#pushing her - Chakotay had the crying & screaming scene and this was that scene for Tuvok
bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
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Coda. You of all people. Grief. The way Kes had to break Tuvok's hold on her & The way he kept asking if she heard anything - anything at all.
Open yourself to the impressions around you, The thoughts, the minds that are on this ship. All the minds that are on this ship. So many voices.
They are a turbulent storm, and you are the one who must rise above the tempest, to a place that is quiet. It's difficult.
You must lift yourself from the confusion of the storm. Soar into the quiet space among the stars where everything is still. Is there a voice that you can hear? A single voice isolated in the stillness?
Is there anything? Any presence in the void with you? I can't hear anything.
Now I am with you, moving through the quiet space. My thoughts join with yours, extending the range of the search.
(You have to find me.) (Surely, you must know I'm here?) Empty. Alone. (We've shared so much.) Failure. Forced.
Tactical Officer's Log: Is there anything? Is there anything? Is there anything? I('m searching for) a good friend, one I can never replace.
Is there anything? Is there anything? Is there anything? A single voice, isolated in that void? (we've shared so much.) I don't want to come up for air. My lungs force me to breathe.
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