#putting this on this blog for that anon and also because it’s just Gaster
imtrashraccoon · 6 months
Can I request something based on something you reblogged to your side blog? The one about canon papyrus being the only one who doesn’t baby/belittle worry about sans?
Also, I think he’s the smartest of the main AU trio (swap, fell, and canon) because his sole passion being puzzles instead of Murder and Timelines. so including something like that?
Sorry, I’ve never requested a writing thing before but I love your work so much! ^_^
Of course you can, Anon! I hope you like headcanons though because I had no idea how I'd write a crossover like this lol
For those wondering, this is the post in question.
I will preface this by mentioning that I have nicknames for each of these precious bois.
Undertale Sans: Classic
Undertale Papyrus: Vanilla
Underfell Sans: Red
Underfell Papyrus: Edge
Underswap Sans: Blue
Underswap Papyrus: Saffron
Also, I headcanon that Sans is the elder brother in these AU's although the actual age gap may vary. I usually go with about eight years difference because I like the idea of Sans raising Papyrus by himself after Gaster was scattered across time and space. One other thing I should mention is that the Underfell brothers have LV and so Red's HP is higher, but compared to the rest of the Underground, he might as well only have 1 HP.
Papyrus' Thoughts On Sans' Low HP
- While Classic is the weakest monster Vanilla knows, he also knows that his older brother worked extremely hard for years to raise them. They didn't have anyone else and until Vanilla had outgrown his stripes, he was reliant on his brother for everything. They had occasional disagreements of course as children normally do, but no matter what happened they still had each other.
- If Classic was able to do all that, he can handle himself well enough, now if only he could motivate himself enough to properly look after himself. To put it frankly, he respects his brother and loves him dearly.
- Vanilla certainly worries quite a bit about his brother. While Classic is well liked by almost everyone, everytime he gets into an encounter could be the last time. They actually used to spar quite a bit when Vanilla was learning how to use his magic but Classic always avoided every attack. They had to stop though when Vanilla got a little too competitive and Classic began having a hard time keeping up. That was just before Papyrus started trying to join the Royal Guard.
- Vanilla has taken over most of the household responsibilities now, mostly because Classic is struggling with some things, but also because he finds enjoyment in a job well done. While he doesn't really understand what his older brother is going through, Vanilla still loves him dearly and will do anything to try and support him. He's confident that he can help, afterall, he is the Great Papyrus! He is the best at encouraging and supporting his loved ones.
- While Red did his best to raise Edge on his own, they struggled to survive for several years and both had strong personalities which led to many, many fights. They are very much family as they both share the same stubborn nature and are hot-headed to a fault. Unfortunately, this led Edge to resent Red as he didn't think his older brother's rules made any sense. He was the Great and Terrible Papyrus after all! Anyone who would dare challenge him to a fight must have a death wish! It also didn't help that Red wasn't the nicest, but neither was Edge either.
- As soon as Edge was out of his stripes, he got a reality check real quick. Apparently, not everyone would leave him alone, now that he wasn't seen as a child, if he taunted or insulted them. This was when he found out how low Red's HP was. Even Edge had far higher HP and he'd barely been in any encounters so far.
- Cue Edge hatching a plan to both protect themselves (while he resents his brother, he doesn't wish him dead because he's the only one he's got) and elevate his status in monster society like he'd always dreamed. He trained day and night to get stronger and as soon as he could pass as the minimum age to apply, he joined the Royal Guard. As the years passed by, he only grew more ruthless and while Red tried to rein him in before he inevitably got himself killed, Edge was far stronger than he'd thought.
- Red had already been struggling to motivate himself to do basic tasks and so he gave up. He'd done everything he could but Edge had long stopped listening to him, so what point was there in trying? He still looked out for his younger brother of course as he'd made many connections over the years. He just had to endure the constant insults and belittling. It was better than being dead though...right?
- As far back as he remembers, Saffron always had Blue and they were pretty much alone. No matter what happened, Blue always kept a bright smile on his skull and assured Saffron that they would get through it together. Saffron soon noticed that despite his older brother's attempts to be popular and well liked, his continued attempts to befriend people only served to drive them away.
