ragsy · 9 months
Can you draw the kids from Beacon Pines? The whole game was such a vibe and they are so cute!
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my other two requests were anons, so i hope you don't mind me just including them here in one post
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natandacat · 6 months
tagged by @leatherbookmark!
last song: idk what was the last song but ive been listening to rang de basanti by bloodywood on repeat for a couple weeks now. also been listening to from gaza, with love by saint levant and the new myrath album
favourite color: mine used to red too, but over the years its shifted to orange, the warmer the better! azar probably didnt have an influence on this
currently watching: just finished watching scavengers reign and you need to drop everything and go watch it too. it's the most gorgeous and mesmerizing thing in scifi right now, it's aldebaran if it was good and filled you with awe and actually cared about biology and nature and also wasnt racist and homophobic. i can believe they gave us all that. please watch it.
last movie/show: i watch like 2 movies a year and im not even sure i watched one in 2023 lol. im gonna cheat and say last video game: ive been playing pathologic classic but yesterday i was like lets try the marble nest again (pathologic 2 dlc), it was so short anyway i can play it even if im tired. turns out the one time i tried to play it the game crashed and it's actually much longer than i thought!! really enjoying getting to play a WHOLE DAY of pathologic 2 from the bachelor's perspective. also sticky is here!!!!!!
sweet/savoury/spicy: easy. savoury first, then spicy, then sweet. i get very brief occasional sweet cravings (like rn), but most of the time i just want savoury stuff, spiciness is great and i love it but i can do without. fun fact i didnt eat breakfast for years bc french people are insane and eat only sweet things in the morning, which was super unappealing to me. then i went to the uk and realized most people eat salty stuff in the morning and it changed my life forever. i also want to thank my first roommate for introducing me to real spice with peppers and shit. r you were a brother to me
relationship status: its complicated
last thing you googled: what john darnielle's name was bc it was new year and we were playing this year by the mountaing goats and i was super high so i wanted to tell my friend that he had kind of a fucked up name but i couldnt remember it. thank you john darnielle you make every new year memorable.
current obsession/s: have you heard of stanislav stakh rubin my dear friend stakh rubin. i can also throw in a little artemy burakh. lara ravel. bad grief? theyre even going through a plague too did you hear that. otherwise its stuff for work. oh and birds are not going anywhere.
tagging, god im bad at that, uh @lastlabyrinth @vitariesocks @priestin @anarchistbitch @puzzle-queenredux @diabolicjoy and anyone else who wants to!
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