? What to do…?”
She heard a sharp breath above her. Startled, she whipped her head up and saw Monty with his mouth open as if he was ready to say something. At the last moment, however, his orange reptile-like eyes focused on her, and he shut his mouth.
He carefully leant down closer to her. “...He doesn’t seem to be the perpetrator,” he said, his voice barely above silence. “He’s speaking as if he had discovered your friend like this, rather than causing it himself.”
Squirtle adamantly shook her head. “I’m not falling for it. It’s a trick. Ghosts are always up to tricks.”
“Why lie when no one is in the room?” Monty whispered back.
“Maybe he already knows. Maybe he’s trying to convince himself of the lie to lie better.”
“I think you're acting a little irrational. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’re at a type disadvantage, the both of us. We should avoid a battle if we can help it.”
“I \know we’re at a type disadvantage, I’m not an idiot…! But look what he did to Coran! Are you saying that we should just greet him like he’s an old friend?!”
“You two have very loud whispers.”
Squirtle’s muscles tensed and she slowly craned her neck towards the Chandelure. It was facing them, the hollow yellow eyes boring into her skull. The purple flame within the glass-like chamber gave the cave an eerie glow, causing an odd shadow to dance on the ground in front of them.
Monty was trembling. He had never been so scared before. Sure, he was an Exploring Rescue Team Pokémon Captain Extraordinaire, and sure, he's not bad at the ‘Exploring’ part, but the ‘Rescue’ bit he was a little rustier on. And what better first mission to stretch the old ‘Rescue’ nerve than with a floating fire ghost somehow capable of turning Pokémon into solid ice?
He stepped forward. “...My name is Monty Montgomery, Exploring Rescue…” He shook his head. “I request that you inform us exactly what transpired here, and the reason as to which…erm…you are holding a defenseless…civilian…in icy incarceration.”
The Chandelure studied him for a few moments. “...in icy incarceration. That’s good.”
“...Come again?”
“Excuse me?”
Squirtle stepped forward. “Why did you freeze Coran?! Let him go right now!”
The Chandelure shifted its focus to Squirtle. “I didn’t freeze him.”
“What?! Of course, you did!” Squirtle spat. “Monty saw you drag him away! Was he frozen then?!”
Monty stepped back and looked at Squirtle. “W-well...it was far away. Now that I look at Coran at the moment...and recall the incident...it could be possible that he was frozen already.”
“...You guys like accusing me,” Chandelure whispered, a quivering in its voice to suggest that it was hurt.
Monty gulped. “Perhaps we should tread more lightly, Squirtle,” he said slowly. Monty made sure that Chandelure could hear this, though. He was more saying it for its benefit than for his or Squirtle’s. “...Did you take Coran here?”
Chandelure swivelled in the air to turn towards the frozen Riolu in an agonisingly slow motion. “...I did.”
Monty swore he could hear Squirtle bristle at that. But thankfully, she kept quiet. He continued. “Was he frozen when you took him?”
There was another silence before it answered. “...I can’t remember.”
“...Excuse me?” Squirtle growled.
“It’s hard for me to tell if something is frozen or not, considering I have no sense of sight or feeling.”
This took Monty by surprise. It had eyes, didn’t it? “...You’re looking at us right now, aren’t you?” he asked.
“But you-!” Squirtle began.
“Your souls. I can see your souls.” The words hung in the air like a one-ton weight suspended by a thread.
A shiver coursed through Squirtle’s body. “Wait...then...Coran’s still alive?”
The Chandelure’s purple flame billowed inside its glass body. Monty heard a high pitched chuckle permeate the frigid air. “His soul’s still in there. His poor poor soul...so much anguish…”
“Let him out…” Squirtle’s voice came out shaking. “Please, just let him out.”
“I don’t think you want him to be let out yet.”
Monty took a deep breath, steeling himself. “I hate to interrupt, but you are not in a position to tell us whether we want him to be let out yet or not,” he stated in as authoritative a tone as he could muster.
The Chandelure chuckled momentarily. “If...you insist.”
The fire on the ends of the Chandelure began to flicker as it was drawn back to Coran’s frozen form. The closer it got, the more its flames began to billow until the shell of ice began to melt.
Coran fell to the ground in a crumpled shivering heap, murmuring to himself in a voice too fast and hushed to sound normal. Squirtle instantly dashed towards him, completely disregarding the scary crazy floating ghost.