- He had a much easier time making friends and he came to be known as the chill, funny skeleton. Blue was almost uptight in comparison, which Saffron didn't understand. What was the point in getting all worked up and bothered if something didn't go to plan? Still, his brother is pretty magnificent, and he'll always cheer him on.
- Saffron sometimes feels like he's the oldest because he is seen as the more mature one. While deep down he doesn't mean to, it's easy to brush off his brother's ambitions for a more reasonable approach. He won't actually say it out loud, but he is often embarrassed by his brother's antics.
- He got used to pulling strings and calling in favours behind Blue's back, just so his brother could remain blissfully ignorant to what people really think of him. Saffron knows that despite how good of a fighter his brother is, with how low his HP is, he wouldn't last long in a real fight. So he often subtly steers him away from potentially dangerous situations so that he can continue being that beacon of joy and hope for those who need it, like himself for one.
As For Vanilla Being The Smartest...
- I'm not going to rank these characters on an intelligence scale because they're all smart. They just have different interests in my opinion.
- To be fair, Vanilla is passionate about a lot of things, like his friends, his future ambitions, and his various hobbies like cooking and planning battles with his action figures. It just so happens that creating puzzles and usually non-lethal traps is one of the things he is most passionate about.
- Thinking up brand new ideas for puzzles and then actually making them is certainly good exercise for his brain, even if he doesn't actually have one. Most monsters, and later humans as well, don't see that about him though. They see his naturally cheerful and sometimes oblivious demeanor as just that and only those close to Vanilla ever truely see him.
- Sure, Vanilla is a bit slower on the uptake in certain social situations but he isn't dumb at all, far from it! He's the type of guy that would figure out the solution to one of those trick puzzle gadgets surprisingly quickly and then immediately build his own that's much harder. He would get a kick out of a Rubik's cube but would end up trying to make different patterns with the coloured sections rather than simply keep solving it.
- Edge also has a lot of passion, unfortunately he is only publicly passionate about being a Royal Guard and fighting. Behind closed doors though, he has many interests, some of which even his brother isn't aware of. He is passionate about cooking and his future ambitions of course, but he's also secretly a bit of a nerd and he has a soft spot for animals. He'll do anything for his precious Doomfanger and he likes to collect human things like books and electronics.
- While Edge does make traps and puzzles, they lack the finesse of Vanilla's and are generally always lethal. Well that's not entirely true, but they'll definitely maime any unlucky person that gets caught and if they're still alive, Edge pretty much always finishes the job. He tries not to think about it much, but a part of him dislikes putting people out of their misery and he often feels relieved when he just finds monster dust.
- Edge definitely has a better combat sense than either Vanilla or Saffron though, but it's because of the rough world he grew up in and all the experience he has. Also, having high LV makes hurting people a lot easier, both physically and emotionally. The other two would probably still be able to give him a run for his money if they ever sparred, although Vanilla would last longer than Saffron just because he likes fighting more.
- Saffron is an interesting case, as he's technically a combination of Vanilla's appearance but with Classic's personality. He doesn't care for a lot of things anymore as he doesn't see the point. He has quite a few interests though that neither Vanilla or Edge share.
- Despite his overall lazy demeanor, Saffron could qualify as a genius if he applied himself. Growing up, he regularly devoured any and all books he could find, both from the Librarby and the dump. He was, and still is to an extent, interested in technical and scientific things, including theoretical physics. He's friends with Undyne of course, to the extent where she occasionally asks for his input with various projects. Saffron would probably have an easy time if he wanted to apply to be a Royal Scientist so he could be more involved, but he doesn't want to go through all the effort. He quite likes being the lazy, carefree brother.
- Otherwise, Saffron enjoys making people laugh, more often groan, with his humor and he's constantly thinking up puns for various situations. He's also musically gifted but doesn't play much, except to provide incidental humour. (Would he also play trombone or something else? I'm not sure...) Another thing Saffron is good at, is gathering information on people. He's very observant, he has to be though with his role as Judge, and the ease at which he can make friends comes in handy when doing so.
