#put a mentos in that bottle of diet coke and watch it go okay!!!
beliscary · 5 months
there's a tower in belisaere called dolorous bastion
#g*rth n*x does things to make me specifically insane#me pulling up scherzo di notte in another tab#arghhh given the quality of his recent works I don't. want any more... but also. Wallmaker lore. blease#if I don't finish goldenhand it will continue to not be real and not hurt me#but I can try clariel again... for the world building.....#did you know bellis is part of the scientific name for a daisy#and sayre can be linked to carpenter#anyway listen. listen. lean in to Sam being a little too much like rogir for a kingdom that just returned from chaos#he's a little vain. a little reclusive. went to ancelstierre and came back... odd. deeply involved in magics no one understands#and he has no mentor. no guidance. just an unhelpful chaotic neutral cat. he's the last first & only wallmaker atm.#but he's just a moody artist ok. a total sweetheart just at turns manic and melancholic.#who is also capable of forging an executioner's blade that can imprison orannis the destroyer.#and. you know. a prince.#he should have a terrible complex about Being Like His Evil Uncle#in addition to his own shame at his perceived cowardice & failures. and his fear of Death#and his anxiety that he'll one day pour himself into the Making of something like the og wallmakers did#(and all this could. also swirl around Rogir's classique villainous queercoding. just saying.)#put a mentos in that bottle of diet coke and watch it go okay!!!#I'm sitting here shaking the narrative like If People Behaved Like People The Court Would Deeply Distrust Him#not his family obviously!!! but everyone else.#especially for facilitating a student exchange of ancelstierran soldier mages and also bringing in new citizens#who only treatied with him. not with the future queen.#and he looks and sort of behaves like his usurper murderer uncle. JUST SAYING.
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trashytummiez · 3 years
Story Prompt: Mina does the Coke and Mentos challenge and ends up with a bubbly belchy belly afterwards.
Warning: contains belly kink bloating burps fluff hiccups indigestion nausea tummy play tummy rubs
"Is it recording?" Mina asked in her casual wares standing in a field.
Kirishima gave a thumbs up from behind his phone whilst recording his girlfriend.
Mina grinned and waved back at the camera. "Hiiiii guys! Soooo we read your comments on the last challenge video and since so many of you requested it we're gonna tackle the coke and mentos challenge!" She held up a thick 2 liter bottle of diet coke with a pack of mentos. "Seems easy enough don'tcha think?"
"You got this dude!" Kirishima encouraged her from behind the camera.
"Let's find out!" Mina said excitedly then pouted at the camera. "If I get sick though I'm totally blaming this on Mineta. Don't act like you weren't one of the commentators you little purple creep!"
Her pout turned to an eager and confident grin.
"Anyway! Let's do this!"
She opened the mentos pack and popped a mentos into her mouth.
"Now I keep hearing mixed things that you're not supposed to chew them or anything right? So," she dipped her head back and swallowed the mentos whole which made a tiny lump emerge from the front of her pink neck until it sank down her gullet with a light squelch. Mina popped another mentos into her mouth and did the same thing of swallowing it whole. She did that for about five or six mentos then huffed softly. "Wow swallowing those whole doesn't feel the best," she complained rubbing her throat softly but that discomfort was short lived. "But that should make them more reactive so lets get this challenge started for reals!"
Now came the fun part.
Mina cracked open her 2 liter bottle of diet coke and lifted it up to her lips so she could begin chugging it down. She rested her eyes shut as she took in big thick gulps of soda. Her throat throbbed and rippled with the passage of fizzy diet sugar water flowing down her gullet all at once.
"Wow you're really guzzlin' that stuff down!" Kirishima exclaimed with an impressed whistle.
Mina continued chugging at an impressive rate. She got the soda down to its label in one go without stopping and Kirishima cheering her on for every second of her chugging.
Eventually she pulled the bottle away and panted so heavily that some soda dribbled from her mouth. In the midst of her panting she gave a short but foamy sounding burp. She covered her mouth after then immediately blew her hand back with a massive burp. That one belted out of her so hard that Kirishima would've sworn that even he could feel it.
The boy laughed heavily behind the camera. "Gahahahah! Dude nice! That was real manly!"
"Whew! Wow!" Mina exclaimed and patted her tummy in an impressed sort of way. "Ungh man that was so loud!"
"How're ya feelin' so far?" Kirishima asked.
Mina rubbed her stomach experimentally and pouted in contemplation. "Kinda full but..." she paused while she rubbed and gave a look of discomfort. Then she gripped her stomach a little more firmly and gave another powerful burp that left her panting and left Kirishima laughing. "Unf...'kay I'm definitely feelin' a lil bubbly," Mina admitted and rubbed her belly gently from side to side. Then she grinned again. "But nothin' I can't handle!"
So she went back to swigging her beverage down. Mina could always get a lot of liquids down since her body burned through whatever she ate slightly faster from the acid she secretes warming her body temperature up. The more soda filled her tummy up though the more the mentos began to react. By not chewing them up first those minty shells fizzed with the soda in her stomach and reacted much more violently than they otherwise would have. It was getting so bad that Kirishima could actually hear Mina's belly gurgling from where he was standing.
"Dude I think I can actually hear yer stomach gurglin'! This is pretty intense ain't it," Kirishima asked.
Mina nodded while she chugged her bottle down. One hand rested on her tummy and rubbed it softly up and down. It was beginning to look bloated from both the soda she's downed and all the bubbles filling her up. And the churning noises were only getting louder by the second.
She eventually had to pull away again and catch her breath. Only for a grizzly sounding burp to erupt out of her mouth with extreme force. Mina gasped when that one left her system then patted her belly and burped again. "Oooh dude I don't feel good," Mina complained and held her bloated tummy with both hands. She held a hand over her mouth and gave an incredibly thick closed mouth burp.