“Coran!!” Squirtle yelled, skidding to a stop next to him. “Please tell me you’re okay...are you-”
Squirtle’s cry of concern was instantly ended as an impact with the force of a gunshot smashed into her nose, sending her flying backwards. Her back collided with the rear of the cave with a grisly thud, and her eyelids dipped as she tried to maintain consciousness. She was vaguely aware of her nose bleeding.
Monty sprung into action the moment Coran had punched her. Instantly vines were upon the Riolu, who got up to his feet in a screaming rage. His paws latched onto the vines in a vice-like grip and began to pull Monty closer. The Servine stumbled forward before he was - like Squirtle - slammed backwards with a powerful kick. He let out a cry of shock, letting go of the Riolu as he rolled back to try and lessen the impact. He looked up, readying himself for another blow. But it didn’t come.
Instead, he went after Squirtle again.
With a cry of what sounded like anguish, Coran began sprinting towards Squirtle, rolling back his fist in preparation for a punch. Through tears of recoiling pain, she was able to make out Coran’s eyes. They were glazed as if he were only half-present. He seemed to be looking through her. Her vision was then dominated by his fist as it collided with her stomach, crushing her against the rock wall.
The impact was lessened by a green rope wrapping around his waist, yanking him backwards. Coran began to thrash on the ground, his balance lost as more vines began to wrap around his limbs, pinning his arms and legs together.
Monty was straining, trying to keep Coran restrained on the ground. “Are...are you alright?” His red eyes were directed at Squirtle.
Her vision was fuzzy, and her breathing was shallow and stilted. Coran’s punch to her stomach didn’t break any ribs, but it knocked the wind out of her, and she laid on the ground, gasping for breath. She was vaguely aware of Monty’s question and was able to give a subtle nod. Her head rolled towards the Chandelure, and she mustered up the angriest expression she could.
He stared at her with what could only be described as a neutral expression. “...I tried to warn you. He is not himself.”
“...What...happened…?” Squirtle breathed, shivering weakly on the floor as she wiped at the blood coming from her nose.
“I can only assume he has fallen victim to the Voice,” the Chandelure said solemnly.
Coran’s thrashing on the ground fell still, allowing Monty to relax. He hung his head, falling back to rest. “...Please explain,” he said between pants. “What...is this Voice?”
“A powerful psychic presence that preys on Pokémon,” the Chandelure murmured, slowly floating closer to Coran. “The Drasil Roots are wilting. This weakens the state of the Pokémon that live off it. And this Voice...influences them. And when it stops...they die.”
Squirtle’s blood ran cold.
“...he’s not dead,” she whispered, slowly treading closer to his unmoving body. “He’s not dead.”
“He’s not dead,” the Chandelure confirmed. “But I expect he will be soon. None last long after the Voice’s influence over them fades. There’s simply nothing left for them to obey. Their mind is gone, their Voice is gone...they become lifeless.”
“...Get up,” she murmured, her voice trembling. She was trembling too. “Get up. Get up! Get up! Get up, Coran!!” Hovering over his body, Squirtle began to scream. Tears began to well in her eyes.
I’ve never had someone die. I’ve never had someone die. I’ve never had someone die.
Everything else in the room began to fade away. It was just her and Coran. Coran’s lifeless body. His face was in an expression of torment, though it was quickly fading into a calm expression.
Was this what death looked like?
“NO!!” With a scream, Squirtle raised a paw and slapped it across Coran’s cheek as hard as she could. “NO NO NO!!”
Coran let out a cry of pain and recoiled, bringing a paw up to his face. “O-ow!!”
The room went completely silent.
Coran awoke to a sharp stinging pain on his left cheek. With an exclamation of pain, he rolled on the hard ground from the impact of the slap. “O-ow!!” He opened his eyes and saw Squirtle. “Y-y-you r-really don’t know...h-how to wake someone up…”
It was only halfway through this sentence that Coran noticed something was very very wrong with where he was. He was soaked and freezing. Squirtle’s expression displayed no anger, no chiding look. Instead, it was one of paralysing awe. Her mouth hung agape, her red eyes in a round shape of shock. She couldn’t stop staring at him as if he’d just morphed into a berry or something.
And his fists hurt really badly.
“...What’s g-going on?”
A sort of stuttering noise came from Squirtle’s throat. Her lips were trying to move, but they shifted in a strange jerking motion as if she didn’t have full control over them. It looked like she was choking.
“E-err…” a voice behind Coran made him jump, and he swivelled his head backwards.
He saw the upside-down form of a Servine staring at him with a similar yet different look to Squirtle. His, while also filled with a sort of bewilderment, was also abundant in a healthy dose of fear and caution. This had to be the one who had spoken.