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((OKAY. I HAD A BAD THOUGHT. AND SO I DREW IT. You don’t have to answer this or post it at any particular time, or at all, if you don’t wanna. It’s your blog, and this is just a thing I made because I got inspired. I’d advise opening it in a new tab because its pretty big, and I’m sorry its not very good. I spent like four days on it, and with a broken laptop screen, I didn’t really have ideal conditions to work. But, I gave it a whirl, and it turned out semi okay!  To kind of explain what’s actually happening here, just as Negative’s about to nod off, the whump anon returns again, but the critter stops them before they can go horribly far. I figured it’d be a cool way to like properly introduce the critter to Neggy, but again, your blog, your rules. If you don’t want this to be a thing that happened, then it won’t be. You’re the boss.  Now, my brain is screaming at me to go into details, so the rest of this could get semi long. I’d advise putting it under a keep reading from here, and I’ll try to keep it short while also making my infodumping and rambling brain shut up.  The people in the first panel with Negs are Salem, Clipboard Anon(or how I see them), Mika_Meowz(again, just how I see them), and Dizzy, or my interpretation. They’re like an eldrich demon of some sort.  The whump anon didn’t seem to speak to Negative in their ask, but rather to us, so I thought that Negative wouldn’t recognize their voice. Combine that with him being friendly to most people, being tired out, and also with him not seeing them, and you’ve basically got a sitting duck.  There was a whump anon on another RP blog, and I know it’s not the same one, theres a different writing style, but I made them the same person here. That’s why they’re wearing a MECH soldier suit. It’d take a while to explain MECH so i’ll just say Transformers Prime has a guy named Silas who kidnaps and tortures aliens, this guy is one of his foot soldiers.  The reason Negative can’t call for help or protect himself is because they turned down his volume dial and blinded him, plus they’re pretty strong and they caught him off guard. However, the last two crack effects in white are their SOUL shattering. More on that in a second.  The guy who rescues Negative IS actually speaking with a cipher font, Wingdings, behind his actual text. He’s using a special translation device to speak in a more common font.  If you reverse the process used to make RGB into Negative(inverting the colors and then desaturating them), then you’ll see that his suit is themed after the critter’s color palette! Just a fun easter egg I thought I’d toss in  YES the guy who saved Neggy is LINKED to the Handplates Gaster because I am a MESS for the AU /nm  Is the guy Handplates Gaster? Actually, no! He’s similar and very much based off him, but they’re different entities. You’ll be able to learn more about him, but basically he woke up from a nightmare and was able to save Negative. The soul thing is because they’re both directly linked to Undertale, and as a result, they have SOULs.  I’m sorry, this got way too long ^^“’ Like I said, don’t feel pressured to make this canon or even answer it, I just thought I’d draw a thing out of inspo. Hope you enjoy!  -Mod of the critter you still don’t know the name of))
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ask-autistic-mista · 5 years
can i just say that i have see a lot of people going "this character is autistic" even when that character shows no traits of it at all and as an autistic person i just hate that but you chose someone who might actually be autistic and depict them in such a good way. thank you
(thank you for telling me these things! i appreciate it a lot! here’s my speel whoops) I think that your reasoning is entirely valid, but I absolutely love it when people go “this character is autistic” for supposedly no reason, bc there’s usually really solid reasoning behind it, even if they can’t quite place their finger on it at first. (For example: Chara, Papyrus, Pearl, Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Peridot) Usually it’s just other autistic people going “:0 I do that!” even if they’re not fully aware of it at the time. And I think autistic ppl hc'ing their favorite character as autistic, for no reason other than “I’m autistic and I said so” is amazing, bc it’s just… Healthy, imo. It makes you feel good about something that’s been portrayed as shameful over and over. In fact, I did exactly that with Chara Dreemurr last year and this year I saw a huge post about why they are, in fact, autistic (i was right, score) I love Chara bc they’re so much like me (going off of the narrator Chara theory, a theory with even more direct evidence than the theory that the mystery_man is Gaster) So… I hc’d them as autistic without a second thought, and well - there you go, they’re autistic bc I love them and I’m autistic, the end. But I think the infuriating part, and probably the part that could be bothering you, is when allistics hc a character as autistic, bc they don’t experience it firsthand. They generally know a lot less about being autistic than we do, because we’ve been autistic our whole lives and they haven’t! More often than not, the only thing they’re doing by hc'ing a character as autistic is placing their