Kirishima frowned with concern for her girlfriend. "D'ya wanna stop? We can take a break or call it quits. I don't want'cha gettin' sick or anything."
But Mina shook her head. She opened her mouth to start speaking but ended up burping hard instead which made her cover her mouth. "Nuh uh. Plus ultra right? It's just some silly challenge. Nothing we can't-" Mina interrupted herself with a large burp then covered her mouth again. "...Unf...handle."
She brought the bottle stubbornly to her lips and was about to chug but had to stop and burp again. One thing was certain this challenge was making her incredibly gassy. But that didn't stop her.
Mina powered on through. She guzzled the drink down while the fizz in her belly intensified. Her stomach was expanding more from the carbonation and all the soda she was drinking to the point where her normally flat tummy was looking a little round behind her tight shirt.
She continued chugging with a fiery look of determination in her eyes.
Kirishima cheered her on inspired by that very determination. "You got this dude! What's a lil soda compared to a hero right?!"
...He got really inspired by her determination.
It was getting painful though. The churning bubbling in Mina's tummy was growing aggressive with a sickly acidity to it. It made her throat feel sour and raw with a light burning in her chest.
But still Mina chugged on without any signs of quitting.
Until she somehow managed to down every last drop of the bottle. After swallowing the rest down she flipped the bottle upside down and shook it to show not a drop fall out.
"Ha! Done...!" Mina panted confidently yet exhaustedly. Suddenly she dropped the bottle and her hands flew to her belly in time for the girl to unleash the single loudest and longest burp she'd ever uttered clocking in at ten seconds straight!
Kirishima fell in love with her all over again.
"...Dude. That was the manliest thing I've ever seen...!" he muttered in absolute awe.
Mina just gasped like she was out of breath then burped again.
"God I feel so bloated," Mina moaned and took a moment to massage her bloated tummy with both hands. But she managed a grin back at the camera. "Okay guys! Challenge beaten!" She paused to give a really deep closed mouth burp that rumbled heavily behind her lips. "Ungh...mostly. Anyway! If you have any other challenges you wanna see me or my boyfriend doing hit us up in the comments below! And as always th-aaAAAAAANKsss-for watching...!"
Kirishima snickered when Mina accidentally burped the word 'thanks' out but that seemed like as good a time as any to stop recording.
The second he did Kirishima put the phone in his pocket and helped Mina sit down on the grass so he could help her feel a little better. He very gently started to rub her tummy up and down while she leaned back and groaned.
"Ooooooh I don't feel good..." Mina groaned out. Her stomach gurgled thickly in agreement.
"I'll bet. That sounds gnarly..." Kirishima admitted. He gently rubbed over the rounded crest of Mina's stomach using the heel of his palm to knead into it as he rubbed. "Still. Ya did a real good job! That was so manly the way ya powered through yer own discomfort like that!"
Mina turned her head and held a fist against her mouth in time to let rip a big closed mouth burp that she could barely contain behind her lips. The sound rumbled in her mouth heavily for a few seconds and left her breezily blowing the gas off to the side. "Unnngh...urhp...I'd call it a draw really. The challenge is kinda kicking my butt right now..."
"Naw you got this," Kirishima encouraged her and kneaded an especially tense part of her belly. The burp that the pink girl released after that was so strong that even Kirishima could feel it reverberating in his own body.
"Ohhhh that felt good," Mina moaned palming the side of her tummy in a deeply satisfied way.
Kirishima grinned while he kneaded her belly some more to help work more gas out. "Hahah~ I love that."
"What me burping?"
"Naw! Like-well okay that's pretty awesome too-but like the way ya don't get all embarrassed by it even though we're out in public. It's so fearless and manly!"
Mina giggled and instantly regretted it when the giggles jiggled her tummy around and made her hiccup. She covered her mouth but managed a grin back at Kirishima. "Got a thing for tomboys do ya?"
The red-haired boy scratched his cheek and blushed lightly. "...Kinda."
"Well for the record I have a thing for manly boys like you. So..." Mina leaned over and kissed Kirishima's cheek making the boy blush even harder than he already was.
She grinned satisfied but her belly gave another painfully gaseous grumble that left her groaning with discomfort. "Ohhhh man that still feels rough..."
"Here lemme help," Kirishima said.
He eagerly kneaded into Mina's tummy sliding his hand under her shirt so he could knead his fingers directly against her soft pink stomach. His fingers were hardened ever so slightly by focusing his hardening quirk into them. Kirishima compressed them into the tightest part of Mina's belly hoping to unknot her stomach muscles.
But in the process of pressing into her belly like that he dislodged a sizable pressure pocket.
Mina lurched sharply when that happened and covered her mouth like she was about to be sick. Instead her hand was blown back as she let out a giant record breaking burp. It carried on for several seconds. Not as long as that ten second burp she gave when she finished the bottle but around there and arguably louder and gassier. In fact Kirishima could feel the gas exiting so hard from her stomach that he felt her flesh jiggle ever so slightly. The feeling had him blushing even harder.
When that enormous gas bubble had been dislodged from her tummy Mina gasped breathlessly like a weight had been lifted from her stomach. Then she slapped her belly with one hand and gave another huge burp. And with that came another long throaty burp. That massive displacement of air caused the rest of the air in her stomach to come rushing up.
After letting out one last especially lengthy burp Mina flopped backwards onto her back with her arms at her sides and sighed heavily.
"Hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh...ohhhhh that feels soooooooo much better..."
Kirishima grinned a big fang-filled grin and gave her a thumbs up. "Dude that was epic!"
Mina smiled heavenly back at Kirishima. "Couldn't have done it without my manly man's help."
At this rate Kirishima was blushing so hard that his face was matching his red hair after a while.
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