“...My name is Monty Montgomery,” he said carefully, taking a step backwards. “...I assume you are Squirtle’s friend?”
“C-Coran,” the Riolu replied slowly. “...And-d you are?”
The Servine gave him a strange stare at that.
“You’re okay,” Squirtle’s voice whispered, accompanied by shaking footsteps. Coran directed his fuzzy gaze back to Squirtle. She’d gotten closer, and this allowed him to see what a wreck she was. Whatever she’d done to get down here, something did a number on her. Her muzzle was spattered red from blood, she looked frazzled and tired, and her legs were shaking.
“You’re...you’re okay,” she said again, falling into a furry heap in front of him, putting her cheek up against his leg. Her breathing was fast, but it sounded like she was sobbing.
This only confused Coran more. For the moment, he forgot about the cold. “...Can someone please explain to me what’s going on?”
Monty’s voice began to move to his right, though it was clear he was keeping his distance. “...Your friend Squirtle has been looking for you. We found you...e-er...frozen solid and kept captive in this cave. Chandelure freed you, and...well, you proceeded to attack Squirtle in a blind fury.”
On instinct Coran’s hackles raised. “Okay, what? Look, I don’t know how long you’ve known Squirtle, but I would never just up and attack her! She’s my boss! Just because I’m a Fighting-”
“...H-he isn’t lying,” Squirtle whispered, shivering again. “You...you did this.”
Coran whipped his head back to look at her. His neck groaned in protest to this quick motion, but he didn’t care. He...he did this? “How? I...I-I would never…”
“The...the Voice,” she coughed. “Some...influence thing…” She raised her eyes to look at him. “...I-it...was not your fault…”
Coran, remembering how cold it was here, looked at Monty. “...We need to get her out of here.”
Monty took a moment to register this, and slowly nodded. “...Yes, of course.” He drew closer, however uncomfortably, and gently picked up Squirtle in his hands. She gave off a small groan of pain but made no other noise.
Coran pushed himself to a stance, shivering from the low temperature. That, and… He stole a look at Squirtle. She seemed so weak. Beaten.
Could he have really done that to her?
“If...if I hurt you, too, I…” Coran tried to find the words, looking at Monty for a moment. This wasn’t embarrassment. It was a step beyond shame.
Monty shook his head and smiled a little. “Let’s save the pleasantries for when we have refreshments and a warmer atmosphere, hmm?”
In response, Coran took a shallow breath and nodded his consent. “Right.”
With that, the two of them began to walk out of the cave, Squirtle falling into a sort of sleep.
A long hard walk and a long deep rest later, Squirtle was sitting in the common room of her business, Coran on the other side of the table. Monty was waiting outside.
“...I’ve never heard about this Voice thing before,” Squirtle murmured, holding a warm bowl of tea between her paws. “I mean, I knew that Pokemon were sort of going feral for a while - you’ve seen them - but...this scares me.”
“It got me, too,” Coran said, looking off to the side. “...I don’t remember any of it. I just...I just remember being really cold.”
The table was silent for a moment.
“So...that Monty guy.”
Squirtle perked up. “Yeah. He helped me. A lot. I’m considering hiring him, actually.”
“Considering?” Coran raised an eyebrow. “He single-handedly carried you back to Nuzlocke from Faren Heights.”
“Alright, I say considering because I’m...just not sure.” Squirtle looked back at the entrance. She could see through the front arch that he was studying the bulletin board with great interest.
“Why not?”
“...He just seems...he doesn’t look ready.” Squirtle sighed. “I mean, sure, he restrained you, but that’s...that’s restraint. He didn’t seem to be superb at fighting.”
Coran crossed his arms. “May I remind you that you hired me literally the first day I was a Pokémon?”
Squirtle gave him a look. “Yes,” she said, rolling her eyes, “but I had a real need for you. A Fighting-Type. For Monty...I’m not so sure.”
Coran sighed. “Why don’t you put him on a trial period or something? I feel like he deserves at least that.”
Squirtle looked at the Servine for a moment and nodded. “I guess it’s only fair. Maybe he is good at fighting.”
“...You should probably tell him then.”
Squirtle got up and nodded. “...Alright. I’ll give him a try.” She walked outside to talk to Monty, leaving Coran alone at the table.
I attacked someone. I attacked Squirtle. And I don’t remember it. He looked at his paws, and his mind flashed back to Squirtle’s bloodied visage. He did that.
“I had a real need for you. A Fighting-Type.”
A shudder worked its way down his spine.
Link to Chapter 9
Start at the beginning
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