judgements and stereotypes about autistic ppl onto said character, subconsciously or not. (also sometimes they just do it to Look Good :/ ) Which can be… Very harmful. It distances us even more from being understood because they’re too attached to those notions about us to actually listen to what we have to say about our own experiences. (Not that I don’t think allistics can’t improve and understand, it’s just REALLY not their business to do that, they REALLY shouldn’t get to speak for us, even for those of us who can’t speak. Because they’re NOT inside our heads.) Autistic headcanons made by autistic people (ESPECIALLY when they go super in-depth about explaining them) have helped me personally identify autistic traits within myself and appreciate those traits instead of masking them. It’s helped me live a much more enriched and less stressful life because I’m no longer ashamed of who I am. And I don’t have to worry about constantly adjusting to be “normal” because I know that those traits are normal. For me. Like for example, when I struggle to eat bc of sensory issues surrounding food, I go “Wow, just like Pearl!” (obviously there’s more to it than that, but that’s just my personal experience) And when people comment on how observant I am of little details or when I get upset bc multiple people are talking or shouting over each other I go “Wow, just like Jotaro!” (after i calm down of course) (also there’s a LOT more i share in common with jotaro in terms of autistic qualities, i am forever grateful to @ask-autistic-jojo ’s post for that whole explanation) and finally, when I eat the same food over and over again or struggle to express emotions in a conventional way I go “Wow, just like Chara!” I’m less ashamed of these things because characters I love go through them too, and even if I’m treated as ‘weird’ or ‘cringy’, characters I love and appreciate share those qualities with me. Allistic people don’t get to experience that, which is why I think autistic hc’s made and supported by autistic people are so important, maybe even to the autistic community as a whole. This will tie back into my point again, but real quick, something I haven’t really seen yet is the autistic symbolism around Mikitaka. I adore Mikitaka, even if I don’t really hc him as autistic, I feel like he holds a LOT of autistic symbolism (he literally has an infinity sign on his clothes) He takes everything literally (which i do often), he’s allergic to sirens (which feels REALLY similar to how i experience anti-stim AND overstimulation) and he struggles to understand human customs, phrases, and mannerisms (which i do too!) And although I’m not terribly fond of him being treated so weirdly (he’s kinda… aLiEnAtEd ahAAA), he is treated as an endearing character nonetheless and isn’t really infantilized that much, if at all. (unfortunately papyrus is, a LOT, but it’s nice when they don’t do that) Characters that are hc’d as autistic by autistic folk are generally humanized much more than characters made out to be autistic by allistic people. And humanization is what I, and I imagine many other autistic folk need: It’s to feel humanized in a lifetime of being alienated again and again and again. When I first hc’d Mista as autistic, the first thing I looked at was (actually the first thing i looked at was that he was my favorite character) the fact that he infodumps a lot. And I also infodump a lot. (just look at this post!) Just looking at that led me to notice so many other autistic qualities, and well, I love Mista a lot. Not just for his autistic qualities. (no it’s probably not the qualities you’re thinking of) You might have also seen the post I made about literally all of Passione being autistic, I put a fair amount of the things I noticed about Mista onto there. This blog is mostly going off of the notion that “This Mista is not just autistic now, not much at all has actually changed. Mista, as a character, was actually autistic this whole time, this blog is basically just another Mista blog with the autistic part put more up-front” Which I think is very important when it comes to portraying autistic characters, you’re not really ignoring the fact that they’re autistic, bc it’s a part of who they are, but you’re also not ignoring the fact that they’re a human being who lives and does stuff, yakno, like human beings do. (tbh i am absolutely delighted when people take autistic-coded characters and talk about why they’re so good, I was thrilled when I saw the video talking about why Mista’s character design stands out from the rest, and I love it when people talk about how Papyrus is probably much more powerful than he looks) tl;dr: Hc'ing characters as autistic is generally great and I love it, but not when allistic ppl do it. :) Also portraying autistic characters 101: Treat them like a human being and don’t infantilize them please. :) (tag machine broke, long post, ooc, answer, anon)
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Do any other blogs write the sf bros the same way you do?
Ooh, this is a hard thing for me to answer…
Partially because………
Alright, well, maybe this is just a Pretentious Author Thing I do, maybe it has merit, idk, but like… when I was writing FGTC, I didn’t touch any other Horrortale fics. And now that I’m writing DL, I’m not touching any Swapfell fics?
I think part of it is that I want to avoid any characterization cross-contamination and keep from running the risk of accidental idea/plot stealing, so that the only versions of the guys and their story that shows up is consistent and Mine™.
The other part is me desperately trying to protect my fragile emotions and trying not to demoralize myself and remember that the Two Cakes Rule is true– i.e., to not go, “Wow, this SF fic X wrote is amazing! …why am I writing one? It’s nothing like X’s, maybe I shouldn’t bother… :( ”
That said, I think I can probably still point you in the direction of some people whose takes on the SF boys I’ve enjoyed in the past!
@skelezbian is a great author who has a lot of great stuff, but especially seems to write the SF skeles amazingly well, definitely one of my favorite takes on them out there!  Not one specific thing I’m going to link in particular ‘cause there’s a few, so here’s her whole AO3 to just pick and choose from!
@me-and-my-gaster is also incredible, a really great writer and artist just in general but also has a really neat SF fic I started reading back before I started mine and went on my SF-fic-blackout! Though y’know, you should check out the rest of that AO3 too, at the bare minimum for Thunderstruck (UF), but that’s just my super-biased opinion… ;3
And lastly… this is kinda cheating because I definitely only just became aware of it and haven’t yet/won’t be able to check it out on my own for awhile, but… I’ve heard some seriously good things about it and if her writing has as much heart and hard-work put in as her art, then I’m sure @cocofinny‘s Panic Room is bound to be pretty damn good! I guess take that with a grain of salt since I’m a dumbass barring myself from reading what I’ve heard is a good fic, but if you’re asking for SF recs, come on, what have you got to lose? Give it a shot! XD
….But to be totally, completely honest, as far as your word-for-word question, I’m probably the only one who writes them the exact same way I do– because I’m the only me! XD
Everybody’s takes are gonna be slightly different, based on their own headcanons and personal tastes and they’re all really cool and interesting in their own way!
I hope some of this was helpful for you, anon, and good luck finding more of the kinds of takes you’re looking for! :3
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despairfullies-blog · 8 years
Callout for garbageday
urls: pyukumu, choromaso, etc.
TW: abuse, rape threats, suicide threats, etc.
This was the last thing i wanted to do pertaining to this whole drama but yea ive never written a callout before so please bear with me through this ill do my best. Im also getting help with this from amazing friends so here we go:
First off im gonna start by debunking my callout he made by trying to go through each point gaster has made to the of my ability. If you dont know what callout that is just click here:
1. I dont remember this ever occurring?? If i did i a sincerely sorry for that. I do not mean to make anyone unomfortable on here, so if i did indeed do that i am completely sorry and ill do anything to earn forgiveness from the person in question
2. None of that dialouge was from me, i have never dated gaster nor broken up with him. The whole breakup thing was my system mate, Tsubaki. He isnt currently fronting or i would have him do something about all of that but he is the one that dated gaster in the past. I had no romantic/sexual relation to gaster in the slightest so all those screenshots are not of me. Tsubaki has abandonment issues and was very dependent on gaster so their breakup was a rocky one. I have no right to say much else unfortunately cause i am not tsubaki but if you want proof of them dating, Tsubaki has had many chatter between him and gaster on his old blog here
3. Im not gonna deal with the whole id thing. If i really must i will, but i have made myself clear many times. Some of those ids are for coping while some im just questioning. Im sorry me iding with those people make you uncomfortable and if they do you can block me, but because my mental state isnt that good rn i cant say much else about all of that. This will probably be the weakest point in my arguement cause that all is a drama on its own
4. All of ‘that’ was in reference to gaster being emotional manipulative to my system mate. My system mate broke down so in turn i acted out like that. I might have said some rude things but on most basis’ the things i said were true. He is abusive, manipulative, and at this point obsessive which ill get to later on. All in all i probably shouldnt have said such rude words to him, but i will not back down from saying he did have some of it coming
5 (All of the bonus content). I have never contacted gaster on Christmas eve. Im not sure if one of my system mates did?? But i can say for certain i never did in the slightest. I have never tried to do sexual contact with a minor. If i really have please show me proof cause i have never seen or heard of any of this?? I am a very flirtatious person, a any of my mutuals can agree on, but like i said i do not want to make anyone uncomfortable so if that really happened i am truly sorry. If i pressured you into sexting too i am sorry about that, i do admit i was very unstable before but im doing my best to change, make friends, etc. So i am sorry if you felt that way and i had done that. And the last one, i have never admitted i am a pedophile. Never in my life have i done that. Im sorry if you thought that but i am not a pedophile case closed.
Alright all of that is done now for the actual callout of this ,,,, individual:
Gaster is a manipulative, abusive, and once again obsessive individual. Lets start off with that fact he was emotional abusive to my system mate while they were dating. For instance he would make Tsubaki front practically days and weeks in a row even tough told many times that he is unstable and cant do that and when Tsubaki did not front he would harras whoever was in front till they would make Tsubaki front (Im cropping out his username on skype for safety for gaster)
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He even told my system mate was fake after having accepted him and us as a system for around a year. He would try to blame this onto tsubaki and us as a whole whenever Tsubaki said/did something that would make gaster upset. Im all for helping your partner through something like this, but when its only to manuiplate him/her thats uncalled for. This isnt the first time he plays the ‘your existance is fake’ card but this was the first time he did
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He also did alot more manipulative and abusive things towards my system mate but i wont talk further about this because this is someting my system mate should be saying, not me. Now as for the recent drama with gaster, between me and him, he has done many things including sending anon hate inculding rape threats, abuse threats, and suicide threats (i crop most of them cause of convince sake)
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He has also sent my irl gore, but unfortunately i dont have any of that screenshoted cause i deleted the instant it was in my submission box. All i have as proof are the countless emails i was sent from tumblr telling me someone put something in my submission.
Last but not least he had the idea i had ‘told my followers to harass him’ which i never stated in my lifetime here on this tumblr. But he thought and proceeded to messege me
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I do admit i was mean to Tsubaki. Me and him are working through all of that but thats a different talk all together.
Now one last thing before i wrap this up. One of my friends (who ill let remain anonymous due to everything) also got hurt by him. He showed how he was not only rude to my friend, but also the fact that he would manipulate my system mate Tsubaki once he lived him (which btw is another thing gaster did he tried to peer pressure my system mate into living with him)
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Anyways long story short, gaster is manipulative, abusive, and down right obsessive at this rate. I admit im not a fantastic guy either, but i dont want to fight anymore. Im not gaster’s ex, i have no beef with him except for all of this. Ive just tipped the ice berg with everything gaster has done so if you need me to provide more evidence please let me know. Thank you everyone and i hope you have a nice day.
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A Brief Summary of the Past Year
By request. here’s a summary of what’s happened to this stab child during the course of the year. This can be very useful if you’re watching this blog after a long hiatus, or if you’re new and you want to familiarise yourself with all the garbage this child has gotten into.
By the way: I’m going to mention a lot of people, and I’m going to be purposefully vague with others. I might forget some people here and there, but some of the vagueness is deliberate due to deleted blogs and broken relations. Hope you all understand.
This got long, so the whole thing is under the cut!
Chara meets a certain Frisk (whose blog no longer exists); despite enjoying their torment, he starts becoming attached to them.
He also meets a monochrome Frisk ( @fadedtale ) who starts pelting them with apples. He almost gets them to sell their soul for a Nice Cream.
He also finally reveals himself to Sans ( @m-egabonavia ), and a VERY tense truce comes into effect between the two.
Chara gets killed by a Gaster for having stolen his soul. The stab child gets better, though, and goes into the Void to get his revenge. Unfortunately, due to a contingency plan on the Gaster’s part, Chara’s LV gets reset to 1.
Chara confronts Frisk, who had become convinced of some lies by some malicious greyfaces, After a tense moment, Chara asks Frisk to teach him how to show MERCY, who agrees to help.
Chara’s birthday happens, and he’s surprised to get a lot of presents. However, he gets into a fight with Frisk, who ends up going on a rampage and raising their LOVE. Due to the bond between their SOULs, Chara manages to take away Frisk’s LV, raising it to 13.
Chara starts antagonising the Criminal Court, specifically an Undyne and two Sanses ( @goingtobereset and @dijudicate ). Surprisingly, he slowly starts getting along with them (despite, you know, being a horrible brat).
Through events involving Frisk and a Sans ( @skelesansx ) Chara becomes aware of the existence of the Player, though the significance doesn’t hit him until later on (especially since that wasn’t his Player).
Chara meets Inky ( @determinedduality ) and Hoodie ( @hoodiesncookies ), two Charas with whom he forms very important bonds later on. 
After being sick of April Fools shenanigans, Chara inexplicably ends up bonding with a G!Sans ( @fractis-ossibus​ ) whom he’d pranked before. Chara gets his first taste of alcohol. Oops.
The War of the Anons starts, which overwhelms Chara to the point of him snapping; he starts killing greyfaces, bringing his LV back up to 16.
During this time, Mocha becomes acquainted with Regina ( @thequeenofschemes​ ). It’s a rough start, but the two bond, and she practically ends up adopting him.
Being suddenly faced with a lot of different alternates, and not liking the somewhat derogatory nickname a certain person gave him, Chara lets the readers vote on what he should be nicknamed. He ends up being nicknamed Mocha. (To be honest, though, it took me a LONG time to get used to it, and I didn’t start using it consistently until June.)
Mocha meets Flirty ( @determined-to-flirt ) and Charlie ( @determined-to-fight ). He eventually forms a relationship with the latter. Eventually. ... I don’t think they’ve actually talked about it, officially, despite him kissing the Charlie in June.
This is about when Mocha meets Lili ( @core-chara ), though she wasn’t called that back then.
He also becomes very familiar with Saturday ( @saturdaymorninrp​ ), who has a penchant for a certain stab child’s chocolate stash.
Mocha starting trying to learn magic. Emphasis on trying. 
Mocha hits LV17 by killing a bork anon. 
Mocha meets Void ( @melaniism ). They get into a fight over a typo. Yes, a TYPO. Void kills Mocha, which draws him back to Frisk.
Meanwhile, Inky is drawn to Mocha’s SOUL, and they end up consuming it under the pretense of protecting him from Void. Mocha ends up fostering a bitter grudge against Inky once he gets free. 
Mocha hits LV18
THE CHOCOLATE WAR BEGINS, started by a certain Chara trash-talking white chocolate. While he wasn’t even the person targeted by those words, Mocha decides to represent the White Chocolate side, sparking a huge play war complete with cosplay. Dorks. It ends when Mocha consumed poisoned chocolate that had been tainted by a Flowey ( @balefulblossom​ ).
Mocha becomes keenly aware of the Player’s existence, and he has a complete breakdown to the point that his Player ( @like-herding-determined-cats​ )  has to re-initialise him, though he thankfully retains his memories.
Mocha ends up meeting Anullos ( @glitcheddetermination ) as a result.
Inky loses all their SOULs, partly thanks to Mocha’s actions through greyface magic. The two end up fighting, and Mocha manages to kill them, albeit temporarily. Part of Inky’s SOUL become wedged into Mocha’s knife, which, due to the way Mocha keeps it on him, becomes imprinted onto his own SOUL.
Mocha reaches LV20. This attracts the attention of a few Sanses...
Mocha is judged by Judge, who decides to put him on probation. As a result, Mocha is adopted by Judge and Glitchy (who he ends up getting along with even more). 
The Second Chocolate War begins. Inky joins in as leader of the Milk Chocolate Brigade (which neither Mocha nor Lili considered), despite being, you know, dead. Just accept it.
Meanwhile, in another timeline, Mocha ends up helping a Sans ( @senseofhumerus​ and his sister ( @coloneldahana​ ) try and save their timeline from a corrupt version of their father ( @voidedfate​ ) . He becomes trapped in the depths of the Void (and he’s still stuck there in that timeline because I’m sitting on the starter after all this time due to a combination of availability and muse).
September - October - November:
I’m ashamed to say that not too much happens during these months aside from character development.
(I should also note that this is when I start having health problems, and the quality of my writing, as well as my mood, shoots down like a rock.)
However, Mocha does meet Narra ( @deadly-devotion​ ), Humble ( @lovclcss​ ) and Buttercup ( @pastelbuttercups​ ) during these months!
There’s an attempt to start the Third Chocolate War, but the kids’ efforts are stymied by an anon calling themselves the “Choco-Nator” who ends up destroying Mocha’s stash without actually participating, as well as sending disturbing, wasteful foods to other participants.
That’s about it. I’m cringing at September onwards, but hopefully my health will be better in the new year. I really hopes this helps you! 
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